function editcollecte($idcontrat, $paiement, $date, $pj) { global $db; $usrid = $_SESSION['userid']; $nextid = getnextidtable('collecte'); //$date1=date_create($date); //$datep=date_format($date1,"Y-m-d"); $date_paiement = date('Y-m-d-', strtotime($date)); $values["mode_paiement"] = MySQL::SQLValue($paiement); $values["date_paiement"] = MySQL::SQLValue($date_paiement); $where["id"] = MySQL::SQLValue($idcontrat); if (!$db->UpdateRows("collecte", $values, $where)) { $db->Kill($db->Error()); return false; } else { $sql = $db->BuildSQLInsert("collecte", $values); logg('Enregistrement collecte ', 201, $nextid, $_SESSION['userid']); if ($pj != "") { $basedir = "upload/collecte"; if (!file_exists($basedir)) { mkdir($basedir, 0, true); } $newdir = $basedir . "/"; copyfile($pj, $nextid, $newdir, "collecte"); autoarchive($newdir . changnom($pj, $nextid, 'collecte'), "Fichier joint collecte {$nextid}", 201, $nextid, "collecte", "piece_jointe", $_SESSION['userid'], cryptage(session::get('service'), 0)); } return true; } }
function setcontrat($id, $date, $pj) { global $db; $etat = "Résilié"; $nextid = getnextidtable('contrat_location_villa'); $date = date('Y-m-d-', strtotime($date)); $values["date_resiliation"] = MySQL::SQLValue($date); $values["etat"] = MySQL::SQLValue($etat); $where["id"] = MySQL::SQLValue($id); if (!$db->UpdateRows("contrat_location_villa", $values, $where)) { $db->Kill($db->Error()); return false; } else { $sql = $db->BuildSQLInsert("contrat_location_villa", $values); logg('Enregistrement Location Villa ', 233, $id, $_SESSION['userid']); if ($pj != "") { $basedir = "upload/location"; if (!file_exists($basedir)) { mkdir($basedir, 0, true); } $newdir = $basedir . "/"; copyfile($pj, $id, $newdir, "Attachement_location_"); autoarchive($newdir . changnom($pj, $id, 'Attachement_location_'), "Fichier joint location ville {$id}", 233, $id, "contrat_location_villa", "pj_resiliation", $_SESSION['userid'], cryptage(session::get('service'), 0)); } return true; } }
function addaemploi($id_aemploi, $montant, $date_paiement, $mode_paiement, $ref_pj, $pj) { global $db; $nextid = getnextidtable('autorisation_emploi'); $usrid = $_SESSION['userid']; $date = date('Y-m-d-', strtotime($date_paiement)); $values["pj"] = MySQL::SQLValue($pj); $values["ref_pj"] = MySQL::SQLValue($ref_pj); $values["id_aemploi"] = MySQL::SQLValue($id_aemploi); $values["mode_paiement"] = MySQL::SQLValue($mode_paiement); $values["date_paiement"] = MySQL::SQLValue($date); $values["montant"] = MySQL::SQLValue($montant); $values["addby"] = MySQL::SQLValue($usrid); if (!$db->InsertRow("autorisation_emploi", $values)) { $db->Kill($db->Error()); return false; } else { $sql = $db->BuildSQLInsert("autorisation_emploi", $values); logg('Enregistrement Autorisation Emploi ', 246, $nextid, $_SESSION['userid']); if ($pj != "") { $basedir = "upload/Autorisation"; if (!file_exists($basedir)) { mkdir($basedir, 0, true); } $newdir = $basedir . "/"; copyfile($pj, $nextid, $newdir, "Attachement_autorisation_"); autoarchive($newdir . changnom($pj, $nextid, 'Attachement_autorisation_'), "Fichier joint autorisation emploi {$nextid}", 246, $nextid, "autorisation_emploi", "pj", $_SESSION['userid'], cryptage(session::get('service'), 0)); } } return true; }
function addcontenu($titrfr, $titren, $titrar, $contfr, $conten, $contar, $module, $img, $id, $vod, $fileuploadid, $dat) { $next_id_vod = getnextidtable('vod'); global $db; $newdir = "../upload/contenu/image/"; $date = date('Y-m-d-', strtotime($dat)); $values["titrfr"] = MySQL::SQLValue($titrfr); $values["titren"] = MySQL::SQLValue($titren); $values["titrar"] = MySQL::SQLValue($titrar); $values["contfr"] = MySQL::SQLValue($contfr); $values["conten"] = MySQL::SQLValue($conten); $values["contar"] = MySQL::SQLValue($contar); $values["modul"] = MySQL::SQLValue($module); $values["app"] = MySQL::SQLValue('?_tsk=page&id=' . $id); if ($vod != "") { $values["video"] = MySQL::SQLValue($next_id_vod); } $values["dat"] = MySQL::SQLValue($date); $values["img"] = MySQL::SQLValue(changnom($newdir . $img, $id, 'contenu_')); // Execute the insert $result = $db->InsertRow("contenu", $values); // If we have an error if (!$result) { // Show the error and kill the script $db->Kill('error'); return false; } else { if ($img != "") { $basedir = "upload/contenu/image"; if (!file_exists($basedir)) { mkdir($basedir, 0, true); } if (!file_exists($newdir)) { mkdir($newdir, 0, true); } copyfile($img, $id, $newdir, "contenu_"); } if ($fileuploadid != "") { $basedir = "upload/contenu/doc"; if (!file_exists($basedir)) { mkdir($basedir, 0, true); } $newdir = "../upload/contenu/doc/"; if (!file_exists($newdir)) { mkdir($newdir, 0, true); } copyfile($fileuploadid, $id, $newdir, "document_"); $file = "./upload/contenu/doc/" . changnom($fileuploadid, $id, 'document_'); autoarchive($file, "Document Contenu {$id} ", 12, $id, "contenu", "document", $_SESSION['userid'], cryptage(session::get('service'), 0)); } if ($vod != "") { addvod($titrfr, $titren, $titrar, $vod); } return true; } }
function addnews($titrfr, $titren, $titrar, $contfr, $conten, $contar, $img, $id, $autfr, $auten, $autar, $slider, $dat, $flash, $lien, $photot) { global $db; $basedir = UPLD_REP . "news"; if (!file_exists($basedir)) { mkdir($basedir, 0, true); } $newdir = $basedir . "/"; $next_id_vod = getnextidtable('vod'); $date = date('Y-m-d-', strtotime($dat)); $values["titrfr"] = MySQL::SQLValue($titrfr); $values["titren"] = MySQL::SQLValue($titren); $values["titrar"] = MySQL::SQLValue($titrar); $values["contfr"] = MySQL::SQLValue($contfr); $values["conten"] = MySQL::SQLValue($conten); $values["contar"] = MySQL::SQLValue($contar); $values["autfr"] = MySQL::SQLValue($autfr); $values["auten"] = MySQL::SQLValue($auten); $values["autar"] = MySQL::SQLValue($autar); $values["modul"] = MySQL::SQLValue("9"); $values["slider"] = MySQL::SQLValue($slider); $values["flash"] = MySQL::SQLValue($flash); $values["arch"] = MySQL::SQLValue("0"); if ($lien != "") { $values["video"] = MySQL::SQLValue($next_id_vod); } $values["img"] = MySQL::SQLValue(changnom($newdir . $img, $id, 'nws_')); $values["img_d"] = MySQL::SQLValue(changnom($newdir . $photot, $id, 'nwst_')); $values["app"] = MySQL::SQLValue('?_tsk=news&id=' . $id); $values["dat"] = MySQL::SQLValue($date); // Execute the insert $result = $db->InsertRow("contenu", $values); // If we have an error if (!$result) { // Show the error and kill the script $db->Kill($db->Error()); return false; } else { if ($img != "") { copyfile($img, $id, $newdir, "nws_"); } if ($photot != "") { copyfile($photot, $id, $newdir, "nwst_"); } if ($lien != "") { addvod($titrfr, $titren, $titrar, $lien); } return true; } }
function editcontrat($id, $responsable, $adresse, $tel, $mail) { global $db; $usrid = $_SESSION['userid']; $nextid = getnextidtable('contrat_location_villa'); $values["nomresponsable"] = MySQL::SQLValue($responsable); $values["adresse"] = MySQL::SQLValue($adresse); $values["tel"] = MySQL::SQLValue($tel); $values["mail"] = MySQL::SQLValue($mail); $where["id"] = MySQL::SQLValue($id); if (!$db->UpdateRows("contrat_location_villa", $values, $where)) { $db->Kill($db->Error()); return false; } else { $sql = $db->BuildSQLInsert("contrat_location_villa", $values); return true; } }
function editlocation($id, $nomination, $responsable, $adresse, $pj, $tel, $mail, $date_debut, $date_fin, $cycle_paiement, $montant, $depot_garantie) { global $db; $usrid = $_SESSION['userid']; $nextid = getnextidtable('contrat_location_villa'); $datefin = date('Y-m-d-', strtotime($date_fin)); $dated = date('Y-m-d-', strtotime($date_debut)); $values["nomlocataire"] = MySQL::SQLValue($nomination); $values["nomresponsable"] = MySQL::SQLValue($responsable); $values["adresse"] = MySQL::SQLValue($adresse); $values["tel"] = MySQL::SQLValue($tel); $values["mail"] = MySQL::SQLValue($mail); $values["date_debut"] = MySQL::SQLValue($dated); $values["date_fin"] = MySQL::SQLValue($datefin); $values["montant"] = MySQL::SQLValue($montant); $values["cycle_paiement"] = MySQL::SQLValue($cycle_paiement); $values["depot_garantie"] = MySQL::SQLValue($depot_garantie); //$idvilla = $db->QuerySingleValue0("SELECT idvilla FROM contrat_location_villa where id ='".tg('id')."'"); $where["id"] = MySQL::SQLValue($id); if (!$db->UpdateRows("contrat_location_villa", $values, $where)) { $db->Kill($db->Error()); return false; } else { $sql = $db->BuildSQLInsert("contrat_location_villa", $values); logg('Enregistrement Location Villa ', 100, $nextid, $_SESSION['userid']); if ($pj != "") { $basedir = "upload/location"; if (!file_exists($basedir)) { mkdir($basedir, 0, true); } $newdir = $basedir . "/"; copyfile($pj, $nextid, $newdir, "Attachement_location_"); autoarchive($newdir . changnom($pj, $id, 'Attachement_location_'), "Fichier joint location ville {$id}", 100, $id, "contrat_location_villa", "pj", $_SESSION['userid'], cryptage(session::get('service'), 0)); } return true; } }
<?php if (tp('verif') == 1) { $nextid = getnextidtable('users_sys'); model::load('admin', 'user'); if (!adduser(tp('username'), tp('firstname'), tp('lastname'), tp('password'), tp('email'), tp('service'), tp('signid'), $nextid, tp('agence'), tp('tel'), tp('imgid'))) { exit("0"); } else { exit("1"); } } else { view::load('admin', 'adduser'); }
<?php if (tp('verif') == 1) { $nextid = getnextidtable('synthese'); model::load('synthese', 'addsynthese'); if (!addsyn(tp('titrfr'), tp('titren'), tp('titrar'), tp('contfr'), tp('conten'), tp('contar'), $nextid, tp('dat'))) { exit("0"); } else { exit("1"); } } else { view::load('synthese', 'addsynthese'); }
<?php if (tp('verif') == 1) { //verif file exist if (tp('noteid') == "") { exit('2'); } // Next ID $nextid = getnextidtable("noteservice"); model::load('note', 'addnote'); if (!addnote(tp('objet'), tp('noteid'), $nextid, tp('dat'))) { exit("0"); } else { exit("1"); } } else { view::load('note', 'addnote'); }
<?php if (tp('verif') == 1) { global $db; $nextid = getnextidtable('depense'); //Get id Fournisseur $rs = str_replace(' ', '', tp('fourn')); if (!$db->Query("SELECT id FROM fournisseur where REPLACE(rs, ' ','') = '{$rs}'")) { $db->Kill('Error1'); } if ($db->RowCount() == 0) { exit("2#Le Fournisseur/ Bénificiare entré n'exist pas dans la base de donnée veuillez vérifier le nom ."); } else { $array = $db->RowArray(); $fourn = $array["id"]; } //Check if global montant paragraphe = montant globale lines depense. $montant_dispo = $db->QuerySingleValue0("select mont_disp from paragraphe where id = " . tp('paragraphe')); $montant = tp('montant'); if ($montant_dispo < $montant) { exit("2#Le montant des line est séperieur à la provision"); // Le montant des line est séperieur à la provision } model::load('depense', 'depense'); if (!add_depense($nextid, tp('titre'), $fourn, tp('date_demande'), tp('nbr_depense'), tp('chapitre'), tp('article'), tp('paragraphe'), $montant, tp('pjid'))) { exit("2#Erreur Système"); } else { exit("1#Opération réussie"); } /* //Creat Fiche Depense $model_name= "fiche_depense";
<?php if (tp('verif') == 1) { global $db; $nextid = getnextidtable('avance_salaire'); $idsalarie = tp('id'); $montant_demander = tp('montant'); $duree = tp('duree'); $sql = "SELECT nouveau_salaire from info_personnel_budgetaire WHERE id_salarie =" . $idsalarie . " order by id asc "; $salaire = $db->QuerySingleValue0($sql); if ($salaire == "0") { $mess1 = "Enregistrement Impossible de cette Avance"; exit("1#{$mess1}"); } else { $echiance = $montant_demander / $duree; $purcentage = $echiance * 100 / $salaire; if ($purcentage >= 50) { $mess2 = "Le montant demander supérieur au salaires veuillez Augmenter la Durée de paiement"; exit("1#{$mess2}"); } } model::load('salarie', 'addavance'); if (!addavance(tp('Remarque'), tp('montant'), tp('date_op'), tp('id'), tp('duree'))) { exit("1"); } else { if (!$db->Query(" SELECT * from avance_salaire WHERE id =" . $nextid . " order by id asc ")) { $db->Kill($db->Error); } $array = $db->RowArray(); $output = '<tr class="lst" id="lin' . $nextid . '"> <td>' . $nextid . '</td>
<?php //addevent($titrfr,$titren,$titrar,$contfr,$conten,$contar,$img,$id,$autfr,$auten,$autar,$slider) if (tp('verif') == 1) { //verif si il y a une image. $nextid = getnextidtable('event'); model::load('event', 'addevent'); if (!addevent(tp('titrfr'), tp('titren'), tp('titrar'), tp('contfr'), tp('conten'), tp('contar'), tp('photoid'), $nextid, tp('autfr'), tp('auten'), tp('autar'), tp('dat'))) { exit("0"); } else { exit("1"); } } else { view::load('event', 'addevent'); }
function editnews($titrfr, $titren, $titrar, $contfr, $conten, $contar, $img, $id, $autfr, $auten, $autar, $slider, $dat, $flash, $lien, $idvd, $photot) { global $db; $next_id_vod = getnextidtable('vod'); global $db; $newdir = "../upload/news/"; $date = date('Y-m-d-', strtotime($dat)); $values["titrfr"] = MySQL::SQLValue($titrfr); $values["titren"] = MySQL::SQLValue($titren); $values["titrar"] = MySQL::SQLValue($titrar); $values["contfr"] = MySQL::SQLValue($contfr); $values["conten"] = MySQL::SQLValue($conten); $values["contar"] = MySQL::SQLValue($contar); $values["autfr"] = MySQL::SQLValue($autfr); $values["auten"] = MySQL::SQLValue($auten); $values["autar"] = MySQL::SQLValue($autar); $values["slider"] = MySQL::SQLValue($slider); $values["flash"] = MySQL::SQLValue($flash); if ($idvd == null && $lien != null) { $values["video"] = MySQL::SQLValue($next_id_vod); } if ($img != "") { $values["img"] = MySQL::SQLValue(changnom($newdir . $img, $id, 'nws_')); } if ($photot != "") { $values["img_d"] = MySQL::SQLValue(changnom($newdir . $photot, $id, 'nwst_')); } $values["dat"] = MySQL::SQLValue($date); $where["id"] = MySQL::SQLValue($id); // Execute the insert $result = $db->UpdateRows("contenu", $values, $where); // If we have an error if (!$result) { // Show the error and kill the script $db->Kill('Error Update'); return false; } else { if ($img != "") { $basedir = "upload/news"; if (!file_exists($basedir)) { mkdir($basedir, 0, true); } if (!file_exists($newdir)) { mkdir($newdir, 0, true); } copyfile($img, $id, $newdir, "nws_"); } if ($photot != "") { $basedir = "upload/news"; if (!file_exists($basedir)) { mkdir($basedir, 0, true); } if (!file_exists($newdir)) { mkdir($newdir, 0, true); } copyfile($photot, $id, $newdir, "nwst_"); } if ($idvd == null && $lien != null) { addvod($titrfr, $titren, $titrar, $lien); } else { if ($lien != "") { editvod($titrfr, $titren, $titrar, $lien, $idvd); } } return true; } }
<?php global $db; if (tp('del') == 1) { $id_villa = tp('lin'); //Check if have contrat $nbr_contrat = $db->QuerySingleValue0("select count(id) from contrat_location_villa where idvilla= {$id_villa} "); if ($nbr_contrat > 0) { exit("2#{$nbr_contrat}"); } model::load('gestionvilla', 'gestionvilla'); //Execute Model if (!delet($id_villa)) { exit("3"); //Error opération } else { exit("1"); //Success Opération } } $nextid = getnextidtable('contrat_location_villa'); $session = new session(); $session->set('nextid', $nextid); view::load('gestionvilla', 'gestionvilla');
<?php if (tp('verif') == 1) { $nextid = getnextidtable('paragraphe'); $id_article = tp('article'); $titr_paragraphe = tp('titre'); //Check if have same Titre and same Article $titr_paragraphe_sql = str_replace(' ', '', $titr_paragraphe); $nbr_paragraphe_exist = $db->QuerySingleValue0("select count(id) from paragraphe where REPLACE(titre, ' ','') = '{$titr_paragraphe_sql}' and paragraphe.id_article = {$id_article} "); if ($nbr_paragraphe_exist > 0) { exit("3#{$nbr_paragraphe_exist}"); } model::load('budget', 'budget'); if (!addparagraphe($nextid, tp('chapitre'), tp('article'), tp('titre'), tp('montant'))) { exit("2"); } else { exit("1"); } } else { view::load('budget', 'addparagraphe'); }
<?php if (tp('verif') == 1) { $nextid = getnextidtable('collecte'); model::load('collecte', 'addcollecte'); if (!addcollecte($nextid, tp('location_villa'), tp('prix'), tp('paiement'), tp('pjid'))) { exit("0"); } else { exit("1"); } } else { view::load('collecte', 'addcollecte'); }
<?php //addnews($titrfr,$titren,$titrar,$contfr,$conten,$contar,$img,$id,$autfr,$auten,$autar,$slider) if (tp('verif') == 1) { $nextid = getnextidtable('album'); if (tp('fileuploadid') == "") { exit("2"); } model::load('album', 'addalbum'); if (!addalbum(tp('titrfr'), tp('titren'), tp('fileuploadid'), $nextid, tp('titrar'))) { exit("0"); } else { exit("1"); } } else { view::load('album', 'addalbum'); }
<?php if (tp('verif') == 1) { global $db; $nextid = getnextidtable('depense_lines'); $depense_id = tp('depense'); //Check if global montant paragraphe = montant globale lines depense. $montant_dispo = $db->QuerySingleValue0("select mont_disp from paragraphe,depense where = depense.paragraphe and = {$depense_id}"); $montant = tp('mont_lin'); $qte = tp('qte'); $mont_unit = tp('mont_unit'); //Check reel Montant if ($montant != $qte * $mont_unit) { exit("2#Le montant total n'est pas correcte"); } $mont_tt_line = $db->QuerySingleValue0("select sum(depense_lines.montant) from depense_lines where id_depense = {$depense_id}"); if ($montant_dispo < $montant + $mont_tt_line) { exit("3# Le montant des lignes de cette dépense dépasse les fonds de la source"); // Le montant des line est séperieur à la provision } model::load('depense', 'depense'); if (!add_depense_line($nextid, $depense_id, tp('titre'), tp('fournisseur'), tp('date_demande'), $montant, tp('pjid'), $qte, $mont_unit)) { exit("2#Erreur Système"); } $nbr_lin = $db->QuerySingleValue0("select count( from depense_lines where id_depense = {$depense_id}"); $new_mont = $montant + $mont_tt_line; exit("1#Enregistrement réussi#{$nbr_lin}#" . is_num($new_mont)); } else { view::load('depense', 'add_depense'); }
<?php if (tp('verif') == 1) { $nextid = getnextidtable('quotpatronal'); model::load('quotpatronal', 'addquotpatronal'); $date = tp('date'); if (verif_quot($date)) { exit("3"); continue; } else { if (!addquotpatronal($nextid, tp('montant'), tp('pjid'), tp('date'))) { exit("2"); } else { exit("1"); } } } else { view::load('quotpatronal', 'addquotpatronal'); }
<?php if (tp('verif') == 1) { $nextid = getnextidtable('communique'); model::load('com', 'addcom'); if (!addcom(tp('titrfr'), tp('titren'), tp('titrar'), tp('contfr'), tp('conten'), tp('contar'), $nextid, tp('dat'))) { exit("0"); } else { exit("1"); } } else { view::load('com', 'addcom'); }
<?php if (tp('verif') == 1) { global $db; $nextid = getnextidtable("info_personnel"); model::load('salarie', 'addsalarie'); if (!addsalarie($nextid, tp('firstname'), tp('lastname'), tp('fonction'), tp('salaire'), tp('date_em'), tp('agence'), tp('service'), tp('matricule'), tp('nom_banque'), tp('num_compte'), tp('taux_anc'), tp('status'), tp('photoid'), tp('etatc'), tp('nbrenf'))) { exit("1"); } else { if (!addsalarie2($nextid, tp('salaire'), tp('nom_banque'), tp('num_compte'), tp('taux_anc'), tp('iden_eau_elec'), tp('indem_domec'), tp('nouveau_salaire'), tp('idem_log'), tp('indem_caisse'), tp('indem_risque'), tp('indem_resp'), tp('indem_tel'))) { exit("3"); } else { exit("2"); } } } else { view::load('salarie', 'addsalarie'); } ?>
<?php //addnews($titrfr,$titren,$titrar,$contfr,$conten,$contar,$img,$id,$autfr,$auten,$autar,$slider) if (tp('verif') == 1) { $nextid = getnextidtable('vod'); model::load('vod', 'addvod'); if (!addvod(tp('titrfr'), tp('titren'), tp('titrar'), tp('vodfr'), tp('voden'), tp('vodar'), $nextid, tp('sindx'))) { exit("0"); } else { exit("1"); } } else { view::load('vod', 'addvod'); }
<?php if (isset($_POST['verif']) && $_POST['verif'] == 1) { //verif si il y a une image. if (tp('photoid') != '') { $img = tp('photoid'); } else { $img = ''; } $nextid = getnextidtable('page'); model::load('page', 'addpage'); if (!addpage(tp('titrfr'), tp('titren'), tp('titrar'), tp('contfr'), tp('conten'), tp('contar'), tp('parent'), $img, $nextid, tp('titrimgfr'), tp('titrimgar'), tp('ximg'), tp('yimg'))) { exit("0"); } else { exit("1"); } } else { view::load('page', 'addpage'); }
function autoarchive($file, $titr, $modul, $idm, $table, $col, $usr, $service) { global $db; // Next ID $nextid = getnextidtable('archiver'); $values["doc"] = MySQL::SQLValue($file); $values["titr"] = MySQL::SQLValue($titr); $values["modul"] = MySQL::SQLValue($modul); $values["idm"] = MySQL::SQLValue($idm); $values["addby"] = MySQL::SQLValue($usr); $values["service"] = MySQL::SQLValue($service); // Execute the insert $result = $db->InsertRow("archiver", $values); // If we have an error if (!$result) { // Show the error and kill the script $db->Kill($db->Error() . 'ARCHIVER'); return false; } else { $req = "update {$table} set {$col}={$nextid} where id= {$idm}"; if (!$db->Query($req)) { $db->Kill($db->Error() . $req); } } }
<?php if (tp('verif') == 1) { global $db; $nextid = getnextidtable('produit_reform'); model::load('reform', 'addreform'); if (!addreform($nextid, tp('titre'), tp('desc'), tp('montant'), tp('pjid'), tp('date_op'))) { exit("1"); } else { exit("2"); } } else { view::load('reform', 'addreform'); }
<?php if (tp('verif') == 1) { global $db; global $db1; global $db3; $nextid = getnextidtable('salaire'); $id_etat_paiement = tp('etat'); model::load('salarie', 'addsalaire'); if (!addsalaire(tp('id'), tp('salaire_base'), tp('nouveau_salaire'), tp('taux'), tp('indem'), tp('redevance'), tp('numero_compte'), $id_etat_paiement)) { exit("0"); } else { if (!editavance(tp('id'), tp('idredevance'), tp('redevance'))) { exit("2"); } else { addetatsalaire($id_etat_paiement); $model_name = "table_b_paie"; require_once LIB_REP . "/excel/template/" . $model_name . "_xls.php"; creat_document($model_name, $nextid, $id_etat_paiement, tp('id'), tp('taux')); $id_fiche_pdf = $db->QuerySingleValue0("select fiche_bulletin from salaire where id = {$nextid}"); exit("4#{$id_fiche_pdf}"); } } //Creat Bulletin de paie } else { view::load('salarie', 'detailsal'); } ?>
<?php if (tp('verif') == 1) { global $db; $nextid = getnextidtable('contrat'); $date_contrat = new DateTime(tp("date")); $dat_du_jour = new DateTime(date('d-m-Y')); if ($date_contrat > $dat_du_jour) { exit("2# La Date du Contrat Invalid "); } //Check si le montant dépasse les fond dispo $montant_dispo = $db->QuerySingleValue0("select mont_disp from paragraphe where id = " . tp('paragraphe')); if ($montant_dispo < tp('montant')) { exit("2# Le Montant de contrat dépasse les fonds de la source "); } //Get Id fournisseur //Check if have same Titre and same Chapitre $nom_fornisseur = str_replace(' ', '', tp('fournisseur')); $id_fournisseur = $db->QuerySingleValue0("select id from fournisseur where REPLACE(rs, ' ','') = '{$nom_fornisseur}' "); if ($id_fournisseur == "0") { exit("3#Ce fournisseur n'existe pas dans la base de données"); } model::load('contrat', 'addcontratf'); if (!add_contrat($nextid, tp('titre'), $id_fournisseur, tp('date'), tp('montant'), tp('article'), tp('paragraphe'), tp('chapitre'), tp('pjid'))) { exit("2#Erreur Système"); } else { exit("1#Opération réussie"); } } else { view::load('contrat', 'addcontratf');
<?php //addnews($titrfr,$titren,$titrar,$contfr,$conten,$contar,$img,$id,$autfr,$auten,$autar,$slider) if (tp('verif') == 1) { //verif si il y a une image. $nextid = getnextidtable('contenu'); if (tp('slider') == "1" && tp('photoid') == NULL) { exit("2#Pour afficher cette actualité dans le slider il faut insérer une photo !"); } /*if(tp('photoid')!="" ) { $slider=tp('slider'); } else{ $slider=''; }*/ model::load('news', 'addnews'); if (!addnews(tp('titrfr'), tp('titren'), tp('titrar'), tp('contfr'), tp('conten'), tp('contar'), tp('photoid'), $nextid, tp('autfr'), tp('auten'), tp('autar'), tp('slider'), tp('dat'), tp('flash'), tp('vod'), tp('phototid'))) { exit("2#Erreur système"); } else { exit("1#Opération réussie"); } } else { view::load('news', 'addnews'); }
<?php //addnews($titrfr,$titren,$titrar,$contfr,$conten,$contar,$img,$id,$autfr,$auten,$autar,$slider) if (tp('verif') == 1) { $nextid = getnextidtable('document'); if (tp('fileuploadid') == "") { exit("2"); } model::load('doc', 'adddoc'); if (!addnews(tp('titrfr'), tp('titren'), tp('titrar'), tp('fileuploadid'), $nextid, tp('article'), tp('typ'))) { exit("0"); } else { exit("1"); } } else { view::load('doc', 'adddoc'); }