Beispiel #1
     if ($fields['filelocal'] == "1") {
         $tempurl = $settings['url'] . "/pod/" . $fields['audio_file'];
     } else {
         $tempurl = $settings['url'] . "/pod/" . $tempurl;
 if (!isset($_GET['post']) or $_GET['post'] == "1") {
     //start building the item
     echo "\n\n<item>\n";
     //some important general stuff
     echo "    <pubDate>" . date("r", strtotime($fields['posted'])) . "</pubDate>\n";
     echo "    <title>" . html_to_xml($fields['title']) . "</title>\n";
     echo "    <link>" . $settings['url'] . "/index.php?id=" . $fields['id'] . "</link>\n";
     echo "    <guid>" . $settings['url'] . "/index.php?id=" . $fields['id'] . "</guid>\n";
     $postauthor = html_to_xml(getfullname($fields['author_id']));
     if (veryempty($postauthor)) {
         $postauthor = html_to_xml(getnickname($fields['author_id']));
     echo "    <dc:creator>" . $postauthor . "</dc:creator>\n";
     echo "    <itunes:author>" . $postauthor . "</itunes:author>\n";
     //explicit or not?
     if ($settings['itunes_explicit'] == "1") {
         $setexpl = "yes";
     } else {
         $setexpl = "no";
     echo "    <itunes:explicit>" . $setexpl . "</itunes:explicit>\n";
     if ($fields['comment_on'] == "1") {
         echo "    <comments>" . $settings['url'] . "/index.php?id=" . $fields['id'] . "#comments</comments>\n";
 //start building the item
 echo "<item>\n";
 //globally unique identifier
 echo "    <guid>" . $settings['url'] . "/index.php?id=" . $fields['id'] . "</guid>\n";
 echo "    <title>" . chars($fields['title']) . "</title>\n";
 echo "    <link>" . $settings['url'] . "/index.php?id=" . $fields['id'] . "</link>\n";
 if ($fields['comment_on'] == "1") {
     echo "    <comments>" . $settings['url'] . "/index.php?id=" . $fields['id'] . "#comments</comments>\n";
 //show categories
 $postauthor = chars(getfullname($fields['author_id']));
 echo "    <dc:creator>" . $postauthor . "</dc:creator>\n";
 echo "    <itunes:author>" . $postauthor . "</itunes:author>\n";
 //description and summary
 $desc = chars($fields['message_html']);
 echo "    <description>\n" . $desc . "\n    </description>\n";
 echo "    <itunes:summary>\n" . $desc . "\n    </itunes:summary>\n";
 echo "    <content:encoded>\n" . chars($fields['message_html']);
 //resetting variable
 $linkrows = "";
 //getting data from links-table
 $dosql = "SELECT * FROM {$GLOBALS['prefix']}lb_links ";
 $dosql .= "WHERE posting_id='{$fields['id']}' ";
 $dosql .= "ORDER BY linkorder ASC;";
function authorfullname()
    //returns the full name of the author of a posting (works within postings-loop)
    global $postings;
    global $currentid;
    return getfullname($postings[$currentid]['author_id']);
Beispiel #4
 * send an email when receiving a fresh comment
 * @param unknown_type $posting
 * @param unknown_type $name
 * @param unknown_type $mail
 * @param unknown_type $web
 * @param unknown_type $message
function notify($posting, $name, $mail, $web, $message)
    global $settings;
    if (empty($mail)) {
        $mail = "no mail address";
    if (empty($web)) {
        $web = "no web address";
    $authorid = $posting['author_id'];
    $to = getfullname($authorid) . " <" . getmail($authorid) . ">";
    $subject = "New comment on '" . $settings['sitename'] . "'";
    $name = entities_to_chars($name);
    $mail = entities_to_chars($mail);
    $web = entities_to_chars($web);
    $body = $name . " has left a comment for '" . $posting['title'] . "'\n";
    $body .= $settings['url'] . "/index.php?id=" . $posting['id'] . "\n\n";
    $body .= entities_to_chars(strip_tags($message)) . "\n\n";
    $body .= "Name: " . $name;
    if (!empty($mail)) {
        $body .= " / eMail: " . $mail;
        $showmail = $mail;
    } else {
        $showmail = getmail($authorid);
    if ($web != "http://") {
        $body .= " / Web: " . $web;
    //killing komma and semikolon
    $name = str_replace(",", " ", $name);
    $name = str_replace(";", " ", $name);
    $headers = "From: " . $name . " <" . $showmail . ">\r\n";
    mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers);
 if ($fields['category2_id'] != "0") {
     $tempcats .= urldecode(getcategory($fields['category2_id'])) . ", ";
 if ($fields['category3_id'] != "0") {
     $tempcats .= urldecode(getcategory($fields['category3_id'])) . ", ";
 if ($fields['category4_id'] != "0") {
     $tempcats .= urldecode(getcategory($fields['category4_id'])) . ", ";
 //trim the string
 $tempcats = trim(htmlentities(substr($tempcats, 0, strrpos($tempcats, ",")), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"));
 if ($tempcats != "") {
     echo "    <dc:subject>{$tempcats}</dc:subject>\n";
 echo "    <dc:creator>\n" . getfullname($fields['author_id']) . "\n</dc:creator>\n";
 echo "    <description>\n";
 echo html_entity_decode(trim(strip_tags($fields['message_html'])), ENT_QUOTES);
 echo "\n    </description>\n";
 echo "    <content:encoded>\n" . trim(htmlspecialchars($fields['message_html'], ENT_QUOTES));
 //getting data from links-table
 $dosql = "SELECT * FROM {$GLOBALS['prefix']}lb_links ";
 $dosql .= "WHERE posting_id='{$fields['id']}' ";
 $dosql .= "ORDER BY linkorder ASC;";
 $result = mysql_query($dosql) or die(mysql_error());
 $j = 0;
 while ($linkrows[$j] = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
     $j += 1;
 if ($fields['category2_id'] != "0") {
     $tempcats .= urldecode(getcategory($fields['category2_id'])) . ", ";
 if ($fields['category3_id'] != "0") {
     $tempcats .= urldecode(getcategory($fields['category3_id'])) . ", ";
 if ($fields['category4_id'] != "0") {
     $tempcats .= urldecode(getcategory($fields['category4_id'])) . ", ";
 //trim the string
 $tempcats = trim(substr($tempcats, 0, strrpos($tempcats, ",")));
 if ($tempcats != "") {
     echo "    <dc:subject>" . str_replace("&", "&amp;", $tempcats) . "</dc:subject>\n";
 echo "    <dc:creator>\n" . str_replace("&", "&amp;", getfullname($fields['author_id'])) . "\n</dc:creator>\n";
 echo "    <description>\n";
 echo str_replace("&", "&amp;", trim(strip_tags($fields['message_html'])));
 echo "\n    </description>\n";
 echo "    <content:encoded>\n" . trim(htmlspecialchars($fields['message_html'], ENT_QUOTES));
 //getting data from links-table
 $dosql = "SELECT * FROM {$GLOBALS['prefix']}lb_links ";
 $dosql .= "WHERE posting_id='{$fields['id']}' ";
 $dosql .= "ORDER BY linkorder ASC;";
 $result = mysql_query($dosql) or die(mysql_error());
 $j = 0;
 while ($linkrows[$j] = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
     $j += 1;