function putFile($File, $Path, $n, $FileTitle, $x) { if ($n == "1") { //*****用"move_uploaded_file"方式上傳***** //$File上傳檔案存放目錄 global $FZ, $f_name; if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES[$File][tmp_name])) { //重新命名 $sub_name = substr($_FILES[$File][name], -4); $f_name = $FileTitle . date("Ymd") . "_" . date("his") . $sub_name; //上傳檔案 move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$File][tmp_name], $Path . $f_name); //取得上傳檔案大小 $f_size = $_FILES[$File][size]; //$FZ=round($f_size/1000,2)."KB"; $FZ = getfilesize($f_size); return true; } else { return "無法上傳"; } } elseif ($n == "2") { //*****用"copy"方式上傳***** //重新命名 if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES[$File][tmp_name])) { $tempfile = $_FILES[$File][tmp_name]; $realfile = $_FILES[$File][name]; $revn = substr($realfile, -4); //取得上傳檔案大小 $f_size = $_FILES[$File][size]; $FZ = round($f_size / 1000, 2) . "KB"; $f_name = $FileTitle . time() . $revn; //上傳檔案 copy($tempfile, $Path . $f_name); return true; //建立資料夾 /* mkdir("$Path", 0700); $uploadDir = '$Path'; $uploadFile = $uploadDir . $_FILES['userfile']['name']; */ } else { return "無法上傳"; } } else { echo "執行函數錯誤"; } }
$response->header('Content-Type', 'application/json'); return $response; } }); Route::post('upload/data', 'MediaController@uploadData'); Route::post('upload/file', 'MediaController@uploadFile'); Route::get('premium', function () { if (Auth::guest()) { } else { return View::make('widgets.premium'); } }); Route::get('user/settings', function () { if (Auth::guest()) { } else { $data = array('avlbytes' => getfilesize(Auth::user()->avl_bytes), 'usedbytes' => getfilesize(Auth::user()->used_bytes), 'freebytes' => getfilesize(Auth::user()->avl_bytes - Auth::user()->used_bytes), 'perc' => percentage(Auth::user()->used_bytes, Auth::user()->avl_bytes, '1'), 'plan_name' => Auth::user()->category()->name, 'plan_exp' => Auth::user()->prem_valid, 'set_ea' => Auth::user()->ea, 'set_sub_lng' => Auth::user()->default_sub_lng); return View::make('widgets.settings', $data); } }); Route::get('user/share/{id}', function ($id) { if (Auth::user()->category_id == 1 || Auth::user()->category_id == 27) { } else { $user_media = UserMedia::where('uni_id', '=', $id)->where('user_id', '=', Auth::user()->id)->first(); if (isset($user_media->id)) { $share_m = ShareMedia::where('user_id', '=', Auth::user()->id)->where('media_id', '=', $user_media->media_id)->first(); if (isset($share_m->id)) { $link = "" . $share_m->uni_id; } else { $media = Media::where('id', '=', $user_media->media_id)->first(); if ($media->state == "done") { $new_smedia = new ShareMedia();
function rl_md5() { global $list, $L, $PHP_SELF; $n_md5 = count($_GET["files"]); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> var mL = 0, cnt = <?php echo is_numeric($n_md5) ? $n_md5 : 0; ?> ; var d = document, formMd5, tmrLoop; var singlemd5 = true; function chAll(){singlemd5 = false; initMD5change(mL);nextFile(mL);loopchk(mL);} function loopchk(id){ if(id < cnt){ret = d.getElementById('actstat'+id).innerHTML;if(ret.indexOf('_result') != -1){mL++; nextFile(mL);}tmrLoop = setTimeout("loopchk("+mL+")", 50); } else { clearTimeout(tmrLoop); singlemd5=true; mL=0; return;}} // send filename to form input hidden function nextFile(id){d.getElementById('misionMd5').value = d.getElementById('md5fname'+id).innerHTML; setTimeout("FireUp("+id+")", 200);} function FireUp(id){d.getElementById('misionMd5').value += ":" + d.getElementById('impurity').selectedIndex;formMd5.action = 'javascript:get("misionMd5","actstat'+id+'","actstat'+id+'","")';formMd5.submit();} function initMD5change(id){var btnAll = d.getElementById('changeall');formMd5 = d.getElementById('frmMD5');if(!='none'){ setTimeout("d.getElementById('changeall').style.display='none'", 420);}if(singlemd5){ nextFile(id); }else { for(var i=0; i<cnt; i++){d.getElementById('actstat'+i).innerHTML = 'wait..'; }}} function ntfy(){ var msg = "How this MD5 Changer is working?\n\n"; msg += "It is modifying your file by adding single or more char to the end of file.\n"; msg += "It's not guaranted it works properly for every file,\nsomeside effect like corrupted files may occurs.\n"; msg += "Select Impurity Char to pick char(s) that may suitable to your file instead using the default char: 0 (zero)\n\n"; msg += "T_T''"; alert(msg);} </script> <form name="frmMD5" id="frmMD5" action="<?php echo $PHP_SELF; ?> "> <input type="hidden" id="misionMd5" name="misionMd5" value=""> </form> <?php echo $L->say['you_selected']; ?> <b class="g"><?php echo $n_md5; ?> </b> files.<div id="changeall"><?php echo $L->say['you_sure_ch_md5']; ?> <br /> <input type="button" name="md5ch" onclick="chAll();" value="<?php echo $L->say['_yes']; ?> "></div><div style="padding-top:8px;"></div> <table align="center" border=0 cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3"> <tr class="rowtitleChangemd5"> <td align="center">File</td><td align="center">Size</td><td align="center"><?php echo $L->say['cur_md5']; ?> </td> <td valign="middle" width="200"> <select id="impurity" name="impurity" title="Impurity Char" style="float:right;" width=60> <option selected='selected'>Impurity Char</option> <option value="char0">0 (Default)</option> <option value="char1">" "</option> <option value="char2">//</option> <option value="char3">/**/</option> <option value="char4">#</option> </select><?php echo $L->say['new_md5']; ?> <a href="javascript:;" onclick="ntfy();" title="RTFM"><b style="color:red"><blink>?</blink></b></a> </td></tr> <?php for ($i = 0; $i < $n_md5; $i++) { $file = $list[$_GET["files"][$i]]; if (file_exists($file["name"])) { ?> <tr class="rowChangemd5"> <td nowrap> <b id="md5fname<?php echo $i; ?> "><?php echo basename($file["name"]); ?> </b></td> <td align="center" class="txtmd5"> <span title="<?php echo $file["size"]; ?> " style="color:#FFA300; cursor:pointer;"> <?php $max2gb = 2147483647; //$mdfsize = filesize($file["name"]); $mdfsize = getfilesize($file["name"]); $mdfsize = $mdfsize > $max2gb || $mdfsize < 0 ? -1 : $mdfsize . " B"; echo $mdfsize; ?> </span> </td> <td nowrap class="txtmd5"> <span id="md5hash<?php print $i; ?> " style="color:#FFA300"><?php echo $mdfsize >= 0 ? md5_file($file["name"]) : "File to big"; ?> </span> </td> <td align="center"> <?php if ($mdfsize >= 0) { ?> <div id="actstat<?php print $i; ?> "> <a href="javascript:;" onclick="initMD5change('<?php print $i; ?> ')" class="y"><?php echo $L->say['change_md5']; ?> </a></div> <?php } ?> </td> </tr> <?php } } ?> </table><br /> <script type="text/javascript"> var mproces = d.getElementById('md5_process'); = 'none'; </script> <?php }
<input type=file name=upload[] size=25 class=input style=width:33%> <input type=file name=upload[] size=25 class=input style=width:33%> <input type=file name=upload[] size=25 class=input style=width:33%><br> <input type=file name=upload[] size=25 class=input style=width:33%> <input type=file name=upload[] size=25 class=input style=width:33%> <input type=file name=upload[] size=25 class=input style=width:33%><br> <input type=submit value="업로드" class=submit style= width=100%;height:18px><br> <img src=images/t.gif border=0 height=3><br> (<b><?php echo getfilesize($maxDirSize); ?> </b> 사용가능, <b><?php echo getfilesize($dirSize); ?> </b> 사용중, <b><?php echo getfilesize($maxDirSize - $dirSize); ?> </b> 업로드 가능)</td> </tr> <tr> <td align=center height=40> <a href=<?php echo $PHP_SELF; ?> ?id=<?php echo $id; ?> &image_page=1>[First]</a><?php $startPageNum = $image_page - 5; if ($startPageNum < 0) { $startPageNum = 1;
$ada = false; $fn = explode(":", $_POST['md5fn']); $idx = $fn[1]; if (is_readable(DOWNLOAD_DIR . $fn[0])) { if (!in_array(strtolower(strrchr($fn[0], ".")), $options['forbidden_filetypes'])) { $ada = true; } } if (!$ada) { exit('<b class="r" title="Error or File Not Found!"><!></b>'); } // File not exist $arrPengotor = array("0", "0", " ", "//", "/**/", "#"); if ($idx < 0 || $idx > count($arrPengotor)) { $idx = 0; } //do change here $nfs = DOWNLOAD_DIR . $fn[0]; $hdch = @chmod($nfs, 0666); $handle = @fopen($nfs, 'a+'); if ($handle && $hdch) { fwrite($handle, $arrPengotor[$idx]); fclose($handle); exit('<b class="y" id="_result" title="New FileSize: ' . getfilesize($nfs) . ' B" class="txtmd5">' . md5_file($nfs) . '</b>'); } else { echo '<b class="r" title="Error!"><T_T></b>'; } @fclose($handle); @chmod($nfs, 0644); exit; }
$directory = dir($path); $i = 0; $totalsize = 0; while ($entry = $directory->read()) { if ($entry != "." && $entry != "..") { $list[] = $entry; $i++; $totalsize += filesize($path . "/" . $entry); if ($i % 100 == 0) { print "document.sdc.num.value='" . $i . " numbers';\n"; print "document.sdc.size.value='" . getfilesize($totalsize) . "';\n"; } flush(); } } $directory->close(); print "document.sdc.num.value='" . number_format($i) . " numbers';\n"; print "document.sdc.size.value='" . getfilesize($totalsize) . "';\n"; $totallist = count($list); ?> </script> </div> <?php mysql_close($connect); $connect = ""; ?> <br><Br><Br> <?php foot();
<h5><a href="popup.php?name=download&file=rate&id=<?php echo $arr['download']['id']; ?> " onclick="return hs.htmlExpand(this, { contentId: 'highslide-html', objectType: 'iframe', objectWidth: 500, objectHeight: 300} )" class="highslide"><img src="images/header.gif"><br><?php echo _DOWNLOAD_MOD_RATE_ATT; ?> </a><br> <?php } ?> <font color="#FF0066"><?php echo _DOWNLOAD_MOD_READ_SIZE; ?> <?php $bytes = $arr['download']['size']; echo getfilesize($bytes); ?> </h5> </TD> <TD width="80%" valign="top"> <BR><font size=3><b><?php echo _DOWNLOAD_MOD_READ_DETAIL; ?> : <br></font></b> <?php echo $Detail; ?> <BR><BR>
function newuser() { global $sqlpref, $extraheaders; $extraheaders = "<script language=\"javascript\">\n" . "function checkall() {\n" . " document.user_edit.config_permbrowse.checked = true;\n" . " document.user_edit.config_permupload.checked = true;\n" . " document.user_edit.config_permcreate.checked = true;\n" . " document.user_edit.config_permuser.checked = true;\n" . " document.user_edit.config_permpass.checked = true;\n" . " document.user_edit.config_permdelete.checked = true;\n" . " document.user_edit.config_permmove.checked = true;\n" . " document.user_edit.config_permchmod.checked = true;\n" . " document.user_edit.config_permget.checked = true;\n" . " document.user_edit.config_permadmin.checked = true;\n" . " document.user_edit.config_permdeleteuser.checked = true;\n" . " document.user_edit.config_permedituser.checked = true;\n" . " document.user_edit.config_permmakeuser.checked = true;\n" . " document.user_edit.config_permedit.checked = true;\n" . " document.user_edit.config_permrename.checked = true;\n" . " document.user_edit.config_permsub.checked = true;\n" . " document.user_edit.config_permprefs.checked = true;\n" . " try {document.user_edit.config_permrecycle.checked = true;} catch (e) { }\n" . "}\n" . "function uncheckall() {\n" . " document.user_edit.config_permbrowse.checked = false;\n" . " document.user_edit.config_permupload.checked = false;\n" . " document.user_edit.config_permcreate.checked = false;\n" . " document.user_edit.config_permuser.checked = false;\n" . " document.user_edit.config_permpass.checked = false;\n" . " document.user_edit.config_permdelete.checked = false;\n" . " document.user_edit.config_permmove.checked = false;\n" . " document.user_edit.config_permchmod.checked = false;\n" . " document.user_edit.config_permget.checked = false;\n" . " document.user_edit.config_permadmin.checked = false;\n" . " document.user_edit.config_permdeleteuser.checked = false;\n" . " document.user_edit.config_permedituser.checked = false;\n" . " document.user_edit.config_permmakeuser.checked = false;\n" . " document.user_edit.config_permedit.checked = false;\n" . " document.user_edit.config_permrename.checked = false;\n" . " document.user_edit.config_permsub.checked = false;\n" . " document.user_edit.config_permprefs.checked = false;\n" . " try {document.user_edit.config_permrecycle.checked = false;} catch (e) { }\n" . "}\n" . "</script>\n"; page_header("Create a new user"); opentitle("Create a new user"); opentable("100%"); echo "<table>\n" . "<form name=\"user_edit\" action=\"" . $adminfile . "?p=saveuser\" method=\"post\">\n"; echo "<tr><td>Username: <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"config_user\" size=\"40\" border=\"0\" class=\"txtinput\" value=\"{$uname}\">\n" . "<tr><td>Name: <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"config_name\" size=\"40\" border=\"0\" class=\"txtinput\" value=\"{$name}\">\n" . "<tr><td>Password: <td><input type=\"password\" name=\"config_pass\" size=\"40\" border=\"0\" class=\"txtinput\" value=\"\">\n" . "<tr><td>Email: <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"config_email\" size=\"40\" border=\"0\" class=\"txtinput\" value=\"{$email}\">\n" . "<tr><td>Server Directory: <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"config_folder\" size=\"40\" border=\"0\" class=\"txtinput\" value=\"{$folder}\">\n" . "<tr><td>Http Directory: <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"config_http\" size=\"40\" border=\"0\" class=\"txtinput\" value=\"{$http}\"> (*)\n" . "<tr><td>Space Limit: <td><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><td nowrap>" . getspaceusage($uid) . " (" . getfilesize(getspaceusage($uid)) . ") / <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"config_limit\" size=\"15\" width=\"15\" border=\"0\" class=\"txtinput\" value=\"{$limit}\"> bytes</table>\n" . "<tr><td>Language: <td><select name=\"config_language\">\n"; $handle = opendir("./language"); while ($file = readdir($handle)) { $filelist[] = $file; } natcasesort($filelist); foreach ($filelist as $file) { if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && is_dir("./language/" . $file)) { @(include "./language/" . $file . "/lng.def.php"); if ($language == $file) { $isel = " selected"; } else { $isel = ""; } echo "<option value=\"{$file}\"{$isel}>{$LNG_NAME}</option>\n"; } } closedir("./language"); echo "</select><tr><td>Theme: <td><select name=\"config_theme\">\n"; $handle = opendir("./themes"); while ($file = readdir($handle)) { $filelist[] = $file; } natcasesort($filelist); foreach ($filelist as $file) { if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && is_dir("./themes/" . $file)) { @(include "./themes/" . $file . "/theme.def.php"); if ($theme == $file) { $isel = " selected"; } else { $isel = ""; } echo "<option value=\"{$file}\"{$isel}>{$THEME_NAME}</option>\n"; } } closedir("./themes"); echo "</select>\n" . "<tr><td>Account Status: <td>\n" . "<input type=radio name=\"config_status\" value=\"1\" id=\"stat1\"{$stat2}><label for=\"stat1\"> Active</label> \n" . "<input type=radio name=\"config_status\" value=\"0\" id=\"stat2\"{$stat1}><label for=\"stat2\"> Suspend</label>\n"; if ($GLOBALS['config']['enable_trash']) { echo "<tr><td>Trash Bin: <td>\n" . "<input type=radio name=\"config_recycle\" id=\"rec1\"{$rec2}><label for=\"rec1\"> On</label> \n" . "<input type=radio name=\"config_recycle\" id=\"rec2\"{$rec1}><label for=\"rec2\"> Off</label>\n"; } echo "<tr><td>Permission View: <td>\n" . "<input type=radio name=\"config_formatperms\" value=\"0\" id=\"perm1\"{$perm1}><label for=\"perm1\"> UNIX (0644)</label> \n" . "<input type=radio name=\"config_formatperms\" value=\"1\" id=\"perm2\"{$perm2}><label for=\"perm2\"> Symbolic (-rw-r--r--)</label>\n" . "<tr><td valign=top>Privileges: <td><table cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1>\n" . "<td valign=top nowrap><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"config_permbrowse\" id=\"config_permbrowse\" size=\"40\" border=\"0\" class=\"text\"{$sel1}><label for=\"config_permbrowse\"> Browse</label>\n" . "<br><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"config_permupload\" id=\"config_permupload\" size=\"40\" border=\"0\" class=\"text\"{$sel2}><label for=\"config_permupload\"> Upload</label>\n" . "<br><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"config_permcreate\" id=\"config_permcreate\" size=\"40\" border=\"0\" class=\"text\"{$sel3}><label for=\"config_permcreate\"> Create</label>\n" . "<br><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"config_permpass\" id=\"config_permpass\" size=\"40\" border=\"0\" class=\"text\"{$sel5}><label for=\"config_permpass\"> Change Password</label>\n" . "<br><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"config_permdelete\" id=\"config_permdelete\" size=\"40\" border=\"0\" class=\"text\"{$sel6}><label for=\"config_permdelete\"> Delete</label>\n" . "<br><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"config_permmove\" id=\"config_permmove\" size=\"40\" border=\"0\" class=\"text\"{$sel7}><label for=\"config_permmove\"> Move</label>\n" . "<br><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"config_permedit\" id=\"config_permedit\" size=\"40\" border=\"0\" class=\"text\"{$sel14}><label for=\"config_permedit\"> Edit</label>\n" . "<br><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"config_permrename\" id=\"config_permrename\" size=\"40\" border=\"0\" class=\"text\"{$sel15}><label for=\"config_permrename\"> Rename</label>\n" . "<br><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"config_permget\" id=\"config_permget\" size=\"40\" border=\"0\" class=\"text\"{$sel9}><label for=\"config_permget\"> Get</label>\n" . "<td valign=top nowrap><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"config_permchmod\" id=\"config_permchmod\" size=\"40\" border=\"0\" class=\"text\"{$sel8}><label for=\"config_permchmod\"> Chmod</label>\n" . "<br><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"config_permsub\" id=\"config_permsub\" size=\"40\" border=\"0\" class=\"text\"{$sel16}><label for=\"config_persub\"> Access Subdirectories</label>\n" . "<br><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"config_permuser\" id=\"config_permuser\" size=\"40\" border=\"0\" class=\"text\"{$sel4}><label for=\"config_permuser\"> User CP</label>\n" . "<br><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"config_permadmin\" id=\"config_permadmin\" size=\"40\" border=\"0\" class=\"text\"{$sel10}><label for=\"config_permadmin\"> Admin CP</label>\n" . "<br><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"config_permdeleteuser\" id=\"config_permdeleteuser\" size=\"40\" border=\"0\" class=\"text\"{$sel11}><label for=\"config_permdeleteuser\"> Delete Users</label>\n" . "<br><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"config_permedituser\" id=\"config_permedituser\" size=\"40\" border=\"0\" class=\"text\"{$sel12}><label for=\"config_permedituser\"> Edit Users</label>\n" . "<br><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"config_permmakeuser\" id=\"config_permmakeuser\" size=\"40\" border=\"0\" class=\"text\"{$sel13}><label for=\"config_permmakeuser\"> Make Users</label>\n" . "<br><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"config_permprefs\" id=\"config_permprefs\" size=\"40\" border=\"0\" class=\"text\"{$sel18}><label for=\"config_permprefs\"> Edit Prefs</label>\n"; if ($GLOBALS['config']['enable_trash']) { echo "<br><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"config_permrecycle\" id=\"config_permrecycle\" size=\"40\" border=\"0\" class=\"text\"{$sel17}><label for=\"config_permrecycle\"> Trash Bin</label>\n"; } echo "</table>\n" . "<br><a href=\"javascript:checkall();\">Check All</a> <a href=\"javascript:uncheckall();\">Uncheck All</a>\n" . "<input type=hidden name=muid value=\"{$muid}\">\n" . "<tr><td colspan=\"2\"><br><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submitButtonName\" value=\"Save\" border=\"0\" class=\"button\">\n" . "</td></tr></form></table>\n"; closetable(); page_footer(); }
$title = ""; if ($zeile['owner'] == NULL || $zeile['owner'] == 0 || $zeile['owner'] == "") { $title = $zeile['dateform']; } else { $title = $CLASS['knowledgeroot']->getOwner($zeile['owner']) . " - " . $zeile['dateform']; } // check for static file download if (isset($CLASS['config']->misc->download->static) && $CLASS['config']->misc->download->static == 1) { $downloadlink = "download/" . $zeile['id'] . "/" . $zeile['filename']; } else { $downloadlink = "index.php?download=" . $zeile['id']; } if ($mycontentrights == 2) { echo "<a href=\"index.php?delfile=" . $zeile['id'] . "\" onclick=\"return confirm('" . $CLASS['translate']->_('Do you really want to delete?') . "');\"><img src=\"images/delete.gif\" title=\"" . $CLASS['translate']->_('delete') . "\" class=\"upload\" /></a> <a href=\"" . $downloadlink . "\" title=\"" . $title . "\"><img src=\"images/file.gif\" class=\"upload\" /> " . $zeile['filename'] . "</a> <font class=\"text\">[" . getfilesize($zeile['filesize']) . "] [" . $title . "]</font><br />\n"; } else { echo "<a href=\"" . $downloadlink . "\" title=\"" . $title . "\"><img src=\"images/file.gif\" class=\"upload\" /> " . $zeile['filename'] . "</a> <font class=\"text\">[" . getfilesize($zeile['filesize']) . "] [" . $title . "]</font><br />\n"; } } } echo '</div>'; $CLASS['hooks']->setHook("kr_content", "show_tree_content", "show_content_files_end"); } $includeFileLink = false; if ($show_files == 1) { // show form for adding new files if ($mycontentrights == 2) { $includeFileLink = true; echo "<div id=\"fileform_" . $row['id'] . "\" style=\"display:none\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<form class=\"AddFileForm\" action=\"index.php\" method=\"post\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<b>" . $CLASS['translate']->_('add file') . "</b>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"upload\" value=\"yes\" />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"contentid\" value=\"" . $row['id'] . "\" />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type=\"file\" name=\"datei\" /> \n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<input class=\"button\" type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"" . $CLASS['translate']->_('add') . "\" />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</form></div>"; } } // show content status bar
x <?php echo _IVIDEOT_H; ?> px]</font> </td> </tr> <tr><td align="right" width="100" valign="top"><?php echo _ADMIN_VIDEO_FORM_VIDEO; ?> </td><td> <input id="file_upload" name="file_upload" type="file" /> <a href="javascript:$('#file_upload').uploadifyUpload();">Upload Files</a> | <a href="javascript:$('#file_upload').uploadifyClearQueue();">Clear Queue</a><br><font color="#990000">[ <?php echo _ADMIN_VIDEO_FORM_VIDEO_COM; ?> <?php echo getfilesize(_VIDEO_LIMIT_UPLOAD); ?> <?php echo _ADMIN_VIDEO_FORM_VIDEO_COM1; ?> ]</font> </td> </tr> </table> <input type='hidden' name='id' id='id' value="<?php echo $_GET['id']; ?> " /> <INPUT id="admin" TYPE="hidden" NAME="admin" size="40" value="<?php echo $_SESSION['admin_user']; ?>
//$morethanone = (count($list)>1); if ($options["show_all"] === true) { unset($Path); } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ var dFile = new Object(); var text = "", thead, tfoot; <?php echo "var _dlpath = '" . ($options["download_dir"] != "" ? "{$options["download_dir"]}" : "/") . "';{$nn}{$nn}"; foreach ($list as $key => $file) { if (isset($file["name"]) && @file_exists($file["name"])) { $c++; if ($kumulatifsz) { $total_size += getfilesize($file["name"]); } echo 'dFile["' . $file["date"] . '"] = new Object();' . $nn; echo 'dFile["' . $file["date"] . '"]["name"] = "' . xmlentities(basename($file["name"]), false) . '"' . $nn; echo 'dFile["' . $file["date"] . '"]["size"] = "' . $file["size"] . '"' . $nn; echo 'dFile["' . $file["date"] . '"]["age"] = "' . $file["age"] . '"' . $nn; $rnd = rand(11, 99); echo 'dFile["' . $file["date"] . '"]["delkey"] = "' . str_replace("=", "", rotN(base64_encode($file["date"] . ':' . '4puZ'), $rnd)) . "-" . $rnd . '"' . $nn; } } // end loop all files echo 'total_size = "' . $total_size . '";' . "{$nn}"; echo 'c = "' . $c . '";' . "{$nn}"; $lynx_del = $options["deletelink_in_lynx"] && !$options["disable_to"]["act_delete"]; $morethanone = $c > 1; ?>
} } else { //copy($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'], "video/thumbs/".TIMESTAMP."_".$_FILES['Filedata']['name']."")) move_uploaded_file($tempFile, $targetFile); echo str_replace($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], '', $targetFile); $db->add_db(TB_VIDEO, array("category" => "" . $_POST['cat'] . "", "topic" => "" . $topic . "", "detail" => "" . $detail . "", "posted" => "" . $_POST['admin'] . "", "post_date" => "" . TIMESTAMP . "", "pic" => "" . TIMESTAMP . "_" . $_FILES['Filedata']['name'] . "", "enable_comment" => "1", "youtube" => "0")); } } } else { $tempFile = $_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name']; if (strchr($_FILES['Filedata']['name'], ".") == ".mpg" || strchr($_FILES['Filedata']['name'], ".") == ".mov" || strchr($_FILES['Filedata']['name'], ".") == ".avi" || strchr($_FILES['Filedata']['name'], ".") == ".wmv" || strchr($_FILES['Filedata']['name'], ".") == ".MP4" || strchr($_FILES['Filedata']['name'], ".") == ".flv") { $targetPath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $_REQUEST['folder'] . '/'; $targetFile = str_replace('//', '/', $targetPath) . TIMESTAMP . "_" . $_FILES['Filedata']['name']; $fileTypes = str_replace('*.', '', $_REQUEST['fileext']); $fileTypes = str_replace(';', '|', $fileTypes); $typesArray = split('\\|', $fileTypes); $fileParts = pathinfo($_FILES['Filedata']['name']); if (in_array($fileParts['extension'], $typesArray)) { // Uncomment the following line if you want to make the directory if it doesn't exist // mkdir(str_replace('//','/',$targetPath), 0755, true); move_uploaded_file($tempFile, $targetFile); echo str_replace($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], '', $targetFile); $sizes = getfilesize($_FILES['Filedata']['size']); $getID3 = new getID3(); $fileInfo = $getID3->analyze($targetFile); $db->add_db(TB_VIDEO, array("category" => "" . $_POST['cat'] . "", "topic" => "" . $topic . "", "detail" => "" . $detail . "", "posted" => "" . $_POST['admin'] . "", "post_date" => "" . TIMESTAMP . "", "video" => "" . TIMESTAMP . "_" . $_FILES['Filedata']['name'] . "", "enable_comment" => "1", "youtube" => "0", "size" => "" . $sizes . "", "times" => "" . $fileInfo['playtime_string'] . "")); } } } } }
<?php require_once 'sendsms.php'; require_once 'sendmail.php'; require_once 'captcha.php'; require_once '../../lib.php'; require_once '../../bbs/lib/mainfunc.php'; $ask = @$_POST['ask']; date_default_timezone_set("Asia/Shanghai"); if ($ask == "getfilesize") { getfilesize(); } if ($ask == "loadcalendar") { loadcalendar(); } if ($ask == "savecalendar") { savecalendar(); } if ($ask == "addinform") { addinform(); } if ($ask == "delinform") { delinform(); } if ($ask == "saveimg") { saveimg(); } if ($ask == "join") { memjoin(); } if ($ask == "login") {
/** * show tree content */ function show_tree_content($count = 0) { // check if page is a symlink /* is not a usable feature at the moment so its disabled $res = $this->CLASS['db']->query(sprintf("SELECT symlink FROM tree WHERE id=%d",$_SESSION['cid'])); $anz = $this->CLASS['db']->num_rows($res); if($anz == 1) { $row = $this->CLASS['db']->fetch_assoc($res); if($row['symlink'] != "" && $row['symlink'] != 0) { $_SESSION['orginial_cid'] = $_SESSION['cid']; $_SESSION['cid'] = $row['symlink']; } } */ // isTree removed for symlink //if($_SESSION['cid'] != "" && $this->CLASS['path']->isTree($_SESSION['cid']) && $this->CLASS['knowledgeroot']->checkRecursivPerm($_SESSION['cid'], $_SESSION['userid']) != 0) { if ($_SESSION['cid'] != "" && $this->CLASS['knowledgeroot']->checkRecursivPerm($_SESSION['cid'], $_SESSION['userid']) != 0) { $this->CLASS['hooks']->setHook("kr_content", "show_tree_content", "start"); // get my rights - possible is 0,1,2 $mypagerights = $this->CLASS['knowledgeroot']->getPageRights($_SESSION['cid'], $_SESSION['userid']); $this->CLASS['hooks']->setHook("kr_content", "show_tree_content", "show_page_menu_start"); // show page menu echo $this->CLASS['kr_extension']->show_menu("page", $_SESSION['cid'], $mypagerights); $this->CLASS['hooks']->setHook("kr_content", "show_tree_content", "show_page_menu_end"); //check if userid and groupid is set, if not set to 0 if ($_SESSION['userid'] == "" || $_SESSION['groupid'] == "") { $_SESSION['userid'] = 0; $_SESSION['groupid'] = 0; } // get page content collapse info $hashkey = md5('contentcollapsed_' . $_SESSION['cid']); if (!($treedata = $this->CLASS['cache']->load($hashkey))) { $res = $this->CLASS['db']->query(sprintf("SELECT contentcollapsed FROM tree WHERE id=%d", $_SESSION['cid'])); $anz = $this->CLASS['db']->num_rows($res); if ($anz == 1) { $treedata = $this->CLASS['db']->fetch_assoc($res); $this->CLASS['cache']->save($treedata, $hashkey, array('system', 'contentcollapsed')); } } if ($this->CLASS['db']->dbtype == "pgsql") { $query = sprintf("SELECT as id, ct.content as content, ct.title as title, ct.type as type, as lastupdatedby, to_char(ct.lastupdated,'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS') as lastupdated, to_char(ct.createdate,'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS') as createdate FROM content ct left outer join users u ON ct.lastupdatedby = WHERE belongs_to=%d AND ct.deleted=0 ORDER BY ct.sorting ASC", $_SESSION['cid']); } elseif ($this->CLASS['db']->dbtype == "sqlite" || $this->CLASS['db']->dbtype == "sqlite3") { $query = sprintf("SELECT as id, ct.content as content, ct.title as title, ct.type as type, as lastupdatedby, strftime('%%d.%%m.%%Y %%H:%%M:%%S',ct.lastupdated) as lastupdated, strftime('%%d.%%m.%%Y %%H:%%M:%%S',createdate) as createdate FROM content ct left outer join users u ON ct.lastupdatedby = WHERE belongs_to=%d AND ct.deleted=0 ORDER BY ct.sorting ASC", $_SESSION['cid']); } else { $query = "SELECT AS id, ct.content AS content, ct.title AS title, ct.type AS type,\n\t\t\t\t\ AS lastupdatedby, DATE_FORMAT(ct.lastupdated,'%d.%m.%Y %H:%i:%s') as lastupdated,\n\t\t\t\t\tDATE_FORMAT(ct.createdate,'%d.%m.%Y %H:%i:%s') as createdate\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM content ct"; $query .= sprintf(" LEFT OUTER JOIN users u ON ct.lastupdatedby =\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE belongs_to=%d AND ct.deleted=0\n\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY ct.sorting ASC", $_SESSION['cid']); } $hashkey = md5('content_' . $query); if (!$this->CLASS['cache']->test($hashkey)) { $res = $this->CLASS['db']->query($query); $data = null; while ($row = $this->CLASS['db']->fetch_assoc($res)) { $data[] = $row; } $this->CLASS['cache']->save($data, $hashkey, array('system', 'content')); } else { $data = $this->CLASS['cache']->load($hashkey); } $anz = count($data); // needed for up and down arrows $firstcontent = 1; $maxcontent = $anz; $contentcounter = 0; // check if some table is on the page if ($anz != 0) { foreach ($data as $row) { // get content rights $mycontentrights = $this->CLASS['knowledgeroot']->getContentRights($row['id'], $_SESSION['userid']); // check if it is an extension and if it is enabled if ($mycontentrights == 0 || $row['type'] != "" && $row['type'] != "text" && (!isset($this->CLASS['extension'][$row['type']]) || isset($this->CLASS['extension'][$row['type']]) && $this->CLASS['extension'][$row['type']]['init'] == FALSE)) { $maxcontent--; continue; } $contentcounter++; if ($row['title'] == null || $row['title'] == "") { if ($row['type'] == "" || $row['type'] == "text") { //$contentType = "HTML/text"; $contentType = ''; } else { $contentType = $row['type'] . " " . "content"; } $titleText = $contentType; } else { $titleText = $row['title']; } // init booleans $show_files = 1; $showtitle = $this->CLASS['config']->content->showtitle; if ($this->CLASS['config']->content->collapsecontent) { $collapse = $treedata['contentcollapsed']; } else { $collapse = false; } // check if content should be opened if (isset($_GET['oc']) && $_GET['oc'] == $row['id']) { $collapse = false; } $mousecontext = ""; // check if contextmenu are enabled if ($this->CLASS['config']->menu->context == 1) { // set mousecontext for rightclick menu $mousecontext = " oncontextmenu=\"'mousemenu','contentcontext', " . $_SESSION['cid'] . ", " . $row['id'] . "); return false;\""; } $lastUpdated = $this->CLASS['translate']->_('Last modified by') . " " . ($row['lastupdatedby'] != null ? $row['lastupdatedby'] : $this->CLASS['translate']->_('guest')) . " " . $this->CLASS['translate']->_('on') . " " . $row['lastupdated']; $created = $this->CLASS['translate']->_('created') . ": " . $row['createdate']; echo "<div class=\"ContentItem\" id=\"contentid_" . $row['id'] . "\"" . $mousecontext . ">\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<!-- anchor --><a name=\"" . $row['id'] . "\"></a>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"showMe\" style=\"display:none;\" dojoType=\"dijit.TitlePane\" title=\"<b>" . $titleText . "</b>" . ($this->CLASS['config']->content->showtitledetails ? " ({$lastUpdated} | {$created})" : "") . "\" open=\"" . (!$collapse ? "true" : "false") . "\"" . ($collapse ? " href=\"content.php?contentid=" . $row['id'] . "\"" : "") . ">\n"; if (!$collapse) { // add up and down arrows if ($mycontentrights == 2 && $mypagerights == 2) { if ($maxcontent != $contentcounter) { $this->CLASS['kr_extension']->menu['content']['movedown']['name'] = 'movedown'; $this->CLASS['kr_extension']->menu['content']['movedown']['nolink'] = '1'; $this->CLASS['kr_extension']->menu['content']['movedown']['priority'] = '60'; $this->CLASS['kr_extension']->menu['content']['movedown']['wrap'] = "<div style=\"height: 13px; float: right;\" dojoType=\"dijit.MenuBarItem\" onclick=\"location.href='index.php?movedown=" . $row['id'] . "';\"><img src=\"images/down_arrow.gif\" /></div>"; } else { unset($this->CLASS['kr_extension']->menu['content']['movedown']); } if ($firstcontent != 1) { $this->CLASS['kr_extension']->menu['content']['moveup']['name'] = 'moveup'; $this->CLASS['kr_extension']->menu['content']['moveup']['nolink'] = '1'; $this->CLASS['kr_extension']->menu['content']['moveup']['priority'] = '70'; $this->CLASS['kr_extension']->menu['content']['moveup']['wrap'] = "<div style=\"height: 13px; float: right;\" dojoType=\"dijit.MenuBarItem\" onclick=\"location.href='index.php?moveup=" . $row['id'] . "';\"><img src=\"images/up_arrow.gif\" /></div>"; } else { unset($this->CLASS['kr_extension']->menu['content']['moveup']); } } $this->CLASS['hooks']->setHook("kr_content", "show_tree_content", "show_content_menu_start"); // show content menu echo $this->CLASS['kr_extension']->show_menu("content", $row['id'], $mypagerights, $mycontentrights, $row['type']); $this->CLASS['hooks']->setHook("kr_content", "show_tree_content", "show_content_menu_end"); echo "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"ContentBodyWrapper\" id=\"ContentCollapseWrapper" . $row['id'] . "\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class=\"ContentBody\">\n"; // check if content is an extension if ($row['type'] == "" || $row['type'] == "text") { // show content $this->CLASS['hooks']->setHook("kr_content", "show_tree_content", "show_content_start"); // adding colored highlighting if (isset($_GET['highlight']) && $_GET['highlight'] != "") { $highlight = str_replace('"', '\\"', $_GET['highlight']); $highlight = explode(",", $highlight); foreach ($highlight as $hkey => $hvalue) { $hvalue = mb_ereg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9 \\-_]/mu', '', $hvalue); $row['content'] = $this->CLASS['highlight']->str_highlight($row['content'], $hvalue, $this->CLASS['highlight']->STR_HIGHLIGHT_STRIPLINKS, '<span class="highlightword">\\1</span>'); } } echo $row['content']; $this->CLASS['hooks']->setHook("kr_content", "show_tree_content", "show_content_end"); } else { // check if extension is loaded if (isset($this->CLASS['extension'][$row['type']]) and $this->CLASS['extension'][$row['type']]['init'] == TRUE) { $this->CLASS['hooks']->setHook("kr_content", "show_tree_content", "show_extension_start"); // run extension echo $this->CLASS['extension'][$row['type']]['class']->show_content($row['id']); $this->CLASS['hooks']->setHook("kr_content", "show_tree_content", "show_extension_end"); // check if added files should be shown if ($this->CLASS['extension'][$row['type']]['class']->show_addedfiles != 1) { $show_files = 0; } } else { $this->CLASS['hooks']->setHook("kr_content", "show_tree_content", "show_extension_not_loaded"); continue; } } echo "</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\n"; if ($show_files == 1) { $this->CLASS['hooks']->setHook("kr_content", "show_tree_content", "show_content_files_start"); // select added files $hashkey = md5('files' . $row['id']); if (!$this->CLASS['cache']->test($hashkey)) { if ($this->CLASS['db']->dbtype == "pgsql") { $result = $this->CLASS['db']->query(sprintf("SELECT id,filename,filesize,owner, to_char(date,'DD. Mon YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AS dateform FROM files WHERE belongs_to=%d AND deleted=0 ORDER BY id ASC", $row['id'])); } elseif ($this->CLASS['db']->dbtype == "sqlite" || $this->CLASS['db']->dbtype == "sqlite3") { $result = $this->CLASS['db']->query(sprintf("SELECT id,filename,filesize,owner, strftime('%%d.%%m.%%Y %%H:%%M:%%S',date) AS dateform FROM files WHERE belongs_to=%d AND deleted=0 ORDER BY id ASC", $row['id'])); } else { $query = "SELECT id,filename,filesize,owner, DATE_FORMAT(date,'%d. %M %Y %H:%i:%s') AS dateform\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM files"; $query .= sprintf(" WHERE belongs_to=%d AND deleted=0\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY id ASC", $row['id']); $result = $this->CLASS['db']->query($query); } $rows = null; while ($zeile = $this->CLASS['db']->fetch_assoc($result)) { $rows[] = $zeile; } $this->CLASS['cache']->save($rows, $hashkey, array('system', 'files')); } else { $rows = $this->CLASS['cache']->load($hashkey); } echo '<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane">'; // read all select files if (is_array($rows)) { foreach ($rows as $zeile) { $title = ""; if ($zeile['owner'] == NULL || $zeile['owner'] == 0 || $zeile['owner'] == "") { $title = $zeile['dateform']; } else { $title = $this->CLASS['knowledgeroot']->getOwner($zeile['owner']) . " - " . $zeile['dateform']; } // check for static file download if (isset($this->CLASS['config']->misc->download->static) && $this->CLASS['config']->misc->download->static == 1) { $downloadlink = "download/" . $zeile['id'] . "/" . $zeile['filename']; } else { $downloadlink = "index.php?download=" . $zeile['id']; } if ($mycontentrights == 2) { echo "<a href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"if(confirm('" . $this->CLASS['translate']->_('Do you really want to delete?') . "')) { location.href='index.php?delfile=" . $zeile['id'] . "'; } \"><img src=\"images/delete.gif\" title=\"" . $this->CLASS['translate']->_('delete') . "\" class=\"upload\" /></a> <a href=\"" . $downloadlink . "\" title=\"" . $title . "\"><img src=\"images/file.gif\" class=\"upload\" /> " . $zeile['filename'] . "</a> <font class=\"text\">[" . getfilesize($zeile['filesize']) . "] [" . $title . "]</font><br />\n"; } else { echo "<a href=\"" . $downloadlink . "\" title=\"" . $title . "\"><img src=\"images/file.gif\" class=\"upload\" /> " . $zeile['filename'] . "</a> <font class=\"text\">[" . getfilesize($zeile['filesize']) . "] [" . $title . "]</font><br />\n"; } } } echo '</div>'; $this->CLASS['hooks']->setHook("kr_content", "show_tree_content", "show_content_files_end"); } $includeFileLink = false; if ($show_files == 1) { // show form for adding new files if ($mycontentrights == 2) { $includeFileLink = true; echo "<div id=\"fileform_" . $row['id'] . "\" style=\"display:none\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<form class=\"AddFileForm\" action=\"index.php\" method=\"post\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<b>" . $this->CLASS['translate']->_('add file') . "</b>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"upload\" value=\"yes\" />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"contentid\" value=\"" . $row['id'] . "\" />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type=\"file\" name=\"datei\" /> \n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<input class=\"button\" type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"" . $this->CLASS['translate']->_('add') . "\" />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</form></div>"; } } // show content status bar if ($this->CLASS['config']->content->statusbar) { echo "<div class=\"content_statusbar\">" . $lastUpdated . " | " . $created . "</div>\n"; } } echo "</div>"; //content title pante end $this->CLASS['hooks']->setHook("kr_content", "show_tree_content", "show_contentline_menu_start"); // show contentline menu echo $this->CLASS['kr_extension']->show_menu("contentline", $row['id'], $mypagerights, $mycontentrights, $row['type']); $this->CLASS['hooks']->setHook("kr_content", "show_tree_content", "show_contentline_menu_end"); // set firstcontent if ($mycontentrights == 2 && $mypagerights == 2) { $firstcontent = 0; } echo "\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n"; } // end of while $this->CLASS['hooks']->setHook("kr_content", "show_tree_content", "show_page_menu_start"); // show page menu if ($this->CLASS['config']->misc->showpagebottomnavi && $contentcounter != 0) { echo "<div style=\"margin-top: 5px;\" />"; echo $this->CLASS['kr_extension']->show_menu("page", $_SESSION['cid'], $mypagerights); } $this->CLASS['hooks']->setHook("kr_content", "show_tree_content", "show_page_menu_end"); echo "</div><br /><br />"; } else { $this->CLASS['hooks']->setHook("kr_content", "show_tree_content", "no_content_start"); // show notification if no content is present echo "<h3>" . $this->CLASS['translate']->_('No content here.') . "</h3>\n"; $this->CLASS['hooks']->setHook("kr_content", "show_tree_content", "no_content_end"); } echo "\n<script>\ndojo.addOnLoad(function(){\n dojo.query(\".showMe\").forEach(function(node, index, arr){\n\ = 'block';\n });\n});\n</script>\n\t\t\t"; // form for move page echo "<form name=\"move\" action=\"index.php\" method=\"post\">\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"move\" value=\"move\" />\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"to\" value=\"" . $_SESSION['cid'] . "\" />\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"contentid\" value=\"\" />\n"; // use for move pagecontent echo "</form>\n"; // form for move content on page echo "<form name=\"movecontent\" action=\"index.php\" method=\"post\">\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"movecontent\" value=\"movecontent\" />\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"page\" value=\"" . $_SESSION['cid'] . "\" />\n"; // id of page echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"contentid\" value=\"\" />\n"; // id of source content echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"targetcontentid\" value=\"\" />\n"; // id of target content echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"position\" value=\"\" />\n"; // use before or after echo "</form>\n"; } else { $this->CLASS['hooks']->setHook("kr_content", "show_tree_content", "welcome_msg_start"); // show welcome message echo "<div class=\"welcome\">" . $this->CLASS['translate']->_('Welcome to Knowledgeroot') . "</div>\n"; $this->CLASS['hooks']->setHook("kr_content", "show_tree_content", "welcome_msg_end"); } // check if symlink was set if (isset($_SESSION['original_cid']) && $_SESSION['original_cid'] != "") { $_SESSION['cid'] = $_SESSION['original_cid']; $_SESSION['original_cid'] = ""; } $this->CLASS['hooks']->setHook("kr_content", "show_tree_content", "end"); }
$file_copyright = $files->getValue("copyright"); $file_type = $files->getValue("filetype"); $file_size = $files->getValue("filesize"); $file_stamp = date("d-M-Y | H:i", $files->getValue("stamp")) . "h"; $file_type_ii = in_array($file_type, $imagetype); // check if file exists // was passiert wenn nicht da ? // if(!file_exists($REX[MEDIAFOLDER]."/".$file_name)) continue; // get file icon $icon_src = "pics/pool_file_icons/file.gif"; $file_ext = substr(strrchr($file_name, "."), 1); if (in_array($file_ext, $file_icons)) { $icon_src = "pics/pool_file_icons/{$file_ext}.gif"; } // get file size $file_size = getfilesize($file_size); if ($file_type_ii) { $thumbnail = "<img src=../files/{$file_name} width=80 border=0>"; } else { $thumbnail = "<img src={$icon_src} width=80 height=80 align=left border=0><!-- " . $I18N->msg('pool_file_noshow') . "-->"; } if ($file_title == "") { $file_title = "[" . $I18N->msg('pool_file_notitle') . "]"; } if ($file_description == "") { $file_description = "[" . $I18N->msg('pool_file_nodescription') . "]"; } // HTMLAREA / INPUT FIELD CHECK / link setzen zum übernehmen if ($_SESSION[myarea] == '') { $opener_link = "<a href=javascript:void(0) onClick=selectMedia('" . $file_name . "');>" . $I18N->msg('pool_file_get') . "</a>"; } else {
$post["hosting_4"] = "1"; // 300 Mb // $post["hosting_5"]="1"; // 100 Mb // $post["hosting_9"]="1"; // 300 Mb // $post["hosting_8"]="1"; // 100 Mb $post["hosting_2"] = "1"; // 100 Mb $post["hosting_3"] = "1"; // 1 Gb $post["hosting_10"] = "1"; // 250 Mb // $post["hosting_7"]="1"; // 100 Mb if (count($post) > 6) { html_error('You may check out a maximum of 4 file hostins.'); } $fsize = getfilesize($lfile); if (($post["hosting_5"] || $post["hosting_8"] || $post["hosting_2"] || $post["hosting_7"]) && $fsize > 104857600) { html_error('Max file size 100 Mb'); } if ($post["hosting_10"] && $fsize > 262144000) { html_error('Max file size 250 Mb'); } if (($post["hosting_4"] || $post["hosting_9"]) && $fsize > 314572800) { html_error('Max file size 300 Mb'); } if (($post["hosting_6"] || $post["hosting_3"]) && $fsize > 1073741824) { html_error('Max file size 1 Gb'); } $uid = mt_rand(1000000, 9999999); $uid .= $uid >> 1; $act_url = $ref . 'en/file/uploaddo?load-' . $uid;
public function appendObj($token, $bucket_name, $object_name, $upload_id, $next_marker, $data) { $Connection = isset($this->ceph_conn) ? $this->ceph_conn : $this->connectionCeph(); $part_file_path = session('user_upload_path') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $object_name . '~' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '' . $next_marker; appendToFile($part_file_path, $data); if (getfilesize($part_file_path) > 5 * 1024 * 1024) { $opt['fileUpload'] = $part_file_path; $opt['partNumber'] = $next_marker; $opt['md5'] = md5_file($part_file_path); $res = $Connection->upload_part($bucket_name, $object_name . '~', $upload_id, $opt); if ($res->isOK()) { removeFile($part_file_path); $user = new UserService(); $user->updateUserUploadMarker($token, $object_name, $next_marker + 1); } else { return false; } } return true; }