$text .= '<script type="text/javascript">$(function() {$("#exttoolframe").css("height",$(window).height() - $(".midwrapper").position().top - ($(".midwrapper").height()-500) - ($("body").outerHeight(true) - $("body").innerHeight()));});</script>'; } else { //redirect to post page $param .= '&target=new'; header('Location: ' . $urlmode . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $imasroot . '/filter/basiclti/post.php?' . $param); exit; } } else { if (substr($text, 0, 4) == "http" && strpos(trim($text), " ") === false) { //is a web link $text = '<p><a href="' . $text . '" target="_blank">' . $title . '</a> (will open in a new tab or window)</p>'; } else { if (substr(strip_tags($text), 0, 5) == "file:") { $filename = substr(strip_tags($text), 5); require_once "../includes/filehandler.php"; $alink = getcoursefileurl($filename); //$imasroot . "/course/files/".$filename; $text = '<p>Download file: <a href="' . $alink . '">' . $title . '</a></p>'; } } } $placeinhead = ''; if (isset($studentid)) { $rec = "data-base=\"linkedintext-{$_GET['id']}\" "; $text = str_replace('<a ', '<a ' . $rec, $text); $placeinhead = '<script type="text/javascript"> function recunload() { if (!recordedunload) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "' . $imasroot . '/course/rectrack.php?cid=' . $cid . '",
function getorg($it, $parent, &$res, $ind) { global $iteminfo, $newdir, $installname, $urlmode, $linktype, $urlmode, $imasroot, $ccnt, $module_meta, $htmldir, $filedir, $toplevelitems, $inmodule; global $usechecked, $checked; $out = ''; foreach ($it as $k => $item) { $canvout = ''; if (is_array($item)) { if (!$usechecked || array_search($parent . '-' . ($k + 1), $checked) !== FALSE) { if (strlen($ind) > 2) { $canvout .= '<item identifier="BLOCK' . $item['id'] . '">' . "\n"; $canvout .= '<content_type>ContextModuleSubHeader</content_type>'; $canvout .= '<title>' . htmlentities($item['name'], ENT_XML1, 'UTF-8', false) . '</title>' . "\n"; $canvout .= "<position>{$ccnt}</position> <indent>" . max(strlen($ind) / 2 - 2, 0) . "</indent> </item>"; $ccnt++; $module_meta .= $canvout; } else { if ($inmodule) { $module_meta .= '</items></module>'; } $inmodule = true; $module_meta .= '<module identifier="BLOCK' . $item['id'] . '"> <title>' . htmlentities($item['name'], ENT_XML1, 'UTF-8', false) . '</title> <items>'; } $out .= $ind . '<item identifier="BLOCK' . $item['id'] . '">' . "\n"; $out .= $ind . ' <title>' . htmlentities($item['name'], ENT_XML1, 'UTF-8', false) . '</title>' . "\n"; $out .= $ind . getorg($item['items'], $parent . '-' . ($k + 1), $res, $ind . ' '); $out .= $ind . '</item>' . "\n"; } else { $out .= $ind . getorg($item['items'], $parent . '-' . ($k + 1), $res, $ind . ' '); } } else { if ($usechecked && array_search($item, $checked) === FALSE) { continue; } if ($iteminfo[$item][0] == 'InlineText') { $query = "SELECT title,text,fileorder FROM imas_inlinetext WHERE id='{$iteminfo[$item][1]}'"; $r = mysql_query($query) or die("Query failed : " . mysql_error()); $row = mysql_fetch_row($r); if ($row[2] != '') { $files = explode(',', $row[2]); $query = "SELECT id,description,filename FROM imas_instr_files WHERE itemid='{$iteminfo[$item][1]}'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Query failed : " . mysql_error()); $filesout = array(); while ($r = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { //if s3 filehandler, do files as weblinks rather than including the file itself if ($GLOBALS['filehandertypecfiles'] == 's3') { $r[2] = getcoursefileurl($r[2]); } else { //copy("../course/files/{$r[2]}",$newdir.'/'.$r[2]); copycoursefile($r[2], $newdir . '/' . $filedir . basename($r[2])); $resitem = '<resource href="' . $filedir . basename($r[2]) . '" identifier="RES' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . 'file' . $r[0] . '" type="webcontent">' . "\n"; $resitem .= ' <file href="' . $filedir . basename($r[2]) . '" />' . "\n"; $resitem .= '</resource>'; $res[] = $resitem; } $filesout[$r[0]] = array($r[1], $r[2]); } } $out .= $ind . '<item identifier="' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '" identifierref="RES' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '">' . "\n"; $out .= $ind . ' <title>' . htmlentities($row[0], ENT_XML1, 'UTF-8', false) . '</title>' . "\n"; $out .= $ind . '</item>' . "\n"; $canvout .= '<item identifier="' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '">' . "\n"; $canvout .= '<content_type>WikiPage</content_type>'; $canvout .= '<identifierref>RES' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '</identifierref>'; $canvout .= '<title>' . htmlentities($row[0], ENT_XML1, 'UTF-8', false) . '</title>' . "\n"; $canvout .= "<position>{$ccnt}</position> <indent>" . max(strlen($ind) / 2 - 2, 0) . "</indent> </item>"; $ccnt++; $fp = fopen($newdir . '/' . $htmldir . 'inlinetext' . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '.html', 'w'); fwrite($fp, '<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">'); fwrite($fp, '<title>' . htmlentities($row[0]) . '</title>'); fwrite($fp, '<meta name="identifier" content="RES' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '"/>'); if ($linktype == "canvas") { fwrite($fp, '<meta name="editing_roles" content="teachers"/>'); } fwrite($fp, "</head><body>"); fwrite($fp, filtercapture($row[1], $res)); if ($row[2] != '') { fwrite($fp, '<ul>'); foreach ($files as $f) { if ($GLOBALS['filehandertypecfiles'] == 's3') { fwrite($fp, '<li><a href="' . $filesout[$f][1] . '">' . htmlentities($filesout[$f][0]) . '</a></li>'); } else { fwrite($fp, '<li><a href="' . $filedir . basename($filesout[$f][1]) . '">' . htmlentities($filesout[$f][0]) . '</a></li>'); } } fwrite($fp, '</ul>'); } fwrite($fp, '</body></html>'); fclose($fp); $resitem = '<resource href="' . $htmldir . 'inlinetext' . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '.html" identifier="RES' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '" type="webcontent">' . "\n"; $resitem .= ' <file href="' . $htmldir . 'inlinetext' . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '.html" />' . "\n"; $resitem .= '</resource>'; $res[] = $resitem; } else { if ($iteminfo[$item][0] == 'LinkedText') { $query = "SELECT title,text,summary FROM imas_linkedtext WHERE id='{$iteminfo[$item][1]}'"; $r = mysql_query($query) or die("Query failed : " . mysql_error()); $row = mysql_fetch_row($r); //if s3 filehandler, do files as weblinks rather than including the file itself if ($GLOBALS['filehandertypecfiles'] == 's3' && substr(strip_tags($row[1]), 0, 5) == "file:") { $row[1] = getcoursefileurl(trim(substr(strip_tags($row[1]), 5))); } if (substr($row[1], 0, 4) == "http" && strpos(trim($row[1]), " ") === false) { //is a web link $alink = trim($row[1]); $fp = fopen($newdir . '/weblink' . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '.xml', 'w'); fwrite($fp, '<webLink xmlns="http://www.imsglobal.org/xsd/imsccv1p1/imswl_v1p1">'); fwrite($fp, ' <title>' . htmlentities($row[0], ENT_XML1, 'UTF-8', false) . '</title>'); fwrite($fp, ' <url href="' . htmlentities($alink, ENT_XML1, 'UTF-8', false) . '" target="_blank"/>'); fwrite($fp, '</webLink>'); fclose($fp); $out .= $ind . '<item identifier="' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '" identifierref="RES' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '">' . "\n"; $out .= $ind . ' <title>' . htmlentities($row[0], ENT_XML1, 'UTF-8', false) . '</title>' . "\n"; $out .= $ind . '</item>' . "\n"; $canvout .= '<item identifier="' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '">' . "\n"; $canvout .= '<content_type>ExternalUrl</content_type>'; $canvout .= '<identifierref>RES' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '</identifierref>'; $canvout .= '<title>' . htmlentities($row[0], ENT_XML1, 'UTF-8', false) . '</title>' . "\n"; $canvout .= '<url>' . htmlentities($alink, ENT_XML1, 'UTF-8', false) . '</url>'; $canvout .= "<position>{$ccnt}</position> <indent>" . max(strlen($ind) / 2 - 2, 0) . "</indent> </item>"; $ccnt++; $resitem = '<resource identifier="RES' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '" type="imswl_xmlv1p1">' . "\n"; $resitem .= ' <file href="weblink' . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '.xml" />' . "\n"; $resitem .= '</resource>'; $res[] = $resitem; } else { if (substr(strip_tags($row[1]), 0, 5) == "file:") { //is a file $filename = trim(substr(strip_tags($row[1]), 5)); //copy("../course/files/$filename",$newdir.'/'.$filedir.$filename); copycoursefile($filename, $newdir . '/' . $filedir . basename($filename)); $out .= $ind . '<item identifier="' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '" identifierref="RES' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '">' . "\n"; $out .= $ind . ' <title>' . htmlentities($row[0], ENT_XML1, 'UTF-8', false) . '</title>' . "\n"; $out .= $ind . '</item>' . "\n"; $canvout .= '<item identifier="' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '">' . "\n"; $canvout .= '<content_type>Attachment</content_type>'; $canvout .= '<identifierref>RES' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '</identifierref>'; $canvout .= '<title>' . htmlentities($row[0], ENT_XML1, 'UTF-8', false) . '</title>' . "\n"; $canvout .= "<position>{$ccnt}</position> <indent>" . max(strlen($ind) / 2 - 2, 0) . "</indent> </item>"; $ccnt++; $resitem = '<resource href="' . $filedir . basename($filename) . '" identifier="RES' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '" type="webcontent">' . "\n"; $resitem .= ' <file href="' . $filedir . basename($filename) . '" />' . "\n"; $resitem .= '</resource>'; $res[] = $resitem; } else { //is text $out .= $ind . '<item identifier="' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '" identifierref="RES' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '">' . "\n"; $out .= $ind . ' <title>' . htmlentities($row[0], ENT_XML1, 'UTF-8', false) . '</title>' . "\n"; $out .= $ind . '</item>' . "\n"; $canvout .= '<item identifier="' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '">' . "\n"; $canvout .= '<content_type>WikiPage</content_type>'; $canvout .= '<identifierref>RES' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '</identifierref>'; $canvout .= '<title>' . htmlentities($row[0], ENT_XML1, 'UTF-8', false) . '</title>' . "\n"; $canvout .= "<position>{$ccnt}</position> <indent>" . max(strlen($ind) / 2 - 2, 0) . "</indent> </item>"; $ccnt++; $fp = fopen($newdir . '/' . $htmldir . 'linkedtext' . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '.html', 'w'); fwrite($fp, '<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">'); fwrite($fp, '<title>' . htmlentities($row[0]) . '</title>'); fwrite($fp, '<meta name="identifier" content="RES' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '"/>'); if ($linktype == "canvas") { fwrite($fp, '<meta name="editing_roles" content="teachers"/>'); } fwrite($fp, "</head><body>"); fwrite($fp, filtercapture($row[1], $res)); fwrite($fp, '</body></html>'); fclose($fp); $resitem = '<resource href="' . $htmldir . 'linkedtext' . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '.html" identifier="RES' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '" type="webcontent">' . "\n"; $resitem .= ' <file href="' . $htmldir . 'linkedtext' . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '.html" />' . "\n"; $resitem .= '</resource>'; $res[] = $resitem; } } } else { if ($iteminfo[$item][0] == 'Forum') { $query = "SELECT name,description FROM imas_forums WHERE id='{$iteminfo[$item][1]}'"; $r = mysql_query($query) or die("Query failed : " . mysql_error()); $row = mysql_fetch_row($r); $out .= $ind . '<item identifier="' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '" identifierref="RES' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '">' . "\n"; $out .= $ind . ' <title>' . htmlentities($row[0], ENT_XML1, 'UTF-8', false) . '</title>' . "\n"; $out .= $ind . '</item>' . "\n"; $canvout .= '<item identifier="' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '">' . "\n"; $canvout .= '<content_type>DiscussionTopic</content_type>'; $canvout .= '<identifierref>RES' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '</identifierref>'; $canvout .= '<title>' . htmlentities($row[0], ENT_XML1, 'UTF-8', false) . '</title>' . "\n"; $canvout .= "<position>{$ccnt}</position> <indent>" . max(strlen($ind) / 2 - 2, 0) . "</indent> </item>"; $ccnt++; $fp = fopen($newdir . '/forum' . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '.xml', 'w'); fwrite($fp, '<topic xmlns="http://www.imsglobal.org/xsd/imsccv1p1/imsdt_v1p1">'); fwrite($fp, ' <title >' . htmlentities($row[0], ENT_XML1, 'UTF-8', false) . '</title>'); fwrite($fp, ' <text texttype="text/html">' . htmlentities(filtercapture($row[1], $res)) . '</text>'); fwrite($fp, '</topic>'); fclose($fp); if ($linktype == 'canvas') { $fp = fopen($newdir . '/RES' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . 'meta.xml', 'w'); fwrite($fp, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <topicMeta xsi:schemaLocation="http://canvas.instructure.com/xsd/cccv1p0 http://canvas.instructure.com/xsd/cccv1p0.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" identifier="RES' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . 'meta" xmlns="http://canvas.instructure.com/xsd/cccv1p0"> <topic_id>RES' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '</topic_id> <title>' . htmlentities($row[0], ENT_XML1, 'UTF-8', false) . '</title> <type>topic</type> </topicMeta>'); fclose($fp); $resitem = '<resource identifier="RES' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . 'meta" type="associatedcontent/imscc_xmlv1p1/learning-application-resource" href="RES' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . 'meta.xml">' . "\n"; $resitem .= ' <file href="RES' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . 'meta.xml" />' . "\n"; $resitem .= '</resource>'; $res[] = $resitem; $resitem = '<resource identifier="RES' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '" type="imsdt_xmlv1p1">' . "\n"; $resitem .= ' <file href="forum' . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '.xml" />' . "\n"; $resitem .= ' <dependency identifierref="RES' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . 'meta"/>'; $resitem .= '</resource>'; } else { $resitem = '<resource identifier="RES' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '" type="imsdt_xmlv1p1">' . "\n"; $resitem .= ' <file href="forum' . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '.xml" />' . "\n"; $resitem .= '</resource>'; } $res[] = $resitem; } else { if ($iteminfo[$item][0] == 'Assessment') { $query = "SELECT name,summary,defpoints,itemorder FROM imas_assessments WHERE id='{$iteminfo[$item][1]}'"; $r = mysql_query($query) or die("Query failed : " . mysql_error()); $row = mysql_fetch_row($r); //echo "encoding {$row[0]} as ".htmlentities($row[0],ENT_XML1,'UTF-8',false).'<br/>'; $out .= $ind . '<item identifier="' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '" identifierref="RES' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '">' . "\n"; $out .= $ind . ' <title>' . htmlentities($row[0], ENT_XML1, 'UTF-8', false) . '</title>' . "\n"; $out .= $ind . '</item>' . "\n"; if ($linktype == 'canvas') { $canvout .= '<item identifier="' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '">' . "\n"; $canvout .= '<content_type>Assignment</content_type>'; $canvout .= '<identifierref>RES' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '</identifierref>'; $canvout .= '<title>' . htmlentities($row[0], ENT_XML1, 'UTF-8', false) . '</title>' . "\n"; $canvout .= "<position>{$ccnt}</position> <indent>" . max(strlen($ind) / 2 - 2, 0) . "</indent> </item>"; $ccnt++; $aitems = explode(',', $row[3]); foreach ($aitems as $k => $v) { if (strpos($v, '~') !== FALSE) { $sub = explode('~', $v); if (strpos($sub[0], '|') === false) { //backwards compat $aitems[$k] = $sub[0]; $aitemcnt[$k] = 1; } else { $grpparts = explode('|', $sub[0]); $aitems[$k] = $sub[1]; $aitemcnt[$k] = $grpparts[0]; } } else { $aitemcnt[$k] = 1; } } $query = "SELECT points,id FROM imas_questions WHERE assessmentid='{$iteminfo[$item][1]}'"; $result2 = mysql_query($query) or die("Query failed : {$query}: " . mysql_error()); $totalpossible = 0; while ($r = mysql_fetch_row($result2)) { if (($k = array_search($r[1], $aitems)) !== false) { //only use first item from grouped questions for total pts if ($r[0] == 9999) { $totalpossible += $aitemcnt[$k] * $row[2]; //use defpoints } else { $totalpossible += $aitemcnt[$k] * $r[0]; //use points from question } } } mkdir($newdir . '/assn' . $iteminfo[$item][1]); $fp = fopen($newdir . '/assn' . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '/assignment_settings.xml', 'w'); fwrite($fp, '<assignment xmlns="http://canvas.instructure.com/xsd/cccv1p0" identifier="RES' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://canvas.instructure.com/xsd/cccv1p0 http://canvas.instructure.com/xsd/cccv1p0.xsd">'); fwrite($fp, '<title>' . htmlentities($row[0], ENT_XML1, 'UTF-8', false) . '</title>'); fwrite($fp, '<points_possible>' . $totalpossible . '</points_possible>'); fwrite($fp, '<grading_type>points</grading_type>'); fwrite($fp, '<assignment_group_identifierref>assngroup</assignment_group_identifierref>'); fwrite($fp, '<submission_types>external_tool</submission_types>'); fwrite($fp, '<external_tool_url>' . $urlmode . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $imasroot . '/bltilaunch.php?custom_place_aid=' . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '</external_tool_url>'); fwrite($fp, '</assignment>'); fclose($fp); $fp = fopen($newdir . '/assn' . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '/assignmenthtml' . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '.html', 'w'); fwrite($fp, '<html><body> </body></html>'); fclose($fp); $resitem = '<resource identifier="RES' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '" type="associatedcontent/imscc_xmlv1p1/learning-application-resource" href="assn' . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '/assignmenthtml' . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '.html">' . "\n"; $resitem .= ' <file href="assn' . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '/assignmenthtml' . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '.html" />' . "\n"; $resitem .= ' <file href="assn' . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '/assignment_settings.xml" />' . "\n"; $resitem .= '</resource>'; $res[] = $resitem; } else { $fp = fopen($newdir . '/blti' . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '.xml', 'w'); fwrite($fp, '<cartridge_basiclti_link xmlns="http://www.imsglobal.org/xsd/imslticc_v1p0" xmlns:blti="http://www.imsglobal.org/xsd/imsbasiclti_v1p0" xmlns:lticm ="http://www.imsglobal.org/xsd/imslticm_v1p0" xmlns:lticp ="http://www.imsglobal.org/xsd/imslticp_v1p0">'); fwrite($fp, '<blti:title>' . htmlentities($row[0], ENT_XML1, 'UTF-8', false) . '</blti:title>'); fwrite($fp, '<blti:description>' . htmlentities(html_entity_decode($row[1]), ENT_XML1, 'UTF-8', false) . '</blti:description>'); if ($linktype == 'url') { $urladd = '?custom_place_aid=' . $iteminfo[$item][1]; } else { fwrite($fp, '<blti:custom><lticm:property name="place_aid">' . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '</lticm:property></blti:custom>'); $urladd = ''; } fwrite($fp, '<blti:launch_url>http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $imasroot . '/bltilaunch.php' . $urladd . '</blti:launch_url>'); if ($urlmode == 'https://') { fwrite($fp, '<blti:secure_launch_url>https://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $imasroot . '/bltilaunch.php' . $urladd . '</blti:secure_launch_url>'); } fwrite($fp, '<blti:vendor><lticp:code>IMathAS</lticp:code><lticp:name>' . $installname . '</lticp:name></blti:vendor>'); fwrite($fp, '</cartridge_basiclti_link>'); fclose($fp); $resitem = '<resource identifier="RES' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '" type="imsbasiclti_xmlv1p0">' . "\n"; $resitem .= ' <file href="blti' . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '.xml" />' . "\n"; $resitem .= '</resource>'; $res[] = $resitem; } } else { if ($iteminfo[$item][0] == 'Wiki') { $query = "SELECT name FROM imas_wikis WHERE id='{$iteminfo[$item][1]}'"; $r = mysql_query($query) or die("Query failed : " . mysql_error()); $row = mysql_fetch_row($r); $out .= $ind . '<item identifier="' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '" identifierref="RES' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '">' . "\n"; $out .= $ind . ' <title>' . htmlentities($row[0], ENT_XML1, 'UTF-8', false) . '</title>' . "\n"; $out .= $ind . '</item>' . "\n"; $canvout .= '<item identifier="' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '">' . "\n"; $canvout .= '<content_type>WikiPage</content_type>'; $canvout .= '<identifierref>RES' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '</identifierref>'; $canvout .= '<title>' . htmlentities($row[0], ENT_XML1, 'UTF-8', false) . '</title>' . "\n"; $canvout .= "<position>{$ccnt}</position> <indent>" . max(strlen($ind) / 2 - 2, 0) . "</indent> </item>"; $ccnt++; $fp = fopen($newdir . '/' . $htmldir . 'wikitext' . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '.html', 'w'); fwrite($fp, '<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">'); fwrite($fp, '<title>' . htmlentities($row[0]) . '</title>'); fwrite($fp, '<meta name="identifier" content="RES' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '"/>'); if ($linktype == "canvas") { fwrite($fp, '<meta name="editing_roles" content="teachers"/>'); } fwrite($fp, "</head><body>"); $query = "SELECT revision FROM imas_wiki_revisions WHERE wikiid='{$iteminfo[$item][1]}' AND stugroupid=0 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1"; $r = mysql_query($query) or die("Query failed : " . mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($r) > 0) { $row = mysql_fetch_row($r); $text = $row[0]; if (strlen($text) > 6 && substr($text, 0, 6) == '**wver') { $wikiver = substr($text, 6, strpos($text, '**', 6) - 6); $text = substr($text, strpos($text, '**', 6) + 2); } fwrite($fp, filtercapture($text, $res)); } fwrite($fp, '</body></html>'); fclose($fp); $resitem = '<resource href="' . $htmldir . 'wikitext' . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '.html" identifier="RES' . $iteminfo[$item][0] . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '" type="webcontent">' . "\n"; $resitem .= ' <file href="' . $htmldir . 'wikitext' . $iteminfo[$item][1] . '.html" />' . "\n"; $resitem .= '</resource>'; $res[] = $resitem; } } } } } if (strlen($ind) > 2) { $module_meta .= $canvout; } else { $toplevelitems .= $canvout; } } } return $out; }
function showcalendar($refpage) { global $imasroot, $cid, $userid, $teacherid, $previewshift, $latepasses, $urlmode, $latepasshrs, $myrights, $tzoffset, $tzname, $havecalcedviewedassess, $viewedassess; $now = time(); if ($previewshift != -1) { $now = $now + $previewshift; } if (!isset($_COOKIE['calstart' . $cid]) || $_COOKIE['calstart' . $cid] == 0) { $today = $now; } else { $today = $_COOKIE['calstart' . $cid]; } if (isset($_GET['calpageshift'])) { $pageshift = $_GET['calpageshift']; } else { $pageshift = 0; } if (!isset($_COOKIE['callength' . $cid])) { $callength = 4; } else { $callength = $_COOKIE['callength' . $cid]; } $today = $today + $pageshift * 7 * $callength * 24 * 60 * 60; $dayofweek = tzdate('w', $today); $curmonum = tzdate('n', $today); $dayofmo = tzdate('j', $today); $curyr = tzdate('Y', $today); if ($tzname == '') { $serveroffset = date('Z') + $tzoffset * 60; } else { $serveroffset = 0; //don't need this if user's timezone has been set } $midtoday = mktime(12, 0, 0, $curmonum, $dayofmo, $curyr) + $serveroffset; $hdrs = array(); $ids = array(); $lastmo = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < 7 * $callength; $i++) { $row = floor($i / 7); $col = $i % 7; list($thismo, $thisday, $thismonum, $datestr) = explode('|', tzdate('M|j|n|l F j, Y', $midtoday - ($dayofweek - $i) * 24 * 60 * 60)); if ($thismo == $lastmo) { $hdrs[$row][$col] = $thisday; } else { $hdrs[$row][$col] = "{$thismo} {$thisday}"; $lastmo = $thismo; } $ids[$row][$col] = "{$thismonum}-{$thisday}"; $dates[$ids[$row][$col]] = $datestr; } ?> <?php //echo '<div class="floatleft">Jump to <a href="'.$refpage.'.php?calpageshift=0&cid='.$cid.'">Now</a></div>'; $address = $urlmode . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . rtrim(dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), '/\\') . "/{$refpage}.php?cid={$cid}"; echo '<script type="text/javascript">var calcallback = "' . $address . '";</script>'; echo '<div class="floatright">Show <select id="callength" onchange="changecallength(this)">'; for ($i = 2; $i < 26; $i++) { echo '<option value="' . $i . '" '; if ($i == $callength) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } echo '>' . $i . '</option>'; } echo '</select> weeks </div>'; echo '<div class=center><a href="' . $refpage . '.php?calpageshift=' . ($pageshift - 1) . '&cid=' . $cid . '">< <</a> '; //echo $longcurmo.' '; if ($pageshift == 0 && (!isset($_COOKIE['calstart' . $cid]) || $_COOKIE['calstart' . $cid] == 0)) { echo "Now "; } else { echo '<a href="' . $refpage . '.php?calpageshift=0&calstart=0&cid=' . $cid . '">Now</a> '; } echo '<a href="' . $refpage . '.php?calpageshift=' . ($pageshift + 1) . '&cid=' . $cid . '">> ></a> '; echo '</div> '; echo "<table class=\"cal\" >"; //onmouseout=\"makenorm()\" $exlowertime = mktime(0, 0, 0, $curmonum, $dayofmo - $dayofweek, $curyr) + $serveroffset; $lowertime = max($now, $exlowertime); $uppertime = mktime(0, 0, 0, $curmonum, $dayofmo - $dayofweek + 7 * $callength, $curyr) + $serveroffset; $exceptions = array(); if (!isset($teacherid)) { $query = "SELECT assessmentid,startdate,enddate,islatepass,waivereqscore FROM imas_exceptions WHERE userid='{$userid}'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Query failed : {$query}" . mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $exceptions[$row[0]] = array($row[1], $row[2], $row[3], $row[4]); } } $byid = array(); $k = 0; $query = "SELECT id,name,startdate,enddate,reviewdate,gbcategory,reqscore,reqscoreaid,timelimit,allowlate,caltag,calrtag FROM imas_assessments WHERE avail=1 AND courseid='{$cid}' AND enddate<2000000000 ORDER BY name"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Query failed : {$query}" . mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $canundolatepass = false; $latepasscnt = 0; if (isset($exceptions[$row[0]])) { if ($exceptions[$row[0]][2] > 0 && ($now < $row[3] || $exceptions[$row[0]][1] > $now + $latepasshrs * 60 * 60)) { $canundolatepass = true; } $latepasscnt = round(($exceptions[$row[0]][1] - $row[3]) / ($latepasshrs * 3600)); $row[2] = $exceptions[$row[0]][0]; $row[3] = $exceptions[$row[0]][1]; } //2: start, 3: end, 4: review //if enddate past end of calendar if ($row[3] > $uppertime && ($row[4] == 0 || $row[4] > $uppertime || $row[4] < $row[3])) { continue; } //if enddate is past, and reviewdate is past end of calendar if ($row[3] < $now && $row[4] > $uppertime) { //continue; } //echo "{$row[1]}, {$row[3]}, $uppertime, {$row[4]}<br/>"; //if startdate is past now if ($row[2] > $now && !isset($teacherid)) { continue; } //if past reviewdate if ($row[4] > 0 && $now > $row[4] && !isset($teacherid)) { //if has reviewdate and we're past it //|| ($now>$row[3] && $row[4]==0) //continue; } if (!isset($teacherid) && $row[6] > 0 && $row[7] > 0 && (!isset($exceptions[$row[0]]) || $exceptions[$row[0]][3] == 0)) { $query = "SELECT bestscores FROM imas_assessment_sessions WHERE assessmentid='{$row[7]}' AND userid='{$userid}'"; $r2 = mysql_query($query) or die("Query failed : " . mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($r2) == 0) { continue; } else { $scores = explode(';', mysql_result($r2, 0, 0)); if (getpts($scores[0]) < $row[6]) { continue; } } } if ($row[4] < $uppertime && $row[4] > 0 && $now > $row[3]) { //has review, and we're past enddate list($moday, $time) = explode('~', tzdate('n-j~g:i a', $row[4])); $row[1] = htmlentities($row[1], ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, "UTF-8", false); $tag = htmlentities($row[11], ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, "UTF-8", false); if ($now < $row[4]) { $colors = '#99f'; } else { $colors = '#ccc'; } $json = "{type:\"AR\", time:\"{$time}\", tag:\"{$tag}\", "; if ($now < $row[4] || isset($teacherid)) { $json .= "id:\"{$row['0']}\","; } $json .= "color:\"" . $colors . "\",name:\"{$row['1']}\"" . (isset($teacherid) ? ", editlink:true" : "") . "}"; if ($row[3] < $uppertime && $row[3] > $exlowertime) { //if going to do a second tag, need to increment. $byid['AR' . $row[0]] = array($moday, $tag, $colors, $json); } } if ($row[3] < $uppertime && $row[3] > $exlowertime) { // taking out "hide if past due" && ($now<$row[3] || isset($teacherid))) { /*if (isset($gbcats[$row[5]])) { $tag = $gbcats[$row[5]]; } else { $tag = '?'; }*/ $tag = htmlentities($row[10], ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, "UTF-8", false); if (!$havecalcedviewedassess && $now > $row[3] && $row[9] > 10) { $havecalcedviewedassess = true; $viewedassess = array(); $query = "SELECT typeid FROM imas_content_track WHERE courseid='{$cid}' AND userid='{$userid}' AND type='gbviewasid'"; $r2 = mysql_query($query) or die("Query failed : " . mysql_error()); while ($r = mysql_fetch_row($r2)) { $viewedassess[] = $r[0]; } } if (($row[9] % 10 == 1 || $row[9] % 10 - 1 > $latepasscnt) && $latepasses > 0 && ($now < $row[3] || $row[9] > 10 && $now - $row[3] < $latepasshrs * 3600 && !in_array($row[0], $viewedassess))) { $lp = 1; } else { $lp = 0; } if ($canundolatepass) { $ulp = 1; } else { $ulp = 0; } list($moday, $time) = explode('~', tzdate('n-j~g:i a', $row[3])); $row[1] = htmlentities($row[1], ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, "UTF-8", false); $colors = makecolor2($row[2], $row[3], $now); $json = "{type:\"A\", time:\"{$time}\", "; if ($now < $row[3] || $row[4] > $now || isset($teacherid) || $lp == 1) { $json .= "id:\"{$row['0']}\","; } if ($now > $row[3] && $now > $row[4] && !isset($teacherid)) { $json .= 'inactive:true,'; } $json .= "name:\"{$row['1']}\", color:\"" . $colors . "\", allowlate:\"{$lp}\", undolate:\"{$ulp}\", tag:\"{$tag}\"" . ($row[8] != 0 ? ", timelimit:true" : "") . (isset($teacherid) ? ", editlink:true" : "") . "}"; //"<span class=icon style=\"background-color:#f66\">?</span> <a href=\"../assessment/showtest.php?id={$row[0]}&cid=$cid\">{$row[1]}</a> Due $time<br/>"; $byid['A' . $row[0]] = array($moday, $tag, $colors, $json); } } // 4/4/2011, changing tthis to code block below. Not sure why change on 10/23 was made :/ //if (isset($teacherid)) { //$query = "SELECT id,title,enddate,text,startdate,oncal,caltag,avail FROM imas_inlinetext WHERE ((oncal=2 AND enddate>$exlowertime AND enddate<$uppertime) OR (oncal=1 AND startdate<$uppertime AND startdate>$exlowertime)) AND (avail=1 OR (avail=2 AND startdate>0)) AND courseid='$cid'"; //} else { // $query = "SELECT id,title,enddate,text,startdate,oncal,caltag FROM imas_inlinetext WHERE ((oncal=2 AND enddate>$lowertime AND enddate<$uppertime AND startdate<$now) OR (oncal=1 AND startdate<$now AND startdate>$exlowertime)) AND avail=1 AND courseid='$cid'"; //chg 10/23/09: replace $now with $uppertime //} if (isset($teacherid)) { $query = "SELECT id,title,enddate,text,startdate,oncal,caltag,avail FROM imas_inlinetext WHERE ((oncal=2 AND enddate>{$exlowertime} AND enddate<{$uppertime}) OR (oncal=1 AND startdate<{$uppertime} AND startdate>{$exlowertime})) AND (avail=1 OR (avail=2 AND startdate>0)) AND courseid='{$cid}'"; } else { $query = "SELECT id,title,enddate,text,startdate,oncal,caltag,avail FROM imas_inlinetext WHERE "; $query .= "((avail=1 AND ((oncal=2 AND enddate>{$exlowertime} AND enddate<{$uppertime} AND startdate<{$now}) OR (oncal=1 AND startdate<{$now} AND startdate>{$exlowertime}))) OR "; $query .= "(avail=2 AND oncal=1 AND startdate<{$uppertime} AND startdate>{$exlowertime})) AND courseid='{$cid}'"; } $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Query failed : {$query}" . mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { if ($row[1] == '##hidden##') { $row[1] = strip_tags($row[3]); } if ($row[5] == 1) { list($moday, $time) = explode('~', tzdate('n-j~g:i a', $row[4])); } else { list($moday, $time) = explode('~', tzdate('n-j~g:i a', $row[2])); } $row[1] = htmlentities($row[1], ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, "UTF-8", false); $colors = makecolor2($row[4], $row[2], $now); if ($row[7] == 2) { $colors = "#0f0"; } $tag = htmlentities($row[6], ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, "UTF-8", false); $json = "{type:\"I\", folder:\"@@@\", time:\"{$time}\", id:\"{$row['0']}\", name:\"{$row['1']}\", color:\"" . $colors . "\", tag:\"{$tag}\"" . (isset($teacherid) ? ", editlink:true" : "") . "}"; //"<span class=icon style=\"background-color:#f66\">?</span> <a href=\"../assessment/showtest.php?id={$row[0]}&cid=$cid\">{$row[1]}</a> Due $time<br/>"; $byid['I' . $row[0]] = array($moday, $tag, $colors, $json); } //$query = "SELECT id,title,enddate,text,startdate,oncal,caltag FROM imas_linkedtext WHERE ((oncal=2 AND enddate>$lowertime AND enddate<$uppertime AND startdate<$now) OR (oncal=1 AND startdate<$now AND startdate>$exlowertime)) AND avail=1 AND courseid='$cid'"; if (isset($teacherid)) { $query = "SELECT id,title,enddate,text,startdate,oncal,caltag,avail FROM imas_linkedtext WHERE ((oncal=2 AND enddate>{$exlowertime} AND enddate<{$uppertime}) OR (oncal=1 AND startdate<{$uppertime} AND startdate>{$exlowertime})) AND (avail=1 OR (avail=2 AND startdate>0)) AND courseid='{$cid}' ORDER BY title"; } else { $query = "SELECT id,title,enddate,text,startdate,oncal,caltag,avail FROM imas_linkedtext WHERE "; $query .= "((avail=1 AND ((oncal=2 AND enddate>{$exlowertime} AND enddate<{$uppertime} AND startdate<{$now}) OR (oncal=1 AND startdate<{$now} AND startdate>{$exlowertime}))) OR "; $query .= "(avail=2 AND oncal=1 AND startdate<{$uppertime} AND startdate>{$exlowertime})) AND courseid='{$cid}' ORDER BY title"; } $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Query failed : {$query}" . mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { if ($row[5] == 1) { list($moday, $time) = explode('~', tzdate('n-j~g:i a', $row[4])); } else { list($moday, $time) = explode('~', tzdate('n-j~g:i a', $row[2])); } $row[1] = htmlentities($row[1], ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, "UTF-8", false); if (substr($row[3], 0, 4) == "http" && strpos($row[3], " ") === false) { //is a web link $alink = trim($row[3]); } else { if (substr($row[3], 0, 5) == "file:") { $filename = substr(strip_tags($row[3]), 5); $alink = getcoursefileurl($filename); //$alink = $imasroot . "/course/files/".$filename; } else { $alink = ''; } } $colors = makecolor2($row[4], $row[2], $now); if ($row[7] == 2) { $colors = "#0f0"; } $json = "{type:\"L\", time:\"{$time}\", "; if (isset($teacherid) || $now < $row[2] && $now > $row[4] || $row[7] == 2) { $json .= "id:\"{$row['0']}\", "; } $tag = htmlentities($row[6], ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, "UTF-8", false); $alink = htmlentities($alink, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, "UTF-8", false); $json .= "name:\"{$row['1']}\", link:\"{$alink}\", color:\"" . $colors . "\", tag:\"{$tag}\"" . (isset($teacherid) ? ", editlink:true" : "") . "}"; //"<span class=icon style=\"background-color:#f66\">?</span> <a href=\"../assessment/showtest.php?id={$row[0]}&cid=$cid\">{$row[1]}</a> Due $time<br/>"; $byid['L' . $row[0]] = array($moday, $tag, $colors, $json); } $query = "SELECT id,name,postby,replyby,startdate,caltag FROM imas_forums WHERE enddate>{$exlowertime} AND ((postby>{$exlowertime} AND postby<{$uppertime}) OR (replyby>{$exlowertime} AND replyby<{$uppertime})) AND avail>0 AND courseid='{$cid}' ORDER BY name"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Query failed : {$query}" . mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { if ($row[4] > $now && !isset($teacherid)) { continue; } list($posttag, $replytag) = explode('--', $row[5]); $posttag = htmlentities($posttag, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, "UTF-8", false); $replytag = htmlentities($replytag, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, "UTF-8", false); if ($row[2] != 2000000000) { //($row[2]>$now || isset($teacherid)) list($moday, $time) = explode('~', tzdate('n-j~g:i a', $row[2])); $row[1] = htmlentities($row[1], ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, "UTF-8", false); $colors = makecolor2($row[4], $row[2], $now); $json = "{type:\"FP\", time:\"{$time}\", "; if ($row[2] > $now || isset($teacherid)) { $json .= "id:\"{$row['0']}\","; } $json .= "name:\"{$row['1']}\", color:\"" . $colors . "\", tag:\"{$posttag}\"" . (isset($teacherid) ? ", editlink:true" : "") . "}"; $byid['FP' . $row[0]] = array($moday, $posttag, $colors, $json); } if ($row[3] != 2000000000) { //($row[3]>$now || isset($teacherid)) list($moday, $time) = explode('~', tzdate('n-j~g:i a', $row[3])); $colors = makecolor2($row[4], $row[3], $now); $json = "{type:\"FR\", time:\"{$time}\","; if ($row[3] > $now || isset($teacherid)) { $json .= "id:\"{$row['0']}\","; } $json .= "name:\"{$row['1']}\", color:\"" . $colors . "\", tag:\"{$replytag}\"" . (isset($teacherid) ? ", editlink:true" : "") . "}"; $byid['FR' . $row[0]] = array($moday, $replytag, $colors, $json); } } $query = "SELECT itemorder FROM imas_courses WHERE id='{$cid}'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Query failed : {$query}" . mysql_error()); $itemorder = unserialize(mysql_result($result, 0, 0)); $itemsimporder = array(); $itemfolder = array(); flattenitems($itemorder, $itemsimporder, $itemfolder, '0'); $itemsassoc = array(); $query = "SELECT id,itemtype,typeid FROM imas_items WHERE courseid='{$cid}'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Query failed : {$query}" . mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $itemsassoc[$row[0]] = array($row[1], $row[2]); } $assess = array(); $colors = array(); $tags = array(); $k = 0; foreach ($itemsimporder as $item) { if ($itemsassoc[$item][0] == 'Assessment') { if (isset($byid['A' . $itemsassoc[$item][1]])) { $moday = $byid['A' . $itemsassoc[$item][1]][0]; $tags[$k] = $byid['A' . $itemsassoc[$item][1]][1]; $colors[$k] = $byid['A' . $itemsassoc[$item][1]][2]; $assess[$moday][$k] = $byid['A' . $itemsassoc[$item][1]][3]; $k++; } if (isset($byid['AR' . $itemsassoc[$item][1]])) { $moday = $byid['AR' . $itemsassoc[$item][1]][0]; $tags[$k] = $byid['AR' . $itemsassoc[$item][1]][1]; $colors[$k] = $byid['AR' . $itemsassoc[$item][1]][2]; $assess[$moday][$k] = $byid['AR' . $itemsassoc[$item][1]][3]; $k++; } } else { if ($itemsassoc[$item][0] == 'Forum') { if (isset($byid['FP' . $itemsassoc[$item][1]])) { $moday = $byid['FP' . $itemsassoc[$item][1]][0]; $tags[$k] = $byid['FP' . $itemsassoc[$item][1]][1]; $colors[$k] = $byid['FP' . $itemsassoc[$item][1]][2]; $assess[$moday][$k] = $byid['FP' . $itemsassoc[$item][1]][3]; $k++; } if (isset($byid['FR' . $itemsassoc[$item][1]])) { $moday = $byid['FR' . $itemsassoc[$item][1]][0]; $tags[$k] = $byid['FR' . $itemsassoc[$item][1]][1]; $colors[$k] = $byid['FR' . $itemsassoc[$item][1]][2]; $assess[$moday][$k] = $byid['FR' . $itemsassoc[$item][1]][3]; $k++; } } else { if ($itemsassoc[$item][0] == 'InlineText') { if (isset($byid['I' . $itemsassoc[$item][1]])) { $moday = $byid['I' . $itemsassoc[$item][1]][0]; $tags[$k] = $byid['I' . $itemsassoc[$item][1]][1]; $colors[$k] = $byid['I' . $itemsassoc[$item][1]][2]; if (isset($itemfolder[$item])) { $assess[$moday][$k] = str_replace('@@@', $itemfolder[$item], $byid['I' . $itemsassoc[$item][1]][3]); } else { $assess[$moday][$k] = str_replace('"@@@"', 'null', $byid['I' . $itemsassoc[$item][1]][3]); } $k++; } } else { if ($itemsassoc[$item][0] == 'LinkedText') { if (isset($byid['L' . $itemsassoc[$item][1]])) { $moday = $byid['L' . $itemsassoc[$item][1]][0]; $tags[$k] = $byid['L' . $itemsassoc[$item][1]][1]; $colors[$k] = $byid['L' . $itemsassoc[$item][1]][2]; $assess[$moday][$k] = $byid['L' . $itemsassoc[$item][1]][3]; $k++; } } } } } } $query = "SELECT title,tag,date FROM imas_calitems WHERE date>{$exlowertime} AND date<{$uppertime} and courseid='{$cid}' ORDER BY title"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Query failed : {$query}" . mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { list($moday, $time) = explode('~', tzdate('n-j~g:i a', $row[2])); $row[0] = htmlentities($row[0], ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, "UTF-8", false); $row[1] = htmlentities($row[1], ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, "UTF-8", false); $assess[$moday][$k] = "{type:\"C\", time:\"{$time}\", tag:\"{$row['1']}\", name:\"{$row['0']}\"}"; $tags[$k] = $row[1]; $k++; } $jsarr = '{'; foreach ($dates as $moday => $val) { if ($jsarr != '{') { $jsarr .= ','; } if (isset($assess[$moday])) { $jsarr .= '"' . $moday . '":{date:"' . $dates[$moday] . '",data:[' . implode(',', $assess[$moday]) . ']}'; } else { $jsarr .= '"' . $moday . '":{date:"' . $dates[$moday] . '"}'; } } $jsarr .= '}'; echo '<script type="text/javascript">'; echo "cid = {$cid};"; echo "caleventsarr = {$jsarr};"; echo '</script>'; echo "<thead><tr><th>Sunday</th> <th>Monday</th> <th>Tuesday</th> <th>Wednesday</th> <th>Thursday</th> <th>Friday</th> <th>Saturday</th></tr></thead>"; echo "<tbody>"; for ($i = 0; $i < count($hdrs); $i++) { echo "<tr>"; for ($j = 0; $j < count($hdrs[$i]); $j++) { if ($i == 0 && $j == $dayofweek && $pageshift == 0) { //onmouseover="makebig(this)" echo '<td id="' . $ids[$i][$j] . '" onclick="showcalcontents(this)" class="today"><div class="td"><span class=day>' . $hdrs[$i][$j] . "</span><div class=center>"; } else { $addr = $refpage . ".php?cid={$cid}&calstart=" . ($midtoday + $i * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 + ($j - $dayofweek) * 24 * 60 * 60); echo '<td id="' . $ids[$i][$j] . '" onclick="showcalcontents(this)" ><div class="td"><span class=day><a href="' . $addr . '" class="caldl">' . $hdrs[$i][$j] . "</a></span><div class=center>"; } if (isset($assess[$ids[$i][$j]])) { foreach ($assess[$ids[$i][$j]] as $k => $info) { //echo $assess[$ids[$i][$j]][$k]; if (strpos($info, 'type:"AR"') !== false) { echo "<span class=\"calitem\" style=\"background-color:" . $colors[$k] . ";\">{$tags[$k]}</span> "; } else { if (strpos($info, 'type:"A"') !== false) { echo "<span class=\"calitem\" style=\"background-color:" . $colors[$k] . ";\">{$tags[$k]}</span> "; } else { if (strpos($info, 'type:"F') !== false) { echo "<span class=\"calitem\" style=\"background-color:" . $colors[$k] . ";\">{$tags[$k]}</span> "; } else { if (strpos($info, 'type:"C') !== false) { echo "<span class=\"calitem\" style=\"background-color: #0ff;\">{$tags[$k]}</span> "; } else { //textitems if (isset($tags[$k])) { echo "<span class=\"calitem\" style=\"background-color:" . $colors[$k] . ";\">{$tags[$k]}</span> "; } else { echo "<span class=\"calitem\" style=\"background-color:" . $colors[$k] . ";\">!</span> "; } } } } } } } echo "</div></div></td>"; } echo "</tr>"; } echo "</tbody></table>"; echo "<div style=\"margin-top: 10px; padding:10px; border:1px solid #000;\">"; echo '<span class=right><a href="#" onclick="showcalcontents(' . 1000 * ($midtoday - $dayofweek * 24 * 60 * 60) . '); return false;"/>Show all</a></span>'; echo "<div id=\"caleventslist\"></div><div class=\"clear\"></div></div>"; if ($pageshift == 0) { echo "<script>showcalcontents(document.getElementById('{$ids[0][$dayofweek]}'));</script>"; } }
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