Beispiel #1
 function GetData($query = '', $deep_whois = true)
     // If domain to query passed in, use it, otherwise use domain from initialisation
     $string = !empty($query) ? $query : $this->Query['string'];
     $this->Query['string'] = $string;
     // clear error description
     if (isset($this->Query['errstr'])) {
     if (!isset($this->Query['server'])) {
         $this->Query['status'] = -1;
         $this->Query['errstr'][] = 'No server specified';
         return array();
     // Check if protocol is http
     if (substr($this->Query['server'], 0, 7) == 'http://' || substr($this->Query['server'], 0, 8) == 'https://') {
         $output = $this->httpQuery($this->Query['server']);
         $query_args = substr(strchr($this->Query['server'], '?'), 1);
         $this->Query['server'] = strtok($this->Query['server'], '?');
         if (substr($this->Query['server'], 0, 7) == 'http://') {
             $this->Query['server_port'] = 80;
         } else {
             $this->Query['server_port'] = 483;
     } else {
         // Get args
         if (strpos($this->Query['server'], '?')) {
             $parts = explode('?', $this->Query['server']);
             $this->Query['server'] = trim($parts[0]);
             $query_args = trim($parts[1]);
             // replace substitution parameters
             $query_args = str_replace('{query}', $string, $query_args);
             $query_args = str_replace('{version}', 'phpWhois' . $this->CODE_VERSION, $query_args);
             if (strpos($query_args, '{ip}') !== false) {
                 $query_args = str_replace('{ip}', getclientip(), $query_args);
             if (strpos($query_args, '{hname}') !== false) {
                 $query_args = str_replace('{hname}', gethostbyaddr(getclientip()), $query_args);
         } else {
             $query_args = $string;
         if (substr($this->Query['server'], 0, 9) == 'rwhois://') {
             $this->Query['server'] = substr($this->Query['server'], 9);
         // Get port
         if (strpos($this->Query['server'], ':')) {
             $parts = explode(':', $this->Query['server']);
             $this->Query['server'] = trim($parts[0]);
             $this->Query['server_port'] = trim($parts[1]);
         } else {
             $this->Query['server_port'] = $this->PORT;
         // Connect to whois server, or return if failed
         $ptr = $this->Connect();
         if ($ptr < 0) {
             $this->Query['status'] = -1;
             $this->Query['errstr'][] = 'Connect failed to: ' . $this->Query['server'];
             return array();
         if (version_compare(phpversion(), '4.3.0') >= 0) {
             stream_set_timeout($ptr, $this->STIMEOUT);
         // Send query
         fputs($ptr, trim($query_args) . "\r\n");
         // Prepare to receive result
         $raw = '';
         $output = array();
         while (!feof($ptr)) {
             // If a buffer size is set, fetch line-by-line into an array
             if ($this->BUFFER) {
                 $output[] = trim(fgets($ptr, $this->BUFFER));
             } else {
                 $raw .= fgetc($ptr);
         // If captured char-by-char, convert to an array of lines
         if (!$this->BUFFER) {
             $output = explode("\n", $raw);
         // Drop empty last line
         if (empty($output[count($output) - 1])) {
             unset($output[count($output) - 1]);
     // Create result and set 'rawdata'
     $result = array();
     $result['rawdata'] = $output;
     // If we have a handler, post-process it with that
     if (isset($this->Query['handler'])) {
         $result = $this->Process($result, $deep_whois);
     // Set whois server
     if (!isset($result['regyinfo']['whois'])) {
         $result['regyinfo']['whois'] = $this->Query['server'];
     // Set whois server full query
     if (!isset($result['regyinfo']['args'])) {
         $result['regyinfo']['args'] = $query_args;
     // Set whois server port
     if (!isset($result['regyinfo']['port'])) {
         $result['regyinfo']['port'] = $this->Query['server_port'];
     // Type defaults to domain
     if (!isset($result['regyinfo']['type'])) {
         $result['regyinfo']['type'] = 'domain';
     // Add error information if any
     if (isset($this->Query['errstr'])) {
         $result['errstr'] = $this->Query['errstr'];
     // If no rawdata use rawdata from first whois server
     if (!isset($result['rawdata'])) {
         $result['rawdata'] = $output;
     // Fix/add nameserver information
     if (method_exists($this, 'FixResult') && $this->Query['tld'] != 'ip') {
         $this->FixResult($result, $string);
     return $result;
 function GetRawData($query)
     $this->Query['query'] = $query;
     // clear error description
     if (isset($this->Query['errstr'])) {
     if (!isset($this->Query['server'])) {
         $this->Query['status'] = -1;
         $this->Query['errstr'][] = 'No server specified';
         return array();
     // Check if protocol is http
     if (substr($this->Query['server'], 0, 7) == 'http://' || substr($this->Query['server'], 0, 8) == 'https://') {
         $output = $this->httpQuery($this->Query['server']);
         if (!$output) {
             $this->Query['status'] = -1;
             $this->Query['errstr'][] = 'Connect failed to: ' . $this->Query['server'];
             return array();
         $this->Query['args'] = substr(strchr($this->Query['server'], '?'), 1);
         $this->Query['server'] = strtok($this->Query['server'], '?');
         if (substr($this->Query['server'], 0, 7) == 'http://') {
             $this->Query['server_port'] = 80;
         } else {
             $this->Query['server_port'] = 483;
     } else {
         // Get args
         if (strpos($this->Query['server'], '?')) {
             $parts = explode('?', $this->Query['server']);
             $this->Query['server'] = trim($parts[0]);
             $query_args = trim($parts[1]);
             // replace substitution parameters
             $query_args = str_replace('{query}', $query, $query_args);
             $query_args = str_replace('{version}', 'phpWhois' . $this->CODE_VERSION, $query_args);
             if (strpos($query_args, '{ip}') !== false) {
                 $query_args = str_replace('{ip}', getclientip(), $query_args);
             if (strpos($query_args, '{hname}') !== false) {
                 $query_args = str_replace('{hname}', gethostbyaddr(getclientip()), $query_args);
         } else {
             $query_args = $query;
         $this->Query['args'] = $query_args;
         if (substr($this->Query['server'], 0, 9) == 'rwhois://') {
             $this->Query['server'] = substr($this->Query['server'], 9);
         // Get port
         if (strpos($this->Query['server'], ':')) {
             $parts = explode(':', $this->Query['server']);
             $this->Query['server'] = trim($parts[0]);
             $this->Query['server_port'] = trim($parts[1]);
         } else {
             $this->Query['server_port'] = $this->PORT;
         // Connect to whois server, or return if failed
         $ptr = $this->Connect();
         if ($ptr < 0) {
             $this->Query['status'] = -1;
             $this->Query['errstr'][] = 'Connect failed to: ' . $this->Query['server'];
             return array();
         if (version_compare(phpversion(), '4.3.0') >= 0) {
             stream_set_timeout($ptr, $this->STIMEOUT);
         // Send query
         fputs($ptr, trim($query_args) . "\r\n");
         // Prepare to receive result
         $raw = '';
         $output = array();
         while (!feof($ptr)) {
             // If a buffer size is set, fetch line-by-line into an array
             if ($this->BUFFER) {
                 $output[] = trim(fgets($ptr, $this->BUFFER));
             } else {
                 $raw .= fgetc($ptr);
         // If captured char-by-char, convert to an array of lines
         if (!$this->BUFFER) {
             $output = explode("\n", $raw);
         // Drop empty last line (if it's empty! - saleck)
         if (empty($output[count($output) - 1])) {
             unset($output[count($output) - 1]);
     return $output;