Beispiel #1
 public function info_publish()
     $memberinfo = $this->memberinfo;
     $grouplist = getcache('grouplist');
     $SEO['title'] = L('info_publish', '', 'info');
     if (!$grouplist[$memberinfo['groupid']]['allowpost']) {
         showmessage(L('member_group') . L('publish_deny'), HTTP_REFERER);
     $this->content_check_db = pc_base::load_model('content_check_model');
     $todaytime = strtotime(date('y-m-d', SYS_TIME));
     $_username = $memberinfo['username'];
     $allowpostnum = $this->content_check_db->count("`inputtime` > {$todaytime} AND `username`='{$_username}'");
     if ($grouplist[$memberinfo['groupid']]['allowpostnum'] > 0 && $allowpostnum >= $grouplist[$memberinfo['groupid']]['allowpostnum']) {
         showmessage(L('allowpostnum_deny') . $grouplist[$memberinfo['groupid']]['allowpostnum'], HTTP_REFERER);
     $siteids = getcache('category_content', 'commons');
     header("Cache-control: private");
     if (isset($_POST['dosubmit'])) {
         $catid = intval($_POST['info']['catid']);
         $siteid = $siteids[$catid];
         $CATEGORYS = getcache('category_content_' . $siteid, 'commons');
         $category = $CATEGORYS[$catid];
         $modelid = $category['modelid'];
         if (!$modelid) {
             showmessage(L('illegal_parameters'), HTTP_REFERER);
         $this->content_db = pc_base::load_model('content_model');
         $table_name = $this->content_db->table_name;
         $fields_sys = $this->content_db->get_fields();
         $this->content_db->table_name = $table_name . '_data';
         $fields_attr = $this->content_db->get_fields();
         $fields = array_merge($fields_sys, $fields_attr);
         $fields = array_keys($fields);
         $info = array();
         foreach ($_POST['info'] as $_k => $_v) {
             if (in_array($_k, $fields)) {
                 $info[$_k] = $_v;
         $post_fields = array_keys($_POST['info']);
         $post_fields = array_intersect_assoc($fields, $post_fields);
         $setting = string2array($category['setting']);
         if ($setting['presentpoint'] < 0 && $memberinfo['point'] < abs($setting['presentpoint'])) {
             showmessage(L('points_less_than', array('point' => $memberinfo['point'], 'need_point' => abs($setting['presentpoint']))), APP_PATH . 'index.php?m=pay&c=deposit&a=pay&exchange=point', 3000);
         if ($grouplist[$memberinfo['groupid']]['allowpostverify'] || !$setting['workflowid']) {
             $info['status'] = 99;
         } else {
             $info['status'] = 1;
         $info['username'] = $memberinfo['username'];
         $this->content_db->siteid = $siteid;
         $id = $this->content_db->add_content($info);
         $flag = $catid . '_' . $id;
         if ($setting['presentpoint'] > 0) {
             pc_base::load_app_class('receipts', 'pay', 0);
             receipts::point($setting['presentpoint'], $memberinfo['userid'], $memberinfo['username'], $flag, 'selfincome', L('contribute_add_point'), $memberinfo['username']);
         } else {
             pc_base::load_app_class('spend', 'pay', 0);
             spend::point($setting['presentpoint'], L('contribute_del_point'), $memberinfo['userid'], $memberinfo['username'], '', '', $flag);
         $model_cache = getcache('model', 'commons');
         $infos = array();
         foreach ($model_cache as $modelid => $model) {
             if ($model['siteid'] == $siteid) {
                 $datas = array();
                 $datas = $this->content_db->select(array('username' => $memberinfo['username'], 'sysadd' => 0), 'id,catid,title,url,username,sysadd,inputtime,status', 100, 'id DESC');
         setcache('member_' . $memberinfo['userid'] . '_' . $siteid, $infos, 'content');
         //缓存结果 END
         if ($info['status'] == 99) {
             showmessage(L('contributors_success'), APP_PATH . 'index.php?m=member&c=content&a=info_top&id=' . $id . '&catid=' . $catid . '&msg=1');
         } else {
             showmessage(L('contributors_checked'), APP_PATH . 'index.php?m=member&c=content&a=info_top&id=' . $id . '&catid=' . $catid . '&msg=1');
     } else {
         $show_header = $show_dialog = $show_validator = '';
         $step = $step_1 = $step_2 = $step_3 = $step_4;
         $temp_language = L('news', '', 'content');
         $sitelist = getcache('sitelist', 'commons');
         if(!isset($_GET['siteid']) && count($sitelist)>1) {
         	include template('member', 'content_publish_select_model');
         //设置cookie 在附件添加处调用
         param::set_cookie('module', 'content');
         $siteid = intval($_GET['siteid']);
         $info_linkageid = getinfocache('info_linkageid');
         $cityid = getcity(trim($_GET['city']), 'linkageid');
         $cityname = getcity(trim($_GET['city']), 'name');
         $citypinyin = getcity(trim($_GET['city']), 'pinyin');
         $zone = intval($_GET['zone']);
         $zone_name = get_linkage($zone, $info_linkageid, '', 0);
         if (!$siteid) {
             $siteid = 1;
         $CATEGORYS = getcache('category_content_' . $siteid, 'commons');
         $priv_db = pc_base::load_model('category_priv_model');
         foreach ($CATEGORYS as $catid => $cat) {
             if ($cat['siteid'] == $siteid && $cat['child'] == 0 && $cat['type'] == 0 && $priv_db->get_one(array('catid' => $catid, 'roleid' => $memberinfo['groupid'], 'is_admin' => 0, 'action' => 'add'))) {
         $catid = $_GET['catid'] ? intval($_GET['catid']) : $catid;
         if (!$catid) {
             showmessage(L('category') . L('publish_deny'), APP_PATH . 'index.php?m=member');
         if (!$priv_db->get_one(array('catid' => $catid, 'roleid' => $memberinfo['groupid'], 'is_admin' => 0, 'action' => 'add'))) {
             showmessage(L('category') . L('publish_deny'), APP_PATH . 'index.php?m=member');
         $category = $CATEGORYS[$catid];
         if ($category['siteid'] != $siteid) {
             showmessage(L('site_no_category'), '?m=member&c=content&a=info_publish');
         $setting = string2array($category['setting']);
         if ($zone == 0 && !isset($_GET['catid'])) {
             $step = 1;
             include template('member', 'info_content_publish_select');
         } elseif ($zone == 0 && $category['child']) {
             $step = 2;
             $step_1 = '<a href="' . APP_PATH . 'index.php?m=member&c=content&a=info_publish&siteid=' . $siteid . '&city=' . $citypinyin . '">' . $category['catname'] . '</a>';
             include template('member', 'info_content_publish_select');
         } elseif ($zone == 0 && isset($_GET['catid'])) {
             $step = 3;
             $step_1 = '<a href="' . APP_PATH . 'index.php?m=member&c=content&a=info_publish&siteid=' . $siteid . '">' . $CATEGORYS[$category['parentid']]['catname'] . '</a>';
             $step_2 = '<a href="' . APP_PATH . 'index.php?m=member&c=content&a=info_publish&siteid=' . $siteid . '&city=' . $citypinyin . '&catid=' . $category['parentid'] . '">' . $category['catname'] . '</a>';
             $zone_arrchild = show_linkage($info_linkageid, $cityid, $cityid);
             include template('member', 'info_content_publish_select');
         } elseif ($zone !== 0 && get_linkage_level($info_linkageid, $zone, 'child') && !$_GET['jumpstep']) {
             $step = 4;
             $step_1 = '<a href="' . APP_PATH . 'index.php?m=member&c=content&a=info_publish&siteid=' . $siteid . '&city=' . $citypinyin . '">' . $CATEGORYS[$category['parentid']]['catname'] . '</a>';
             $step_2 = '<a href="' . APP_PATH . 'index.php?m=member&c=content&a=info_publish&siteid=' . $siteid . '&city=' . $citypinyin . '&catid=' . $category['parentid'] . '">' . $category['catname'] . '</a>';
             $step_3 = '<a href="' . APP_PATH . 'index.php?m=member&c=content&a=info_publish&siteid=' . $siteid . '&city=' . $citypinyin . '&catid=' . $catid . '">' . $zone_name . '</a>';
             $zone_arrchild = get_linkage_level($info_linkageid, $zone, 'arrchildinfo');
             include template('member', 'info_content_publish_select');
         if ($setting['presentpoint'] < 0 && $memberinfo['point'] < abs($setting['presentpoint'])) {
             showmessage(L('points_less_than', array('point' => $memberinfo['point'], 'need_point' => abs($setting['presentpoint']))), APP_PATH . 'index.php?m=pay&c=deposit&a=pay&exchange=point', 3000);
         if ($category['type'] != 0) {
         $modelid = $category['modelid'];
         require CACHE_MODEL_PATH . 'content_form.class.php';
         $content_form = new content_form($modelid, $catid, $CATEGORYS);
         $data = array('zone' => $zone, 'city' => $cityid);
         $forminfos_data = $content_form->get($data);
         $forminfos = array();
         foreach ($forminfos_data as $_fk => $_fv) {
             if ($_fv['isomnipotent']) {
             if ($_fv['formtype'] == 'omnipotent') {
                 foreach ($forminfos_data as $_fm => $_fm_value) {
                     if ($_fm_value['isomnipotent']) {
                         $_fv['form'] = str_replace('{' . $_fm . '}', $_fm_value['form'], $_fv['form']);
             $forminfos[$_fk] = $_fv;
         $formValidator = $content_form->formValidator;
         $workflowid = $setting['workflowid'];
         header("Cache-control: private");
         include template('member', 'info_content_publish');
Beispiel #2
<TD width="24%">订单编号:</TD>
<TD width="76%">';
echo $id;
echo '</TD>
<TR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR:#ffffff"  height=22 level="0">
echo $order_username;
echo '</TD>
	  <TD valign="middle" bgColor="#FBFDFF" >详细收货地址:</TD>
	  <TD align="left" valign="middle" bgColor="#FBFDFF" >
$address = getprovince($u_res["province"]) . "-" . getcity($u_res["city"]) . "-" . getarea($u_res["area"]) . $u_res["address"];
echo $address;
echo '	 <input type="hidden" name="address" value="';
echo $address;
echo '">
	  <TD valign="middle" bgColor="#FBFDFF" >收货人:</TD>
	  <TD align="left" valign="middle" bgColor="#FBFDFF" >';
echo $u_res["receiver"];
echo '	  <input type="hidden" name="receiver" value="';
echo $u_res["receiver"];
echo '"></TD>
        if ($kolor % 2 == 0) {
            $class = "bgcolor='#ffffff'";
        } else {
            $class = "bgcolor='#fff'";
      <tr <?php 
        print $class;
        print $kolor++;
        echo getcity(stripslashes($row["State_id"]));
        echo stripslashes($row["District_name"]);
      <a href="#" onClick="if(confirm('Do you really want to delete this record?')){ window.location.href='manage_city.php?id=<?php 
        echo $row["id"];
        echo $token;
' } " >
      <img src="images/drop.png" title="Delete" border="0" />
        <td valign="top">State <span class="red">*</span></td>
        <td valign="top">
        	<div id="Divstate">
            	<select name="state" id="state" onChange="return CallDistrict(this.value)" class="form-control drop_down">
                  <option value="">Select State</option>
                 	<option value="<?php 
echo $result['State'];
" <?php 
if (isset($result['id']) && $result['State'] == $result['State']) {
echo getcity(stripslashes(ucfirst($result['State'])));
            </div>        </td>
        <td>District <span class="red">*</span></td>
        <td valign="top"><div id="divdistrict">
          <select name="district" id="district"  class="form-control drop_down" onChange="return CallCity(this.value)">
            <option value="">Select District</option>
            <option value="<?php 
echo $result['District_id'];
" <?php 
if (isset($result['id']) && $result['District_id'] == $result['District_id']) {
        echo stripslashes($row["address"]);
        echo getstate(stripslashes($row["state"]));
        echo getdistrict(stripslashes($row["district"]));
        echo getcity(stripslashes($row["city"]));
        echo getarea(stripslashes($row["area"]));
        echo stripslashes($row["Cdate"]);
            <td><a href="assign_service.php?cust_id=<?php 
        echo $row["Cid"];
        echo $token;
Beispiel #6
      <td>New Localities :</td>
      <td><textarea name="locality" id="textarea2" cols="60" rows="6"></textarea></td>
      <td><input type="submit" name="button2" id="button2" value="Save" /></td>

} else {
    if ($step == 2) {
        $sid = $_POST['state'];
        $city = getcity(0, $sid, 1);
<form id="form3" name="form3" method="post" action="addlocality.php?step=3">
  <table width="500" border="0" cellspacing="0">
      <td width="112">Select City</td>
      <td width="384"><select name="city" id="select2">
        foreach ($city as $val) {
            $val = explode(':', $val);
            echo '<option value="' . $val[0] . '">' . $val[1] . '</option>';
Beispiel #7
    echo "是";
} else {
    echo "否";
echo '</TD>
	  <TD valign="middle" bgColor="#FBFDFF"  align="right">性别:</TD>
	  <TD height="38" align="left" valign="middle" bgColor="#FBFDFF" >';
echo $rs["sex"];
echo '</TD>
	  <TD valign="middle" bgColor="#FBFDFF"  align="right">省份、城市、地区:</TD>
	  <TD height="38" align="left" valign="middle" bgColor="#FBFDFF" >';
echo getprovince($rs["province"]) . "-" . getcity($rs["city"]) . "-" . getarea($rs["area"]);
echo '</TD>
	  <TD valign="middle" bgColor="#FBFDFF"  align="right">收货地址:</TD>
	  <TD height="38" align="left" valign="middle" bgColor="#FBFDFF" >';
echo $rs["address"];
echo '</TD>
	  <TD valign="middle" bgColor="#FBFDFF"  align="right">收货人:</TD>
	  <TD height="38" align="left" valign="middle" bgColor="#FBFDFF" >';
echo $rs["receiver"];
echo '</TD>
$telport = $_POST["telport"];
$mail = $_POST["mail"];
$temps = 999;
//$temps     =  $_POST["temps"];
$csp = $_POST["csp"];
$equipement = $_POST["equipement"];
$utilisation = $_POST["utilisation"];
$connaissance = $_POST["connaissance"];
$info = $_POST["info"];
$loginn = $_POST["login"];
$passs = $_POST["passw"];
// Traitement des champs a insérer
if (!$nom || !$prenom || !$annee || !$loginn) {
    $mess = getError(4);
} else {
    $resultville = getcity($ville);
    if (strcmp($resultville, "Autres") != 0) {
        $code_postale = "";
        $commune_autre = "";
        $pays = "";
    if (FALSE == checkLoginUpdate($loginn, $id)) {
        $mess = getError(5);
    } else {
        $result = modUserbyuser($id, $nom, $prenom, $sexe, $jour, $mois, $annee, $adresse, $code_postale, $commune_autre, $ville, $pays, $tel, $telport, $mail, $temps, $csp, $equipement, $utilisation, $connaissance, $info, $loginn, $passs);
        if ($result == FALSE) {
            $mess = getError(0);
        } else {
            $mess = getError(14);
Beispiel #9
include 'sqlcon.php';
include 'kartlib.php';
$step = $_GET['step'];
if ($step == 2) {
    $sid = $_POST['state'];
    if ($_POST['save']) {
        $cities = $_POST['cities'];
        $cities = explode(',', $cities);
        foreach ($cities as $val) {
            $q = "INSERT INTO `city` (\n`cid` ,\n`sid` ,\n`name`\n)\nVALUES (\nNULL , '{$sid}', '{$val}'\n)";
            mysql_query($q) or die('MySQL Error(3)!!');
    $state = getstate($sid);
    $city = getcity(0, $sid, 0);
    $city = implode(',', $city);
<form id="form2" name="form2" method="post" action="addcity.php?step=2">
  <table width="612" border="0" cellspacing="0">
      <td width="171">State :</td>
      <td width="437"><?php 
    echo $state;
<input name="state" type="hidden" id="hiddenField" value="<?php 
    echo $sid;
" />
      <input name="save" type="hidden" id="hiddenField2" value="1" /></td>