function generate_images($quality, $width_image, $height_image, &$actwoa, &$acthoa, $corner_radius, $color, $grcolor, $button_text, $text_height, $text_color, $back_color, $font_style, $rcolor, $rgrcolor, $rtext_color, $image_locate, $image_height, $image_name, $image_foreground, $image_foregroundcolor, $image_transparent, $image_transparentcolor, $fonts, $defaultzipexists)
    // produce a temporary image file
    $deletetemppath = $defaultzipexists ? tempnam(IMGPATH, "") : IMGPATH . "/" . basename(DEFAULTZIP, ".zip");
    $tmpimgpath = $deletetemppath . "d";
    mkdir($tmpimgpath, 0700);
    $imgpath = $tmpimgpath . "/button_0.png";
    $gifimgpath = $tmpimgpath . "/button_0.gif";
    $jpgimgpath = $tmpimgpath . "/button_0.jpg";
    $rimgpath = $tmpimgpath . "/button_1.png";
    $rgifimgpath = $tmpimgpath . "/button_1.gif";
    $rjpgimgpath = $tmpimgpath . "/button_1.jpg";
    $readmepath = $tmpimgpath . "/" . READMENAME;
    $font_name = $fonts->GetFontNameFromIndex($font_style - 1);
    // generate the readme text
    glassy_readme($readmepath, $button_text, $color, $grcolor, $width_image, $height_image, $corner_radius, $text_height, $text_color, $back_color, $font_name, $quality, $rcolor, $rgrcolor, $rtext_color, $image_locate, $image_height, $image_name, $image_foreground, $image_foregroundcolor, $image_transparent, $image_transparentcolor);
    $zippath = $deletetemppath;
    $qualityfactor = $quality;
    $font_path = $fonts->GetFontPathFromIndex($font_style - 1);
    $im = MakeGradientFilledButtonPolygon($qualityfactor, $width_image, $height_image, $actwoa, $acthoa, $corner_radius, $color, $grcolor, $button_text, $text_height, $text_color, $back_color, $image_locate, $image_height, $image_name, $image_foreground, $image_foregroundcolor, $image_transparent, $image_transparentcolor, $font_path);
    //  Header ('Content-type: image/png');
    @rename($im, $imgpath);
    chmod($imgpath, 0644);
    @exec(IMCONVERT . " {$imgpath} -quality 100 {$jpgimgpath}");
    chmod($jpgimgpath, 0644);
    // create the rollover image
    $rim = MakeGradientFilledButtonPolygon($qualityfactor, $width_image, $height_image, $actwoa, $acthoa, $corner_radius, $rcolor, $rgrcolor, $button_text, $text_height, $rtext_color, $back_color, $image_locate, $image_height, $image_name, $image_foreground, $image_foregroundcolor, $image_transparent, $image_transparentcolor, $font_path);
    //  Header ('Content-type: image/png');
    @rename($rim, $rimgpath);
    chmod($rimgpath, 0644);
    @exec(IMCONVERT . " {$rimgpath} -quality 100 {$rjpgimgpath}");
    chmod($rjpgimgpath, 0644);
    // create a zipped version
    if (file_exists($imgpath) && file_exists($jpgimgpath) && file_exists($rimgpath) && file_exists($rjpgimgpath)) {
        $zip = new ZipArchive();
        if ($zip->open($zippath . ".zip", ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE) !== TRUE) {
            exit("cannot open <{$zf}>\n");
        $zip->addFile($imgpath, basename($imgpath));
        $zip->addFile($jpgimgpath, basename($jpgimgpath));
        $zip->addFile($rimgpath, basename($rimgpath));
        $zip->addFile($rjpgimgpath, basename($rjpgimgpath));
        $zip->addFile($readmepath, basename($readmepath));
    $ourfilesize = @filesize($zippath . ".zip");
    // now check to see if the new file is identical to any existing files
    $dirlist = glob(IMGPATH . "/*.zip");
    foreach ($dirlist as $file) {
        // for every file not equal to the one we just made
        if (basename($zippath . ".zip") != basename($file)) {
            // if it's the same size as another file
            if (@filesize($file) == $ourfilesize) {
                // inspect the urls of each zip package
                get_zip_url(basename($file, ".zip"), $url1);
                get_zip_url(basename($zippath), $url2);
                if (strcmp($url1, $url2) == 0) {
                    // no difference found, use this file instead
                    @unlink($zippath . ".zip");
                    $zippath = IMGPATH . "/" . basename($file, ".zip");
    // set new permissions
    chmod($zippath . ".zip", 0644);
    // tell the caller where to look for the new file!
    return IMGPATH . "/" . basename($zippath);

<table style="text-align:center;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;width:700px;">
  <tr><td><hr /></td></tr>
$index = 0;
$exhausted = true;
foreach (glob(IMGPATH . "/*.zip") as $zipfile) {
    if ($index >= $startindex + $buttonsperpage) {
        $exhausted = false;
    if ($index >= $startindex) {
        $basen = basename($zipfile, ".zip");
        get_zip_url($basen, $url);
        $url = $url . "&amp;" . USECACHE . "=" . $basen;
        $basep = IMGPATH . "/" . $basen;
        $imgbaseurl = "http://" . BASEURL . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
        $imgbaseurl = substr($imgbaseurl, 0, strpos($imgbaseurl, basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']))) . "image.php?name=";
        $baseid = "glassy";
        $baseid .= str_replace(".", "x", $basen);
        echo "<tr><td>\n";
        echo "<script type='text/javascript'>\n";
        echo "/* <![CDATA[ */\n";
        echo "var " . $baseid . "_1 = new Image ();\n";
        echo "var " . $baseid . "_0 = new Image ();\n";
        echo $baseid . "_1.src = '" . $imgbaseurl . $basep . "_1.png';\n";
        echo $baseid . "_0.src = '" . $imgbaseurl . $basep . "_0.png';\n";
        echo "/* ]]> */\n";
        echo "</script>\n";