Beispiel #1
 public function routes(&$router)
     $router->get('/user(/:user_id)', function ($user_id) use($router) {
         $user_id = $user_id ?: $GLOBALS['user']->id;
         $user = User::find($user_id);
         if (!$user) {
             $router->halt(404, sprintf('User %s not found', $user_id));
         $visibilities = get_local_visibility_by_id($user_id, 'homepage');
         if (is_array(json_decode($visibilities, true))) {
             $visibilities = json_decode($visibilities, true);
         } else {
             $visibilities = array();
         $get_field = function ($field, $visibility) use($user_id, $user, $visibilities) {
             if (!$user[$field] || !is_element_visible_for_user($GLOBALS['user']->id, $user_id, $visibilities[$visibility])) {
                 return '';
             return $user[$field];
         $avatar = function ($size) use($user_id, $visibilities) {
             static $avatar;
             if (!$avatar) {
                 $avatar_id = is_element_visible_for_user($GLOBALS['user']->id, $user_id, $visibilities['picture']) ? $user_id : 'nobody';
                 $avatar = Avatar::getAvatar($avatar_id);
             return $avatar->getURL($size);
         $user = array('user_id' => $user_id, 'username' => $user['username'], 'perms' => $user['perms'], 'title_pre' => $user['title_front'], 'forename' => $user['Vorname'], 'lastname' => $user['Nachname'], 'title_post' => $user['title_rear'], 'email' => get_visible_email($user_id), 'avatar_small' => $avatar(Avatar::SMALL), 'avatar_medium' => $avatar(Avatar::MEDIUM), 'avatar_normal' => $avatar(Avatar::NORMAL), 'phone' => $get_field('privatnr', 'private_phone'), 'homepage' => $get_field('Home', 'homepage'), 'privadr' => $get_field('privadr', 'privadr'));
         $query = "SELECT value\n                      FROM user_config\n                      WHERE field = ? AND user_id = ?";
         $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
         $statement->execute(array('SKYPE_NAME', $user_id));
         $user['skype'] = $statement->fetchColumn() ?: '';
         if ($user['skype']) {
             $statement->execute(array('SKYPE_ONLINE_STATUS', $user_id));
             $user['skype_show'] = (bool) $statement->fetchColumn();
         } else {
             $user['skype_show'] = false;
     // Deletes a user
     $router->delete('/user/:user_id', function ($user_id) use($router) {
         $user = new \UserManagement($user_id . '.');
         if (empty($user->user_data['auth_user_md5.user_id'])) {
             $router->halt(404, sprintf('User id "%s" not found', $user_id));
         $router->halt($user->deleteUser() ? 200 : 500);
Beispiel #2
  * getUser - retrieves data of a user
  * @get /user/:user_id
  * @get /user
 public function getUser($user_id = '')
     $user_id = $user_id ?: $GLOBALS['user']->id;
     $user = \User::find($user_id);
     if (!$user) {
         $this->halt(404, sprintf('User %s not found', $user_id));
     $visibilities = get_local_visibility_by_id($user_id, 'homepage');
     if (is_array(json_decode($visibilities, true))) {
         $visibilities = json_decode($visibilities, true);
     } else {
         $visibilities = array();
     $get_field = function ($field, $visibility) use($user_id, $user, $visibilities) {
         if (!$user[$field] || !is_element_visible_for_user($GLOBALS['user']->id, $user_id, $visibilities[$visibility])) {
             return '';
         return $user[$field];
     $avatar = \Avatar::getAvatar($user_id);
     $user = array('user_id' => $user_id, 'username' => $user['username'], 'name' => self::getNamesOfUser($user), 'perms' => $user['perms'], 'email' => get_visible_email($user_id), 'avatar_small' => $avatar->getURL(\Avatar::SMALL), 'avatar_medium' => $avatar->getURL(\Avatar::MEDIUM), 'avatar_normal' => $avatar->getURL(\Avatar::NORMAL), 'avatar_original' => $avatar->getURL(\Avatar::ORIGINAL), 'phone' => $get_field('privatnr', 'private_phone'), 'homepage' => $get_field('Home', 'homepage'), 'privadr' => strip_tags($get_field('privadr', 'privadr')));
     $query = "SELECT value\n                  FROM user_config\n                  WHERE field = ? AND user_id = ?";
     $statement = \DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
     $statement->execute(array('SKYPE_NAME', $user_id));
     $user['skype'] = $statement->fetchColumn() ?: '';
     if ($user['skype']) {
         $statement->execute(array('SKYPE_ONLINE_STATUS', $user_id));
         $user['skype_show'] = (bool) $statement->fetchColumn();
     } else {
         $user['skype_show'] = false;
     // Data fields
     $datafields = array();
     foreach (\DataFieldEntry::getDataFieldEntries($user_id, 'user') as $entry) {
         if (!$entry->isVisible()) {
         if (!\Visibility::verify($entry->getID(), $user_id)) {
         $datafields[] = array('type' => $entry->getType(), 'id' => $entry->getId(), 'name' => $entry->getName(), 'value' => $entry->getValue());
     $user['datafields'] = $datafields;
     return $user;
* Exports member-list for a Stud.IP-institute.
* This function gets the data of the members of an institute and writes it into $data_object.
* The order of the members depends on the grouping-option $filter.
* It calls output_data afterwards.
* @access   public
* @param        string  $inst_id    Stud.IP-inst_id for export
* @param        string  $ex_sem_id  allows to choose which lecture is to be exported
function export_pers($inst_id)
    global $range_id, $xml_file, $o_mode, $xml_names_person, $xml_groupnames_person, $object_counter, $filter;
    $group = 'FIRSTGROUP';
    $group_tab_zelle = 'name';
    $do_group = true;
    $data_object = xml_open_tag($xml_groupnames_person['group']);
    $query = "SELECT,aum.user_id,\n                     aum.Nachname, aum.Vorname, ui.inst_perms, ui.raum,\n                     ui.sprechzeiten, ui.Telefon, ui.Fax, aum.Email,\n                     aum.username, info.Home, info.geschlecht, info.title_front, info.title_rear\n              FROM statusgruppen\n              LEFT JOIN statusgruppe_user sgu USING(statusgruppe_id)\n              LEFT JOIN user_inst ui ON (ui.user_id = sgu.user_id AND ui.Institut_id = range_id AND ui.inst_perms!='user')\n              LEFT JOIN auth_user_md5 aum ON (ui.user_id = aum.user_id)\n              LEFT JOIN user_info info ON (ui.user_id = info.user_id)\n              WHERE range_id = ?\n              ORDER BY statusgruppen.position, sgu.position";
    $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
    while ($row = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
        $data_found = true;
        $group_string = '';
        if ($do_group && $group != $row[$group_tab_zelle]) {
            if ($group != 'FIRSTGROUP') {
                $group_string .= xml_close_tag($xml_groupnames_person['subgroup1']);
            $group_string .= xml_open_tag($xml_groupnames_person['subgroup1'], $row[$group_tab_zelle]);
            $group = $row[$group_tab_zelle];
        $data_object .= $group_string;
        $object_counter += 1;
        $data_object .= xml_open_tag($xml_groupnames_person["object"], $row['username']);
        while (list($key, $val) = each($xml_names_person)) {
            if ($val == '') {
                $val = $key;
            if (strtolower($key) == 'email') {
                $row[$key] = get_visible_email($row['user_id']);
            if ($row[$key] != '') {
                $data_object .= xml_tag($val, $row[$key]);
        // freie Datenfelder ausgeben
        $data_object .= export_datafields($row['user_id'], $xml_groupnames_person['childgroup1'], $xml_groupnames_person['childobject1'], 'user');
        $data_object .= xml_close_tag($xml_groupnames_person['object']);
        output_data($data_object, $o_mode);
        $data_object = '';
    if ($do_group && $data_found) {
        $data_object .= xml_close_tag($xml_groupnames_person['subgroup1']);
    $data_object .= xml_close_tag($xml_groupnames_person['group']);
    if ($data_found) {
        output_data($data_object, $o_mode);
    private function getContentListPersons () {
        if (!$nameformat = $this->config->getValue('Main', 'nameformat')) {
            $nameformat = 'full_rev';
        $selected_item_ids = $this->config->getValue('SelectInstitutes', 'institutesselected');
        // at least one institute has to be selected in the configuration
        if (!is_array($selected_item_ids)) {
            return array();
        $sort = $this->config->getValue('Main', 'sort');
        $query_order = '';
        foreach ($sort as $key => $position) {
            if ($position > 0) {
                $query_order[$position] = $this->data_fields[$key];
        if ($query_order) {
            ksort($query_order, SORT_NUMERIC);
            $query_order = ' ORDER BY ' . implode(',', $query_order);
        $module_params = $this->getModuleParams($this->approved_params);
        $db = new DB_Seminar();
        $dbv = DbView::getView('sem_tree');

        if ($module_params['initiale']) {
            if ($this->config->getValue('Main', 'onlylecturers')) {
                $current_semester = get_sem_num(time());
                $query = sprintf("SELECT ui.Institut_id, su.user_id "
                . "FROM seminar_user su "
                . "LEFT JOIN seminare s USING (seminar_id) "
                . "LEFT JOIN auth_user_md5 aum USING(user_id) "
                . "LEFT JOIN user_inst ui USING(user_id) "
                . "WHERE LOWER(LEFT(TRIM(aum.Nachname), 1)) = LOWER('%s') "
                . "AND su.status = 'dozent' "
                . "AND s.visible = 1 "
                . "AND ((%s) = %s OR ((%s) <= %s  AND ((%s) >= %s OR (%s) = -1))) "
                . "AND ui.Institut_id IN ('%s') "
                . "AND ui.inst_perms = 'dozent' "
                . "AND ui.externdefault = 1 "
                . "AND " . get_ext_vis_query(),
                substr($module_params['initiale'], 0, 1),
                implode("','", $selected_item_ids));
            } else {
                    // get only users with the given status
                $query = sprintf("SELECT ui.Institut_id, ui.user_id "
                    . "FROM user_inst ui "
                    . "LEFT JOIN auth_user_md5 aum USING(user_id) "
                    . "WHERE LOWER(LEFT(TRIM(aum.Nachname), 1)) = LOWER('%s') "
                    . "AND ui.inst_perms IN('%s') "
                    . "AND ui.Institut_id IN ('%s') "
                    . "AND ui.externdefault = 1 "
                    . "AND " . get_ext_vis_query(),
                    substr($module_params['initiale'], 0, 1),
                    implode("','", $this->config->getValue('Main', 'instperms')),
                    implode("','", $selected_item_ids));
        // item_id is given and it is in the list of item_ids selected in the configuration
        } else if ($module_params['item_id'] && in_array($module_params['item_id'], $selected_item_ids)) {
            if ($this->config->getValue('Main', 'onlylecturers')) {
                $current_semester = get_sem_num(time());
                // get only users with status dozent in an visible seminar in the current semester
                $query = sprintf("SELECT ui.Institut_id, ui.user_id "
                    . "FROM user_inst ui "
                    . "LEFT JOIN seminar_user su USING(user_id) "
                    . "LEFT JOIN seminare s USING (seminar_id) "
                    . "WHERE ui.Institut_id = '%s' "
                    . "AND ui.inst_perms = 'dozent' "
                    . "AND ui.externdefault = 1 "
                    . "AND " . get_ext_vis_query()
                    . "AND su.status = 'dozent' "
                    . "AND s.visible = 1 "
                    . "AND ((%s) = %s OR ((%s) <= %s  AND ((%s) >= %s OR (%s) = -1))) ",
            } else {
                // get only users with the given status
                $query = sprintf("SELECT ui.Institut_id, ui.user_id "
                    . "FROM user_inst ui "
                    . "WHERE ui.Institut_id = '%s' "
                    . "AND ui.inst_perms IN('%s') "
                    . "AND ui.externdefault = 1 "
                    . "AND " . get_ext_vis_query(),
                    implode("','", $this->config->getValue('Main', 'instperms')));
        } else {
            return array();
        $user_list = array();
        while ($db->next_record()) {
            if (!isset($user_list[$db->f('user_id')])) {
                $user_list[$db->f('user_id')] = $db->f('user_id') . $db->f('Institut_id');
        if (sizeof($user_list) == 0) {
            return array();

        $query = sprintf(
            "SELECT ui.Institut_id, ui.raum, ui.sprechzeiten, ui.Telefon, "
            . "inst_perms,  i.Name, aum.Email, aum.user_id, username, "
            . "%s AS fullname, aum.Nachname, aum.Vorname "
            . "FROM user_inst ui "
            . "LEFT JOIN Institute i USING(Institut_id) "
            . "LEFT JOIN auth_user_md5 aum USING(user_id)"
            . "LEFT JOIN user_info uin USING(user_id) "
            . "WHERE CONCAT(ui.user_id, ui.Institut_id) IN ('%s') "
            . "AND " . get_ext_vis_query()
            . "ORDER BY aum.Nachname ",
            implode("','", $user_list));
        $j = 0;
        while ($db->next_record()) {
            $content['PERSONS']['PERSON'][$j]['FULLNAME'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($db->f('fullname'));
            $content['PERSONS']['PERSON'][$j]['LASTNAME'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($db->f('Nachname'));
            $content['PERSONS']['PERSON'][$j]['FIRSTNAME'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($db->f('Vorname'));
            $content['PERSONS']['PERSON'][$j]['TITLEFRONT'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($db->f('title_front'));
            $content['PERSONS']['PERSON'][$j]['TITLEREAR'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($db->f('title_rear'));
            $content['PERSONS']['PERSON'][$j]['PERSONDETAIL-HREF'] = $this->elements['LinkInternPersondetails']->createUrl(array('link_args' => 'username='******'username')));
            $content['PERSONS']['PERSON'][$j]['USERNAME'] = $db->f('username');
            $content['PERSONS']['PERSON'][$j]['INSTNAME'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($db->f('Name'));
            $content['PERSONS']['PERSON'][$j]['PHONE'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($db->f('Telefon'));
            $content['PERSONS']['PERSON'][$j]['ROOM'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($db->f('raum'));
            $content['PERSONS']['PERSON'][$j]['EMAIL'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady(get_visible_email($db->f('user_id')));
            $content['PERSONS']['PERSON'][$j]['EMAIL-LOCAL'] = array_shift(explode('@', $content['PERSONS']['PERSON'][$j]['EMAIL']));
            $content['PERSONS']['PERSON'][$j]['EMAIL-DOMAIN'] = array_pop(explode('@', $content['PERSONS']['PERSON'][$j]['EMAIL']));
            $content['PERSONS']['PERSON'][$j]['OFFICEHOURS'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($db->f('sprechzeiten'));
            $content['PERSONS']['PERSON'][$j]['PERSON-NO'] = $j + 1;
            // generic data fields
            if (is_array($generic_datafields)) {
                $localEntries = DataFieldEntry::getDataFieldEntries($db->f('user_id'), 'user');
                $k = 1;
                foreach ($generic_datafields as $datafield) {
                    if (isset($localEntries[$datafield]) && is_object($localEntries[$datafield])) {
                        if ($localEntries[$datafield]->getType() == 'link') {
                            $localEntry = ExternModule::extHtmlReady($localEntries[$datafield]->getValue());
                        } else {
                            $localEntry = $localEntries[$datafield]->getDisplayValue();
                        if ($localEntry) {
                            $content['PERSONS']['PERSON'][$j]['DATAFIELD_' . $k] = $localEntry;
        if (!$module_params['initiale']) {
            $this->global_markers['INSTNAME'] = $content['PERSONS']['PERSON'][0]['INSTNAME'];
        } else {
            $this->global_markers['CHARACTER'] = substr($module_params['initiale'], 0, 1);
        return $content;
    private function getContent ($args = NULL, $raw = FALSE) {
        $instituts_id = $this->config->range_id;
        $username = $args['username'];
        $sem_id = $args['seminar_id'];

        if (!$nameformat = $this->config->getValue('Main', 'nameformat')) {
            $nameformat = 'full';

        $row = false;
        $global_view = false;
        $dbv = new DbView();
        if (in_array(get_object_type($this->config->range_id), array('fak', 'global'))) {
            $global_view = true;
            $selected_item_ids = $this->config->getValue('SelectInstitutes', 'institutesselected');
            // at least one institute has to be selected in the configuration
            if (!is_array($selected_item_ids)) {
                return array();
            // is user lecturer ?
            if ($this->config->getValue('Main', 'onlylecturers')) {
                $current_semester = get_sem_num(time());
                $stm = DBManager::get()->prepare(sprintf(
                    "SELECT aum.user_id "
                    . "FROM auth_user_md5 aum "
                    . "LEFT JOIN seminar_user su USING(user_id) "
                    . "LEFT JOIN seminare s USING (seminar_id) "
                    . "LEFT JOIN user_inst ui ON aum.user_id = ui.user_id "
                    . "WHERE aum.username = ? "
                    . "AND su.status = 'dozent' "
                    . "AND s.visible = 1 "
                    . "AND ((%s) = %s OR ((%s) <= %s  AND ((%s) >= %s OR (%s) = -1))) "
                    . "AND ui.Institut_id IN ('%s') "
                    . "AND ui.inst_perms = 'dozent' "
                    . "AND ui.externdefault = 1 "
                    . "AND %s",
                    implode("','", $selected_item_ids),
                // user is not a lecturer
                if (!$row = $stm->fetch()) {
                    return array();
            } else {
                // have user the status dozent at an institute in the list of accepted institutes
                $stm = DBManager::get()->prepare(sprintf(
                    "SELECT aum.user_id "
                    . "FROM auth_user_md5 aum "
                    . "LEFT JOIN user_inst ui USING(user_id) "
                    . "WHERE aum.username = ? "
                    . "AND ui.Institut_id IN ('%s') "
                    . "AND ui.externdefault = 1 "
                    . "AND %s",
                    implode("','", $selected_item_ids), get_ext_vis_query()));
                // user is not dozent at an institute that is in the list of accepted institutes
                if (!$row = $stm->fetch()) {
                    return array();

        $row = false;

        // Mitarbeiter/in am Institut
        $stm_inst = DBManager::get()->prepare(
            "SELECT i.Institut_id "
            . "FROM Institute i "
            . "LEFT JOIN user_inst ui USING(Institut_id) "
            . "LEFT JOIN auth_user_md5 aum USING(user_id) "
            . "WHERE i.Institut_id = ? "
            . "AND aum.username = ? AND ui.inst_perms IN ('autor','tutor','dozent') AND " . get_ext_vis_query());
        $stm_inst->execute(array($instituts_id, $username));

        // Mitarbeiter/in am Heimatinstitut des Seminars
        if (!$row = $stm_inst->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) && $sem_id) {
            $stm_inst = DBManager::get()->prepare(
                "SELECT s.Institut_id "
                . "FROM seminare s "
                . "LEFT JOIN user_inst ui USING(Institut_id) "
                . "LEFT JOIN auth_user_md5 aum USING(user_id) "
                . "WHERE s.Seminar_id = ? "
                . "AND aum.username = ? AND ui.inst_perms = 'dozent' AND " . get_ext_vis_query());
            $stm_inst->execute(array($sem_id, $username));
            if ($row = $stm_inst->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
                $instituts_id = $row['Institut_id'];

        // an beteiligtem Institut Dozent(in)
        if (!$row && $sem_id) {
            $stm_inst = DBManager::get()->prepare(
                "SELECT si.institut_id "
                . "FROM seminare s "
                . "LEFT JOIN seminar_inst si ON(s.Seminar_id = si.seminar_id) "
                . "LEFT JOIN user_inst ui ON(si.institut_id = ui.Institut_id) "
                . "LEFT JOIN auth_user_md5 aum USING(user_id) "
                . "WHERE s.Seminar_id = ? "
                . "AND si.institut_id != ? AND ui.inst_perms = 'dozent' AND aum.username = ? AND " . get_ext_vis_query());
            $stm_inst->execute(array($sem_id, $intituts_id, $username));
            if ($row = $stm_inst->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
                $instituts_id = $row['institut_id'];

        // ist zwar global Dozent, aber an keinem Institut eingetragen
        if (!$row && $sem_id) {
            $stm = DBManager::get()->prepare(sprintf(
                "SELECT aum.*, %s AS fullname "
                . "FROM auth_user_md5 aum "
                . "LEFT JOIN user_info USING(user_id) "
                . "LEFT JOIN seminar_user su "
                . "WHERE username = ? "
                . "AND perms = 'dozent' AND su.seminar_id = ? AND su.status = 'dozent' AND %s"
                , $GLOBALS['_fullname_sql'][$nameformat], get_ext_vis_query()));
            $stm->execute(array($username, $sem_id));
            $row = $stm->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        } elseif ($global_view || $this->config->getValue('Main', 'defaultaddr')) {
            $stm = DBManager::get()->prepare(sprintf(
                "SELECT i.Institut_id, i.Name, i.Strasse, i.Plz, i.url, ui.*, aum.*, "
                . "%s AS fullname, uin.user_id, uin.lebenslauf, uin.publi, uin.schwerp, "
                . "uin.Home, uin.title_front, uin.title_rear "
                . "FROM Institute i "
                . "LEFT JOIN user_inst ui USING(Institut_id) "
                . "LEFT JOIN auth_user_md5 aum USING(user_id) "
                . "LEFT JOIN user_info uin USING (user_id) "
                . "WHERE ui.inst_perms IN ('autor','tutor','dozent') "
                . "AND aum.username = ? AND ui.externdefault = 1 AND %s"
                , $GLOBALS['_fullname_sql'][$nameformat], get_ext_vis_query()));
            $row = $stm->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
            if (!$row) {
                $stm = DBManager::get()->prepare(sprintf(
                    "SELECT i.Institut_id, i.Name, i.Strasse, i.Plz, i.url, ui.*, aum.*, "
                    . "%s AS fullname, uin.user_id, uin.lebenslauf, uin.publi, uin.schwerp, "
                    . "uin.Home, uin.title_front, uin.title_rear "
                    . "FROM Institute i "
                    . "LEFT JOIN user_inst ui USING(Institut_id) "
                    . "LEFT JOIN auth_user_md5 aum USING(user_id) "
                    . "LEFT JOIN user_info uin USING (user_id) "
                    . "WHERE ui.inst_perms IN ('autor','tutor','dozent') "
                    . "AND aum.username = ? AND i.Institut_id = ? AND %s"
                    , $GLOBALS['_fullname_sql'][$nameformat], get_ext_vis_query()));
                $stm->execute(array($username, $instituts_id));
                $row = $stm->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        } else {
            $stm = DBManager::get()->prepare(sprintf(
                "SELECT i.Institut_id, i.Name, i.Strasse, i.Plz, i.url, ui.*, aum.*, "
                . "%s AS fullname, uin.user_id, uin.lebenslauf, uin.publi, uin.schwerp, "
                . "uin.Home, uin.title_front, uin.title_rear "
                . "FROM Institute i "
                . "LEFT JOIN user_inst ui USING(Institut_id) "
                . "LEFT JOIN auth_user_md5 aum USING(user_id) "
                . "LEFT JOIN user_info uin USING (user_id) "
                . "WHERE ui.inst_perms IN ('autor','tutor','dozent') "
                . "AND aum.username = ? AND i.Institut_id = ? AND %s"
                , $GLOBALS['_fullname_sql'][$nameformat], get_ext_vis_query()));
            $stm->execute(array($username, $instituts_id));
            $row = $stm->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

        // the user with the given username does not fulfill the conditions above
        if (!$row) {
            return array();

        // Alle Einrichtungen hohlen
        $stm = DBManager::get()->prepare(sprintf(
                "SELECT i.Institut_id, i.Name, i.Strasse, i.Plz, i.url, ui.*, aum.*, "
                . "%s AS fullname, uin.user_id, uin.lebenslauf, uin.publi, uin.schwerp, "
                . "uin.Home, uin.title_front, uin.title_rear "
                . "FROM Institute i "
                . "LEFT JOIN user_inst ui USING(Institut_id) "
                . "LEFT JOIN auth_user_md5 aum USING(user_id) "
                . "LEFT JOIN user_info uin USING (user_id) "
                . "WHERE ui.inst_perms IN ('autor','tutor','dozent') "
                . "AND aum.username = ?"
                , $GLOBALS['_fullname_sql'][$nameformat]));
        $allRows = $stm->fetchAll();
        $this->user_id = $row['user_id'];

        $this->user_perm = $visibilities['perms'];

        $content['__GLOBAL__']['STUDIP-EDIT-HREF'] = "{$GLOBALS['ABSOLUTE_URI_STUDIP']}dispatch.php/settings/account?username=$username&login=yes";

        $content['PERSONDETAILS']['FULLNAME'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($row['fullname']);
        $content['PERSONDETAILS']['LASTNAME'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($row['Nachname']);
        $content['PERSONDETAILS']['FIRSTNAME'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($row['Vorname']);
        $content['PERSONDETAILS']['TITLEFRONT'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($row['title_front']);
        $content['PERSONDETAILS']['TITLEREAR'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($row['title_rear']);
        if ($statusgroups = Statusgruppen::getUserRoles($instituts_id, $this->user_id)) {
            $content['PERSONDETAILS']['STATUSGROUPS'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady(join(', ', array_values($statusgroups)));
        $content['PERSONDETAILS']['USERNAME'] = $row['username'];
        $content['PERSONDETAILS']['IMAGE-HREF'] = Avatar::getAvatar($this->user_id)->getURL(Avatar::NORMAL);

        $gruppen = GetRoleNames(GetAllStatusgruppen($this->config->range_id, $row['user_id']));
        for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($gruppen); $i++) {
            $content['PERSONDETAILS']['GROUPS'][$i]['GROUP'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($gruppen[$i]);

        $content['PERSONDETAILS']['INST-NAME'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($row['Name']);
        $content['PERSONDETAILS']['INST-HREF'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady(trim($row['url']));
        $content['PERSONDETAILS']['STREET'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($row['Strasse']);
        $content['PERSONDETAILS']['ZIPCODE'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($row['Plz']);
        $email = get_visible_email($this->user_id);
        $content['PERSONDETAILS']['EMAIL'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($email);
        $content['PERSONDETAILS']['EMAIL-LOCAL'] = array_shift(explode('@', $content['PERSONDETAILS']['EMAIL']));
        $content['PERSONDETAILS']['EMAIL-DOMAIN'] = array_pop(explode('@', $content['PERSONDETAILS']['EMAIL']));
        $content['PERSONDETAILS']['ROOM'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($row['raum']);
        $content['PERSONDETAILS']['PHONE'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($row['Telefon']);
        $content['PERSONDETAILS']['FAX'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($row['Fax']);
        if (Visibility::verify('homepage', $this->user_id)) {
            $content['PERSONDETAILS']['HOMEPAGE-HREF'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady(trim($row['Home']));
        $content['PERSONDETAILS']['OFFICE-HOURS'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($row['sprechzeiten']);

        $j = 0;
        foreach($allRows as $curRow)
            $content['PERSONDETAILS']['ALL-INST']['SINGLE-INST'][$j]['SINGLE-INST-NAME'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($curRow['Name']);
            $content['PERSONDETAILS']['ALL-INST']['SINGLE-INST'][$j]['SINGLE-INST-HREF'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady(trim($curRow['url']));
            $content['PERSONDETAILS']['ALL-INST']['SINGLE-INST'][$j]['SINGLE-INST-STREET'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($curRow['Strasse']);
            $content['PERSONDETAILS']['ALL-INST']['SINGLE-INST'][$j]['SINGLE-INST-ZIPCODE'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($curRow['Plz']);
            $content['PERSONDETAILS']['ALL-INST']['SINGLE-INST'][$j]['SINGLE-INST-EMAIL'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($curRow['Email']);
            $content['PERSONDETAILS']['ALL-INST']['SINGLE-INST'][$j]['SINGLE-INST-EMAIL-LOCAL'] = array_shift(explode('@', $content['PERSONDETAILS']['ALL-INST']['SINGLE-INST'][$j]['SINGLE-INST-EMAIL']));
            $content['PERSONDETAILS']['ALL-INST']['SINGLE-INST'][$j]['SINGLE-INST-EMAIL-DOMAIN'] = array_pop(explode('@', $content['PERSONDETAILS']['ALL-INST']['SINGLE-INST'][$j]['SINGLE-INST-EMAIL']));
            $content['PERSONDETAILS']['ALL-INST']['SINGLE-INST'][$j]['SINGLE-INST-ROOM'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($curRow['raum']);
            $content['PERSONDETAILS']['ALL-INST']['SINGLE-INST'][$j]['SINGLE-INST-PHONE'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($curRow['Telefon']);
            $content['PERSONDETAILS']['ALL-INST']['SINGLE-INST'][$j]['SINGLE-INST-FAX'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($curRow['Fax']);
            $content['PERSONDETAILS']['ALL-INST']['SINGLE-INST'][$j]['SINGLE-INST-HOMEPAGE-HREF'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady(trim($curRow['Home']));
            $content['PERSONDETAILS']['ALL-INST']['SINGLE-INST'][$j]['SINGLE-INST-OFFICE-HOURS'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($curRow['sprechzeiten']);
        // generic data fields
        if ($generic_datafields = $this->config->getValue('Main', 'genericdatafields')) {
            $localEntries = DataFieldEntry::getDataFieldEntries($this->user_id, 'user');
            $k = 1;
            foreach ($generic_datafields as $datafield) {
                if (isset($localEntries[$datafield]) &&
                        is_object($localEntries[$datafield]) &&
                        Visibility::verify($localEntries[$datafield]->getId(), $this->user_id)) {
                    if ($localEntries[$datafield]->getType() == 'link') {
                        $localEntry = ExternModule::extHtmlReady($localEntries[$datafield]->getValue());
                    } else {
                        $localEntry = $localEntries[$datafield]->getDisplayValue();
                    if ($localEntry) {
                        $content['PERSONDETAILS']["DATAFIELD_$k"] = $localEntry;

        // homepage plugins
        $plugins = PluginEngine::getPlugins('HomepagePlugin');

        foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
            $template = $plugin->getHomepageTemplate($this->user_id);

            if ($template) {
                $keyname = 'PLUGIN_' . strtoupper($plugin->getPluginName());
                $content['PERSONDETAILS'][$keyname] = $template->render();

        if (Visibility::verify('lebenslauf', $this->user_id)) {
            $content['PERSONDETAILS']['CV'] = ExternModule::ExtFormatReady($row['lebenslauf']);
        if (Visibility::verify('schwerp', $this->user_id)) {
            $content['PERSONDETAILS']['RESEARCH-INTERESTS'] = ExternModule::ExtFormatReady($row['schwerp']);
        if (Visibility::verify('publi', $this->user_id)) {
            $content['PERSONDETAILS']['PUBLICATIONS'] = ExternModule::ExtFormatReady($row['publi']);

        $content['PERSONDETAILS']['LECTURES'] = $this->elements['TemplateLectures']->toString(array('content' => $this->getContentLectures(), 'subpart' => 'LECTURES'));
        if (Visibility::verify('news', $this->user_id)) {
            $content['PERSONDETAILS']['NEWS'] = $this->elements['TemplateNews']->toString(array('content' => $this->getContentNews(), 'subpart' => 'NEWS'));
        if (Visibility::verify('dates', $this->user_id)) {
            $content['PERSONDETAILS']['APPOINTMENTS'] = $this->elements['TemplateAppointments']->toString(array('content' => $this->getContentAppointments(), 'subpart' => 'APPOINTMENTS'));
        if (Visibility::verify('literature', $this->user_id)) {
            $content['PERSONDETAILS']['LITERATURE'] = $this->elements['TemplateLitList']->toString(array('content' => $this->elements['LitList']->getContent(array('user_id' => $this->user_id)), 'subpart' => 'LITLISTS'));
        $content['PERSONDETAILS']['OWNCATEGORIES'] = $this->elements['TemplateOwnCategories']->toString(array('content' => $this->getContentOwnCategories(), 'subpart' => 'OWNCATEGORIES'));

        return $content;
Beispiel #6
                    $query = "SELECT ui.raum, ui.sprechzeiten, ui.Telefon,
                                     inst_perms,  Email, aum.user_id, username,
                                     {$_fullname_sql[$nameformat]} AS fullname,
                              FROM auth_user_md5 AS aum
                              LEFT JOIN user_info USING (user_id)
                              LEFT JOIN user_inst AS ui USING (user_id)
                              WHERE aum.user_id = ? AND Institut_id IN (?)
                                AND {$ext_vis_query}";
                    $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
                    $statement->execute(array($row['user_id'], $range_ids));
                    $row = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

            $email = get_visible_email($row['user_id']);
            $data['content'] = array(
                'Nachname'     => $this->elements['LinkIntern']->toString(array(
                                      'content'   => htmlReady($row['fullname']),
                                      'module'    => 'Persondetails',
                                      'link_args' => 'username='******'username']
                'Telefon'      => htmlReady($row['Telefon']),
                'sprechzeiten' => htmlReady($row['sprechzeiten']),
                'raum'         => htmlReady($row['raum']),
                'Email'        => $this->elements['Link']->toString(array(
                                      'content' => htmlReady($email),
                                      'link'    => 'mailto:' . htmlReady($email)
Beispiel #7
function kontakt ($module, $row, $separate = FALSE) {
    $attr_table = $module->config->getAttributes("Contact", "table");
    $attr_tr = $module->config->getAttributes("Contact", "table");
    $attr_td = $module->config->getAttributes("Contact", "td");
    $attr_fonttitle = $module->config->getAttributes("Contact", "fonttitle");
    $attr_fontcontent = $module->config->getAttributes("Contact", "fontcontent");

    $out = "<table$attr_table>\n";
    if (!$separate) {
        $out .= "<tr$attr_tr>";
        $out .= "<td colspan=\"2\"$attr_td>";
        $out .= "<font$attr_fonttitle>";
        if ($headline = $module->config->getValue("Contact", "headline"))
            $out .= "$headline</font>\n";
            $out .= "</font>\n";

        $out .= "<font$attr_fontcontent>";

        if (!$module->config->getValue("Contact", "hidepersname"))
            $out .= "<br><br>" . htmlReady($row['fullname'], TRUE) . "\n";
        if ($module->config->getValue('Contact', 'showinstgroup')) {
            $allgroups = GetAllStatusgruppen($module->config->range_id, $row['user_id']);
            array_walk($allgroups, function(&$v, $k, $user_id) {
                $s = Statusgruppen::find($k);
                $v['role']->name = htmlReady($s->getGenderedName($user_id));
            }, $row['user_id']);
            if ($gruppen = GetRoleNames($allgroups))
                $out .= "<br>" . htmlReady(join(", ", array_values($gruppen)));
        // display name of institution (as link)
        if ($row['Name']) {
            $br_out = "";
            if ($module->config->getValue("Contact", "hideinstname") != '1') {
                if ($module->config->getValue("Contact", "hideinstname") == 'link' && $row['url']) {
                    $url = htmlReady(trim($row['url']));
                    if (!stristr($url, "http://"))
                        $url = "http://$url";
                    $out .= "<br><br><a href=\"$url\" target=\"_blank\">";
                    $out .= htmlReady($row['Name'], TRUE) . "</a><br>";
                    $out .= "<br><br>" . htmlReady($row['Name'], TRUE) . "<br>";
            if ($module->config->getValue("Contact", "adradd"))
                $out .= "<br>" . $module->config->getValue("Contact", "adradd");

        $out .= "<br>";
        if ($row['Strasse']) {
            $out .= "<br>" . htmlReady($row['Strasse'], TRUE);
            $out .= "<br>" . htmlReady($row['Plz'], TRUE);
      $out .= "<br><br></font></td></tr>\n";
    $order = $module->config->getValue("Contact", "order");
    $visible = $module->config->getValue("Contact", "visible");
    $alias_contact = $module->config->getValue("Contact", "aliases");
    foreach ($order as $position) {
        $data_field = $module->data_fields["contact"][$position];
        if (!$visible[$position] || !$row[$data_field])
        switch ($data_field) {
            case 'Email' :
                if ($separate || !$module->config->getValue('Contact', 'separatelinks')) {
                    $email_address = get_visible_email($row['user_id']);
                    $out .= "<tr$attr_tr>";
                    $out .= "<td$attr_td>";
                    $out .= "<font$attr_fonttitle>";
                    $out .= $alias_contact[$position] . "</font></td>";
                    $out .= "<td$attr_td>";
                    $out .= "<font$attr_fontcontent>";
                    $mail = trim(htmlReady($email_address));
                    $out .= "<a href=\"mailto:$mail\">$mail</a>";
            case 'Home' :
                if (($separate || !$module->config->getValue('Contact', 'separatelinks')) &&
                       true�|| Visibility::verify('homepage', $row['user_id'])) {
                    $out .= "<tr$attr_tr>";
                    $out .= "<td$attr_td>";
                    $out .= "<font$attr_fonttitle>";
                    $out .= $alias_contact[$position] . "</font></td>";
                    $out .= "<td$attr_td>";
                    $out .= "<font$attr_fontcontent>";
                    $out .= formatLinks($row['Home']);
                if (!$separate) {
                    $out .= "<tr$attr_tr>";
                    $out .= "<td$attr_td>";
                    $out .= "<font$attr_fonttitle>";
                    $out .= $alias_contact[$position] . "</font></td>";
                    $out .= "<td$attr_td>";
                    $out .= "<font$attr_fontcontent>";
                    $out .= htmlReady($row[$data_field], TRUE);
        if ($row[$data_field])
            $out .= "</font></td></tr>\n";
    $out .= "</table>\n";

    return $out;
Beispiel #8
  * Entry point of the controller that displays all the information of the selected or current user
  * @return void
 public function index_action()
     // Template Index_Box for render-partials
     $layout = $GLOBALS['template_factory']->open('shared/content_box');
     $this->shared_box = $layout;
     // if he has not yet stored into user_info, he comes in with no values
     if ($this->current_user->mkdate === null) {
     if (get_config('NEWS_RSS_EXPORT_ENABLE')) {
         $news_author_id = StudipNews::GetRssIdFromUserId($this->current_user->user_id);
         if ($news_author_id) {
             PageLayout::addHeadElement('link', array('rel' => 'alternate', 'type' => 'application/rss+xml', 'title' => 'RSS', 'href' => 'rss.php?id=' . $news_author_id));
     // Get Avatar
     $this->avatar = Avatar::getAvatar($this->current_user->user_id)->getImageTag(Avatar::NORMAL);
     // GetScroreList
     if (get_config('SCORE_ENABLE')) {
         if ($this->current_user->user_id === $GLOBALS['user']->id || $this->current_user->score) {
             $this->score = Score::GetMyScore($this->current_user);
             $this->score_title = Score::getTitel($this->score, $this->current_user->geschlecht);
     // Additional user information
     $this->public_email = get_visible_email($this->current_user->user_id);
     $this->motto = $this->profile->getVisibilityValue('motto');
     $this->private_nr = $this->profile->getVisibilityValue('privatnr', 'private_phone');
     $this->private_cell = $this->profile->getVisibilityValue('privatcell', 'private_cell');
     $this->privadr = $this->profile->getVisibilityValue('privadr', 'privadr');
     $this->homepage = $this->profile->getVisibilityValue('Home', 'homepage');
     // skype informations
     if (get_config('ENABLE_SKYPE_INFO') && $this->profile->checkVisibility('skype_name')) {
         $this->skype_name = UserConfig::get($this->current_user->user_id)->SKYPE_NAME;
         $this->skype_status = UserConfig::get($this->current_user->user_id)->SKYPE_ONLINE_STATUS && $this->profile->checkVisibility('skype_online_status');
     // get generic datafield entries
     $this->shortDatafields = $this->profile->getShortDatafields();
     $this->longDatafields = $this->profile->getLongDatafields();
     // get working station of an user (institutes)
     $this->institutes = $this->profile->getInstitutInformations();
     // get studying informations of an user
     if ($this->current_user->perms != 'dozent') {
         $study_institutes = UserModel::getUserInstitute($this->current_user->user_id, true);
         if (count($study_institutes) > 0 && $this->profile->checkVisibility('studying')) {
             $this->study_institutes = $study_institutes;
     if ($this->current_user->user_id == $this->user->user_id && $GLOBALS['has_denoted_fields']) {
         $this->has_denoted_fields = true;
     // get kings informations
     if (Config::Get()->SCORE_ENABLE) {
         if ($this->current_user->user_id === $GLOBALS['user']->id || $this->current_user->score) {
             $kings = $this->profile->getKingsInformations();
             if ($kings != null) {
                 $this->kings = $kings;
     $show_admin = $this->perm->have_perm('autor') && $this->user->user_id == $this->current_user->user_id || isDeputyEditAboutActivated() && isDeputy($this->user->user_id, $this->current_user->user_id, true);
     if ($this->profile->checkVisibility('news') or $show_admin === true) {
         $response = $this->relay('news/display/' . $this->current_user->user_id);
         $this->news = $response->body;
     // calendar
     if (get_config('CALENDAR_ENABLE')) {
         if (!in_array($this->current_user->perms, words('admin root'))) {
             if ($this->profile->checkVisibility('termine')) {
                 $response = $this->relay('calendar/contentbox/display/' . $this->current_user->user_id);
                 $this->dates = $response->body;
     // include and show votes and tests
     if (get_config('VOTE_ENABLE') && $this->profile->checkVisibility('votes')) {
         $response = $this->relay('questionnaire/widget/' . $this->current_user->user_id . "/user");
         $this->votes = $response->body;
     // Hier werden Lebenslauf, Hobbys, Publikationen und Arbeitsschwerpunkte ausgegeben:
     $ausgabe_felder = array('lebenslauf' => _('Lebenslauf'), 'hobby' => _('Hobbys'), 'publi' => _('Publikationen'), 'schwerp' => _('Arbeitsschwerpunkte'));
     $ausgabe_inhalt = array();
     foreach ($ausgabe_felder as $key => $value) {
         if ($this->profile->checkVisibility($key)) {
             $ausgabe_inhalt[$value] = $this->current_user[$key];
     $this->ausgabe_inhalt = array_filter($ausgabe_inhalt);
     // Anzeige der Seminare, falls User = dozent
     if ($this->current_user['perms'] == 'dozent') {
         $this->seminare = array_filter($this->profile->getDozentSeminars());
     // Hompageplugins
     $homepageplugins = PluginEngine::getPlugins('HomepagePlugin');
     foreach ($homepageplugins as $homepageplugin) {
         if ($homepageplugin->isActivated($this->current_user->user_id, 'user')) {
             // get homepageplugin tempaltes
             $template = $homepageplugin->getHomepageTemplate($this->current_user->user_id);
             // create output of the plugins
             if (!empty($template)) {
                 $render .= $template->render(null, $layout);
     $this->hompage_plugin = $render;
     // show literature info
     if (get_config('LITERATURE_ENABLE')) {
         $lit_list = StudipLitList::GetFormattedListsByRange($this->current_user->user_id);
         if ($this->current_user->user_id == $this->user->user_id) {
             $this->admin_url = 'dispatch.php/literature/edit_list.php?_range_id=self';
             $this->admin_title = _('Literaturlisten bearbeiten');
         if ($this->profile->checkVisibility('literature')) {
             $this->show_lit = true;
             $this->lit_list = $lit_list;
     // get categories
     $category = Kategorie::findByUserId($this->current_user->user_id);
     foreach ($category as $cat) {
         $head = $cat->name;
         $body = $cat->content;
         if ($this->user->user_id == $this->current_user->user_id) {
             $vis_text .= ' ( ' . Visibility::getStateDescription('kat_' . $cat->kategorie_id) . ' )';
         if ($this->profile->checkVisibility('kat_' . $cat->kategorie_id)) {
             $categories[$cat->kategorie_id]['head'] = $head;
             $categories[$cat->kategorie_id]['zusatz'] = $vis_text;
             $categories[$cat->kategorie_id]['content'] = $body;
     if (!empty($categories)) {
         $this->categories = array_filter($categories, function ($item) {
             return !empty($item['content']);
    function getContent ($args = NULL, $raw = FALSE) {
        if ($raw) {

        if (!$all_groups = get_all_statusgruppen($this->config->range_id)) {
        } else {
            $all_groups = array_keys($all_groups);

        if (!$group_ids = $this->config->getValue('Main', 'groupsvisible')) {
        } else {
            $group_ids = array_intersect($all_groups, $group_ids);

        if (!is_array($group_ids)) {

        if (!$visible_groups = get_statusgruppen_by_id($this->config->range_id, $group_ids)) {

        $sort = $this->config->getValue('Main', 'sort');
        $query_order = '';
        foreach ($sort as $key => $position) {
            if ($position > 0) {
                $query_order[$position] = $this->data_fields[$key];
        if ($query_order) {
            ksort($query_order, SORT_NUMERIC);
            $query_order = ' ORDER BY ' . implode(',', $query_order);

        $grouping = $this->config->getValue("Main", "grouping");
        if (!$nameformat = $this->config->getValue('Main', 'nameformat')) {
            $nameformat = 'full_rev';

        if(!$grouping) {
            $query = "SELECT DISTINCT ui.raum, ui.sprechzeiten, ui.Telefon, inst_perms, Email, aum.user_id, ";
            $query .= 'username, aum.Vorname, title_front, title_rear, ';
            $query .= $GLOBALS['_fullname_sql'][$nameformat] . " AS fullname, aum.Nachname ";
            if ($query_order != '') {
                $query .= "FROM statusgruppe_user LEFT JOIN auth_user_md5 aum USING(user_id) ";
                $query .= "LEFT JOIN user_info USING(user_id) LEFT JOIN user_inst ui USING(user_id) ";
                $query .= "WHERE statusgruppe_id IN (?) AND Institut_id = ? AND ".get_ext_vis_query()."$query_order";
            } else {
                $query .= "FROM statusgruppen s LEFT JOIN statusgruppe_user su USING(statusgruppe_id) ";
                $query .= "LEFT JOIN auth_user_md5 aum USING(user_id) ";
                $query .= "LEFT JOIN user_info USING(user_id) LEFT JOIN user_inst ui USING(user_id) ";
                $query .= "WHERE su.statusgruppe_id IN (?) AND Institut_id = ? ";
                $query .= "' AND ".get_ext_vis_query()." ORDER BY ";
                $query .= "s.position ASC, su.position ASC";
            $parameters = array($this->config->getValue('Main', 'groupsvisible'), $this->config->range_id);
            $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
            $row = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
            $visible_groups = array('');

        // generic data fields
        $generic_datafields = $this->config->getValue('TemplateGeneric', 'genericdatafields');

        $data['data_fields'] = $this->data_fields;
        $defaultaddress = $this->config->getValue('Main', 'defaultadr');
        if (! $defaultaddress) {
           $db_out =& $row;

        $content = null;
        $i = 0;
        $aliases_groups = $this->config->getValue('Main', 'groupsalias');
        foreach ($visible_groups as $group_id => $group) {
            if ($grouping) {
                if ($query_order == '') {
                    $query_order = ' ORDER BY su.position';
                $query = 'SELECT ui.raum, ui.sprechzeiten, ui.Telefon, inst_perms, Email, aum.user_id, ';
                $query .= 'username, aum.Vorname, title_front, title_rear, ';
                $query .= $GLOBALS['_fullname_sql'][$nameformat] . " AS fullname, aum.Nachname ";
                $query .= 'FROM statusgruppe_user su LEFT JOIN auth_user_md5 aum USING(user_id) ';
                $query .= 'LEFT JOIN user_info USING(user_id) LEFT JOIN user_inst ui USING(user_id) ';
                $query .= "WHERE su.statusgruppe_id = ? AND ".get_ext_vis_query()." AND Institut_id = ? $query_order";

                $parameters = array($group_id, $this->config->range_id );
                $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
                $row = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

                if($aliases_groups[$group_id]) {
                    $group = $aliases_groups[$group_id];

            if ($row !== false) {
                if($aliases_groups[$group_id]) {
                    $content['PERSONS']['GROUP'][$i]['GROUPTITLE-SUBSTITUTE'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($aliases_groups[$group_id]);
                $content['PERSONS']['GROUP'][$i]['GROUPTITLE'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($group);
                $content['PERSONS']['GROUP'][$i]['GROUP-NO'] = $i + 1;

                $j = 0;
                    $visibilities = get_local_visibility_by_id($row['user_id'], 'homepage', true);
                    $user_perm = $visibilities['perms'];
                    $visibilities = json_decode($visibilities['homepage'], true);

                    if ($defaultaddress) {
                        $query = 'SELECT ui.raum, ui.sprechzeiten, ui.Telefon, inst_perms,  Email, ';
                        $query .= 'title_front, title_rear, ';
                        $query .= 'aum.user_id, username, ' . $GLOBALS['_fullname_sql'][$nameformat];
                        $query .= ' AS fullname, aum.Nachname, aum.Vorname FROM auth_user_md5 aum LEFT JOIN ';
                        $query .= 'user_info USING(user_id) LEFT JOIN ';
                        $query .= "user_inst ui USING(user_id) WHERE aum.user_id = '" . $row['user_id'];
                        $query .= "' AND ".get_ext_vis_query().' AND externdefault = 1';

                        $statement2 = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
                        $db_out = $statement2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
                        //no default
                        if ($db_out === false) {
                            $query = 'SELECT ui.raum, ui.sprechzeiten, ui.Telefon, inst_perms,  Email, ';
                            $query .= 'title_front, title_rear, ';
                            $query .= 'aum.user_id, username, ' . $GLOBALS['_fullname_sql'][$nameformat];
                            $query .= ' AS fullname, aum.Nachname, aum.Vorname FROM auth_user_md5 aum LEFT JOIN ';
                            $query .= 'user_info USING(user_id) LEFT JOIN ';
                            $query .= "user_inst ui USING(user_id) WHERE aum.user_id = '" . $row['user_id'];
                            $query .= "' AND ".get_ext_vis_query()." AND Institut_id = ? " ;
                            $statement2 = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
                            $params = array($this->config->range_id);
                            $db_out = $statement2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
                    $content['PERSONS']['GROUP'][$i]['PERSON'][$j]['FULLNAME'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($db_out['fullname']);
                    $content['PERSONS']['GROUP'][$i]['PERSON'][$j]['LASTNAME'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($db_out['Nachname']);
                    $content['PERSONS']['GROUP'][$i]['PERSON'][$j]['FIRSTNAME'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($db_out['Vorname']);
                    $content['PERSONS']['GROUP'][$i]['PERSON'][$j]['TITLEFRONT'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($db_out['title_front']);
                    $content['PERSONS']['GROUP'][$i]['PERSON'][$j]['TITLEREAR'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($db_out['title_rear']);
                    $content['PERSONS']['GROUP'][$i]['PERSON'][$j]['PERSONDETAIL-HREF'] = $this->elements['LinkInternTemplate']->createUrl(array('link_args' => 'username='******'username']));
                    $content['PERSONS']['GROUP'][$i]['PERSON'][$j]['USERNAME'] = $db_out['username'];

                    if (is_element_visible_externally( $row['user_id'], $user_perm, 'picture', $visibilities['picture'])) {
                        $avatar = Avatar::getAvatar($db_out['user_id']);
                    } else {
                        $avatar = Avatar::getNobody();
                    $content['PERSONS']['GROUP'][$i]['PERSON'][$j]['IMAGE-URL-SMALL'] = $avatar->getURL(Avatar::SMALL);
                    $content['PERSONS']['GROUP'][$i]['PERSON'][$j]['IMAGE-URL-MEDIUM'] = $avatar->getURL(Avatar::MEDIUM);
                    $content['PERSONS']['GROUP'][$i]['PERSON'][$j]['IMAGE-URL-NORMAL'] = $avatar->getURL(Avatar::NORMAL);

                    $content['PERSONS']['GROUP'][$i]['PERSON'][$j]['PHONE'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($db_out['Telefon']);
                    $content['PERSONS']['GROUP'][$i]['PERSON'][$j]['ROOM'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($db_out['raum']);
                    $content['PERSONS']['GROUP'][$i]['PERSON'][$j]['EMAIL'] = get_visible_email($row['user_id']);
                    $content['PERSONS']['GROUP'][$i]['PERSON'][$j]['EMAIL-LOCAL'] = array_shift(explode('@', $content['PERSONS']['GROUP'][$i]['PERSON'][$j]['EMAIL']));
                    $content['PERSONS']['GROUP'][$i]['PERSON'][$j]['EMAIL-DOMAIN'] = array_pop(explode('@', $content['PERSONS']['GROUP'][$i]['PERSON'][$j]['EMAIL']));
                    $content['PERSONS']['GROUP'][$i]['PERSON'][$j]['OFFICEHOURS'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($db_out['sprechzeiten']);
                    $content['PERSONS']['GROUP'][$i]['PERSON'][$j]['PERSON-NO'] = $j + 1;

                    // generic data fields
                    if (is_array($generic_datafields)) {
                        $localEntries = DataFieldEntry::getDataFieldEntries($db_out['user_id'], 'user');
                        #$datafields = $datafields_obj->getLocalFields($db_out->f('user_id'));
                        $k = 1;
                        foreach ($generic_datafields as $datafield) {
                            if (isset($localEntries[$datafield]) &&
                                    is_object($localEntries[$datafield] &&
                                        $user_perm, $localEntries[$datafield]->getId(),
                                        $visibilities[$localEntries[$datafield]->getId()]))) {
                                if ($localEntries[$datafield]->getType() == 'link') {
                                    $localEntry = ExternModule::extHtmlReady($localEntries[$datafield]->getValue());
                                } else {
                                    $localEntry = $localEntries[$datafield]->getDisplayValue();
                                if ($localEntry) {
                                    $content['PERSONS']['GROUP'][$i]['PERSON'][$j]['DATAFIELD_' . $k] = $localEntry;
                }while ($row = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC));

        return $content;