Beispiel #1
 // Anti Flood Code
 if (!($CURUSER['post_count'] < $CURUSER['post_max'])) {
     stderr('Notice', 'You have reached your Post limit. Please wait 15 minutes before retrying.');
 $newtopic = is_valid_id($forumid);
 $subject = isset($_POST["subject"]) ? $_POST["subject"] : '';
 if ($newtopic) {
     $subject = trim($subject);
     if (empty($subject)) {
         stderr("Error", "You must enter a subject.");
     if (strlen($subject) > $maxsubjectlength) {
         stderr("Error", "Subject is limited to " . $maxsubjectlength . " characters.");
 } else {
     $forumid = get_topic_forum($topicid) or die("Bad topic ID");
 if ($CURUSER["forumpost"] == 'no') {
     stderr("Sorry", "Your are not allowed to post.)");
 // ------ Make sure sure user has write access in forum
 $arr = get_forum_access_levels($forumid) or die("Bad forum ID");
 if ($CURUSER['class'] < $arr["write"] || $newtopic && $CURUSER['class'] < $arr["create"] && !isMod($forumid)) {
     stderr("Error", "Permission denied.");
 $body = trim($_POST["body"]);
 if (empty($body)) {
     stderr("Error", "No body text.");
 $userid = (int) $CURUSER["id"];
 if ($use_flood_mod && $CURUSER['class'] < UC_MODERATOR && !isMod($forumid)) {
Beispiel #2
 $topicid = $_POST["topicid"];
 if (!is_valid_id($forumid) && !is_valid_id($topicid)) {
     showerror(T_("FORUM_ERROR"), "w00t");
 $newtopic = $forumid > 0;
 $subject = $_POST["subject"];
 if ($newtopic) {
     if (!$subject) {
         showerror(T_("ERROR"), "You must enter a subject.");
     $subject = trim($subject);
     //if (!$subject)
     //showerror(T_("ERROR"), "You must enter a subject.");
     //showerror(T_("ERROR"), "Subject is limited to $maxsubjectlength characters.");
 } else {
     $forumid = get_topic_forum($topicid) or showerror(T_("FORUM_ERROR"), "Bad topic ID");
 ////// Make sure sure user has write access in forum
 $arr = get_forum_access_levels($forumid) or showerror(T_("FORUM_ERROR"), "Bad forum ID");
 if (get_user_class() < $arr["write"]) {
     showerror(T_("FORUM_ERROR"), T_("FORUMS_NOT_PERMIT"));
 $body = trim($_POST["body"]);
 if (!$body) {
     showerror(T_("ERROR"), "No body text.");
 $userid = $CURUSER["id"];
 if ($newtopic) {
     //Create topic
     $subject = sqlesc($subject);
     SQL_Query_exec("INSERT INTO forum_topics (userid, forumid, subject) VALUES({$userid}, {$forumid}, {$subject})");
Beispiel #3
 $topicid = isset($_POST["topicid"]) ? intval($_POST["topicid"]) : false;
 if (!is_valid_id($forumid) && !is_valid_id($topicid)) {
     stderr(ERROR, ERR_FORUM_TOPIC);
 $newtopic = $forumid > 0;
 $subject = isset($_POST["subject"]) ? $_POST["subject"] : false;
 if ($newtopic) {
     $subject = trim($subject);
     if (!$subject) {
         stderr(ERROR, ERR_SUBJECT);
     if (strlen($subject) > $maxsubjectlength) {
         stderr(ERROR, SUBJECT_MAX_CHAR . " " . $maxsubjectlength . " " . CHARACTERS);
 } else {
     $forumid = get_topic_forum($topicid) or die(ERR_TOPIC_ID);
 //------ Make sure sure user has write access in forum
 $arr = get_forum_access_levels($forumid) or die(BAD_FORUM_ID);
 if (user::$current["id_level"] < $arr["write"] || $newtopic && user::$current["id_level"] < $arr["create"]) {
     stderr(ERROR, ERR_PERM_DENIED);
 $body = trim($_POST["body"]);
 if ($body == "") {
     stderr(ERROR, ERR_NO_BODY);
 $userid = user::$current["uid"];
 if ($newtopic) {
     //---- Create topic
     $subject = sqlesc(security::html_safe($subject));
     $db->query("UPDATE forums SET topiccount = topiccount + 1 WHERE id = " . $forumid);
Beispiel #4
$forumid = isset($_POST["forumid"]) ? (int) $_POST["forumid"] : 0;
$topicid = isset($_POST["topicid"]) ? (int) $_POST["topicid"] : 0;
if (!is_valid_id($forumid) && !is_valid_id($topicid)) {
    stderr("{$lang['forum_post_error']}", "{$lang['forum_post_bad_id']}");
$newtopic = $forumid > 0;
if ($newtopic) {
    $subject = trim(strip_tags($_POST["subject"]));
    if (!$subject) {
        stderr("{$lang['forum_post_error']}", "{$lang['forum_post_subject']}");
    if (strlen($subject) > $maxsubjectlength) {
        stderr("{$lang['forum_post_error']}", "{$lang['forum_post_subject_limit']}");
} else {
    $forumid = get_topic_forum($topicid) or die("{$lang['forum_post_bad_topic']}");
//------ Make sure sure user has write access in forum
$arr = get_forum_access_levels($forumid) or die("{$lang['forum_post_bad_forum']}");
if (get_user_class() < $arr["write"] || $newtopic && get_user_class() < $arr["create"]) {
    stderr("{$lang['forum_post_error']}", "{$lang['forum_post_denied']}");
$body = trim($_POST["body"]);
if ($body == "") {
    stderr("{$lang['forum_post_error']}", "{$lang['forum_post_body']}");
$userid = $CURUSER["id"];
if ($newtopic) {
    //---- Create topic
    $subject = sqlesc($subject);
    @mysql_query("INSERT INTO topics (userid, forumid, subject) VALUES({$userid}, {$forumid}, {$subject})") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
Beispiel #5
    $newtopic = $forumid > 0;

    $subject = $_POST["subject"];

    if ($newtopic)
      $subject = trim($subject);

      if (!$subject)
        stderr("Villa", "Þú verður að hafa efni.");

      if (strlen($subject) > $maxsubjectlength)
        stderr("Villa", "Efni má vera mest $maxsubjectlength stafir.");
      $forumid = get_topic_forum($topicid) or die("Slæmt ID");

    //------ Make sure sure user has write access in forum

    $arr = get_forum_access_levels($forumid) or die("Slæmt ID");

    if (get_user_class() < $arr["write"] || ($newtopic && get_user_class() < $arr["create"])) {
	if($CURUSER['donor'] === 'no' || $forumid === '1' || $forumid === '8' || $forumid === '12')
		stderr("Villa", "Aðgangi hafnað.");

    $body = trim($_POST["body"]);

    if ($body == "")
      stderr("Villa", "Ekkert meginatriði.");