Beispiel #1
 function clear()
     global $_G;
     if (!$_GET['fid']) {
         cpmsg('抱歉,要清空的分类ID不存在', 'error', "m=channel&a=main");
         return false;
     $fid = intval($_GET['fid']);
     if (!$_GET['ok']) {
         $msg = "<p><a href='" . URL . "m=channel&a=clear&ok=1&all=1&fid=" . $fid . "'>清空当前栏目</a></p>";
         $msg .= "<p><a href='" . URL . "m=channel&a=clear&ok=1&all=2&fid=" . $fid . "'>清空当前栏目和所有子栏目商品</a></p>";
         cpmsg('您确定要清空当前栏目中的所商品吗?清空后不可恢复?', 'error', "m=channel&a=main", '取消', $msg);
         return false;
     } else {
         $channel = get_sub($fid);
         if (table('goods')) {
             if ($_GET['all'] == 1) {
                 DB::delete("goods", "fid=" . $fid);
             } elseif ($_GET['all'] == 2) {
                 DB::delete("goods", "fid in (" . $channel[fid_in] . ")");
         $count = DB::affected_rows();
         loadcache("channels", 'update');
         loadcache("all_channel", 'update');
         cpmsg('清空成功,共清空' . $count . '条商品', 'error', "m=channel&a=main");
         return false;
Beispiel #2
 function clear()
     global $_G;
     if (!$_GET['id']) {
         cpmsg('抱歉,要清空的分类ID不存在', 'error', 'm=' . CURMODULE . '&a=cate');
         return false;
     $id = intval($_GET['id']);
     if (!$_GET['ok']) {
         $msg = "<p><a href='" . URL . "m=" . CURMODULE . "&a=cate_clear&ok=1&all=1&id=" . $id . "'>清空当前分类</a></p>";
         $msg .= "<p><a href='" . URL . "m=" . CURMODULE . "&a=cate_clear&ok=1&all=2&id=" . $id . "'>清空当前分类和所有子分类信息</a></p>";
         cpmsg('您确定要清空当前分类中的所有信息吗?清空后不可恢复?', 'error', "m=" . CURMODULE . "&a=cate", '取消', $msg);
         return false;
     } else {
         $cate = get_sub($id);
         if (table(__CLASS__)) {
             $tb = table($this->table);
             $name = 'cate';
             if (array_key_exists('cid', $tb)) {
                 $name = 'cid';
             if ($_GET['all'] == 1) {
                 $count = DB::delete($this->table, $name . "=" . $id);
             } elseif ($_GET['all'] == 2) {
                 $count = DB::delete($this->table, $name . " in (" . $cate[id_in] . ")");
         cpmsg('清空成功,共清空' . $count . '条', 'success', 'm=' . CURMODULE . '&a=cate');
         return false;
Beispiel #3
<!--This is categories-->
            <div class="col-sm-9 padding-right">
                    <div class="features_items "><!--features_items-->
                        <div class="row">
include 'search.php';
                            <div id="contentr" onload ="loading()">
$named = $_REQUEST['names'];
$named = strtoupper(str_replace("_", " ", $named));
$id = $_REQUEST['id'];
get_sub($named, $id);
                            </div><!--featured item end-->
                    </div><!--col-sm-9 end-->
include 'html/php/includes/itrend.php';
require 'html/php/includes/footer.req.php';
<!--This is footer--> 
function make_sql($in_talbe = '')
    global $_G, $app;
    $get = $_GET;
    $in_talbe = $in_talbe ? $in_talbe : 'goods';
    $and = $sort = $order = $url = '';
    if (isset($get[fid]) && $get[fid] > 0) {
        $fid = intval($get[fid]);
        $fup = get_sub($fid);
        if ($fup && $fup[fid_in]) {
            $and .= " AND fid in ( " . $fup[fid_in] . " )";
        } else {
            $and .= " AND fid =" . $fid;
        $url .= "&fid=" . $fid;
    if (isset($get[cate]) && $get['cate'] > 0) {
        $cate = intval($get['cate']);
        $and .= " AND cate = " . $cate;
        $url .= '&cate=' . $cate;
    //&and = yh_price_gt_100
    if (isset($get['and']) && trim($get['and'])) {
        $tmp = explode('_', $get['and']);
        if (count($tmp) == 4) {
            $tmp1 = array($tmp[0] . '_' . $tmp[1], $tmp[2], $tmp[3]);
        } else {
            $tmp1 = $tmp;
        if (!$table) {
            $table = table($in_talbe);
        if (array_key_exists($tmp1[0], $table)) {
            $and_f = ' = ';
            if ($tmp1[1] == 'gt') {
                $and_f = ' > ';
            } else {
                if ($tmp1[1] == 'lt') {
                    $and_f = ' < ';
                } else {
                    if ($tmp1[1] == 'neq') {
                        $and_f = ' != ';
            $and .= " AND " . $tmp1[0] . $and_f . $tmp1[2];
            $url .= '&' . $get['and'];
    if (isset($get['price']) && $get['price'] > 0) {
        if (strpos($get[price], '_') !== false) {
            $price = explode('_', $get[price]);
            $price[0] = intval($price[0]);
            $price[1] = intval($price[1]);
            $and .= " AND yh_price >= " . $price[0] . " AND yh_price < " . $price[1];
            $url .= '&price=' . $price[0] . '_' . $price[1];
        } else {
            $price = intval($get['price']);
            $and .= " AND yh_price < " . $price;
            $url .= '&price=' . $price;
    if (isset($get['and_in']) && trim($get['and_in']) && $get[where] && array_key_exists($get[where], table('goods'))) {
        $and_in = trim($get['and_in']);
        $field = trim($get[where]);
        if (!$table) {
            $table = table($in_talbe);
        if (array_key_exists($field, $table) && preg_match("/^[a-z_0-9-,.]+\$/", $and_in) && preg_match("/^[a-z_]+\$/", $get[where])) {
            $tmp = explode('-', $and_in);
            $tmp2 = explode(',', $and_in);
            if ($tmp && count($tmp) == 2) {
                $and .= " AND `{$field}` >= '" . floatval($tmp[0]) . "' AND `{$field}` <='" . floatval($tmp[1]) . "'";
            } elseif ($tmp2 && count($tmp2) > 1) {
                $and .= " AND `{$field}` in (" . $and_in . ")";
            } else {
                $and .= " AND `{$field}` = '" . $and_in . "'";
            $url .= "&and_in=" . $and_in . "&where=" . $get[where];
    if (isset($get['sort']) && $get['sort']) {
        $url .= '&sort=' . trim($get[sort]);
        $sort = $get['sort'] == 'asc' ? ' ASC ' : ' DESC ';
    if ($get['order'] && preg_match("/^[a-z_]+\$/", $get['order'])) {
        if (!$table) {
            $table = table($in_talbe);
        if (array_key_exists($get[order], $table)) {
            $order = trim($get[order]);
            $url .= '&order=' . $order;
            if (!$sort) {
                $sort = ' DESC ';
            $order = ' `' . $order . '` ' . $sort;
    return array('and' => $and, 'url' => $url, 'order' => $order);