Beispiel #1
function smarty_cms_function_stylesheet($params, &$smarty)
    if (!function_exists('get_stylesheet_tag')) {
        function get_stylesheet_tag($cssid, $media = '')
            global $gCms;
            $config =& $gCms->config;
            $str = '';
            $url = '';
            //if( $config['url_rewriting'] != 'none' )
            $base = $config['root_url'];
            if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'off') {
                $base = $config['ssl_url'];
            $url = $base . '/stylesheet.php?cssid=' . $cssid;
            if (!empty($media)) {
                $url .= '&mediatype=' . $media;
            $str = '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" ';
            if (!empty($media)) {
                $str .= 'media="' . $media . '" ';
            $str .= 'href="' . $url . '" />';
            return $str;
    global $gCms;
    $config =& $gCms->config;
    $pageinfo =& $gCms->variables['pageinfo'];
    $template_id = $pageinfo->template_id;
    if (isset($params["templateid"]) && $params["templateid"] != "") {
        $template_id = $params["templateid"];
    $db =& $gCms->GetDb();
    $stylesheet = '';
    if (isset($params['name']) && $params['name'] != '') {
        $query = 'SELECT css_id FROM ' . cms_db_prefix() . 'css 
                     WHERE css_name = ?';
        $cssid = $db->GetOne($query, array($params['name']));
        if ($cssid) {
            $stylesheet .= get_stylesheet_tag($cssid, isset($params['media']) ? $params['media'] : '');
            $stylesheet .= "\n";
    } else {
        $query = 'SELECT DISTINCT A.css_id,A.media_type,B.assoc_order 
                      FROM ' . cms_db_prefix() . 'css A, ' . cms_db_prefix() . 'css_assoc B
                     WHERE A.css_id = B.assoc_css_id
                       AND B.assoc_type = ?
                       AND B.assoc_to_id = ?
                     ORDER BY B.assoc_order';
        $res = $db->GetArray($query, array('template', $template_id));
        if ($res) {
            $fmt1 = '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="%s" href="%s" />';
            $fmt2 = '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="%s" />';
            foreach ($res as $one) {
                $tmp = str_replace(' ', '', $one['media_type']);
                $stylesheet .= get_stylesheet_tag($one['css_id'], $tmp);
                $stylesheet .= "\n";
    if (!(isset($config["use_smarty_php_tags"]) && $config["use_smarty_php_tags"] == true)) {
        if (version_compare(phpversion(), "5.3.0", "<")) {
            $stylesheet = ereg_replace("\\{\\/?php\\}", "", $stylesheet);
        } else {
            $stylesheet = preg_replace("/\\{\\/?php\\}/", "", $stylesheet);
    return $stylesheet;
function smarty_cms_function_cms_stylesheet($params, &$smarty)
    if (!function_exists('get_stylesheet_tag')) {
        function get_stylesheet_tag($cssid, $media = '')
            global $gCms;
            $config =& $gCms->config;
            $str = '';
            $url = '';
            //if( $config['url_rewriting'] != 'none' )
            $base = $config['root_url'];
            if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'off') {
                $base = $config['ssl_url'];
            $url = $base . '/stylesheet.php?cssid=' . $cssid;
            if (!empty($media)) {
                $url .= '&amp;mediatype=' . $media;
            $str = '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" ';
            if (!empty($media)) {
                $str .= 'media="' . $media . '" ';
            $str .= 'href="' . $url . '" />';
            return $str;
    // begin
    global $gCms;
    if (isset($params["templateid"]) && $params["templateid"] != "") {
        $template_id = $params["templateid"];
    } else {
        $pageinfo =& $gCms->variables['pageinfo'];
        $template_id = $pageinfo->template_id;
    $config =& $gCms->config;
    $db =& $gCms->GetDb();
    $cache_dir = TMP_CACHE_LOCATION;
    $stylesheet = '';
    if (isset($params['name']) && $params['name'] != '') {
        $query = 'SELECT css_id,css_name,modified_date FROM ' . cms_db_prefix() . 'css 
			WHERE css_name = ?';
        $cssid = $db->GetOne($query, array($params['name']));
        if ($cssid) {
            $stylesheet .= get_stylesheet_tag($cssid, isset($params['media']) ? $params['media'] : '');
            $stylesheet .= "\n";
    } else {
        $qparms = array();
        $query = 'SELECT DISTINCT A.css_id,A.css_name,A.css_text,A.modified_date,
		FROM ' . cms_db_prefix() . 'css A, ' . cms_db_prefix() . 'css_assoc B
		WHERE A.css_id = B.assoc_css_id
		AND B.assoc_type = ?
		AND B.assoc_to_id = ?';
        $qparms = array('template', $template_id);
        if (isset($params['media']) && strtolower($params['media']) != 'all') {
            $query .= ' AND (media_type LIKE ? OR media_type LIKE ?)';
            $qparms[] = '%' . trim($params['media']) . '%';
            $qparms[] = '%all%';
        $query .= ' ORDER BY B.assoc_order';
        $conv_filename = array(' ' => '', ':' => '_');
        $res = $db->GetArray($query, $qparms);
        if ($res) {
            $fmt1 = '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="%s" href="%s" />';
            $fmt2 = '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="%s" />';
            foreach ($res as $one) {
                $media_type = str_replace(' ', '', $one['media_type']);
                $filename = strtr($one['css_name'], $conv_filename) . '_' . strtotime($one['modified_date']) . '.css';
                if (!file_exists(cms_join_path($cache_dir, $filename))) {
                    $smarty = $gCms->GetSmarty();
                    $smarty->left_delimiter = '[[';
                    $smarty->right_delimiter = ']]';
                    $smarty->_compile_source('temporary stylesheet', $one['css_text'], $_compiled);
                    $smarty->_eval('?>' . $_compiled);
                    $_contents = @ob_get_contents();
                    $smarty->left_delimiter = '{';
                    $smarty->right_delimiter = '}';
                    $fname = cms_join_path($cache_dir, $filename);
                    $fp = fopen($fname, 'w');
                    //we convert CRLF to LF for unix compatibility
                    fwrite($fp, str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $_contents));
                    //set the modified date to the template modified date
                    //touch($fname, $db->UnixTimeStamp($one['modified_date']));
                if (empty($media_type) || isset($params['media'])) {
                    $stylesheet .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $config['root_url'] . '/tmp/cache/' . $filename . '"/>' . "\n";
                } else {
                    $stylesheet .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $config['root_url'] . '/tmp/cache/' . $filename . '" media="' . $media_type . '"/>' . "\n";
    if (!(isset($config["use_smarty_php_tags"]) && $config["use_smarty_php_tags"] == true)) {
        $stylesheet = preg_replace("/\\{\\/?php\\}/", "", $stylesheet);
    return $stylesheet;