theme_logo('', array('image' => $themePath . 'assets/images/logo.png', 'class' => '')); ?> </div> <?php // logo - default (desktop view) if ($is_responsive) { ?> <div class="logoResponsive hidden-desktop"><?php theme_logo('', array('image' => $themePath . 'assets/images/logo.png', 'class' => '')); ?> </div> <?php } } // foreground slider $ss = get_ss($theHeader); if (isset($ss['ss-type']) && $ss['ss-type'] == 'ss-bgSlider') { $ss_h = $ss["height"] ? $ss["height"] : 500; $ss_w = $ss["width"] ? $ss["width"] : 960; //$ss_css = ($ss["width"]) ? 'width:'. $ss["width"] .'px;' : 'width:960px;'; $ss_css = 'height:' . $ss_h . 'px;'; $ratio = round($ss_w / $ss_h, 3); ?> <ul id="mainpage_slider_foreground" style="<?php echo $ss_css; ?> " data-ratio="<?php echo $ratio; ?> "> <?php
function the_city_background_slider() { global $theHeader; $ss = get_ss($theHeader); // background slider $slider = explode(',', $theHeader['content']); $slider = $slider[1]; // some default values: if (!isset($ss["width"]) || $ss["width"] == 0) { $ss["width"] = 960; } if (!isset($ss["height"]) || $ss["height"] == 0) { $ss["height"] = 500; } if (isset($ss['ss-type']) && $ss['ss-type'] == 'ss-bgSlider') { ?> <!-- background slider --> <?php /*?><ul id="mainpage_slider_background" style="background-size: 100%; height: <?php echo $ss["height"] + 88 ?>px;"><?php */ ?> <ul id="mainpage_slider_background"> <?php $count = 0; foreach ($ss['slides_1'] as $key => $value) { // default set //$opacity = "0.5"; // overwrite from SS global if (isset($ss['ss_bg_transparency']) && $ss['ss_bg_transparency'] != "") { $opacity = $ss['ss_bg_transparency']; } // overwrite from Slide settings if (isset($value['s_bg_transparency']) && $value['s_bg_transparency'] != "") { $opacity = $value['s_bg_transparency']; } if ($opacity) { $style = 'style="opacity: ' . $opacity . ';"'; } ?> <li id="mainpage_slider_background-<?php echo $count; ?> " style="<?php echo $count > 0 ? "visibility: hidden;" : ""; ?> " class="bgSlide"><img <?php echo $style; ?> src="<?php echo $value['bg_media']; ?> " alt=""></li> <?php $count++; } ?> </ul> <?php if ($theHeader["bg_gradient"] == "1") { ?> <div id="BgSliderGradientOverlay"></div> <?php } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $('#container_head_mainpage').bebelBackgroundSlider({ background: '#mainpage_slider_background', foreground: '#mainpage_slider_foreground', prevButton: '#mainpage_slider_button_prev', nextButton: '#mainpage_slider_button_next', slidePause: <?php echo $ss['timing']; ?> 000, autoScroll: true, debug: false }); }); </script> <?php } else { $bg_scroll = ''; $bg = bg_style('header', 'array'); // returns full array for the header (including overrides of any default settings) if ($bg['bg_scroll'] == 'fixed') { $bg_scroll = 'position: fixed;'; } // If there is a background image, include the slider container // if (bg_style('header', 'image')) : ?> <ul id="mainpage_slider_background" style="background-size: 100%; height: <?php echo $ss["height"] + 88; ?> px; <?php echo $bg_scroll; ?> "> <?php if ($bg['bg_repeat'] == 'full-width') { // Output as image inside list item $image = '<img src="' . $bg['background'] . '" alt="">'; $class = 'bgSlide'; $style = ''; } else { // Output as CSS background of list item $image = ''; $class = ''; $style = bg_style("header"); } ?> <li id="HeaderBg" style="<?php echo $style; ?> " class="<?php echo $class; ?> "><?php echo $image; ?> </li> </ul> <?php // endif; // If the background gradient setting is active if ($theHeader["bg_gradient"] == "1") { ?> <div id="BgSliderGradientOverlay" style="height: <?php echo $ss["height"] + 88; ?> px; <?php echo $bg_scroll; ?> "></div> <?php } } }