/** * swfupload上传附件 */ public function swfupload(){ $grouplist = getcache('grouplist','member'); if(isset($_POST['dosubmit'])){ if( $_POST['swf_auth_key'] != md5(pc_base::load_config('system','auth_key').$_POST['SWFUPLOADSESSID']) || ($_POST['isadmin']==0 && !$grouplist[$_POST['groupid']]['allowattachment'])) exit(); pc_base::load_sys_class('attachment','',0); $attachment = new attachment($_POST['module'],$_POST['catid'],$_POST['siteid']); $attachment->set_userid($_POST['userid']); $aids = $attachment->upload('Filedata',$_POST['filetype_post'],'','',array($_POST['thumb_width'],$_POST['thumb_height']),$_POST['watermark_enable']); if($aids[0]) { $filename= (strtolower(CHARSET) != 'utf-8') ? iconv('gbk', 'utf-8', $attachment->uploadedfiles[0]['filename']) : $attachment->uploadedfiles[0]['filename']; if($attachment->uploadedfiles[0]['isimage']) { echo $aids[0].','.$this->upload_url.$attachment->uploadedfiles[0]['filepath'].','.$attachment->uploadedfiles[0]['isimage'].','.$filename; } else { $fileext = $attachment->uploadedfiles[0]['fileext']; if($fileext == 'zip' || $fileext == 'rar') $fileext = 'rar'; elseif($fileext == 'doc' || $fileext == 'docx') $fileext = 'doc'; elseif($fileext == 'xls' || $fileext == 'xlsx') $fileext = 'xls'; elseif($fileext == 'ppt' || $fileext == 'pptx') $fileext = 'ppt'; elseif ($fileext == 'flv' || $fileext == 'swf' || $fileext == 'rm' || $fileext == 'rmvb') $fileext = 'flv'; else $fileext = 'do'; echo $aids[0].','.$this->upload_url.$attachment->uploadedfiles[0]['filepath'].','.$fileext.','.$filename; } exit; } else { echo '0,'.$attachment->error(); exit; } } else { if($this->isadmin==0 && !$grouplist[$this->groupid]['allowattachment']) showmessage(L('att_no_permission')); $args = $_GET['args']; $authkey = $_GET['authkey']; if(upload_key($args)!=$authkey) showmessage(L('attachment_parameter_error')); extract(getswfinit($_GET['args'])); $siteid = $this->get_siteid(); $site_setting = get_site_setting($siteid); $file_size_limit = sizecount($site_setting['upload_maxsize']*1024); $att_not_used = param::get_cookie('att_json'); if(empty($att_not_used) || !isset($att_not_used)) $tab_status = ' class="on"'; if(!empty($att_not_used)) $div_status = ' hidden'; //获取临时未处理文件列表 $att = $this->att_not_used(); include $this->admin_tpl('swfupload'); } }
/** * 读取swfupload配置类型 * @param array $args flash上传配置信息 */ function getswfinit($args) { $siteid = get_siteid(); $site_setting = get_site_setting($siteid); $site_allowext = $site_setting['upload_allowext']; $args = explode(',', $args); $arr['file_upload_limit'] = intval($args[0]) ? intval($args[0]) : '8'; $args['1'] = $args[1] != '' ? $args[1] : $site_allowext; $arr_allowext = explode('|', $args[1]); foreach ($arr_allowext as $k => $v) { $v = '*.' . $v; $array[$k] = $v; } $upload_allowext = implode(';', $array); $arr['file_types'] = $upload_allowext; $arr['file_types_post'] = $args[1]; $arr['allowupload'] = intval($args[2]); $arr['thumb_width'] = intval($args[3]); $arr['thumb_height'] = intval($args[4]); $arr['watermark_enable'] = $args[5] == '' ? 1 : intval($args[5]); return $arr; }
public function upload() { header('Content-Type:text/html;charset=utf-8'); if (IS_POST) { $data = array(); $upload = new \Think\Upload(); $site_setting = get_site_setting(get_siteid()); $upload->maxSize = $site_setting['upload_maxsize'] * 1024; $upload->saveRule = "time"; $upload->allowExts = array_intersect(explode('|', $_POST['filetype_post']), explode('|', $site_setting['upload_allowext'])); $upload->rootPath = UPLOAD_PATH; if (isset($_FILES)) { $info = $upload->upload(); if (!$info) { // 上传错误提示错误信息 $data['status'] = 'error'; $data['error_info'] = $upload->getError(); } else { $attach_info = isset($info['0']) ? $info['0'] : $info['upload']; // 将附件插入附件表 $attach_info = array('name' => empty($attach_info["name"]) ? $attach_info["savename"] : $attach_info["name"], 'path' => UPLOAD_PATH . $attach_info["savepath"] . $attach_info["savename"], 'url' => UPLOAD_URL . $attach_info["savepath"] . $attach_info["savename"], 'size' => $attach_info['size'], 'ext' => $attach_info['ext'], 'upload_time' => time(), 'upload_ip' => get_client_ip()); if (in_array($attach_info['ext'], array('jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'jpeg'))) { // $mine_type = (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0') >= 0) ? finfo_file(finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE), $attach_info['path']) : mime_content_type($attach_info['path']); $mine_type = mime_content_type($attach_info['path']); $compression_filename = D("Attachment")->gd_compression_image(UPLOAD_PATH . $attach_info["savepath"], $mine_type, $attach_info["savename"]); $attach_info['compression_image'] = UPLOAD_PATH . $attach_info["savepath"] . $compression_filename; $attach_info['compression_url'] = UPLOAD_URL . $attach_info["savepath"] . $compression_filename; $image_source = D("Attachment")->gd_create_image($mine_type, $attach_info['path']); if ($image_source) { $attach_info['width'] = imagesx($image_source); $attach_info['height'] = imagesy($image_source); } } if (isset($_SESSION['user_info'])) { $attach_info['user_id'] = $_SESSION['user_info']['id']; $attach_info['category_id'] = 1; } if ($attachment_id = D("Attachment")->add($attach_info)) { $data['attachment_id'] = $attachment_id; $data['stutas'] = 'success'; $attach_info['path'] = $attach_info['url']; $data['attachment_info'] = $attach_info; } else { $data['status'] = 'error'; $data['error_info'] = $upload->getError(); } } } else { $data['stutas'] = 'error'; $data['error_info'] = '请先选择图片!'; } sleep(1); if (isset($_GET['CKEditor'])) { $funcNum = $_GET['CKEditorFuncNum']; $url = $data['attachment_info']['path']; $message = isset($data['error_info']) ? $data['error_info'] : ""; $this->ajaxReturn("<script type='text/javascript'>window.parent.CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction({$funcNum}, '{$url}', '{$message}');</script>", 'EVAL'); } else { $this->ajaxReturn(json_encode($data), 'EVAL'); } } else { $args = $_GET['args']; $args = getswfinit($_GET['args']); $site_setting = get_site_setting(get_siteid()); $file_size_limit = sizecount($site_setting['upload_maxsize'] * 1024); $this->assign('file_size_limit', $file_size_limit); $this->assign('args', $args); $this->display(); } }
//-- otherwise have them login again if (!PGV_USER_GEDCOM_ADMIN) { header("Location: login.php?url=editgedcoms.php"); exit; } print_header($pgv_lang["gedcom_adm_head"]); print "<center>\n"; if ($action == "delete") { delete_gedcom($ged); print "<br />" . str_replace("#GED#", $ged, $pgv_lang["gedcom_deleted"]) . "<br />\n"; } if ($action == "setdefault" && in_array($default_ged, get_all_gedcoms())) { set_site_setting('DEFAULT_GEDCOM', $default_ged); $DEFAULT_GEDCOM = $default_ged; } else { $DEFAULT_GEDCOM = get_site_setting('DEFAULT_GEDCOM'); } print "<br /><br />"; ?> <span class="subheaders"><?php print_text("current_gedcoms"); ?> </span><br /> <form name="defaultform" method="get" action="editgedcoms.php"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="setdefault" /> <?php // Default gedcom choice print "<br />"; if ($gBitUser->isAdmin() && count(get_all_gedcoms()) > 1) { print_help_link("default_gedcom_help", "qm"); print $pgv_lang["DEFAULT_GEDCOM"] . " ";
/** * Print Review Changes Block * * Prints a block allowing the user review all changes pending approval */ function review_changes_block($block = true, $config = "", $side, $index) { global $pgv_lang, $ctype, $QUERY_STRING, $factarray, $PGV_IMAGE_DIR, $PGV_IMAGES; global $pgv_changes, $TEXT_DIRECTION, $SHOW_SOURCES, $PGV_BLOCKS; global $PHPGEDVIEW_EMAIL; if (empty($config)) { $config = $PGV_BLOCKS["review_changes_block"]["config"]; } if ($pgv_changes) { //-- if the time difference from the last email is greater than 24 hours then send out another email $LAST_CHANGE_EMAIL = get_site_setting('LAST_CHANGE_EMAIL'); if (time() - $LAST_CHANGE_EMAIL > 60 * 60 * 24 * $config["days"]) { $LAST_CHANGE_EMAIL = time(); set_site_setting('LAST_CHANGE_EMAIL', $LAST_CHANGE_EMAIL); write_changes(); if ($config["sendmail"] == "yes") { // Which users have pending changes? $users_with_changes = array(); foreach (get_all_users() as $user_id => $user_name) { foreach (get_all_gedcoms() as $ged_id => $ged_name) { if (exists_pending_change($user_id, $ged_id)) { $users_with_changes[$user_id] = $user_name; break; } } } foreach ($users_with_changes as $user_id => $user_name) { //-- send message $message = array(); $message["to"] = $user_name; $message["from"] = $PHPGEDVIEW_EMAIL; $message["subject"] = $pgv_lang["review_changes_subject"]; $message["body"] = $pgv_lang["review_changes_body"]; $message["method"] = get_user_setting($user_id, 'contactmethod'); $message["url"] = PGV_SCRIPT_NAME . "?" . html_entity_decode($QUERY_STRING); $message["no_from"] = true; addMessage($message); } } } if (PGV_USER_CAN_EDIT) { $id = "review_changes_block"; $title = print_help_link("review_changes_help", "qm", "", false, true); if ($PGV_BLOCKS["review_changes_block"]["canconfig"]) { if ($ctype == "gedcom" && PGV_USER_GEDCOM_ADMIN || $ctype == "user" && PGV_USER_ID) { if ($ctype == "gedcom") { $name = PGV_GEDCOM; } else { $name = PGV_USER_NAME; } $title .= "<a href=\"javascript: configure block\" onclick=\"window.open('" . encode_url("index_edit.php?name={$name}&ctype={$ctype}&action=configure&side={$side}&index={$index}") . "', '_blank', 'top=50,left=50,width=600,height=350,scrollbars=1,resizable=1'); return false;\">"; $title .= "<img class=\"adminicon\" src=\"{$PGV_IMAGE_DIR}/" . $PGV_IMAGES["admin"]["small"] . "\" width=\"15\" height=\"15\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . $pgv_lang["config_block"] . "\" /></a>"; } } $title .= $pgv_lang["review_changes"]; $content = ""; if (PGV_USER_CAN_ACCEPT) { $content .= "<a href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"window.open('edit_changes.php','_blank','width=600,height=500,resizable=1,scrollbars=1'); return false;\">" . $pgv_lang["accept_changes"] . "</a><br />"; } if ($config["sendmail"] == "yes") { $content .= $pgv_lang["last_email_sent"] . format_timestamp($LAST_CHANGE_EMAIL) . "<br />"; $content .= $pgv_lang["next_email_sent"] . format_timestamp($LAST_CHANGE_EMAIL + 60 * 60 * 24 * $config["days"]) . "<br /><br />"; } foreach ($pgv_changes as $cid => $changes) { $change = $changes[count($changes) - 1]; if ($change["gedcom"] == PGV_GEDCOM) { $record = GedcomRecord::getInstance($change['gid']); if ($record->getType() != 'SOUR' || $SHOW_SOURCES >= PGV_USER_ACCESS_LEVEL) { $content .= '<b>' . PrintReady($record->getFullName()) . '</b> ' . getLRM() . '(' . $record->getXref() . ')' . getLRM(); switch ($record->getType()) { case 'INDI': case 'FAM': case 'SOUR': case 'OBJE': $content .= $block ? '<br />' : ' '; $content .= '<a href="' . encode_url($record->getLinkUrl() . '&show_changes=yes') . '">' . $pgv_lang['view_change_diff'] . '</a>'; break; } $content .= '<br />'; } } } global $THEME_DIR; if ($block) { require $THEME_DIR . 'templates/block_small_temp.php'; } else { require $THEME_DIR . 'templates/block_main_temp.php'; } } } }
function get_site_email() { return get_site_setting('site_email'); }
function print_htmlplus_block($block = true, $config = '', $side, $index) { global $ctype, $factarray, $GEDCOM, $HTML_BLOCK_COUNT, $PGV_BLOCKS, $PGV_IMAGE_DIR, $PGV_IMAGES, $pgv_lang, $TEXT_DIRECTION, $MULTI_MEDIA, $SHOW_ID_NUMBERS; // config sanity check if (empty($config)) { $config = $PGV_BLOCKS['print_htmlplus_block']['config']; } else { foreach ($PGV_BLOCKS['print_htmlplus_block']['config'] as $k => $v) { if (!isset($config[$k])) { $config[$k] = $v; } } } if (!isset($HTML_BLOCK_COUNT)) { $HTML_BLOCK_COUNT = 0; } $HTML_BLOCK_COUNT++; /* * Select GEDCOM */ switch ($config['gedcom']) { case '__current__': break; case '': break; case '__default__': $GEDCOM = get_site_setting('DEFAULT_GEDCOM'); if (!$GEDCOM) { foreach (get_all_gedcoms() as $gedcom) { $GEDCOM = $gedcom; break; } } break; default: if (get_gedcom_setting(get_gedcom_from_id($config['gedcom']), 'imported')) { $GEDCOM = $config['gedcom']; } break; } /* * Initiate the stats object. */ if ($config['compat'] == 1) { require_once PGV_ROOT . 'includes/classes/class_stats_compat.php'; $stats = new stats_compat($GEDCOM); } elseif ($config['ui'] == 1) { require_once PGV_ROOT . 'includes/classes/class_stats_ui.php'; $stats = new stats_ui($GEDCOM); } else { $stats = new stats($GEDCOM); } // Make some values from the GEDCOM's 0 HEAD record visible to the world global $CREATED_SOFTWARE, $CREATED_VERSION, $CREATED_DATE; $CREATED_SOFTWARE = $stats->gedcomCreatedSoftware(); $CREATED_VERSION = $stats->gedcomCreatedVersion(); $CREATED_DATE = $stats->gedcomDate(); /* * First Pass. * Handle embedded language, fact, global, etc. references * This needs to be done first because the language variables could themselves * contain embedded keywords. */ // Title $config['title'] = print_text($config['title'], 0, 2); // Content $config['html'] = print_text($config['html'], 0, 2); /* * Second Pass. */ list($new_tags, $new_values) = $stats->getTags("{$config['title']} {$config['html']}"); // Title if (strstr($config['title'], '#')) { $config['title'] = str_replace($new_tags, $new_values, $config['title']); } // Content $config['html'] = str_replace($new_tags, $new_values, $config['html']); /* * Restore Current GEDCOM */ $GEDCOM = PGV_GEDCOM; /* * Start Of Output */ $id = "html_block{$HTML_BLOCK_COUNT}"; $title = ""; if ($config['title'] != '') { if (PGV_USER_GEDCOM_ADMIN) { $title .= print_help_link('index_htmlplus_ahelp', 'qm_ah', '', false, true); } else { $title .= print_help_link('index_htmlplus_help', 'qm', '', false, true); } if ($PGV_BLOCKS['print_htmlplus_block']['canconfig']) { if ($ctype == "gedcom" && PGV_USER_GEDCOM_ADMIN || $ctype == "user" && PGV_USER_ID) { if ($ctype == "gedcom") { $name = PGV_GEDCOM; } else { $name = PGV_USER_NAME; } $title .= "<a href=\"javascript: configure block\" onclick=\"window.open('" . encode_url("index_edit.php?name={$name}&ctype={$ctype}&action=configure&side={$side}&index={$index}") . "', '_blank', 'top=50,left=50,width=600,height=350,scrollbars=1,resizable=1'); return false;\">" . "<img class=\"adminicon\" src=\"{$PGV_IMAGE_DIR}/{$PGV_IMAGES['admin']['small']}\" width=\"15\" height=\"15\" border=\"0\" alt=\"{$pgv_lang['config_block']}\" /></a>"; } } $title .= $config['title']; } $content = $config['html']; if ($config['title'] == '' && $PGV_BLOCKS['print_htmlplus_block']['canconfig']) { if ($ctype == "gedcom" && PGV_USER_GEDCOM_ADMIN || $ctype == "user" && PGV_USER_ID) { if ($ctype == "gedcom") { $name = str_replace("'", "\\'", $GEDCOM); } else { $name = PGV_USER_NAME; } $content .= "<br />" . print_help_link('index_htmlplus_ahelp', 'qm_ah', '', false, true) . "<a href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"window.open('" . encode_url("index_edit.php?name={$name}&ctype={$ctype}&action=configure&side={$side}&index={$index}") . "', '_blank', 'top=50,left=50,width=600,height=500,scrollbars=1,resizable=1'); return false;\">" . "<img class=\"adminicon\" src=\"{$PGV_IMAGE_DIR}/{$PGV_IMAGES['admin']['small']}\" width=\"15\" height=\"15\" border=\"0\" alt=\"{$pgv_lang['config_block']}\" title=\"{$pgv_lang['config_block']}\" /></a>"; } } global $THEME_DIR; if ($block) { require $THEME_DIR . 'templates/block_small_temp.php'; } else { require $THEME_DIR . 'templates/block_main_temp.php'; } }
public function upload() { header('Content-Type:text/html;charset=utf-8'); if (IS_POST) { import("ORG.Net.UploadFile"); $savefolder = '/uploads/' . date("Y/m/d") . "/"; $path = UPLOAD_PATH . $savefolder; $upload = new UploadFile(); // 实例化上传类 $site_setting = get_site_setting(get_siteid()); $upload->maxSize = $site_setting['upload_maxsize'] * 1024; // 设置附件上传大小 $upload->saveRule = "time"; // 文件名设置 $upload->allowExts = array_intersect(explode('|', $_POST['filetype_post']), explode('|', $site_setting['upload_allowext'])); // 设置附件上传类型 $upload->uploadReplace = $overflow; if (!is_dir($path)) { mkdir($path, 0777, true); } $data = array(); $upload->savePath = $path; if (isset($_FILES)) { if (!$upload->upload()) { // 上传错误提示错误信息 $data['status'] = 'error'; $data['error_info'] = $upload->getErrorMsg(); } else { // 上传成功 获取上传文件信息 $info = $upload->getUploadFileInfo(); // 将附件插入附件表 $attach_info = array('name' => $info[0]["name"], 'path' => $savefolder . $info[0]["savename"], 'url' => UPLOAD_URL . $savefolder . $info[0]["savename"], 'size' => $info[0]['size'], 'ext' => $info[0]['extension'], 'upload_time' => time(), 'upload_ip' => get_client_ip()); if (in_array($info[0]['extension'], array('jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'jpeg'))) { $mine_type = mime_content_type($path . $info[0]["savename"]); $compression_filename = D("Attachment")->gd_compression_image($path, $mine_type, $info[0]["savename"]); $attach_info['compression_image'] = $savefolder . $compression_filename; $attachment['compression_url'] = UPLOAD_URL . $savefolder . $compression_filename; $image_source = D("Attachment")->gd_create_image($mine_type, $path . $info[0]["savename"]); if ($image_source) { $attach_info['width'] = imagesx($image_source); $attach_info['height'] = imagesy($image_source); } } if (isset($_SESSION['user_info'])) { $attach_info['userid'] = $_SESSION['user_info']['id']; $attach_info['category_id'] = 1; } if ($attachment_id = D("Attachment")->add($attach_info)) { $data['attachment_id'] = $attachment_id; $data['stutas'] = 'success'; $info[0]['path'] = $attach_info['url']; $data['attachment_info'] = $info[0]; } else { // echo M()->getLastSql(); $data['status'] = 'error'; $data['error_info'] = $upload->getErrorMsg(); } } } else { $data['stutas'] = 'error'; $data['error_info'] = '请先选择图片!'; } sleep(1); if (isset($_GET['CKEditor'])) { $funcNum = $_GET['CKEditorFuncNum']; $url = $data['attachment_info']['path']; $message = isset($data['error_info']) ? $data['error_info'] : ""; exit("<script type='text/javascript'>window.parent.CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction({$funcNum}, '{$url}', '{$message}');</script>"); } else { exit(json_encode($data)); } } else { $args = $_GET['args']; $args = getswfinit($_GET['args']); $site_setting = get_site_setting(get_siteid()); $file_size_limit = sizecount($site_setting['upload_maxsize'] * 1024); $this->assign('file_size_limit', $file_size_limit); $this->assign('args', $args); $this->display(); } }
/** * Delete a gedcom from the database and the system * Does not delete the file from the file system * @param string $ged the filename of the gedcom to delete */ function delete_gedcom($ged) { global $TBLPREFIX, $pgv_changes, $GEDCOMS, $gBitDb; if (!isset($GEDCOMS[$ged])) { return; } $ged_id = get_id_from_gedcom($ged); $gBitDb->query("DELETE FROM {$TBLPREFIX}blocks WHERE b_username=?", array($ged)); $gBitDb->query("DELETE FROM {$TBLPREFIX}dates WHERE d_file =?", array($ged_id)); $gBitDb->query("DELETE FROM {$TBLPREFIX}families WHERE f_file =?", array($ged_id)); $gBitDb->query("DELETE FROM {$TBLPREFIX}favorites WHERE fv_file =?", array($ged_id)); $gBitDb->query("DELETE FROM {$TBLPREFIX}individuals WHERE i_file =?", array($ged_id)); $gBitDb->query("DELETE FROM {$TBLPREFIX}link WHERE l_file =?", array($ged_id)); $gBitDb->query("DELETE FROM {$TBLPREFIX}media WHERE m_gedfile =?", array($ged_id)); $gBitDb->query("DELETE FROM {$TBLPREFIX}media_mapping WHERE mm_gedfile=?", array($ged_id)); $gBitDb->query("DELETE FROM {$TBLPREFIX}name WHERE n_file =?", array($ged_id)); $gBitDb->query("DELETE FROM {$TBLPREFIX}news WHERE n_username=?", array($ged)); $gBitDb->query("DELETE FROM {$TBLPREFIX}nextid WHERE ni_gedfile=?", array($ged_id)); $gBitDb->query("DELETE FROM {$TBLPREFIX}other WHERE o_file =?", array($ged_id)); $gBitDb->query("DELETE FROM {$TBLPREFIX}placelinks WHERE pl_file =?", array($ged_id)); $gBitDb->query("DELETE FROM {$TBLPREFIX}places WHERE p_file =?", array($ged_id)); $gBitDb->query("DELETE FROM {$TBLPREFIX}sources WHERE s_file =?", array($ged_id)); if (isset($pgv_changes)) { //-- erase any of the changes foreach ($pgv_changes as $cid => $changes) { if ($changes[0]["gedcom"] == $ged) { unset($pgv_changes[$cid]); } } write_changes(); } unset($GEDCOMS[$ged]); store_gedcoms(); if (get_site_setting('DEFAULT_GEDCOM') == $ged) { set_site_setting('DEFAULT_GEDCOM', ''); } }
/** * 读取upload配置类型 * @param array $args 上传配置信息 */ function getUploadParams($args) { $siteid = get_siteid(); $site_setting = get_site_setting($siteid); $site_allowext = $site_setting['upload_allowext']; $args = explode(',', $args); // $allowupload = empty($args[2]) ? $site_setting['upload_maxsize'] : $args[2]; $allowupload = $site_setting['upload_maxsize']; $watermark_enable = empty($args[5]) ? $site_setting['watermark_enable'] : $args['5']; $arr['file_upload_limit'] = intval($args[0]) ? intval($args[0]) : '8'; $args['1'] = empty($args[1]) ? $site_allowext : $args[1]; $arr_allowext = explode('|', $args[1]); $allowexts = array(); foreach ($arr_allowext as $k => $v) { $allowexts[] = '*.' . $v; } $upload_allowext = implode(';', $allowexts); $arr['file_types'] = $upload_allowext; $arr['file_types_post'] = $args[1]; $arr['allowupload'] = sizecount($allowupload * 1024); $arr['thumb_width'] = intval($args[3]); $arr['thumb_height'] = intval($args[4]); $arr['watermark_enable'] = $watermark_enable; return $arr; }