function gdocs_file_previewer_get_token($file, $timestamp) { if (!elgg_instanceof($file) || !is_numeric($timestamp)) { return false; } $secret = get_site_secret(); return sha1($file->guid . $secret . $timestamp); }
function get_token($url) { if (elgg_get_config('image_proxy_secret')) { $site_secret = elgg_get_config('image_proxy_secret'); } else { $site_secret = get_site_secret(); } return md5($site_secret . $url); }
/** * Generate a validation token * * @param string $type what kind of token * @param int $user_guid the user_guid to generate for * * @return bool|string */ function acount_removal_generate_confirm_token($type, $user_guid) { $result = false; if (!empty($user_guid) && ($user = get_user($user_guid)) && in_array($type, array("remove", "disable"))) { $site_secret = get_site_secret(); $user_salt = $user->salt; $result = md5($site_secret . $user_guid . $type . $user_salt); } return $result; }
/** * Create a secret code to toggle admin/normal user * * @param ElggUser $user the user to create the secret for (default: current user) * * @return false|string */ function admin_tools_make_switch_admin_secret(ElggUser $user = null) { // no param, check current logged in user if (empty($user)) { $user = elgg_get_logged_in_user_entity(); } // no user to check if (!$user instanceof ElggUser) { return false; } return hash_hmac('sha256', $user->time_created, get_site_secret()); }
/** * Get the strength of the site secret * * @return string "strong", "moderate", or "weak" * @access private */ function getStrength() { $secret = get_site_secret(); if ($secret[0] !== 'z') { $rand_max = getrandmax(); if ($rand_max < pow(2, 16)) { return 'weak'; } if ($rand_max < pow(2, 32)) { return 'moderate'; } } return 'strong'; }
public function getThumbUrl($url = '', $handle = null) { $data = $this->resourceCache->get($url, $handle); if (!empty($data['thumb_cache'])) { $uid = md5($url); $path = "scraper_cache/thumbs/{$uid}.{$handle}.jpg"; $dir = elgg_get_site_entity()->guid; $dir_tc = elgg_get_site_entity()->time_created; $query = serialize(array('uid' => $uid, 'path' => $path, 'd' => $dir, 'dts' => $dir_tc, 'ts' => $data['thumb_cache'], 'mac' => hash_hmac('sha256', $uid . $path, get_site_secret()))); $icon_url = elgg_http_add_url_query_elements('/mod/hypeApps/servers/icon.php', array('q' => base64_encode($query))); } else { if (!empty($data['thumbnail_url'])) { $icon_url = $data['thumbnail_url']; } else { $icon_url = '/mod/hypeScraper/graphics/placeholder.png'; } } return elgg_normalize_url($icon_url); }
function group_tools_invite_email(ElggGroup $group, $email, $text = "", $resend = false) { $result = false; if (!empty($group) && $group instanceof ElggGroup && !empty($email) && is_email_address($email) && ($loggedin_user = elgg_get_logged_in_user_entity())) { // get site secret $site_secret = get_site_secret(); // generate invite code $invite_code = md5($site_secret . $email . $group->getGUID()); if (!group_tools_check_group_email_invitation($invite_code, $group->getGUID()) || $resend) { // make site email $site = elgg_get_site_entity(); if (!empty($site->email)) { if (!empty($site->name)) { $site_from = $site->name . " <" . $site->email . ">"; } else { $site_from = $site->email; } } else { // no site email, so make one up if (!empty($site->name)) { $site_from = $site->name . " <noreply@" . get_site_domain($site->getGUID()) . ">"; } else { $site_from = "noreply@" . get_site_domain($site->getGUID()); } } if (!$resend) { // register invite with group $group->annotate("email_invitation", $invite_code, ACCESS_LOGGED_IN, $group->getGUID()); } // make subject $subject = elgg_echo("group_tools:groups:invite:email:subject", array($group->name)); // make body $body = elgg_echo("group_tools:groups:invite:email:body", array($loggedin_user->name, $group->name, $site->name, $text, $site->name, elgg_get_site_url() . "register", elgg_get_site_url() . "groups/invitations/?invitecode=" . $invite_code, $invite_code)); $result = elgg_send_email($site_from, $email, $subject, $body); } else { $result = null; } } return $result; }
/** * Hashes the site secret, UA, and a ts. * * @return mixed A token if time or req is passed, and array of info if not */ function registration_randomizer_generate_token($passed_time = null, $passed_req = null) { if ($passed_time === null) { $ts = time(); } else { $ts = $passed_time; } if ($passed_req === null) { $req = $_SERVER; } else { $req = $passed_req; } $str = get_site_secret(); $str .= filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'HTTP_USER_AGENT'); $str .= filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'REMOTE_ADDR', FILTER_VALIDATE_IP); $str .= $ts; $token = md5($str); if ($passed_time === null && $passed_req === null) { return array('ts' => $ts, 'token' => $token, 'req' => $req); } else { return $token; } }
function siteaccess_generate_captcha($num) { global $CONFIG; $date = date("F j"); $tmp = hexdec(md5($num . $date . $CONFIG->site->url . get_site_secret())); $code = substr($tmp, 4, 6); return $code; }
/** * Generate an action token. * * Action tokens are based on timestamps as returned by {@link time()}. * They are valid for one hour. * * Action tokens should be passed to all actions name __elgg_ts and __elgg_token. * * @warning Action tokens are required for all actions. * * @param int $timestamp Unix timestamp * * @see @elgg_view input/securitytoken * @see @elgg_view input/form * @example actions/manual_tokens.php * * @return string|false * @access private */ function generate_action_token($timestamp) { $site_secret = get_site_secret(); $session_id = session_id(); // Session token $st = $_SESSION['__elgg_session']; if ($site_secret && $session_id) { return md5($site_secret . $timestamp . $session_id . $st); } return FALSE; }
/** * Work around for Flash/session issues * * Catches Elgg attempting to forward the Flash uploader because it doesn't * have a session cookie. Instead manually runs the action. * * @param string $hook The name of the hook * @param string $type The type of the hook * @param string $value Location being forwarded to * @param array $params Parameters related to the forward() call * @return void */ function tidypics_ajax_session_handler($hook, $type, $value, $params) { $www_root = elgg_get_config('wwwroot'); $url = $params['current_url']; if ($url !== "{$www_root}action/photos/image/ajax_upload") { return; } if (elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid() != 0) { return; } // action_gatekeeper rejected ajax call from Flash due to session issue // Validate token $token = get_input('__elgg_token'); $ts = get_input('__elgg_ts'); $session_id = get_input('Elgg'); $session_token = get_input('session_token'); $tidypics_token = get_input('tidypics_token'); $user_guid = get_input('user_guid'); $user = get_user($user_guid); $timeout = elgg_get_config('action_token_timeout'); if (!$timeout) { $timeout = 2; } if (!$user) { trigger_error('Tidypics warning: failed to get user in flash uploader', E_USER_WARNING); return; } if (!$token || !$ts || !$session_id || !$tidypics_token) { trigger_error('Tidypics warning: token information missing in flash uploader', E_USER_WARNING); return; } $hour = 60 * 60; $now = time(); if ($ts < $now - $hour || $ts > $now + $hour) { trigger_error('Tidypics warning: failed time check in flash uploader', E_USER_WARNING); return; } $generated_token = md5($session_id . get_site_secret() . $ts . $user->salt); if ($tidypics_token !== $generated_token) { trigger_error('Tidypics warning: token check failed in flash uploader', E_USER_WARNING); return; } // passed token test, so login and process action login($user); $actions = elgg_get_config('actions'); include $actions['photos/image/ajax_upload']['file']; exit; }
private function generateCode($userGuid, $email, $date) { return md5($userGuid . $email . $date . elgg_get_site_url() . get_site_secret()); }
/** * Generate an email activation code. * * @param int $user_guid The guid of the user * @param string $email_address Email address * @return string */ function uservalidationbyemail_generate_code($user_guid, $email_address) { global $CONFIG; // Note I bind to site URL, this is important on multisite! return md5($user_guid . $email_address . $CONFIG->site->url . get_site_secret()); }
/** * Generate a unique code to be used in email invitations * * @param int $group_guid the group GUID * @param string $email the email address * * @return boolean|string the invite code, or false on failure */ function group_tools_generate_email_invite_code($group_guid, $email) { $result = false; if (!empty($group_guid) && !empty($email)) { // get site secret $site_secret = get_site_secret(); // generate code $result = md5($site_secret . strtolower($email) . $group_guid); } return $result; }
/** * Notifies an user of the RSVP * * @param string $type type of the RSVP * @param string $to guid of the user * * @return void */ public function notifyOnRsvp($type, $to = null) { $ia = elgg_set_ignore_access(true); if ($to === null) { $to = elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid(); } $to_entity = get_entity($to); if (empty($to_entity)) { elgg_set_ignore_access($ia); return; } // can we make nice links in the emails $html_email_handler_enabled = elgg_is_active_plugin("html_email_handler"); // do we have a registration link $registrationLink = ""; $unsubscribeLink = ""; if ($type == EVENT_MANAGER_RELATION_ATTENDING) { if ($this->registration_needed) { $link = elgg_get_site_url() . 'events/registration/view/?guid=' . $this->getGUID() . '&u_g=' . $to . '&k=' . md5($this->time_created . get_site_secret() . $to); $registrationLink = PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; $registrationLink .= elgg_echo('event_manager:event:registration:notification:program:linktext'); $registrationLink .= PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; if ($html_email_handler_enabled) { $registrationLink .= elgg_view("output/url", array("text" => $link, "href" => $link)); } else { $registrationLink .= $link; } } if ($this->register_nologin) { $link = elgg_get_site_url() . "events/unsubscribe/" . $this->getGUID() . "/" . elgg_get_friendly_title($this->title) . "?e=" . $to_entity->email; $unsubscribeLink = PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; $unsubscribeLink .= elgg_echo('event_manager:event:registration:notification:unsubscribe:linktext'); $unsubscribeLink .= PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; if ($html_email_handler_enabled) { $unsubscribeLink .= elgg_view("output/url", array("text" => $link, "href" => $link)); } else { $unsubscribeLink .= $link; } } } // make the event title for in the e-mail if ($html_email_handler_enabled) { $event_title_link = elgg_view("output/url", array("text" => $this->title, "href" => $this->getURL())); } else { $event_title_link = $this->title; } // notify the owner of the event $this->notifyOwnerOnRSVP($type, $to_entity, $event_title_link, $registrationLink); // notify the attending user $user_subject = elgg_echo('event_manager:event:registration:notification:user:subject'); $user_message = elgg_echo('event_manager:event:registration:notification:user:text:' . $type, array($to_entity->name, $event_title_link)); $user_message .= $registrationLink; $user_message .= $unsubscribeLink; if ($to_entity instanceof ElggUser) { // use notification system for real users notify_user($to, $this->getOwnerGUID(), $user_subject, $user_message); } else { // send e-mail for non users $to_email = $to_entity->name . "<" . $to_entity->email . ">"; $site = elgg_get_site_entity($this->site_guid); if ($site->email) { if ($site->name) { $site_from = $site->name . " <" . $site->email . ">"; } else { $site_from = $site->email; } } else { // no site email, so make one up if ($site->name) { $site_from = $site->name . " <noreply@" . $site->getDomain() . ">"; } else { $site_from = "noreply@" . $site->getDomain(); } } elgg_send_email($site_from, $to_email, $user_subject, $user_message); } elgg_set_ignore_access($ia); }
<?php /** * Tidypics ajax upload form body * * @uses $vars['entity'] */ $album = $vars['entity']; $ts = time(); $batch = time(); $tidypics_token = md5(session_id() . get_site_secret() . $ts . elgg_get_logged_in_user_entity()->salt); $basic_uploader_url = current_page_url() . '/basic'; $maxfilesize = (double) elgg_get_plugin_setting('maxfilesize', 'tidypics'); if (!$maxfilesize) { $maxfilesize = 5; } $quota = elgg_get_plugin_setting('quota', 'tidypics'); if ($quota) { $image_repo_size_md = get_metadata_byname($album->container_guid, "image_repo_size"); $image_repo_size = (int) $image_repo_size_md->value; $image_repo_size = $image_repo_size / 1024 / 1024; $quote_percentage = round(100 * ($image_repo_size / $quota)); // for small quotas, so one decimal place if ($quota < 10) { $image_repo_size = sprintf('%.1f', $image_repo_size); } else { $image_repo_size = round($image_repo_size); } if ($image_repo_size > $quota) { $image_repo_size = $quota; }
/** * Generates a Single Sign On secret for a give user * * @param ElggUser $user user to generate the secret for * @param int $timestamp timestamp to limit the durability of the secret * * @return boolean|string */ function ws_pack_generate_sso_secret(ElggUser $user, $timestamp) { static $running_cache; $result = false; if (!empty($user) && elgg_instanceof($user, "user", null, "ElggUser")) { if (!isset($running_cache)) { $running_cache = array(); } if (!isset($running_cache[$user->getGUID()])) { $running_cache[$user->getGUID()] = md5($user->getGUID() . get_site_secret() . $user->salt . $timestamp); } $result = $running_cache[$user->getGUID()]; } return $result; }
function zhaohuEmailUnsubEnd($group, $user_guid, $is_notificiation, $from_group) { $end = '<div style="clear:both;background:#ececec;text-align:center;margin-top:20px;border-top:solid 10px #ececec;border-bottom:solid 10px #ececec">' . '<div style="width:94%;margin:0 auto;border-left:solid 10px #ececec;border-right:solid 10px #ececec;min-width:220px;max-width:600px;text-align:left;font-family:arial;color:#333;font-size:12px;line-height:14px">'; if ($is_notificiation) { if ($from_group) { $unsub = elgg_get_site_url() . "zhgroups/emUnsub?guid=" . $group->guid . "&user="******"&k=" . md5($group->time_created . get_site_secret() . $user_guid); $end .= '<p style="margin:0 0 .25em;color:#333"><a href="' . $unsub . '" style="color:#ccc;text-decoration:underline" target="_blank">' . elgg_echo('zhgroups:mail:unsub1') . '</a> ' . elgg_echo('zhgroups:mail:unsub2') . '</p>'; } $end .= '<p style="margin:0 0 .25em;color:#333">' . elgg_echo('zhgroups:unsub:site') . '</p>'; } $end .= '<p style="margin:0 0 .25em;color:#333">' . elgg_echo('51zhaohu') . ':</p></div></div>'; return zhaohuEmailSupport() . zhaohuEmailSocialButtons() . $end; }
/** * Generate a unsubscribe code to be used in validation * * @param ElggEntity $container Which newsletter container (ElggSite or ElggGroup) * @param string|int $recipient The user_guid or email address of the recipient * * @return bool|string The unsubscribe code or false on failure */ function newsletter_generate_unsubscribe_code(ElggEntity $container, $recipient) { $result = false; if (!empty($container) && (elgg_instanceof($container, "site") || elgg_instanceof($container, "group")) && !empty($recipient)) { // make sure we have a user_guid or email address if (is_numeric($recipient) || newsletter_is_email_address($recipient)) { $plugin = elgg_get_plugin_from_id("newsletter"); $result = hash_hmac("sha256", $container->getGUID() . "|" . $recipient . "|" . $plugin->time_created, get_site_secret()); } } return $result; }
function generate_key() { $secret = get_site_secret(); return sha1(microtime(true) . $secret); }
/** * Create unqiue hash and store it in the database * @return string Hash */ public function save() { $url = sanitize_string($this->url); $hash = sanitize_string($this->hash); $time_created = sanitize_int($this->time_created); $meta = !is_string($this->meta) ? json_encode($this->meta) : $this->meta; $meta = sanitize_string($meta); if (!$this->id) { $query = "INSERT INTO {$this->dbprefix}url_meta_cache (long_url, hash, meta, time_created)\n\t\t\t\t\tVALUES ('{$url}','{$hash}','{$meta}',{$time_created})\n\t\t\t\t\t\tON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE long_url='{$url}',meta='{$meta}'"; $id = insert_data($query); $this->id = $id; $hashids = new Hashids(get_site_secret()); $hash = $hashids->encode($id, $this->time_created); $query = "UPDATE LOW_PRIORITY {$this->dbprefix}url_meta_cache\n\t\t\t\t\tSET hash = '{$hash}' WHERE id = {$id}"; update_data($query); } else { $query = "UPDATE {$this->dbprefix}url_meta_cache SET meta='{$meta}'\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE id='{$this->id}'"; } self::$cache[$this->url] = array('id' => $this->id, 'hash' => $this->hash, 'meta' => $this->meta, 'time_created' > $this->time_created); return $hash; }
/** * Creates an unsubscribe code * * @param EventRegistration $registration registration object * @param Event $event event * * @return false|string */ function event_manager_create_unsubscribe_code(EventRegistration $registration, Event $event = null) { $result = false; if (!empty($registration) && elgg_instanceof($registration, "object", EventRegistration::SUBTYPE)) { if (empty($event) || !elgg_instanceof($event, "object", Event::SUBTYPE)) { $event = $registration->getOwnerEntity(); } $site_secret = get_site_secret(); $result = md5($registration->getGUID() . $site_secret . $event->time_created); } return $result; }
$guid = get_input("guid"); $user_guid = get_input('u_g', elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid()); $event = null; if ($guid && ($entity = get_entity($guid))) { if ($entity instanceof Event) { $event = $entity; } } $output = ""; if ($event) { // @todo move to menu hook $save_to_pdf_options = array("name" => "save_to_pdf", "text" => elgg_echo('event_manager:registration:view:savetopdf'), "link_class" => "elgg-button elgg-button-action", "href" => "action/event_manager/registration/pdf?k=" . md5($event->time_created . get_site_secret() . $user_guid) . "&guid=" . $guid . "&u_g=" . $user_guid, "is_action" => true); elgg_register_menu_item("title", ElggMenuItem::factory($save_to_pdf_options)); } if ($event && !empty($key)) { $tempKey = md5($event->time_created . get_site_secret() . $user_guid); if ($tempKey == $key && get_entity($user_guid)) { $title_text = elgg_echo('event_manager:registration:registrationto') . " '" . $event->title . "'"; $old_ia = elgg_set_ignore_access(true); $output .= elgg_view('event_manager/event/pdf', array('entity' => $event)); $output .= $event->getRegistrationData($user_guid); if ($event->with_program) { $output .= $event->getProgramData($user_guid); } elgg_set_ignore_access($old_ia); elgg_push_breadcrumb($event->title, $event->getURL()); elgg_push_breadcrumb($title_text); $body = elgg_view_layout('content', array('filter' => '', 'content' => $output, 'title' => $title_text)); echo elgg_view_page($title_text, $body); } else { forward("events");
/** * @see generate_action_token * @access private */ public function generateActionToken($timestamp) { $site_secret = get_site_secret(); $session_id = _elgg_services()->session->getId(); // Session token $st = _elgg_services()->session->get('__elgg_session'); if ($site_secret && $session_id) { return md5($site_secret . $timestamp . $session_id . $st); } return false; }
/** * Generate a token for the current user suitable for being placed in a hidden field in action forms. * * @param int $timestamp Unix timestamp */ function generate_action_token($timestamp) { // Get input values $site_secret = get_site_secret(); // Current session id $session_id = session_id(); // Get user agent $ua = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; // Session token $st = $_SESSION['__elgg_session']; if ($site_secret && $session_id) { return md5($site_secret . $timestamp . $session_id . $ua . $st); } return false; }
/** * Prepares a URL that can be used to display an icon bypassing the engine boot * * @param \ElggEntity $entity Entity * @param string $size Size * @return \ElggFile */ public function getURL(\ElggEntity $entity, $size = '') { $icon = $this->getIconFile($entity, $size); $key = get_site_secret(); $guid = $entity->guid; $path = $icon->getFilename(); $hmac = hash_hmac('sha256', $guid . $path, $key); $query = serialize(array('uid' => $guid, 'd' => $entity instanceof \ElggUser ? $entity->guid : $entity->owner_guid, 'dts' => $entity instanceof \ElggUser ? $entity->time_created : $entity->getOwnerEntity()->time_created, 'path' => $path, 'ts' => $entity->icontime, 'mac' => $hmac)); $url = elgg_http_add_url_query_elements('mod/hypeApps/servers/icon.php', array('q' => base64_encode($query))); return elgg_normalize_url($url); }
} elseif (subsite_manager_simplesaml_check_auto_create_account($source, $saml_attributes)) { // we have enough information to create the account so let's do that $forward_url = "action/simplesaml/register?saml_source=" . $source; $forward_url = elgg_add_action_tokens_to_url($forward_url); } else { // no user found, so forward to a different page $forward_url = "saml/no_linked_account/" . $source; system_message(elgg_echo("simplesaml:login:no_linked_account", array($label))); } } // restore hidden settings access_show_hidden_entities($hidden); } // } else { // register_error(elgg_echo("simplesaml:error:source_not_enabled", array($label))); // } } else { register_error(elgg_echo("simplesaml:error:no_source")); } } elseif ($returnTo = get_input("from")) { $url_parts = parse_url($returnTo); $site_secret = get_site_secret(); $host = $url_parts["host"]; $session_id = session_id(); $ts = time(); $validate = md5($session_id . $site_secret . $ts . $host); $forward_url = $returnTo . "?sid=" . base64_encode($session_id) . "&ts=" . $ts . "&validate=" . $validate; } else { register_error(elgg_echo("simplesaml:error:loggedin")); } forward($forward_url);
/** * Generate an email activation code. * * @param int $user_guid The guid of the user * @param string $email_address Email address * @return string */ function uservalidationbyemail_generate_code($user_guid, $email_address) { $site_url = elgg_get_site_url(); // Note I bind to site URL, this is important on multisite! return md5($user_guid . $email_address . $site_url . get_site_secret()); }
function get_session_fingerprint() { global $CONFIG; return md5($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . get_site_secret()); }
function digest_generate_commandline_secret() { static $result; if (!isset($result)) { $site_secret = get_site_secret(); $digest_plugin = elgg_get_plugin_from_id("digest"); $result = md5($digest_plugin->getGUID() . $site_secret . $digest_plugin->time_created); } return $result; }