function change_password($newPassword)
    global $root;
    $sessionID = get_session();
    //echo "SESSION ID IS: " . htmlspecialchars($sessionID) . "\n";
    if (!isset($sessionID)) {
        echo "sessionID is not set?";
        //echo htmlspecialchars($sessionID);
    } else {
        //$sessionID = $session->SessionID;
        // required parameters for /changePassword
        $args = array('accountNum' => API_ACCOUNT_NUM, 'session' => $sessionID, 'newPassword' => $newPassword, 'password' => $_POST['current_password']);
        $result = build_api_request('/changePassword', $args);
        // error handling for changing the password
        $json_result = json_decode($result);
        //echo "json_result-Status = " . $json_result->Status;
        if (!isset($json_result->Status)) {
            echo '<div id="bigContent">';
            echo "Invalid request.";
            echo '</div>';
            include "{$root}/footer.php";
        } else {
            echo '<div id="bigContent">';
            echo $json_result->Status . '<br />';
            echo "Please update your file to reflect your changed password in order to prevent errors when accessing the fed API.";
            echo '</div>';
            include "{$root}/footer.php";
Beispiel #2
 *	combine BatchOuts from Threads
 * @param	int		order_id
 * @return	int		count of CheckOuts combined
function JKY_combine_batchouts($the_ids)
    $db = Zend_Registry::get('db');
    $my_id = get_next_id('BatchOuts');
    $sql = 'INSERT INTO BatchOuts ' . 'SELECT ' . $my_id . '    	, ' . get_session('user_id') . '     , NOW()' . '     , status' . '     , MIN(checkout_id)' . '     , thread_id' . '     , batchin_id' . '     , req_line_id' . '     , tdyer_thread_id' . '     , order_thread_id' . '     , code' . '     , batch' . '     , AVG(unit_price)' . '     , SUM(requested_weight)' . '     , AVG(average_weight)' . '     , SUM(requested_boxes)' . '     , SUM(reserved_boxes)' . '     , SUM(checkout_boxes)' . '     , SUM(checkout_weight)' . '  FROM BatchOuts' . ' WHERE id IN (' . $the_ids . ')';
    log_sql('BatchOuts', $my_id, $sql);
    insert_changes($db, 'BatchOuts', $my_id);
    $sql = 'SELECT *' . '  FROM BatchOuts' . ' WHERE id IN (' . $the_ids . ')';
    log_sql('BatchOuts', $my_id, $sql);
    	$sql= 'UPDATE BatchOuts '
    	    . '   SET status = "History"'
    		. '  FROM BatchOuts'
    		. ' WHERE id IN (' . $the_ids . ')'
    $my_rows = $db->fetchAll($sql);
    foreach ($my_rows as $my_row) {
        $sql = 'UPDATE BatchOuts' . '   SET status = "History"' . ' WHERE id = ' . $my_row['id'];
        log_sql('BatchOuts', $my_row['id'], $sql);
        insert_changes($db, 'BatchOuts', $my_row['id']);
    return $my_id;
function auth_error($exception = null)
    global $connection, $adminer, $token;
    $session_name = session_name();
    $error = "";
    if (!$_COOKIE[$session_name] && $_GET[$session_name] && ini_bool("session.use_only_cookies")) {
        $error = lang('Session support must be enabled.');
    } elseif (isset($_GET["username"])) {
        if (($_COOKIE[$session_name] || $_GET[$session_name]) && !$token) {
            $error = lang('Session expired, please login again.');
        } else {
            $password =& get_session("pwds");
            if (isset($password)) {
                $error = h($exception ? $exception->getMessage() : (is_string($connection) ? $connection : lang('Invalid credentials.')));
                $password = null;
    page_header(lang('Login'), $error, null);
    echo "<form action='' method='post' onclick='eventStop(event);'>\n";
    echo "<div>";
    hidden_fields($_POST, array("driver", "server", "username", "password", "permanent"));
    // expired session
    echo "</div>\n";
    echo "</form>\n";
Beispiel #4
function make_mp3()
    global $config;
    $number = get_session("ss_captcha_key");
    if ($number == "") {
    if ($number == get_session("ss_captcha_save")) {
    $mp3s = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($number); $i++) {
        $file = G5_CAPTCHA_PATH . '/mp3/' . $config['cf_captcha_mp3'] . '/' . $number[$i] . '.mp3';
        $mp3s[] = $file;
    $ip = sprintf("%u", ip2long($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']));
    $mp3_file = 'data/cache/kcaptcha-' . $ip . '_' . G5_SERVER_TIME . '.mp3';
    $contents = '';
    foreach ($mp3s as $mp3) {
        $contents .= file_get_contents($mp3);
    file_put_contents(G5_PATH . '/' . $mp3_file, $contents);
    // 지난 캡챠 파일 삭제
    if (rand(0, 99) == 0) {
        foreach (glob(G5_PATH . '/data/cache/kcaptcha-*.mp3') as $file) {
            if (filemtime($file) + 86400 < G5_SERVER_TIME) {
    set_session("ss_captcha_save", $number);
    return G5_URL . '/' . $mp3_file;
Beispiel #5
 *	generate Purchase
 * @param	int		purchase_id
 * @return	int		count of Incomings generated
function JKY_generate_purchase($the_id)
    $db = Zend_Registry::get('db');
    $sql = 'SELECT *' . '  FROM Purchases' . ' WHERE id = ' . $the_id;
    $my_purchase = $db->fetchRow($sql);
    $sql = 'SELECT *' . '  FROM PurchaseLines' . ' WHERE parent_id = ' . $the_id;
    $my_rows = $db->fetchAll($sql);
    $my_count = 0;
    foreach ($my_rows as $my_row) {
        $my_incoming_id = get_next_id('Incomings');
        $sql = 'INSERT Incomings' . '   SET         id = ' . $my_incoming_id . ',      updated_by = ' . get_session('user_id') . ',      updated_at ="' . get_time() . '"' . ', incoming_number = ' . $my_incoming_id . ',     supplier_id = ' . $my_purchase['supplier_id'] . ',    invoice_date ="' . $my_row['expected_date'] . '"' . ',  invoice_weight = ' . $my_row['expected_weight'];
        log_sql('Incomings', 'INSERT', $sql);
        insert_changes($db, 'Incomings', $my_incoming_id);
        $my_batchin_id = get_next_id('Batches');
        $sql = 'INSERT Batches' . '   SET          id = ' . $my_batchin_id . ',       updated_by = ' . get_session('user_id') . ',       updated_at ="' . get_time() . '"' . ',      incoming_id = ' . $my_incoming_id . ',        thread_id = ' . $my_row['thread_id'] . ', purchase_line_id = ' . $my_row['id'];
        log_sql('Batches', 'INSERT', $sql);
        insert_changes($db, 'Batches', $my_batchin_id);
        $sql = 'UPDATE PurchaseLines' . '   SET batch_id =  ' . $my_batchin_id . ' WHERE id = ' . $my_row['id'];
        log_sql('PurchaseLines', 'UPDATE', $sql);
        insert_changes($db, 'PurchaseLines', $my_row['id']);
    $sql = 'UPDATE Purchases' . '   SET status = "Active"' . ' WHERE id = ' . $the_id;
    log_sql('Purchases', 'UPDATE', $sql);
    insert_changes($db, 'Purchases', $the_id);
    return $my_count;
Beispiel #6
 * i_am_logged 
 * @access public
 * @return boolean
function i_am_logged()
    $session = get_session();
    if (!$session->islogged()) {
        throw new LoginRequiredException();
    return true;
Beispiel #7
 * fungsi khusus untuk mendapatkan session user
function get_user_session($key, $default = '')
    if (has_session('user')) {
        $user = get_session('user');
        return isset($user[$key]) ? $user[$key] : $default;
    return $default;
Beispiel #8
 * my_page 
 * @access public
 * @return string
function my_page()
    $session = get_session();
    if (!$session->logged) {
        return redirect('/');
    $me = $session->whoAMI();
    return view_user($me[0]);
Beispiel #9
 * get_logged_user 
 * @access public
 * @return User
function get_logged_user()
    static $user;
    if (!$user) {
        $session = get_session();
        $user = $session->get_logged_user();
    return $user;
Beispiel #10
function is_access($try)
    $access = 0;
    $temp = get_session('user');
    $user_entry = strlen($temp) > 0 ? unserialize($temp) : null;
    if ($user_entry != null) {
        $access = $user_entry['access'];
    return ($access & $try) == $try ? true : false;
Beispiel #11
function csrf_verify($name, $token)
    $hash = get_session($name);
    $valid = false;
    if ($hash === $token) {
        $valid = true;
    return $valid;
Beispiel #12
function check_rights($code)
    $is_pass = 1;
    if (get_session('admin_group') != 'superadmin') {
        $local_rights = get_session('rights');
        if (!stripos(",,{$local_rights},", ",{$code},")) {
            $is_pass = 0;
    return $is_pass;
Beispiel #13
 *	generate Order from OSAs
 * @param	int		quotation_id
 * @return	int		count of Orders generated
function JKY_generate_order($the_id)
    $db = Zend_Registry::get('db');
    $sql = 'SELECT *' . '  FROM OSAs' . ' WHERE id = ' . $the_id;
    $my_osa = $db->fetchRow($sql);
    $sql = 'SELECT *' . '  FROM OSA_Lines' . ' WHERE parent_id = ' . $the_id;
    $my_rows = $db->fetchAll($sql);
    $my_count = 0;
    foreach ($my_rows as $my_row) {
        $my_osa_line_id = $my_row['id'];
        $sql = 'SELECT *' . '  FROM OSA_Colors' . ' WHERE parent_id = ' . $my_osa_line_id;
        $my_colors = $db->fetchAll($sql);
        foreach ($my_colors as $my_color) {
            $my_order_id = get_next_id('Orders');
            $sql = 'INSERT Orders' . '   SET          id =' . $my_order_id . ',       updated_by =' . get_session('user_id') . ',       updated_at ="' . get_time() . '"' . ',     order_number =' . $my_order_id . ',      osa_line_id =' . $my_osa_line_id . ',       osa_number =' . $my_osa['osa_number'] . ',       ordered_at ="' . $my_osa['ordered_at'] . '"' . ',        needed_at ="' . $my_osa['needed_at'] . '"' . ',     quoted_units =' . $my_row['units'] . ',    quoted_pieces =' . $my_color['quoted_pieces'] . ',    quoted_weight =' . $my_color['quoted_weight'] . ',   ordered_pieces =' . $my_color['ordered_pieces'] . ',   ordered_weight =' . $my_color['ordered_weight'];
            if ($my_osa['customer_id']) {
                $sql .= ', customer_id=' . $my_osa['customer_id'];
            if ($my_row['product_id']) {
                $sql .= ',  product_id=' . $my_row['product_id'];
            if ($my_color['color_id']) {
                $sql .= ',    color_id=' . $my_color['color_id'];
            if ($my_color['ftp_id']) {
                $sql .= ',      ftp_id=' . $my_color['ftp_id'];
            if ($my_color['machine_id']) {
                $sql .= ',  machine_id=' . $my_color['machine_id'];
            if ($my_color['partner_id']) {
                $sql .= ',  partner_id=' . $my_color['partner_id'];
            log_sql('Orders', 'INSERT', $sql);
            insert_changes($db, 'Orders', $my_order_id);
            			$sql= 'UPDATE OSA_lines'
            				. '   SET status = "Active"'
            				. ' WHERE id = ' . $my_row['id']
            	log_sql('OSA_Lines', 'UPDATE', $sql);
            			insert_changes($db, 'OSA_Lines', $my_row['id']);
    $sql = 'UPDATE OSAs' . '   SET status = "Active"' . ' WHERE id = ' . $the_id;
    log_sql('OSAs', 'UPDATE', $sql);
    insert_changes($db, 'OSAs', $the_id);
    return $my_count;
Beispiel #14
function check_dup($uid, $cid, &$ret)
    $sess = get_session($uid);
    if ($sess['fv'] > 100) {
        if ($sess['_cid'] != $cid) {
            $ret['s'] = 'dup';
            return $ret;
    return false;
Beispiel #15
function code_exists()
    $is_admin = '';
    $sendor_id = '';
    $admin_id = get_session('admin_id');
    if ($admin_id) {
        $is_admin = 1;
        $sendor_id = $admin_id;
    } else {
        $user_id = get_sess_userid();
        if (!$user_id) {
            return false;
        $is_admin = 0;
        $sendor_id = $user_id;
    if ($sendor_id != '' && $is_admin !== '') {
        global $inviteCodeValue;
        global $tablePreStr;
        global $inviteCodeLength;
        $t_invite_code = $tablePreStr . "invite_code";
        $t_users = $tablePreStr . "users";
        if ($is_admin == 0) {
            $user_info = api_proxy('user_self_by_uid', 'integral', $sendor_id);
            $intg = $user_info['integral'];
            if ($inviteCodeValue > $intg) {
                return false;
        $dbo = new dbex();
        $invite_code = randkeys($inviteCodeLength);
        $sql = "select id from {$t_invite_code} where code_txt='{$invite_code}'";
        $is_exists = $dbo->getRow($sql);
        if ($is_exists['id']) {
        } else {
            $time = time();
            $sql = "insert into {$t_invite_code} (sendor_id,code_txt,is_admin,add_time) values({$sendor_id},'{$invite_code}',0,{$time})";
            $success = $dbo->exeUpdate($sql);
            if ($success) {
                if ($is_admin == 0) {
                    $sql = "update {$t_users} set integral=integral-{$inviteCodeValue} where user_id={$sendor_id}";
                return $invite_code;
            } else {
                return false;
Beispiel #16
 public function update($id, array $data, $log = true)
     $data['updated_at'] = get_time();
     if (is_session('user_id')) {
         $data['updated_by'] = get_session('user_id');
     $where = $this->getAdapter()->quoteInto('id = ?', $id);
     parent::update($data, $where);
     if ($log) {
         log_sql($this->_name, $id, 'updated', $data);
         set_session('notice', 'current record saved');
Beispiel #17
function is_admin()
    if (session_is_live()) {
        $session = get_session();
        if ($session['login'] == $GLOBALS['admin_username']) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;
    } else {
        return false;
Beispiel #18
function antiRePost($sendStr)
    global $RefreshType;
    global $anit_refresh;
    if ($sendStr == get_session('PostSendStr')) {
        if (isset($RefreshType) == 'ajax') {
            action_return(2, 'error:' . $anit_refresh, "-1");
        } else {
            action_return(1, $anit_refresh, "-1");
    set_session('PostSendStr', $sendStr);
Beispiel #19
 function get_user()
     $cookie_user = ci_get_cookie('user');
     if ($cookie_user) {
         $this->user = json_decode($cookie_user, true);
         set_session('user', $this->user);
     } else {
         $this->user = get_session('user');
     if ($this->user) {
         $this->uid = $this->user['uid'];
         $this->load->vars('user', $this->user);
Beispiel #20
 *	generate CheckOut from Planning Orders
 * @param	int		order_id
 * @return	int		count of CheckOuts generated
function JKY_generate_checkout($the_id)
    $db = Zend_Registry::get('db');
    $sql = 'SELECT *' . '  FROM Orders' . ' WHERE id = ' . $the_id;
    $my_order = $db->fetchRow($sql);
    $sql = 'SELECT *' . '  FROM OrdThreads' . ' WHERE parent_id = ' . $the_id;
    $my_rows = $db->fetchAll($sql);
    	$my_needed_at = $my_order['needed_at'];
    	if ($my_needed_at == null) {
    		$my_needed_at = get_time();
    $my_checkout_id = get_next_id('CheckOuts');
    $sql = 'INSERT CheckOuts' . '   SET          id =' . $my_checkout_id . ',       updated_by =' . get_session('user_id') . ',       updated_at ="' . get_time() . '"' . ',           number =' . $my_checkout_id . ',     requested_at ="' . get_time() . '"' . ', requested_weight =' . $my_order['ordered_weight'];
    if ($my_order['machine_id']) {
        $sql .= ', machine_id=' . $my_order['machine_id'];
    if ($my_order['partner_id']) {
        $sql .= ', partner_id=' . $my_order['partner_id'];
    log_sql('CheckOuts', 'INSERT', $sql);
    insert_changes($db, 'CheckOuts', $my_checkout_id);
    $my_count = 0;
    foreach ($my_rows as $my_row) {
        $my_ord_thread_id = $my_row['id'];
        $my_batch = db_get_row('Batches', 'id=' . $my_row['batchin_id']);
        $my_ordered_weight = $my_row['ordered_weight'];
        $my_ordered_boxes = ceil((double) $my_ordered_weight / (double) $my_batch['average_weight']);
        $my_batchout_id = get_next_id('BatchOuts');
        $sql = 'INSERT BatchOuts' . '   SET          id =' . $my_batchout_id . ',       updated_by =' . get_session('user_id') . ',       updated_at ="' . get_time() . '"' . ',      checkout_id =' . $my_checkout_id . ',        thread_id =' . $my_row['thread_id'] . ',       batchin_id =' . $my_row['batchin_id'] . ',  order_thread_id =' . $my_ord_thread_id . ',            batch ="' . $my_batch['batch'] . '"' . ',       unit_price =' . $my_batch['unit_price'] . ',   average_weight =' . $my_batch['average_weight'] . ', requested_weight =' . $my_ordered_weight . ',  requested_boxes =' . $my_ordered_boxes;
        log_sql('BatchOuts', 'INSERT', $sql);
        insert_changes($db, 'BatchOuts', $my_batchout_id);
        $sql = 'UPDATE OrdThreads' . '   SET batchout_id = ' . $my_batchout_id . ' WHERE id = ' . $my_ord_thread_id;
        log_sql('OrdThreads', 'UPDATE', $sql);
        insert_changes($db, 'OrdThreads', $my_ord_thread_id);
    $sql = 'UPDATE Orders' . '   SET status = "Active"' . ' WHERE id = ' . $the_id;
    log_sql('Orders', 'UPDATE', $sql);
    insert_changes($db, 'Orders', $the_id);
    return $my_count;
Beispiel #21
 *	checkin Piece from Pieces Check In
 *	$.ajax({ method:'checkin', table:'Pieces', barcode:9...9, ...};
 * @return	string	''
function JKY_checkin_piece($the_data)
    $db = Zend_Registry::get('db');
    $my_barcode = get_data($the_data, 'barcode');
    $my_checkin_weight = get_data($the_data, 'checkin_weight');
    	$my_inspected_by	= get_data($the_data, 'inspected_by'	);
    	$my_weighed_by		= get_data($the_data, 'weighed_by'		);
    	$my_qualities		= get_data($the_data, 'qualities'		);
    	$my_remarks			= get_data($the_data, 'remarks'			);
    	$my_checkin_weight	= get_data($the_data, 'checkin_weight'	);
    	$my_checkin_location= get_data($the_data, 'checkin_location');
    $my_set = '';
    //	$my_set .= isset($the_data['revised_by'			]) ?       ', revised_by = '  . trim($the_data['revised_by'			])			: '';
    $my_set .= ', revised_by = ' . get_session('user_id');
    //	$my_set .= isset($the_data['weighed_by'			]) ?       ', weighed_by = '  . trim($the_data['weighed_by'			])			: '';
    $my_set .= ', weighed_by = ' . get_session('user_id');
    $my_set .= isset($the_data['qualities']) ? ', qualities =\'' . trim($the_data['qualities']) . '\'' : '';
    $my_set .= isset($the_data['remarks']) ? ', remarks =\'' . trim($the_data['remarks']) . '\'' : '';
    $my_set .= isset($the_data['checkin_weight']) ? ', checkin_weight = ' . trim($the_data['checkin_weight']) : '';
    $my_set .= isset($the_data['checkin_location']) ? ', checkin_location =\'' . trim($the_data['checkin_location']) . '\'' : '';
    $sql = 'UPDATE Pieces' . '   SET ' . get_updated() . ',       checkin_at=\'' . get_time() . '\'' . $my_set . ' WHERE id =' . $my_barcode;
    log_sql('Pieces', 'update', $sql);
    insert_changes($db, 'Pieces', $my_barcode);
    $my_piece = db_get_row('Pieces', 'barcode =\'' . $my_barcode . '\'');
    if (!is_empty($my_piece['revised_by']) && !is_empty($my_piece['weighed_by'])) {
        $sql = 'UPDATE Pieces' . '   SET status="Check In"' . ' WHERE id = ' . $my_barcode;
        log_sql('Pieces', 'update', $sql);
    //	$my_order_id = get_table_value('Pieces', 'order_id', $my_barcode);
    $my_order_id = $my_piece['order_id'];
    if (strtolower($my_piece['qualities']) == 'boa') {
        $my_set = ', produced_at=\'' . get_time() . '\'' . ', produced_pieces = produced_pieces + 1' . ', produced_weight = produced_weight + ' . $my_checkin_weight;
    } else {
        $my_set = ', rejected_pieces = rejected_pieces + 1';
    $sql = 'UPDATE Orders' . '   SET ' . get_updated() . $my_set . ' WHERE id = ' . $my_order_id;
    log_sql('Orders', 'update', $sql);
    insert_changes($db, 'Orders', $my_order_id);
    return '';
Beispiel #22
 public function renderDetail($view, $title, $action, $form_action, $buttons)
     $contr = get_session('contr');
     $html = '';
     $html .= NL . '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/css/' . $contr . '_detail.css?20101025" />';
     //     $html .= NL . ' <div class="clear"></div>';
     $style = $action == 'index' ? ' style="display:none"' : '';
     if ($action != 'index') {
         $html .= NL . '      <!-- Content header -->';
         $html .= NL . '      <div id="cont_header" class="padding">';
         $html .= NL . '           <div class="float_left">';
         $html .= NL . '               <span class="black">' . $title . '</span>';
         $html .= NL . '          </div>';
         if ($action == 'show') {
             $html .= NL . '      <div id="cont_controls">';
             $html .= NL . '          <a href=' . $view->previous . ' ><< Previous</a>&nbsp; | &nbsp;';
             $html .= NL . '          <a href=' . $view->next . ' >Next >></a>';
             $html .= NL . '     </div id="cont_controls">';
         $html .= NL . '           <div class="clear"></div>';
         $html .= NL . '     </div id="cont_header">';
     $html .= NL . ' <div id="content_body">';
     $html .= NL . ' <!-- Content details -->';
     $html .= NL . ' <div id="content_details">';
     $html .= NL . ' <form id="im_form" action="/' . $contr . "/" . $form_action . '" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"' . $style . '>';
     $html .= NL . $view->render($contr . '/detail.phtml');
     $html .= NL . '     <!-- Save Changes -->';
     $html .= NL . '     <div id="save_changes" class="bg_gray">';
     $my_buttons = explode(',', $buttons);
     foreach ($my_buttons as $my_button) {
         $html .= NL . '          <a class="all_buttons button_details" onclick="javascript:submit_form_name( \'im_form\', \'' . $my_button . '\' )"><span>' . $my_button . '</span></a>';
     if ($action != 'index') {
         $html .= NL . '          <div class="or_anchor_enabled">or&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class="enabled_link" onclick="javascript:submit_form_name( \'im_form\', \'Cancel\' )">Cancel</a></div>';
     $html .= NL . '     </div>';
     $html .= NL . '<div>' . put_img('round_corner_gray_bottom.jpg') . '</div>';
     $html .= NL . '</form id="im_form">';
     $html .= NL . '</div id="content_details">';
     $html .= NL . '</div id="content_body">';
     return $html;
function save_customerwork()
    $customerdata = get_session('customerdata');
    //customer data
    if (!$customerdata) {
        //not login
        return '';
    preg_match('#[^-]+$#', $_POST['history'], $r);
    //final result
    $history = array('customer_id' => $customerdata->id, 'company' => $_POST['company'], 'salary' => $_POST['sal'], 'save_history' => $_POST['history'], 'result' => $r[0], 'post_date' => date("Y-m-d"), 'post_time' => date('H:i:s a'), 'loan' => preg_replace('#\\.#', '', $_POST['loan']), 'note' => 'Mục đích sử dụng:' . PHP_EOL . $_POST['usedfor'] . PHP_EOL . ',Thời gian chúng tôi liên hệ:' . $_POST['contacttime']);
    if (isset($_POST['modify'])) {
        //update history
        do_update($history, array('id' => $_POST['modify']), 'vcn_histories');
        $hid = $_POST['modify'];
    } else {
        do_insert($history, 'vcn_histories');
        $hid = mysql_insert_id();
        //history id
    //update histories1 that save answer text
    $history_text = array();
    //multi rows
    $historyt = json_decode($_POST['historyt']);
    //decode answers_text
    foreach ($historyt as $answer_id => $text) {
        $history_t = array('answer_id' => $answer_id, 'answer_text' => $text, 'hid' => $hid);
        $history_text[] = $history_t;
        if (isset($_POST['modify'])) {
            //update single  answer text
            do_update($history_t, array('hid' => $_POST['modify']), 'vcn_histories1');
    if (!isset($_POST['modify'])) {
        do_insert($history_text, 'vcn_histories1');
    //return new history
Beispiel #24
 *	return Box from Boxes Return
 *	$.ajax({ method:'return', table:'Boxes', barcode:9...9};
 * @return	string	''
function JKY_return_box($the_data)
    $db = Zend_Registry::get('db');
    $my_barcode = get_data($the_data, 'barcode');
    $my_number_of_cones = get_data($the_data, 'number_of_cones');
    $my_real_weight = get_data($the_data, 'real_weight');
    $sql = 'UPDATE Boxes' . '   SET ' . get_updated() . ',           status="Return"' . ',      returned_by=' . get_session('user_id') . ',      returned_at="' . get_time() . '"' . ', number_of_cones =' . $my_number_of_cones . ',     real_weight =' . $my_real_weight . ' WHERE id=' . $my_barcode;
    log_sql('Boxes', 'update', $sql);
    insert_changes($db, 'Boxes', $my_barcode);
    $my_box = db_get_row('Boxes', 'id=' . $my_barcode);
    $my_average_weight = $my_box['average_weight'];
    $my_real_weight = $my_box['real_weight'];
    $my_weight = $my_real_weight == 0 ? $my_average_weight : $my_real_weight;
    $sql = 'UPDATE Batches' . '   SET returned_boxes  = returned_boxes  + 1' . '     , returned_weight = returned_weight + ' . $my_weight . ' WHERE id = ' . $my_box['batch_id'];
    log_sql('Batches', 'update', $sql);
    insert_changes($db, 'Batches', $my_box['batch_id']);
    return '';
Beispiel #25
 * This function returns the user ID of the logged in user on your site.  Technical support will not
 * help you with this for stand-alone installations.  You must purchase the professional installation
 * if you are having trouble.
 * Suggestion: Check out the other integration files in the functions/integrations directory for
 * many examples of how this can be done.  The easiest way is to get the user ID through a cookie.
 * @return the user ID of the logged in user
function get_user_id()
    global $db;
    function get_session()
        foreach ($_COOKIE as $key => $val) {
            if (strpos($key, 'SESS') === 0) {
                return $val;
        return '';
    $userid = NULL;
    $sess_id = get_session();
    if (!empty($sess_id)) {
        $result = $db->execute("\n\t\t\t\tSELECT uid \n\t\t\t\tFROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "sessions \n\t\t\t\tWHERE sid = '" . $db->escape_string($sess_id) . "'\n\t\t\t");
        if ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) {
            $userid = $row['uid'];
    return $userid;
Beispiel #26
    $c_PayPlus->m_res_cd = "9562";
    $c_PayPlus->m_res_msg = "연동 오류|tran_cd값이 설정되지 않았습니다.";
if ($res_cd != '0000') {
    $res_msg = iconv("euc-kr", "utf-8", $res_msg);
    echo "<script>
    var openwin = './kcp/proc_win.php', 'proc_win', '' );
    if (isset($_POST['pp_id']) && $_POST['pp_id']) {
        $page_return_url = G5_SHOP_URL . '/personalpayform.php?pp_id=' . get_session('ss_personalpay_id');
    } else {
        $page_return_url = G5_SHOP_URL . '/orderform.php';
        if (get_session('ss_direct')) {
            $page_return_url .= '?sw_direct=1';
    alert("{$res_cd} : {$res_msg}", $page_return_url);
/* = -------------------------------------------------------------------------- = */
/* =   04. 실행 END                                                             = */
/* ============================================================================== */
/* ============================================================================== */
/* =   05. 승인 결과 값 추출                                                    = */
/* = -------------------------------------------------------------------------- = */
if ($req_tx == "pay") {
    if ($res_cd == "0000") {
        $tno = $c_PayPlus->mf_get_res_data("tno");
        echo '<input type="checkbox" name="facebook_checked" id="facebook_checked" ' . (get_cookie('ck_facebook_checked') ? 'checked' : '') . ' value="1">';
    } else {
        $facebook_url = $facebook->getLoginUrl(array("redirect_uri" => G5_SNS_URL . "/facebook/callback.php", "scope" => "publish_stream,read_stream,offline_access", "display" => "popup"));
        echo '<a href="' . $facebook_url . '" id="facebook_url" onclick="return false;"><img src="' . G5_SNS_URL . '/icon/facebook' . ($facebook_user ? '' : '_off') . '.png" id="facebook_icon"></a>';
        echo '<label for="" class="sound_only">페이스북 동시 등록</label>';
        echo '<input type="checkbox" name="facebook_checked" id="facebook_checked" disabled value="1">';
        echo '<script>$(function(){ $("#facebook_url").live("click", function(){, "facebook_url", "width=600,height=250"); }); });</script>';
    echo '</li>';
// 트위터
if ($config['cf_twitter_key']) {
    $twitter_user = get_session("ss_twitter_user");
    if (!$twitter_user) {
        include_once G5_SNS_PATH . "/twitter/twitteroauth/twitteroauth.php";
        include_once G5_SNS_PATH . "/twitter/twitterconfig.php";
        $twitter_user = false;
        if (empty($_SESSION['access_token']) || empty($_SESSION['access_token']['oauth_token']) || empty($_SESSION['access_token']['oauth_token_secret'])) {
            $twitter_url = G5_SNS_URL."/twitter/redirect.php";
        } else {
            $access_token = $_SESSION['access_token'];
            $connection = new TwitterOAuth(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, $access_token['oauth_token'], $access_token['oauth_token_secret']);
            $content = $connection->get('account/verify_credentials');
            switch ($connection->http_code) {
                case 200:
                    $twitter_user = true;
Beispiel #28
function chk_captcha()
    $captcha_count = (int) get_session('ss_captcha_count');
    if ($captcha_count > 5) {
        return false;
    if (!isset($_POST['captcha_key'])) {
        return false;
    if (!trim($_POST['captcha_key'])) {
        return false;
    if ($_POST['captcha_key'] != get_session('ss_captcha_key')) {
        $_SESSION['ss_captcha_count'] = $captcha_count + 1;
        return false;
    return true;
Beispiel #29
        $sql = " select * from {$g5['g5_shop_item_table']} where it_id = '{$it_id}' ";
        $it = sql_fetch($sql);
        if (!$it) {
            alert('상품정보가 존재하지 않습니다.');
        if (!$is_auth) {
            if ($it['pt_id'] != $member['mb_id']) {
                alert("\\'{$member['mb_id']}\\' 님께서 수정 할 권한이 없는 상품입니다.");
        // 첫번째 분류
        $ca_id = $it['ca_id'];
        $sql = " select * from {$g5['g5_shop_category_table']} where ca_id = '{$ca_id}' ";
        $ca = sql_fetch($sql);
        $ss_name = 'ss_item_' . $it_id;
        if (!get_session($ss_name)) {
            set_session($ss_name, TRUE);
    } else {
$qstr = $qstr . '&amp;sca=' . $sca . '&amp;ap=list&amp;page=' . $page;
$frm_submit = '<div class="btn_confirm01 btn_confirm"><input type="submit" value="확인" class="btn_submit" accesskey="s"> <a href="./?' . $qstr . '" class="btn_frmline">목록</a>';
if ($it_id) {
    $frm_submit .= PHP_EOL . '<a href="' . G5_SHOP_URL . '/item.php?it_id=' . $it_id . '" target="blank" class="btn_frmline">보기</a> <a href="./?ap=item" class="btn_frmline">신규</a>';
$frm_submit .= '</div>';
include_once $skin_path . '/';
// 입력폼 선택
if ($w == "" && !$fn) {

// 캡챠 세션값과 비교하여 맞는지? 틀린지? 결과값을 출력합니다.
include_once "_common.php";
header("Content-Type: text/html; charset={$g4['charset']}");
$count = (int) get_session("captcha_count");
if ($count >= 5) {
    // 설정값 이상이면 자동등록방지 입력 문자가 맞아도 오류 처리
    echo false;
} else {
    set_session("captcha_count", $count + 1);
    echo get_session("captcha_keystring") == $_POST['captcha_key'] ? true : false;