$message = $unsaved_message_params['message'];
    $email_author = $unsaved_message_params['sender_name'];
    $email_author_address = $unsaved_message_params['sender_address'];
echo str_replace('$form_title$', $params['msgform_form_title'], $params['skin_form_before']);
$Form = new Form($submit_url);
if (isset($Blog)) {
    $Form->hidden('blog', $Blog->ID);
$Form->hidden('recipient_id', $recipient_id);
$Form->hidden('post_id', $post_id);
$Form->hidden('comment_id', $comment_id);
$Form->hidden('redirect_to', url_rel_to_same_host($redirect_to, get_secure_htsrv_url()));
$Form->info(T_('To'), $recipient_link);
// Note: we use funky field names in order to defeat the most basic guestbook spam bots:
// email form
$Form->text_input($dummy_fields['name'], $email_author, 40, T_('From'), T_('Your name.'), array('maxlength' => 50, 'class' => 'wide_input', 'required' => true));
$Form->text_input($dummy_fields['email'], $email_author_address, 40, T_('Email'), T_('Your email address. (Will <strong>not</strong> be displayed on this site.)'), array('maxlength' => 150, 'class' => 'wide_input', 'required' => true));
$Form->text_input($dummy_fields['subject'], $subject, 40, T_('Subject'), T_('Subject of your message.'), array('maxlength' => 255, 'class' => 'wide_input', 'required' => true));
$Form->textarea($dummy_fields['content'], $message, 15, T_('Message'), T_('Plain text only.'), 35, 'wide_textarea', true);
$Plugins->trigger_event('DisplayMessageFormFieldset', array('Form' => &$Form, 'recipient_ID' => &$recipient_id, 'item_ID' => $post_id, 'comment_ID' => $comment_id));
// Form buttons:
echo $Form->begin_field(NULL, '');
// Standard button to send a message
$Form->button_input(array('name' => 'submit_message_' . $recipient_id, 'class' => 'submit', 'value' => T_('Send message')));
// Additional buttons from plugins
$Plugins->trigger_event('DisplayMessageFormButton', array('Form' => &$Form, 'recipient_ID' => &$recipient_id, 'item_ID' => $post_id, 'comment_ID' => $comment_id));
echo $Form->end_field();
Beispiel #2
  * Get the rotate avatar icons
  * @param integer File ID
  * @param array Params
  * @return string HTML text with 3 icons to rotate avatar
 function get_rotate_avatar_icons($file_ID, $params = array())
     // Make sure we are not missing any param:
     $params = array_merge(array('before' => '<br />', 'after' => '', 'text' => '', 'user_tab' => 'avatar'), $params);
     // Init links to rotate avatar
     if (is_admin_page()) {
         // Back-office
         $url_rotate_90_left = regenerate_url('', 'user_tab=' . $params['user_tab'] . '&user_ID=' . $this->ID . '&action=rotate_avatar_90_left&file_ID=' . $file_ID . '&' . url_crumb('user'), '', '&');
         $url_rotate_180 = regenerate_url('', 'user_tab=' . $params['user_tab'] . '&user_ID=' . $this->ID . '&action=rotate_avatar_180&file_ID=' . $file_ID . '&' . url_crumb('user'), '', '&');
         $url_rotate_90_right = regenerate_url('', 'user_tab=' . $params['user_tab'] . '&user_ID=' . $this->ID . '&action=rotate_avatar_90_right&file_ID=' . $file_ID . '&' . url_crumb('user'), '', '&');
     } else {
         // Front-office
         global $Blog;
         $url_rotate_90_left = get_secure_htsrv_url() . 'profile_update.php?user_tab=' . $params['user_tab'] . '&blog=' . $Blog->ID . '&user_ID=' . $this->ID . '&action=rotate_avatar_90_left&file_ID=' . $file_ID . '&' . url_crumb('user');
         $url_rotate_180 = get_secure_htsrv_url() . 'profile_update.php?user_tab=' . $params['user_tab'] . '&blog=' . $Blog->ID . '&user_ID=' . $this->ID . '&action=rotate_avatar_180&file_ID=' . $file_ID . '&' . url_crumb('user');
         $url_rotate_90_right = get_secure_htsrv_url() . 'profile_update.php?user_tab=' . $params['user_tab'] . '&blog=' . $Blog->ID . '&user_ID=' . $this->ID . '&action=rotate_avatar_90_right&file_ID=' . $file_ID . '&' . url_crumb('user');
     $html = $params['before'];
     $html .= action_icon(T_('Rotate this picture 90&deg; to the left'), 'rotate_left', $url_rotate_90_left, '', 0, 0, array('style' => 'margin-right:4px'));
     $html .= action_icon(T_('Rotate this picture 180&deg;'), 'rotate_180', $url_rotate_180, '', 0, 0, array('style' => 'margin-right:4px'));
     $html .= action_icon(T_('Rotate this picture 90&deg; to the right'), 'rotate_right', $url_rotate_90_right, $params['text'], empty($params['text']) ? 0 : 3, empty($params['text']) ? 0 : 4);
     $html .= $params['after'];
     return $html;
Beispiel #3
            // Load the AdminUI class for the skin.
            $user_tab = param('user_tab', 'string');
            global $current_User, $UserSettings, $is_admin_page;
            $admin_skin = $UserSettings->get('admin_skin', $current_User->ID);
            $is_admin_page = true;
            require_once $adminskins_path . $admin_skin . '/_adminUI.class.php';
            $AdminUI = new AdminUI();
        } else {
            // Load Blog skin
            $BlogCache =& get_BlogCache();
            $Blog =& $BlogCache->get_by_ID($blog_ID, true);
            $skin_ID = $Blog->get_skin_ID();
            $SkinCache =& get_SkinCache();
            $Skin =& $SkinCache->get_by_ID($skin_ID);
        $display_mode = 'js';
        $form_action = get_secure_htsrv_url() . 'profile_update.php';
        require $inc_path . 'users/views/_user_groups.form.php';
        $Ajaxlog->add(T_('Incorrect action!'), 'error');
$disp = NULL;
$ctrl = NULL;
if ($current_debug || $current_debug_jslog) {
    // debug is ON
    $Ajaxlog->display(NULL, NULL, true, 'all', array('error' => array('class' => 'jslog_error', 'divClass' => false), 'note' => array('class' => 'jslog_note', 'divClass' => false)), 'ul', 'jslog');
echo '<!-- Ajax response end -->';
Beispiel #4
if (!defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT')) {
    die('Please, do not access this page directly.');
load_class('regional/model/_country.class.php', 'Country');
global $Blog, $Session, $Messages, $inc_path;
global $action, $user_profile_only, $edited_User, $form_action;
if (!is_logged_in()) {
    // must be logged in!
    echo '<p class="error">' . T_('You are not logged in.') . '</p>';
// set params
if (!isset($params)) {
    $params = array();
$params = array_merge(array('display_profile_tabs' => true, 'profile_tabs' => array('block_start' => '<div class="tabs">', 'item_start' => '<div class="option">', 'item_end' => '</div>', 'item_selected_start' => '<div class="selected">', 'item_selected_end' => '</div>', 'block_end' => '</div><div class="clear"></div>'), 'form_action' => get_secure_htsrv_url() . 'profile_update.php'), $params);
$form_action = $params['form_action'];
$user_profile_only = true;
// check if there is unsaved User object stored in Session
$edited_User = $Session->get('core.unsaved_User');
if ($edited_User == NULL) {
    // edited_User is the current_User
    $edited_User = $current_User;
} else {
    // unsaved user exists, delete it from Session
    if ($edited_User->ID != $current_User->ID) {
        // edited user ID must be the same as current User
        debug_die('Inconsistent state, you are allowed to edit only your profile');
Beispiel #5
 * Registers headlines required to autocomplete the user logins
 * @param string alias, url or filename (relative to rsc/css, rsc/js) for JS/CSS files
function init_autocomplete_login_js($relative_to = 'rsc_url')
    require_js('#jquery#', $relative_to);
    // dependency
    // Use hintbox plugin of jQuery
    // Add jQuery hintbox (autocompletion).
    // Form 'username' field requires the following JS and CSS.
    // fp> TODO: think about a way to bundle this with other JS on the page -- maybe always load hintbox in the backoffice
    //     dh> Handle it via http://www.appelsiini.net/projects/lazyload ?
    // dh> TODO: should probably also get ported to use jquery.ui.autocomplete (or its successor)
    require_css('jquery/jquery.hintbox.css', $relative_to);
    require_js('jquery/jquery.hintbox.min.js', $relative_to);
    add_js_headline('jQuery( document ).ready( function()
		jQuery( "input.autocomplete_login" ).hintbox(
			url: "' . get_secure_htsrv_url() . 'async.php?action=get_login_list",
			matchHint: true,
			autoDimentions: true
		} );
	} );');
  * Display the widget!
  * @param array MUST contain at least the basic display params
 function display($params)
     global $Blog, $Settings, $Session, $redirect_to, $dummy_fields;
     if (is_logged_in()) {
         // No display when user is already registered
         return false;
     if ($Settings->get('newusers_canregister') != 'yes' || !$Settings->get('quick_registration')) {
         // Display error message when quick registration is disabled
         echo '<p class="error">' . T_('Quick registration is currently disabled on this system.') . '</p>';
         return false;
     // Restore the typed in params from the redirected page:
     $widget_param_input_err_messages = $Session->get('param_input_err_messages_' . $this->ID);
     $widget_param_input_values = $Session->get('param_input_values_' . $this->ID);
     if (!empty($widget_param_input_err_messages)) {
         // Convert param errors to global $param_input_err_messages that is used to display an error text under input field
         global $param_input_err_messages;
         $param_input_err_messages = $widget_param_input_err_messages;
     // Clear the temp session vars
     $Session->delete('param_input_err_messages_' . $this->ID);
     $Session->delete('param_input_values_' . $this->ID);
     if (isset($this->BlockCache)) {
         // Do NOT cache some of these links are using a redirect_to param, which makes it page dependent.
         // Note: also beware of the source param.
         // so this will be cached by the PageCache; there is no added benefit to cache it in the BlockCache
         // (which could have been shared between several pages):
     echo $this->disp_params['block_start'];
     $redirect_to = param('redirect_to', 'url', regenerate_url('', '', '', '&'));
     echo $this->disp_params['block_body_start'];
     if (!empty($this->disp_params['intro'])) {
         // Intro text
         echo '<p>' . $this->disp_params['intro'] . '</p>';
     $Form = new Form(get_secure_htsrv_url() . 'register.php', 'register_form', 'post');
     $Form->hidden('action', 'quick_register');
     $Form->hidden('inskin', true);
     $Form->hidden('blog', $Blog->ID);
     $Form->hidden('widget', $this->ID);
     $Form->hidden('redirect_to', $redirect_to);
     // E-mail
     $email_value = isset($widget_param_input_values[$dummy_fields['email']]) ? $widget_param_input_values[$dummy_fields['email']] : '';
     $Form->text_input($dummy_fields['email'], $email_value, 50, T_('Your email'), '', array('maxlength' => 255, 'class' => 'input_text', 'required' => true));
     if ($this->disp_params['ask_firstname'] != 'no') {
         // First name
         $firstname_value = isset($widget_param_input_values['firstname']) ? $widget_param_input_values['firstname'] : '';
         $Form->text_input('firstname', $firstname_value, 18, T_('First name'), '', array('maxlength' => 50, 'class' => 'input_text', 'required' => $this->disp_params['ask_firstname'] == 'required'));
     if ($this->disp_params['ask_lastname'] != 'no') {
         // Last name
         $lastname_value = isset($widget_param_input_values['lastname']) ? $widget_param_input_values['lastname'] : '';
         $Form->text_input('lastname', $lastname_value, 18, T_('Last name'), '', array('maxlength' => 50, 'class' => 'input_text', 'required' => $this->disp_params['ask_lastname'] == 'required'));
     // Submit button
     $Form->begin_fieldset('', array('class' => 'fieldset field_register_btn'));
     $Form->button_input(array('value' => $this->disp_params['button'], 'class' => 'submit'));
     echo $this->disp_params['block_body_end'];
     echo $this->disp_params['block_end'];
     if (!empty($widget_param_input_err_messages)) {
         // Clear param errors here because we already display them above
         // Don't display them twice on another widget form
         $param_input_err_messages = NULL;
     return true;
if ($action != 'view') {
    // We can edit the values:
    if ($action != 'new') {
        // Get other pictures (not main avatar)
        $user_avatars = $edited_User->get_avatar_Links();
        $forbid_link = '';
        if (is_admin_page()) {
            $ctrl_param = '?ctrl=user&amp;user_tab=avatar&amp;user_ID=' . $edited_User->ID;
            if ($current_User->can_moderate_user($edited_User->ID)) {
                $forbid_link = action_icon(T_('Forbid using as main profile picture'), 'move_down_orange', $ctrl_param . '&amp;action=forbid_avatar&amp;' . url_crumb('user'), ' ' . T_('Forbid using as main profile picture'), 3, 4) . '<br />';
            $remove_picture_url = $ctrl_param . '&amp;action=remove_avatar&amp;' . url_crumb('user');
            $delete_picture_url = $ctrl_param . '&amp;action=delete_avatar&amp;file_ID=' . $edited_User->avatar_file_ID . '&amp;' . url_crumb('user');
        } else {
            $remove_picture_url = get_secure_htsrv_url() . 'profile_update.php?user_tab=avatar&amp;blog=' . $Blog->ID . '&amp;action=remove_avatar&amp;' . url_crumb('user');
            $delete_picture_url = get_secure_htsrv_url() . 'profile_update.php?user_tab=avatar&amp;blog=' . $Blog->ID . '&amp;action=delete_avatar&amp;file_ID=' . $edited_User->avatar_file_ID . '&amp;' . url_crumb('user');
        if ($edited_User->has_avatar() || count($user_avatars)) {
            // If user uploaded at least one profile picture
            $change_picture_title = T_('Change') . ' &raquo;';
            $change_picture_icon = 'edit';
        } else {
            // If user has no profile picture yet
            $change_picture_title = T_('Upload now') . ' &raquo;';
            $change_picture_icon = 'move_up_green';
        // Main profile picture with action icons to modify it
        $user_pictures = '<div class="avatartag main image_rounded">' . $edited_User->get_avatar_imgtag('crop-top-320x320', 'avatar', 'top', true, '', 'user', '160x160') . '<div class="avatar_actions">' . action_icon($change_picture_title, $change_picture_icon, get_user_settings_url('avatar', $edited_User->ID), ' ' . $change_picture_title, 3, 4);
        if ($edited_User->has_avatar() && ($avatar_Link =& $edited_User->get_avatar_Link())) {
            // Display these actions only for existing avatar file
            $user_pictures .= '<br />' . action_icon(T_('No longer use this as main profile picture'), 'move_down', $remove_picture_url, ' ' . T_('No longer use this as main profile picture'), 3, 4) . '<br />' . $forbid_link . action_icon(T_('Delete this profile picture'), 'delete', $delete_picture_url, ' ' . T_('Delete this profile picture'), 3, 4, array('onclick' => 'return confirm(\'' . TS_('Are you sure want to delete this picture?') . '\');')) . '<br />' . $edited_User->get_rotate_avatar_icons($edited_User->avatar_file_ID, array('before' => '', 'after' => '<br />', 'text' => ' ' . T_('Rotate'), 'user_tab' => 'avatar')) . $edited_User->get_crop_avatar_icon($edited_User->avatar_file_ID, array('before' => '', 'after' => '', 'text' => ' ' . T_('Crop'), 'user_tab' => 'avatar', 'onclick' => 'return user_crop_avatar( ' . $edited_User->ID . ', ' . $edited_User->avatar_file_ID . ', \'avatar\' )'));
$form_title = '';
$form_class = 'fform user_report_form';
$Form->title_fmt = '<span style="float:right">$global_icons$</span><div>$title$</div>' . "\n";
if ($display_mode != 'js') {
    if (!$user_profile_only) {
        echo_user_actions($Form, $edited_User, $action);
    $form_text_title = T_('Report User');
    // used for js confirmation message on leave the changed form
    $form_title = get_usertab_header($edited_User, '', $form_text_title);
$Form->begin_form($form_class, $form_title, array('title' => isset($form_text_title) ? $form_text_title : $form_title));
if (is_admin_page()) {
    // Params for backoffice
    $Form->hidden('user_tab', $user_tab);
    $Form->hidden('is_backoffice', 1);
} else {
    // Params for frontoffice
    global $Blog;
    $Form->hidden('blog', $Blog->ID);
$close_icon = '';
if ($display_mode == 'js') {
    // Display a close link for popup window
    $close_icon = action_icon(T_('Close this window'), 'close', '', '', 0, 0, array('id' => 'close_button', 'class' => 'floatright'));
$Form->begin_fieldset(T_('Report User') . $close_icon, array('class' => 'fieldset clear'));
user_report_form(array('Form' => $Form, 'user_ID' => $edited_User->ID, 'crumb_name' => 'user', 'cancel_url' => get_secure_htsrv_url() . 'profile_update.php?' . (is_admin_page() ? 'is_backoffice=1&amp;' : '') . 'action=remove_report&amp;' . 'user_ID=' . $edited_User->ID . '&amp;' . (empty($Blog) || is_admin_page() ? '' : 'blog=' . $Blog->ID . '&amp;') . url_crumb('user')));

 * This is the form to change a password
 * This file is part of the evoCore framework - {@link http://evocore.net/}
 * See also {@link https://github.com/b2evolution/b2evolution}.
 * @license GNU GPL v2 - {@link http://b2evolution.net/about/gnu-gpl-license}
 * @copyright (c)2003-2015 by Francois Planque - {@link http://fplanque.com/}
 * @package htsrv
if (!defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT')) {
    die('Please, do not access this page directly.');
// Header
$page_title = T_('Change password');
$wrap_width = '650px';
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/_html_header.inc.php';
// Change password form
$params = array('display_profile_tabs' => false, 'display_abandon_link' => false, 'button_class' => ' btn-lg', 'skin_form_params' => $login_form_params, 'form_action' => get_secure_htsrv_url() . 'login.php', 'form_button_action' => 'updatepwd', 'form_hidden_crumb' => 'regform', 'check_User_from_Session' => false);
$disp = 'pwdchange';
// Select a form to change a password
$Session->set('core.unsaved_User', $forgetful_User);
require skin_fallback_path('_profile.disp.php', 6);
// Footer
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/_html_footer.inc.php';
// fp> TODO: a javascript REFRAME feature would ne neat here: selecting a square area of the img and saving it as a new avatar image
if ($current_User->ID == $edited_User->ID || $current_User->check_perm('users', 'edit')) {
    // Upload or select:
    global $Settings;
    if ($Settings->get('upload_enabled') && $Settings->get('fm_enable_roots_user')) {
        // Upload is enabled and we have permission to use it...
        $user_avatars = $edited_User->get_avatar_Files();
        if (count($user_avatars) > 0) {
            $info_content = '';
            foreach ($user_avatars as $uFile) {
                if (is_admin_page()) {
                    $url_update = regenerate_url('', 'user_tab=avatar&user_ID=' . $edited_User->ID . '&action=update_avatar&file_ID=' . $uFile->ID . '&' . url_crumb('user'), '', '&');
                    $url_delete = regenerate_url('', 'user_tab=avatar&user_ID=' . $edited_User->ID . '&action=delete_avatar&file_ID=' . $uFile->ID . '&' . url_crumb('user'), '', '&');
                } else {
                    $url_update = get_secure_htsrv_url() . 'profile_update.php?user_tab=avatar&blog=' . $Blog->ID . '&user_ID=' . $edited_User->ID . '&action=update_avatar&file_ID=' . $uFile->ID . '&' . url_crumb('user');
                    $url_delete = get_secure_htsrv_url() . 'profile_update.php?user_tab=avatar&blog=' . $Blog->ID . '&user_ID=' . $edited_User->ID . '&action=delete_avatar&file_ID=' . $uFile->ID . '&' . url_crumb('user');
                $info_content .= '<div class="avatartag avatar_rounded">';
                $info_content .= $uFile->get_tag('', '', '', '', 'crop-top-80x80', 'original', $edited_User->login, 'lightbox[user_pictures]');
                $info_content .= '<br />' . action_icon(T_('Use as main picture'), 'move_up', $url_update, T_('Main'), 3, 4, array(), array('style' => 'margin-right:4px'));
                $info_content .= '<br />' . action_icon(T_('Delete this picture'), 'xross', $url_delete, T_('Delete'), 3, 4, array('onclick' => 'return confirm(\'' . TS_('Are you sure want to delete this picture?') . '\');'), array('style' => 'margin-right:4px'));
                $info_content .= $edited_User->get_rotate_avatar_icons($uFile->ID);
                $info_content .= '</div>';
            $Form->info(T_('Other pictures'), $info_content);
        $Form->hidden('action', 'upload_avatar');
        // The following is mainly a hint to the browser.
        $Form->hidden('MAX_FILE_SIZE', $Settings->get('upload_maxkb') * 1024);
        // Upload
        $info_content = '<input name="uploadfile[]" type="file" size="10" />';
         $info_content .= '<div class="avatartag avatar_rounded">';
         $info_content .= $user_Link->get_tag(array('before_image' => '', 'before_image_legend' => '', 'after_image_legend' => '', 'after_image' => '', 'image_size' => 'crop-top-160x160', 'image_link_title' => $edited_User->login, 'image_link_rel' => 'lightbox[user_pictures]'));
         if ($user_Link->File->get('can_be_main_profile')) {
             // Link to set picture as Main
             $url_update = is_admin_page() ? regenerate_url('', 'user_tab=avatar&user_ID=' . $edited_User->ID . '&action=update_avatar&file_ID=' . $user_Link->File->ID . '&' . url_crumb('user'), '', '&') : get_secure_htsrv_url() . 'profile_update.php?user_tab=avatar&blog=' . $Blog->ID . '&user_ID=' . $edited_User->ID . '&action=update_avatar&file_ID=' . $user_Link->File->ID . '&' . url_crumb('user');
             $info_content .= '<br />' . action_icon(T_('Use as main picture'), 'move_up', $url_update, T_('Main'), 3, 4, array(), array('style' => 'margin-right:4px'));
         } elseif (is_admin_page() && $can_moderate_user) {
             // Link to Restore picture if it was forbidden (only for admins)
             $url_restore = regenerate_url('', 'user_tab=avatar&user_ID=' . $edited_User->ID . '&action=restore_avatar&file_ID=' . $user_Link->File->ID . '&' . url_crumb('user'), '', '&');
             $info_content .= '<br />' . action_icon(T_('Restore to use as main picture'), 'move_up', $url_restore, T_('Restore'), 3, 4, array(), array('style' => 'margin-right:4px'));
         } else {
             // Display empty line
             $info_content .= '<br />';
         // Link to Delete picture
         $url_delete = is_admin_page() ? regenerate_url('', 'user_tab=avatar&user_ID=' . $edited_User->ID . '&action=delete_avatar&file_ID=' . $user_Link->File->ID . '&' . url_crumb('user'), '', '&') : get_secure_htsrv_url() . 'profile_update.php?user_tab=avatar&blog=' . $Blog->ID . '&user_ID=' . $edited_User->ID . '&action=delete_avatar&file_ID=' . $user_Link->File->ID . '&' . url_crumb('user');
         $info_content .= '<br />' . action_icon(T_('Delete this picture'), 'delete', $url_delete, T_('Delete'), 3, 4, array('onclick' => 'return confirm(\'' . TS_('Are you sure want to delete this picture?') . '\');'), array('style' => 'margin-right:4px'));
         // Links to rotate picture
         $info_content .= $edited_User->get_rotate_avatar_icons($user_Link->File->ID);
         $info_content .= $edited_User->get_crop_avatar_icon($user_Link->File->ID, array('onclick' => 'return user_crop_avatar( ' . $edited_User->ID . ', ' . $user_Link->File->ID . ' )'));
         if (is_admin_page() && $can_moderate_user) {
             // Only if current user can edit this user
             // Display a message about the duplicated profile picture
             $info_content .= $user_Link->File->get_duplicated_files_message(array('message' => '<div class="duplicated_avatars">' . get_icon('warning_yellow', 'imgtag', array('style' => 'padding-left:16px')) . ' ' . T_('Also used by: %s') . '</div>'));
         $info_content .= '</div>';
     $Form->info(T_('Other pictures'), $info_content);
 $Form->hidden('action', 'upload_avatar');
 // The following is mainly a hint to the browser.
Beispiel #12
} );

global $current_User;
if (is_admin_page() && is_logged_in() && $current_User->check_perm('users', 'moderate', false)) {
    // If user can edit the users - Init js to edit user level by AJAX
jQuery(document).ready( function()
	jQuery('.user_level_edit').each( function()
		if( jQuery( this ).find( 'a' ).length == 0 )
			jQuery( this ).removeClass( 'user_level_edit' );
	} );
    $user_levels = array();
    for ($l = 0; $l <= 10; $l++) {
        $user_levels[$l] = $l;
    // Print JS to edit an user level
    echo_editable_column_js(array('column_selector' => '.user_level_edit', 'ajax_url' => get_secure_htsrv_url() . 'async.php?action=user_level_edit&' . url_crumb('userlevel'), 'options' => $user_levels, 'new_field_name' => 'new_user_level', 'ID_value' => 'jQuery( ":first", jQuery( this ).parent() ).text()', 'ID_name' => 'user_ID', 'print_init_tags' => false));
Beispiel #13
 * Open crop user modal window
function echo_user_crop_avatar_window()
    global $admin_url;
    if (is_admin_page()) {
        // Ajax params for backoffice
        $ajax_url = $admin_url;
        $ajax_params = "'ctrl': 'user',\n\t\t\t\t'user_tab': 'crop',\n\t\t\t\t'user_tab_from': user_tab_from,\r\n";
    } else {
        // Ajax params for frontoffice
        global $blog;
        $ajax_url = get_secure_htsrv_url() . 'anon_async.php';
        $ajax_params = "'blog': '{$blog}',\n\t\t\t\t'disp': 'avatar',\n\t\t\t\t'action': 'crop',\r\n";
<script type="text/javascript">
    // Initialize JavaScript to build and open window
	function user_crop_avatar( user_ID, file_ID, user_tab_from )
		if( typeof( user_tab_from ) == 'undefined' )
			user_tab_from = 'avatar';

		var max_size = 750;
		var min_size = 320;

		var viewport_width = jQuery( window ).width();
		var viewport_height = jQuery( window ).height();
		//console.log( 'viewport', viewport_width, viewport_height );

		// Set sizes for modal window:
		var window_width = viewport_width;
		var window_height = viewport_height;
		// Limit window with max & min sizes:
		window_height = ( window_height > max_size ) ? max_size : ( ( window_height < min_size ) ? min_size : window_height );
		window_width = ( window_width > max_size ) ? max_size : ( ( window_width < min_size ) ? min_size : window_width );
		//console.log( 'window', window_width, window_height );

		// Set margins for normal view of wide screens:
		var margin_size_width = 170;
		var margin_size_height = viewport_height > max_size ? 170 : 205;
		if( viewport_width <= 900 )
		{ // When width is less than 900px then preview thumbnails are located under big picture, so height margin should be more
			margin_size_width = 35;
			margin_size_height = 325;
		//console.log( 'margins', margin_size_width, margin_size_height );

		// Set image sizes:
		var image_width = window_width - margin_size_width;
		var image_height = window_height - margin_size_height;
		var image_min_size = 130;
		// Limit image with min size:
		image_width = ( image_width < image_min_size ) ? image_min_size : image_width;
		image_height = ( image_height < image_min_size ) ? image_min_size : image_height;
		//console.log( 'image', image_width, image_height );

		// Open modal window with loading animation while ajax request is executing below:
		openModalWindow( '<span class="loader_img loader_user_report absolute_center" title="<?php 
    echo T_('Loading...');
			window_width+'px', window_height+'px', true,
    echo TS_('Crop profile picture');
			[ '<?php 
    echo TS_('Crop');
', 'btn-primary hide' ], true );

		// Execute ajax request to load a crop tool:
			type: 'POST',
			url: '<?php 
    echo $ajax_url;
    echo $ajax_params;
				'user_ID': user_ID,
				'file_ID': file_ID,
				'image_width'  : image_width,
				'image_height' : image_height,
				'display_mode': 'js',
				'crumb_user': '******'user');
			success: function( result )
				openModalWindow( result, window_width+'px', window_height+'px', true,
    echo TS_('Crop profile picture');
				[ '<?php 
    echo TS_('Crop');
', 'btn-primary hide' ] );
		} );
		return false;
Beispiel #14
$email = utf8_strtolower(param($dummy_fields['email'], 'string', ''));
$firstname = param('firstname', 'string', '');
$gender = param('gender', 'string', false);
$source = param('source', 'string', 'register form');
$redirect_to = param('redirect_to', 'url', '');
$return_to = param('return_to', 'url', '');
if ($register_user = $Session->get('core.register_user')) {
    // Get an user data from predefined session (after adding of a comment)
    $login = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9 ]/i', '', $register_user['name']);
    $login = str_replace(' ', '_', $login);
    $login = substr($login, 0, 20);
    $email = $register_user['email'];
// set secure htsrv url with the same domain as the request has
$secure_htsrv_url = get_secure_htsrv_url();
echo str_replace('$form_title$', $params['register_form_title'], $params['skin_form_before']);
$Form = new Form($secure_htsrv_url . 'register.php', 'register_form', 'post');
if (!is_null($params['register_form_params'])) {
    // Use another template param from skin
$Form->hidden('inskin', true);
if (isset($Blog)) {
    // for in-skin form
    $Form->hidden('blog', $Blog->ID);
// disp register form
$Plugins->trigger_event('DisplayRegisterFormBefore', array('Form' => &$Form, 'inskin' => true));
Beispiel #15
$Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Back-office access'), 'order' => 'gset_value', 'td' => '%grp_row_backoffice( #gset_value# )%', 'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap');
$Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Level'), 'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap small', 'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap small' . ($has_perm_users_edit ? ' group_level_edit' : ''), 'order' => 'grp_level', 'default_dir' => 'D', 'td' => $has_perm_users_edit ? '<a href="#" rel="$grp_level$">$grp_level$</a>' : '$grp_level$');
function grp_actions(&$row)
    global $usedgroups, $Settings, $current_User;
    $r = '';
    if ($current_User->check_perm('users', 'edit', false)) {
        $r = action_icon(T_('Edit this group...'), 'edit', regenerate_url('ctrl,action', 'ctrl=groups&amp;action=edit&amp;grp_ID=' . $row->grp_ID));
        $r .= action_icon(T_('Duplicate this group...'), 'copy', regenerate_url('ctrl,action', 'ctrl=groups&amp;action=new&amp;grp_ID=' . $row->grp_ID));
        if ($row->grp_ID != 1 && $row->grp_ID != $Settings->get('newusers_grp_ID') && !in_array($row->grp_ID, $usedgroups)) {
            // delete
            $r .= action_icon(T_('Delete this group!'), 'delete', regenerate_url('ctrl,action', 'ctrl=groups&amp;action=delete&amp;grp_ID=' . $row->grp_ID . '&amp;' . url_crumb('group')));
        } else {
            $r .= get_icon('delete', 'noimg');
    return $r;
$Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Actions'), 'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap small', 'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td' => '%grp_actions( {row} )%');
// Display results:
if ($current_User->check_perm('users', 'edit', false)) {
    // If user can edit the users - Init js to edit group level by AJAX
    $group_levels = array();
    for ($l = 0; $l <= 10; $l++) {
        $group_levels[$l] = $l;
    // Print JS to edit a group level
    echo_editable_column_js(array('column_selector' => '.group_level_edit', 'ajax_url' => get_secure_htsrv_url() . 'async.php?action=group_level_edit&' . url_crumb('grouplevel'), 'options' => $group_levels, 'new_field_name' => 'new_group_level', 'ID_value' => 'jQuery( ":first", jQuery( this ).parent() ).text()', 'ID_name' => 'group_ID'));
$Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Anon. contact form submits'), 'td' => '$aipr_contact_email_count$', 'order' => 'aipr_contact_email_count', 'default_dir' => 'D');
$Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Block count'), 'td' => '$aipr_block_count$', 'order' => 'aipr_block_count', 'default_dir' => 'D');
// Get additional columns from the Plugins
$Plugins->trigger_event('GetAdditionalColumnsTable', array('table' => 'ipranges', 'column' => 'aipr_IPv4start', 'Results' => $Results));
if ($current_User->check_perm('spamblacklist', 'edit')) {
    // Check permission to edit IP ranges:
     * Get actions links for IP range
     * @param integer IP range ID
     * @param string Current tab value
     * @return string HTML links to edit and delete IP range
    function antispam_ipranges_actions($aipr_ID, $tab_param)
        global $admin_url;
        // A link to edit IP range
        $r = action_icon(T_('Edit this IP range...'), 'properties', $admin_url . '?ctrl=antispam' . $tab_param . '&amp;tab3=ipranges&amp;iprange_ID=' . $aipr_ID . '&amp;action=iprange_edit');
        // A link to delete IP range
        $r .= action_icon(T_('Delete this IP range!'), 'delete', regenerate_url('iprange_ID,action', 'iprange_ID=' . $aipr_ID . '&amp;action=iprange_delete&amp;' . url_crumb('iprange')));
        return $r;
    $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Actions'), 'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td' => '%antispam_ipranges_actions( #aipr_ID#, "' . $tab_param . '" )%');
$Results->global_icon(T_('Add a new IP range...'), 'new', regenerate_url('action', 'action=iprange_new'), T_('New IP range') . ' &raquo;', 3, 4, array('class' => 'action_icon btn-primary'));
if ($current_User->check_perm('spamblacklist', 'edit')) {
    // Check permission to edit IP ranges:
    // Print JS to edit status of IP range
    echo_editable_column_js(array('column_selector' => '.iprange_status_edit', 'ajax_url' => get_secure_htsrv_url() . 'async.php?action=iprange_status_edit&' . url_crumb('iprange'), 'options' => aipr_status_titles(), 'new_field_name' => 'new_status', 'ID_value' => 'jQuery( ":first", jQuery( this ).parent() ).text()', 'ID_name' => 'iprange_ID', 'colored_cells' => true));
Beispiel #17
 * Registers headlines required to autocomplete the user logins
 * @param string alias, url or filename (relative to rsc/css, rsc/js) for JS/CSS files
 * @param string Library: 'hintbox', 'typeahead'
function init_autocomplete_login_js($relative_to = 'rsc_url', $library = 'hintbox')
    global $blog;
    require_js('#jquery#', $relative_to);
    // dependency
    switch ($library) {
        case 'typeahead':
            // Use typeahead library of bootstrap
            add_js_headline('jQuery( document ).ready( function()
				jQuery( "input.autocomplete_login" ).typeahead( null,
					displayKey: "login",
					source: function ( query, cb )
							url: "' . get_secure_htsrv_url() . 'async.php?action=get_login_list",
							type: "post",
							data: { q: query, data_type: "json" },
							dataType: "JSON",
							success: function( logins )
								var json = new Array();
								for( var l in logins )
									json.push( { login: logins[ l ] } );
								cb( json );
						} );
				} );
				' . get_prevent_key_enter_js('input.autocomplete_login') . '
			} );');
        case 'hintbox':
            // Use hintbox plugin of jQuery
            // Add jQuery hintbox (autocompletion).
            // Form 'username' field requires the following JS and CSS.
            // fp> TODO: think about a way to bundle this with other JS on the page -- maybe always load hintbox in the backoffice
            //     dh> Handle it via http://www.appelsiini.net/projects/lazyload ?
            // dh> TODO: should probably also get ported to use jquery.ui.autocomplete (or its successor)
            require_css('jquery/jquery.hintbox.css', $relative_to);
            require_js('jquery/jquery.hintbox.min.js', $relative_to);
            add_js_headline('jQuery( document ).on( "focus", "input.autocomplete_login", function()
				var ajax_params = "";
				if( jQuery( this ).hasClass( "only_assignees" ) )
					ajax_params = "&user_type=assignees&blog=' . $blog . '";
				jQuery( this ).hintbox(
					url: "' . get_secure_htsrv_url() . 'async.php?action=get_login_list" + ajax_params,
					matchHint: true,
					autoDimentions: true
				} );
				' . get_prevent_key_enter_js('input.autocomplete_login') . '
			} );');
$SQL->SELECT('SQL_NO_CACHE ivc_ID, ivc_code, ivc_expire_ts, ivc_source, ivc_grp_ID, grp_name, grp_level');
$SQL->FROM_add('INNER JOIN T_groups ON grp_ID = ivc_grp_ID');
$count_SQL = new SQL();
$Results = new Results($SQL->get(), 'ivc_', '-D', $UserSettings->get('results_per_page'), $count_SQL->get());
$Results->title = T_('Invitation codes') . get_manual_link('invitation-codes-list');
 * Table icons:
if ($current_User->check_perm('users', 'edit', false)) {
    // create new group link
    $Results->global_icon(T_('Create a new invitation code...'), 'new', '?ctrl=invitations&amp;action=new', T_('Add invitation code') . ' &raquo;', 3, 4, array('class' => 'action_icon btn-primary'));
$Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('ID'), 'order' => 'ivc_ID', 'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td_class' => 'right', 'td' => '$ivc_ID$');
$Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Expires'), 'order' => 'ivc_expire_ts', 'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td' => '$ivc_expire_ts$');
$Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Group'), 'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'order' => 'grp_name', 'td' => '$grp_name$ ($grp_level$)');
$Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Code'), 'order' => 'ivc_code', 'td' => $current_User->check_perm('users', 'edit', false) ? '<a href="' . $admin_url . '?ctrl=invitations&amp;action=edit&amp;ivc_ID=$ivc_ID$"><b>$ivc_code$</b></a>' : '$ivc_code$');
$Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Code'), 'order' => 'ivc_code', 'td' => '<a href="' . get_secure_htsrv_url() . 'register.php?invitation=$ivc_code$">' . T_('Link') . '</a>');
$Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Source'), 'order' => 'ivc_source', 'td' => '$ivc_source$');
if ($current_User->check_perm('users', 'edit', false)) {
    function ivc_actions(&$row)
        $r = action_icon(T_('Edit this invitation code...'), 'edit', regenerate_url('ctrl,action', 'ctrl=invitations&amp;ivc_ID=' . $row->ivc_ID . '&amp;action=edit')) . action_icon(T_('Duplicate this invitation code...'), 'copy', regenerate_url('ctrl,action', 'ctrl=invitations&amp;ivc_ID=' . $row->ivc_ID . '&amp;action=new')) . action_icon(T_('Delete this invitation code!'), 'delete', regenerate_url('ctrl,action', 'ctrl=invitations&amp;ivc_ID=' . $row->ivc_ID . '&amp;action=delete&amp;' . url_crumb('invitation')));
        return $r;
    $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Actions'), 'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td' => '%ivc_actions( {row} )%');
// Display results:
Beispiel #19
 * Display a button to quick upload the files by drag&drop method
 * @param integer ID of FileRoot object
function display_dragdrop_upload_button($params = array())
    global $htsrv_url, $blog, $current_User;
    $params = array_merge(array('before' => '', 'after' => '', 'fileroot_ID' => 0, 'path' => '', 'list_style' => 'list', 'template_button' => '<div class="qq-uploader">' . '<div class="qq-upload-drop-area"><span>' . TS_('Drop files here to upload') . '</span></div>' . '<div class="qq-upload-button">#button_text#</div>' . '<ul class="qq-upload-list"></ul>' . '</div>', 'template_filerow' => '<li>' . '<span class="qq-upload-file"></span>' . '<span class="qq-upload-spinner"></span>' . '<span class="qq-upload-size"></span>' . '<a class="qq-upload-cancel" href="#">' . TS_('Cancel') . '</a>' . '<span class="qq-upload-failed-text">' . TS_('Failed') . '</span>' . '</li>', 'display_support_msg' => true, 'additional_dropzone' => '', 'filename_before' => '', 'LinkOwner' => NULL, 'display_status_success' => true, 'status_conflict_place' => 'default', 'conflict_file_format' => 'simple', 'resize_frame' => false, 'table_headers' => ''), $params);
    $FileRootCache =& get_FileRootCache();
    $fm_FileRoot = $FileRootCache->get_by_ID($params['fileroot_ID']);
    if (!is_logged_in() || !$current_User->check_perm('files', 'add', false, $fm_FileRoot)) {
        // Don't display the button if current user has no permission to upload to the selected file root:
    $root_and_path = $params['fileroot_ID'] . '::' . $params['path'];
    $quick_upload_url = $htsrv_url . 'quick_upload.php?upload=true' . (empty($blog) ? '' : '&blog=' . $blog);
    echo $params['before'];
	<div id="file-uploader" style="width:100%">
    echo T_('Please enable JavaScript to use file uploader.');
	<input id="saveBtn" type="submit" style="display:none" name="saveBtn" value="<?php 
    echo T_('Save modified files');
" class="ActionButton" />
	<script type="text/javascript">
		if( 'draggable' in document.createElement('span') )
			var button_text = '<?php 
    echo TS_('Drag & Drop files to upload here <br /><span>or click to manually select files...</span>');
			var file_uploader_note_text = '<?php 
    echo TS_('Your browser supports full upload functionality.');
			var button_text = '<?php 
    echo TS_('Click to manually select files...');
			var file_uploader_note_text = '<?php 
    echo TS_('Your browser does not support full upload functionality: You can only upload files one by one and you cannot use Drag & Drop.');

		var url = <?php 
    echo '"' . $quick_upload_url . '&' . url_crumb('file') . '"';
		var root_and_path = '<?php 
    echo $root_and_path;

		jQuery( '#fm_dirtree input[type=radio]' ).click( function()
			url = "<?php 
    echo $quick_upload_url;
    echo url_crumb('file');
			root_and_path = this.value;
			uploader.setParams({root_and_path: root_and_path});
		} );

    if ($params['LinkOwner'] !== NULL) {
        // Add params to link a file right after uploading
        global $b2evo_icons_type;
        $link_owner_type = $params['LinkOwner']->type;
        $link_owner_ID = $link_owner_type == 'item' ? $params['LinkOwner']->Item->ID : $params['LinkOwner']->Comment->ID;
        echo 'url += "&link_owner=' . $link_owner_type . '_' . $link_owner_ID . '&b2evo_icons_type=' . $b2evo_icons_type . '"';

		jQuery( document ).ready( function()
			uploader = new qq.FileUploader(
				element: document.getElementById( 'file-uploader' ),
				list_style: '<?php 
    echo $params['list_style'];
				additional_dropzone: '<?php 
    echo $params['additional_dropzone'];
				action: url,
				debug: true,
				onSubmit: function( id, fileName )
					var noresults_row = jQuery( 'tr.noresults' );
					if( noresults_row.length )
					{ // Add table headers and remove "No results" row
    if ($params['table_headers'] != '') {
        // Append table headers if they are defined
						noresults_row.parent().parent().prepend( '<?php 
        echo str_replace(array("'", "\n"), array("\\'", ''), $params['table_headers']);
' );
				onComplete: function( id, fileName, responseJSON )
					if( responseJSON.success != undefined )
						if( responseJSON.success.status == 'fatal' )
							var text = responseJSON.success.text;
							var text = base64_decode( responseJSON.success.text );
							if( responseJSON.success.specialchars == 1 )
								text = htmlspecialchars_decode( text );

    if ($params['list_style'] == 'list') {
        // List view
						if( responseJSON.success.status != undefined && responseJSON.success.status == 'rename' )

    if ($params['list_style'] == 'table') {
        // Table view
					var this_row = jQuery( 'tr[rel=file_upload_' + id + ']' );

					if( responseJSON.success == undefined || responseJSON.success.status == 'error' || responseJSON.success.status == 'fatal' )
					{ // Failed
						this_row.find( '.qq-upload-status' ).html( '<span class="red"><?php 
        echo TS_('Upload ERROR');
</span>' );
						if( typeof( text ) == 'undefined' || text == '' )
						{ // Message for unknown error
							text = '<?php 
        echo TS_('Server dropped the connection.');
						this_row.find( '.qq-upload-file' ).append( ' <span class="result_error">' + text + '</span>' );
						this_row.find( '.qq-upload-image, td.size' ).prepend( '<?php 
        echo get_icon('warning_yellow');
' );
					{ // Success/Conflict
						var table_view = typeof( responseJSON.success.link_ID ) != 'undefined' ? 'link' : 'file';

						var filename_before = '<?php 
        echo str_replace("'", "\\'", $params['filename_before']);
						if( filename_before != '' )
							filename_before = filename_before.replace( '$file_path$', responseJSON.success.path );

						var warning = '';
						if( responseJSON.success.warning != '' )
							warning = '<div class="orange">' + responseJSON.success.warning + '</div>';

						// File name or url to view file
						var file_name = ( typeof( responseJSON.success.link_url ) != 'undefined' ) ? responseJSON.success.link_url : responseJSON.success.newname;

						if( responseJSON.success.status == 'success' )
						{ // Success upload
        if ($params['display_status_success']) {
            // Display this message only if it is enabled
							this_row.find( '.qq-upload-status' ).html( '<span class="green"><?php 
            echo TS_('Upload OK');
</span>' );
        } else {
							this_row.find( '.qq-upload-status' ).html( '' );
							this_row.find( '.qq-upload-image' ).html( text );
							this_row.find( '.qq-upload-file' ).html( filename_before
								+ '<input type="hidden" value="' + responseJSON.success.newpath + '" />'
								+ '<span class="fname">' + file_name + '</span>' + warning );
						else if( responseJSON.success.status == 'rename' )
						{ // Conflict on upload
        $status_conflict_message = '<span class="orange">' . TS_('Upload Conflict') . '</span>';
        if ($params['status_conflict_place'] == 'default') {
            // Default place for a conflict message
							this_row.find( '.qq-upload-status' ).html( '<?php 
            echo $status_conflict_message;
' );
        } else {
							this_row.find( '.qq-upload-status' ).html( '' );
							this_row.find( '.qq-upload-image' ).append( htmlspecialchars_decode( responseJSON.success.file ) );
							this_row.find( '.qq-upload-file' ).html( filename_before
								+ '<input type="hidden" value="' + responseJSON.success.newpath + '" />'
								+ '<span class="fname">' + file_name + '</span>'
        echo $params['status_conflict_place'] == 'before_button' ? "+ ' - " . $status_conflict_message . "'" : '';
								+ ' - <a href="#" '
								+ 'class="<?php 
        echo button_class('text');
 roundbutton_text_noicon qq-conflict-replace" '
								+ 'old="' + responseJSON.success.oldpath + '" '
								+ 'new="' + responseJSON.success.newpath + '">'
								+ '<div><?php 
        echo TS_('Use this new file to replace the old file');
								+ '<div style="display:none"><?php 
        echo TS_('Revert');
								+ '</a>'
								+ warning );
							var old_file_obj = jQuery( 'input[type=hidden][value="' + responseJSON.success.oldpath + '"]' );
							if( old_file_obj.length > 0 )
								old_file_obj.parent().append( ' <span class="orange"><?php 
        echo TS_('(Old File)');
</span>' );

						if( table_view == 'link' )
						{ // Update the cells for link view, because these data exist in response
							this_row.find( '.qq-upload-link-id' ).html( responseJSON.success.link_ID );
							this_row.find( '.qq-upload-link-actions' ).prepend( responseJSON.success.link_actions );
							this_row.find( '.qq-upload-link-position' ).html( responseJSON.success.link_position );
    } else {
        // Simple list
						jQuery( uploader._getItemByFileId( id ) ).append( text );
						if( responseJSON.success == undefined && responseJSON != '' )
						{ // Disppay the fatal errors
							jQuery( uploader._getItemByFileId( id ) ).append( responseJSON );
    if ($params['resize_frame']) {
        // Resize frame after upload new image
					jQuery( 'img' ).on( 'load', function() { update_iframe_height(); } );
				template: '<?php 
    echo str_replace('#button_text#', "' + button_text + '", $params['template_button']);
				fileTemplate: '<?php 
    echo $params['template_filerow'];
				params: { root_and_path: root_and_path }
			} );
		} );

    if ($params['resize_frame']) {
        // Resize frame after upload new image
		function update_iframe_height()
			var wrapper_height = jQuery( 'body' ).height();
			jQuery( 'div#attachmentframe_wrapper', window.parent.document ).css( { 'height': wrapper_height, 'max-height': wrapper_height } );

    if ($params['list_style'] == 'table') {
        // A click event for button to replace old file with name
		jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '.qq-conflict-replace', function()
			var this_obj = jQuery( this );

			var is_replace = this_obj.children( 'div:first' ).is( ':visible' );

			var old_file_name = this_obj.attr( 'old' );
			var old_file_obj = jQuery( 'input[type=hidden][value="' + old_file_name + '"]' );
			// Element found with old file name on the page
			var old_file_exists = ( old_file_obj.length > 0 );

			// Highlight the rows with new and old files
			var tr_rows = this_obj.parent().parent().children( 'td' );
			if( old_file_exists )
				tr_rows = tr_rows.add( old_file_obj.parent().parent().children( 'td' ) );
			tr_rows.css( 'background', '#FFFF00' );
			// Remove previous errors
			tr_rows.find( 'span.error' ).remove();

			{ // Replace old file name with new
				type: 'POST',
				url: '<?php 
        echo get_secure_htsrv_url();
					action: 'conflict_files',
					fileroot_ID: '<?php 
        echo $params['fileroot_ID'];
					path: '<?php 
        echo $params['path'];
					oldfile: old_file_name.replace( /^(.+\/)?([^\/]+)$/, '$2' ),
					newfile: this_obj.attr( 'new' ).replace( /^(.+\/)?([^\/]+)$/, '$2' ),
					format: '<?php 
        echo $params['conflict_file_format'];
					crumb_conflictfiles: '<?php 
        echo get_crumb('conflictfiles');
				success: function( result )
					var data = jQuery.parseJSON( result );
					if( typeof data.error == 'undefined' )
					{ // Success
						var new_filename_obj = this_obj.parent().find( 'span.fname' );
						if( is_replace )
						{ // The replacing was executed, Change data of html elements
							this_obj.children( 'div:first' ).hide();
							this_obj.children( 'div:last' ).show();
						{ // The replacing was reverting, Put back the data of html elements
							this_obj.children( 'div:first' ).show();
							this_obj.children( 'div:last' ).hide();
						if( old_file_exists )
						{ // If old file element exists on the page, we can:
							// Swap old and new names
							var old_filename_obj = old_file_obj.parent().find( 'span.fname' );
							var old_filename_obj_html = old_filename_obj.html();
							old_filename_obj.html( new_filename_obj.html() );
							new_filename_obj.html( old_filename_obj_html );

							var old_icon_link = old_filename_obj.prev();
							if( old_icon_link.length == 0 || old_icon_link.get(0).tagName != 'A' )
								old_icon_link = old_filename_obj.parent().prev();
							if( old_icon_link.length > 0 && old_icon_link.get(0).tagName == 'A' )
							{ // The icons exist to link files, We should swap them
								var old_href = old_icon_link.attr( 'href' );
								old_icon_link.attr( 'href', new_filename_obj.prev().attr( 'href' ) );
								new_filename_obj.prev().attr( 'href', old_href );
						{ // No old file element, Get data from request
							new_filename_obj.html( is_replace ? data.old : data.new );
					{ // Failed
						this_obj.parent().append( '<span class="error"> - ' + data.error + '</span>' );
					tr_rows.css( 'background', '' );
			} );

			return false;
		} );

    if ($params['display_support_msg']) {
        // Display a message about the dragdrop supproting by current browser
		document.write( '<p class="note">' + file_uploader_note_text + '</p>' );
    echo $params['after'];
echo $ChapterCache->recurse($callbacks, $subset_ID, NULL, 0, 0, array('sorted' => true));
echo $Table->params['content_end'];
echo $results_params['after'];
/* fp> TODO: maybe... (a general group move of posts would be more useful actually)
echo '<p class="note">'.T_('<strong>Note:</strong> Deleting a category does not delete posts from that category. It will just assign them to the parent category. When deleting a root category, posts will be assigned to the oldest remaining category in the same collection (smallest category number).').'</p>';
global $Settings, $dispatcher;
// Use a wrapper div to have margin around the form
echo '<div id="form_wrapper" style="margin: 2ex auto 1ex">';
$Form = new Form(NULL, 'cat_order_checkchanges', 'post', 'compact');
$Form->begin_form('fform', T_('Category order') . get_manual_link('categories_order'));
$Form->hidden('ctrl', 'coll_settings');
$Form->hidden('action', 'update');
$Form->hidden('blog', $Blog->ID);
$Form->hidden('tab', 'chapters');
$Form->radio_input('category_ordering', $Blog->get_setting('category_ordering'), array(array('value' => 'alpha', 'label' => T_('Alphabetically')), array('value' => 'manual', 'label' => T_('Manually'))), T_('Sort categories'), array('note' => '(' . T_('Note: can be overridden for sub-categories') . ')'));
$Form->end_form(array(array('submit', 'submit', T_('Save Changes!'), 'SaveButton')));
echo '</div>';
// form wrapper end
if (!$Settings->get('allow_moving_chapters')) {
    // TODO: check perm
    echo '<p class="alert alert-info">' . sprintf(T_('<strong>Note:</strong> Moving categories across blogs is currently disabled in the %sblogs settings%s.'), '<a href="' . $dispatcher . '?ctrl=collections&tab=blog_settings#fieldset_wrapper_categories">', '</a>') . '</p> ';
//Flush fadeout
// Print JS to edit order of the chapters inline
echo_editable_column_js(array('column_selector' => '.cat_order_edit', 'ajax_url' => get_secure_htsrv_url() . 'async.php?action=cat_order_edit&blogid=' . $Blog->ID . '&' . url_crumb('catorder'), 'new_field_name' => 'new_cat_order', 'ID_value' => 'jQuery( this ).attr( "rel" )', 'ID_name' => 'cat_ID', 'field_type' => 'text'));
// Initialize funky display vars now:
global $postIDlist, $postIDarray;
$postIDlist = $ItemList->get_page_ID_list();
$postIDarray = $ItemList->get_page_ID_array();
// DISPLAY table now:
$ItemList->display(NULL, $result_fadeout);
// Print JS to edit a task priority
echo_editable_column_js(array('column_selector' => '.task_priority_edit', 'ajax_url' => get_secure_htsrv_url() . 'async.php?action=item_task_edit&field=priority&' . url_crumb('itemtask'), 'options' => item_priority_titles(), 'new_field_name' => 'new_priority', 'ID_value' => 'jQuery( this ).attr( "rel" )', 'ID_name' => 'post_ID', 'colored_cells' => true));
// Print JS to edit a task assigned
// Load current blog members into cache:
$UserCache =& get_UserCache();
// Load only first 21 users to know when we should display an input box instead of full users list
$UserCache->load_blogmembers($Blog->ID, 21, false);
// Init this array only for <select> when we have less than 21 users, otherwise we use <input> field with autocomplete feature
$field_type = count($UserCache->cache) < 21 ? 'select' : 'text';
$task_assignees = array(0 => T_('No user'));
if ($field_type == 'select') {
    foreach ($UserCache->cache as $User) {
        $task_assignees[$User->ID] = $User->login;
echo_editable_column_js(array('column_selector' => '.task_assigned_edit', 'ajax_url' => get_secure_htsrv_url() . 'async.php?action=item_task_edit&field=assigned&' . url_crumb('itemtask'), 'options' => $task_assignees, 'new_field_name' => $field_type == 'select' ? 'new_assigned_ID' : 'new_assigned_login', 'ID_value' => 'jQuery( this ).attr( "rel" )', 'ID_name' => 'post_ID', 'field_type' => $field_type, 'field_class' => 'autocomplete_login only_assignees', 'null_text' => TS_('No user')));
// Print JS to edit a task status
$ItemStatusCache =& get_ItemStatusCache();
$task_statuses = array(0 => T_('No status'));
foreach ($ItemStatusCache->cache as $ItemStatus) {
    $task_statuses[$ItemStatus->ID] = $ItemStatus->name;
echo_editable_column_js(array('column_selector' => '.task_status_edit', 'ajax_url' => get_secure_htsrv_url() . 'async.php?action=item_task_edit&field=status&' . url_crumb('itemtask'), 'options' => $task_statuses, 'new_field_name' => 'new_status', 'ID_value' => 'jQuery( this ).attr( "rel" )', 'ID_name' => 'post_ID'));
     * @return string
    function get_page_head()
        global $app_shortname, $app_version, $current_User, $htsrv_url_sensitive, $admin_url, $baseurl, $rsc_url;
        $secure_htsrv_url = get_secure_htsrv_url();
        $r = '
		<div id="header">
			<div id="headinfo">
				<span id="headfunctions">' . '<a href="' . $secure_htsrv_url . 'login.php?action=logout&amp;redirect_to=' . rawurlencode(url_rel_to_same_host($admin_url, $secure_htsrv_url)) . '">' . T_('Logout') . '</a>
					<img src="' . $rsc_url . 'icons/close.gif" width="14" height="14" border="0" class="top" alt="" title="' . T_('Logout') . '" /></a>

				' . $app_shortname . ' v <strong>' . $app_version . '</strong>

			<h1>' . $this->get_title_for_titlearea() . '</h1>
        return $r;
Beispiel #23
 * Display a voting form
 * @param array Params
function display_voting_form($params = array())
    $params = array_merge(array('vote_type' => 'file', 'vote_ID' => 0, 'display_like' => true, 'display_noopinion' => true, 'display_dontlike' => true, 'display_inappropriate' => true, 'display_spam' => true, 'title_text' => T_('My vote:'), 'title_like' => T_('I like this picture'), 'title_like_voted' => T_('You like this!'), 'title_noopinion' => T_('I have no opinion'), 'title_noopinion_voted' => T_('You have no opinion on this.'), 'title_dontlike' => T_('I don\'t like this picture'), 'title_dontlike_voted' => T_('You don\'t like this.'), 'title_inappropriate' => T_('I think the content of this picture is inappropriate'), 'title_spam' => T_('I think this picture was posted by a spammer')), $params);
    if (!is_logged_in() || empty($params['vote_ID'])) {
    global $current_User, $DB;
    $params_like = array('id' => 'votingLike', 'title' => $params['title_like']);
    $params_noopinion = array('id' => 'votingNoopinion', 'title' => $params['title_noopinion']);
    $params_dontlike = array('id' => 'votingDontlike', 'title' => $params['title_dontlike']);
    $params_inappropriate = array('id' => 'votingInappropriate', 'title' => $params['title_inappropriate']);
    $params_spam = array('id' => 'votingSpam', 'title' => $params['title_spam']);
    switch ($params['vote_type']) {
        // Get a voting results for current user
        case 'file':
            // Picture
            $SQL = new SQL('Get file voting for current user');
            $SQL->SELECT('fvot_like AS result, fvot_inappropriate AS inappropriate, fvot_spam AS spam');
            $SQL->WHERE('fvot_file_ID = ' . $DB->quote($params['vote_ID']));
            $SQL->WHERE_and('fvot_user_ID = ' . $DB->quote($current_User->ID));
            $vote = $DB->get_row($SQL->get());
            $params_spam['class'] = 'cboxCheckbox';
        case 'comment':
            // Comment
            $SQL = new SQL();
            $SQL->SELECT('cmvt_helpful AS result');
            $SQL->WHERE('cmvt_cmt_ID = ' . $DB->quote($params['vote_ID']));
            $SQL->WHERE_and('cmvt_user_ID = ' . $DB->quote($current_User->ID));
            $SQL->WHERE_and('cmvt_helpful IS NOT NULL');
            $vote = $DB->get_row($SQL->get());
    if (empty($vote) || is_null($vote->result)) {
        // Current user didn't vote for this file yet
        $icon_like = 'thumb_up';
        $icon_noopinion = 'ban';
        $icon_dontlike = 'thumb_down';
        $type_voted = '';
    } else {
        // Current user already voted for this file, We should set a disabled icons correctly
        switch ($vote->result) {
            case '-1':
                // Don't like
                $type_voted = 'dontlike';
                $icon_like = 'thumb_up_disabled';
                $icon_noopinion = 'ban_disabled';
                $icon_dontlike = 'thumb_down';
                $params_dontlike['class'] = 'voted';
                $params_dontlike['title'] = $params['title_dontlike_voted'];
            case '0':
                // No opinion
                $type_voted = 'noopinion';
                $icon_like = 'thumb_up_disabled';
                $icon_noopinion = 'ban';
                $icon_dontlike = 'thumb_down_disabled';
                $params_noopinion['class'] = 'voted';
                $params_noopinion['title'] = $params['title_noopinion_voted'];
            case '1':
                // Like
                $type_voted = 'like';
                $icon_like = 'thumb_up';
                $icon_noopinion = 'ban_disabled';
                $icon_dontlike = 'thumb_down_disabled';
                $params_like['class'] = 'voted';
                $params_like['title'] = $params['title_like_voted'];
    $checked_inappropriate = '';
    $checked_spam = '';
    if (!empty($vote)) {
        // Current user already marked this file
        if (!empty($vote->inappropriate)) {
            // File is marked as 'Inappropriate'
            $checked_inappropriate = ' checked="checked"';
        if (!empty($vote->spam)) {
            // File is marked as 'Spam'
            $checked_spam = ' checked="checked"';
    echo '<span>' . $params['title_text'] . '</span>';
    // Set this url for case when JavaScript is not enabled
    $url = get_secure_htsrv_url() . 'anon_async.php?action=voting&vote_type=' . $params['vote_type'] . '&vote_ID=' . $params['vote_ID'] . '&' . url_crumb('voting');
    $redirect_to = regenerate_url();
    if (strpos($redirect_to, 'async.php') === false) {
        // Append a redirect param
        $url .= '&redirect_to=' . $redirect_to;
    if ($params['display_like']) {
        // Display 'Like' icon
        $tag_icon = get_icon($icon_like, 'imgtag', $params_like);
        if ($type_voted == 'like') {
            echo $tag_icon;
        } else {
            $url_like = $url . '&vote_action=like';
            $class = strpos($icon_like, 'disabled') !== false ? ' rollover_sprite' : '';
            echo '<a href="' . $url_like . '" class="action_icon' . $class . '">' . $tag_icon . '</a>';
    if ($params['display_noopinion']) {
        // Display 'No opinion' icon
        $tag_icon = get_icon($icon_noopinion, 'imgtag', $params_noopinion);
        if ($type_voted == 'noopinion') {
            echo $tag_icon;
        } else {
            $url_noopinion = $url . '&vote_action=noopinion';
            $class = strpos($icon_noopinion, 'disabled') !== false ? ' rollover_sprite' : '';
            echo '<a href="' . $url_noopinion . '" class="action_icon' . $class . '">' . $tag_icon . '</a>';
    if ($params['display_dontlike']) {
        // Display 'Dont like' icon
        $tag_icon = get_icon($icon_dontlike, 'imgtag', $params_dontlike);
        if ($type_voted == 'dontlike') {
            echo $tag_icon;
        } else {
            $url_dontlike = $url . '&vote_action=dontlike';
            $class = strpos($icon_dontlike, 'disabled') !== false ? ' rollover_sprite' : '';
            echo '<a href="' . $url_dontlike . '" class="action_icon' . $class . '">' . $tag_icon . '</a>';
    if ($params['display_inappropriate'] || $params['display_spam']) {
        // Display separator between icons and checkboxes
        echo '<span class="separator">&nbsp;</span>';
    if ($params['display_inappropriate']) {
        // Display 'Inappropriate' checkbox
        echo '<label for="' . $params_inappropriate['id'] . '" title="' . $params_inappropriate['title'] . '">' . '<input type="checkbox" id="' . $params_inappropriate['id'] . '" name="' . $params_inappropriate['id'] . '"' . $checked_inappropriate . ' />' . '<span>' . T_('Inappropriate') . '</span>' . '</label>';
    if ($params['display_spam']) {
        // Display 'Spam' checkbox
        echo '<label for="' . $params_spam['id'] . '" class="' . $params_spam['class'] . '" title="' . $params_spam['title'] . '">' . '<input type="checkbox" id="' . $params_spam['id'] . '" name="' . $params_spam['id'] . '"' . $checked_spam . ' />' . '<span>' . T_('Spam') . '</span>' . '</label>';
    // Create a hidden input with current ID
    echo '<input type="hidden" id="votingID" value="' . $params['vote_ID'] . '" />';
    return $regions_count;
$Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Regions'), 'td_class' => 'center', 'td' => '%country_regions_count( #ctry_ID# )%', 'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap', 'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap');
$Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Default Currency'), 'td_class' => 'center', 'order' => 'curr_code', 'td' => '$curr_shortcut$ $curr_code$');
function ctry_td_actions($ctry_enabled, $ctry_ID)
    $r = '';
    $redirect_ctrl = param('ctrl', 'string', 'countries');
    if ($ctry_enabled == true) {
        $r .= action_icon(T_('Disable the country!'), 'deactivate', regenerate_url('ctrl,action', 'ctrl=countries&amp;action=disable_country&amp;ctry_ID=' . $ctry_ID . '&amp;redirect_ctrl=' . $redirect_ctrl . '&amp;' . url_crumb('country')));
    } else {
        $r .= action_icon(T_('Enable the country!'), 'activate', regenerate_url('ctrl,action', 'ctrl=countries&amp;action=enable_country&amp;ctry_ID=' . $ctry_ID . '&amp;redirect_ctrl=' . $redirect_ctrl . '&amp;' . url_crumb('country')));
    $r .= action_icon(T_('Edit this country...'), 'edit', regenerate_url('ctrl,action', 'ctrl=countries&amp;ctry_ID=' . $ctry_ID . '&amp;action=edit'));
    $r .= action_icon(T_('Duplicate this country...'), 'copy', regenerate_url('ctrl,action', 'ctrl=countries&amp;ctry_ID=' . $ctry_ID . '&amp;action=new'));
    $r .= action_icon(T_('Delete this country!'), 'delete', regenerate_url('ctrl,action', 'ctrl=countries&amp;ctry_ID=' . $ctry_ID . '&amp;action=delete&amp;' . url_crumb('country')));
    return $r;
if ($current_User->check_perm('options', 'edit', false)) {
    $Results->cols[] = array('th' => T_('Actions'), 'td' => '%ctry_td_actions( #ctry_enabled#, #ctry_ID# )%', 'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap');
    $Results->global_icon(T_('Create a new country ...'), 'new', regenerate_url('ctrl,action', 'ctrl=countries&amp;action=new'), T_('New country') . ' &raquo;', 3, 4, array('class' => 'action_icon btn-primary'));
if ($current_User->check_perm('options', 'edit')) {
    // Check permission to edit Country:
    // Print JS to edit a country status
    echo_editable_column_js(array('column_selector' => '.country_status_edit', 'ajax_url' => get_secure_htsrv_url() . 'async.php?action=country_status_edit&' . url_crumb('country'), 'options' => ctry_status_titles(), 'new_field_name' => 'new_status', 'ID_value' => 'jQuery( this ).attr( "id" )', 'ID_name' => 'ctry_ID', 'colored_cells' => true));
Beispiel #25
if (!defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT')) {
    die('Please, do not access this page directly.');
load_class('regional/model/_country.class.php', 'Country');
global $Blog, $Session, $Messages, $inc_path;
global $action, $user_profile_only, $edited_User, $form_action;
if (!is_logged_in()) {
    // must be logged in!
    echo '<p class="error">' . T_('You are not logged in.') . '</p>';
// set params
if (!isset($params)) {
    $params = array();
$params = array_merge(array('display_profile_tabs' => true, 'profile_tabs' => array('block_start' => '<div class="tabs">', 'item_start' => '<div class="option">', 'item_end' => '</div>', 'item_selected_start' => '<div class="selected">', 'item_selected_end' => '</div>', 'block_end' => '</div><div class="clear"></div>'), 'form_action' => get_secure_htsrv_url() . 'profile_update.php', 'form_class_user_avatar' => 'evo_form', 'form_class_user_identity' => 'evo_form', 'form_class_user_pass' => 'evo_form', 'form_class_user_pref' => 'evo_form', 'form_class_user_subs' => 'evo_form'), $params);
$form_action = $params['form_action'];
$user_profile_only = true;
// check if there is unsaved User object stored in Session
$edited_User = $Session->get('core.unsaved_User');
if ($edited_User == NULL) {
    // edited_User is the current_User
    $edited_User = $current_User;
} else {
    // unsaved user exists, delete it from Session
    if ($edited_User->ID != $current_User->ID) {
        // edited user ID must be the same as current User
        debug_die('Inconsistent state, you are allowed to edit only your profile');