function exist_plugin($name) { global $vars; static $exist = array(), $count = array(); $name = strtolower($name); if (isset($exist[$name])) { if (++$count[$name] > PKWK_PLUGIN_CALL_TIME_LIMIT) { die('Alert: plugin "' . htmlspecialchars($name) . '" was called over ' . PKWK_PLUGIN_CALL_TIME_LIMIT . ' times. SPAM or someting?<br />' . "\n" . '<a href="' . get_script_uri() . '?cmd=edit&page=' . rawurlencode($vars['page']) . '">Try to edit this page</a><br />' . "\n" . '<a href="' . get_script_uri() . '">Return to frontpage</a>'); } return $exist[$name]; } // namespace が使える場合のみ foo/bar を受け付ける $regex = '/^\\w{1,64}(?:\\/\\w{1,64})?$/'; if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, 5.3, '<')) { $regex = '/^\\w{1,64}$/'; } if (preg_match($regex, $name) && file_exists(PLUGIN_DIR . $name . '.inc.php')) { $exist[$name] = TRUE; $count[$name] = 1; require_once PLUGIN_DIR . $name . '.inc.php'; return TRUE; } else { $exist[$name] = FALSE; $count[$name] = 1; return FALSE; } }
function plugin_relink_callback($matches) { $atag = $matches[1]; $img = empty($matches[2]) ? '' : $matches[2]; // image tag preg_match_all('/([^\\s^\\"]+)=\\"([^\\"]+)\\"/', $atag, $amatches); for ($i = 0; $i < count($amatches[0]); $i++) { $attr[$amatches[1][$i]] = $amatches[2][$i]; } $parse_url = parse_url($attr['href']); $scheme = isset($parse_url['scheme']) ? $parse_url['scheme'] : ''; $path = isset($parse_url['path']) ? $parse_url['path'] : ''; $query = isset($parse_url['query']) ? $parse_url['query'] : ''; $fragment = isset($parse_url['fragment']) ? '#' . $parse_url['fragment'] : ''; $script = get_script_uri(); $is_ext = $scheme && substr($attr['href'], 0, strlen($script)) !== $script; if ($is_ext && (!$img || $img && PLUGIN_RELINK_ADD_EXTERNAL_CLASS_TO_IMAGE_LINK)) { switch ($scheme) { case 'mailto': $attr['class'] = 'mail'; break; case 'file': $attr['class'] = 'file'; break; default: $attr['class'] = 'external'; } } if (!$is_ext) { $attr['href'] = $path . ($query ? '?' . $query : '') . $fragment; if (isset($attr['rel'])) { unset($attr['rel']); } /*if (PLUGIN_RELINK_REWRITE_URL_TYPE && $query && strpos($query, 'cmd=') === FALSE && strpos($query, 'plugin=') === FALSE) { $s_path = substr($path, 0, strrpos($path, '/') + 1); // cut index.php switch (PLUGIN_RELINK_REWRITE_URL_TYPE) { case 1: $attr['href'] = $s_path . $query . $fragment; break; case 2: $attr['href'] = $s_path . str_replace('%2F', '/', $query) . '/' . $fragment; break; case 3: $attr['href'] = $s_path . $query . '.html' . $fragment; break; case 4: $attr['href'] = $s_path . str_replace('%2F', '/', $query) . '.html' . $fragment; break; } }*/ } $ret = '<a'; foreach ($attr as $key => $val) { $ret .= ' ' . $key . '="' . $val . '"'; } $ret .= '>' . $img; return $ret; }
function plugin_doc_ini_action() { global $vars, $_doc_ini_msg; if (Auth::check_role('role_contents_admin')) { die_message('NOT AUTHORIZED.'); } if (empty($vars['page'])) { return; } if (!is_pagename($vars['page'])) { return ''; } // Invalid page name; $action = empty($vars['action']) ? '' : $vars['action']; $retval = array(); $msg_title = sprintf($_doc_ini_msg['msg_confirmation'], $vars['page']); if ($action === 'exec') { return plugin_doc_ini_exec($vars['page']); } $script = get_script_uri(); $retval['body'] = <<<EOD <form action="{$script}" method="post" class="doc_ini_form"> \t<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="doc_ini" /> \t<input type="hidden" name="action" value="exec" /> \t<input type="hidden" name="page" value="{$vars['page']}" /> \t{$msg_title} \t<input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" value="{$_doc_ini_msg['btn_exec']}" /> </form> EOD; $retval['msg'] = $_doc_ini_msg['title_confirmation']; return $retval; }
function plugin_lookup_convert() { global $vars; static $id = 0; $num = func_num_args(); if ($num == 0 || $num > 3) { return PLUGIN_LOOKUP_USAGE; } $args = func_get_args(); $interwiki = htmlsc(trim($args[0])); $button = isset($args[1]) ? trim($args[1]) : ''; $button = $button != '' ? htmlsc($button) : 'lookup'; $default = $num > 2 ? htmlsc(trim($args[2])) : ''; $s_page = htmlsc($vars['page']); ++$id; $script = get_script_uri(); $ret = <<<EOD <form action="{$script}" method="post"> <div> <input type="hidden" name="plugin" value="lookup" /> <input type="hidden" name="refer" value="{$s_page}" /> <input type="hidden" name="inter" value="{$interwiki}" /> <label for="_p_lookup_{$id}">{$interwiki}:</label> <input type="text" name="page" id="_p_lookup_{$id}" size="30" value="{$default}" /> <input type="submit" value="{$button}" /> </div> </form> EOD; return $ret; }
function plugin_nego_link($nego, &$linkstr) { global $vars; $linkstr = $linkstr === '' ? htmlspecialchars($nego) : $linkstr; $url = get_script_uri() . '?cmd=nego' . '&nego=' . $nego . '&page=' . rawurlencode($vars['page']); return '<a href="' . $url . '">' . $linkstr . '</a>'; }
function plugin_newpage_action() { global $vars; $qm = get_qm(); if (PKWK_READONLY) { die_message($qm->m['fmt_err_pkwk_readonly']); } if ($vars['page'] == '') { $retvars['msg'] = $qm->m['plg_newpage']['label']; $retvars['body'] = plugin_newpage_convert(); if (preg_match('/id="([^"]+)"/', $retvars['body'], $ms)) { $domid = $ms[1]; //jquery ライブラリの読み込み $qt = get_qt(); $qt->setv('jquery_include', true); $addscript = <<<EOS <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(function(){ \tjQuery("#{$domid}").focus().select(); }); </script> EOS; $qt->appendv_once('plugin_select_fsize', 'beforescript', $addscript); } return $retvars; } else { $page = strip_bracket($vars['page']); $r_page = rawurlencode(isset($vars['refer']) ? get_fullname($page, $vars['refer']) : $page); $r_refer = rawurlencode($vars['refer']); pkwk_headers_sent(); header('Location: ' . get_script_uri() . '?cmd=read&page=' . $r_page . '&refer=' . $r_refer); exit; } }
function plugin_approve_inline($name) { global $vars; if ($name == '') { return '<p>approve(): empty name.</p>'; } $config_path = PLUGIN_APPROVE_CONFIG_ROOT . $name; $config = new YamlConfig($config_path); if (!$config->read()) { return '<p>approve(): failed to load config. "' . $config_path . '"</p>'; } $pattern = $config[PLUGIN_APPROVE_KEY_PATTERN]; $page_regex = $config[PLUGIN_APPROVE_KEY_PAGE_REGEX]; $label = isset($config[PLUGIN_APPROVE_KEY_LABEL]) ? $config[PLUGIN_APPROVE_KEY_LABEL] : PLUGIN_APPROVE_DEFAULT_LABEL; if ($pattern == '') { return '<p>approve(): empty pattern.</p>'; } if ($page_regex == '') { return '<p>approve(): empty page_regex.</p>'; } $page = $vars['page']; if ($page == '') { return '<p>approve(): empty page.</p>'; } $source = get_source($page, FALSE, TRUE); $disabled = $page_regex != '' && !preg_match($page_regex, $page) || strpos($source, $pattern) === FALSE ? 'disabled' : ''; $form = ''; $form .= '<form action="' . get_script_uri() . '?cmd=approve" method="post">'; $form .= '<input type="submit" name="submit" value="' . $label . '" ' . $disabled . ' />'; $form .= '<input type="hidden" name="name" value="' . $name . '" />'; $form .= '<input type="hidden" name="_page" value="' . $page . '" />'; $form .= '</form>'; return $form; }
function plugin_newpage_convert() { global $vars, $_newpage_messages; static $id = 0; // if (PKWK_READONLY) return ''; // Show nothing if (Auth::check_role('readonly')) { return ''; } // Show nothing if (Auth::is_check_role(PKWK_CREATE_PAGE)) { return ''; } $newpage = ''; if (func_num_args()) { list($newpage) = func_get_args(); } if (!preg_match('/^' . RendererDefines::BRACKETNAME_PATTERN . '$/', $newpage)) { $newpage = ''; } $s_page = Utility::htmlsc(isset($vars['refer']) ? $vars['refer'] : ''); $s_newpage = Utility::htmlsc($newpage); ++$id; $script = get_script_uri(); $ret = <<<EOD <form action="{$script}" method="post" class="form-inline plugin-newpage-form"> \t<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="edit" /> \t<input type="hidden" name="refer" value="{$s_page}" /> \t<div class="form-group"> \t\t<input type="text" class="form-control" name="page" id="p_newpage_{$id}" value="{$s_newpage}" size="30" placeholder="{$_newpage_messages['form_pagename']}" /> \t</div> \t<input type="submit" value="{$_newpage_messages['btn_new']}" class="btn btn-primary" /> </form> EOD; return $ret; }
function plugin_html2pdf_get_request_uri($init_uri = '') { if ($init_uri == '') { // Set automatically $msg = 'get_request_uri() failed: Please set $script at INI_FILE manually'; if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) && $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'][0] == '/') { $url = SERVER_PORT == 443 ? 'https://' : 'http://'; // scheme $url .= SERVER_NAME; // host $url .= SERVER_PORT == 80 ? '' : ':' . SERVER_PORT; // port $url .= $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } else { global $vars; $url = get_script_uri() . '?'; $queries = array(); $queries[] = $vars['cmd'] != '' ? 'cmd=' . rawurlencode($vars['cmd']) : ''; $queries[] = $vars['page'] != '' ? 'page=' . rawurlencode($vars['page']) : ''; $url .= implode('&', $queries); } if (!is_url($url, TRUE)) { die_message($msg); } } else { // Set manually if (!is_url($init_uri, TRUE)) { die_message('$url: Invalid URI'); } $url = $init_uri; } return $url; }
function plugin_lookup_convert() { global $vars; static $id = 0; $qm = get_qm(); $num = func_num_args(); if ($num == 0 || $num > 3) { return $qm->replace('fmt_err_cvt', 'lookup', $qm->m['plg_lookup']['err_usage']); } $args = func_get_args(); $interwiki = htmlspecialchars(trim($args[0])); $button = isset($args[1]) ? trim($args[1]) : ''; $button = $button != '' ? h($button) : $qm->m['plg_lookup']['btn_submit']; $default = $num > 2 ? h(trim($args[2])) : ''; $s_page = h($vars['page']); ++$id; $script = get_script_uri(); $ret = <<<EOD <form action="{$script}" method="post"> <div> <input type="hidden" name="plugin" value="lookup" /> <input type="hidden" name="refer" value="{$s_page}" /> <input type="hidden" name="inter" value="{$interwiki}" /> <label for="_p_lookup_{$id}">{$interwiki}:</label> <input type="text" name="page" id="_p_lookup_{$id}" size="30" value="{$default}" /> <input type="submit" value="{$button}" /> </div> </form> EOD; return $ret; }
function plugin_rss10_action() { pkwk_headers_sent(); header('Status: 301 Moved Permanently'); header('Location: ' . get_script_uri() . '?cmd=rss&ver=1.0'); // HTTP exit; }
function plugin_recent_convert() { global $vars, $date_format, $_recent_plugin_frame, $show_passage; static $exec_count = 1; $recent_lines = PLUGIN_RECENT_DEFAULT_LINES; if (func_num_args()) { $args = func_get_args(); if (!is_numeric($args[0]) || isset($args[1])) { return PLUGIN_RECENT_USAGE . '<br />'; } else { $recent_lines = $args[0]; } } // Show only N times if ($exec_count > PLUGIN_RECENT_EXEC_LIMIT) { return '#recent(): You called me too much' . '<br />' . "\n"; } else { ++$exec_count; } if (!file_exists(PLUGIN_RECENT_CACHE)) { return '#recent(): Cache file of RecentChanges not found' . '<br />'; } // Get latest N changes $lines = file_head(PLUGIN_RECENT_CACHE, $recent_lines); if ($lines == FALSE) { return '#recent(): File can not open' . '<br />' . "\n"; } $script = get_script_uri(); $date = $items = ''; foreach ($lines as $line) { list($time, $page) = explode("\t", rtrim($line)); $_date = get_date($date_format, $time); if ($date != $_date) { // End of the day if ($date != '') { $items .= '</ul>' . "\n"; } // New day $date = $_date; $items .= '<strong>' . $date . '</strong>' . "\n" . '<ul class="recent_list">' . "\n"; } $s_page = htmlsc($page); if ($page == $vars['page']) { // No need to link to the page you just read, or notify where you just read $items .= ' <li>' . $s_page . '</li>' . "\n"; } else { $r_page = rawurlencode($page); $passage = $show_passage ? ' ' . get_passage($time) : ''; $items .= ' <li><a href="' . $script . '?' . $r_page . '"' . ' title="' . $s_page . $passage . '">' . $s_page . '</a></li>' . "\n"; } } // End of the day if ($date != '') { $items .= '</ul>' . "\n"; } return sprintf($_recent_plugin_frame, count($lines), $items); }
function PluginTag() { parent::Tag(); static $conf = array(); if (empty($conf)) { $conf['listcmd'] = get_script_uri() . '?cmd=lsx&tag='; } $this->conf =& $conf; }
function plugin_yetlist_action() { global $non_list; global $whatsdeleted; $qm = get_qm(); $retval = array('msg' => $qm->m['plg_yetlist']['title'], 'body' => ''); // Diff $pages = array_diff(get_existpages(CACHE_DIR, '.ref'), get_existpages()); if (empty($pages)) { $retval['body'] = $qm->m['plg_yetlist']['err_notexist']; return $retval; } $empty = TRUE; // Load .ref files and Output $script = get_script_uri(); $refer_regex = '/' . $non_list . '|^' . preg_quote($whatsdeleted, '/') . '$/S'; asort($pages, SORT_STRING); foreach ($pages as $file => $page) { $refer = array(); foreach (file(CACHE_DIR . $file) as $line) { list($_page) = explode("\t", rtrim($line)); $refer[] = $_page; } // Diff $refer = array_diff($refer, preg_grep($refer_regex, $refer)); if (!empty($refer)) { $empty = FALSE; $refer = array_unique($refer); sort($refer, SORT_STRING); $r_refer = ''; $link_refs = array(); foreach ($refer as $_refer) { $r_refer = rawurlencode($_refer); $link_refs[] = '<a href="' . $script . '?' . $r_refer . '">' . htmlspecialchars($_refer) . '</a>'; } $link_ref = join(' ', $link_refs); unset($link_refs); $s_page = htmlspecialchars($page); if (PKWK_READONLY) { $href = $s_page; } else { // Dangling link $href = '<span class="noexists">' . $s_page . '<a href="' . $script . '?cmd=edit&page=' . rawurlencode($page) . '&refer=' . $r_refer . '">' . $qm->m['fmt_symbol_noexists'] . '</a></span>'; } $retval['body'] .= '<li>' . $href . ' <em>(' . $link_ref . ')</em></li>' . "\n"; } } if ($empty) { $retval['body'] = $qm->m['plg_yetlist']['err_notexist']; return $retval; } if ($retval['body'] != '') { $retval['body'] = '<ul>' . "\n" . $retval['body'] . '</ul>' . "\n"; } return $retval; }
/** * Make a link to self-pukiwiki url by omitting pukiwiki url * so that it is not necessary to create InterWikiName for self-pukiwiki url * * @author sonots * @license GPL v2 * @version $Id:,v 1.1 2007-06-10 11:14:46 sonots $ * @package plugin */ function plugin_intrawiki_inline() { $args = func_get_args(); if (count($args) < 2) { return 'intrawiki(): &intrawiki(pukiwiki query){linkstr};'; } $linkstr = array_pop($args); $query = array_shift($args); $href = get_script_uri() . '?' . htmlspecialchars($query); $linkstr = $linkstr !== '' ? $linkstr : htmlspecialchars($query); return '<a href="' . $href . '">' . $linkstr . '</a>'; }
function limit_plugin($name) { global $vars; static $count = array(); $name = strtolower($name); if (!isset($count[$name])) { $count[$name] = 1; } if (++$count[$name] > PKWK_PLUGIN_CALL_TIME_LIMIT) { die('Alert: plugin "' . htmlspecialchars($name) . '" was called over ' . PKWK_PLUGIN_CALL_TIME_LIMIT . ' times. SPAM or someting?<br />' . "\n" . '<a href="' . get_script_uri() . '?cmd=edit&page=' . rawurlencode($vars['page']) . '">Try to edit this page</a><br />' . "\n" . '<a href="' . get_script_uri() . '">Return to frontpage</a>'); } return TRUE; }
function plugin_cmd_getlink($cmd, $page = '') { global $vars; global $defaultpage, $whatsnew; if ($page == '') { $page = isset($vars['page']) ? $vars['page'] : $defaultpage; } $r_page = rawurlencode($page); $script = get_script_uri(); $_LINK = array(); // refer lib/ // Future Work: Use only necessary one $_LINK['add'] = "{$script}?cmd=add&page={$r_page}"; $_LINK['backup'] = "{$script}?cmd=backup&page={$r_page}"; $_LINK['copy'] = "{$script}?plugin=template&refer={$r_page}"; $_LINK['diff'] = "{$script}?cmd=diff&page={$r_page}"; $_LINK['edit'] = "{$script}?cmd=edit&page={$r_page}"; $_LINK['filelist'] = "{$script}?cmd=filelist"; $_LINK['freeze'] = "{$script}?cmd=freeze&page={$r_page}"; $_LINK['help'] = "{$script}?cmd=help"; $_LINK['list'] = "{$script}?cmd=list"; $_LINK['menu'] = "{$script}?{$menubar}"; $_LINK['new'] = "{$script}?plugin=newpage&refer={$r_page}"; $_LINK['newsub'] = "{$script}?plugin=newpage_subdir&directory={$r_page}"; $_LINK['read'] = "{$script}?cmd=read&page={$r_page}"; $_LINK['rdf'] = "{$script}?cmd=rss&ver=1.0"; $_LINK['recent'] = "{$script}?" . rawurlencode($whatsnew); $_LINK['refer'] = "{$script}?plugin=referer&page={$r_page}"; $_LINK['reload'] = "{$script}?{$r_page}"; $_LINK['rename'] = "{$script}?plugin=rename&refer={$r_page}"; $_LINK['print'] = "{$script}?plugin=print&page={$r_page}"; $_LINK['rss'] = "{$script}?cmd=rss"; $_LINK['rss10'] = "{$script}?cmd=rss&ver=1.0"; // Same as 'rdf' $_LINK['rss20'] = "{$script}?cmd=rss&ver=2.0"; $_LINK['mixirss'] = "{$script}?cmd=mixirss"; // Same as 'rdf' for mixi $_LINK['skeylist'] = "{$script}?cmd=skeylist&page={$r_page}"; $_LINK['linklist'] = "{$script}?cmd=linklist&page={$r_page}"; $_LINK['log_browse'] = "{$script}?cmd=logview&kind=browse&page={$r_page}"; $_LINK['log_update'] = "{$script}?cmd=logview&page={$r_page}"; $_LINK['log_down'] = "{$script}?cmd=logview&kind=download&page={$r_page}"; $_LINK['search'] = "{$script}?cmd=search"; $_LINK['side'] = "{$script}?{$sidebar}"; $_LINK['source'] = "{$script}?plugin=source&page={$r_page}"; $_LINK['template'] = "{$script}?plugin=template&refer={$r_page}"; $_LINK['top'] = "{$script}"; return $_LINK[$cmd]; }
function plugin_monobook_login_inline() { global $vars, $_monobook_login_messages; if (!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) && !isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']) && isset($_SERVER['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'])) { list($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'], $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']) = explode(':', base64_decode(substr($_SERVER['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'], 6))); } $auth_usr = isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) ? $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] : ''; $r_page = empty($vars['page']) ? '' : '&page=' . rawurlencode($vars['page']); $list_id = $auth_usr ? ' id="userpage"' : ' id="login"'; $list_class = $auth_usr && $auth_usr === $vars['page'] ? ' class="active"' : ''; $a_class = $auth_usr && !is_page($auth_usr) ? ' class="new"' : ''; $title = $auth_usr ? htmlspecialchars($auth_usr) : $_monobook_login_messages['login']; $uri = get_script_uri() . '?' . ($auth_usr ? rawurlencode($auth_usr) : 'cmd=monobook_login' . $r_page); return '<li' . $list_id . $list_class . '><a' . $a_class . ' href="' . $uri . '">' . $title . '</a></li>'; }
function plugin_revert_getlink() { global $vars, $plugin, $cantedit; static $link; if (isset($link)) { return $link; } $page = isset($vars['page']) ? $vars['page'] : ''; $age = isset($vars['age']) ? (int) $vars['age'] : 0; $link = ''; if ($page && !in_array($page, $cantedit) && ($plugin === 'backup' && $age > 0 || $plugin === 'diff' || $plugin === 'revert')) { $link = get_script_uri() . '?cmd=revert&page=' . rawurlencode($page) . ($age ? '&age=' . $age : ''); } return $link; }
function plugin_whiteflow_topicpath_inline() { global $vars, $defaultpage, $title, $disp_mode; // disp_mode ? if ($title == $defaultpage || $vars["page"] == $defaultpage) { $val = '<a href="' . get_script_uri() . '">トップページ</a>'; return $val . $disp_mode; } if (!exist_plugin_inline('topicpath')) { return; } $args = func_get_args(); $val = call_user_func_array('plugin_topicpath_inline', $args); return $val . $disp_mode; }
function plugin_monobook_navigation($wikinote, $tabs, $background) { global $vars, $plugin, $_monobook_navigation_messages; if (!exist_plugin('monobook_getlink')) { die('monobook_getlink plugin not found'); } do_plugin_init('monobook_navigation'); $main_tabs = ''; if ($wikinote->is_effect()) { $main_tabs = str_replace(array('<ul class="wikinote">', '</ul>', "\n"), '', $wikinote->show_tabs(array(array('cmd' => 'main', 'label' => $_monobook_navigation_messages['article']), array('cmd' => 'note', 'label' => $_monobook_navigation_messages['discuss'])))); } $sub_tabs = ''; $selected_flag = FALSE; foreach ($tabs as $tab) { if ($tab === 'edit' && is_freeze($vars['page']) && !in_array('source', $tabs)) { $tab = 'source'; } if ($tab === 'edit' && $plugin === 'paraedit') { $tab = 'paraedit'; } if ($tab === 'edit' && exist_plugin('revert') && plugin_revert_getlink()) { $tab = 'revert'; } list($link, $selected) = plugin_monobook_getlink($tab, $_monobook_navigation_messages, TRUE); if (!$link) { continue; } if ($selected) { $sub_tabs .= '<li class="selected">' . $link . '</li>'; $selected_flag = TRUE; } else { $sub_tabs .= '<li>' . $link . '</li>'; } } if (!$selected_flag) { $link = plugin_monobook_getlink('nowplugin', $_monobook_navigation_messages); if (!$main_tabs) { if ($link) { $sub_tabs = '<li class="selected" id="separate">' . $link . '</li>' . $sub_tabs; } else { $sub_tabs = '<li class="selected"><a href="' . get_script_uri() . strrchr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?') . '">' . $_monobook_navigation_messages['undefined'] . '</a></li>'; } } elseif ($main_tabs && !arg_check('read') && $link) { $sub_tabs = '<li class="selected">' . $link . '</li>' . $sub_tabs; } } return '<div id="navigator"><ul' . $background . '>' . $main_tabs . $sub_tabs . '</ul></div>' . "\n"; }
function plugin_read_action() { global $vars, $_title_invalidwn, $_msg_invalidiwn; $page = isset($vars['page']) ? $vars['page'] : ''; if (is_page($page)) { // ページを表示 check_readable($page, true, true); header_lastmod($page); return array('msg' => '', 'body' => ''); // } else if (! PKWK_SAFE_MODE && is_interwiki($page)) { } else { if (!auth::check_role('safemode') && is_interwiki($page)) { return do_plugin_action('interwiki'); // InterWikiNameを処理 } else { if (is_pagename($page)) { $realpages = get_autoaliases($page); if (count($realpages) == 1) { $realpage = $realpages[0]; if (is_page($realpage)) { header('HTTP/1.0 301 Moved Permanently'); header('Location: ' . get_script_uri() . '?' . rawurlencode($realpage)); return; } else { // 存在しない場合、直接編集フォームに飛ばす // To avoid infinite loop header('Location: ' . get_script_uri() . '?cmd=edit&page=' . rawurlencode($realpage)); return; } } elseif (count($realpages) >= 2) { $body = '<p>'; $body .= _('This pagename is an alias to') . '<br />'; foreach ($realpages as $realpage) { $body .= make_pagelink($realpage) . '<br />'; } $body .= '</p>'; return array('msg' => _('Redirect'), 'body' => $body); } $vars['cmd'] = 'edit'; return do_plugin_action('edit'); // 存在しないので、編集フォームを表示 } else { // 無効なページ名 return array('msg' => $_title_invalidwn, 'body' => str_replace('$1', htmlspecialchars($page), str_replace('$2', 'WikiName', $_msg_invalidiwn))); } } } }
function plugin_grepall_get_form($msg = "") { $form = ''; $form .= '<form action="' . get_script_uri() . '?cmd=grep " method="post">' . "\n"; $form .= '<div>' . "\n"; $form .= ' <input type="hidden" name="pcmd" value="grep" />' . "\n"; $form .= ' <input type="text" name="page" size="24" value="" /> Page Name<br />' . "\n"; $form .= ' <input type="text" name="filter" size="24" value="" /> Filter Pages (Regular Expression)<br />' . "\n"; $form .= ' <input type="text" name="grep" size="24" value="" /> Search String (Regular Expression)<br />' . "\n"; $form .= ' <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Grep All!" /><br />' . "\n"; $form .= '</div>' . "\n"; $form .= '</form>' . "\n"; if ($msg != '') { $msg = '<p><strong>' . $msg . '</strong></p>'; } return $msg . $form; }
function plugin_rewritemap_url($page) { global $defaultpage; $script = get_script_uri(); $baseurl = substr($script, 0, strrpos($script, '/')) . '/'; if ($page == $defaultpage) { return $baseurl; } $alias = plugin_rewritemap_get_alias($page); if (empty($alias)) { if (exist_plugin('statichtml')) { $alias = PluginStatichtml::encode($page); } else { $alias = str_replace('%2F', '/', rawurlencode($page)); } } return $baseurl . $alias . PLUGIN_REWRITEMAP_POSTFIX; }
function plugin_diag_convert() { global $vars; if (!mk_dir()) { return 'Error(C): Fail mkdir()'; } if (func_num_args() != 2) { return 'Error(C): The number of arguments is illegal.'; } $args = func_get_args(); $type = $args[0]; $code = end($args); if ($type !== 'block' && $type !== 'nw' && $type !== 'seq' && $type !== 'act') { return 'Error(C): The value of the argument is illegal.'; } return '<div align="center"><img src="'.get_script_uri().'?plugin=diag&type='.$type.'&code='.urlencode($code).'" /></div>'; }
function plugin_newpage_action() { global $vars, $_btn_edit, $_msg_newpage; if (PKWK_READONLY) { die_message('PKWK_READONLY prohibits editing'); } if ($vars['page'] == '') { $retvars['msg'] = $_msg_newpage; $retvars['body'] = plugin_newpage_convert(); return $retvars; } else { $page = strip_bracket($vars['page']); $r_page = rawurlencode(isset($vars['refer']) ? get_fullname($page, $vars['refer']) : $page); $r_refer = rawurlencode($vars['refer']); pkwk_headers_sent(); header('Location: ' . get_script_uri() . '?cmd=read&page=' . $r_page . '&refer=' . $r_refer); exit; } }
/** * Display a password form * * @param $msg error message or some messages * @return string form html */ function display_password_form($message = "") { $cmd = $this->plugin; $pcmd = 'clean'; $form = array(); $form[] = '<form action="' . get_script_uri() . '?cmd=' . $cmd . '" method="post">'; $form[] = '<div>'; $form[] = ' <input type="hidden" name="pcmd" value="' . $pcmd . '" />'; if (!is_admin(null, $this->conf['use_session'], $this->conf['through_if_admin'])) { $form[] = '<p style="color:red;font-size:14px">ページを開いただけでは、作業は行われません。<br />以下にパスワードを入力し、実行をクリックしてください。</p> <input type="password" name="pass" size="24" value="" /> ' . _('管理者パスワード') . '<br />'; } $form[] = ' <input type="submit" name="submit" value="実行する" /><br />'; $form[] = '</div>'; $form[] = '</form>'; $form = implode("\n", $form); if ($message != '') { $message = '<p><b>' . htmlspecialchars($message) . '</b></p>'; } return $message . $form; }
function exist_plugin($name) { global $vars; static $exist = array(), $count = array(); $name = strtolower($name); if (isset($exist[$name])) { if (++$count[$name] > PKWK_PLUGIN_CALL_TIME_LIMIT) { die('Alert: plugin "' . htmlsc($name) . '" was called over ' . PKWK_PLUGIN_CALL_TIME_LIMIT . ' times. SPAM or someting?<br />' . "\n" . '<a href="' . get_script_uri() . '?cmd=edit&page=' . rawurlencode($vars['page']) . '">Try to edit this page</a><br />' . "\n" . '<a href="' . get_script_uri() . '">Return to frontpage</a>'); } return $exist[$name]; } if (preg_match('/^\\w{1,64}$/', $name) && file_exists(PLUGIN_DIR . $name . '.inc.php')) { $exist[$name] = TRUE; $count[$name] = 1; require_once PLUGIN_DIR . $name . '.inc.php'; return TRUE; } else { $exist[$name] = FALSE; $count[$name] = 1; return FALSE; } }
function plugin_kisekae_inline() { global $vars; $page = isset($vars['page']) ? $vars['page'] : ''; $args = func_get_args(); $skin_name = array_pop($args); if (count($args) === 0) { return 'kisekae(): no argument(s).'; } $skin_file = array_shift($args); $skin_name = $skin_name === '' ? htmlspecialchars($skin_file) : $skin_name; if (preg_match('#(^|/)\\.\\./#', $skin_file)) { return 'kisekae(): Skin file must not include ../'; } elseif (!preg_match('#\\.skin\\.php$#', $skin_file)) { return 'kisekae(): Skin file must have .skin.php extension.'; } elseif (!file_exists(SKIN_DIR . $skin_file)) { return 'kisekae(): Skin file ' . htmlspecialchars($skin_file) . ' does not exist. '; } $body = '<span class="kisekae">'; $body .= '<a href="' . get_script_uri() . '?cmd=kisekae&page=' . rawurlencode($page) . '&skin=' . rawurlencode($skin_file) . '">' . $skin_name . '</a>'; $body .= '</span>'; return $body; }
/** * A central function for settings the credentials for both subscription & purchase * objects with the PayPal_Digital_Goods_Configuration registry class. */ function set_credentials() { /* PayPal_Digital_Goods_Configuration::username( 'your_api_username' ); PayPal_Digital_Goods_Configuration::password( 'your_api_password' ); PayPal_Digital_Goods_Configuration::signature( 'your_api_signature' ); */ PayPal_Digital_Goods_Configuration::username(''); PayPal_Digital_Goods_Configuration::password('1308916362'); PayPal_Digital_Goods_Configuration::signature('AFnwAcqRkyW0yPYgkjqTkIGqPbSfAyVFbnFAjXCRltVZFzlJyi2.HbxW'); PayPal_Digital_Goods_Configuration::return_url(get_script_uri('return.php?paypal=paid')); PayPal_Digital_Goods_Configuration::cancel_url(get_script_uri('return.php?paypal=cancel')); PayPal_Digital_Goods_Configuration::business_name('Demo Store'); PayPal_Digital_Goods_Configuration::notify_url(get_script_uri('return.php?paypal=notify')); // Uncomment the line below to switch to the live PayPal site //PayPal_Digital_Goods_Configuration::environment( 'live' ); if (PayPal_Digital_Goods_Configuration::username() == 'your_api_username' || PayPal_Digital_Goods_Configuration::password() == 'your_api_password' || PayPal_Digital_Goods_Configuration::signature() == 'your_api_signature') { exit('You must set your API credentials in ' . __FILE__ . ' for this example to work.'); } }