function import_results_XL_640()
    global $batch_of_sample;
    //07/06/2011 09:41:27 XL
    //2011-07-06 12:23:51 ideal
    $link = start_nchsls();
    echo '<H4>Importing Results from Erba XL-640</H4>';
    $counter = 0;
    $uploaddir = '/';
    $uploadfile = $uploaddir . basename($_FILES['import_file']['name']);
    if ($handle = fopen($_FILES['import_file']['tmp_name'], "r")) {
        while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 0, chr(9))) !== FALSE) {
            if (isset($data[2]) && isset($data[5]) && isset($data[4])) {
                if (ctype_digit($data[2]) && is_numeric($data[5]) && $data[5] > 0) {
                    $batch_of_sample[$data[2]] = '';
                    ///////autoverify with no action
                    $sql = 'update examination set result=\'' . $data[5] . '\' , details=concat(str_to_date(\'' . $data[8] . '\',\'%m/%d/%Y %H:%i:%S\'),\'|Erba-XL-640\') 
								where sample_id=\'' . $data[2] . '\' 
								and code=\'' . $data[4] . '\'  
								and strcmp(substr(result,1,1),\'(\')';
                    //echo '<br>'.$sql;
                    if (!mysql_query($sql, $link)) {
                        echo mysql_error();
                    } else {
                        $affected = mysql_affected_rows($link);
                        $counter = $counter + mysql_affected_rows($link);
                        if (get_sample_status($data[2]) != 'verified') {
                            //echo '<br><font color=red>['.$affected.']->'.$data[2].'->'.$data[4].'->'.$data[5].'</font>';
                            change_sample_status($data[2], 'analysed');
                } else {
                    //echo '<br>'.$data[2].':sample_id is not digits or '.$data[5].':result  is not-numeric/0 or less';
        echo '<h4>Updated data=' . $counter . '</h4>';
    } else {
        echo 'can not fopen';
foreach ($where as $key => $value) {
    if ($key != 'from_sample_id' && $key != 'to_sample_id') {
        $other_wheree = $other_wheree . ' ' . $key . ' like \'' . $value . '\' and';
$other_where = substr($other_wheree, 0, -3);
if (strlen($sample_id_where) > 0 && strlen($other_where) > 0) {
    $search_str = $search_str . ' where ' . $sample_id_where . ' and ' . $other_where;
} elseif (strlen($sample_id_where) > 0 && strlen($other_where) == 0) {
    $search_str = $search_str . ' where ' . $sample_id_where;
} elseif (strlen($sample_id_where) == 0 && strlen($other_where) > 0) {
    $search_str = $search_str . ' where ' . $other_where;
$printed = array();
if (isset($_POST['submit']) && substr($search_str, -7) != 'sample ') {
    $link = start_nchsls();
    if (!($search_result = mysql_query($search_str, $link))) {
        echo mysql_error();
    while ($ar = mysql_fetch_assoc($search_result)) {
        if (get_sample_status($ar['sample_id']) == 'verified') {
            print_sample($ar['sample_id'], 'eReport, not signed', 'eReport, not signed');
            echo '<h2 style="page-break-before: always;"></h2>';
        } else {
            echo '<h2 style="page-break-before: always; color:red; ">Sample ID ' . $ar['sample_id'] . ' is not verified(Call the lab)</h2>';
} else {
    echo '<h1>No coditions are given for selecting records</h1>';
        $other_wheree = $other_wheree . ' ' . $key . ' like \'' . $value . '\' and';
$other_where = substr($other_wheree, 0, -3);
if (strlen($sample_id_where) > 0 && strlen($other_where) > 0) {
    $search_str = $search_str . ' where ' . $sample_id_where . ' and ' . $other_where;
} elseif (strlen($sample_id_where) > 0 && strlen($other_where) == 0) {
    $search_str = $search_str . ' where ' . $sample_id_where;
} elseif (strlen($sample_id_where) == 0 && strlen($other_where) > 0) {
    $search_str = $search_str . ' where ' . $other_where;
$printed = array();
if (isset($_POST['submit']) && substr($search_str, -7) != 'sample ') {
    $link = start_nchsls();
    if (!($search_result = mysql_query($search_str, $link))) {
        echo mysql_error();
    while ($ar = mysql_fetch_assoc($search_result)) {
        $printed[] = $ar['sample_id'];
    foreach ($printed as $value) {
        if (get_sample_status($value) != 'verified') {
            echo $value . ' is not verified. PDF report can not be printed<br>';
    print_report_pdf_A4($printed, $_POST['authorized_signatory']);
} else {
    echo '<h1>No coditions are given for selecting records</h1>';
Beispiel #4
function autoverify($sample_id, $filename, $action)
    global $reflex;
    if (get_sample_status($sample_id) == 'verified') {
    if (!($all_details = get_all_details_of_a_sample($sample_id))) {
        return FALSE;
    $verified = 0;
    foreach ($all_details as $key => $value) {
        $error_code_array = array();
        //CSF and Blood(Serum,Plasma) have no diff
        $acr_code = check_critical_abnormal_reportable($value['sample_type'], $value['code'], $value['result']);
        if ($acr_code == -2) {
            $error_code_array[] = $acr_code;
        //-2 if empty
        //////////////critical 3,4
        if ($acr_code == 3 || $acr_code == 4) {
            $error_code_array[] = check_critical_reporting($sample_id);
            //8 if incomplate
        //////////////absurd 1,2
        if ($acr_code == 1 || $acr_code == 2) {
            insert_single_examination($value['sample_id'], 1007);
            append_if_not('Send new sample to resolve absurd values.', $sample_id, 1007);
            $error_code_array[] = $acr_code;
        //////////reflax if abnormal high(2,4,6)   //cholesterol=13
        if ($acr_code == 2 || $acr_code == 4 || $acr_code == 6 || $acr_code == 1 || $acr_code == 3 || $acr_code == 5) {
            if ($value['location'] == 'F3N(503)' && $value['code'] == 'TBIL') {
            } else {
                if ($reflex == 'yes') {
                    $any_ex_inserted = reflex_testing($sample_id, $value['id'], $acr_code);
                    if ($any_ex_inserted > 0) {
                        $verified = 1;
                    // if any is inserted, verification require next round of autoverification
        if ($value['code'] == 'IBIL') {
            $ibil = indirect_bilirubin($value['sample_id']);
            if ($ibil == '11') {
                $error_code_array[] = 11;
                //11 if >10% diff
        if ($value['code'] == 'CHOL') {
        //////total of error to decide if verified(=0)
        foreach ($error_code_array as $error_value) {
            $verified = $verified + abs($error_value);
        if ($action == 'yes') {
            error_action($value['sample_id'], $value['code'], $error_code_array, $filename);
    ////update status
    if ($verified != 0) {
        change_sample_status($sample_id, 'verification failed');
    } else {
        change_sample_status($sample_id, 'verified');