$new_title = $newanchorpoint;
 $templ_name = get_post_meta($pag->ID, '_wp_page_template', true);
 $filename = preg_replace('"\\.php$"', '', $templ_name);
 //Check wether to include in one page
 $include_onepage = get_post_meta($pag->ID, 'one_page', true);
 if (has_post_thumbnail($pag->ID)) {
     $bg_image = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($pag->ID), 'full');
 } else {
     $bg_image = '';
 $page_heading = $pag->post_title;
 $page_promo = get_post_meta($pag->ID, 'page_promo', true);
 $page_bg_color = get_post_meta($pag->ID, 'page_bgcolor', true);
 $page_bg_trans = get_post_meta($pag->ID, 'page_bgtrans', true);
 $parallax_speed = get_post_meta($pag->ID, 'parallax_speed', true);
 $rgb_code = get_rgb($page_bg_color);
 $bg_color_rgb = $rgb_code[0] . ',' . $rgb_code[1] . ',' . $rgb_code[2];
 if ($filename == 'portfolio' and $include_onepage == 'yes') {
     if ($count == 2) {
         $show_nav_class = 'navigation-fadeIn';
     } else {
         $show_nav_class = '';
     $port_categories = get_categories(array('type' => 'portfolio_item', 'taxonomy' => 'portfolio_category'));
 <section id="<?php 
     echo $new_title;

$options = get_option('simple_wp');
$rgb_code = get_rgb($options['highlight_color']);
$rgb = $rgb_code[0] . ',' . $rgb_code[1] . ',' . $rgb_code[2];
$menu_main = str_replace("#", "", $options['highlight_color']);
$grad = gradient($menu_main, 'FFFFFF', 30);
		    background: <?php 
echo $options['highlight_color'];
		    color: #fff; 
		    text-shadow: none;
		::selection {
		    background: <?php 
echo $options['highlight_color'];
		    color: #fff; 
		    text-shadow: none;

		#mast-nav > li > a.active {
		    border-bottom: solid 4px <?php 
echo $options['highlight_color'];
Beispiel #3
 $bg_color = explode(",", $hex_bg_color);
 $jpeg = $config['captcha_jpeg'];
 $img_quality = $config['captcha_jpeg_quality'];
 // Max quality is 95
 $pre_letters = $config['captcha_pre_letters'];
 $pre_letter_great = $config['captcha_pre_letters_great'];
 $rnd_font = $config['captcha_font'];
 $chess = $config['captcha_chess'];
 $ellipses = $config['captcha_ellipses'];
 $arcs = $config['captcha_arcs'];
 $lines = $config['captcha_lines'];
 $image = $config['captcha_image'];
 $gammacorrect = $config['captcha_gammacorrect'];
 $foreground_lattice_y = $config['captcha_foreground_lattice_y'];
 $foreground_lattice_x = $config['captcha_foreground_lattice_x'];
 $hex_lattice_color = get_rgb($config['captcha_lattice_color']);
 $rgb_lattice_color = array();
 $rgb_lattice_color = explode(",", $hex_lattice_color);
 // Fonts and images init
 if ($image) {
     $bg_imgs = array();
     if ($img_dir = @opendir(IP_ROOT_PATH . CAPTCHA_PICS_PATH)) {
         while (true == ($file = @readdir($img_dir))) {
             if (substr(strtolower($file), -3) == 'jpg' || substr(strtolower($file), -3) == 'gif') {
                 $bg_imgs[] = $file;
     // Grab a random Background Image or set FALSE if none was found
     $bg_img = sizeof($bg_imgs) ? rand(0, sizeof($bg_imgs) - 1) : false;