function uploaded() { if (!is_admin()) { return info_page(__('ADMIN_ONLY_LOGIN')); } if ($_FILES['pfile']['error'] != 0) { return info_page(__('PLUGIN_UPLOAD_FILE_ERROR_RETRY')); } $tmp_name = $_FILES['pfile']['tmp_name']; $tname = uid() . '-' . time(); $plug_path = c('plugin_path') . DS . $tname; if (@mkdir($plug_path)) { include_once AROOT . 'lib' . DS . ''; $zip = new dUnzip2($tmp_name); $zip->debug = false; $zip->unzipAll($plug_path); @chmod($plug_path, 0755); $info_file = $plug_path . DS . 'app.php'; if (file_exists($info_file)) { if ($info = get_plugin_info(file_get_contents($info_file))) { if (isset($info['folder_name'])) { $folder_name = $info['folder_name']; } if (strlen($folder_name) < 1) { $folder_name = reset(explode('.', basename($_FILES['pfile']['name']))); } if (strlen($folder_name) > 0) { if (file_exists(c('plugin_path') . DS . $folder_name)) { @rename(c('plugin_path') . DS . $folder_name . DS . 'app.php', c('plugin_path') . DS . $folder_name . DS . 'app.bak.php'); @rename(c('plugin_path') . DS . $folder_name, c('plugin_path') . DS . $folder_name . '_' . uid() . '_' . time()); } rename($plug_path, c('plugin_path') . DS . $folder_name); header("Location: ?c=pluglist"); return true; } else { return info_page(__('PLUGIN_GET_NAME_ERROR_RETRY', $tname)); } } } else { // clear dir } return info_page(__('PLUGIN_PACKAGE_FORMAT_ERROR')); } else { return info_page(__('PLUGIN_CREATE_FOLDER_ERROR')); } }
function uploaded() { if (!is_admin()) { return info_page('只有管理员才能进入此页面,<a href="?c=guest&a=logout">请先用管理员账户登入</a>'); } if ($_FILES['pfile']['error'] != 0) { return info_page('文件上传错误,请重新上传'); } $tmp_name = $_FILES['pfile']['tmp_name']; $tname = uid() . '-' . time(); $plug_path = c('plugin_path') . DS . $tname; if (@mkdir($plug_path)) { include_once AROOT . 'lib' . DS . ''; $zip = new dUnzip2($tmp_name); $zip->debug = false; $zip->unzipAll($plug_path); @chmod($plug_path, 0755); $info_file = $plug_path . DS . 'app.php'; if (file_exists($info_file)) { if ($info = get_plugin_info(file_get_contents($info_file))) { if (isset($info['folder_name'])) { $folder_name = $info['folder_name']; } if (strlen($folder_name) < 1) { $folder_name = reset(explode('.', basename($_FILES['pfile']['name']))); } if (strlen($folder_name) > 0) { if (file_exists(c('plugin_path') . DS . $folder_name)) { @rename(c('plugin_path') . DS . $folder_name . DS . 'app.php', c('plugin_path') . DS . $folder_name . DS . 'app.bak.php'); @rename(c('plugin_path') . DS . $folder_name, c('plugin_path') . DS . $folder_name . '_' . uid() . '_' . time()); } rename($plug_path, c('plugin_path') . DS . $folder_name); header("Location: ?c=pluglist"); return true; } else { return info_page('尝试获取插件名称失败,启用' . $tname . '作为临时名称,<a href="?c=pluglist">请点击继续</a>'); } } } else { // clear dir } return info_page('找不到插件执行脚本-app.php文件,<a href="?c=pluglist">请重新上传格式正确的插件包</a>'); } else { return info_page('创建插件目录失败,请将plugin目录设置为可写后<a href="?c=pluglist">重试</a>'); } }
$error = true; $sysmsg[] = $ids_arr[1]; } else { $plugin_ids = $ids_arr[1]; } if (!$error) { $db->query_unbuffered("update {$tpf}plugins set actived=0 where plugin_name in({$plugin_ids})"); $sysmsg[] = __('plugins_inactived_success'); redirect($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], $sysmsg); } else { redirect('back', $sysmsg); } } else { syn_plugins(); $sql_do = ""; $perpage = 10; $rs = $db->fetch_one_array("select count(*) as total_num from {$tpf}plugins {$sql_do}"); $total_num = $rs['total_num']; $start_num = ($pg - 1) * $perpage; $q = $db->query("select * from {$tpf}plugins {$sql_do} order by actived desc, plugin_name asc limit {$start_num},{$perpage}"); while ($rs = $db->fetch_array($q)) { if (check_plugin($rs['plugin_name'])) { $plugins_arr[] = get_plugin_info($rs['plugin_name']); } } $db->free($q); unset($rs); $page_nav = multi($total_num, $perpage, $pg, urr(ADMINCP, "item={$item}&menu=plugin&action={$action}")); require_once template_echo($item, $admin_tpl_dir, '', 1); } }
/** * Plugins admin page * * @param App $a * @return string */ function admin_page_plugins(&$a) { /** * Single plugin */ if ($a->argc == 3) { $plugin = $a->argv[2]; if (!is_file("addon/{$plugin}/{$plugin}.php")) { notice(t("Item not found.")); return ''; } if (x($_GET, "a") && $_GET['a'] == "t") { check_form_security_token_redirectOnErr('/admin/plugins', 'admin_themes', 't'); // Toggle plugin status $idx = array_search($plugin, $a->plugins); if ($idx !== false) { unset($a->plugins[$idx]); uninstall_plugin($plugin); info(sprintf(t("Plugin %s disabled."), $plugin)); } else { $a->plugins[] = $plugin; install_plugin($plugin); info(sprintf(t("Plugin %s enabled."), $plugin)); } set_config("system", "addon", implode(", ", $a->plugins)); goaway($a->get_baseurl(true) . '/admin/plugins'); return ''; // NOTREACHED } // display plugin details require_once 'library/markdown.php'; if (in_array($plugin, $a->plugins)) { $status = "on"; $action = t("Disable"); } else { $status = "off"; $action = t("Enable"); } $readme = Null; if (is_file("addon/{$plugin}/")) { $readme = file_get_contents("addon/{$plugin}/"); $readme = Markdown($readme); } else { if (is_file("addon/{$plugin}/README")) { $readme = "<pre>" . file_get_contents("addon/{$plugin}/README") . "</pre>"; } } $admin_form = ""; if (is_array($a->plugins_admin) && in_array($plugin, $a->plugins_admin)) { @(require_once "addon/{$plugin}/{$plugin}.php"); $func = $plugin . '_plugin_admin'; $func($a, $admin_form); } $t = get_markup_template("admin_plugins_details.tpl"); return replace_macros($t, array('$title' => t('Administration'), '$page' => t('Plugins'), '$toggle' => t('Toggle'), '$settings' => t('Settings'), '$baseurl' => $a->get_baseurl(true), '$plugin' => $plugin, '$status' => $status, '$action' => $action, '$info' => get_plugin_info($plugin), '$str_author' => t('Author: '), '$str_maintainer' => t('Maintainer: '), '$admin_form' => $admin_form, '$function' => 'plugins', '$screenshot' => '', '$readme' => $readme, '$form_security_token' => get_form_security_token("admin_themes"))); } /** * List plugins */ $plugins = array(); $files = glob("addon/*/"); /* */ if ($files) { foreach ($files as $file) { if (is_dir($file)) { list($tmp, $id) = array_map("trim", explode("/", $file)); $info = get_plugin_info($id); $show_plugin = true; // If the addon is unsupported, then only show it, when it is enabled if (strtolower($info["status"]) == "unsupported" and !in_array($id, $a->plugins)) { $show_plugin = false; } // Override the above szenario, when the admin really wants to see outdated stuff if (get_config("system", "show_unsupported_addons")) { $show_plugin = true; } if ($show_plugin) { $plugins[] = array($id, in_array($id, $a->plugins) ? "on" : "off", $info); } } } } $t = get_markup_template("admin_plugins.tpl"); return replace_macros($t, array('$title' => t('Administration'), '$page' => t('Plugins'), '$submit' => t('Save Settings'), '$baseurl' => $a->get_baseurl(true), '$function' => 'plugins', '$plugins' => $plugins, '$form_security_token' => get_form_security_token("admin_themes"))); }
/** +---------------------------------------------------------- * 读取插件 +---------------------------------------------------------- * @param string $path 插件目录 * @param string $app 所属项目名 +---------------------------------------------------------- * @return Array +---------------------------------------------------------- */ function get_plugins($path = PLUGIN_PATH, $app = APP_NAME, $ext = '.php') { static $plugins = array(); if (isset($plugins[$app])) { return $plugins[$app]; } // 如果插件目录为空 返回空数组 if (empty_dir($path)) { return array(); } $path = realpath($path); // 缓存无效 重新读取插件文件 /* $dir = glob ( $path . '/*' ); if($dir) { foreach($dir as $val) { if(is_dir($val)){ $subdir = glob($val.'/*'.$ext); if($subdir) { foreach($subdir as $file) $plugin_files[] = $file; } }else{ if (strrchr($val, '.') == $ext) $plugin_files[] = $val; } } */ $dir = dir($path); if ($dir) { $plugin_files = array(); while (false !== ($file = $dir->read())) { if ($file == "." || $file == "..") { continue; } if (is_dir($path . '/' . $file)) { $subdir = dir($path . '/' . $file); if ($subdir) { while (($subfile = $subdir->read()) !== false) { if ($subfile == "." || $subfile == "..") { continue; } if (preg_match('/\\.php$/', $subfile)) { $plugin_files[] = "{$file}/{$subfile}"; } } $subdir->close(); } } else { $plugin_files[] = $file; } } $dir->close(); //对插件文件排序 if (count($plugin_files) > 1) { sort($plugin_files); } $plugins[$app] = array(); foreach ($plugin_files as $plugin_file) { if (!is_readable("{$path}/{$plugin_file}")) { continue; } //取得插件文件的信息 $plugin_data = get_plugin_info("{$path}/{$plugin_file}"); if (empty($plugin_data['name'])) { continue; } $plugins[$app][] = $plugin_data; } return $plugins[$app]; } else { return array(); } }
/** * Plugins admin page * * @param App $a * @return string */ function admin_page_plugins(&$a) { /* * Single plugin */ if (\App::$argc == 3) { $plugin = \App::$argv[2]; if (!is_file("addon/{$plugin}/{$plugin}.php")) { notice(t("Item not found.")); return ''; } $enabled = in_array($plugin, \App::$plugins); $info = get_plugin_info($plugin); $x = check_plugin_versions($info); // disable plugins which are installed but incompatible versions if ($enabled && !$x) { $enabled = false; $idz = array_search($plugin, \App::$plugins); if ($idz !== false) { unset(\App::$plugins[$idz]); uninstall_plugin($plugin); set_config("system", "addon", implode(", ", \App::$plugins)); } } $info['disabled'] = 1 - intval($x); if (x($_GET, "a") && $_GET['a'] == "t") { check_form_security_token_redirectOnErr('/admin/plugins', 'admin_plugins', 't'); // Toggle plugin status $idx = array_search($plugin, \App::$plugins); if ($idx !== false) { unset(\App::$plugins[$idx]); uninstall_plugin($plugin); info(sprintf(t("Plugin %s disabled."), $plugin)); } else { \App::$plugins[] = $plugin; install_plugin($plugin); info(sprintf(t("Plugin %s enabled."), $plugin)); } set_config("system", "addon", implode(", ", \App::$plugins)); goaway(z_root() . '/admin/plugins'); } // display plugin details require_once 'library/markdown.php'; if (in_array($plugin, \App::$plugins)) { $status = 'on'; $action = t('Disable'); } else { $status = 'off'; $action = t('Enable'); } $readme = null; if (is_file("addon/{$plugin}/")) { $readme = file_get_contents("addon/{$plugin}/"); $readme = Markdown($readme); } else { if (is_file("addon/{$plugin}/README")) { $readme = "<pre>" . file_get_contents("addon/{$plugin}/README") . "</pre>"; } } $admin_form = ''; $r = q("select * from addon where plugin_admin = 1 and name = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($plugin)); if ($r) { @(require_once "addon/{$plugin}/{$plugin}.php"); if (function_exists($plugin . '_plugin_admin')) { $func = $plugin . '_plugin_admin'; $func($a, $admin_form); } } $t = get_markup_template('admin_plugins_details.tpl'); return replace_macros($t, array('$title' => t('Administration'), '$page' => t('Plugins'), '$toggle' => t('Toggle'), '$settings' => t('Settings'), '$baseurl' => z_root(), '$plugin' => $plugin, '$status' => $status, '$action' => $action, '$info' => $info, '$str_author' => t('Author: '), '$str_maintainer' => t('Maintainer: '), '$str_minversion' => t('Minimum project version: '), '$str_maxversion' => t('Maximum project version: '), '$str_minphpversion' => t('Minimum PHP version: '), '$str_requires' => t('Requires: '), '$disabled' => t('Disabled - version incompatibility'), '$admin_form' => $admin_form, '$function' => 'plugins', '$screenshot' => '', '$readme' => $readme, '$form_security_token' => get_form_security_token('admin_plugins'))); } /* * List plugins */ $plugins = array(); $files = glob('addon/*/'); if ($files) { foreach ($files as $file) { if (is_dir($file)) { list($tmp, $id) = array_map('trim', explode('/', $file)); $info = get_plugin_info($id); $enabled = in_array($id, \App::$plugins); $x = check_plugin_versions($info); // disable plugins which are installed but incompatible versions if ($enabled && !$x) { $enabled = false; $idz = array_search($id, \App::$plugins); if ($idz !== false) { unset(\App::$plugins[$idz]); uninstall_plugin($id); set_config("system", "addon", implode(", ", \App::$plugins)); } } $info['disabled'] = 1 - intval($x); $plugins[] = array($id, $enabled ? "on" : "off", $info); } } } usort($plugins, 'self::plugin_sort'); $admin_plugins_add_repo_form = replace_macros(get_markup_template('admin_plugins_addrepo.tpl'), array('$post' => 'admin/plugins/addrepo', '$desc' => t('Enter the public git repository URL of the plugin repo.'), '$repoURL' => array('repoURL', t('Plugin repo git URL'), '', ''), '$repoName' => array('repoName', t('Custom repo name'), '', '', t('(optional)')), '$submit' => t('Download Plugin Repo'))); $newRepoModalID = random_string(3); $newRepoModal = replace_macros(get_markup_template('generic_modal.tpl'), array('$id' => $newRepoModalID, '$title' => t('Install new repo'), '$ok' => t('Install'), '$cancel' => t('Cancel'))); $reponames = $this->listAddonRepos(); $addonrepos = []; foreach ($reponames as $repo) { $addonrepos[] = array('name' => $repo, 'description' => ''); // TODO: Parse repo info to provide more information about repos } $t = get_markup_template('admin_plugins.tpl'); return replace_macros($t, array('$title' => t('Administration'), '$page' => t('Plugins'), '$submit' => t('Submit'), '$baseurl' => z_root(), '$function' => 'plugins', '$plugins' => $plugins, '$disabled' => t('Disabled - version incompatibility'), '$form_security_token' => get_form_security_token('admin_plugins'), '$addrepo' => t('Add Plugin Repo'), '$expandform' => false, '$form' => $admin_plugins_add_repo_form, '$newRepoModal' => $newRepoModal, '$newRepoModalID' => $newRepoModalID, '$addonrepos' => $addonrepos, '$repoUpdateButton' => t('Update'), '$repoBranchButton' => t('Switch branch'), '$repoRemoveButton' => t('Remove'))); }
function run($data, $params) { global $wikilib, $helpurl, $tikilib; if (!is_dir(PLUGINS_DIR)) { return $this->error('No plugin directory defined'); } if (empty($helpurl)) { $helpurl = ''; } $params = $this->getParams($params); extract($params, EXTR_SKIP); if (!empty($module) && !empty($plugin)) { return $this->error(tra('The module or plugin parameter must be set, but not both.')); } elseif (!empty($module)) { $aPrincipalField = array('field' => 'plugin', 'name' => 'Module'); $helppath = $helpurl . $aPrincipalField['name'] . ' '; $filepath = 'mod-func-'; global $modlib; include_once 'lib/modules/modlib.php'; $aPlugins = $modlib->list_module_files(); $mod = true; $type = ' module'; $plugin = $module; } else { $aPrincipalField = array('field' => 'plugin', 'name' => 'Plugin'); $helppath = $helpurl . $aPrincipalField['name']; $filepath = 'wikiplugin_'; $aPlugins = $wikilib->list_plugins(); $mod = false; $type = ' plugin'; } $all = $aPlugins; //if the user set $module, that setting has now been moved to $plugin so that one code set is used //$aPlugins and $all now has the complete list of plugin or module file names - the code below modifies $aPlugins //if necessary based on user settings if (!empty($plugin)) { if (strpos($plugin, '|') !== false) { $aPlugins = array(); $userlist = explode('|', $plugin); foreach ($userlist as $useritem) { $file = $filepath . $useritem . '.php'; $confirm = in_array($file, $all); if ($confirm === false) { return '^' . tr('Plugin Manager error: %0%1 not found', $useritem, $type) . '^'; } else { $aPlugins[] = $file; } } } elseif (strpos($plugin, '-') !== false) { $userrange = explode('-', $plugin); $begin = array_search($filepath . $userrange[0] . '.php', $aPlugins); $end = array_search($filepath . $userrange[1] . '.php', $aPlugins); $beginerror = ''; $enderror = ''; $type2 = $type; if ($begin === false || $end === false) { if ($begin === false) { $beginerror = $userrange[0]; } if ($end === false) { $enderror = $userrange[1]; if (!empty($beginerror)) { $and = ' and '; } else { $and = ''; $type = ''; } } return '^' . tr('Plugin Manager error: %0%1%2%3%4 not found', $beginerror, $type, $and, $enderror, $type2) . '^'; } elseif ($end > $begin) { $aPlugins = array_slice($aPlugins, $begin, $end-$begin+1); } else { $aPlugins = array_slice($aPlugins, $end, $begin-$end+1); } } elseif (!empty($limit)) { $begin = array_search($filepath . $plugin . '.php', $aPlugins); if ($begin === false) { return '^' . tr('Plugin Manager error: %0%1 not found', $begin, $type) . '^'; } else { $aPlugins = array_slice($aPlugins, $begin, $limit); } } elseif ($plugin != 'all') { $file = $filepath . $plugin . '.php'; $confirm = in_array($file, $aPlugins); if ($confirm === false) { return '^' . tr('Plugin Manager error: %0%1 not found', $plugin, $type) . '^'; } else { $aPlugins = array(); $aPlugins[] = $file; } } } else { if (!empty($start) || !empty($limit)) { if (!empty($start) && !empty($limit)) { $aPlugins = array_slice($aPlugins, $start-1, $limit); } elseif (!empty($start)) { $aPlugins = array_slice($aPlugins, $start-1); } else { $aPlugins = array_slice($aPlugins, 0, $limit); } } } //Set all data variables needed for separate code used to generate the display table $aData=array(); if ($singletitle == 'table' || count($aPlugins) > 1) { foreach ($aPlugins as $sPluginFile) { global $sPlugin, $numparams; if ($mod) { $infoPlugin = get_module_params($sPluginFile); $namepath = $sPlugin; } else { $infoPlugin = get_plugin_info($sPluginFile); $namepath = ucfirst($sPlugin); } if (in_array('description', $info)) { if (isset($infoPlugin['description'])) { if ($numparams > 1) { $aData[$sPlugin]['description']['onekey'] = $infoPlugin['description']; } else { $aData[$sPlugin]['description'] = $infoPlugin['description']; } } else { $aData[$sPlugin]['description'] = ' --- '; } } if (in_array('parameters', $info)) { if ($numparams > 0) { if ($aPrincipalField['field'] == 'plugin' && !in_array('options', $info) && $numparams > 1) { $aData[$sPlugin][$aPrincipalField['field']]['rowspan'] = $numparams; if (in_array('description', $info)) { $aData[$sPlugin]['description']['rowspan'] = $numparams; } } foreach ($infoPlugin['params'] as $paramname => $param) { if (isset($infoPlugin['params'][$paramname]['description'])) { $paramblock = '~np~' . $infoPlugin['params'][$paramname]['description'] . '~/np~'; } if (isset($param['options']) && is_array($param['options'])) { $paramblock .= '<br /><em>' . tra('Options:') . '</em> '; $i = 0; foreach ($param['options'] as $oplist => $opitem) { if (isset($opitem['value'])) { $paramblock .= $opitem['value']; } else { $paramblock .= $opitem['text']; } $paramblock .= ' | '; $i++; } $paramblock = substr($paramblock, 0, -3); } if (isset($infoPlugin['params'][$paramname]['required']) && $infoPlugin['params'][$paramname]['required'] == true) { $aData[$sPlugin]['parameters']['<b>' . $paramname . '</b>'] = $paramblock; } else { $aData[$sPlugin]['parameters'][$paramname] = $paramblock; } } } else { $aData[$sPlugin]['parameters']['<em>no parameters</em>'] = '<em>' . tra('n/a') . '</em>'; } } $aData[$sPlugin]['plugin']['plugin'] = '[' . $helppath . $namepath . '|' . ucfirst($sPlugin) . ']'; } // Plugins Loop return PluginsLibUtil::createTable($aData, $info, $aPrincipalField); } else { //Replicates a documentation table for parameters for a single plugin or module //Not using plugin lib table to avoid making custom modifications global $sPlugin, $numparams; if ($mod) { $infoPlugin = get_module_params($aPlugins[0]); $namepath = $sPlugin; } else { $infoPlugin = get_plugin_info($aPlugins[0]); $namepath = ucfirst($sPlugin); } if ($singletitle == 'top') { $title = '<' . $titletag . '>['. $helppath . $namepath . '|' . ucfirst($sPlugin) . ']</' . $titletag . '>'; $title .= $infoPlugin['description'] . '<br />'; if (isset($infoPlugin['introduced'])) { $title .= '<em>' . tr('Introduced in Tiki version %0', $infoPlugin['introduced']) . '</em><br />'; } $title .= '<br />'; } else { $title = ''; } $headbegin = "\n\t\t" . '<td class="heading">'; $cellbegin = "\n\t\t" . '<td>'; $header = "\n\t" . '<tr class="heading">' . $headbegin . 'Parameters</td>'; $rows = ''; if (isset($numparams) && $numparams > 0) { $header .= $headbegin . tra('Accepted Values') . '</td>'; $header .= $headbegin . tra('Description') . '</td>'; $rowCounter = 1; if (!empty($infoPlugin['body'])) { $body = array('(body of plugin)' => array('description' => $infoPlugin['body'])); $infoPlugin['params'] = array_merge($body, $infoPlugin['params']); } foreach ($infoPlugin['params'] as $paramname => $paraminfo) { $class = ($rowCounter%2) ? 'odd' : 'even'; $rows .= "\n\t" . '<tr class="' . $class . '">' . $cellbegin; //Parameters column if (isset($paraminfo['required']) && $paraminfo['required'] == true) { $rows .= '<b><em>' . $paramname . '</em></b>'; } elseif ($paramname == '(body of plugin)') { $rows .= tra('(body of plugin)'); } else { $rows .= '<em>' . $paramname . '</em>' ; } $rows .= '</td>'; $rows .= $cellbegin; //Accepted Values column if (isset($paraminfo['accepted'])) { $rows .= $paraminfo['accepted'] . '</td>'; } elseif (isset($paraminfo['options'])) { $optcounter = 1; $numoptions = count($paraminfo['options']); foreach ($paraminfo['options'] as $oplist => $opitem) { $rows .= strlen($opitem['value']) == 0 ? tra('(blank)') : $opitem['value']; if ($optcounter < $numoptions) { if ($numoptions > 10) { $rows .= ' | '; } else { $rows .= '<br />'; } } $optcounter++; } $rows .= '</td>'; } elseif (isset($paraminfo['filter'])) { if ($paraminfo['filter'] == 'striptags') { $rows .= tra('any string except for HTML and PHP tags'); } else { $rows .= $paraminfo['filter']; } $rows .= '</td>'; } else { $rows .= '</td>'; } //Description column $rows .= $cellbegin . $paraminfo['description'] . '</td>'; //Default column if ($rowCounter == 1) { $header .= $headbegin . tra('Default') . '</td>'; } if (!isset($paraminfo['default'])) { $paraminfo['default'] = ''; } $rows .= $cellbegin . $paraminfo['default'] . '</td>'; //Since column if ($rowCounter == 1) { $header .= $headbegin . tra('Since') . '</td>'; } $rows .= $cellbegin . $paraminfo['since'] . '</td>'; $rows .= "\n\t" . '</tr>'; $rowCounter++; } } else { $rows .= "\n\t" . '<tr class="odd">' . $cellbegin . '<em>' . tra('no parameters') . '</em></td>'; } $header .= "\n\t" . '</tr>'; if (!empty($infoPlugin['prefs'])) { $pluginprefs = '<em>' . tra('Preferences required:') . '</em> ' . implode(', ', $infoPlugin['prefs']). '<br/>'; } else { $pluginprefs = ''; } $sOutput = $title . '<em>' . tr('Required parameters are in%0 %1bold%2', '</em>', '<b>', '</b>') . '<br />' . $pluginprefs . '<table class="normal">' . $header . $rows . '</table>' . "\n"; return $sOutput; } }
/** * Plugins admin page * * @param App $a * @return string */ function admin_page_plugins(&$a) { /* * Single plugin */ if ($a->argc == 3) { $plugin = $a->argv[2]; if (!is_file("addon/{$plugin}/{$plugin}.php")) { notice(t("Item not found.")); return ''; } if (x($_GET, "a") && $_GET['a'] == "t") { check_form_security_token_redirectOnErr('/admin/plugins', 'admin_plugins', 't'); // Toggle plugin status $idx = array_search($plugin, $a->plugins); if ($idx !== false) { unset($a->plugins[$idx]); uninstall_plugin($plugin); info(sprintf(t("Plugin %s disabled."), $plugin)); } else { $a->plugins[] = $plugin; install_plugin($plugin); info(sprintf(t("Plugin %s enabled."), $plugin)); } set_config("system", "addon", implode(", ", $a->plugins)); goaway($a->get_baseurl(true) . '/admin/plugins'); } // display plugin details require_once 'library/markdown.php'; if (in_array($plugin, $a->plugins)) { $status = 'on'; $action = t('Disable'); } else { $status = 'off'; $action = t('Enable'); } $readme = null; if (is_file("addon/{$plugin}/")) { $readme = file_get_contents("addon/{$plugin}/"); $readme = Markdown($readme); } else { if (is_file("addon/{$plugin}/README")) { $readme = "<pre>" . file_get_contents("addon/{$plugin}/README") . "</pre>"; } } $admin_form = ''; if (is_array($a->plugins_admin) && in_array($plugin, $a->plugins_admin)) { @(require_once "addon/{$plugin}/{$plugin}.php"); if (function_exists($plugin . '_plugin_admin')) { $func = $plugin . '_plugin_admin'; $func($a, $admin_form); } } $t = get_markup_template('admin_plugins_details.tpl'); return replace_macros($t, array('$title' => t('Administration'), '$page' => t('Plugins'), '$toggle' => t('Toggle'), '$settings' => t('Settings'), '$baseurl' => $a->get_baseurl(true), '$plugin' => $plugin, '$status' => $status, '$action' => $action, '$info' => get_plugin_info($plugin), '$str_author' => t('Author: '), '$str_maintainer' => t('Maintainer: '), '$admin_form' => $admin_form, '$function' => 'plugins', '$screenshot' => '', '$readme' => $readme, '$form_security_token' => get_form_security_token('admin_plugins'))); } /* * List plugins */ $plugins = array(); $files = glob('addon/*/'); if ($files) { foreach ($files as $file) { if (is_dir($file)) { list($tmp, $id) = array_map('trim', explode('/', $file)); $info = get_plugin_info($id); $plugins[] = array($id, in_array($id, $a->plugins) ? "on" : "off", $info); } } } $t = get_markup_template('admin_plugins.tpl'); return replace_macros($t, array('$title' => t('Administration'), '$page' => t('Plugins'), '$submit' => t('Submit'), '$baseurl' => $a->get_baseurl(true), '$function' => 'plugins', '$plugins' => $plugins, '$form_security_token' => get_form_security_token('admin_plugins'))); }
function scan_plugin_info() { if (file_exists(c('plugin_path'))) { foreach (glob(c('plugin_path') . DS . "*", GLOB_ONLYDIR) as $pfold) { $app_file = $pfold . DS . 'app.php'; if (file_exists($app_file)) { if ($pinfo = get_plugin_info(file_get_contents($app_file))) { $plist[] = $pinfo; } } } } return isset($plist) ? $plist : false; }
function macro_admin($formatter, $value = '', $options = array()) { global $DBInfo; if ($DBInfo->include_path) { $dirs = explode(':', $DBInfo->include_path); } else { $dirs = array('.'); } $arena = 'plugin'; $plcur = ' class="current"'; $prcur = ''; if ($options['arena'] == 'processor') { $arena = 'processor'; $prcur = ' class="current"'; $plcur = ''; } $pdir = $arena == 'plugin' ? 'plugin' : 'plugin/processor'; $tag = $arena == 'plugin' ? 'pl' : 'pr'; // make plugins list foreach ($dirs as $dir) { $handle = @opendir($dir . '/' . $pdir); if (!$handle) { continue; } while ($file = readdir($handle)) { if (is_dir($dir . '/' . $pdir . '/' . $file)) { continue; } if ($file[0] == '.') { continue; } if (substr($file, -4) != '.php') { continue; } $name = substr($file, 0, -4); $plugins[strtolower($name)] = $name; $pl_infos[strtolower($name)] = get_plugin_info($dir . '/' . $pdir . '/' . $file); } } ksort($plugins); // $formatter->set_wordrule(array('#camelcase' => 0)); // get settings $sc = new Cache_text('settings'); $pls = $sc->fetch($arena . 's'); #$pl="<tr><th colspan='3'>"._($arena)."</th></tr>\n"; $pl = ''; $i = 0; foreach ($plugins as $p => $v) { ++$i; $ck = isset($pls[$p]) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; $disabled = empty($ck) ? ' disabled' : ''; $name = $pl_infos[$p]['Name'] ? $pl_infos[$p]['Name'] : $p; $version = $pl_infos[$p]['Version']; $author = $pl_infos[$p]['Author']; $version = $pl_infos[$p]['Version']; $license = $pl_infos[$p]['License']; $depend = $pl_infos[$p]['Depend']; $url = $pl_infos[$p]['URL']; $desc = $pl_infos[$p]['Description'] ? $pl_infos[$p]['Description'] : ''; $pl .= "<tr><th class='info{$disabled}' width='10%'>" . $name . ' ' . $version . '</th><td>' . "{$v}</td><td width='2%'><input type='checkbox' name='{$tag}[{$p}]' value='{$v}' {$ck}/></td></tr>\n"; if ($author or $desc or $license) { $msg = _("Description"); $pl .= "<tr><td colspan='3'><fieldset class='collapsible collapsed'><legend>{$msg}: </legend>"; if ($author) { $pl .= '<strong>' . _("Author") . ': ' . $author . "</strong><br />\n"; } if ($license) { $pl .= '<strong>' . _("License") . ': ' . $license . "</strong><br />\n"; } if ($depend) { $pl .= '<strong>' . _("Depend") . ': ' . $depend . "</strong><br />\n"; } if ($url) { $url = preg_replace_callback("/(" . $formatter->wordrule . ")/", array(&$formatter, 'link_repl'), $url); $pl .= '<strong>' . _("URL") . ': ' . $url . "</strong><br />\n"; } if ($desc) { $desc = preg_replace_callback("/(" . $formatter->wordrule . ")/", array(&$formatter, 'link_repl'), $desc); $pl .= "<p><pre>{$desc}</pre></p>\n"; } $pl .= "</fieldset></td></tr>\n"; } } $pl .= "<tr><td colspan='3'>Total <b>{$i}</b></td></tr>\n"; $out = <<<MENU <ul id="admin-submenu"> <li><a href="?action=admin&arena=plugin"{$plcur}>Plugins</a></li> <li><a href="?action=admin&arena=processor"{$prcur}>Processors</a></li> </ul> MENU; $out .= "<form method='post' action=''><table algin='center'><tr valign='top'>" . $pl . "</table>"; if (is_array($DBInfo->owners) and in_array($options['id'], $DBInfo->owners)) { $out .= '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="admin" />'; $out .= '<input type="submit" value="Update" />'; } $out .= '</form>'; return $out; }
function admin_page_plugins(&$a) { /** * Single plugin */ if ($a->argc == 3) { $plugin = $a->argv[2]; if (!is_file("addon/{$plugin}/{$plugin}.php")) { notice(t("Item not found.")); return; } if (x($_GET, "a") && $_GET['a'] == "t") { // Toggle plugin status $idx = array_search($plugin, $a->plugins); if ($idx !== false) { unset($a->plugins[$idx]); uninstall_plugin($plugin); info(sprintf(t("Plugin %s disabled."), $plugin)); } else { $a->plugins[] = $plugin; install_plugin($plugin); info(sprintf(t("Plugin %s enabled."), $plugin)); } set_config("system", "addon", implode(", ", $a->plugins)); goaway($a->get_baseurl() . '/admin/plugins'); return; // NOTREACHED } // display plugin details require_once 'library/markdown.php'; if (in_array($plugin, $a->plugins)) { $status = "on"; $action = t("Disable"); } else { $status = "off"; $action = t("Enable"); } $readme = Null; if (is_file("addon/{$plugin}/")) { $readme = file_get_contents("addon/{$plugin}/"); $readme = Markdown($readme); } else { if (is_file("addon/{$plugin}/README")) { $readme = "<pre>" . file_get_contents("addon/{$plugin}/README") . "</pre>"; } } $admin_form = ""; if (is_array($a->plugins_admin) && in_array($plugin, $a->plugins_admin)) { @(require_once "addon/{$plugin}/{$plugin}.php"); $func = $plugin . '_plugin_admin'; $func($a, $admin_form); } $t = get_markup_template("admin_plugins_details.tpl"); return replace_macros($t, array('$title' => t('Administration'), '$page' => t('Plugins'), '$toggle' => t('Toggle'), '$settings' => t('Settings'), '$baseurl' => $a->get_baseurl(), '$plugin' => $plugin, '$status' => $status, '$action' => $action, '$info' => get_plugin_info($plugin), '$admin_form' => $admin_form, '$readme' => $readme)); } /** * List plugins */ $plugins = array(); $files = glob("addon/*/"); if ($files) { foreach ($files as $file) { if (is_dir($file)) { list($tmp, $id) = array_map("trim", explode("/", $file)); $info = get_plugin_info($id); $plugins[] = array($id, in_array($id, $a->plugins) ? "on" : "off", $info); } } } $t = get_markup_template("admin_plugins.tpl"); return replace_macros($t, array('$title' => t('Administration'), '$page' => t('Plugins'), '$submit' => t('Submit'), '$baseurl' => $a->get_baseurl(), '$plugins' => $plugins)); }
function plugins() { global $ADMIN_CONF; global $CatPage; global $message; global $specialchars; global $debug; $plugin_manage_open = false; # plugins löschen if (getRequestValue('plugin-all-del', 'post') and getRequestValue('plugin-del', 'post')) { plugin_del(); $plugin_manage_open = true; } # hochgeladenes plugin installieren if (isset($_FILES["plugin-install-file"]["error"]) and getRequestValue('plugin-install', 'post') and $_FILES["plugin-install-file"]["error"] == 0 and strtolower(substr($_FILES["plugin-install-file"]["name"], -4)) == ".zip") { $debug .= "install=" . $_FILES["plugin-install-file"]["name"] . "<br />\n"; plugin_install(); $plugin_manage_open = true; } elseif ($plugin_select = $specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars(getRequestValue('plugin-install-select', 'post'), false, false) and getRequestValue('plugin-install', 'post') and is_file(PLUGIN_DIR_REL . $specialchars->replaceSpecialChars($plugin_select, false)) !== false and strtolower(substr($plugin_select, -4)) == ".zip") { $debug .= "local install=" . getRequestValue('plugin-install-select', 'post') . "<br />\n"; plugin_install($plugin_select); $plugin_manage_open = true; } $showdebug = false; if ($showdebug and !empty($debug)) { $message .= returnMessage(false, $debug); } require_once BASE_DIR_CMS . "Plugin.php"; if (false !== ($plugin_name = getRequestValue('pluginadmin'))) { #,'get' if (file_exists(PLUGIN_DIR_REL . $plugin_name)) { define("PLUGINADMIN", $plugin_name); if (file_exists(PLUGIN_DIR_REL . PLUGINADMIN . "/plugin.conf.php") and file_exists(PLUGIN_DIR_REL . PLUGINADMIN . "/index.php")) { require_once PLUGIN_DIR_REL . PLUGINADMIN . "/index.php"; # Enthält der Code eine Klasse mit dem Namen des Plugins und ist es auch der Dirname? if (class_exists(PLUGINADMIN) and in_array(PLUGINADMIN, get_declared_classes())) { # $PLUGIN_ADMIN_ADD_HEAD gibts nur hier und ist für sachen die in den head sollen global $PLUGIN_ADMIN_ADD_HEAD; $PLUGIN_ADMIN_ADD_HEAD = array(); $multi_user = ""; if (defined('MULTI_USER') and MULTI_USER) { $multi_user = "******"; } define("PLUGINADMIN_GET_URL", URL_BASE . ADMIN_DIR_NAME . "/index.php?pluginadmin=" . PLUGINADMIN . "&nojs=true&action=" . ACTION . $multi_user); $plugin = new $plugin_name(); $info = $plugin->getInfo(); $config = $plugin->getConfig(); if (PLUGIN_DIR_REL . $plugin_name . '/' . $config["--admin~~"]["datei_admin"] == PLUGIN_DIR_REL . PLUGINADMIN . "/index.php") { return $plugin->getContent(""); } else { return require_once PLUGIN_DIR_REL . $plugin_name . '/' . $config["--admin~~"]["datei_admin"]; } } } else { die; } } else { die; } } if (getRequestValue('chanceplugin', 'post') == "true" and false !== ($plugin_name = getRequestValue('plugin_name', 'post'))) { if (file_exists(PLUGIN_DIR_REL . $plugin_name) and file_exists(PLUGIN_DIR_REL . $plugin_name . "/plugin.conf.php") and file_exists(PLUGIN_DIR_REL . $plugin_name . "/index.php")) { $conf_plugin = new Properties(PLUGIN_DIR_REL . $plugin_name . "/plugin.conf.php"); } else { die("Fatal Error"); } if (false !== ($activ = getRequestValue(array($plugin_name, 'active'), 'post')) and ($activ == "true" or $activ == "false")) { $conf_plugin->set("active", $activ); ajax_return("success", true); } elseif ($conf_plugin->get("active") == "true") { require_once PLUGIN_DIR_REL . $plugin_name . "/index.php"; # Enthält der Code eine Klasse mit dem Namen des Plugins und ist es auch der Dirname? if (class_exists($plugin_name) and in_array($plugin_name, get_declared_classes())) { $plugin = new $plugin_name(); # das ist nötig weil es sein kann das in getInfo() variblen initaliesiert werden $tmp = $plugin->getInfo(); $config = $plugin->getConfig(); echo save_plugin_settings($conf_plugin, $config, $plugin_name); exit; } else { die("Fatal Error"); } } die("Fatal Error"); } $pagecontent = ''; $show = $ADMIN_CONF->get("plugins"); if (!is_array($show)) { $show = array(); } if (ROOT or in_array("plugin_-_manage", $show)) { $multi_user = ""; if (defined('MULTI_USER') and MULTI_USER) { $multi_user = "******"; } $html_manage = ""; $plugin_manage = array(); $disabled = ''; if (!function_exists('gzopen')) { $disabled = ' disabled="disabled"'; } $plugin_install = array(); foreach (getDirAsArray(PLUGIN_DIR_REL, array(".zip")) as $zip_file) { $plugin_install[] = '<option value="' . mo_rawurlencode($zip_file) . '">' . $zip_file . '</option>'; } $plugin_install_html = ""; if (count($plugin_install) > 0) { $plugin_install_html .= '<br /><select class="mo-install-select mo-select-div" name="plugin-install-select" size="1"' . $disabled . '>' . '<option value="">' . getLanguageValue("plugins_select", true) . '</option>' . implode("", $plugin_install) . '</select>'; } $plugin_manage["plugins_title_manage"][] = '<form id="js-plugin-manage" action="index.php?nojs=true&action=plugins' . $multi_user . '" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">' . '<div class="mo-nowrap align-right ui-helper-clearfix">' . '<span class="align-left" style="float:left"><span class="mo-bold">' . getLanguageValue("plugins_text_filebutton") . '</span><br />' . getLanguageValue("plugins_text_fileinfo") . '</span>' . '<input type="file" id="js-plugin-install-file" name="plugin-install-file" class="mo-select-div"' . $disabled . ' />' . $plugin_install_html . '<input type="submit" id="js-plugin-install-submit" name="plugin-install" value="' . getLanguageValue("plugins_button_install", true) . '"' . $disabled . ' /><br />' . '<input type="submit" id="js-plugin-del-submit" value="' . getLanguageValue("plugins_button_delete", true) . '" class="mo-margin-top js-send-del-stop" />' . '</div></form>'; $plugin_manage["plugins_title_manage"]["toggle"] = true; $html_manage = contend_template($plugin_manage); $html_manage = str_replace("js-toggle", "js-toggle-manage", $html_manage); # es wurde in der template verwaltung was gemacht dann soll die aufgeklapt bleiben if ($plugin_manage_open) { $html_manage = str_replace("display:none;", "", $html_manage); } $pagecontent .= $html_manage; } $pagecontent .= '<ul class="js-plugins mo-ul">'; $dircontent = getDirAsArray(PLUGIN_DIR_REL, "dir", "natcasesort"); foreach ($dircontent as $currentelement) { $new_plugin_conf = false; if (!ROOT and !in_array($currentelement, $show)) { continue; } if (file_exists(PLUGIN_DIR_REL . $currentelement . "/index.php")) { if (!is_file(PLUGIN_DIR_REL . $currentelement . "/plugin.conf.php")) { if (false === newConf(PLUGIN_DIR_REL . $currentelement . "/plugin.conf.php")) { die; } else { $new_plugin_conf = true; } } require_once PLUGIN_DIR_REL . $currentelement . "/index.php"; # Enthält der Code eine Klasse mit dem Namen des Plugins und ist es auch der Dirname? if (class_exists($currentelement) and in_array($currentelement, get_declared_classes())) { $plugin = new $currentelement(); } else { # Plugin Dirname stimt nicht mit Plugin Classnamen überein continue; } # plugin.conf.php wurde neu erstelt. # Wenn es die getDefaultSettings() gibt fühle die plugin.conf.php damit if ($new_plugin_conf and method_exists($plugin, 'getDefaultSettings')) { $plugin->settings->setFromArray($plugin->getDefaultSettings()); } $plugin_css_li_error = NULL; $plugin_error = false; $plugin_info = $plugin->getInfo(); # Plugin Info Prüfen if (isset($plugin_info) and count($plugin_info) > 0) { $plugin_name = strip_tags($plugin_info[0], '<b>'); if (substr(strip_tags($plugin_name), 0, strlen($currentelement)) != $currentelement) { $plugin_name = "<b>" . $currentelement . "</b> " . strip_tags($plugin_name); } $plugin_name = htmlentities($plugin_name, ENT_COMPAT, CHARSET); $plugin_name = str_replace(array("<", ">", "\$"), array("<", ">", ""), $plugin_name); } else { $plugin_error = '<img class="mo-tool-icon mo-icons-icon mo-icons-error" src="' . ICON_URL_SLICE . '" alt="error" />' . getLanguageValue('plugins_error') . ' <b>' . $currentelement . '</b>'; $plugin_css_li_error = ' ui-state-error'; } $pagecontent .= '<li class="js-plugin mo-li ui-widget-content ui-corner-all' . $plugin_css_li_error . '">' . '<div class="js-tools-show-hide mo-li-head-tag mo-li-head-tag-no-ul ui-state-active ui-corner-all ui-helper-clearfix">'; $check_show = ' style="display:none;"'; if ($plugin_manage_open) { $check_show = ''; } if ($plugin_error === false) { $pagecontent .= '<span class="js-plugin-name mo-padding-left mo-middle">' . $plugin_name . '</span>' . '<div style="float:right;" class="mo-tag-height-from-icon mo-middle mo-nowrap">' . '<span class="js-plugin-active mo-staus">' . buildCheckBox($currentelement . '[active]', $plugin->settings->get("active") == "true", getLanguageValue("plugins_input_active")) . '</span>' . '<img class="js-tools-icon-show-hide js-toggle mo-tool-icon mo-icons-icon mo-icons-edit" src="' . ICON_URL_SLICE . '" alt="edit" />' . '<input type="checkbox" value="' . $currentelement . '" class="mo-checkbox mo-checkbox-del js-plugin-del"' . $check_show . ' />' . '</div>' . '</div>' . '<div class="js-toggle-content mo-in-ul-ul ui-helper-clearfix" style="display:none;">' . get_plugin_info($plugin_info); # geändert damit getConfig() nicht 2mal ausgeführt wird $config = $plugin->getConfig(); # Beschreibung und inputs der Konfiguration Bauen und ausgeben $pagecontent .= get_plugin_config($plugin->settings, $config, $currentelement); } else { $pagecontent .= $plugin_error; } $pagecontent .= '</div></li>'; unset($plugin); } } $pagecontent .= '</ul>'; return $pagecontent; }
function macro_PluginInfo($formatter = '', $value = '') { global $_revision, $_release; $version = phpversion(); $uname = php_uname(); list($aversion, $dummy) = explode(" ", $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 2); if (!$value) { $num = getPlugin(true); return sprintf(_("Total %s plugin activated."), $num); } $file = getPlugin(strtolower($value)); if (empty($file)) { if ($m = function_exists('macro_' . $value) or $m = function_exists('do_' . $value)) { return sprintf(_("%s is internal plugin."), $value); } else { return sprintf(_("%s plugin is not found."), $value); } } $info = get_plugin_info(dirname(__FILE__) . "/{$file}.php"); $name = !empty($info['Name']) ? $info['Name'] . ' (' . $value . ')' : $value; $version = !empty($info['Version']) ? $info['Version'] : ''; $author = !empty($info['Author']) ? $info['Author'] : ''; $license = !empty($info['License']) ? $info['License'] : ''; $depend = !empty($info['Depend']) ? $info['Depend'] : ''; $url = !empty($info['URL']) ? $info['URL'] : ''; $desc = !empty($info['Description']) ? $info['Description'] : ''; $msg = _("Description"); $pl = "<tr><td colspan='3'><fieldset class='collapsible collapsed'><legend>{$msg}: </legend><div>"; $pl .= '<strong>' . _("Name") . ': ' . $name . "</strong><br />\n"; if ($version) { $pl .= '<strong>' . _("Version") . ': ' . $version . "</strong><br />\n"; } if ($author) { $pl .= '<strong>' . _("Author") . ': ' . $author . "</strong><br />\n"; } if ($license) { $pl .= '<strong>' . _("License") . ': ' . $license . "</strong><br />\n"; } if ($depend) { $pl .= '<strong>' . _("Depend") . ': ' . $depend . "</strong><br />\n"; } if (empty($formatter->wordrule)) { $formatter->set_wordrule(); } if ($url) { $url = preg_replace_callback("/(" . $formatter->wordrule . ")/", array(&$formatter, 'link_repl'), $url); $pl .= '<strong>' . _("URL") . ': ' . $url . "</strong><br />\n"; } if ($desc) { $desc = preg_replace_callback("/(" . $formatter->wordrule . ")/", array(&$formatter, 'link_repl'), $desc); $pl .= "<p><pre>{$desc}</pre></p>\n"; } $pl .= "</div></fieldset></td></tr>\n"; return <<<EOF <div class='pluginInfo'> <table border='0' cellpadding='5'> {$pl} </table> </div> EOF; // vim:et:sts=4:sw=4: }
/** * Returns the latest version for a plugin * * @return string */ function plugin_latest_version() { $version = ''; if (post_meta('plugin')) { $version = get_plugin_info(post_meta('plugin'), 'version'); } if (post_meta('download_id')) { $version = get_post_meta(post_meta('download_id'), '_edd_sl_version', true); } return $version; }
<dt><?php _e('# Ratings', 'yoastcom'); ?> </dt> <dd><?php echo esc_html(get_plugin_info(post_meta('plugin'), 'num_ratings')); ?> </dd> <dt><?php _e('Rating', 'yoastcom'); ?> </dt> <dd itemprop="aggregateRating" itemscope itemtype=""> <?php get_template_part('html_includes/partials/plugin-rating', array('rating' => get_plugin_info(post_meta('plugin'), 'rating'), 'rating_raw' => get_plugin_info(post_meta('plugin'), 'rating_raw'))); ?> </dd> </dl> </div> <div class="one-third"> <?php if (post_meta('extra_content')) { ?> <?php echo post_meta('extra_content'); ?> <?php } ?> </div>
/** * Plugins admin page * * @param App $a * @return string */ function admin_page_plugins(&$a) { /* * Single plugin */ if (App::$argc == 3) { $plugin = App::$argv[2]; if (!is_file("addon/{$plugin}/{$plugin}.php")) { notice(t("Item not found.")); return ''; } $enabled = in_array($plugin, App::$plugins); $info = get_plugin_info($plugin); $x = check_plugin_versions($info); // disable plugins which are installed but incompatible versions if ($enabled && !$x) { $enabled = false; $idz = array_search($plugin, App::$plugins); if ($idz !== false) { unset(App::$plugins[$idz]); uninstall_plugin($plugin); set_config("system", "addon", implode(", ", App::$plugins)); } } $info['disabled'] = 1 - intval($x); if (x($_GET, "a") && $_GET['a'] == "t") { check_form_security_token_redirectOnErr('/admin/plugins', 'admin_plugins', 't'); // Toggle plugin status $idx = array_search($plugin, App::$plugins); if ($idx !== false) { unset(App::$plugins[$idx]); uninstall_plugin($plugin); info(sprintf(t("Plugin %s disabled."), $plugin)); } else { App::$plugins[] = $plugin; install_plugin($plugin); info(sprintf(t("Plugin %s enabled."), $plugin)); } set_config("system", "addon", implode(", ", App::$plugins)); goaway(z_root() . '/admin/plugins'); } // display plugin details require_once 'library/markdown.php'; if (in_array($plugin, App::$plugins)) { $status = 'on'; $action = t('Disable'); } else { $status = 'off'; $action = t('Enable'); } $readme = null; if (is_file("addon/{$plugin}/")) { $readme = file_get_contents("addon/{$plugin}/"); $readme = Markdown($readme); } else { if (is_file("addon/{$plugin}/README")) { $readme = "<pre>" . file_get_contents("addon/{$plugin}/README") . "</pre>"; } } $admin_form = ''; $r = q("select * from addon where plugin_admin = 1 and name = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($plugin)); if ($r) { @(require_once "addon/{$plugin}/{$plugin}.php"); if (function_exists($plugin . '_plugin_admin')) { $func = $plugin . '_plugin_admin'; $func($a, $admin_form); } } $t = get_markup_template('admin_plugins_details.tpl'); return replace_macros($t, array('$title' => t('Administration'), '$page' => t('Plugins'), '$toggle' => t('Toggle'), '$settings' => t('Settings'), '$baseurl' => z_root(), '$plugin' => $plugin, '$status' => $status, '$action' => $action, '$info' => $info, '$str_author' => t('Author: '), '$str_maintainer' => t('Maintainer: '), '$str_minversion' => t('Minimum project version: '), '$str_maxversion' => t('Maximum project version: '), '$str_minphpversion' => t('Minimum PHP version: '), '$str_requires' => t('Requires: '), '$disabled' => t('Disabled - version incompatibility'), '$admin_form' => $admin_form, '$function' => 'plugins', '$screenshot' => '', '$readme' => $readme, '$form_security_token' => get_form_security_token('admin_plugins'))); } /* * List plugins */ $plugins = array(); $files = glob('addon/*/'); if ($files) { foreach ($files as $file) { if (is_dir($file)) { list($tmp, $id) = array_map('trim', explode('/', $file)); $info = get_plugin_info($id); $enabled = in_array($id, App::$plugins); $x = check_plugin_versions($info); // disable plugins which are installed but incompatible versions if ($enabled && !$x) { $enabled = false; $idz = array_search($id, App::$plugins); if ($idz !== false) { unset(App::$plugins[$idz]); uninstall_plugin($id); set_config("system", "addon", implode(", ", App::$plugins)); } } $info['disabled'] = 1 - intval($x); $plugins[] = array($id, $enabled ? "on" : "off", $info); } } } $t = get_markup_template('admin_plugins.tpl'); return replace_macros($t, array('$title' => t('Administration'), '$page' => t('Plugins'), '$submit' => t('Submit'), '$baseurl' => z_root(), '$function' => 'plugins', '$plugins' => $plugins, '$disabled' => t('Disabled - version incompatibility'), '$form_security_token' => get_form_security_token('admin_plugins'))); }