Beispiel #1
* Retrieves the token attribute value from the related token table
* @param mixed $surveyid  The survey ID
* @param mixed $attrName  The token-attribute field name
* @param mixed $token  The token code
* @return string The token attribute value (or null on error)
function GetAttributeValue($surveyid, $attrName, $token)
    global $dbprefix, $connect;
    $attrName = strtolower($attrName);
    if ($attrName == 'callattempts' || $attrName == 'onappointment' || $attrName == 'perccomplete' || $attrName == 'messagesleft') {
        include_once "quexs.php";
        $quexs_operator_id = get_operator_id();
        $quexs_case_id = get_case_id($quexs_operator_id);
        if ($quexs_case_id) {
            if ($attrName == 'callattempts') {
                return get_call_attempts($quexs_case_id);
            } else {
                if ($attrName == 'onappointment') {
                    return is_on_appointment($quexs_case_id, $quexs_operator_id);
                } else {
                    if ($attrName == 'perccomplete') {
                        return get_percent_complete($quexs_case_id);
                    } else {
                        if ($attrName == 'messagesleft') {
                            return get_messages_left($quexs_case_id);
        } else {
            return 0;
    } else {
        if (!tableExists('tokens_' . $surveyid) || !in_array($attrName, GetTokenConditionsFieldNames($surveyid))) {
            return null;
    $sanitized_token = $connect->qstr($token, get_magic_quotes_gpc());
    $surveyid = sanitize_int($surveyid);
    $query = "SELECT {$attrName} FROM {$dbprefix}tokens_{$surveyid} WHERE token={$sanitized_token}";
    $result = db_execute_num($query);
    $count = $result->RecordCount();
    if ($count != 1) {
        return null;
    } else {
        $row = $result->FetchRow();
        return $row[0];
Beispiel #2
 * Replace placeholders in a string with data for this case/operator
 * @param string $string The string 
 * @param int $operator_id The operator id
 * @param int $case_id The case id
 * @return string The string with replaced text
function quexs_template_replace($string)
    $operator_id = get_operator_id();
    $case_id = get_case_id($operator_id);
    $respondent_id = get_respondent_id($case_id, $operator_id);
    while (stripos($string, "{Respondent:") !== false) {
        $answreplace = substr($string, stripos($string, "{Respondent:"), stripos($string, "}", stripos($string, "{Respondent:")) - stripos($string, "{Respondent:") + 1);
        $answreplace2 = substr($answreplace, 12, stripos($answreplace, "}", stripos($answreplace, "{Respondent:")) - 12);
        $answreplace3 = get_respondent_variable($answreplace2, $respondent_id);
        $string = str_replace($answreplace, $answreplace3, $string);
    while (stripos($string, "{Operator:") !== false) {
        $answreplace = substr($string, stripos($string, "{Operator:"), stripos($string, "}", stripos($string, "{Operator:")) - stripos($string, "{Operator:") + 1);
        $answreplace2 = substr($answreplace, 10, stripos($answreplace, "}", stripos($answreplace, "{Operator:")) - 10);
        $answreplace3 = get_operator_variable($answreplace2, $operator_id);
        $string = str_replace($answreplace, $answreplace3, $string);
    while (stripos($string, "{Sample:") !== false) {
        $answreplace = substr($string, stripos($string, "{Sample:"), stripos($string, "}", stripos($string, "{Sample:")) - stripos($string, "{Sample:") + 1);
        $answreplace2 = substr($answreplace, 8, stripos($answreplace, "}", stripos($answreplace, "{Sample:")) - 8);
        $answreplace3 = get_sample_variable($answreplace2, $case_id);
        $string = str_replace($answreplace, $answreplace3, $string);
    while (stripos($string, "{Outcome:") !== false) {
        $answreplace = substr($string, stripos($string, "{Outcome:"), stripos($string, "}", stripos($string, "{Outcome:")) - stripos($string, "{Outcome:") + 1);
        $answreplace2 = substr($answreplace, 9, stripos($answreplace, "}", stripos($answreplace, "{Outcome:")) - 9);
        $answreplace3 = get_outcome_variable($answreplace2);
        $string = str_replace($answreplace, $answreplace3, $string);
    while (stripos($string, "{CALLATTEMPTS}") !== false) {
        $call_attempts = get_call_attempts($case_id);
        $string = str_ireplace("{CALLATTEMPTS}", $call_attempts, $string);
    while (stripos($string, "{RESPONDENTSELECTIONURL}") !== false) {
        $url = get_respondent_selection_url();
        $string = str_ireplace("{RESPONDENTSELECTIONURL}", $url, $string);
    while (stripos($string, "{ONAPPOINTMENT}") !== false) {
        $on_appointment = is_on_appointment($case_id, $operator_id);
        $str = T_("Not on an appointment");
        if ($on_appointment) {
            $str = T_("On an appointment");
        $string = str_ireplace("{ONAPPOINTMENT}", $str, $string);
    if (stripos($string, "{PERIODOFDAY}") !== false) {
        $string = str_ireplace("{PERIODOFDAY}", get_period_of_day($respondent_id), $string);
    if (stripos($string, "{APPOINTMENTDATE}") !== false) {
        $string = str_ireplace("{APPOINTMENTDATE}", get_appointment_date($respondent_id), $string);
    if (stripos($string, "{APPOINTMENTTIME}") !== false) {
        $string = str_ireplace("{APPOINTMENTTIME}", get_appointment_time($respondent_id), $string);
    if (stripos($string, "{APPOINTMENTNUMBER}") !== false) {
        $string = str_ireplace("{APPOINTMENTNUMBER}", get_appointment_number($respondent_id), $string);
    if (stripos($string, "{PERCCOMPLETE}") !== false) {
        $string = str_ireplace("{PERCCOMPLETE}", round(get_percent_complete($case_id), 0), $string);
    return $string;