Beispiel #1
    <td colspan="5">
    echo ucfirst($task->getPriorityInWords());
 Priority<br />
    echo short_string(strip_tags($task->getDescription()), 320);
    echo icon_tag('comment') . ' ' . $task->getNbComments() . ' Comments ', icon_tag('folder') . ' ' . get_nb_files('Task', $task->getId()) . ' Files ';
    if ($sf_user->isAuthenticated() && $project->hasPermission('create-task', $sf_user->getId())) {
        echo icon_tag('note_edit') . ' ' . link_to('Edit Task', 'tasks/edit?task=' . $task->getUuid()) . ' ' . icon_tag('note_remove') . ' ' . link_to('Delete Task', 'tasks/delete?task=' . $task->getUuid(), 'post=true&confirm=Are you sure you want to delete the task "' . $task->getName() . '"?');
Beispiel #2
echo $task->getSingleUser('user')->getProfile()->getFullName();
<br />
    Assigned by <?php 
echo link_to($task->getSfGuardUser()->getProfile(), '@show_user?user='******'comment') . ' ' . $task->getNbComments() . ' Comments';
echo icon_tag('folder') . ' ' . get_nb_files('Task', $task->getId()) . ' Files ';
if ($sf_user->isAuthenticated() && $project->hasPermission('create-task', $sf_user->getId())) {
    echo icon_tag('notes_edit') . ' ' . link_to('Edit Task', '@edit_project_task?project=' . $project->getSlug() . '&task=' . $task->getUuid());
  <p style="float:left;">
echo link_to($task->getName(), '@show_project_task?project=' . $project->getSlug() . '&task=' . $task->getUuid());
echo nl2br($task->getDescription());
  <p style="clear: both;">&nbsp;</p>
Beispiel #3
echo nav_tabs('features', $tab);

<div style="border: 1px solid #72BE44;background-color: #D9E1FF;padding: 4px;margin-bottom: 10px;">
  <p style="float:right;text-align:right;">
echo __('A %type% Suggested by %1% %2% ago', array('%1%' => link_to($feature->getsfGuardUser()->getProfile(), 'user/show?user='******'%2%' => distance_of_time_in_words($feature->getCreatedAt('U')), '%type%' => format_number_choice('[' . sfConfig::get('app_feature_type_bug') . ']Bug Report|[' . sfConfig::get('app_feature_type_feature') . ']Feature Request', array(), $feature->getType())));
    <a href="#comments"><?php 
echo icon_tag('comment') . ' ' . $feature->getNbComments() . ' Comments';
echo icon_tag('folder') . ' ' . get_nb_files('feature', $feature->getId()) . ' Files ';
  <p style="float:left;">
echo $feature->getTitle();
echo nl2br($feature->getDescription());
  <hr class="clear" />

<div id='files-holder' style='padding:4px;width:48%;float:right;'>