  * 详请
  * @author          mrmsl <*****@*****.**>
  * @date            2013-02-21 13:47:40
  * @lastmodify      2013-04-26 23:13:01
  * @return void 无返回值
 public function detailAction()
     $blog_id = Filter::int('id', 'get');
     $date = Filter::int('date', 'get');
     if (!$blog_id || !$date) {
         $log = get_method_line(__METHOD__, __LINE__, LOG_INVALID_PARAM) . "date=({$date}),id=({$blog_id})";
         $this->_showMessage('error' . $blog_id . $date, null, 404);
     if ($blog_info = $this->_model->find($blog_id)) {
         if (date('Ymd', $blog_info['add_time']) != $date) {
             $log = get_method_line(__METHOD__, __LINE__, LOG_INVALID_PARAM) . "date=({$date}),id=({$blog_id})";
             $this->_showMessage('error' . $blog_id . ',' . $date, null, 404);
         $filename = str_replace(BASE_SITE_URL, WWWROOT, $blog_info['link_url']);
         $o = $this->getViewTemplate('build_html')->assign('blog_info', $blog_info)->assign(array('web_title' => L('MINIBLOG,DETAIL') . TITLE_SEPARATOR . L('MINIBLOG'), 'comments_html' => $this->_getBlogComments($blog_id)));
         $content = $o->fetch(CONTROLLER_NAME, 'detail', $blog_id);
         //file_put_contents($filename, $content);
         echo $content;
     } else {
         $this->_showMessage(L('MINIBLOG,NOT_EXIST'), null, 404);
  * 禁止路径
  * @author          mrmsl <*****@*****.**>
  * @date            2012-07-10 15:40:01
  * @param string $path 待检测路径
  * @return void 无返回值
 private function _denyDirectory($path)
     if (false !== strpos($path, '..')) {
         $log = get_method_line(__METHOD__, __LINE__, LOG_INVALID_PARAM) . L('LIST_DIRECTORY_FORBIDDEN') . PACKER_JS_PATH . $path;
         trigger_error($log, E_USER_ERROR);
         $this->_ajaxReturn(true, L('LIST_DIRECTORY_FORBIDDEN') . PACKER_JS_PATH . $path);
  * 列表
  * @author          mrmsl <*****@*****.**>
  * @date            2013-06-07 11:09:51
  * @return void 无返回值
 public function listAction()
     $sort = Filter::string('sort', 'get', $this->_pk_field);
     if (!in_array($sort, $this->_getDbFields())) {
         $log = get_method_line(__METHOD__, __LINE__, LOG_INVALID_PARAM) . L('QUERY,CONTROLLER_NAME,%。,ORDER,COLUMN') . $sort . L('NOT_EXIST');
         trigger_error($log, E_USER_ERROR);
         $this->_ajaxReturn(false, L('SERVER_ERROR'));
     $order = !empty($_GET['dir']) ? Filter::string('dir', 'get') : Filter::string('order', 'get');
     $order = toggle_order($order);
     $keyword = Filter::string('keyword', 'get');
     $date_start = Filter::string('date_start', 'get');
     $date_end = Filter::string('date_end', 'get');
     $template_id = Filter::int('template_id', 'get');
     $column = Filter::string('column', 'get');
     $where = array();
     if ('' !== $keyword && in_array($column, array('subject', 'content', 'email'))) {
         $where[$column] = $this->_buildMatchQuery($column, $keyword, Filter::string('match_mode', 'get'));
     if ($date_start && ($date_start = strtotime($date_start))) {
         $where['add_time'][] = array('EGT', $date_start);
     if ($date_end && ($date_end = strtotime($date_end))) {
         $where['add_time'][] = array('ELT', $date_end);
     if (isset($where['add_time']) && count($where['add_time']) == 1) {
         $where['add_time'] = $where['add_time'][0];
     if ($template_id) {
         $where['template_id'] = $template_id;
     $total = $this->_model->where($where)->count();
     if ($total === false) {
         $this->_sqlErrorExit(L('QUERY,CONTROLLER_NAME') . L('TOTAL_NUM,ERROR'));
     } elseif ($total == 0) {
         $this->_ajaxReturn(true, '', null, $total);
     $page_info = Filter::page($total);
     $data = $this->_model->where($where)->limit($page_info['limit'])->order('' . $sort . ' ' . $order)->select();
     $data === false && $this->_sqlErrorExit(L('QUERY,CONTROLLER_NAME') . L('LIST,ERROR'));
     $templates = $this->cache(false, 'Mail');
     foreach ($data as &$v) {
         $v['template_name'] = isset($templates[$id = $v['template_id']]) ? $templates[$id]['template_name'] : '';
     $this->_ajaxReturn(true, '', $data, $total);
  * 入口
  * @author          mrmsl <*****@*****.**>
  * @date            2012-09-27 17:26:23
  * @lastmodify      2013-01-22 11:02:32 by mrmsl
  * @return void 无返回值
 public function indexAction()
     $module = Filter::get('module', 'get');
     $error = '';
     if (!APP_DEBUG) {
         if (!REFERER_PAGER) {
             $error = L('REFERER_PAGER,IS_EMPTY');
         } elseif (strpos(REFERER_PAGER, WEB_SITE_URL) === false) {
             $error = L('REFERER_PAGER') . '(' . REFERER_PAGER . ')' . L('IS_EMPTY');
     if (!$error) {
         if (!$module) {
             $error = 'module' . L('IS_EMPTY');
         } elseif (!in_array($module, $this->_verifycode_module)) {
             $error = 'module not in (' . join(',', $this->_verifycode_module) . ')';
         } else {
             $verifycode_setting = get_verifycode_setting($module);
             if (!$verifycode_setting['enable']) {
                 $default_setting = get_verifycode_setting('sys', 'enable');
                 $error = L('NOT_HAS,TURN_ON') . "(module:{$verifycode_setting['enable']}|sys:{$default_setting})";
     if ($error) {
         $log = get_method_line(__METHOD__, __LINE__, LOG_VERIFYCODE_ERROR) . L('VERIFY_CODE') . "({$module})" . $error;
         $exit = true;
     } elseif (!check_verifycode_limit($module, 'refresh')) {
         $exit = true;
     if (!empty($exit)) {
         header('Content-type: image/png');
         readfile(IMGCACHE_PATH . 'common/images/verifycode_error.png');
     $width = $verifycode_setting['width'];
     $height = $verifycode_setting['height'];
     $length = $verifycode_setting['length'];
     $type = $verifycode_setting['type'];
     $img = new Verifycode();
     $img->buildVerifyImage($verifycode_setting['length'], $verifycode_setting['type'], $verifycode_setting['width'], $verifycode_setting['height']);
Beispiel #5
  * swsi
  * @author          mrmsl <*****@*****.**>
  * @date            2013-05-18 09:50:30
  * @param string $tpl_name s
  * @return void 无返回值
 protected function _checkTplName($tpl_name)
     $arr = explode('/', $tpl_name);
     if (2 != count($arr)) {
         return false;
     } elseif (false !== strpos($tpl_name, '..')) {
         $log = get_method_line(__METHOD__, __LINE__, LOG_INVALID_PARAM) . L('TRY,USE,RELATIVE,PATH') . $tpl_name;
         trigger_error($log, E_USER_ERROR);
     } elseif (!is_file(FRONT_THEME_PATH . $tpl_name . C('TEMPLATE_SUFFIX'))) {
         return L('TEMPLATE,NOT_EXIST');
     return true;
  * ueditor上传图片操作
  * @author          mrmsl <*****@*****.**>
  * @date            2013-07-12 22:22:13
  * @return void 无返回值
 public function ueditorUploadImageAction()
     $config = array('_upload_dir' => UPLOAD_PATH);
     $upload = new Image_Upload();
     $date = date('Ymd/');
     $result = $upload->execute('upfile', UPLOAD_PATH . $date);
     if (isset($result['errstr'])) {
         $log = get_method_line(__METHOD__, __LINE__, LOG_INVALID_PARAM) . var_export($result, true);
         $result = array('state' => $result['errstr']);
     } else {
         $result = array('state' => 'SUCCESS', 'originalName' => $result['name'], 'name' => $result['filename'], 'url' => $date . $result['filename'], 'size' => $result['size'], 'type' => $result['type']);
  * 详请
  * @author          mrmsl <*****@*****.**>
  * @date            2013-02-21 15:26:00
  * @lastmodify      2013-04-23 14:32:00 by mrmsl
  * @return void 无返回值
 public function detailAction()
     $blog_id = Filter::int('id', 'get');
     $date = Filter::int('date', 'get');
     if (!$blog_id || !$date) {
         $log = get_method_line(__METHOD__, __LINE__, LOG_INVALID_PARAM) . "date=({$date}),id=({$blog_id})";
         $this->_showMessage('error' . $blog_id . $date, null, 404);
     if ($blog_info = $this->_model->find($blog_id)) {
         if (date('Ymd', $blog_info['add_time']) != $date) {
             $log = get_method_line(__METHOD__, __LINE__, LOG_INVALID_PARAM) . "date=({$date}),id=({$blog_id})";
             $this->_showMessage('error' . $blog_id . ',' . $date, null, 404);
         if (!$blog_info['is_issue'] || $blog_info['is_delete']) {
             $log = get_method_line(__METHOD__, __LINE__, LOG_INVALID_PARAM) . "is_delete=({$blog_info['is_delete']}),is_issue=({$blog_info['is_issue']})";
             $this->_showMessage('error' . $blog_info['is_issue'] . ',' . $blog_info['is_delete'], null, 404);
         $filename = str_replace(BASE_SITE_URL, WWWROOT, $blog_info['link_url']);
         $o = $this->getViewTemplate('build_html')->assign($this->_getNextAndPrevBlog($blog_id))->assign('blog_info', $blog_info)->assign(array('web_title' => $blog_info['title'] . TITLE_SEPARATOR . $this->nav($blog_info['cate_id'], 'cate_name', 'Category', TITLE_SEPARATOR) . TITLE_SEPARATOR . L('CN_WANGWEN'), 'seo_keywords' => $blog_info['seo_keyword'], 'seo_description' => $blog_info['seo_description'], 'tags' => $this->tags($blog_info['seo_keyword']), 'relative_blog' => $this->_getRelativeBlog($blog_id, $blog_info['seo_keyword']), 'comments_html' => $this->_getBlogComments($blog_id)));
         $content = $o->fetch(CONTROLLER_NAME, 'detail', $blog_id);
         //file_put_contents($filename, $content);
         echo $content;
     } else {
         $this->_showMessage(L('BLOG,NOT_EXIST'), null, 404);
  * ajax异步获取博客,微博元数据,包括点击量,评论数等
  * @author          mrmsl <*****@*****.**>
  * @date            2013-05-02 16:21:34
  * @lastmodify      2013-05-03 08:41:05 by mrmsl
  * @return void 无返回值
 public function metaInfoAction()
     /*foreach (array(TB_BLOG, TB_MINIBLOG) as $table) {
                 foreach($this->_model->table($table)->select() as $v) {
                     $sql = sprintf('UPDATE %s SET hits=%d,comments=%d,diggs=%d WHERE blog_id=%d', $table, rand(1, 1000), rand(1, 50), rand(1, 20), $v['blog_id']);
     $blog = Filter::string('blog');
     $miniblog = Filter::string('miniblog');
     if (!$blog && !$miniblog) {
         $log = get_method_line(__METHOD__, __LINE__, LOG_INVALID_PARAM) . L('INVALID_PARAM');
         trigger_error($log, E_USER_ERROR);
     $blog = 0 === strpos($blog, ',') ? substr($blog, 1) : $blog;
     $miniblog = 0 === strpos($miniblog, ',') ? substr($miniblog, 1) : $miniblog;
     $field_arr = 'blog_id,add_time';
     $field = 'blog_id,add_time,hits,comments,diggs';
     $miniblog_data = $this->_getPairsData($field_arr, $miniblog, $field, 'blog_id', TB_MINIBLOG);
     $blog_data = $this->_getPairsData($field_arr, $blog, $field, 'blog_id', TB_BLOG);
     $this->_ajaxReturn(array('blog' => $blog_data, 'miniblog' => $miniblog_data, 'success' => true));
Beispiel #9
  * 验证自动创建数据是否成功
  * @author          mrmsl <*****@*****.**>
  * @lastmodify      2013-01-22 11:25:30 by mrmsl
  * @param string $method 自动验证数据方法。默认create
  * @return string|true true验证成功,返回true,否则返回错误信息
 public function checkCreate($method = 'create')
     if ('POST' != REQUEST_METHOD && !__GET) {
         $log = get_method_line(__METHOD__, __LINE__, LOG_INVALID_PARAM);
         $log .= L(empty($this->data[$this->getPk()]) ? 'ADD' : 'EDIT') . L('CONTROLLER_NAME,FAILURE,%: ,DATA_TYPE_INVALID');
         trigger_error($log, E_USER_ERROR);
         return L('DATA_TYPE_INVALID');
     $result = true;
     if (!$this->{$method}()) {
         $error = $this->getError();
         $error = is_array($error) ? join(PHP_EOL, $error) : $error;
         $log = get_method_line(__METHOD__, __LINE__, LOG_VALIDATE_FORM_ERROR);
         $log .= L('VALIDATE') . L(empty($this->data[$this->getPk()]) ? 'ADD' : 'EDIT') . L('CONTROLLER_NAME,FAILURE') . ': ' . $error;
         $result = nl2br($error);
     return $result;
  * 添加或编辑
  * @author          mrmsl <*****@*****.**>
  * @data            2013-06-21 11:05:10
  * @return void 无返回值
 public function addAction()
     $check = $this->_model->checkCreate();
     $check !== true && $this->_ajaxReturn(false, $check);
     $pk_field = $this->_pk_field;
     $pk_value = $this->_model->{$pk_field};
     $data = $this->_model->getProperty('_data');
     //数据,$model->data 在save()或add()后被重置为array()
     $diff_key = 'module_name,var_name,var_value_zh_cn,var_value_en,sort_order,memo,to_js';
     $msg = L($pk_value ? 'EDIT' : 'ADD');
     $log_msg = $msg . L('LANGUAGE_ITEM,FAILURE');
     $error_msg = $msg . L('FAILURE');
     if (!($module_info = $this->cache($module_id = $this->_model->module_id, 'LanguageModules'))) {
         $log = get_method_line(__METHOD__, __LINE__, LOG_INVALID_PARAM) . $log_msg . ': ' . L("INVALID_PARAM,%:,LANGUAGE_MODULE,%module_id({$module_id}),NOT_EXIST");
         trigger_error($log, E_USER_ERROR);
         $this->_ajaxReturn(false, $error_msg);
     $data['module_name'] = $module_info['module_name'];
     if ($pk_value) {
         if (!($item_info = $this->cache($pk_value))) {
             $log = get_method_line(__METHOD__, __LINE__, LOG_INVALID_PARAM) . $log_msg . ': ' . L("INVALID_PARAM,%:,CONTROLLER_NAME,%{$pk_field}({$pk_value}),NOT_EXIST");
             trigger_error($log, E_USER_ERROR);
             $this->_ajaxReturn(false, $error_msg);
         if ($this->_model->save() === false) {
             $this->_sqlErrorExit($msg . L('CONTROLLER_NAME') . "{$item_info[$this->_name_column]}({$pk_value})" . L('FAILURE'), $error_msg);
         $module_info = $this->cache($item_info['module_id'], 'LanguageModules');
         $item_info['module_name'] = $module_info['module_name'];
         $diff = $this->_dataDiff($item_info, $data, $diff_key);
         $this->_model->addLog($msg . L('CONTROLLER_NAME') . "{$item_info[$this->_name_column]}({$pk_value})." . $diff . L('SUCCESS'));
         C(array('T_MODULE_ID' => array($data['module_id'], $item_info['module_id'])));
         $this->R('LanguageModules/buildAction', array('all'));
         $this->_ajaxReturn(true, $msg . L('SUCCESS'));
     } else {
         $diff = $this->_dataDiff($data, false, $diff_key);
         if ($this->_model->add() === false) {
             $this->_sqlErrorExit($msg . L('CONTROLLER_NAME') . $diff . L('FAILURE'), $error_msg);
         $this->_model->addLog($msg . L('CONTROLLER_NAME') . $diff . L('SUCCESS'));
         C(array('T_MODULE_ID' => array($data['module_id'])));
         $this->R('LanguageModules/buildAction', array('all'));
         $this->_ajaxReturn(true, $msg . L('SUCCESS'));
  * 记录加载css,js时间
  * @author          mrmsl <*****@*****.**>
  * @date            2012-09-06 17:15:16
  * @lastmodify      2013-01-21 16:52:19 by mrmsl
  * @return object this
 public function logLoadTimeAction()
     if (!$this->_admin_info) {
         $log = get_method_line(__METHOD__, __LINE__, LOG_INVALID_PARAM) . L('CONTROLLER_NAME_ADMIN,IS_EMPTY');
         trigger_error($log, E_USER_ERROR);
         return $this;
     $load_css_time = Filter::float('load_css_time');
     $load_ext_time = Filter::float('load_ext_time');
     $load_js_time = Filter::float('load_js_time');
     $app_launch_time = Filter::float('app_launch_time');
     $total_time = $load_css_time + $load_ext_time + $load_js_time + $app_launch_time;
     $app_launch_time = $app_launch_time ? ', app_launch_time => ' . $app_launch_time : '';
     $log = get_method_line(__METHOD__, __LINE__, LOG_LOAD_SCRIPT_TIME) . "total_time => {$total_time}{$app_launch_time}, load_ext_time => {$load_ext_time}, load_css_time => {$load_css_time}, load_js_time => {$load_js_time}";
     trigger_error($log, E_USER_ERROR);
     return $this;
Beispiel #12
 * 检测目录是否存在
 * @author          mrmsl <*****@*****.**>
 * @date            2012-09-06 14:23:23
 * @lastmodify      2013-01-31 14:23:05 by mrmsl
 * @param string $path             路径
 * @param string $name             路径提示名称。默认''
 * @param string $relative_path    相对路径。默认WWWROOT,网站根目录
 * @param bool   $must_end_with    true必须以'/'结尾。默认true
 * @param bool   $allow_start_with true允许以'/'开头。默认false
 * @param bool   $allow_dot        true允许../或./出现。默认false
 * @return mixed true路径存在,否则返回相应提示信息
function validate_dir($path, $name = '', $relative_path = 'WWWROOT', $must_end_with = true, $allow_start_with = false, $allow_dot = false)
    if ('null' == $relative_path) {
        //只是对路径 / 判断
        if (DS == $path) {
            // /,直接返回true
            return true;
        $relative_path = null;
    } else {
        $relative_path = defined($relative_path) ? constant($relative_path) : WWWROOT;
    $name = 0 === strpos($name, '{%') ? L(substr($name, 2, -1)) : $name;
    $path = false === strpos($path, '\\') ? $path : str_replace('\\', DS, $path);
    if ($must_end_with && DS != substr($path, -1)) {
        return $name . sprintf(L('MUST,END_WITH'), DS);
    if (!$allow_start_with && 0 === strpos($path, DS)) {
        return $name . sprintf(L('CAN_NOT,START_WITH'), DS);
    if (!$allow_dot && false !== strpos($path, '.' . DS)) {
        $error = $name . L('CAN_NOT,USE,RELATIVE,PATH');
        $log = get_method_line(__METHOD__, __LINE__, LOG_NORMAL_ERROR) . $error;
        trigger_error($log, E_USER_ERROR);
        return $error;
    return null === $relative_path || is_dir($relative_path . $path) ? true : $name . $path . L('NOT_EXIST');
  * 博客列表
  * @author          mrmsl <*****@*****.**>
  * @date            2013-04-18 11:50:55
  * @return void 无返回值
 public function indexAction()
     $cate_name = Filter::string('name', 'get');
     if ('tag' == Filter::get('flag', 'get')) {
     $cate_arr = $this->cache();
     if (!$cate_arr) {
         $this->_showMessage('no arr', null, 404);
     if ('' === $cate_name) {
         $this->_fetchBlog(array('cate_id' => 0, 'cate_name' => L('CN_WANGWEN'), 'link_url' => BASE_SITE_URL . 'category' . C('HTML_SUFFIX')));
     foreach ($cate_arr as $v) {
         if ($v['en_name'] == $cate_name) {
             $cate_info = $v;
     if (!isset($cate_info)) {
         $log = get_method_line(__METHOD__, __LINE__, LOG_INVALID_PARAM) . $cate_name . ' ' . L('NOT_EXIST');
         $this->_showMessage($cate_name . ' ' . L('NOT_EXIST'), null, 404);
Beispiel #14
  * 添加或保存
  * @author          mrmsl <*****@*****.**>
  * @date            2013-06-06 16:03:15
  * @return void 无返回值
 public function addAction()
     $check = $this->_model->checkCreate();
     $check !== true && $this->_ajaxReturn(false, $check);
     $pk_field = $this->_pk_field;
     $pk_value = $this->_model->{$pk_field};
     $data = $this->_model->getProperty('_data');
     //数据,$model->data 在save()或add()后被重置为array()
     $diff_key = 'template_name,subject,sort_order,memo,content';
     $msg = L($pk_value ? 'EDIT' : 'ADD');
     $log_msg = $msg . L('CONTROLLER_NAME,FAILURE');
     $error_msg = $msg . L('FAILURE');
     if ($pk_value) {
         if (!($info = $this->cache($pk_value))) {
             $log = get_method_line(__METHOD__, __LINE__, LOG_INVALID_PARAM) . $log_msg . ': ' . L("INVALID_PARAM,%:,CONTROLLER_NAME,%{$pk_field}({$pk_value}),NOT_EXIST");
             trigger_error($log, E_USER_ERROR);
             $this->_ajaxReturn(false, $error_msg);
         if (false === $this->_model->save()) {
             $this->_sqlErrorExit($msg . L('CONTROLLER_NAME') . "{$info['template_name']}({$pk_value})" . L('FAILURE'), $error_msg);
         $diff = $this->_dataDiff($info, $data, $diff_key);
         $this->_model->addLog($msg . L('CONTROLLER_NAME') . "{$info['template_name']}({$pk_value})." . $diff . L('SUCCESS'));
         $this->cache(null, null, null)->_ajaxReturn(true, $msg . L('SUCCESS'));
     } else {
         $data = $this->_dataDiff($data, false, $diff_key);
         if ($this->_model->add() === false) {
             $this->_sqlErrorExit($msg . L('CONTROLLER_NAME') . $data . L('FAILURE'), $error_msg);
         $this->_model->addLog($msg . L('CONTROLLER_NAME') . $data . L('SUCCESS'));
         $this->cache(null, null, null)->_ajaxReturn(true, $msg . L('SUCCESS'));
Beispiel #15
  * 检测用户名,包括禁用用户名
  * @author          mrmsl <*****@*****.**>
  * @date            2013-05-23 15:00:32
  * @param string $username 用户名
  * @return mixed true验证否则,如果未输入,返回提示信息,如果禁用,返回禁用信息,否则返回false
 protected function _checkUsername($username)
     if ($username === '') {
         return false;
     if ($disabled_username = $this->_module->getGuestbookCommentsSetting($module = C('T_VERIFYCODE_MODULE'), 'disabled_username')) {
         $separator = false === strpos($disabled_username, PHP_EOL) ? PHP_EOL : PHP_EOL;
         if (in_array(strtolower($username), explode($separator, strtolower($disabled_username)))) {
             $error = L('DISABLED,' . C('T_MODULE') . ',USERNAME') . $username;
             $log = get_method_line(__METHOD__, __LINE__, LOG_INVALID_PARAM) . $module . $error;
             C('T_REDIRECT', true);
             return $error;
     return true;
  * 查看某一条留言评论
  * @author          mrmsl <*****@*****.**>
  * @date            2013-06-01 11:00:03
  * @return void 无返回值
 public function viewAction()
     $comment_id = Filter::int($this->_pk_field, 'get');
     $add_time = Filter::int('add_time', 'get');
     $field = '*,INET_NTOA(user_ip) AS user_ip';
     if (!$comment_id && !$add_time) {
         $log = L('CN_CHAKAN,CONTROLLER_NAME,%.,INVALID_PARAM') . "{$this->_pk_field}({$comment_id}),add_time({$add_time})";
         $msg = L('INVALID_PARAM');
     } elseif (!($comment_info = $this->_model->field($field)->where(array($this->_pk_field => $comment_id, 'add_time' => $add_time))->select())) {
         $log = L('CN_CHAKAN,CONTROLLER_NAME') . ".{$this->_pk_field}({$comment_id}),add_time({$add_time})" . L('NOT_EXIST');
         $msg = L('CONTROLLER_NAME,NOT_EXIST');
     if (!empty($msg)) {
         $log = get_method_line(__METHOD__, __LINE__, LOG_INVALID_PARAM) . $log;
         trigger_error($log, E_USER_ERROR);
         $this->_ajaxReturn(false, $msg);
     $store = array($this->_pk_field => $comment_id, 'add_time' => $add_time, 'content' => '');
     $info = $comment_info[0];
     if (COMMENT_REPLY_TYPE_REPLIED == $info['admin_reply_type']) {
         $reply_content = $this->_model->where('admin_reply_type=' . COMMENT_REPLY_TYPE_ADMIN . ' AND real_parent_id=' . $info[$this->_pk_field])->getField('content');
         $store['content'] = $reply_content;
     if ($parent_id = $info['parent_id']) {
         $node_arr = explode(',', $info['node']);
         $comment_info = $this->_model->field($field)->where("type={$info['type']} AND (node LIKE '{$node_arr[0]},%' OR {$this->_pk_field} = {$node_arr[0]}) AND comment_id<={$comment_id}")->select();
     $this->_ajaxReturn(true, $store, Tree::array2tree($comment_info, $this->_pk_field));
  * 生成语言包
  * @author          mrmsl <*****@*****.**>
  * @data            2013-06-21 16:03:22
  * @return void 无返回值
 public function buildAction()
     if ($t_module_id = C('T_MODULE_ID')) {
         $module_id = $t_module_id;
     } else {
         $module_id = Filter::string($this->_pk_field);
     if (!$module_id && null === $t_module_id) {
         $log = get_method_line(__METHOD__, __LINE__, LOG_INVALID_PARAM) . L('PRIMARY_KEY,DATA,IS_EMPTY');
         trigger_error($log, E_USER_ERROR);
         $this->_ajaxReturn(false, L('BUILD,LANGUAGE_ITEM,CACHE,FAILURE'));
     $module_id = 'all' == $module_id ? $this->_exclude_delete_id : map_int($module_id, true);
     if ($intersect = array_intersect($this->_exclude_delete_id, $module_id)) {
         foreach ($intersect as $v) {
             $module_id = array_merge($module_id, $this->_getChildrenIds($v, false, true));
     $module_id = array_unique($module_id);
     $modules = $this->cache();
     $error = '';
     $log = '';
     foreach ($module_id as $k => $v) {
         if (isset($modules[$v])) {
             $item = $modules[$v];
             $log .= ",{$item['module_name']}({$item[$this->_pk_field]})";
         } else {
             $error .= ',id(' . $v . ')';
     if (!$module_id && null === $t_module_id) {
         $log = get_method_line(__METHOD__, __LINE__, LOG_INVALID_PARAM) . L('PRIMARY_KEY,DATA,IS_EMPTY');
         trigger_error($log, E_USER_ERROR);
         $this->_ajaxReturn(false, L('BUILD,LANGUAGE_ITEM,CACHE,FAILURE'));
     $data = $this->_getBuildData($module_id);
     foreach ($data['php_data'] as $key => $content) {
         F($key, $content, LANG_PATH);
     if ($error) {
         $log = get_method_line(__METHOD__, __LINE__, LOG_INVALID_PARAM) . $error . L('NOT_EXIST');
     if (null === $t_module_id) {
         $this->_model->addLog(L('BUILD,LANGUAGE_ITEM,CACHE') . $log . L('SUCCESS'));
         $this->_ajaxReturn(true, L('BUILD,SUCCESS'));
Beispiel #18
  * 移动所属分类
  * @author          mrmsl <*****@*****.**>
  * @date            2013-03-31 19:27:28
  * @return void 无返回值
 function moveAction()
     $field = 'cate_id';
     $cate_id = Filter::int($field);
     $msg = L('MOVE');
     $log_msg = $msg . L('CONTROLLER_NAME_BLOG,FAILURE');
     $error_msg = $msg . L('FAILURE');
     if ($cate_id) {
         $cate_info = $this->cache($cate_id, 'Category');
         if (!$cate_info) {
             $log = get_method_line(__METHOD__, __LINE__, LOG_INVALID_PARAM) . $log_msg . ': ' . L("INVALID_PARAM,%:,BELONG_TO_CATEGORY,%{$field}({$cate_id}),NOT_EXIST");
             trigger_error($log, E_USER_ERROR);
             $this->_ajaxReturn(false, $error_msg);
         $cate_name = $cate_info['cate_name'];
     } else {
         $log = get_method_line(__METHOD__, __LINE__, LOG_INVALID_PARAM) . $log_msg . ': ' . L("INVALID_PARAM,%: {$field},IS_EMPTY");
         trigger_error($log, E_USER_ERROR);
         $this->_ajaxReturn(false, $error_msg);
     $this->_setField($field, $cate_id, $msg, L('TO') . $cate_name);
Beispiel #19
  * 记录事务回滚
  * @author          mrmsl <*****@*****.**>
  * @date            2013-01-02 14:29:11
  * @lastmodify      2013-01-16 15:36:32 by mrmsl
  * @return void 无返回值
 protected function _writeRollbackSql()
     $log = get_method_line(__METHOD__, __LINE__, LOG_ROLLBACK_SQL) . join(PHP_EOL, $this->_sql_arr);
  * 清除缓存
  * @author          mrmsl <*****@*****.**>
  * @date            2013-05-17 09:01:33
  * @return void 无返回值
 public function clearCacheAction()
     $cate_id = Filter::string($pk_field = $this->_pk_field);
     $cate_id = map_int($cate_id, true);
     $cate_arr = $this->cache();
     if ($cate_id) {
         $error = '';
         $log = '';
         $template = $this->getViewTemplate();
         $name_column = $this->_name_column;
         $cache_path = $template->_cache_path . CONTROLLER_NAME . DS;
         foreach ($cate_id as $v) {
             if (isset($cate_arr[$v])) {
                 foreach (glob($cache_path . "index{$v}-*") as $filename) {
                 $log .= ",{$cate_arr[$v][$name_column]}({$v})";
             } else {
                 $error .= ',' . $v;
         if ($error) {
             $log_error = get_method_line(__METHOD__, __LINE__, LOG_INVALID_PARAM) . L('CONTROLLER_NAME') . $error . L('NOT_EXIST');
         if ($log) {
             $this->_model->addLog(L('CLEAR,CONTROLLER_NAME_CATEGORY,CACHE') . substr($log, 1) . L('SUCCESS'));
             $this->_ajaxReturn(true, L('CLEAR,SUCCESS'));
         } else {
             trigger_error($log, E_USER_ERROR);
     if (empty($error)) {
         trigger_error($log, E_USER_ERROR);
     $this->_ajaxReturn(false, L('CLEAR,FAILURE'));
  * 保存值
  * @author          mrmsl <*****@*****.**>
  * @date            2012-08-29 13:47:39
  * @lastmodify      2013-01-22 10:30:42 by mrmsl
  * @return void 无返回值
 public function publicSaveValueAction()
     $error = L('SAVE,FAILURE');
     $menu_id = Filter::int('_menu_id');
     $menu = $this->cache(0, 'Menu');
     if (!isset($menu[$menu_id])) {
         $log = get_method_line(__METHOD__, __LINE__, LOG_INVALID_PARAM) . L("SAVE,CONTROLLER_NAME_FIELD,VALUE,FAILURE,%:(,MENU,%menu_id={$menu_id}}),NOT_EXIST");
         trigger_error($log, E_USER_ERROR);
         $this->_ajaxReturn(false, $error);
     $menu_info = $menu[$menu_id];
     $controller = $menu_info['controller'];
     $action = $menu_info['action'];
     $this->_checkAdminPriv($controller, $action);
     //权限判断 by mashanlin on 2012-08-30 11:06:25
     $menu = $this->nav($menu_id, 'menu_name', 'Menu');
     $info = L('CONTROLLER_NAME_FIELD,VALUE') . "({$menu})";
     if (empty($_POST)) {
         $log = get_method_line(__METHOD__, __LINE__, LOG_INVALID_PARAM) . L('SAVE') . $info . L('FAILURE,%:,INVALID,DATA');
         trigger_error($log, E_USER_ERROR);
         $this->_ajaxReturn(false, $error);
     /*$field_arr  = $this->_model->alias('f')
       ->join(TB_MENU . ' AS m ON f.menu_id=m.menu_id')
       ->where("m.menu_id={$menu_id} AND f.is_enable=1")
     //走缓存 by mrmsl on 2012-09-05 14:05:14
     $field_arr = array_filter($this->cache(), create_function('$v', 'return $v["menu_id"] == ' . $menu_id . ' && $v["is_enable"];'));
     if (empty($field_arr)) {
         if ($field_arr === false) {
             $this->_sqlErrorExit(L('GET') . $menu . L('CONTROLLER_NAME_FIELD,FAILURE'), $error);
         } else {
             $log = get_method_line(__METHOD__, __LINE__, LOG_INVALID_PARAM) . L('SAVE') . $info . L('FAILURE,%:,CONTROLLER_NAME_FIELD,IS_EMPTY');
             trigger_error($log, E_USER_ERROR);
         $this->_ajaxReturn(false, $error);
     $checked = $this->_model->checkCreate('_validateSaveValue');
     $checked !== true && $this->_ajaxReturn(false, $checked);
     $this->_model->autoOperation($_POST, Model::MODEL_BOTH);
     //自动填充 by mrmsl on 2012-09-07 13:07:57
     $log = '';
     $pk_field = $this->_pk_field;
     foreach ($field_arr as $field_id => $item) {
         $input_name = $item['input_name'];
         if (isset($_POST[$input_name])) {
             $old_value = $item['input_value'];
             $new_value = $_POST[$input_name];
             if ($old_value != $new_value) {
                 $this->_model->save(array($pk_field => $field_id, 'input_value' => $new_value));
                 $log .= ", {$input_name}: {$old_value} => {$new_value}";
     $this->cache(null, null, null);
     //回调 by mrmsl on 2012-09-22 15:34:53
     method_exists($this, $callback = '_saveValueCallback' . ucfirst($controller)) && $this->{$callback}($menu_info);
     $this->_model->addLog(L('SAVE') . $info . L('SUCCESS') . ($log ? $log : ''));
     $this->_ajaxReturn(true, L('SAVE,SUCCESS'));
Beispiel #22
  * 添加或保存
  * @author          mrmsl <*****@*****.**>
  * @lastmodify      2013-01-22 10:59:48 by mrmsl
  * @return void 无返回值
 public function addAction()
     $check = $this->_model->startTrans()->checkCreate();
     $check !== true && $this->_ajaxReturn(false, $check);
     $pk_field = $this->_pk_field;
     $pk_value = $this->_model->{$pk_field};
     $this->_model->_priv_id = map_int($this->_model->_priv_id, true);
     $priv_id = $this->_model->_priv_id;
     $data = $this->_model->getProperty('_data');
     //数据,$model->data 在save()或add()后被重置为array()
     $diff_key = $this->_name_column . ',memo,sort_order';
     $cache_data = $this->cache();
     if ($pk_value) {
         if ($pk_value == ADMIN_ROLE_ID && $this->_admin_info[$pk_field] != ADMIN_ROLE_ID) {
             //不可编辑指定角色。增加当前角色id判断 by mrmsl on 2012-07-05 08:50:27
             $log = get_method_line(__METHOD__, __LINE__, LOG_INVALID_PARAM) . L('TRY,EDIT,CONTROLLER_NAME_ROLE') . "{$pk_field}: {$pk_value}";
             trigger_error($log, E_USER_ERROR);
             $this->_ajaxReturn(false, L('EDIT,FAILURE'));
         if (!isset($cache_data[$pk_value])) {
             $log = get_method_line(__METHOD__, __LINE__, LOG_INVALID_PARAM) . L("EDIT,CONTROLLER_NAME_ROLE,FAILURE,%: ,INVALID_PARAM,%:,CONTROLLER_NAME_ROLE,%{$pk_field}({$pk_value}),NOT_EXIST");
             trigger_error($log, E_USER_ERROR);
             $this->_ajaxReturn(false, L('EDIT,FAILURE'));
         $role_info = $cache_data[$pk_value];
         if ($this->_model->save() === false) {
             $this->_sqlErrorExit(L('EDIT,CONTROLLER_NAME_ROLE') . "{$role_info[$this->_name_column]}({$pk_value})" . L('FAILURE'), L('EDIT,FAILURE'));
         $diff_priv = $this->diffRolePriv(array_keys($role_info['priv']), $priv_id);
         $diff = $this->_dataDiff($role_info, $data, $diff_key) . ($diff_priv['msg'] ? 'priv => ' . $diff_priv['msg'] : '');
         $diff_priv['msg'] && $this->_model->setRolePriv($pk_value, $priv_id);
         $this->_model->addLog(L('EDIT,CONTROLLER_NAME_ROLE') . "{$role_info[$this->_name_column]}({$pk_value})." . $diff . L('SUCCESS'));
         $this->cache(null, null, null)->_ajaxReturn(true, L('EDIT,SUCCESS'));
     } else {
         $priv = $this->_getRolePriv($priv_id);
         $insert_data = "{$this->_name_column} => {$data[$this->_name_column]}, sort_order => " . (isset($data['sort_order']) ? $data['sort_order'] : -1) . " memo => {$data['memo']}" . ($priv['msg'] ? 'priv => ' . $priv['msg'] : '');
         if (($insert_id = $this->_model->add()) === false) {
             $this->_sqlErrorExit(L('ADD,CONTROLLER_NAME_ROLE') . $insert_data . L('FAILURE'), L('ADD,FAILURE'));
         $priv_id && $this->_model->setRolePriv($insert_id, $priv_id);
         $this->_model->addLog(L('ADD,CONTROLLER_NAME_ROLE') . $insert_data . L('SUCCESS'));
         $this->cache(null, null, null)->_ajaxReturn(true, L('ADD,SUCCESS'));
Beispiel #23
  * 自动填充处理
  * @author          liu21st <*****@*****.**>
  * @lastmodify      2013-01-21 14:50:11 by mrmsl
  * @param array $data 整个表单数据
  * @param int   $type 类型
  * @return array $data 处理后数据
 public function autoOperation(&$data, $type)
     if ($this->_auto) {
         foreach ($this->_auto as $auto) {
             //填充因子定义格式 array('field','填充内容','填充条件','附加规则',[额外参数]) thinkphp
             //填充因子定义格式 array('field','填充内容','附加规则','填充条件',[额外参数]) yablog by mrmsl on 2013-09-27 11:18:15
             $auto[3] = empty($auto[3]) ? self::MODEL_INSERT : $auto[3];
             if ($type == $auto[3] || self::MODEL_BOTH == $auto[3]) {
                 switch ($auto[2]) {
                     case 'function':
                         //使用函数进行填充 字段的值作为参数
                     //使用函数进行填充 字段的值作为参数
                     case 'callback':
                         $args = array();
                         if (isset($auto[4])) {
                             $args = is_array($auto[4]) ? $auto[4] : explode('|', $auto[4]);
                             $index = array_search('data', $args, true);
                             if (false !== $index) {
                                 $args[$index] = __GET ? $_GET : $_POST;
                         isset($data[$auto[0]]) && array_unshift($args, $data[$auto[0]]);
                         if ('function' == $auto[2]) {
                             //是否为允许的回调函数 by mrmsl on 2012-09-07 14:47:27
                             if (false === strpos(ALLOW_AUTO_OPERATION_FUNCTION, ',' . $auto[1] . ',')) {
                                 $log = get_method_line(__METHOD__, __LINE__, LOG_NORMAL_ERROR);
                                 $log .= L('TRY,USE,AUTO_OPERATION,FUNCTION') . ': ' . $auto[1];
                                 trigger_error($log, E_USER_ERROR);
                             } else {
                                 $data[$auto[0]] = call_user_func_array($auto[1], $args);
                         } else {
                             $data[$auto[0]] = call_user_func_array(array(&$this, $auto[1]), $args);
                     case 'field':
                         $data[$auto[0]] = $data[$auto[1]];
                     case 'string':
                         $data[$auto[0]] = $auto[1];
                 if (false === $data[$auto[0]]) {
         //end switch
     //end if
     return $data;
Beispiel #24
  * 根据两字段组合值获取数据,如id及add_time匹配才能获取到数据,而不仅仅根据id
  * @author          mrmsl <*****@*****.**>
  * @date            2013-06-14 16:22:53
  * @param string|array $field_arr   组合字段,通常为array('id','add_time')
  * @param string $data 组合信息,默认null=$_POST['data'],格式:id1|add_time1,id2|add_time2,...
  * @param string $field 选取字段,默认*
  * @param string $table ,默认null
  * @return array 数据
 protected function _getPairsData($field_arr, $data = null, $field = '*', $pk_field = null, $table = null)
     $data = null === $data ? Filter::string('data') : $data;
     $return_arr = array();
     if (!$data) {
         return $return_arr;
     $data = explode(',', $data);
     foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
         $v_arr = explode('|', $v);
         if (isset($v_arr[0], $v_arr[1]) && ($column_1 = intval($v_arr[0])) && ($column_2 = intval($v_arr[1]))) {
             $return_arr[$column_1] = $column_2;
     if (!$return_arr) {
         $error = get_method_line(__METHOD__, __LINE__, LOG_INVALID_PARAM) . L('INVALID_PARAM') . var_export($data, true);
         trigger_error($error, E_USER_ERROR);
         return $return_arr;
     $column_1_arr = array_keys($return_arr);
     $column_2_arr = array_values($return_arr);
     $pk_field = $pk_field ? $pk_field : $this->_pk_field;
     $field_arr = is_array($field_arr) ? $field_arr : explode(',', $field_arr);
     $table && $this->_model->table($table);
     $data = $this->_model->where(array($field_arr[0] => array('IN', $column_1_arr), $field_arr[1] => array('IN', $column_2_arr)))->field($field)->index($pk_field)->select();
     $un_match = count($data) == count($return_arr) ? '' : 'data count not match.';
     foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
         if ($return_arr[$k] != $v[$field_arr[1]]) {
             $un_match .= ",{$k}({$return_arr[$k]}) => {$k}({$v[$field_arr[1]]})[correct]";
     if ($un_match) {
         $error = get_method_line(__METHOD__, __LINE__, LOG_NORMAL_ERROR) . L('PAIRS_DATA_UN_MATCH') . $un_match;
         trigger_error($error, E_USER_ERROR);
     return $data;
  * 移动所属角色
  * @author          mrmsl <*****@*****.**>
  * @date            2012-12-28 10:55:23
  * @lastmodify      2013-01-21 15:47:04 by mrmsl
  * @return void 无返回值
 function moveAction()
     $field = 'role_id';
     $role_id = Filter::int($field);
     $msg = L('MOVE');
     $log_msg = $msg . L('CONTROLLER_NAME_ADMIN,FAILURE');
     $error_msg = $msg . L('FAILURE');
     if ($role_id) {
         $role_info = $this->cache($role_id, 'Role');
         if (!$role_info) {
             $log = get_method_line(__METHOD__, __LINE__, LOG_INVALID_PARAM) . $log_msg . ': ' . L("INVALID_PARAM,%:,ROLE,%{$field}({$role_id}),NOT_EXIST");
             trigger_error($log, E_USER_ERROR);
             $this->_ajaxReturn(false, $error_msg);
         $role_name = $role_info['role_name'];
     } else {
         $log = get_method_line(__METHOD__, __LINE__, LOG_INVALID_PARAM) . $log_msg . ': ' . L("INVALID_PARAM,%: {$field},IS_EMPTY");
         trigger_error($log, E_USER_ERROR);
         $this->_ajaxReturn(false, $error_msg);
     $this->_setField($field, $role_id, $msg, L('TO') . $role_name);
Beispiel #26
  * 生成
  * @author          mrmsl <*****@*****.**>
  * @date            2013-05-14 11:30:05
  * @return void 无返回值
 public function buildAction()
     $html_id = map_int(Filter::string($this->_pk_field), true);
     if (!$html_id) {
         $log = get_method_line(__METHOD__, __LINE__, LOG_INVALID_PARAM) . L('PRIMARY_KEY,DATA,IS_EMPTY');
         trigger_error($log, E_USER_ERROR);
         $this->_ajaxReturn(false, L('BUILD,STATIC_PAGE,FAILURE'));
     $caches = $this->cache();
     $error = '';
     $log = '';
     foreach ($html_id as $k => $v) {
         if (isset($caches[$v])) {
             $item = $caches[$v];
             $error .= $this->_build($item);
             $log .= ",{$item['tpl_name']}({$item[$this->_pk_field]})";
         } else {
             $error .= ',id(' . $v . ')';
     $html_id && C('T_HTML_ID', $html_id);
     $log && C('T_LOG', $log);
     if ($error) {
         $log = get_method_line(__METHOD__, __LINE__, LOG_INVALID_PARAM) . $error . L('NOT_EXIST');
  * 添加或保存
  * @author          mrmsl <*****@*****.**>
  * @date            2012-12-26 15:57:19
  * @lastmodify      2013-01-21 15:45:31 by mrmsl
  * @return void 无返回值
 public function addAction()
     $check = $this->_model->checkCreate();
     $check !== true && $this->_ajaxReturn(false, $check);
     $pk_field = $this->_pk_field;
     $pk_value = $this->_model->{$pk_field};
     $data = $this->_model->getProperty('_data');
     //数据,$model->data 在save()或add()后被重置为array()
     $diff_key = 'content';
     $msg = L($pk_value ? 'EDIT' : 'ADD');
     $log_msg = $msg . L('CONTROLLER_NAME_MINIBLOG,FAILURE');
     $error_msg = $msg . L('FAILURE');
     if ($pk_value) {
         if (!($blog_info = $this->_model->find($pk_value))) {
             $log = get_method_line(__METHOD__, __LINE__, LOG_INVALID_PARAM) . $log_msg . ': ' . L("INVALID_PARAM,%:,CONTROLLER_NAME_MINIBLOG,%{$pk_field}({$pk_value}),NOT_EXIST");
             trigger_error($log, E_USER_ERROR);
             $this->_ajaxReturn(false, $error_msg);
         if (false === $this->_model->save()) {
             $this->_sqlErrorExit($msg . L('CONTROLLER_NAME_MINIBLOG') . "{$blog['title']}({$pk_value})" . L('FAILURE'), $error_msg);
         $diff = $this->_dataDiff($blog_info, $data, $diff_key);
         C('HTML_BUILD_INFO', array(array('link_url' => $blog_info['link_url'])));
         $this->_model->addLog($msg . L('CONTROLLER_NAME_MINIBLOG') . "{$blog_info['content']}({$pk_value})." . $diff . L('SUCCESS'));
         $this->_ajaxReturn(true, $msg . L('SUCCESS'));
     } else {
         $data = $this->_dataDiff($data, false, $diff_key);
         if (false === ($insert_id = $this->_model->add())) {
             $this->_sqlErrorExit($msg . L('CONTROLLER_NAME_MINIBLOG') . $data . L('FAILURE'), $error_msg);
         $this->_model->addLog($msg . L('CONTROLLER_NAME_MINIBLOG') . $data . L('SUCCESS'));
         $this->_ajaxReturn(true, $msg . L('SUCCESS'));