Beispiel #1
 * Author: Salikh Gurgenidze
 * Nickname: Vati Child
 * E-mail:
 * Copyright: VC cms
function get_registry()
    global $registry, $DB, $settings;
    $check = 0;
    if ($DB->show_err) {
        $DB->show_err = false;
        $check = 1;
    $sql = "SHOW TABLES FROM `{$settings['dbName']}` LIKE '#__setting'";
    $inst = $DB->getAll($sql);
    if (count($inst) == 0) {
        header("Location: /apanel/install.php");
    $sql = "SELECT `#__setting`.* FROM `#__setting` WHERE `#__setting`.`group` < '99'";
    $tmp_registry = getAllcache($sql, 120, 'registry');
    foreach ($tmp_registry as $tmp) {
        if ($tmp['name'] == 'count') {
            $registry[$tmp['name']] = unserialize($tmp['value']);
        $registry[$tmp['name']] = $tmp['value'];
    if ($check == 1) {
        $DB->show_err = true;
    if ($_GET['event'] == 'getlicense') {
Beispiel #2
$abspath_2 = "Z:/home/localhost/www/";
if (strstr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], 'Z:/home')) {
    $abspath = $abspath_2;
} else {
    if (strstr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], 'cb/')) {
        $abspath = $abspath_1;
//echo "<br>";
//echo $abspath;
require $abspath . 'wp-blog-header.php';
if (isset($_GET['l']) && is_numeric($_GET['l'])) {
    $license_num = $_GET['l'];
if (isset($_GET['item']) && is_numeric($_GET['item'])) {
    get_license($_GET['item'], $license_num);
function get_license($sequence_of_image, $license_num)
    // load unique license data
    $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
    $agreement_number = uniqid();
    $agreement_date = date("m.d.y");
    $customer_name = $current_user->last_name . " " . $current_user->first_name;
    if (isset($current_user->user_description) && $current_user->user_description != '') {
        $media_name = "«" . $current_user->user_description . "»";
    } else {
        $media_name = '[не указано]';
function cart_product_list_string($licensecolumn)
    // the function is for displaying the list of products
    // if $licensecolumn is False we don't diplay extra columns
    global $wpdb, $result_no_license_text;
    $siteurl = get_option('siteurl');
    $current_item = 0;
    $total = 0;
    $cart = isset($_SESSION['nzshpcrt_cart']) ? $_SESSION['nzshpcrt_cart'] : "";
    $result = '<table class=\'productcart\'>';
    $result_no_license_text = '<table class=\'productcart\'>';
    if (isset($cart) && $cart != '') {
        foreach ($cart as $key => $cart_item) {
            $current_item = $current_item + 1;
            $product_id = $cart_item->product_id;
            $quantity = $cart_item->quantity;
            $number =& $quantity;
            $product_variations = $cart_item->product_variations;
            $variation_count = count($product_variations);
            if ($variation_count >= 1) {
                $variation_list = "&nbsp;(";
                $i = 0;
                foreach ($product_variations as $value_id) {
                    if ($i > 0) {
                        $variation_list .= ",&nbsp;";
                    $value_data = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `" . $wpdb->prefix . "variation_values` WHERE `id`='" . $value_id . "' LIMIT 1", ARRAY_A);
                    $variation_list .= str_replace(" ", "&nbsp;", stripslashes($value_data[0]['name']));
                $variation_list .= ")";
            } else {
                $variation_list = '';
            $sql = "SELECT `wp_product_list`.*, `wp_product_files`.`width`, `wp_product_files`.`height`, `wp_product_brands`.`name` as brand, `wp_product_categories`.`name` as kategoria FROM `wp_product_list`, `wp_product_files`, `wp_product_brands`, `wp_product_categories` WHERE'{$product_id}' AND `wp_product_list`.`active`='1' AND `wp_product_list`.`visible`='1' AND `wp_product_list`.`file` = `wp_product_files`.`id` AND `wp_product_brands`.`id` = `wp_product_list`.`brand` AND `wp_product_list`.`category` = `wp_product_categories`.`id`  ORDER BY `wp_product_list`.`id` DESC LIMIT 1";
            $product_list = $wpdb->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A);
            if (!$licensecolumn) {
                // download link start
                $link = "";
                $previous_download_ids = array(0);
                $sessionid = $_GET['sessionid'];
                $selectsql = "SELECT * FROM `wp_purchase_logs` WHERE `sessionid`= " . $sessionid . " LIMIT 1";
                $check = $wpdb->get_results($selectsql, ARRAY_A);
                if (isset($product_list[0]['file']) && isset($check[0]['id']) && $product_list[0]['file'] > 0) {
                    $wpdb->query("UPDATE `wp_download_status` SET `active`='1' WHERE `fileid`='" . $product_list[0]['file'] . "' AND `purchid` = '" . $check[0]['id'] . "' LIMIT 1");
                    $download_data = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `wp_download_status` WHERE `fileid`='" . $product_list[0]['file'] . "' AND `purchid`='" . $check[0]['id'] . "' AND `id` NOT IN (" . make_csv($previous_download_ids) . ") LIMIT 1", ARRAY_A);
                    $download_data = $download_data[0];
                     * for security reason add to url for hires images sid - last 6 simbols of idhash
                    $sql = "SELECT `idhash` FROM `wp_product_files` WHERE `id`=" . $product_list[0]['file'] . " LIMIT 1";
                    $idhash_data = $wpdb->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A);
                    if ($idhash_data != null) {
                        $idhash = "&sid=" . substr($idhash_data[0]['idhash'], -6);
                    $site_tmp = includeTrailingCharacter($siteurl, "/");
                    $link = $site_tmp . "?downloadid=" . $download_data['id'] . $idhash;
                    $previous_download_ids[] = $download_data['id'];
                /// download link stop
            $result .= "<tr>";
            $result .= "  <td style='width:144px;'>";
            $result_no_license_text .= "<tr>";
            $result_no_license_text .= "  <td style='width:144px;'>";
            $basepath = get_option('siteurl');
            $imagedir = $basepath . "/wp-content/plugins/wp-shopping-cart/images/";
            $previewdir = $basepath . "/wp-content/plugins/wp-shopping-cart/product_images/";
            $result .= "<a href='" . $previewdir . $product_list[0]['image'] . "'><img border='0' src='" . $imagedir . $product_list[0]['image'] . "'></a>";
            $result .= "  </td>";
            $result .= "  <td>";
            $result_no_license_text .= "<a href='" . $previewdir . $product_list[0]['image'] . "'><img border='0' src='" . $imagedir . $product_list[0]['image'] . "'></a>";
            $result_no_license_text .= "  </td>";
            $result_no_license_text .= "  <td>";
            $_size = $product_list[0]['width'] . "px X " . $product_list[0]['height'] . "px;";
            $_bigpictext = "<b>Номер:</b> " . $product_list[0]['id'];
            $_bigpictext .= "<br /><b>Автор:</b> " . $product_list[0]['brand'];
            $_bigpictext .= "<br /><b>Название: </b> " . nl2br(stripslashes($product_list[0]['name']));
            $_bigpictext .= "<br /><b>Категория: </b> " . $product_list[0]['kategoria'];
            $_bigpictext .= "<br /><b>Описание: </b> " . nl2br(stripslashes($product_list[0]['description']));
            $_bigpictext .= "<br /><b>Тэги: </b>" . nl2br(stripslashes($product_list[0]['additional_description']));
            $_bigpictext .= "<br /><b>Размер:</b> " . $_size;
            $_bigpictext .= "<br /><b>Цена (без скидки):</b> " . $_SESSION['nzshpcrt_cart'][$key]->price . " руб.";
            $_bigpictext .= "<br /><b>Лицензия:</b> " . license_name($_SESSION['nzshpcrt_cart'][$key]->license);
            $_SESSION['nzshpcrt_cart'][$key]->author = $product_list[0]['brand'];
            $result .= "<div style='font-size: 8pt !important;'>" . $_bigpictext . "</div>";
            $result .= "  </td>";
            $result_no_license_text .= "<div style='font-size: 8pt !important;'>" . $_bigpictext . "</div>";
            $result_no_license_text .= "  </td>";
            if ($licensecolumn) {
                $result .= "  <td width='240'>";
                $result .= "<form name='licenses' id='licenses' onsubmit='submitform(this);return false;' action='" . $siteurl . "/?page_id=29' method='POST'>";
                $result_no_license_text .= "  <td width='240'>";
                $result_no_license_text .= "<form name='licenses' id='licenses' onsubmit='submitform(this);return false;' action='" . $siteurl . "/?page_id=29' method='POST'>";
                $ch1 = ischecked('l1_price', $product_list[0]['id']);
                $result .= "<input name='license' value='l1_price' type='radio' {$ch1} />";
                $result .= round($product_list[0]['l1_price']) . "&nbsp;руб. ";
                $result .= "<a title='ваша лицензия' href='#' onclick=\"'" . $siteurl . "/wp-content/plugins/wp-shopping-cart/license.php?l=1&item=" . $current_item . "','текст ограниченной лицензии','height=480,width=640,scrollbars=yes');\">ограниченная</a> <br />";
                $result_no_license_text .= "<input name='license' value='l1_price' type='radio' {$ch1} />";
                $result_no_license_text .= round($product_list[0]['l1_price']) . "&nbsp;руб. ";
                $result_no_license_text .= "<a title='ваша лицензия' href='#' onclick=\"'" . $siteurl . "/wp-content/plugins/wp-shopping-cart/license.php?l=1&item=" . $current_item . "','текст ограниченной лицензии','height=480,width=640,scrollbars=yes');\">ограниченная</a> <br />";
                $ch2 = ischecked('l2_price', $product_list[0]['id']);
                $result .= "<input name='license' value='l2_price' type='radio' {$ch2} />";
                $result .= round($product_list[0]['l2_price']) . "&nbsp;руб. <a title='ваша лицензия' href='#' onclick=\"'" . $siteurl . "/wp-content/plugins/wp-shopping-cart/license.php?l=2&item=" . $current_item . "','текст стандартной лицензии','height=480,width=640,scrollbars=yes');\">стандартная</a><br />";
                $result_no_license_text .= "<input name='license' value='l2_price' type='radio' {$ch2} />";
                $result_no_license_text .= round($product_list[0]['l2_price']) . "&nbsp;руб. <a title='ваша лицензия' href='#' onclick=\"'" . $siteurl . "/wp-content/plugins/wp-shopping-cart/license.php?l=2&item=" . $current_item . "','текст стандартной лицензии','height=480,width=640,scrollbars=yes');\">стандартная</a><br />";
                $ch3 = ischecked('l3_price', $product_list[0]['id']);
                $result .= "<input name='license' value='l3_price' type='radio'  {$ch3} />";
                $result .= round($product_list[0]['l3_price']) . "&nbsp;руб. <a title='ваша лицензия' href='#' onclick=\"'" . $siteurl . "/wp-content/plugins/wp-shopping-cart/license.php?l=3&item=" . $current_item . "','текст расширенной лицензии','height=480,width=640,scrollbars=yes');\">расширенная</a>";
                $result .= "<input value='" . $product_list[0]['id'] . "' name='prodid' type='hidden'> <br /><br />";
                $result .= "<input id='searchsubmit' value='Сменить лицензию' type='submit'> </form>";
                $result .= " </td>";
                $result_no_license_text .= "<input name='license' value='l3_price' type='radio'  {$ch3} />";
                $result_no_license_text .= round($product_list[0]['l3_price']) . "&nbsp;руб. <a title='ваша лицензия' href='#' onclick=\"'" . $siteurl . "/wp-content/plugins/wp-shopping-cart/license.php?l=3&item=" . $current_item . "','текст расширенной лицензии','height=480,width=640,scrollbars=yes');\">расширенная</a>";
                $result_no_license_text .= "<input value='" . $product_list[0]['id'] . "' name='prodid' type='hidden'> <br /><br />";
                $result_no_license_text .= "<input id='searchsubmit' value='Сменить лицензию' type='submit'> </form>";
                $result_no_license_text .= " </td>";
            if (isset($product_list[0]['price'])) {
                $total += $number * $product_list[0]['price'];
            if ($licensecolumn) {
                // License select
                $result .= "  <td width='70'>";
                $result .= "<a href='" . get_option('shopping_cart_url') . "&remove=" . $key . "'>Убрать из заказа</a>";
                $result .= "  </td>";
            } else {
                // Download link
                $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
                $result .= "  <td width='140'>";
                $result_no_license_text .= "  <td width='140'>";
                if (isset($current_user) && $current_user->ID == '106') {
                    $result .= "<a href='" . get_option('siteurl') . "/demo/demo.jpg'  style='background-color:#33ff99;padding:7px;border:1px #a3a598 solid;text-decoration:none;margin-top:16px;'>Скачать demo</a>";
                    $result_no_license_text .= "<a href='" . get_option('siteurl') . "/demo/demo.jpg'  style='background-color:#33ff99;padding:7px;border:1px #a3a598 solid;text-decoration:none;margin-top:16px;'>Скачать demo</a>";
                } else {
                    $result .= "<a href='{$link}'  style='background-color:#33ff99;padding:7px;border:1px #a3a598 solid;text-decoration:none;margin-top:16px;'>Скачать</a>";
                    $result_no_license_text .= "<a href='{$link}'  style='background-color:#33ff99;padding:7px;border:1px #a3a598 solid;text-decoration:none;margin-top:16px;'>Скачать</a>";
                $result .= "  </td>";
                $result_no_license_text .= "  </td>";
            $result .= "</tr>";
            $result_no_license_text .= "</tr>";
            // License text
            if (!$licensecolumn) {
                if ($_SESSION['nzshpcrt_cart'][$current_item]->price == '250.00') {
                    $lic_type = 1;
                } elseif ($_SESSION['nzshpcrt_cart'][$current_item]->price == '500.00') {
                    $lic_type = 2;
                } elseif ($_SESSION['nzshpcrt_cart'][$current_item]->price == '2500.00') {
                    $lic_type = 3;
                } else {
                    $lic_type = 1;
                $license_text = get_license($current_item, $lic_type);
                $result .= "<tr>";
                $result .= "<td colspan=3> <a id='displayText" . $current_item . "' href='javascript:toggle(" . $current_item . ");'>[+] показать текст лицензии</a><div id='toggleText" . $current_item . "' style='display:none;background-color:#FFFFCC;padding:8px;'><br />";
                $result .= $license_text;
                $result .= "</div></td>";
                $result .= "</tr>";
        // end of: foreach($cart as $key => $cart_item)
    } else {
        return '';
    $result .= '</table>';
    $result_no_license_text .= '</table>';
    $result .= "<script language='javascript'> ";
    $result .= "function toggle(item) {";
    $result .= "var ele = document.getElementById('toggleText'+item);";
    $result .= "var text = document.getElementById('displayText'+item);";
    $result .= "if( == 'block') {";
    $result .= "\t\ = 'none';";
    $result .= "\ttext.innerHTML = '[+] показать текст лицензии<br />';";
    $result .= "}";
    $result .= "else {";
    $result .= "\ = 'block';";
    $result .= "\ttext.innerHTML = '[-] скрыть текст лицензии<br />';";
    $result .= "}";
    $result .= "} ";
    $result .= "</script>";
    //$result .= ("<pre>SESSION:".print_r($_SESSION,true)."</pre>");
    return $result;
if ($show_html) {
    echo "<html><body>";
$keywords = explode(",", $test_keywords);
if (!count($keywords)) {
    die("Error: no keywords defined.{$NL}");
if (!rmkdir($working_dir)) {
    die("Failed to create/open {$working_dir}{$NL}");
$country_data = get_google_cc($test_country, $test_language);
if (!$country_data) {
    die("Invalid country/language code specified.{$NL}");
$ready = get_license();
if (!$ready) {
    die("The specified license ({$uid}) is not active. {$NL}");
if ($LICENSE['protocol'] != "http") {
    die("The proxy protocol of license {$uid} is not set to HTTP, please change the protocol to HTTP. {$NL}");
echo "{$NL}{$B} Google rank checker for {$test_website_url} initated {$B_} {$NL}{$NL}";
 * This loop iterates through all keyword combinations
$ch = NULL;
$rotate_ip = 0;
// variable that triggers an IP rotation (normally only during keyword changes)
$max_errors_total = 3;
// abort script if there are 3 keywords that can not be scraped (something is going wrong and needs to be checked)
 function compile($tpl_file = "", $username_i = true)
     $CI =& get_instance();
     $title = config("office_name", "rf_settings") . " - ";
     if (isset($CI->data['title'])) {
         $title .= $CI->data['title'];
     if (isset($CI->data['menu'])) {
         $CI->data['menu'] .= create_menu();
     } else {
         $CI->data['menu'] = create_menu();
     $expire = $CI->data['licexpire'] == "0" ? lang("offunlimlic") : timespan(time(), time() + $CI->data['licexpire']);
     $license = br(1) . lang("off_license") . $CI->data['licname'] . lang("off_expire") . $expire;
     $CI->data['title'] = $title;
     $CI->data['site'] = base_url();
     $CI->data['tpl'] = base_url() . APPPATH . "views/" . $CI->config->item("theme");
     $CI->data['lang'] = anchor("/main_index/lang/english", icon("english.png", "Select English lang")) . anchor("/main_index/lang/russian", icon("russia.png", "Select Russian lang"));
     $CI->data['username'] = construct_login($username_i);
     $CI->data['copyright'] = icon("F.logo25.png") . anchor("", "Freelance Developer Center 2007-" . date("Y")) . $license . '<br>';
     if ($tpl_file == "") {
         $tpl_file = $CI->config->item("theme") . "/main";
     if (strpos($CI->load->view($tpl_file, "", true), "{copyright}") == 0) {
         exit("Ќужно указать тег копирайтов в шаблоне!");
     $CI->parser->parse($tpl_file, $CI->data);
     echo "<!-- RF CI CORE Copyright (c) 2008-2009, FDCore Studio. All rights reserved. -->\r\n";