Beispiel #1

// $Id: help.php 2712 2013-03-07 16:29:04Z cimorrison $
require "";
require_once "";
// Check the user is authorised for this page
print_header($day, $month, $year, $area, isset($room) ? $room : "");
echo "<h3>" . get_vocab("about_mrbs") . "</h3>\n";
echo "<table id=\"version_info\">\n";
echo "<tr><td><a href=\"\">" . get_vocab("mrbs") . "</a>:</td><td>" . get_mrbs_version() . "</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td>" . get_vocab("database") . ":</td><td>" . sql_version() . "</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td>" . get_vocab("system") . ":</td><td>" . php_uname() . "</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td>" . get_vocab("servertime") . ":</td><td>" . utf8_strftime($strftime_format['datetime'], time()) . "</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td>PHP:</td><td>" . phpversion() . "</td></tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
echo "<p>\n" . get_vocab("browserlang") . ":\n";
echo htmlspecialchars(implode(", ", array_keys(get_language_qualifiers())));
echo "\n</p>\n";
echo "<h3>" . get_vocab("help") . "</h3>\n";
echo "<p>\n";
echo get_vocab("please_contact") . '<a href="mailto:' . htmlspecialchars($mrbs_admin_email) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($mrbs_admin) . "</a> " . get_vocab("for_any_questions") . "\n";
echo "</p>\n";
require_once "site_faq/site_faq" . $faqfilelang . ".html";
Beispiel #2
//   taking for each locale
//     - the language part only (in case the xx-YY localisation does not exist)
//     - the full locale
// - then, if automatic language changing is disabled,
//      - the MRBS default language setting again
//      - the language part of the override_locale
//      - the full override_locale
// This algorithm is designed to ensure that datepicker is set to the closest
// available locale to that specified in the config file.   If automatic language
// changing is disabled, we fall back to a browser specified locale if the locale
// in the config file is not available in datepicker.
$default_lang = locale_format($default_language_tokens, '-');
// Note that we use [''] rather than dot notation for the regional settings because
// settings such as 'en-US' would break dot notation.
echo "\$.datepicker.setDefaults(\$.datepicker.regional['{$default_lang}']);\n";
$datepicker_langs = get_language_qualifiers();
$datepicker_langs = alias_qualifiers($datepicker_langs);
asort($datepicker_langs, SORT_NUMERIC);
foreach ($datepicker_langs as $lang => $qual) {
    // Get the locale in the format that datepicker likes: language lower case
    // and country upper case (xx-XX)
    $datepicker_locale = locale_format($lang, '-');
    // First we'll try and get the correct language and then we'll try and
    // overwrite that with the correct country variant
    if (strlen($datepicker_locale) > 2) {
        $datepicker_lang = substr($datepicker_locale, 0, 2);
        echo "\$.datepicker.setDefaults(\$.datepicker.regional['{$datepicker_lang}']);\n";
    echo "\$.datepicker.setDefaults(\$.datepicker.regional['{$datepicker_locale}']);\n";
if ($disable_automatic_language_changing) {