Beispiel #1
function system_adminmembers_move()
    global $dbTablePre, $_MooClass;
    $kefu_list = get_kefulist();
    $is_post = MooGetGPC('ispost', 'integer', 'G');
    $fromuser = MooGetGPC('fromuser', 'integer', 'G');
    if ($is_post && $fromuser) {
        $grade = MooGetGPC('grade', 'integer', 'G');
        $getuser = MooGetGPC('getuser', 'integer', 'G');
        $move_num = MooGetGPC('move_num', 'integer', 'G');
        if ($move_num) {
            $limit = "limit {$move_num}";
        if ($grade) {
            $sql = "update {$dbTablePre}members_search m left join {$dbTablePre}member_admininfo a on m.uid=a.uid set m.sid={$getuser}  where m.sid={$fromuser} and a.effect_grade={$grade} {$limit}";
            $sql2 = "select m.uid as uid from {$dbTablePre}members_search m left join {$dbTablePre}member_admininfo a on m.uid=a.uid where m.sid={$fromuser} and a.effect_grade={$grade} {$limit}";
        } else {
            $sql = "update {$dbTablePre}members_search  set sid={$getuser}  where sid={$fromuser} {$limit}";
            $sql2 = "select uid from {$dbTablePre}members_search where sid={$fromuser} {$limit}";
        $rs = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getAll($sql2);
        if (isset($rs) && $rs) {
            foreach ($rs as $k => $v) {
                $str_arr[$v] = array($getuser);
            searchApi('members_man members_women')->updateAttr(array('sid'), $str_arr);
        $num = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->affectedRows();
        if ($num) {
            $sql = "update {$dbTablePre}admin_user set member_count=member_count-'{$num}' where uid={$fromuser}";
            $sql = "update {$dbTablePre}admin_user set member_count=member_count+'{$num}' where uid={$getuser}";
            serverlog(4, $GLOBALS['dbTablePre'] . "members_search", "{$GLOBALS['username']}将{$fromuser}号客服的{$num}个会员转出", $GLOBALS['adminid'], $uid);
        salert("成功转移" . $num . "名会员", "index.php?action=system_adminmembers&h=move");
    require_once adminTemplate('system_adminmembers_move');
Beispiel #2
function system_adminlog_list()
    $page_per = 15;
    $page = max(1, MooGetGPC('page', 'integer', 'G'));
    $limit = 15;
    $offset = ($page - 1) * $limit;
    /*//note 得出总数
      $sql = "SELECT count(*) as count FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}server_log";
      $query = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql);
      $total = $query['count'];
      //note 翻页地址
      $sql = "SELECT a.*,b.username FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}server_log as a LEFT JOIN {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}admin_user as b ON a.sid=b.uid ORDER BY a.slid DESC LIMIT {$offset},{$limit}";
      $adminlogin_list = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getAll($sql);*/
    $uid = MooGETGPC('uid', 'string', 'G');
    $sid = MooGetGPC('sid2', 'string', 'G');
    $currenturl = "index.php?action=system_adminlog&h=list&uid={$uid}&sid2={$sid}";
    $user_list = get_kefulist();
    $page_links = multipage($total, $page_per, $page, $currenturl);
    require_once adminTemplate('adminlog_list');
Beispiel #3
function allmember_class()
    global $allow_order, $rsort, $grade;
    $get = MooGetGPC('clear', 'integer', 'G');
    $total = 0;
    $page_links = '';
    $sort_arr = $member_list = array();
    $currenturl = "index.php?action=allmember&h=class";
    $currenturl1 = "index.php?action=allmember&h=class&clear=1";
    //$condition = array();
    //$condition['uid']=$condition['username']=$condition['nickname']=$condition['telphone']=$condition['sid'] = '';
    $sql_where = 'where 1';
    /* $effect_grade=MooGetGPC('effect_grade','integer','G');
    	$startTime=MooGetGPC('start','string','G'); */
    $where = get_search_condition('');
    //if(!empty($keyword)) $where = $where." AND m.sid = $keyword";
    $query_builder = get_query_builder($where, $allow_order, '', '', 'regdate', 'desc', $rsort);
    $where = $sql_where . $query_builder['where'];
    $sql_sort = $query_builder['sort'];
    $sort_arr = $query_builder['sort_arr'];
    $rsort_arr = $query_builder['rsort_arr'];
    $kefu_list = get_kefulist();
    if ($get == 1) {
        $page_per = 20;
        $page = get_page();
        $limit = 20;
        $total = get_allmember_count($where);
        $page_total = max(1, ceil($total / $limit));
        $page = min($page, $page_total);
        $offset = ($page - 1) * $limit;
        //$offset = 0;//enky add
        $member_list = get_member_list($where, $sql_sort, "limit {$offset},{$page_per}");
        if ($member_list) {
            foreach ($member_list as $key => $user) {
                if (preg_match_all("/(wf=\\w+)&?|(st=\\w+)&?/i", $user['source'], $matches)) {
                    $member_list[$key]['source'] = $matches[1][0] . "<br />" . $matches[2][1];
        // echo $url = "http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
        $currenturl = "index.php?action=allmember&h=class";
        //$currenturl1 = "index.php?action=allmember&h=class&clear=1";
        $currenturl1 = "index.php?action=allmember&h=class&clear=1&effect_grade={$effect_grade}&keyword={$keyword}&end={$endTime}&start={$startTime}";
        $page_links = multipage($total, $page_per, $page, $currenturl1);
        $age_arr = array();
        for ($i = 18; $i < 100; $i++) {
            $age_arr[] = $i;
        $condition = get_condition($where);
    $title = '分类会员列表';
    require_once adminTemplate('allmember_general');
Beispiel #4
function financial_feedback_fraction()
    global $_MooClass, $dbTablePre, $userid, $pagesize, $user_arr;
    $user_sid = MooGetGPC('user_sid', 'integer', 'G');
    $grid = MooGetGPC('groupid', 'integer', 'G');
    if ($user_sid) {
        $sid = MooGetGPC('user_sid', 'integer', 'G');
        $where = " AND sid={$sid}";
    } elseif ($grid) {
        $groupid = MooGetGPC('groupid', 'integer', 'G');
        $sql = "SELECT manage_list FROM {$dbTablePre}admin_manage where id={$groupid}";
        $manage_list = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql);
        $myservice_idlist = $manage_list['manage_list'];
        $where = " and sid IN({$myservice_idlist})";
    } else {
        $myservice_idlist = get_myservice_idlist();
        if (!empty($myservice_idlist) && $myservice_idlist != 'all') {
            $where = " and sid IN({$myservice_idlist})";
    $starttime = MooGetGPC('start_time', 'string', 'G');
    $endtime = MooGetGPC('end_time', 'string', 'G');
    if ($starttime || $endtime) {
        $start_time = strtotime(trim(MooGetGPC('start_time', 'string', 'G')));
        $end_time = strtotime(trim(MooGetGPC('end_time', 'string', 'G'))) + 86400;
        if ($start_time) {
            $where .= " AND `submitdate` > {$start_time} ";
        if ($end_time) {
            if ($start_time && $end_time <= $start_time) {
                $end_time = $start_time + 86400;
            $where .= " AND `submitdate` <= {$end_time} ";
    $kefu_list = get_kefulist();
    if (!isset($where)) {
        $where = '';
    $sql = "SELECT sum(fraction) sum, count(gid) as gid_sum, sid FROM {$dbTablePre}service_getadvice where stat2=2 and fraction >= 1 {$where} group by sid";
    $feedback_arr = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getAll($sql);
    $sid_arr = array();
    foreach ($feedback_arr as $key => $val) {
        $sid_arr[] = $val['sid'];
    $sid_str = implode(',', $sid_arr);
    if ($sid_str) {
        $sql = "select sid, count(gid) as bad_gidsum from {$dbTablePre}service_getadvice where stat2=2 and fraction >= 1 {$where} and sid in({$sid_str}) and fraction <= 2 group by sid";
        $bad_feedback = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getAll($sql);
        $num = count($bad_feedback);
        foreach ($bad_feedback as $key1 => $val1) {
            foreach ($feedback_arr as $key2 => $val2) {
                if ($val1['sid'] == $val2['sid']) {
                    $feedback_arr[$key2] = array_merge($val1, $val2);
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$dbTablePre}admin_manage where manage_list!=''";
    $all_group_name = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getAll($sql);
    $currenturl = 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
    require adminTemplate('financial_feedback_fraction');
Beispiel #5
function ajax_message()
    $t = MooGetGPC('t', 'integer', 'G');
    $t = $t ? $t : 1;
    $uid = MooGetGPC('uid', 'integer', 'G');
    $page = max(1, MooGetGPC('page', 'integer', 'G'));
    $limit = 10;
    $offset = ($page - 1) * $limit;
    if ($t == 1) {
        $sql = "SELECT s.*, FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}smslog s LEFT JOIN {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}admin_user u ON s.sid = u.uid                WHERE s.uid = {$uid} LIMIT {$offset},{$limit}";
        $messages = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getAll($sql, 0, 0, 0, true);
    } elseif ($t == 2) {
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}smslog_sys where uid='{$uid}' LIMIT {$offset},{$limit}";
        $messages = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getAll($sql, 0, 0, 0, true);
    } else {
        $kefu_list = get_kefulist();
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}uplinkcontent where uid='{$uid}' LIMIT {$offset},{$limit}";
        $messages = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getAll($sql, 0, 0, 0, true);
    $stotal = getcount('smslog_sys', 'WHERE uid = ' . $uid);
    $total = getcount('smslog', 'WHERE uid = ' . $uid);
    $mtotal = getcount('uplinkcontent', 'WHERE uid = ' . $uid);
    if ($t == 1) {
        $pages = ceil($total / $limit);
    } elseif ($t == 2) {
        $pages = ceil($stotal / $limit);
    } elseif ($t == 3) {
        $pages = ceil($mtotal / $limit);
    require_once adminTemplate('allmember_message');
Beispiel #6
function other_member_allot_record_summary()
    $kefu_list = get_kefulist();
    $pages = '';
    $condition = array();
    if (isset($_GET['kefu_uid'])) {
        $sid = MooGetGPC('kefu_uid', 'integer', 'G');
        $condition[] = "allot_sid='{$sid}'";
    if (isset($_GET['allot_time1'])) {
        $allodate1 = strtotime(MooGetGPC('allot_time1', 'string', 'G'));
        $allodate1 = strtotime(date("Y-m-d 00:00:00", $allodate1));
        $condition[] = " allot_time>='{$allodate1}'";
    } else {
        $allodate1 = strtotime(date("Y-m-d 00:00:00"));
        $condition[] = " allot_time>='{$allodate1}'";
    if (isset($_GET['allot_time2'])) {
        $allodate2 = strtotime(MooGetGPC('allot_time2', 'string', 'G'));
        $allodate2 = strtotime(date("Y-m-d 23:59:59", $allodate2));
        $condition[] = " allot_time<='{$allodate2}'";
    } else {
        $allodate2 = strtotime(date("Y-m-d 23:59:59"));
        $condition[] = " allot_time<='{$allodate2}'";
    $sql_where = 'WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $condition);
    $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) c ,sid,allot_sid,allot_time FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}allotuser {$sql_where} GROUP BY allot_sid";
    $ret = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getAll($sql);
    require_once adminTemplate('other_member_allot_record_summary');