public function addItem($itemid, $calc_fnc = CALC_FNC_AVG, $color = null, $type = null) { $this->items[$this->num] = get_item_by_itemid($itemid); $this->items[$this->num]['name'] = itemName($this->items[$this->num]); $host = get_host_by_hostid($this->items[$this->num]['hostid']); $this->items[$this->num]['host'] = $host['name']; $this->items[$this->num]['color'] = is_null($color) ? 'Dark Green' : $color; $this->items[$this->num]['calc_fnc'] = is_null($calc_fnc) ? CALC_FNC_AVG : $calc_fnc; $this->items[$this->num]['calc_type'] = is_null($type) ? GRAPH_ITEM_SIMPLE : $type; $this->num++; }
public function addItem($itemid, $calc_fnc = CALC_FNC_AVG, $color = null, $type = null) { $items = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveItemNames(array(get_item_by_itemid($itemid))); $this->items[$this->num] = reset($items); $host = get_host_by_hostid($this->items[$this->num]['hostid']); $this->items[$this->num]['host'] = $host['host']; $this->items[$this->num]['hostname'] = $host['name']; $this->items[$this->num]['color'] = is_null($color) ? 'Dark Green' : $color; $this->items[$this->num]['calc_fnc'] = is_null($calc_fnc) ? CALC_FNC_AVG : $calc_fnc; $this->items[$this->num]['calc_type'] = is_null($type) ? GRAPH_ITEM_SIMPLE : $type; $this->num++; }
public function addItem($itemid, $axis = GRAPH_YAXIS_SIDE_RIGHT, $calc_fnc = CALC_FNC_AVG, $color = null, $drawtype = null, $type = null, $periods_cnt = null) { if ($this->type == GRAPH_TYPE_STACKED) { $drawtype = GRAPH_ITEM_DRAWTYPE_FILLED_REGION; } $this->items[$this->num] = get_item_by_itemid($itemid); $this->items[$this->num]['description'] = item_description($this->items[$this->num]); $host = get_host_by_hostid($this->items[$this->num]['hostid']); $this->items[$this->num]['host'] = $host['host']; $this->items[$this->num]['color'] = is_null($color) ? 'Dark Green' : $color; $this->items[$this->num]['drawtype'] = is_null($drawtype) ? GRAPH_ITEM_DRAWTYPE_LINE : $drawtype; $this->items[$this->num]['axisside'] = is_null($axis) ? GRAPH_YAXIS_SIDE_RIGHT : $axis; $this->items[$this->num]['calc_fnc'] = is_null($calc_fnc) ? CALC_FNC_AVG : $calc_fnc; $this->items[$this->num]['calc_type'] = is_null($type) ? GRAPH_ITEM_SIMPLE : $type; $this->items[$this->num]['periods_cnt'] = is_null($periods_cnt) ? 0 : $periods_cnt; if ($this->items[$this->num]['axisside'] == GRAPH_YAXIS_SIDE_LEFT) { $this->yaxisleft = 1; } if ($this->items[$this->num]['axisside'] == GRAPH_YAXIS_SIDE_RIGHT) { $this->yaxisright = 1; } // SDI($this->items); $this->num++; }
function get_resource_name($permission, $id) { $res = '-'; if ($permission == 'Graph') { if (isset($id) && $id != 0) { if ($graph = get_graph_by_graphid($id)) { $res = $graph['name']; } } else { if (!isset($id) || $id == 0) { $res = 'All graphs'; } } } else { if ($permission == 'Host') { if (isset($id) && $id != 0) { if ($host = get_host_by_hostid($id)) { $res = $host['host']; } } else { if (!isset($id) || $id == 0) { $res = 'All hosts'; } } } else { if ($permission == 'Screen') { if (isset($id) && $id != 0) { if ($screen = get_screen_by_screenid($id)) { $res = $screen['name']; } } else { if (!isset($id) || $id == 0) { $res = 'All screens'; } } } else { if ($permission == 'Item') { if (isset($id) && $id != 0) { if ($item = get_item_by_itemid($id)) { if ($host = get_host_by_hostid($item['hostid'])) { $res = $host['host'] . ':' . $item['description']; } } } else { if (!isset($id) || $id == 0) { $res = 'All items'; } } } else { if ($permission == 'User') { if (isset($id) && $id != 0) { if ($user = get_user_by_userid($id)) { $res = $user['alias']; } } else { if (!isset($id) || $id == 0) { $res = 'All users'; } } } else { if ($permission == 'Network map') { if (isset($id) && $id != 0) { if ($user = get_sysmap_by_sysmapid($id)) { $res = $user['name']; } } else { if (!isset($id) || $id == 0) { $res = 'All maps'; } } } else { if ($permission == 'Application') { if (isset($id) && $id > 0) { if ($app = get_application_by_applicationid($id)) { $res = $app['name']; } } else { if (!isset($id) || $id == 0) { $res = 'All applications'; } } } else { if ($permission == 'Service') { if (isset($id) && $id > 0) { if ($service = get_service_by_serviceid($id)) { $res = $service['name']; } } else { if (!isset($id) || $id == 0) { $res = 'All services'; } } } } } } } } } } if ($res == '-' && isset($id) && $id > 0) { $res = $id; } return $res; }
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/include/page_footer.php'; exit; } /* * Display */ $data = array('hostid' => getRequest('hostid', 0), 'fullscreen' => $_REQUEST['fullscreen'], 'screenid' => getRequest('screenid', CProfile::get('web.hostscreen.screenid', null)), 'period' => getRequest('period'), 'stime' => getRequest('stime')); CProfile::update('web.hostscreen.screenid', $data['screenid'], PROFILE_TYPE_ID); // get screen list $data['screens'] = API::TemplateScreen()->get(array('hostids' => $data['hostid'], 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND)); $data['screens'] = zbx_toHash($data['screens'], 'screenid'); order_result($data['screens'], 'name'); // get screen $screenid = null; if (!empty($data['screens'])) { $screen = !isset($data['screens'][$data['screenid']]) ? reset($data['screens']) : $data['screens'][$data['screenid']]; if (!empty($screen['screenid'])) { $screenid = $screen['screenid']; } } $data['screen'] = API::TemplateScreen()->get(array('screenids' => $screenid, 'hostids' => $data['hostid'], 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'selectScreenItems' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND)); $data['screen'] = reset($data['screen']); // get host if (!empty($data['screen']['hostid'])) { $data['host'] = get_host_by_hostid($data['screen']['hostid']); } // render view $screenView = new CView('monitoring.hostscreen', $data); $screenView->render(); $screenView->show(); require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/include/page_footer.php';
$httpTest['http_password'] = ''; } if (isset($_REQUEST['httptestid'])) { $httpTest['httptestid'] = $httptestid = $_REQUEST['httptestid']; $result = API::WebCheck()->update($httpTest); if (!$result) { throw new Exception(); } } else { $result = API::WebCheck()->create($httpTest); if (!$result) { throw new Exception(); } $httptestid = reset($result['httptestids']); } $host = get_host_by_hostid($_REQUEST['hostid']); add_audit($action, AUDIT_RESOURCE_SCENARIO, _('Scenario') . ' [' . $_REQUEST['name'] . '] [' . $httptestid . '] ' . _('Host') . ' [' . $host['host'] . ']'); unset($_REQUEST['httptestid'], $_REQUEST['form']); show_messages(true, $message_true); DBend(true); } catch (Exception $e) { DBend(false); show_messages(false, null, $message_false); } } elseif ($_REQUEST['go'] == 'activate' && isset($_REQUEST['group_httptestid'])) { $go_result = false; $group_httptestid = $_REQUEST['group_httptestid']; foreach ($group_httptestid as $id) { if (!($httptest_data = get_httptest_by_httptestid($id))) { continue; }
}*/ } $result = DBend($result); show_messages(true, S_GROUP_DELETED, S_CANNOT_DELETE_GROUP); } else { if (str_in_array($_REQUEST['go'], array('activate', 'disable'))) { $result = true; $status = $_REQUEST['go'] == 'activate' ? HOST_STATUS_MONITORED : HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED; $groups = get_request('groups', array()); $db_hosts = DBselect('select h.hostid, hg.groupid ' . ' from hosts_groups hg, hosts h' . ' where h.hostid=hg.hostid ' . ' and h.status in (' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED . ',' . HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED . ')' . ' and ' . DBin_node('h.hostid')); DBstart(); while ($db_host = DBfetch($db_hosts)) { if (!uint_in_array($db_host['groupid'], $groups)) { continue; } $host = get_host_by_hostid($db_host['hostid']); $result &= update_host_status($db_host['hostid'], $status); /* add_audit(AUDIT_ACTION_UPDATE,AUDIT_RESOURCE_HOST, 'Old status ['.$host['status'].'] '.'New status ['.$status.']');*/ } $result = DBend($result); show_messages($result, S_HOST_STATUS_UPDATED, S_CANNOT_UPDATE_HOST); unset($_REQUEST['activate']); } } } } } /*** --->>> ACTIONS <<<--- ***/ $frmForm = new CForm(); $frmForm->setMethod('get');
} show_messages($result, _('Application deleted'), _('Cannot delete application')); } } elseif (hasRequest('action') && getRequest('action') == 'application.massdelete' && hasRequest('applications')) { $result = true; $applications = getRequest('applications'); $deleted = 0; DBstart(); $dbApplications = DBselect('SELECT a.applicationid,,a.hostid' . ' FROM applications a' . ' WHERE ' . dbConditionInt('a.applicationid', $applications)); while ($dbApplication = DBfetch($dbApplications)) { if (!isset($applications[$dbApplication['applicationid']])) { continue; } $result &= (bool) API::Application()->delete(array($dbApplication['applicationid'])); if ($result) { $host = get_host_by_hostid($dbApplication['hostid']); add_audit(AUDIT_ACTION_DELETE, AUDIT_RESOURCE_APPLICATION, 'Application [' . $dbApplication['name'] . '] from host [' . $host['host'] . ']'); } $deleted++; } $result = DBend($result); if ($result) { uncheckTableRows($pageFilter->hostid); } show_messages($result, _n('Application deleted', 'Applications deleted', $deleted), _n('Cannot delete application', 'Cannot delete applications', $deleted)); } elseif (hasRequest('applications') && str_in_array(getRequest('action'), array('application.massenable', 'application.massdisable'))) { $enableApplicationItems = getRequest('action') === 'application.massenable'; $applications = API::Application()->get(array('output' => array(), 'applicationids' => getRequest('applications', array()), 'selectItems' => array('itemid'), 'hostids' => $pageFilter->hostid > 0 ? $pageFilter->hostid : null)); $actionSuccessful = true; $updatedItemCount = 0; DBstart();
$go_result = copyItemsToHosts($_REQUEST['group_itemid'], $hosts_ids); $go_result = DBend($go_result); show_messages($go_result, _('Items copied'), _('Cannot copy items')); $_REQUEST['go'] = 'none2'; } else { show_error_message(_('No target selected.')); } } elseif ($_REQUEST['go'] == 'clean_history' && isset($_REQUEST['group_itemid'])) { DBstart(); $go_result = delete_history_by_itemid($_REQUEST['group_itemid']); DBexecute('UPDATE items SET lastvalue=null,lastclock=null,prevvalue=null WHERE ' . dbConditionInt('itemid', $_REQUEST['group_itemid'])); foreach ($_REQUEST['group_itemid'] as $id) { if (!($item = get_item_by_itemid($id))) { continue; } $host = get_host_by_hostid($item['hostid']); add_audit(AUDIT_ACTION_UPDATE, AUDIT_RESOURCE_ITEM, _('Item') . ' [' . $item['key_'] . '] [' . $id . '] ' . _('Host') . ' [' . $host['host'] . '] ' . _('History cleared')); } $go_result = DBend($go_result); show_messages($go_result, _('History cleared'), $go_result); } elseif ($_REQUEST['go'] == 'delete' && isset($_REQUEST['group_itemid'])) { DBstart(); $group_itemid = $_REQUEST['group_itemid']; $itemsToDelete = API::Item()->get(array('output' => array('key_', 'itemid'), 'selectHosts' => array('name'), 'itemids' => $group_itemid, 'preservekeys' => true)); $go_result = API::Item()->delete($group_itemid); if ($go_result) { foreach ($itemsToDelete as $item) { $host = reset($item['hosts']); add_audit(AUDIT_ACTION_DELETE, AUDIT_RESOURCE_ITEM, _('Item') . ' [' . $item['key_'] . '] [' . $item['itemid'] . '] ' . _('Host') . ' [' . $host['name'] . ']'); } }
public function getItemListFormat($list = array()) { $itemList = $list['list_item']; $parame = $list['parame']; $search_key = $parame['item_name_search']; $order_result_list = array(); $search = 0; if (empty($search_key)) { $search_key_list = array(); } else { $search_key_list = explode(",", $search_key); } if (count($search_key_list) >= 1) { $search = 1; } foreach ($itemList as $each_item) { $each_item = (array) $each_item; $item = get_item_by_itemid($each_item['itemid']); $newItem = $item; // $newItem['name'] = itemName($item); $newItem['name'] = $item['name']; $newItem['delay'] = getItemDelay($item['delay'], $item['delay_flex']); $host = get_host_by_hostid($item['hostid']); $newItem['hostname'] = $host['name']; if (strpos($item['units'], ',') !== false) { list($newItem['units'], $newItem['unitsLong']) = explode(',', $item['units']); } else { $newItem['unitsLong'] = ''; } if ($search == 0) { $newItem['graphid'] = $each_item['graphid']; $order_result_list[$newItem['graphid']] = array("graphid" => $newItem['graphid'], "itemname" => $newItem['name'], "lastvalue" => 0, 'min' => 0, 'avg' => 0, 'max' => 0, 'hostname' => $newItem['hostname'], 'chazhi' => 0); } else { foreach ($search_key_list as $each_search_key) { $each_search_key = trim($each_search_key); //按关键字进行筛选 if (strpos(strtolower($newItem['name']), strtolower($each_search_key)) === false) { //echo "bupipei<br>"; } else { $newItem['calc_fnc'] = is_null($each_item['calc_fnc']) ? CALC_FNC_AVG : $each_item->calc_fnc; $newItem['calc_type'] = GRAPH_ITEM_SIMPLE; $newItem['graphid'] = $each_item['graphid']; $item_info_new = array_merge($newItem, $parame); $data = self::GetItemValues($item_info_new); if (isset($data) && isset($data['min'])) { $lastvalue = convert_units(self::getLastValueBy($data), $newItem['units'], ITEM_CONVERT_NO_UNITS); $min = convert_units(min($data['min']), $newItem['units'], ITEM_CONVERT_NO_UNITS); $avg = convert_units($data['avg_orig'], $newItem['units'], ITEM_CONVERT_NO_UNITS); $max = convert_units(max($data['max']), $newItem['units'], ITEM_CONVERT_NO_UNITS); //return array("lastvalue"=>$lastvalue,'min'=>$min,'avg'=>$avg,'max'=>$max); $order_result_list[$each_search_key][$newItem['graphid']] = array("graphid" => $newItem['graphid'], "itemname" => $newItem['name'], "lastvalue" => self::getLastValueBy($data), 'min' => min($data['min']), 'avg' => $data['avg_orig'], 'max' => max($data['max']), 'hostname' => $newItem['hostname'], 'chazhi' => max($data['max']) - min($data['min'])); } else { $order_result_list[$each_search_key][$newItem['graphid']] = array("graphid" => $newItem['graphid'], "itemname" => $newItem['name'], "lastvalue" => 0, 'min' => 0, 'avg' => 0, 'max' => 0, 'hostname' => $newItem['hostname'], 'chazhi' => 0); } break; } } } } return $order_result_list; }
public function addItem($itemid, $axis = GRAPH_YAXIS_SIDE_DEFAULT, $calc_fnc = CALC_FNC_AVG, $color = null, $drawtype = null) { if ($this->type == GRAPH_TYPE_STACKED) { $drawtype = GRAPH_ITEM_DRAWTYPE_FILLED_REGION; } $items = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveItemNames(array(get_item_by_itemid($itemid))); $item = reset($items); $item['name'] = $item['name_expanded']; $this->items[$this->num] = $item; $this->items[$this->num]['delay'] = getItemDelay($item['delay'], $item['delay_flex']); if (strpos($item['units'], ',') === false) { $this->items[$this->num]['unitsLong'] = ''; } else { list($this->items[$this->num]['units'], $this->items[$this->num]['unitsLong']) = explode(',', $item['units']); } $host = get_host_by_hostid($item['hostid']); $this->items[$this->num]['host'] = $host['host']; $this->items[$this->num]['hostname'] = $host['name']; $this->items[$this->num]['color'] = is_null($color) ? 'Dark Green' : $color; $this->items[$this->num]['drawtype'] = is_null($drawtype) ? GRAPH_ITEM_DRAWTYPE_LINE : $drawtype; $this->items[$this->num]['axisside'] = is_null($axis) ? GRAPH_YAXIS_SIDE_DEFAULT : $axis; $this->items[$this->num]['calc_fnc'] = is_null($calc_fnc) ? CALC_FNC_AVG : $calc_fnc; $this->items[$this->num]['calc_type'] = GRAPH_ITEM_SIMPLE; if ($this->items[$this->num]['axisside'] == GRAPH_YAXIS_SIDE_LEFT) { $this->yaxisleft = 1; } if ($this->items[$this->num]['axisside'] == GRAPH_YAXIS_SIDE_RIGHT) { $this->yaxisright = 1; } $this->num++; }
function copy_graph_to_host($graphid, $hostid, $copy_mode = false) { $result = false; $gitems = array(); $db_graph_items = get_graphitems_by_graphid($graphid); while ($db_gitem = DBfetch($db_graph_items)) { $gitems[] = array('itemid' => $db_gitem['itemid'], 'color' => $db_gitem['color'], 'drawtype' => $db_gitem['drawtype'], 'sortorder' => $db_gitem['sortorder'], 'yaxisside' => $db_gitem['yaxisside'], 'calc_fnc' => $db_gitem['calc_fnc'], 'type' => $db_gitem['type'], 'periods_cnt' => $db_gitem['periods_cnt']); } $db_graph = get_graph_by_graphid($graphid); if ($new_gitems = get_same_graphitems_for_host($gitems, $hostid)) { unset($chd_graphid); $chd_graphs = get_graphs_by_hostid($hostid); while (!isset($chd_graphid) && ($chd_graph = DBfetch($chd_graphs))) { /* compare graphs */ if ($chd_graph['templateid'] != 0) { continue; } unset($equal); $chd_gitems = get_graphitems_by_graphid($chd_graph["graphid"]); while ($chd_gitem = DBfetch($chd_gitems)) { unset($gitem_equal); foreach ($new_gitems as $new_gitem) { if (cmp_graphitems($new_gitem, $chd_gitem)) { continue; } $gitem_equal = true; break; } if (!isset($gitem_equal)) { unset($equal); break; } /* founded equal graph item */ if (!isset($equal)) { $equal = 0; } $equal++; } if (isset($equal) && count($new_gitems) == $equal) { /* founded equal graph */ $chd_graphid = $chd_graph['graphid']; break; } } if (isset($chd_graphid)) { $result = update_graph_with_items($chd_graphid, $db_graph['name'], $db_graph['width'], $db_graph['height'], $db_graph['ymin_type'], $db_graph['ymax_type'], $db_graph['yaxismin'], $db_graph['yaxismax'], $db_graph['ymin_itemid'], $db_graph['ymax_itemid'], $db_graph['show_work_period'], $db_graph['show_triggers'], $db_graph['graphtype'], $db_graph['show_legend'], $db_graph['show_3d'], $db_graph['percent_left'], $db_graph['percent_right'], $new_gitems, $copy_mode ? 0 : $db_graph['graphid']); } else { $result = add_graph_with_items($db_graph['name'], $db_graph['width'], $db_graph['height'], $db_graph['ymin_type'], $db_graph['ymax_type'], $db_graph['yaxismin'], $db_graph['yaxismax'], $db_graph['ymin_itemid'], $db_graph['ymax_itemid'], $db_graph['show_work_period'], $db_graph['show_triggers'], $db_graph['graphtype'], $db_graph['show_legend'], $db_graph['show_3d'], $db_graph['percent_left'], $db_graph['percent_right'], $new_gitems, $copy_mode ? 0 : $db_graph['graphid']); } } else { $host = get_host_by_hostid($hostid); info('Skipped coping of graph "' . $db_graph["name"] . '" to host "' . $host['host'] . '"'); } return $result; }
function insert_map_link_form() { $frmCnct = new CFormTable('New connector', 'sysmap.php'); $frmCnct->SetHelp('web.sysmap.connector.php'); $frmCnct->addVar('sysmapid', $_REQUEST['sysmapid']); if (isset($_REQUEST['linkid']) && !isset($_REQUEST['form_refresh'])) { $frmCnct->addVar('linkid', $_REQUEST['linkid']); $db_links = DBselect('SELECT * FROM sysmaps_links WHERE linkid=' . $_REQUEST['linkid']); $db_link = DBfetch($db_links); $selementid1 = $db_link['selementid1']; $selementid2 = $db_link['selementid2']; $triggers = array(); $drawtype = $db_link['drawtype']; $color = $db_link['color']; $res = DBselect('SELECT * FROM sysmaps_link_triggers WHERE linkid=' . $_REQUEST['linkid']); while ($rows = DBfetch($res)) { $triggers[] = $rows; } } else { if (isset($_REQUEST['linkid'])) { $frmCnct->addVar('linkid', $_REQUEST['linkid']); } $selementid1 = get_request('selementid1', 0); $selementid2 = get_request('selementid2', 0); $triggers = get_request('triggers', array()); $drawtype = get_request('drawtype', 0); $color = get_request('color', 0); } /* START comboboxes preparations */ $cmbElements1 = new CComboBox('selementid1', $selementid1); $cmbElements2 = new CComboBox('selementid2', $selementid2); $db_selements = DBselect('SELECT selementid,label,elementid,elementtype ' . ' FROM sysmaps_elements ' . ' WHERE sysmapid=' . $_REQUEST['sysmapid']); while ($db_selement = DBfetch($db_selements)) { $label = $db_selement['label']; if ($db_selement['elementtype'] == SYSMAP_ELEMENT_TYPE_HOST) { $db_host = get_host_by_hostid($db_selement['elementid']); $label .= ':' . $db_host['host']; } else { if ($db_selement['elementtype'] == SYSMAP_ELEMENT_TYPE_MAP) { $db_map = get_sysmap_by_sysmapid($db_selement['elementid']); $label .= ':' . $db_map['name']; } else { if ($db_selement['elementtype'] == SYSMAP_ELEMENT_TYPE_TRIGGER) { if ($db_selement['elementid'] > 0) { $label .= ':' . expand_trigger_description($db_selement['elementid']); } } else { if ($db_selement['elementtype'] == SYSMAP_ELEMENT_TYPE_HOST_GROUP) { if ($db_selement['elementid'] > 0) { $db_group = DBfetch(DBselect('SELECT name FROM groups WHERE groupid=' . $db_selement['elementid'])); $label .= ':' . $db_group['name']; } } } } } $cmbElements1->addItem($db_selement['selementid'], $label); $cmbElements2->addItem($db_selement['selementid'], $label); } $cmbType = new CComboBox('drawtype', $drawtype); foreach (map_link_drawtypes() as $i) { $value = map_link_drawtype2str($i); $cmbType->addItem($i, $value); } /* END preparation */ $frmCnct->addRow(S_ELEMENT_1, $cmbElements1); $frmCnct->addRow(S_ELEMENT_2, $cmbElements2); //trigger links foreach ($triggers as $id => $trigger) { if (isset($trigger['triggerid'])) { $triggers[$id]['description'] = expand_trigger_description($trigger['triggerid']); } } $table = new CTable(); $table->SetClass('tableinfo'); $table->setOddRowClass('even_row'); $table->setEvenRowClass('even_row'); $table->options['cellpadding'] = 3; $table->options['cellspacing'] = 1; $table->headerClass = 'header'; $table->footerClass = 'footer'; $table->SetHeader(array(new CCheckBox('all_triggers', null, "CheckAll('" . $frmCnct->GetName() . "','all_triggers','triggers');"), S_TRIGGERS, S_TYPE, S_COLOR)); $table->addOption('id', 'link_triggers'); foreach ($triggers as $id => $trigger) { if (!isset($trigger['triggerid'])) { continue; } $colorbox = new CSpan(SPACE . SPACE . SPACE); $colorbox->addOption('style', 'text-decoration: none; outline-color: black; outline-style: solid; outline-width: 1px; background-color: #' . $trigger['color'] . ';'); $table->addRow(array(array(new CCheckBox('triggers[' . $trigger['triggerid'] . '][triggerid]', null, null, $trigger['triggerid']), new CVar('triggers[' . $trigger['triggerid'] . '][triggerid]', $trigger['triggerid'])), array(new CLink($trigger['description'], "javascript: openWinCentered('popup_link_tr.php?form=1&dstfrm=" . $frmCnct->GetName() . "&triggerid=" . $trigger['triggerid'] . url_param('linkid') . "','ZBX_Link_Indicator',560,260,'scrollbars=1, toolbar=0, menubar=0, resizable=0');"), new CVar('triggers[' . $trigger['triggerid'] . '][description]', $trigger['description'])), array(map_link_drawtype2str($trigger['drawtype']), new CVar('triggers[' . $trigger['triggerid'] . '][drawtype]', $trigger['drawtype'])), array($colorbox, new CVar('triggers[' . $trigger['triggerid'] . '][color]', $trigger['color'])))); } $btnadd = new CButton('btn1', S_ADD, "javascript: openWinCentered('popup_link_tr.php?form=1&dstfrm=" . $frmCnct->GetName() . url_param('linkid') . "','ZBX_Link_Indicator',560,180,'scrollbars=1, toolbar=0, menubar=0, resizable=0');", 'T'); $btnRemove = new CButton('btn1', S_REMOVE, "javascript: remove_childs('" . $frmCnct->GetName() . "','triggers','tr');", 'T'); $btnadd->SetType('button'); $frmCnct->addRow(S_LINK_STATUS_INDICATORS, array($table, BR(), $btnadd, $btnRemove)); //---------- $frmCnct->addRow(S_TYPE . ' (' . S_OK_BIG . ')', $cmbType); $frmCnct->addRow(S_COLOR . ' (' . S_OK_BIG . ')', new CColor('color', $color)); $frmCnct->addItemToBottomRow(new CButton("save_link", S_SAVE)); if (isset($_REQUEST["linkid"])) { $frmCnct->addItemToBottomRow(SPACE); $frmCnct->addItemToBottomRow(new CButtonDelete("Delete link?", url_param("linkid") . url_param("sysmapid"))); } $frmCnct->addItemToBottomRow(SPACE); $frmCnct->addItemToBottomRow(new CButtonCancel(url_param("sysmapid"))); $frmCnct->Show(); }
public function addItem($itemid, $axis = GRAPH_YAXIS_SIDE_DEFAULT, $calc_fnc = CALC_FNC_AVG, $color = null, $drawtype = null, $type = null) { if ($this->type == GRAPH_TYPE_STACKED) { $drawtype = GRAPH_ITEM_DRAWTYPE_FILLED_REGION; } // TODO: graphs shouldn't retrieve items and resolve macros themselves // all of the data must be passed as parameters $items = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveItemNames([get_item_by_itemid($itemid)]); $item = reset($items); $item['name'] = $item['name_expanded']; $this->items[$this->num] = $item; $parser = new CItemDelayFlexParser($item['delay_flex']); $this->items[$this->num]['delay'] = getItemDelay($item['delay'], $parser->getFlexibleIntervals()); $this->items[$this->num]['intervals'] = $parser->getIntervals(); if (strpos($item['units'], ',') === false) { $this->items[$this->num]['unitsLong'] = ''; } else { list($this->items[$this->num]['units'], $this->items[$this->num]['unitsLong']) = explode(',', $item['units']); } $host = get_host_by_hostid($item['hostid']); $this->items[$this->num]['host'] = $host['host']; $this->items[$this->num]['hostname'] = $host['name']; $this->items[$this->num]['color'] = is_null($color) ? 'Dark Green' : $color; $this->items[$this->num]['drawtype'] = is_null($drawtype) ? GRAPH_ITEM_DRAWTYPE_LINE : $drawtype; $this->items[$this->num]['axisside'] = is_null($axis) ? GRAPH_YAXIS_SIDE_DEFAULT : $axis; $this->items[$this->num]['calc_fnc'] = is_null($calc_fnc) ? CALC_FNC_AVG : $calc_fnc; $this->items[$this->num]['calc_type'] = is_null($type) ? GRAPH_ITEM_SIMPLE : $type; if ($this->items[$this->num]['axisside'] == GRAPH_YAXIS_SIDE_LEFT) { $this->yaxisleft = 1; } if ($this->items[$this->num]['axisside'] == GRAPH_YAXIS_SIDE_RIGHT) { $this->yaxisright = 1; } $this->num++; }
$frmForm = new CForm(); $cmbConf = new CComboBox('config', 'proxies.php', 'javascript: redirect(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);'); $cmbConf->addItem('nodes.php', S_NODES); $cmbConf->addItem('proxies.php', S_PROXIES); $frmForm->addItem($cmbConf); if (!isset($_REQUEST['form'])) { $frmForm->addItem(new CButton('form', S_CREATE_PROXY)); } $proxies_wdgt->addPageHeader(S_CONFIGURATION_OF_PROXIES, $frmForm); if (isset($_REQUEST['form'])) { $_REQUEST['hostid'] = get_request('hostid', 0); $frm_title = S_PROXY; $frmHostG = new CFormTable($frm_title, 'proxies.php'); $frmHostG->setHelp('web.proxy.php'); if ($_REQUEST['hostid'] > 0) { $proxy = get_host_by_hostid($_REQUEST['hostid']); $frm_title = S_PROXY . ' [' . $proxy['host'] . ']'; $frmHostG->addVar('hostid', $_REQUEST['hostid']); } if ($_REQUEST['hostid'] > 0 && !isset($_REQUEST['form_refresh'])) { $name = $proxy['host']; $status = $proxy['status']; if ($status == HOST_STATUS_PROXY_PASSIVE) { $useip = $proxy['useip']; $dns = $proxy['dns']; $ip = $proxy['ip']; $port = $proxy['port']; } else { $useip = get_request('useip', 1); $dns = get_request('dns', ''); $ip = get_request('ip', '');
$data = array(); // get drules $data['drules'] = API::DRule()->get(array('output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'sortfield' => getPageSortField('name'), 'selectDChecks' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'editable' => true)); if (!empty($data['drules'])) { foreach ($data['drules'] as $druleid => $drule) { // checks $checks = array(); foreach ($drule['dchecks'] as $check) { $checks[$check['type']] = discovery_check_type2str($check['type']); } order_result($checks); $data['drules'][$druleid]['checks'] = $checks; // description $data['drules'][$druleid]['description'] = array(); if (!empty($drule['proxy_hostid'])) { $proxy = get_host_by_hostid($drule['proxy_hostid']); array_push($data['drules'][$druleid]['description'], $proxy['host'] . NAME_DELIMITER); } } order_result($data['drules'], getPageSortOrder()); } // get paging $data['paging'] = getPagingLine($data['drules'], array('druleid')); // nodes if ($data['displayNodes'] = is_array(get_current_nodeid())) { foreach ($data['drules'] as &$drule) { $drule['nodename'] = get_node_name_by_elid($drule['druleid'], true); } unset($drule); } // render view
function condition_value2str($conditiontype, $value) { switch ($conditiontype) { case CONDITION_TYPE_HOST_GROUP: $groups = API::HostGroup()->get(array('groupids' => $value, 'output' => array('name'), 'nodeids' => get_current_nodeid(true), 'limit' => 1)); if ($groups) { $group = reset($groups); $str_val = ''; if (id2nodeid($value) != get_current_nodeid()) { $str_val = get_node_name_by_elid($value, true, NAME_DELIMITER); } $str_val .= $group['name']; } else { return _('Unknown'); } break; case CONDITION_TYPE_TRIGGER: $trigs = API::Trigger()->get(array('triggerids' => $value, 'expandDescription' => true, 'output' => array('description'), 'selectHosts' => array('name'), 'nodeids' => get_current_nodeid(true), 'limit' => 1)); if ($trigs) { $trig = reset($trigs); $host = reset($trig['hosts']); $str_val = ''; if (id2nodeid($value) != get_current_nodeid()) { $str_val = get_node_name_by_elid($value, true, NAME_DELIMITER); } $str_val .= $host['name'] . NAME_DELIMITER . $trig['description']; } else { return _('Unknown'); } break; case CONDITION_TYPE_HOST: case CONDITION_TYPE_TEMPLATE: if ($host = get_host_by_hostid($value)) { $str_val = ''; if (id2nodeid($value) != get_current_nodeid()) { $str_val = get_node_name_by_elid($value, true, NAME_DELIMITER); } $str_val .= $host['name']; } else { return _('Unknown'); } break; case CONDITION_TYPE_TRIGGER_NAME: case CONDITION_TYPE_HOST_METADATA: case CONDITION_TYPE_HOST_NAME: $str_val = $value; break; case CONDITION_TYPE_TRIGGER_VALUE: $str_val = trigger_value2str($value); break; case CONDITION_TYPE_TRIGGER_SEVERITY: $str_val = getSeverityCaption($value); break; case CONDITION_TYPE_TIME_PERIOD: $str_val = $value; break; case CONDITION_TYPE_MAINTENANCE: $str_val = _('maintenance'); break; case CONDITION_TYPE_NODE: if ($node = get_node_by_nodeid($value)) { $str_val = $node['name']; } else { return _('Unknown'); } break; case CONDITION_TYPE_DRULE: if ($drule = get_discovery_rule_by_druleid($value)) { $str_val = $drule['name']; } else { return _('Unknown'); } break; case CONDITION_TYPE_DCHECK: $row = DBfetch(DBselect('SELECT,c.dcheckid,c.type,c.key_,c.ports' . ' FROM drules dr,dchecks c' . ' WHERE dr.druleid=c.druleid' . ' AND c.dcheckid=' . zbx_dbstr($value))); if ($row) { $str_val = $row['name'] . NAME_DELIMITER . discovery_check2str($row['type'], $row['key_'], $row['ports']); } else { return _('Unknown'); } break; case CONDITION_TYPE_DOBJECT: $str_val = discovery_object2str($value); break; case CONDITION_TYPE_PROXY: if ($host = get_host_by_hostid($value)) { $str_val = $host['host']; } else { return _('Unknown'); } break; case CONDITION_TYPE_DHOST_IP: $str_val = $value; break; case CONDITION_TYPE_DSERVICE_TYPE: $str_val = discovery_check_type2str($value); break; case CONDITION_TYPE_DSERVICE_PORT: $str_val = $value; break; case CONDITION_TYPE_DSTATUS: $str_val = discovery_object_status2str($value); break; case CONDITION_TYPE_DUPTIME: $str_val = $value; break; case CONDITION_TYPE_DVALUE: $str_val = $value; break; case CONDITION_TYPE_EVENT_ACKNOWLEDGED: $str_val = $value ? _('Ack') : _('Not Ack'); break; case CONDITION_TYPE_APPLICATION: $str_val = $value; break; case CONDITION_TYPE_EVENT_TYPE: $str_val = eventType($value); break; default: return _('Unknown'); } return $str_val; }
/** * Create CDiv with host/template information and references to it's elements * * @param string $currentElement * @param int $hostid * @param int $discoveryid * * @return object */ function get_header_host_table($currentElement, $hostid, $discoveryid = null) { // LLD rule header if ($discoveryid) { $elements = array('items' => 'items', 'triggers' => 'triggers', 'graphs' => 'graphs', 'hosts' => 'hosts'); } else { $elements = array('items' => 'items', 'triggers' => 'triggers', 'graphs' => 'graphs', 'applications' => 'applications', 'screens' => 'screens', 'discoveries' => 'discoveries', 'web' => 'web'); } $options = array('hostids' => $hostid, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'templated_hosts' => true, 'selectHostDiscovery' => array('ts_delete')); if (isset($elements['items'])) { $options['selectItems'] = API_OUTPUT_COUNT; } if (isset($elements['triggers'])) { $options['selectTriggers'] = API_OUTPUT_COUNT; } if (isset($elements['graphs'])) { $options['selectGraphs'] = API_OUTPUT_COUNT; } if (isset($elements['applications'])) { $options['selectApplications'] = API_OUTPUT_COUNT; } if (isset($elements['discoveries'])) { $options['selectDiscoveries'] = API_OUTPUT_COUNT; } if (isset($elements['web'])) { $options['selectHttpTests'] = API_OUTPUT_COUNT; } if (isset($elements['hosts'])) { $options['selectHostPrototypes'] = API_OUTPUT_COUNT; } // get hosts $dbHost = API::Host()->get($options); $dbHost = reset($dbHost); if (!$dbHost) { return null; } // get discoveries if (!empty($discoveryid)) { $options['itemids'] = $discoveryid; $options['output'] = array('name'); unset($options['hostids'], $options['templated_hosts']); $dbDiscovery = API::DiscoveryRule()->get($options); $dbDiscovery = reset($dbDiscovery); } /* * Back */ $list = new CList(null, 'objectlist'); if ($dbHost['status'] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE) { $list->addItem(array('« ', new CLink(_('Template list'), 'templates.php?templateid=' . $dbHost['hostid'] . url_param('groupid')))); $dbHost['screens'] = API::TemplateScreen()->get(array('editable' => true, 'countOutput' => true, 'groupCount' => true, 'templateids' => $dbHost['hostid'])); $dbHost['screens'] = isset($dbHost['screens'][0]['rowscount']) ? $dbHost['screens'][0]['rowscount'] : 0; } else { $list->addItem(array('« ', new CLink(_('Host list'), 'hosts.php?hostid=' . $dbHost['hostid'] . url_param('groupid')))); } /* * Name */ $proxyName = ''; if ($dbHost['proxy_hostid']) { $proxy = get_host_by_hostid($dbHost['proxy_hostid']); $proxyName = CHtml::encode($proxy['host']) . NAME_DELIMITER; } $name = get_node_name_by_elid($dbHost['hostid'], true, NAME_DELIMITER) . $proxyName . CHtml::encode($dbHost['name']); if ($dbHost['status'] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE) { $list->addItem(array(bold(_('Template') . NAME_DELIMITER), new CLink($name, 'templates.php?form=update&templateid=' . $dbHost['hostid']))); } else { switch ($dbHost['status']) { case HOST_STATUS_MONITORED: if ($dbHost['maintenance_status'] == HOST_MAINTENANCE_STATUS_ON) { $status = new CSpan(_('In maintenance'), 'orange'); } else { $status = new CSpan(_('Monitored'), 'enabled'); } break; case HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED: $status = new CSpan(_('Not monitored'), 'on'); break; default: $status = _('Unknown'); break; } $list->addItem(array(bold(_('Host') . NAME_DELIMITER), new CLink($name, 'hosts.php?form=update&hostid=' . $dbHost['hostid']))); $list->addItem($status); $list->addItem(getAvailabilityTable($dbHost)); } if (!empty($dbDiscovery)) { $list->addItem(array('« ', new CLink(_('Discovery list'), 'host_discovery.php?hostid=' . $dbHost['hostid'] . url_param('groupid')))); $list->addItem(array(bold(_('Discovery') . NAME_DELIMITER), new CLink(CHtml::encode($dbDiscovery['name']), 'host_discovery.php?form=update&itemid=' . $dbDiscovery['itemid']))); } /* * Rowcount */ if (isset($elements['applications'])) { if ($currentElement == 'applications') { $list->addItem(_('Applications') . ' (' . $dbHost['applications'] . ')'); } else { $list->addItem(array(new CLink(_('Applications'), 'applications.php?hostid=' . $dbHost['hostid']), ' (' . $dbHost['applications'] . ')')); } } if (isset($elements['items'])) { if (!empty($dbDiscovery)) { if ($currentElement == 'items') { $list->addItem(_('Item prototypes') . ' (' . $dbDiscovery['items'] . ')'); } else { $list->addItem(array(new CLink(_('Item prototypes'), 'disc_prototypes.php?hostid=' . $dbHost['hostid'] . '&parent_discoveryid=' . $dbDiscovery['itemid']), ' (' . $dbDiscovery['items'] . ')')); } } else { if ($currentElement == 'items') { $list->addItem(_('Items') . ' (' . $dbHost['items'] . ')'); } else { $list->addItem(array(new CLink(_('Items'), 'items.php?filter_set=1&hostid=' . $dbHost['hostid']), ' (' . $dbHost['items'] . ')')); } } } if (isset($elements['triggers'])) { if (!empty($dbDiscovery)) { if ($currentElement == 'triggers') { $list->addItem(_('Trigger prototypes') . ' (' . $dbDiscovery['triggers'] . ')'); } else { $list->addItem(array(new CLink(_('Trigger prototypes'), 'trigger_prototypes.php?hostid=' . $dbHost['hostid'] . '&parent_discoveryid=' . $dbDiscovery['itemid']), ' (' . $dbDiscovery['triggers'] . ')')); } } else { if ($currentElement == 'triggers') { $list->addItem(_('Triggers') . ' (' . $dbHost['triggers'] . ')'); } else { $list->addItem(array(new CLink(_('Triggers'), 'triggers.php?hostid=' . $dbHost['hostid']), ' (' . $dbHost['triggers'] . ')')); } } } if (isset($elements['graphs'])) { if (!empty($dbDiscovery)) { if ($currentElement == 'graphs') { $list->addItem(_('Graph prototypes') . ' (' . $dbDiscovery['graphs'] . ')'); } else { $list->addItem(array(new CLink(_('Graph prototypes'), 'graphs.php?hostid=' . $dbHost['hostid'] . '&parent_discoveryid=' . $dbDiscovery['itemid']), ' (' . $dbDiscovery['graphs'] . ')')); } } else { if ($currentElement == 'graphs') { $list->addItem(_('Graphs') . ' (' . $dbHost['graphs'] . ')'); } else { $list->addItem(array(new CLink(_('Graphs'), 'graphs.php?hostid=' . $dbHost['hostid']), ' (' . $dbHost['graphs'] . ')')); } } } if (isset($elements['hosts']) && $dbHost['flags'] == ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL) { if ($currentElement == 'hosts') { $list->addItem(_('Host prototypes') . ' (' . $dbDiscovery['hostPrototypes'] . ')'); } else { $list->addItem(array(new CLink(_('Host prototypes'), 'host_prototypes.php?parent_discoveryid=' . $dbDiscovery['itemid']), ' (' . $dbDiscovery['hostPrototypes'] . ')')); } } if (isset($elements['screens']) && $dbHost['status'] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE) { if ($currentElement == 'screens') { $list->addItem(_('Screens') . ' (' . $dbHost['screens'] . ')'); } else { $list->addItem(array(new CLink(_('Screens'), 'screenconf.php?templateid=' . $dbHost['hostid']), ' (' . $dbHost['screens'] . ')')); } } if (isset($elements['discoveries'])) { if ($currentElement == 'discoveries') { $list->addItem(_('Discovery rules') . ' (' . $dbHost['discoveries'] . ')'); } else { $list->addItem(array(new CLink(_('Discovery rules'), 'host_discovery.php?hostid=' . $dbHost['hostid']), ' (' . $dbHost['discoveries'] . ')')); } } if (isset($elements['web'])) { if ($currentElement == 'web') { $list->addItem(_('Web scenarios') . ' (' . $dbHost['httpTests'] . ')'); } else { $list->addItem(array(new CLink(_('Web scenarios'), 'httpconf.php?hostid=' . $dbHost['hostid']), ' (' . $dbHost['httpTests'] . ')')); } } return new CDiv($list, 'objectgroup top ui-widget-content ui-corner-all'); }
function get_operation_desc($type = SHORT_DESCRITION, $data) { $result = null; switch ($type) { case SHORT_DESCRITION: switch ($data['operationtype']) { case OPERATION_TYPE_MESSAGE: switch ($data['object']) { case OPERATION_OBJECT_USER: $obj_data = get_user_by_userid($data['objectid']); $obj_data = S_USER . ' "' . $obj_data['alias'] . '"'; break; case OPERATION_OBJECT_GROUP: $obj_data = get_group_by_usrgrpid($data['objectid']); $obj_data = S_GROUP . ' "' . $obj_data['name'] . '"'; break; } $result = S_SEND_MESSAGE_TO . ' ' . $obj_data; break; case OPERATION_TYPE_COMMAND: $result = S_RUN_REMOTE_COMMANDS; break; case OPERATION_TYPE_HOST_ADD: $result = S_ADD_HOST; break; case OPERATION_TYPE_HOST_REMOVE: $result = S_REMOVE_HOST; break; case OPERATION_TYPE_GROUP_ADD: $obj_data = get_hostgroup_by_groupid($data['objectid']); $result = S_ADD_TO_GROUP . ' "' . $obj_data['name'] . '"'; break; case OPERATION_TYPE_GROUP_REMOVE: $obj_data = get_hostgroup_by_groupid($data['objectid']); $result = S_DELETE_FROM_GROUP . ' "' . $obj_data['name'] . '"'; break; case OPERATION_TYPE_TEMPLATE_ADD: $obj_data = get_host_by_hostid($data['objectid']); $result = S_LINK_TO_TEMPLATE . ' "' . $obj_data['host'] . '"'; break; case OPERATION_TYPE_TEMPLATE_REMOVE: $obj_data = get_host_by_hostid($data['objectid']); $result = S_UNLINK_FROM_TEMPLATE . ' "' . $obj_data['host'] . '"'; break; default: break; } break; case LONG_DESCRITION: switch ($data['operationtype']) { case OPERATION_TYPE_MESSAGE: // for PHP4 if (isset($data['default_msg']) && !empty($data['default_msg'])) { if (isset($_REQUEST['def_shortdata']) && isset($_REQUEST['def_longdata'])) { $temp = bold(S_SUBJECT . ': '); $result = $temp->ToString() . $_REQUEST['def_shortdata'] . "\n"; $temp = bold(S_MESSAGE . ':'); $result .= $temp->ToString() . $_REQUEST['def_longdata']; } else { if (isset($data['operationid'])) { $sql = 'SELECT a.def_shortdata,a.def_longdata ' . ' FROM actions a, operations o ' . ' WHERE a.actionid=o.actionid ' . ' AND o.operationid=' . $data['operationid']; if ($rows = DBfetch(DBselect($sql, 1))) { $temp = bold(S_SUBJECT . ': '); $result = $temp->ToString() . $rows['def_shortdata'] . "\n"; $temp = bold(S_MESSAGE . ':'); $result .= $temp->ToString() . $rows['def_longdata']; } } } } else { $temp = bold(S_SUBJECT . ': '); $result = $temp->ToString() . $data['shortdata'] . "\n"; $temp = bold(S_MESSAGE . ':'); $result .= $temp->ToString() . $data['longdata']; } break; case OPERATION_TYPE_COMMAND: $temp = bold(S_REMOTE_COMMANDS . ': '); $result = $temp->ToString() . $data['longdata']; break; default: break; } break; default: break; } return $result; }
$table = new CTableInfo(_('No templates found.')); $table->setHeader(array(new CCheckBox('all_templates', null, "checkAll('" . $form->getName() . "', 'all_templates', 'templates');"), make_sorting_header(_('Templates'), 'name', $sortField, $sortOrder), _('Applications'), _('Items'), _('Triggers'), _('Graphs'), _('Screens'), _('Discovery'), _('Web'), _('Linked templates'), _('Linked to'))); // get templates $templates = array(); if ($pageFilter->groupsSelected) { $templates = API::Template()->get(array('output' => array('templateid', 'name'), 'groupids' => $pageFilter->groupid > 0 ? $pageFilter->groupid : null, 'editable' => true, 'sortfield' => $sortField, 'limit' => $config['search_limit'] + 1)); } // sorting && paging order_result($templates, $sortField, $sortOrder); $paging = getPagingLine($templates); $templates = API::Template()->get(array('templateids' => zbx_objectValues($templates, 'templateid'), 'editable' => true, 'output' => array('name', 'proxy_hostid'), 'selectHosts' => array('hostid', 'name', 'status'), 'selectTemplates' => array('hostid', 'name', 'status'), 'selectParentTemplates' => array('hostid', 'name', 'status'), 'selectItems' => API_OUTPUT_COUNT, 'selectTriggers' => API_OUTPUT_COUNT, 'selectGraphs' => API_OUTPUT_COUNT, 'selectApplications' => API_OUTPUT_COUNT, 'selectDiscoveries' => API_OUTPUT_COUNT, 'selectScreens' => API_OUTPUT_COUNT, 'selectHttpTests' => API_OUTPUT_COUNT, 'nopermissions' => true)); order_result($templates, $sortField, $sortOrder); foreach ($templates as $template) { $templatesOutput = array(); if ($template['proxy_hostid']) { $proxy = get_host_by_hostid($template['proxy_hostid']); $templatesOutput[] = $proxy['host'] . NAME_DELIMITER; } $templatesOutput[] = new CLink($template['name'], 'templates.php?form=update&templateid=' . $template['templateid'] . url_param('groupid')); $applications = array(new CLink(_('Applications'), 'applications.php?groupid=' . $_REQUEST['groupid'] . '&hostid=' . $template['templateid']), ' (' . $template['applications'] . ')'); $items = array(new CLink(_('Items'), 'items.php?filter_set=1&groupid=' . $_REQUEST['groupid'] . '&hostid=' . $template['templateid']), ' (' . $template['items'] . ')'); $triggers = array(new CLink(_('Triggers'), 'triggers.php?groupid=' . $_REQUEST['groupid'] . '&hostid=' . $template['templateid']), ' (' . $template['triggers'] . ')'); $graphs = array(new CLink(_('Graphs'), 'graphs.php?groupid=' . $_REQUEST['groupid'] . '&hostid=' . $template['templateid']), ' (' . $template['graphs'] . ')'); $screens = array(new CLink(_('Screens'), 'screenconf.php?templateid=' . $template['templateid']), ' (' . $template['screens'] . ')'); $discoveries = array(new CLink(_('Discovery'), 'host_discovery.php?&hostid=' . $template['templateid']), ' (' . $template['discoveries'] . ')'); $httpTests = array(new CLink(_('Web'), 'httpconf.php?groupid=' . $_REQUEST['groupid'] . '&hostid=' . $template['templateid']), ' (' . $template['httpTests'] . ')'); order_result($template['parentTemplates'], 'name'); $linkedTemplatesOutput = $linkedToOutput = $linkedToObjects = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($template['parentTemplates'] as $linkedTemplate) { $i++;
// getting paging element $paging = getPagingLine($rules_arr); foreach ($rules_arr as $rule_data) { $checks = array(); $sql = 'SELECT type FROM dchecks WHERE druleid=' . $rule_data['druleid'] . ' ORDER BY type, ports'; $db_checks = DBselect($sql); while ($check_data = DBfetch($db_checks)) { if (!isset($checks[$check_data['type']])) { $checks[$check_data['type']] = discovery_check_type2str($check_data['type']); } } order_result($checks); $status = new CCol(new CLink(discovery_status2str($rule_data["status"]), '?g_druleid%5B%5D=' . $rule_data['druleid'] . ($rule_data["status"] == DRULE_STATUS_ACTIVE ? '&go=disable' : '&go=activate'), discovery_status2style($rule_data['status']))); $description = array(); if ($rule_data["proxy_hostid"]) { $proxy = get_host_by_hostid($rule_data["proxy_hostid"]); array_push($description, $proxy["host"], ":"); } array_push($description, new CLink($rule_data['name'], "?form=update&druleid=" . $rule_data['druleid'])); $tblDiscovery->addRow(array(new CCheckBox('g_druleid[' . $rule_data["druleid"] . ']', null, null, $rule_data["druleid"]), $description, $rule_data['iprange'], $rule_data['delay'], implode(', ', $checks), $status)); } // pagination at the top and the bottom of the page $tblDiscovery->addRow(new CCol($paging)); $dscry_wdgt->addItem($paging); // gobox $goBox = new CComboBox('go'); $goOption = new CComboItem('activate', S_ENABLE_SELECTED); $goOption->setAttribute('confirm', S_ENABLE_SELECTED_DISCOVERY_RULES); $goBox->addItem($goOption); $goOption = new CComboItem('disable', S_DISABLE_SELECTED); $goOption->setAttribute('confirm', S_DISABLE_SELECTED_DISCOVERY_RULES);
/** * Copy specified graph to specified host. * * @param $graphid * @param $hostid * @return array|bool */ function copy_graph_to_host($graphid, $hostid) { $graphs = API::Graph()->get(array('graphids' => $graphid, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'selectGraphItems' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND)); $graph = reset($graphs); $new_gitems = get_same_graphitems_for_host($graph['gitems'], $hostid); if (!$new_gitems) { $host = get_host_by_hostid($hostid); info(_s('Skipped copying of graph "%1$s" to host "%2$s".', $graph['name'], $host['host'])); return false; } // retrieve actual ymax_itemid and ymin_itemid if ($graph['ymax_itemid']) { if ($itemid = get_same_item_for_host($graph['ymax_itemid'], $hostid)) { $graph['ymax_itemid'] = $itemid; } } if ($graph['ymin_itemid']) { if ($itemid = get_same_item_for_host($graph['ymin_itemid'], $hostid)) { $graph['ymin_itemid'] = $itemid; } } $graph['gitems'] = $new_gitems; unset($graph['templateid']); $result = API::Graph()->create($graph); return $result; }
/** * Mass update hosts. * * @param array $hosts multidimensional array with Hosts data * @param array $hosts['hosts'] Array of Host objects to update * @param string $hosts['fields']['host'] Host name. * @param array $hosts['fields']['groupids'] HostGroup IDs add Host to. * @param int $hosts['fields']['port'] Port. OPTIONAL * @param int $hosts['fields']['status'] Host Status. OPTIONAL * @param int $hosts['fields']['useip'] Use IP. OPTIONAL * @param string $hosts['fields']['dns'] DNS. OPTIONAL * @param string $hosts['fields']['ip'] IP. OPTIONAL * @param int $hosts['fields']['bulk'] bulk. OPTIONAL * @param int $hosts['fields']['proxy_hostid'] Proxy Host ID. OPTIONAL * @param int $hosts['fields']['ipmi_authtype'] IPMI authentication type. OPTIONAL * @param int $hosts['fields']['ipmi_privilege'] IPMI privilege. OPTIONAL * @param string $hosts['fields']['ipmi_username'] IPMI username. OPTIONAL * @param string $hosts['fields']['ipmi_password'] IPMI password. OPTIONAL * * @return boolean */ public function massUpdate($data) { $hosts = zbx_toArray($data['hosts']); $inputHostIds = zbx_objectValues($hosts, 'hostid'); $hostids = array_unique($inputHostIds); sort($hostids); $db_hosts = $this->get(['output' => ['hostid', 'tls_connect', 'tls_accept', 'tls_issuer', 'tls_subject', 'tls_psk_identity', 'tls_psk'], 'hostids' => $hostids, 'editable' => true, 'preservekeys' => true]); foreach ($hosts as $host) { if (!array_key_exists($host['hostid'], $db_hosts)) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PERMISSIONS, _('You do not have permission to perform this operation.')); } } // Check connection fields only for massupdate action. if ((array_key_exists('tls_connect', $data) || array_key_exists('tls_accept', $data) || array_key_exists('tls_psk_identity', $data) || array_key_exists('tls_psk', $data) || array_key_exists('tls_issuer', $data) || array_key_exists('tls_subject', $data)) && (!array_key_exists('tls_connect', $data) || !array_key_exists('tls_accept', $data))) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PERMISSIONS, _('Cannot update host encryption settings. Connection settings for both directions should be specified.')); } $this->validateEncryption([$data]); // Clean PSK fields. if (array_key_exists('tls_connect', $data) && $data['tls_connect'] != HOST_ENCRYPTION_PSK && (array_key_exists('tls_accept', $data) && ($data['tls_accept'] & HOST_ENCRYPTION_PSK) != HOST_ENCRYPTION_PSK)) { $data['tls_psk_identity'] = ''; $data['tls_psk'] = ''; } // Clean certificate fields. if (array_key_exists('tls_connect', $data) && $data['tls_connect'] != HOST_ENCRYPTION_CERTIFICATE && (array_key_exists('tls_accept', $data) && ($data['tls_accept'] & HOST_ENCRYPTION_CERTIFICATE) != HOST_ENCRYPTION_CERTIFICATE)) { $data['tls_issuer'] = ''; $data['tls_subject'] = ''; } // check if hosts have at least 1 group if (isset($data['groups']) && empty($data['groups'])) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('No groups for hosts.')); } /* * Update hosts properties */ if (isset($data['name'])) { if (count($hosts) > 1) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Cannot mass update visible host name.')); } } if (isset($data['host'])) { if (!preg_match('/^' . ZBX_PREG_HOST_FORMAT . '$/', $data['host'])) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Incorrect characters used for host name "%s".', $data['host'])); } if (count($hosts) > 1) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Cannot mass update host name.')); } $curHost = reset($hosts); $sameHostnameHost = $this->get(['output' => ['hostid'], 'filter' => ['host' => $data['host']], 'nopermissions' => true, 'limit' => 1]); $sameHostnameHost = reset($sameHostnameHost); if ($sameHostnameHost && bccomp($sameHostnameHost['hostid'], $curHost['hostid']) != 0) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Host "%1$s" already exists.', $data['host'])); } // can't add host with the same name as existing template $sameHostnameTemplate = API::Template()->get(['output' => ['templateid'], 'filter' => ['host' => $data['host']], 'nopermissions' => true, 'limit' => 1]); if ($sameHostnameTemplate) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Template "%1$s" already exists.', $data['host'])); } } if (isset($data['groups'])) { $updateGroups = $data['groups']; } if (isset($data['interfaces'])) { $updateInterfaces = $data['interfaces']; } if (array_key_exists('templates_clear', $data)) { $updateTemplatesClear = zbx_toArray($data['templates_clear']); } if (isset($data['templates'])) { $updateTemplates = $data['templates']; } if (isset($data['macros'])) { $updateMacros = $data['macros']; } // second check is necessary, because import incorrectly inputs unset 'inventory' as empty string rather than null if (isset($data['inventory']) && $data['inventory']) { if (isset($data['inventory_mode']) && $data['inventory_mode'] == HOST_INVENTORY_DISABLED) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Cannot set inventory fields for disabled inventory.')); } $updateInventory = $data['inventory']; $updateInventory['inventory_mode'] = null; } if (isset($data['inventory_mode'])) { if (!isset($updateInventory)) { $updateInventory = []; } $updateInventory['inventory_mode'] = $data['inventory_mode']; } if (isset($data['status'])) { $updateStatus = $data['status']; } unset($data['hosts'], $data['groups'], $data['interfaces'], $data['templates_clear'], $data['templates'], $data['macros'], $data['inventory'], $data['inventory_mode'], $data['status']); if (!zbx_empty($data)) { DB::update('hosts', ['values' => $data, 'where' => ['hostid' => $hostids]]); } if (isset($updateStatus)) { updateHostStatus($hostids, $updateStatus); } /* * Update template linkage */ if (isset($updateTemplatesClear)) { $templateIdsClear = zbx_objectValues($updateTemplatesClear, 'templateid'); if ($updateTemplatesClear) { $this->massRemove(['hostids' => $hostids, 'templateids_clear' => $templateIdsClear]); } } else { $templateIdsClear = []; } // unlink templates if (isset($updateTemplates)) { $hostTemplates = API::Template()->get(['hostids' => $hostids, 'output' => ['templateid'], 'preservekeys' => true]); $hostTemplateids = array_keys($hostTemplates); $newTemplateids = zbx_objectValues($updateTemplates, 'templateid'); $templatesToDel = array_diff($hostTemplateids, $newTemplateids); $templatesToDel = array_diff($templatesToDel, $templateIdsClear); if ($templatesToDel) { $result = $this->massRemove(['hostids' => $hostids, 'templateids' => $templatesToDel]); if (!$result) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Cannot unlink template')); } } } /* * update interfaces */ if (isset($updateInterfaces)) { foreach ($hostids as $hostid) { API::HostInterface()->replaceHostInterfaces(['hostid' => $hostid, 'interfaces' => $updateInterfaces]); } } // link new templates if (isset($updateTemplates)) { $result = $this->massAdd(['hosts' => $hosts, 'templates' => $updateTemplates]); if (!$result) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Cannot link template')); } } // macros if (isset($updateMacros)) { DB::delete('hostmacro', ['hostid' => $hostids]); $this->massAdd(['hosts' => $hosts, 'macros' => $updateMacros]); } /* * Inventory */ if (isset($updateInventory)) { // disabling inventory if ($updateInventory['inventory_mode'] == HOST_INVENTORY_DISABLED) { $sql = 'DELETE FROM host_inventory WHERE ' . dbConditionInt('hostid', $hostids); if (!DBexecute($sql)) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Cannot delete inventory.')); } } else { $existingInventoriesDb = DBfetchArrayAssoc(DBselect('SELECT hostid,inventory_mode' . ' FROM host_inventory' . ' WHERE ' . dbConditionInt('hostid', $hostids)), 'hostid'); // check existing host inventory data $automaticHostIds = []; if ($updateInventory['inventory_mode'] === null) { foreach ($hostids as $hostid) { // if inventory is disabled for one of the updated hosts, throw an exception if (!isset($existingInventoriesDb[$hostid])) { $host = get_host_by_hostid($hostid); self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Inventory disabled for host "%1$s".', $host['host'])); } elseif ($existingInventoriesDb[$hostid]['inventory_mode'] == HOST_INVENTORY_AUTOMATIC) { $automaticHostIds[] = $hostid; } } } $inventoriesToSave = []; foreach ($hostids as $hostid) { $hostInventory = $updateInventory; $hostInventory['hostid'] = $hostid; // if no 'inventory_mode' has been passed, set inventory 'inventory_mode' from DB if ($updateInventory['inventory_mode'] === null) { $hostInventory['inventory_mode'] = $existingInventoriesDb[$hostid]['inventory_mode']; } $inventoriesToSave[$hostid] = $hostInventory; } // when updating automatic inventory, ignore fields that have items linked to them if ($updateInventory['inventory_mode'] == HOST_INVENTORY_AUTOMATIC || $updateInventory['inventory_mode'] === null && $automaticHostIds) { $itemsToInventories = API::item()->get(['output' => ['inventory_link', 'hostid'], 'hostids' => $automaticHostIds ? $automaticHostIds : $hostids, 'nopermissions' => true]); $inventoryFields = getHostInventories(); foreach ($itemsToInventories as $hinv) { // 0 means 'no link' if ($hinv['inventory_link'] != 0) { $inventoryName = $inventoryFields[$hinv['inventory_link']]['db_field']; unset($inventoriesToSave[$hinv['hostid']][$inventoryName]); } } } // save inventory data foreach ($inventoriesToSave as $inventory) { $hostid = $inventory['hostid']; if (isset($existingInventoriesDb[$hostid])) { DB::update('host_inventory', ['values' => $inventory, 'where' => ['hostid' => $hostid]]); } else { DB::insert('host_inventory', [$inventory], false); } } } } /* * Update host and host group linkage. This procedure should be done the last because user can unlink * him self from a group with write permissions leaving only read premissions. Thus other procedures, like * host-template linkage, inventory update, macros update, must be done before this. */ if (isset($updateGroups)) { $updateGroups = zbx_toArray($updateGroups); $hostGroups = API::HostGroup()->get(['output' => ['groupid'], 'hostids' => $hostids]); $hostGroupIds = zbx_objectValues($hostGroups, 'groupid'); $newGroupIds = zbx_objectValues($updateGroups, 'groupid'); $groupsToAdd = array_diff($newGroupIds, $hostGroupIds); if ($groupsToAdd) { $this->massAdd(['hosts' => $hosts, 'groups' => zbx_toObject($groupsToAdd, 'groupid')]); } $groupIdsToDelete = array_diff($hostGroupIds, $newGroupIds); if ($groupIdsToDelete) { $this->massRemove(['hostids' => $hostids, 'groupids' => $groupIdsToDelete]); } } return ['hostids' => $inputHostIds]; }
function update_item_status($itemids, $status) { zbx_value2array($itemids); $result = true; $db_items = DBselect('SELECT i.* FROM items i WHERE ' . dbConditionInt('i.itemid', $itemids)); while ($item = DBfetch($db_items)) { $old_status = $item['status']; if ($status != $old_status) { $result &= DBexecute('UPDATE items SET status=' . zbx_dbstr($status) . ' WHERE itemid=' . zbx_dbstr($item['itemid'])); if ($result) { $host = get_host_by_hostid($item['hostid']); $item_new = get_item_by_itemid($item['itemid']); add_audit_ext(AUDIT_ACTION_UPDATE, AUDIT_RESOURCE_ITEM, $item['itemid'], $host['host'] . NAME_DELIMITER . $item['name'], 'items', $item, $item_new); } } } return $result; }
function copy_trigger_to_host($triggerid, $hostid, $copy_mode = false) { $trigger = get_trigger_by_triggerid($triggerid); $deps = replace_template_dependencies(get_trigger_dependencies_by_triggerid($triggerid), $hostid); $sql = 'SELECT t2.triggerid, t2.expression ' . ' FROM triggers t2, functions f1, functions f2, items i1, items i2 ' . ' WHERE f1.triggerid=' . $triggerid . ' AND i1.itemid=f1.itemid ' . ' AND f2.function=f1.function ' . ' AND f2.parameter=f1.parameter ' . ' AND i2.itemid=f2.itemid ' . ' AND i2.key_=i1.key_ ' . ' AND i2.hostid=' . $hostid . ' AND t2.triggerid=f2.triggerid ' . ' AND t2.templateid=0 '; $host_triggers = DBSelect($sql); while ($host_trigger = DBfetch($host_triggers)) { if (cmp_triggers_exressions($triggerid, $host_trigger["triggerid"])) { continue; } // link not linked trigger with same expression return update_trigger($host_trigger["triggerid"], NULL, $trigger["description"], $trigger["type"], $trigger["priority"], NULL, $trigger["comments"], $trigger["url"], $deps, $copy_mode ? 0 : $triggerid); } $newtriggerid = get_dbid('triggers', 'triggerid'); $result = DBexecute('INSERT INTO triggers ' . ' (triggerid,description,type,priority,status,comments,url,value,expression,templateid)' . ' VALUES (' . $newtriggerid . ',' . zbx_dbstr($trigger['description']) . ',' . $trigger['type'] . ',' . $trigger['priority'] . ',' . $trigger["status"] . ',' . zbx_dbstr($trigger["comments"]) . ',' . zbx_dbstr($trigger["url"]) . ",2,'0'," . ($copy_mode ? 0 : $triggerid) . ')'); if (!$result) { return $result; } $host = get_host_by_hostid($hostid); $newexpression = $trigger["expression"]; // Loop: functions $functions = get_functions_by_triggerid($triggerid); while ($function = DBfetch($functions)) { $item = get_item_by_itemid($function["itemid"]); $host_items = DBselect('SELECT * FROM items WHERE key_=' . zbx_dbstr($item['key_']) . ' AND hostid=' . $host['hostid']); $host_item = DBfetch($host_items); if (!$host_item) { error("Missing key '" . $item["key_"] . "' for host '" . $host["host"] . "'"); return FALSE; } $newfunctionid = get_dbid("functions", "functionid"); $result = DBexecute('INSERT INTO functions (functionid,itemid,triggerid,function,parameter) ' . " values ({$newfunctionid}," . $host_item["itemid"] . ",{$newtriggerid}," . zbx_dbstr($function["function"]) . "," . zbx_dbstr($function["parameter"]) . ")"); $newexpression = str_replace("{" . $function["functionid"] . "}", "{" . $newfunctionid . "}", $newexpression); } DBexecute('UPDATE triggers SET expression=' . zbx_dbstr($newexpression) . ' WHERE triggerid=' . $newtriggerid); // copy dependencies delete_dependencies_by_triggerid($newtriggerid); foreach ($deps as $dep_id) { add_trigger_dependency($newtriggerid, $dep_id); } info("Added trigger '" . $trigger["description"] . "' to host '" . $host["host"] . "'"); add_audit_ext(AUDIT_ACTION_ADD, AUDIT_RESOURCE_TRIGGER, $newtriggerid, $trigger["description"], NULL, NULL, NULL); // Copy triggers to the child hosts $child_hosts = get_hosts_by_templateid($hostid); while ($child_host = DBfetch($child_hosts)) { // recursion $result = copy_trigger_to_host($newtriggerid, $child_host["hostid"]); if (!$result) { return result; } } return $newtriggerid; }
$form->setName('hosts'); $form->addVar('config', get_request('config', 0)); $table = new CTableInfo(S_NO_HOSTS_DEFINED); $table->setHeader(array(array(new CCheckBox('all_hosts', NULL, "CheckAll('" . $form->GetName() . "','all_hosts');"), SPACE, make_sorting_link(S_NAME, '')), $show_only_tmp ? NULL : make_sorting_link(S_DNS, 'h.dns'), $show_only_tmp ? NULL : make_sorting_link(S_IP, 'h.ip'), $show_only_tmp ? NULL : make_sorting_link(S_PORT, 'h.port'), S_TEMPLATES, $show_only_tmp ? NULL : make_sorting_link(S_STATUS, 'h.status'), $show_only_tmp ? NULL : make_sorting_link(S_AVAILABILITY, 'h.available'), $show_only_tmp ? NULL : S_ERROR, S_ACTIONS)); $sql_from = ''; $sql_where = ''; if ($_REQUEST['groupid'] > 0) { $sql_from .= ',hosts_groups hg '; $sql_where .= ' AND hg.groupid=' . $_REQUEST['groupid'] . ' AND hg.hostid=h.hostid '; } $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT h.* ' . ' FROM hosts h ' . $sql_from . ' WHERE ' . DBcondition('h.hostid', $available_hosts) . $sql_where . order_by(',h.port,h.ip,h.status,h.available,h.dns'); $result = DBselect($sql); while ($row = DBfetch($result)) { $description = array(); if ($row['proxy_hostid']) { $proxy = get_host_by_hostid($row['proxy_hostid']); array_push($description, $proxy['host'], ':'); } array_push($description, new CLink($row['host'], 'hosts.php?form=update&hostid=' . $row['hostid'] . url_param('groupid') . url_param('config'), 'action')); $templates = get_templates_by_hostid($row['hostid']); $host = new CCol(array(new CCheckBox('hosts[' . $row['hostid'] . ']', NULL, NULL, $row['hostid']), SPACE, $description)); if ($show_only_tmp) { $dns = NULL; $ip = NULL; $port = NULL; $status = NULL; $available = NULL; $error = NULL; } else { $dns = empty($row['dns']) ? '-' : $row['dns']; $ip = empty($row['ip']) ? '-' : $row['ip'];
function db_save_application($name, $hostid, $applicationid = null, $templateid = 0) { if (!is_string($name)) { error('Incorrect parameters for "db_save_application"'); return false; } $host = get_host_by_hostid($hostid); $hostids = array(); $db_hosts = get_hosts_by_templateid($host['hostid']); while ($db_host = DBfetch($db_hosts)) { $hostids[] = $db_host['hostid']; } $sql = 'SELECT applicationid FROM applications WHERE name=' . zbx_dbstr($name) . ' AND ' . DBcondition('hostid', $hostids); $lower_app = DBfetch(DBselect($sql)); if ($lower_app) { error(S_APPLICATION . SPACE . "'{$name}'" . SPACE . S_ALREADY_EXISTS_IN_LINKED_HOSTS_SMALL); return false; } $sql = 'SELECT applicationid FROM applications WHERE name=' . zbx_dbstr($name) . ' AND hostid=' . $hostid; if (!is_null($applicationid)) { $sql .= ' AND applicationid<>' . $applicationid; } $db_app = DBfetch(DBselect($sql)); if ($db_app && $templateid == 0) { error(S_APPLICATION . SPACE . "'{$name}'" . SPACE . S_ALREADY_EXISTS_SMALL); return false; } if ($db_app && !is_null($applicationid)) { // delete old application with same name delete_application($db_app['applicationid']); } if ($db_app && is_null($applicationid)) { // if found application with same name update them, adding not needed $applicationid = $db_app['applicationid']; } if (is_null($applicationid)) { $applicationid_new = get_dbid('applications', 'applicationid'); $sql = 'INSERT INTO applications (applicationid, name, hostid, templateid) ' . " VALUES ({$applicationid_new}, " . zbx_dbstr($name) . ", {$hostid}, {$templateid})"; if ($result = DBexecute($sql)) { info(S_ADDED_NEW_APPLICATION . SPACE . $host['host'] . ':' . $name); } } else { $old_app = get_application_by_applicationid($applicationid); $result = DBexecute('UPDATE applications SET name=' . zbx_dbstr($name) . ', hostid=' . $hostid . ', templateid=' . $templateid . ' WHERE applicationid=' . $applicationid); if ($result) { info(S_UPDATED_APPLICATION . SPACE . $host['host'] . ':' . $old_app['name']); } } if (!$result) { return $result; } if (is_null($applicationid)) { // create application for childs $applicationid = $applicationid_new; $db_childs = get_hosts_by_templateid($hostid); while ($db_child = DBfetch($db_childs)) { // recursion $result = add_application($name, $db_child['hostid'], $applicationid); if (!$result) { break; } } } else { $db_applications = get_applications_by_templateid($applicationid); while ($db_app = DBfetch($db_applications)) { // recursion $result = update_application($db_app['applicationid'], $name, $db_app['hostid'], $applicationid); if (!$result) { break; } } } if ($result) { return $applicationid; } if ($templateid == 0) { delete_application($applicationid); } return false; }
/** * Create CDiv with host/template information and references to it's elements * * @param string $currentElement * @param int $hostid * @param int $discoveryid * * @return object */ function get_header_host_table($currentElement, $hostid, $discoveryid = null) { $elements = array('items' => 'items', 'triggers' => 'triggers', 'graphs' => 'graphs', 'applications' => 'applications', 'screens' => 'screens', 'discoveries' => 'discoveries'); if (!empty($discoveryid)) { unset($elements['applications'], $elements['screens'], $elements['discoveries']); } $options = array('hostids' => $hostid, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'templated_hosts' => true); if (isset($elements['items'])) { $options['selectItems'] = API_OUTPUT_COUNT; } if (isset($elements['triggers'])) { $options['selectTriggers'] = API_OUTPUT_COUNT; } if (isset($elements['graphs'])) { $options['selectGraphs'] = API_OUTPUT_COUNT; } if (isset($elements['applications'])) { $options['selectApplications'] = API_OUTPUT_COUNT; } if (isset($elements['screens'])) { $options['selectScreens'] = API_OUTPUT_COUNT; } if (isset($elements['discoveries'])) { $options['selectDiscoveries'] = API_OUTPUT_COUNT; } // get hosts $dbHost = API::Host()->get($options); $dbHost = reset($dbHost); // get discoveries if (!empty($discoveryid)) { $options['itemids'] = $discoveryid; $options['output'] = array('name'); unset($options['hostids'], $options['templated_hosts']); $dbDiscovery = API::DiscoveryRule()->get($options); $dbDiscovery = reset($dbDiscovery); } /* * Back */ $list = new CList(null, 'objectlist'); if ($dbHost['status'] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE) { $list->addItem(array('« ', new CLink(_('Template list'), 'templates.php?templateid=' . $dbHost['hostid'] . url_param('groupid')))); } else { $list->addItem(array('« ', new CLink(_('Host list'), 'hosts.php?hostid=' . $dbHost['hostid'] . url_param('groupid')))); } /* * Name */ $description = ''; if ($dbHost['proxy_hostid']) { $proxy = get_host_by_hostid($dbHost['proxy_hostid']); $description .= $proxy['host'] . ': '; } $description .= $dbHost['name']; if ($dbHost['status'] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE) { $list->addItem(array(bold(_('Template') . ': '), new CLink($description, 'templates.php?form=update&templateid=' . $dbHost['hostid']))); } else { switch ($dbHost['status']) { case HOST_STATUS_MONITORED: $status = new CSpan(_('Monitored'), 'off'); break; case HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED: $status = new CSpan(_('Not monitored'), 'on'); break; default: $status = _('Unknown'); break; } $list->addItem(array(bold(_('Host') . ': '), new CLink($description, 'hosts.php?form=update&hostid=' . $dbHost['hostid']))); $list->addItem($status); $list->addItem(getAvailabilityTable($dbHost)); } if (!empty($dbDiscovery)) { $list->addItem(array('« ', new CLink(_('Discovery list'), 'host_discovery.php?hostid=' . $dbHost['hostid'] . url_param('groupid')))); $list->addItem(array(bold(_('Discovery') . ': '), new CLink($dbDiscovery['name'], 'host_discovery.php?form=update&itemid=' . $dbDiscovery['itemid']))); } /* * Rowcount */ if (isset($elements['applications'])) { if ($currentElement == 'applications') { $list->addItem(_('Applications') . ' (' . $dbHost['applications'] . ')'); } else { $list->addItem(array(new CLink(_('Applications'), 'applications.php?hostid=' . $dbHost['hostid']), ' (' . $dbHost['applications'] . ')')); } } if (isset($elements['items'])) { if (!empty($dbDiscovery)) { if ($currentElement == 'items') { $list->addItem(_('Item prototypes') . ' (' . $dbDiscovery['items'] . ')'); } else { $list->addItem(array(new CLink(_('Item prototypes'), 'disc_prototypes.php?hostid=' . $dbHost['hostid'] . '&parent_discoveryid=' . $dbDiscovery['itemid']), ' (' . $dbDiscovery['items'] . ')')); } } else { if ($currentElement == 'items') { $list->addItem(_('Items') . ' (' . $dbHost['items'] . ')'); } else { $list->addItem(array(new CLink(_('Items'), 'items.php?filter_set=1&hostid=' . $dbHost['hostid']), ' (' . $dbHost['items'] . ')')); } } } if (isset($elements['triggers'])) { if (!empty($dbDiscovery)) { if ($currentElement == 'triggers') { $list->addItem(_('Trigger prototypes') . ' (' . $dbDiscovery['triggers'] . ')'); } else { $list->addItem(array(new CLink(_('Trigger prototypes'), 'trigger_prototypes.php?hostid=' . $dbHost['hostid'] . '&parent_discoveryid=' . $dbDiscovery['itemid']), ' (' . $dbDiscovery['triggers'] . ')')); } } else { if ($currentElement == 'triggers') { $list->addItem(_('Triggers') . ' (' . $dbHost['triggers'] . ')'); } else { $list->addItem(array(new CLink(_('Triggers'), 'triggers.php?hostid=' . $dbHost['hostid']), ' (' . $dbHost['triggers'] . ')')); } } } if (isset($elements['graphs'])) { if (!empty($dbDiscovery)) { if ($currentElement == 'graphs') { $list->addItem(_('Graph prototypes') . ' (' . $dbDiscovery['graphs'] . ')'); } else { $list->addItem(array(new CLink(_('Graph prototypes'), 'graphs.php?hostid=' . $dbHost['hostid'] . '&parent_discoveryid=' . $dbDiscovery['itemid']), ' (' . $dbDiscovery['graphs'] . ')')); } } else { if ($currentElement == 'graphs') { $list->addItem(_('Graphs') . ' (' . $dbHost['graphs'] . ')'); } else { $list->addItem(array(new CLink(_('Graphs'), 'graphs.php?hostid=' . $dbHost['hostid']), ' (' . $dbHost['graphs'] . ')')); } } } if (isset($elements['screens']) && $dbHost['status'] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE) { if ($currentElement == 'screens') { $list->addItem(_('Screens') . ' (' . $dbHost['screens'] . ')'); } else { $list->addItem(array(new CLink(_('Screens'), 'screenconf.php?templateid=' . $dbHost['hostid']), ' (' . $dbHost['screens'] . ')')); } } if (isset($elements['discoveries'])) { if ($currentElement == 'discoveries') { $list->addItem(_('Discovery rules') . ' (' . $dbHost['discoveries'] . ')'); } else { $list->addItem(array(new CLink(_('Discovery rules'), 'host_discovery.php?hostid=' . $dbHost['hostid']), ' (' . $dbHost['discoveries'] . ')')); } } return new CDiv($list, 'objectgroup top ui-widget-content ui-corner-all'); }
public function addItem($itemid, $axis = GRAPH_YAXIS_SIDE_DEFAULT, $calc_fnc = CALC_FNC_AVG, $color = null, $drawtype = null, $type = null, $periods_cnt = null) { if ($this->type == GRAPH_TYPE_STACKED) { $drawtype = GRAPH_ITEM_DRAWTYPE_FILLED_REGION; } $item = get_item_by_itemid($itemid); $this->items[$this->num] = $item; $this->items[$this->num]['description'] = item_description($item); $this->items[$this->num]['delay'] = getItemDelay($item['delay'], $item['delay_flex']); if (strpos($item['units'], ',') !== false) { list($this->items[$this->num]['units'], $this->items[$this->num]['unitsLong']) = explode(',', $item['units']); } else { $this->items[$this->num]['unitsLong'] = ''; } $host = get_host_by_hostid($item['hostid']); $this->items[$this->num]['host'] = $host['host']; $this->items[$this->num]['color'] = is_null($color) ? 'Dark Green' : $color; $this->items[$this->num]['drawtype'] = is_null($drawtype) ? GRAPH_ITEM_DRAWTYPE_LINE : $drawtype; $this->items[$this->num]['axisside'] = is_null($axis) ? GRAPH_YAXIS_SIDE_DEFAULT : $axis; $this->items[$this->num]['calc_fnc'] = is_null($calc_fnc) ? CALC_FNC_AVG : $calc_fnc; $this->items[$this->num]['calc_type'] = is_null($type) ? GRAPH_ITEM_SIMPLE : $type; $this->items[$this->num]['periods_cnt'] = is_null($periods_cnt) ? 0 : $periods_cnt; if ($this->items[$this->num]['axisside'] == GRAPH_YAXIS_SIDE_LEFT) { $this->yaxisleft = 1; } if ($this->items[$this->num]['axisside'] == GRAPH_YAXIS_SIDE_RIGHT) { $this->yaxisright = 1; } $this->num++; }
$app_wdgt->addPageheader(S_CONFIGURATION_OF_APPLICATIONS, $frmForm); if (isset($_REQUEST['form'])) { $frm_title = S_NEW_APPLICATION; if (isset($_REQUEST['applicationid'])) { $result = DBselect('SELECT * FROM applications WHERE applicationid=' . $_REQUEST['applicationid']); $row = DBfetch($result); $frm_title = S_APPLICATION . ': "' . $row['name'] . '"'; } if (isset($_REQUEST["applicationid"]) && !isset($_REQUEST["form_refresh"])) { $appname = $row["name"]; $apphostid = $row['hostid']; } else { $appname = get_request("appname", ""); $apphostid = get_request("apphostid", get_request("hostid", 0)); } $db_host = get_host_by_hostid($apphostid, 1); if ($db_host) { $apphost = $db_host["host"]; } else { $apphost = ''; $apphostid = 0; } $frmApp = new CFormTable($frm_title); $frmApp->setHelp("web.applications.php"); if (isset($_REQUEST["applicationid"])) { $frmApp->addVar("applicationid", $_REQUEST["applicationid"]); } $frmApp->addRow(S_NAME, new CTextBox("appname", $appname, 32)); $frmApp->addVar("apphostid", $apphostid); if (!isset($_REQUEST["applicationid"])) { // any new application can SELECT host