<div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12"> <?php echo $breadcrumbs; ?> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if (($page_heading = get_heading()) !== '') { ?> <div id="heading"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12"> <div class="heading-content"> <h2><?php echo $page_heading; ?> </h2> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>
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function print_check_voucher() { global $path_to_root, $systypes_array; $trans_no = $_POST['PARAM_0']; $trans_num = $_POST['PARAM_1']; $cv_no = $_POST['PARAM_2']; $account = $_POST['PARAM_3']; $orientation = $_POST['PARAM_4']; $destination = $_POST['PARAM_5']; if ($destination) { include_once $path_to_root . "/reporting/includes/excel_report.inc"; } else { include_once $path_to_root . "/reporting/includes/pdf_report2.inc"; } $orientation = $orientation ? 'L' : 'P'; $rep = new FrontReport(_('CHECK VOUCHER'), "CheckVoucher", user_pagesize(), '', $orientation); $dec = user_price_dec(); $cols = array(0, 30, 50, 125, 175, 200, 265, 285, 360, 425, 460, 542, 550); $aligns = array('left', 'left', 'left', 'left', 'right', 'right', 'left', 'left', 'right', 'right', 'right'); $rep->SetHeaderType(0); $rep->Font(); $rep->Info(null, $cols, null, $aligns); $rep->NewPage(); $ty = explode("-", $trans_no); $t_type = $ty[1]; if ($t_type != 0) { $res = get_transaction($trans_no, $t_type); $res1 = get_heading($trans_no, $t_type); } else { $res = get_transaction($trans_no, ST_DISBURSEMENT); $res1 = get_heading($trans_no, ST_DISBURSEMENT); } $myrow = db_fetch($res); $myrow1 = db_fetch($res1); $credit = $debit = 0; //$transtype = ST_DISBURSEMENT; if ($t_type != 0 || $t_type != '') { $res2 = get_gl_trans($t_type, $trans_num); $res3 = get_gl_trans($t_type, $trans_num); } else { $res2 = get_gl_trans(ST_DISBURSEMENT, $trans_num); $res3 = get_gl_trans(ST_DISBURSEMENT, $trans_num); } $new_ret = 0; $return = 0; //$fiscal = get_year(); //to be use // $year_no = substr(sql2date($fiscal['begin']), 8); //to be use // $ser = db_fetch(get_used_series($year_no, $transtype)); // $num = substr($ser['year'], 2); /* $rep->Font('bold'); $rep->TextCol(7,11, _("ST. MATTHEW'S PUBLISHING CORPORATION")); $rep->Font(); $rep->NewLine(); $rep->TextCol(7,11, _("Tel. Nos. 426-5611 * 433-5385 Telefax: 426-1274")); $rep->NewLine(3); $rep->Font('bold'); $rep->SetFontSize(14); $rep->TextCol(5,8, _("CHECK VOUCHER"));*/ $rep->NewLine(7); $rep->SetFontSize(12); $num = substr($myrow['yearDate'], 2); $name = payment_person_name($myrow["person_type_id"], $myrow["person_id"]); $rep->TextCol(2, 6, $name); $rep->TextCol(9, 11, $num . "-" . str_pad($myrow1['customized_no'], 4, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT)); $rep->NewLine(); if ($myrow1['customized_field'] != 0 || $myrow1['customized_field'] != '') { $rep->TextCol(0, 4, $myrow1['customized_field']); } else { $rep->TextCol(0, 4, _("")); } $rep->NewLine(1); $rep->TextCol(8, 10, $myrow['sqldate']); $rep->NewLine(5); // $rep->Line($rep->row - -10); // $rep->TextCol(4,6, _("PARTICULARS")); // $rep->TextCol(9,10, _("AMOUNT")); // $rep->Line($rep->row - 4); $var = array(); $pos = array(); $neg = array(); $pos_amt = array(); $neg_amt = array(); $tots = 0; $comment = get_comments_string($cv_no, $trans_num); while ($myrow2 = db_fetch($res2)) { $tots = 0; if (is_bank_account($myrow2['account'])) { $var = array($myrow2['account']); $rep->TextCol(1, 8, $comment); $tots += abs($myrow2['amount']); } } $rep->AmountCol(9, 11, $tots, 2); $rep->NewLine(2); // $rep->Line($rep->row - -10); // $rep->TextCol(1,3, _("DEBIT")); // $rep->TextCol(7,8, _("CREDIT")); // $rep->Line($rep->row - 4); $rep->NewLine(5); $rep->SetFontSize(12); while ($myrow3 = db_fetch($res3)) { $accounts = get_gl_accounts($myrow3['account']); $account = db_fetch($accounts); if ($myrow3['amount'] > 0) { // $rep->Line($rep->row - -10); //$rep->TextCol(0,4, $account['account_name']); // $rep->AmountCol(5,6, $myrow3['amount'],2); // $rep->NewLine(); // $rep->Line($rep->row + 8); array_push($pos, $account['account_name']); array_push($pos_amt, $myrow3['amount']); $debit += $myrow3['amount']; } else { array_push($neg, $account['account_name']); array_push($neg_amt, $myrow3['amount']); // $rep->Line($rep->row - 4); // $rep->TextCol(6,8, $account['account_name']); // $rep->AmountCol(9,11, abs($myrow3['amount']), 2); // $rep->NewLine(); // $rep->Line($rep->row - 4); } } $result = array_merge($pos, $neg); $new = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($result); $i++) { $new[] = $pos[$i]; $new[] = $neg[$i]; } $result2 = array_merge($pos_amt, $neg_amt); $new2 = array(); for ($j = 0; $j < count($result2); $j++) { $new2[] = $pos_amt[$j]; $new2[] = $neg_amt[$j]; } $final_res = array_merge($new, $new2); $final_array = array(); $final = array(); for ($k = 0; $k < count($final_res); $k++) { $final[] = $new[$k]; $final[] = $new2[$k]; } $enter = 0; for ($i = 0; $i <= count($final_res); $i++) { //if ($final[$i] != 0) //{ $rep->TextCol(0, 4, $pos[$i]); if ($pos_amt[$i] != 0) { $rep->AmountCol(4, 6, $pos_amt[$i], 2); } $rep->TextCol(7, 9, $neg[$i]); if ($neg_amt[$i] != 0) { $rep->AmountCol(9, 11, abs($neg_amt[$i]), 2); } if ($pos[$i] != "") { $rep->NewLine(); $enter++; } // } } $return = 11 - $enter; //$rep->Line($rep->row - 4); $rep->NewLine($return); //$rep->TextCol(0,2, count($final_res)); //$rep->TextCol(4,5, $enter); //else // $rep->NewLine($return); $rep->SetFontSize(10); // $rep->TextCol(0,2, _("Cash")); $words = price_in_words($tots, ST_CHEQUE); $_word = strlen($words); $first_word = substr($words, 0, 34); $second_word = substr($words, 34); // if ($words != "") // { //$rep->TextCol(5,7, _("Received the sum of :")); // $oldrow = $rep->row; $rep->TextColLines(8, 11, $first_word . "-", -2); //$newrow = $rep->row; // $rep->row = $oldrow; // } $rep->SetFontSize(10); $rep->TextCol(1, 3, $myrow1['check_num']); $tots_dec = price_format($tots); $rep->TextCol(3, 7, " " . $tots_dec); $rep->SetFontSize(10); $rep->TextCol(7, 11, $second_word); //$rep->TextCol(7,10, _("as payment of the above particulars.")); $rep->NewLine(); $rep->SetFontSize(10); //$rep->TextCol(0,10, _("Bank/Branch: ")); foreach ($var as $vars) { // $bank_name = get_bank_name($vars); $rep->TextCol(2, 10, get_bank_name($vars) . " "); } // $rep->TextCol(1,5, $myrow['bank_address']); $rep->TextCol(7, 9, " " . $tots_dec); $rep->End(); }
function weblog_viewer_show_headings($page, &$params, $prefix = "", $child_count = "") { global $script, $auto_template_name; global $_weblog_list_anchor, $_weblog_msgs; static $_auto_template_name = ""; if (!$_auto_template_name) { $_auto_template_name = preg_quote($auto_template_name, '/'); } // テンプレートページは表示しない場合 if (preg_match("/\\/" . $_auto_template_name . "(_m)?\$/", $page)) { return; } $ret = ''; $rules = '/\\(\\(((?:(?!\\)\\)).)*)\\)\\)/'; $is_done = (isset($params[$page]) and $params[$page] > 0); //ページが表示済みのときTrue if (!$is_done) { $params[$page] = ++$_weblog_list_anchor; } $name = strip_bracket($page); $title = $name . ' ' . get_pg_passage($page, FALSE); if ($params['weblog']) { if (!ereg("(.*/)?([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{6}).*\$", $name, $m)) { return; } if (!checkdate($m[3], $m[4], $m[2])) { return; } } if ($use_static_url = 1) { $pgid = get_pgid_by_name($page); $href = XOOPS_WIKI_URL . "/{$pgid}.html"; } else { $href = $script . '?' . rawurlencode($name); } //ページ名が「数字と-」だけの場合は、*(**)行を取得してみる $_name = ""; if (preg_match("/^(.*\\/)?[0-9\\-]+\$/", $name)) { $_name = get_heading($page); } //基準ページ名は省く nao-pon if ($name != $prefix) { $name = str_replace($prefix, "", $name); $_is_base = false; } else { $_is_base = true; } //階層でマージン設定 $name = str_replace("/", "\t", $name); //マルチバイトを考慮してTABに変換 $c_count = count_chars($name); if ($_is_base) { $c_margin = 0; //基準ページ } else { $c_margin = $c_count[9] * 15; //TABのコード=9 } //[/(\tに変換済)]以前をカット $name = preg_replace("/.*\t/", "", $name); $ret .= '<li style="margin-left:' . $c_margin . 'px;">'; if ($params['weblog']) { $_page = preg_replace("/(.*\\/)?([0-9\\-]+)\$/", "\\2", $page); $t_year = substr($_page, 0, 4); $t_month = substr($_page, 5, 2); $t_day = substr($_page, 8, 2); $t_hour = substr($_page, 11, 2); $t_min = substr($_page, 13, 2); $t_sec = substr($_page, 15, 2); $timestamp = mktime($t_hour, $t_min, $t_sec, $t_month, $t_day, $t_year); // $info = get_pg_info_db($page); // $timestamp = $info['buildtime']; $make_date[1] = date("Y", $timestamp); $make_date[2] = date("m", $timestamp); $make_date[3] = date("d", $timestamp); $make_date[4] = date("H:i", $timestamp); if ($params['weblog'] === "time") { $page_attr = $make_date[4]; } else { $page_attr = $make_date[2] . "/" . $make_date[3] . " " . $make_date[4]; } $ret .= $page_attr . " - "; } if ($_name) { $name = $_name; } if ($params['relatedcount']) { $name .= " (" . links_get_related_count($page) . ")"; } if ($child_count != "") { $name .= " ({$child_count})"; } //Newマーク付加 if (!$params['nonew'] && exist_plugin_inline("new")) { $new_mark = do_plugin_inline("new", "{$page}/,nolink", ""); } $ret .= '<a id="list_' . $params[$page] . '" href="' . $href . '" title="' . $title . '">' . $name . '</a>' . $new_mark; $anchor = WEBLOG_LIST_ANCHOR_ORIGIN; $_ret = ''; if ($_ret != '') { $ret .= "<ul>{$_ret}</ul>\n"; } $ret .= '</li>' . "\n"; return $ret; }
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