Beispiel #1
 * Get the tempcode for a bank of tick boxes.
 * @param  array			A list of tuples: (prettyname, name, value, description, [disabled])
 * @param  mixed			A description for this input field
 * @param  ?integer		The tab index of the field (NULL: not specified)
 * @param  mixed			A human intelligible name for this input field (blank: use default)
 * @param  boolean		Whether to place each tick on a new line
 * @return tempcode		The input field
function form_input_various_ticks($options, $description, $_tabindex = NULL, $_pretty_name = '', $simple_style = false)
    if (count($options) == 0) {
        return new ocp_tempcode();
    $options = array_values($options);
    if (is_null($_tabindex)) {
        $tabindex = get_form_field_tabindex(NULL);
    } else {
        $tabindex = $_tabindex;
    if (is_string($_pretty_name) && $_pretty_name == '') {
        $_pretty_name = do_lang_tempcode('OPTIONS');
    $input = new ocp_tempcode();
    if (count($options[0]) != 3) {
        $options = array(array($options, NULL, new ocp_tempcode()));
    foreach ($options as $_option) {
        $out = array();
        foreach ($_option[0] as $option) {
            // $disabled has been added to the API, so we must emulate the
            // previous behaviour if it isn't supplied (ie. $disabled='0')
            if (count($option) == 4) {
                list($pretty_name, $name, $value, $_description) = $option;
                $disabled = '0';
            } elseif (count($option) == 5) {
                list($pretty_name, $name, $value, $_description, $_disabled) = $option;
                $disabled = $_disabled ? '1' : '0';
            $value = filter_form_field_default($name, $value ? '1' : '0') == '1';
            $out[] = array('CHECKED' => $value, 'TABINDEX' => strval($tabindex), 'NAME' => $name, 'PRETTY_NAME' => $pretty_name, 'DESCRIPTION' => $_description, 'DISABLED' => $disabled);
        $input->attach(do_template('FORM_SCREEN_INPUT_VARIOUS_TICKS', array('_GUID' => 'a6212f61304a101fb2754e334a8b4212', 'SECTION_TITLE' => $_option[2], 'EXPANDED' => $_option[1], 'SIMPLE_STYLE' => $simple_style, 'BRETHREN_COUNT' => strval(count($out)), 'OUT' => $out)));
    return _form_input('', $_pretty_name, $description, $input, false, false, $tabindex);
Beispiel #2
  * Get form inputter.
  * @param  string			The field name
  * @param  string			The field description
  * @param  array			The field details
  * @param  ?string		The actual current value of the field (NULL: none)
  * @param  boolean		Whether this is for a new entry
  * @param  boolean		Whether this is the last field in the catalogue
  * @return ?tempcode		The Tempcode for the input field (NULL: skip the field - it's not input)
 function get_field_inputter($_cf_name, $_cf_description, $field, $actual_value, $new, $last = true)
     if (is_null($actual_value)) {
         $actual_value = '';
     // Plug anomaly due to unusual corruption
     $tabindex = get_form_field_tabindex();
     $actual_value = filter_form_field_default($_cf_name, $actual_value);
     list($attachments, $attach_size_field) = get_attachments('field_' . strval($field['id']));
     $hidden_fields = new ocp_tempcode();
     $comcode_help = build_url(array('page' => 'userguide_comcode'), get_comcode_zone('userguide_comcode', false));
     $emoticon_chooser = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_emoticon_chooser('field_' . strval($field['id']));
     $comcode_editor = get_comcode_editor('field_' . strval($field['id']));
     $comcode_editor_small = get_comcode_editor('field_' . strval($field['id']), true);
     $w = has_js() && (browser_matches('wysiwyg') && strpos($actual_value, '{$,page hint: no_wysiwyg}') === false);
     $class = '';
     if (!$WYSIWYG_ATTACHED) {
     $WYSIWYG_ATTACHED = true;
     @header('Content-type: text/html; charset=' . get_charset());
     if ($w) {
         $class .= ' wysiwyg';
     global $LAX_COMCODE;
     $temp = $LAX_COMCODE;
     $LAX_COMCODE = true;
     // Little hack to stop it checking any URLs
     /*if (is_null($default_parsed)) */
     $default_parsed = comcode_to_tempcode($actual_value, NULL, false, 60, NULL, NULL, true);
     $LAX_COMCODE = $temp;
     $attachments_done = true;
     $ret = do_template('POSTING_FIELD', array('REQUIRED' => $field['cf_required'] == 1, 'DESCRIPTION' => $_cf_description, 'HIDDEN_FIELDS' => $hidden_fields, 'PRETTY_NAME' => $_cf_name, 'NAME' => 'field_' . strval($field['id']), 'TABINDEX_PF' => strval($tabindex), 'COMCODE_EDITOR' => $comcode_editor, 'COMCODE_EDITOR_SMALL' => $comcode_editor_small, 'CLASS' => $class, 'COMCODE_URL' => build_url(array('page' => 'userguide_comcode'), get_comcode_zone('userguide_comcode', false)), 'EMOTICON_CHOOSER' => $emoticon_chooser, 'COMCODE_HELP' => $comcode_help, 'POST' => $actual_value, 'DEFAULT_PARSED' => $default_parsed, 'ATTACHMENTS' => $attachments));
     if (!$last) {
         $ret->attach(do_template('FORM_SCREEN_FIELD_SPACER', array('TITLE' => do_lang_tempcode('ADDITIONAL_INFO'))));
     return $ret;
Beispiel #3
  * The UI to import news
  * @return tempcode		The UI
 function import_wordpress()
     check_specific_permission('mass_import', NULL, NULL, 'cms_news');
     $lang = post_param('lang', user_lang());
     $title = get_page_title('IMPORT_WP_DB');
     $submit_name = do_lang_tempcode('IMPORT_WP_DB');
     // Build up form
     $fields_xml = new ocp_tempcode();
     $fields_xml->attach(form_input_upload(do_lang_tempcode('UPLOAD'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_WP_XML'), 'file_novalidate', false, NULL, NULL, true, 'xml'));
     $fields_xml->attach(form_input_line(do_lang_tempcode('ALT_FIELD', do_lang_tempcode('URL')), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_ALTERNATE_URL'), 'xml_url', '', false));
     $hidden = form_input_hidden('lang', $lang);
     $javascript = 'standardAlternateFields(\'file_novalidate\',\'xml_url\');';
     $xml_post_url = build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'type' => '_import_wordpress', 'method' => 'xml'), '_SELF');
     $xml_upload_form = do_template('FORM', array('TABINDEX' => strval(get_form_field_tabindex()), 'TEXT' => '', 'HIDDEN' => $hidden, 'FIELDS' => $fields_xml, 'SUBMIT_NAME' => $submit_name, 'URL' => $xml_post_url, 'JAVASCRIPT' => $javascript));
     $fields = new ocp_tempcode();
     $fields->attach(form_input_line(do_lang_tempcode('WORDPRESS_HOST_NAME'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_WORDPRESS_HOST_NAME'), 'wp_host', 'localhost', false));
     $fields->attach(form_input_line(do_lang_tempcode('WORDPRESS_DB_NAME'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_WORDPRESS_DB_NAME'), 'wp_db', 'wordpress', false));
     $fields->attach(form_input_line(do_lang_tempcode('WORDPRESS_TABLE_PREFIX'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_WORDPRESS_TABLE_PREFIX'), 'wp_table_prefix', 'wp', false));
     $fields->attach(form_input_line(do_lang_tempcode('WORDPRESS_DB_USERNAME'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_WORDPRESS_DB_USERNAME'), 'wp_db_user', 'root', false));
     $fields->attach(form_input_password(do_lang_tempcode('WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD'), 'wp_db_password', false));
     $fields->attach(do_template('FORM_SCREEN_FIELD_SPACER', array('SECTION_HIDDEN' => false, 'TITLE' => do_lang_tempcode('ADVANCED_OPTIONS'))));
     $fields->attach(form_input_tick(do_lang_tempcode('IMPORT_WORDPRESS_USERS'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_IMPORT_WORDPRESS_USER'), 'wp_import_wordpress_users', true));
     $fields->attach(form_input_tick(do_lang_tempcode('IMPORT_BLOG_COMMENTS'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_IMPORT_BLOG_COMMENTS'), 'wp_import_blog_comments', true));
     $fields->attach(form_input_tick(do_lang_tempcode('AUTO_VALIDATE_ALL_POSTS'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_VALIDATE_ALL_POSTS'), 'wp_auto_validate', true));
     $fields->attach(form_input_tick(do_lang_tempcode('ADD_TO_OWN_ACCOUNT'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_ADD_TO_OWN_ACCOUNT'), 'wp_add_to_own', false));
     $hidden = new ocp_tempcode();
     $hidden->attach(form_input_hidden('lang', $lang));
     $javascript = '';
     $db_post_url = build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'type' => '_import_wordpress', 'method' => 'db'), '_SELF');
     $db_import_form = do_template('FORM', array('TABINDEX' => strval(get_form_field_tabindex()), 'TEXT' => '', 'HIDDEN' => $hidden, 'FIELDS' => $fields, 'SUBMIT_NAME' => $submit_name, 'URL' => $db_post_url, 'JAVASCRIPT' => $javascript));
     return do_template('NEWS_WORDPRESS_IMPORT_SCREEN', array('TITLE' => get_page_title('DB_IMPORT_FORM'), 'XML_UPLOAD_FORM' => $xml_upload_form, 'DB_IMPORT_FORM' => $db_import_form));
Beispiel #4
  * The UI to choose a ticket type to edit, or to add a ticket.
  * @return tempcode		The UI
 function ticket_type_interface()
     $title = get_page_title('MANAGE_TICKET_TYPES');
     $list = new ocp_tempcode();
     $ticket_types = collapse_1d_complexity('ticket_type', $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('ticket_types', array('*'), NULL, 'ORDER BY ticket_type'));
     foreach ($ticket_types as $ticket_type) {
         $list->attach(form_input_list_entry(strval($ticket_type), false, get_translated_text($ticket_type)));
     if (!$list->is_empty()) {
         $edit_url = build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'type' => 'edit'), '_SELF', NULL, false, true);
         $submit_name = do_lang_tempcode('CHOOSE');
         $fields = form_input_list(do_lang_tempcode('TITLE'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_TICKET_TYPE'), 'ticket_type', $list);
         $tpl = do_template('FORM', array('TABINDEX' => strval(get_form_field_tabindex()), 'GET' => true, 'HIDDEN' => '', 'TEXT' => '', 'FIELDS' => $fields, 'URL' => $edit_url, 'SUBMIT_NAME' => $submit_name));
     } else {
         $tpl = new ocp_tempcode();
     // Do a form so people can add
     $post_url = build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'type' => 'add'), '_SELF');
     $submit_name = do_lang_tempcode('ADD_TICKET_TYPE');
     $fields = form_input_line(do_lang_tempcode('TITLE'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_TICKET_TYPE'), 'ticket_type_2', '', false);
     $fields->attach(form_input_tick(do_lang_tempcode('TICKET_GUEST_EMAILS_MANDATORY'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_TICKET_GUEST_EMAILS_MANDATORY'), 'guest_emails_mandatory', false));
     $fields->attach(form_input_tick(do_lang_tempcode('TICKET_SEARCH_FAQ'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_TICKET_SEARCH_FAQ'), 'search_faq', false));
     // Permissions
     $admin_groups = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_super_admin_groups();
     $groups = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_usergroup_list(false, true);
     foreach ($groups as $id => $group_name) {
         if (in_array($id, $admin_groups)) {
         $fields->attach(form_input_tick(do_lang_tempcode('ACCESS_FOR', escape_html($group_name)), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_ACCESS_FOR', escape_html($group_name)), 'access_' . strval($id), true));
     $add_form = do_template('FORM', array('_GUID' => '382f6fab6c563d81303ecb26495e76ec', 'TABINDEX' => strval(get_form_field_tabindex()), 'SECONDARY_FORM' => true, 'HIDDEN' => '', 'TEXT' => '', 'FIELDS' => $fields, 'SUBMIT_NAME' => $submit_name, 'URL' => $post_url));
     breadcrumb_set_parents(array(array('_SELF:_SELF:misc', do_lang_tempcode('MANAGE_TICKET_TYPES'))));
     return do_template('SUPPORT_TICKET_TYPE_SCREEN', array('_GUID' => '28645dc4a86086fa865ec7e166b84bb6', 'TITLE' => $title, 'TPL' => $tpl, 'ADD_FORM' => $add_form));
  * The UI to set point-store prices.
  * @return tempcode		The UI
 function interface_set_prices()
     $also_url = build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'type' => 'misc'), '_SELF');
     attach_message(do_lang_tempcode('ALSO_SEE_USAGE', escape_html($also_url->evaluate())), 'inform');
     $title = get_page_title('POINTSTORE_MANAGE_INVENTORY');
     $field_groups = new ocp_tempcode();
     $add_forms = new ocp_tempcode();
     // Load up configuration from hooks
     $_hooks = find_all_hooks('modules', 'pointstore');
     foreach (array_keys($_hooks) as $hook) {
         require_code('hooks/modules/pointstore/' . filter_naughty_harsh($hook));
         $object = object_factory('Hook_pointstore_' . filter_naughty_harsh($hook), true);
         if (is_null($object)) {
         if (method_exists($object, 'config')) {
             $fg = $object->config();
             if (!is_null($fg)) {
                 foreach ($fg[0] as $__fg) {
                     $_fg = do_template('FORM_GROUP', array('_GUID' => '58a0948313f0e8e69c06ee01fb7ee48a', 'FIELDS' => $__fg[0], 'HIDDEN' => $__fg[1]));
                     $field_groups->attach(do_template('POINTSTORE_PRICES_FORM_WRAP', array('_GUID' => '938143162b418de982cdb6ce8d8a92ee', 'TITLE' => $__fg[2], 'FORM' => $_fg)));
                 if (!$fg[2]->is_empty()) {
                     $submit_name = do_lang_tempcode('ADD');
                     $post_url = build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'type' => '_p'), '_SELF');
                     $fg[2] = do_template('FORM', array('SECONDARY_FORM' => true, 'TABINDEX' => strval(get_form_field_tabindex(NULL)), 'HIDDEN' => '', 'TEXT' => '', 'FIELDS' => $fg[2], 'SUBMIT_BUTTON_CLASS' => 'proceed_button_left', 'SUBMIT_NAME' => $submit_name, 'URL' => $post_url));
                     $add_forms->attach(do_template('POINTSTORE_PRICES_FORM_WRAP', array('_GUID' => '3956550ebff14bbb923b57c8341b0862', 'TITLE' => $fg[1], 'FORM' => $fg[2])));
     $submit_name = do_lang_tempcode('SAVE_ALL');
     $post_url = build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'type' => '_p'), '_SELF');
     $edit_form = $field_groups->is_empty() ? new ocp_tempcode() : do_template('FORM_GROUPED', array('_GUID' => 'bf025026dcfc86cfd0a8ef3728bbf6d8', 'TEXT' => '', 'FIELD_GROUPS' => $field_groups, 'SUBMIT_NAME' => $submit_name, 'SUBMIT_BUTTON_CLASS' => 'proceed_button_left_2', 'URL' => $post_url));
     list($warning_details, $ping_url) = handle_conflict_resolution();
     return do_template('POINTSTORE_PRICE_SCREEN', array('_GUID' => '278c8244c7f1743370198dfc437b7bbf', 'PING_URL' => $ping_url, 'WARNING_DETAILS' => $warning_details, 'TITLE' => $title, 'EDIT_FORM' => $edit_form, 'ADD_FORMS' => $add_forms));
Beispiel #6
  * The UI to edit an author (effectively deleting and re-adding them).
  * @return tempcode		The UI
 function ed()
     $title = get_page_title('EDIT_MERGE_AUTHORS');
     $authors = $this->nice_get_authors();
     if ($authors->is_empty()) {
     $fields = form_input_list(do_lang_tempcode('NAME'), '', 'author', $authors, NULL, true);
     $post_url = build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'type' => '_ad'), '_SELF');
     $submit_name = do_lang_tempcode('PROCEED');
     $define_form = do_template('FORM', array('TABINDEX' => strval(get_form_field_tabindex()), 'HIDDEN' => '', 'TEXT' => '', 'FIELDS' => $fields, 'GET' => true, 'URL' => $post_url, 'SUBMIT_NAME' => $submit_name));
     if (has_specific_permission(get_member(), 'delete_midrange_content')) {
         $fields = form_input_list(do_lang_tempcode('NAME'), '', 'mauthor', $authors);
         $fields->attach(form_input_list(do_lang_tempcode('NAME'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_NAME'), 'mauthor2', $authors));
         $post_url = build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'type' => '_mg'), '_SELF');
         $submit_name = do_lang_tempcode('MERGE_AUTHORS');
         $merge_form = do_template('FORM', array('_GUID' => 'd0dd075a54b72cfe47d3c2d9fe987c89', 'TABINDEX' => strval(get_form_field_tabindex()), 'SECONDARY_FORM' => true, 'HIDDEN' => '', 'TEXT' => '', 'FIELDS' => $fields, 'URL' => $post_url, 'SUBMIT_NAME' => $submit_name));
     } else {
         $merge_form = new ocp_tempcode();
     breadcrumb_set_parents(array(array('_SELF:_SELF:misc', do_lang_tempcode('AUTHOR_MANAGE'))));
     return do_template('AUTHOR_MANAGE_SCREEN', array('_GUID' => '84f8de5d53090d138cb653bb861f2f70', 'TITLE' => $title, 'MERGE_FORM' => $merge_form, 'DEFINE_FORM' => $define_form));
Beispiel #7
  * The UI to import into a gallery.
  * @return tempcode		The UI
 function _gimp()
     $cat = get_param('name', 'root');
     if (substr($cat, 0, 7) != 'member_') {
         $test = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value_null_ok('galleries', 'name', array('name' => $cat));
         if (is_null($test)) {
     $title = get_page_title('GALLERY_IMPORT');
     // To choose to batch import from an attached tar or zip file (zip file only supported if zip module running on php install)
     $post_url = build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'type' => '__gimp', 'cat' => $cat, 'uploading' => 1, 'redirect' => get_param('redirect', NULL)), '_SELF');
     $fields = new ocp_tempcode();
     $supported = 'tar';
     if (function_exists('zip_open') || get_option('unzip_cmd') != '') {
         $supported .= ', zip';
     $fields->attach(form_input_upload_multi(do_lang_tempcode('UPLOAD'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_ARCHIVE_MEDIA', escape_html($supported), escape_html(str_replace(',', ', ', get_option('valid_images') . ',' . get_allowed_video_file_types()))), 'file', true, NULL, NULL, true, str_replace(' ', '', get_option('valid_images') . ',' . $supported)));
     $hidden = new ocp_tempcode();
     if (get_option('is_on_gd') == '1') {
         if ($this->has_at_least_one_watermark($cat)) {
             $fields->attach(form_input_tick(do_lang_tempcode('WATERMARK'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_WATERMARK'), 'watermark', true));
     // Feedback
     $fields->attach(feedback_fields(true, true, true, false, ''));
     // Max upload limit
     $max = floatval(get_max_file_size()) / floatval(1024 * 1024);
     if ($max < 30.0) {
         $config_url = get_upload_limit_config_url();
         $text = paragraph(do_lang_tempcode(is_null($config_url) ? 'MAXIMUM_UPLOAD' : 'MAXIMUM_UPLOAD_STAFF', escape_html($max > 10.0 ? integer_format(intval($max)) : float_format($max)), escape_html(is_null($config_url) ? '' : $config_url)));
     } else {
         $text = new ocp_tempcode();
     // Show form
     $hidden->attach(form_input_hidden('test', '1'));
     $form = do_template('FORM', array('_GUID' => '05de2bc134ed0b1ab703ac8bfbfabce4', 'TABINDEX' => strval(get_form_field_tabindex()), 'FIELDS' => $fields, 'SUBMIT_NAME' => do_lang_tempcode('BATCH_IMPORT_ARCHIVE_CONTENTS'), 'URL' => $post_url, 'TEXT' => $text, 'HIDDEN' => $hidden));
     // Orphaned upload form
     // To choose to batch import what already exists in gallery directory, but is orphaned
     $orphaned_content = new ocp_tempcode();
     if ($GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->is_staff(get_member()) && $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('images', 'COUNT(*)') + $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('videos', 'COUNT(*)') < 4000) {
         $there = array();
         $_dir = opendir(get_custom_file_base() . '/uploads/galleries/');
         while (false !== ($file = readdir($_dir))) {
             if ($file != 'index.html' && !is_dir(get_custom_file_base() . '/uploads/galleries/' . $file) && (is_image($file) || is_video($file))) {
                 $there[$file] = filemtime(get_custom_file_base() . '/uploads/galleries/' . $file);
         $_dir = @opendir(get_custom_file_base() . '/uploads/galleries/' . filter_naughty($cat));
         if ($_dir !== false) {
             while (false !== ($file = readdir($_dir))) {
                 if ($file != 'index.html' && !is_dir(get_custom_file_base() . '/uploads/galleries/' . $cat . '/' . $file) && (is_image($file) || is_video($file))) {
                     $there[$cat . '/' . $file] = filemtime(get_custom_file_base() . '/uploads/galleries/' . $cat . '/' . $file);
         if (count($there) != 0) {
             $test1 = collapse_1d_complexity('url', $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('images', array('url')));
             $test2 = collapse_1d_complexity('url', $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('videos', array('url')));
             $temp_keys = array_keys($there);
             $last_time = $there[$temp_keys[0]];
             foreach ($there as $file => $time) {
                 if (!in_array('uploads/galleries/' . str_replace('%2F', '/', rawurlencode($file)), $test1) && !in_array('uploads/galleries/' . str_replace('%2F', '/', rawurlencode($file)), $test2)) {
                     $orphaned_content->attach(form_input_list_entry($file, $time >= $last_time - 60 * 60 * 3 || strpos($file, '/') !== false, $file));
         $add_url = build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'type' => 'ss'), '_SELF');
         if (!$orphaned_content->is_empty()) {
             $fields_2 = new ocp_tempcode();
             $hidden_2 = new ocp_tempcode();
             if (get_param_integer('keep_de_orphan', 0) == 1) {
                 $cats = nice_get_gallery_tree($cat, NULL, false, false, false, false, NULL, true);
                 $fields_2->attach(form_input_list(do_lang_tempcode('GALLERY'), '', 'cat', $cats));
             } else {
                 $hidden_2->attach(form_input_hidden('cat', $cat));
             $fields_2->attach(form_input_multi_list(do_lang_tempcode('ENTRIES'), '', 'files', $orphaned_content));
             if ($this->has_at_least_one_watermark($cat)) {
                 $fields_2->attach(form_input_various_ticks(array(array(do_lang_tempcode('WATERMARK'), 'watermark', true, ''), array(do_lang_tempcode('ALLOW_RATING'), 'allow_rating', true, ''), array(do_lang_tempcode('ALLOW_COMMENTS'), 'allow_comments', true, ''), array(do_lang_tempcode('ALLOW_REVIEWS'), 'allow_reviews', false, ''), array(do_lang_tempcode('ALLOW_TRACKBACKS'), 'allow_trackbacks', true, '')), '', NULL, do_lang_tempcode('OPTIONS')));
             $radios = new ocp_tempcode();
             $radios->attach(form_input_radio_entry('type', 'sa', true, do_lang_tempcode('ADD_GALLERY_SELECTION')));
             $radios->attach(form_input_radio_entry('type', 'sd', false, do_lang_tempcode('DELETE_GALLERY_SELECTION')));
             $fields_2->attach(form_input_radio(do_lang_tempcode('ACTION'), '', 'type', $radios, true));
             // Feedback
             $fields_2->attach(feedback_fields(true, true, true, false, ''));
             $form2 = do_template('FORM', array('SECONDARY_FORM' => true, 'TABINDEX' => strval(get_form_field_tabindex()), 'FIELDS' => $fields_2, 'SUBMIT_NAME' => do_lang_tempcode('PROCEED'), 'URL' => $add_url, 'TEXT' => '', 'HIDDEN' => $hidden_2));
         } else {
             $form2 = new ocp_tempcode();
     } else {
         $form2 = new ocp_tempcode();
     breadcrumb_set_parents(array(array('_SELF:_SELF:misc', do_lang_tempcode('MANAGE_GALLERIES')), array('_SELF:_SELF:gimp', do_lang_tempcode('GALLERY'))));
     return do_template('GALLERY_IMPORT_SCREEN', array('_GUID' => '607c819ff751268294e5e590a0d41533', 'TITLE' => $title, 'FORM2' => $form2, 'FORM' => $form));
Beispiel #8
  * The main user interface for the file dump.
  * @return tempcode	The UI.
 function module_do_gui()
     $title = get_page_title('FILE_DUMP');
     $place = filter_naughty(get_param('place', '/'));
     if (substr($place, -1, 1) != '/') {
         $place .= '/';
     $GLOBALS['FEED_URL'] = find_script('backend') . '?mode=filedump&filter=' . $place;
     // Show tree
     $dirs = explode('/', substr($place, 0, strlen($place) - 1));
     $i = 0;
     $pre = '';
     $file_tree = new ocp_tempcode();
     while (array_key_exists($i, $dirs)) {
         if ($i > 0) {
             $d = $dirs[$i];
         } else {
             $d = do_lang('FILE_DUMP');
         if (array_key_exists($i + 1, $dirs)) {
             $tree_url = build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'place' => $pre . $dirs[$i] . '/'), '_SELF');
             if (!$file_tree->is_empty()) {
                 $file_tree->attach(do_template('BREADCRUMB', array('_GUID' => '7ee62e230d53344a7d9667dc59be21c6')));
             $file_tree->attach(hyperlink($tree_url, $d));
         $pre .= $dirs[$i] . '/';
     if (!$file_tree->is_empty()) {
         breadcrumb_add_segment($file_tree, $d);
     } else {
         breadcrumb_set_self($i == 1 ? do_lang_tempcode('FILE_DUMP') : make_string_tempcode(escape_html($d)));
     // Check directory exists
     $fullpath = get_custom_file_base() . '/uploads/filedump' . $place;
     if (!file_exists(get_custom_file_base() . '/uploads/filedump' . $place)) {
         if (has_specific_permission(get_member(), 'upload_filedump')) {
             @mkdir($fullpath, 0777) or warn_exit(do_lang_tempcode('WRITE_ERROR_DIRECTORY', escape_html($fullpath), escape_html(dirname($fullpath))));
             fix_permissions($fullpath, 0777);
     // Find all files in the incoming directory
     $handle = opendir(get_custom_file_base() . '/uploads/filedump' . $place);
     $i = 0;
     $filename = array();
     $description = array();
     $filesize = array();
     $filetime = array();
     $directory = array();
     $deletable = array();
     while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
         if (!should_ignore_file('uploads/filedump' . $place . $file, IGNORE_ACCESS_CONTROLLERS | IGNORE_HIDDEN_FILES)) {
             $directory[$i] = !is_file(get_custom_file_base() . '/uploads/filedump' . $place . $file);
             $filename[$i] = $directory[$i] ? $file . '/' : $file;
             if ($directory[$i]) {
                 $filesize[$i] = do_lang_tempcode('NA_EM');
             $dbrows = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('filedump', array('description', 'the_member'), array('name' => $file, 'path' => $place));
             if (!array_key_exists(0, $dbrows)) {
                 $description[$i] = $directory[$i] ? do_lang_tempcode('NA_EM') : do_lang_tempcode('NONE_EM');
             } else {
                 $description[$i] = make_string_tempcode(escape_html(get_translated_text($dbrows[0]['description'])));
             if ($description[$i]->is_empty()) {
                 $description[$i] = do_lang_tempcode('NONE_EM');
             $deletable[$i] = array_key_exists(0, $dbrows) && $dbrows[0]['the_member'] == get_member() || has_specific_permission(get_member(), 'delete_anything_filedump');
             if ($directory[$i]) {
                 $size = get_directory_size(get_custom_file_base() . '/uploads/filedump' . $place . $file);
                 $timestamp = NULL;
             } else {
                 $size = filesize(get_custom_file_base() . '/uploads/filedump' . $place . $file);
                 $timestamp = filemtime(get_custom_file_base() . '/uploads/filedump' . $place . $file);
             $filesize[$i] = clean_file_size($size);
             $filetime[$i] = is_null($timestamp) ? NULL : get_timezoned_date($timestamp);
     if ($i != 0) {
         $header_row = table_table_header_row(array(do_lang_tempcode('FILENAME'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION'), do_lang_tempcode('SIZE'), do_lang_tempcode('DATE_TIME'), do_lang_tempcode('ACTIONS')));
         $rows = new ocp_tempcode();
         for ($a = 0; $a < $i; $a++) {
             if ($directory[$a]) {
                 $link = build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'place' => $place . $filename[$a]), '_SELF');
             } else {
                 $link = make_string_tempcode(get_custom_base_url() . '/uploads/filedump' . str_replace('%2F', '/', rawurlencode($place . $filename[$a])));
             if (!$directory[$a]) {
                 if ($deletable[$a]) {
                     $delete_url = build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'type' => 'ed', 'file' => $filename[$a], 'place' => $place), '_SELF');
                     $actions = do_template('TABLE_TABLE_ACTION_DELETE_ENTRY', array('_GUID' => '9b91e485d80417b1664145f9bca5a2f5', 'NAME' => $filename[$a], 'URL' => $delete_url));
                 } else {
                     $actions = new ocp_tempcode();
             } else {
                 $delete_url = build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'type' => 'ec', 'file' => $filename[$a], 'place' => $place), '_SELF');
                 $actions = do_template('TABLE_TABLE_ACTION_DELETE_CATEGORY', array('_GUID' => '0fa7d4090c6195328191399a14799169', 'NAME' => $filename[$a], 'URL' => $delete_url));
             $rows->attach(table_table_row(array(hyperlink($link, escape_html($filename[$a]), !$directory[$a]), escape_html($description[$a]), escape_html($filesize[$a]), is_null($filetime[$a]) ? do_lang_tempcode('NA') : make_string_tempcode(escape_html($filetime[$a])), $actions)));
         $files = do_template('TABLE_TABLE', array('_GUID' => '1c0a91d47c5fc8a7c2b35c7d9b36132f', 'HEADER_ROW' => $header_row, 'ROWS' => $rows));
     } else {
         $files = new ocp_tempcode();
     // Do a form so people can upload their own stuff
     if (has_specific_permission(get_member(), 'upload_filedump')) {
         $post_url = build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'type' => 'ad', 'uploading' => 1), '_SELF');
         $submit_name = do_lang_tempcode('FILEDUMP_UPLOAD');
         $max = floatval(get_max_file_size());
         $text = new ocp_tempcode();
         if ($max < 30.0) {
             $config_url = get_upload_limit_config_url();
             $text->attach(do_lang_tempcode(is_null($config_url) ? 'MAXIMUM_UPLOAD' : 'MAXIMUM_UPLOAD_STAFF', escape_html($max > 10.0 ? integer_format(intval($max)) : float_format($max / 1024.0 / 1024.0)), escape_html(is_null($config_url) ? '' : $config_url)));
         $fields = form_input_upload(do_lang_tempcode('UPLOAD'), do_lang_tempcode('_DESCRIPTION_UPLOAD'), 'file', true);
         $fields->attach(form_input_line(do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_DESCRIPTION'), 'description', '', false));
         $hidden = new ocp_tempcode();
         $hidden->attach(form_input_hidden('place', $place));
         $upload_form = do_template('FORM', array('TABINDEX' => strval(get_form_field_tabindex()), 'SKIP_REQUIRED' => true, 'HIDDEN' => $hidden, 'TEXT' => $text, 'FIELDS' => $fields, 'SUBMIT_NAME' => $submit_name, 'URL' => $post_url));
     } else {
         $upload_form = new ocp_tempcode();
     // Do a form so people can make folders
     if (get_option('is_on_folder_create') == '1') {
         $post_url = build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'type' => 'ac'), '_SELF');
         $fields = form_input_line(do_lang_tempcode('NAME'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_NAME'), 'name', '', true);
         $hidden = form_input_hidden('place', $place);
         $submit_name = do_lang_tempcode('FILEDUMP_CREATE_FOLDER');
         $create_folder_form = do_template('FORM', array('_GUID' => '043f9b595d3699b7d8cd7f2284cdaf98', 'TABINDEX' => strval(get_form_field_tabindex()), 'SKIP_REQUIRED' => true, 'SECONDARY_FORM' => true, 'HIDDEN' => $hidden, 'TEXT' => '', 'FIELDS' => $fields, 'SUBMIT_NAME' => $submit_name, 'URL' => $post_url));
     } else {
         $create_folder_form = new ocp_tempcode();
     return do_template('FILE_DUMP_SCREEN', array('_GUID' => '3f49a8277a11f543eff6488622949c84', 'TITLE' => $title, 'PLACE' => $place, 'FILES' => $files, 'UPLOAD_FORM' => $upload_form, 'CREATE_FOLDER_FORM' => $create_folder_form));
Beispiel #9
  * Standard modular render function for profile tabs edit hooks.
  * @param  MEMBER			The ID of the member who is being viewed
  * @param  MEMBER			The ID of the member who is doing the viewing
  * @param  boolean		Whether to leave the tab contents NULL, if tis hook supports it, so that AJAX can load it later
  * @return ?array			A tuple: The tab title, the tab body text (may be blank), the tab fields, extra Javascript (may be blank) the suggested tab order, hidden fields (optional) (NULL: if $leave_to_ajax_if_possible was set)
 function render_tab($member_id_of, $member_id_viewing, $leave_to_ajax_if_possible = false)
     $title = do_lang_tempcode('SIGNATURE');
     $order = 40;
     // Actualiser
     $new_signature = post_param('signature', NULL);
     if ($new_signature !== NULL) {
         ocf_member_choose_signature($new_signature, $member_id_of);
         attach_message(do_lang_tempcode('SUCCESS_SAVE'), 'inform');
     if ($leave_to_ajax_if_possible) {
         return NULL;
     // UI
     $_signature = get_translated_tempcode($GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_member_row_field($member_id_of, 'm_signature'), $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']);
     $signature = $_signature->is_empty() ? do_lang_tempcode('NONE_EM') : $_signature;
     $_signature_original = get_translated_text($GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_member_row_field($member_id_of, 'm_signature'), $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']);
     $size = ocf_get_member_best_group_property($member_id_of, 'max_sig_length_comcode');
     $javascript = "\n\t\t\tvar form=document.getElementById('signature').form;\n\t\t\tform.old_submit=form.onsubmit;\n\t\t\tform.onsubmit=function()\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tvar post=form.elements['signature'];\n\t\t\t\t\tif ((!post.value) && (post[1])) post=post[1];\n\t\t\t\t\tif (post.value.length>" . strval($size) . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\t\twindow.fauxmodal_alert('" . php_addslashes(do_lang('SIGNATURE_TOO_BIG')) . "');\n\t\t\t\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\tif (typeof form.old_submit!='undefined' && form.old_submit) return form.old_submit();\n\t\t\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t";
     $required = false;
     $has_preview = true;
     $tabindex = get_form_field_tabindex();
     $post_comment = do_lang_tempcode('SIGNATURE');
     list($attachments, $attach_size_field) = get_attachments('signature');
     $hidden_fields = new ocp_tempcode();
     $continue_url = get_self_url();
     $comcode_help = build_url(array('page' => 'userguide_comcode'), get_comcode_zone('userguide_comcode', false));
     $emoticon_chooser = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_emoticon_chooser();
     $comcode_editor = get_comcode_editor();
     $comcode_editor_small = get_comcode_editor('signature', true);
     $w = has_js() && (browser_matches('wysiwyg') && strpos($_signature_original, '{$,page hint: no_wysiwyg}') === false);
     $class = '';
     if (!$WYSIWYG_ATTACHED) {
     $WYSIWYG_ATTACHED = true;
     @header('Content-type: text/html; charset=' . get_charset());
     if ($w) {
         $class .= ' wysiwyg';
     global $LAX_COMCODE;
     $temp = $LAX_COMCODE;
     $LAX_COMCODE = true;
     // Little hack to stop it checking any URLs
     /*if (is_null($default_parsed)) */
     $default_parsed = comcode_to_tempcode($_signature_original, NULL, false, 60, NULL, NULL, true);
     $LAX_COMCODE = $temp;
     $fields = new ocp_tempcode();
     $fields->attach(do_template('POSTING_FIELD', array('PRETTY_NAME' => do_lang_tempcode('SIGNATURE'), 'DESCRIPTION' => '', 'HIDDEN_FIELDS' => $hidden_fields, 'NAME' => 'signature', 'REQUIRED' => $required, 'TABINDEX_PF' => strval($tabindex), 'COMCODE_EDITOR' => $comcode_editor, 'COMCODE_EDITOR_SMALL' => $comcode_editor_small, 'CLASS' => $class, 'COMCODE_URL' => build_url(array('page' => 'userguide_comcode'), get_comcode_zone('userguide_comcode', false)), 'EXTRA' => '', 'POST_COMMENT' => $post_comment, 'EMOTICON_CHOOSER' => $emoticon_chooser, 'COMCODE_HELP' => $comcode_help, 'POST' => $_signature_original, 'DEFAULT_PARSED' => $default_parsed, 'CONTINUE_URL' => $continue_url, 'ATTACHMENTS' => $attachments)));
     $text = do_template('OCF_EDIT_SIGNATURE_TAB', array('_GUID' => 'f5f2eb2552c34840c9cf46886422401e', 'SIZE' => integer_format($size), 'SIGNATURE' => $signature, 'TITLE' => $title));
     return array($title, $fields, $text, $javascript, $order);
Beispiel #10
  * Get tempcode for a news adding/editing form.
  * @param  ?AUTO_LINK		The primary category for the news (NULL: personal)
  * @param  ?array				A list of categories the news is in (NULL: not known)
  * @param  SHORT_TEXT		The news title
  * @param  LONG_TEXT			The news summary
  * @param  SHORT_TEXT		The name of the author
  * @param  BINARY				Whether the news is validated
  * @param  ?BINARY			Whether rating is allowed (NULL: decide statistically, based on existing choices)
  * @param  ?SHORT_INTEGER	Whether comments are allowed (0=no, 1=yes, 2=review style) (NULL: decide statistically, based on existing choices)
  * @param  ?BINARY			Whether trackbacks are allowed (NULL: decide statistically, based on existing choices)
  * @param  BINARY				Whether to show the "send trackback" field
  * @param  LONG_TEXT			Notes for the video
  * @param  URLPATH			URL to the image for the news entry (blank: use cat image)
  * @param  ?array				Scheduled go-live time (NULL: N/A)
  * @return array				A tuple of lots of info (fields, hidden fields, trailing fields, tabindex for posting form)
 function get_form_fields($main_news_category = NULL, $news_category = NULL, $title = '', $news = '', $author = '', $validated = 1, $allow_rating = NULL, $allow_comments = NULL, $allow_trackbacks = NULL, $send_trackbacks = 1, $notes = '', $image = '', $scheduled = NULL)
     list($allow_rating, $allow_comments, $allow_trackbacks) = $this->choose_feedback_fields_statistically($allow_rating, $allow_comments, $allow_trackbacks);
     $NON_CANONICAL_PARAMS[] = 'cat';
     $NON_CANONICAL_PARAMS[] = 'title';
     $NON_CANONICAL_PARAMS[] = 'author';
     $NON_CANONICAL_PARAMS[] = 'notes';
     $NON_CANONICAL_PARAMS[] = 'validated';
     if ($title == '') {
         $main_news_category = get_param_integer('cat', $main_news_category);
         $title = get_param('title', $title);
         $author = get_param('author', $author);
         $notes = get_param('notes', $notes);
     $GLOBALS['HELPER_PANEL_TEXT'] = comcode_lang_string('DOC_WRITING');
     if (is_null($main_news_category)) {
         global $NON_CANONICAL_PARAMS;
         $NON_CANONICAL_PARAMS[] = 'cat';
         $param_cat = get_param('cat', '');
         if ($param_cat == '') {
             $news_category = array();
             $main_news_category = NULL;
         } elseif (strpos($param_cat, ',') === false) {
             $news_category = array();
             $main_news_category = intval($param_cat);
         } else {
             $news_category = ocfilter_to_idlist_using_db($param_cat, 'id', 'news_categories', 'news_categories', NULL, 'id', 'id');
             $main_news_category = NULL;
         $author = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_username(get_member());
     $cats1 = nice_get_news_categories($main_news_category, false, true, is_integer($main_news_category), NULL, true);
     $cats2 = nice_get_news_categories(is_null($news_category) ? array() : $news_category, false, true, is_integer($main_news_category), NULL, true);
     $fields = new ocp_tempcode();
     $fields2 = new ocp_tempcode();
     $fields->attach(form_input_line_comcode(do_lang_tempcode('TITLE'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_TITLE'), 'title', $title, true));
     $fields->attach(form_input_list(do_lang_tempcode('MAIN_CATEGORY'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_MAIN_CATEGORY'), 'main_news_category', $cats1));
     if (addon_installed('authors')) {
         $fields->attach(form_input_author(do_lang_tempcode('SOURCE'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_SOURCE'), 'author', $author, true));
     $posting_form_tabindex = get_form_field_tabindex(NULL);
     if ($validated == 0) {
         $validated = get_param_integer('validated', 0);
         if ($validated == 1) {
     if (has_some_cat_specific_permission(get_member(), 'bypass_validation_' . $this->permissions_require . 'range_content', NULL, $this->permissions_cat_require)) {
         if (addon_installed('unvalidated')) {
             $fields2->attach(form_input_tick(do_lang_tempcode('VALIDATED'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_VALIDATED'), 'validated', $validated == 1));
     $fields2->attach(do_template('FORM_SCREEN_FIELD_SPACER', array('SECTION_HIDDEN' => $news == '' && $image == '' && is_null($scheduled) && (is_null($news_category) || $news_category == array()), 'TITLE' => do_lang_tempcode('ADVANCED'))));
     $fields2->attach(form_input_text_comcode(do_lang_tempcode('NEWS_SUMMARY'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_NEWS_SUMMARY'), 'news', $news, false));
     $fields2->attach(form_input_multi_list(do_lang_tempcode('SECONDARY_CATEGORIES'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_SECONDARY_CATEGORIES'), 'news_category', $cats2));
     $hidden = new ocp_tempcode();
     //handle_max_file_size($hidden,'image'); Attachments will add this
     $fields2->attach(form_input_upload(do_lang_tempcode('IMAGE'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_NEWS_IMAGE_OVERRIDE'), 'file', false, $image, NULL, true, str_replace(' ', '', get_option('valid_images'))));
     if (addon_installed('calendar') && has_specific_permission(get_member(), 'scheduled_publication_times')) {
         $fields2->attach(form_input_date__scheduler(do_lang_tempcode('PUBLICATION_TIME'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_PUBLICATION_TIME'), 'schedule', true, true, true, $scheduled, intval(date('Y')) - 1970 + 2, 1970));
     $fields2->attach(feedback_fields($allow_rating == 1, $allow_comments == 1, $allow_trackbacks == 1, $send_trackbacks == 1, $notes, $allow_comments == 2));
     return array($fields, $hidden, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, make_string_tempcode($fields2->evaluate()), $posting_form_tabindex);
  * Interface to import/export.
  * @return tempcode	The interface.
 function ui()
     $title = get_page_title('XML_DATA_MANAGEMENT');
     $import_url = build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'type' => '_import'), '_SELF');
     $import_fields = new ocp_tempcode();
     $import_fields->attach(form_input_huge(do_lang_tempcode('XML_DATA'), '', 'xml', '', true));
     $import_form = do_template('FORM', array('TABINDEX' => strval(get_form_field_tabindex()), 'URL' => $import_url, 'HIDDEN' => '', 'TEXT' => do_lang_tempcode('XML_IMPORT_TEXT'), 'FIELDS' => $import_fields, 'SUBMIT_NAME' => do_lang_tempcode('IMPORT')));
     $all_tables = find_all_xml_tables();
     $export_url = build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'type' => '_export'), '_SELF');
     $export_fields = new ocp_tempcode();
     $nice_tables = new ocp_tempcode();
     foreach ($all_tables as $table) {
     $export_fields->attach(form_input_multi_list(do_lang_tempcode('TABLES'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_TABLES'), 'tables', $nice_tables, NULL, 15));
     $export_fields->attach(form_input_tick(do_lang_tempcode('EXPORT_WITH_COMCODE_XML'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_EXPORT_WITH_COMCODE_XML'), 'comcode_xml', false));
     $export_form = do_template('FORM', array('TABINDEX' => strval(get_form_field_tabindex()), 'URL' => $export_url, 'HIDDEN' => '', 'TEXT' => do_lang_tempcode('XML_EXPORT_TEXT'), 'FIELDS' => $export_fields, 'SUBMIT_NAME' => do_lang_tempcode('EXPORT')));
     return do_template('XML_STORAGE_SCREEN', array('TITLE' => $title, 'IMPORT_FORM' => $import_form, 'EXPORT_FORM' => $export_form));
Beispiel #12
 * Get the tempcode for a radio input. (You would gather together the outputs of several of these functions, then put them in as the $content in a form_input_radio function call).
 * @param  string			The name of the radio button group this will be put in (i.e. the name the value presented here will be possibly matched against)
 * @param  string			The value for this entry
 * @param  boolean		Whether this entry is selected by default or not
 * @param  mixed			The text associated with this choice (blank: just use value for text)
 * @param  ?integer		The tab index of the field (NULL: not specified)
 * @param  string			An additional long description (blank: no description)
 * @return tempcode		The input field
function form_input_radio_entry($name, $value, $selected = false, $text = '', $tabindex = NULL, $description = '')
    $tabindex = get_form_field_tabindex($tabindex);
    if (is_string($text) && $text == '') {
        $text = $value;
    $selected = filter_form_field_default($name, $selected ? '1' : '') == '1';
    return do_template('FORM_SCREEN_INPUT_RADIO_LIST_ENTRY', array('_GUID' => 'e2fe4ba6e8b3f705651dba13ea27f61d', 'DESCRIPTION' => $description, 'CHECKED' => $selected, 'TABINDEX' => strval($tabindex), 'NAME' => $name, 'VALUE' => $value, 'TEXT' => $text));
Beispiel #13
  * The UI to do a search.
  * @return tempcode		The UI
 function form()
     $id = get_param('id', '');
     $title = get_page_title('SEARCH_TITLE');
     if ($id != '') {
         require_code('hooks/modules/search/' . filter_naughty_harsh($id), true);
         $object = object_factory('Hook_search_' . filter_naughty_harsh($id));
         $info = $object->info();
         if (!is_null($info)) {
             $title = get_page_title('_SEARCH_TITLE', true, array($info['lang']));
         breadcrumb_set_parents(array(array('_SELF:_SELF', do_lang_tempcode('SEARCH_FOR'))));
         $under = get_param('search_under', '!', true);
         if (!is_null($info) && method_exists($object, 'get_tree')) {
         if (!is_null($info)) {
             $test_tpl = internalise_own_screen($title);
         } else {
             $test_tpl = NULL;
     } else {
         $test_tpl = internalise_own_screen($title);
     if (is_object($test_tpl)) {
         return $test_tpl;
     $content = get_param('content', NULL, true);
     $user_label = do_lang_tempcode('SEARCH_USER');
     $days_label = do_lang_tempcode('SUBMITTED_WITHIN');
     $extra_sort_fields = array();
     if ($id != '') {
         $url_map = array('page' => '_SELF', 'type' => 'results', 'id' => $id, 'specific' => 1);
         $catalogue_name = get_param('catalogue_name', '');
         if ($catalogue_name != '') {
             $url_map['catalogue_name'] = $catalogue_name;
         $force_non_tabular = get_param_integer('force_non_tabular', 0);
         if ($force_non_tabular == 1) {
             $url_map['force_non_tabular'] = 1;
         $url = build_url($url_map, '_SELF', NULL, false, true);
         require_code('hooks/modules/search/' . filter_naughty_harsh($id), true);
         $object = object_factory('Hook_search_' . filter_naughty_harsh($id));
         $info = $object->info();
         if (is_null($info)) {
         if (array_key_exists('user_label', $info)) {
             $user_label = $info['user_label'];
         if (array_key_exists('days_label', $info)) {
             $days_label = $info['days_label'];
         $extra_sort_fields = array_key_exists('extra_sort_fields', $info) ? $info['extra_sort_fields'] : array();
         $under = NULL;
         if (method_exists($object, 'ajax_tree')) {
             $ajax = true;
             $under = get_param('search_under', '', true);
             list($ajax_hook, $ajax_options) = $object->ajax_tree();
             require_code('hooks/systems/ajax_tree/' . $ajax_hook);
             $tree_hook_object = object_factory('Hook_' . $ajax_hook);
             $simple_content = $tree_hook_object->simple(NULL, $ajax_options, preg_replace('#,.*$#', '', $under));
             $nice_label = $under;
             if (!is_null($under)) {
                 $simple_content_evaluated = $simple_content->evaluate();
                 $matches = array();
                 if (preg_match('#<option [^>]*value="' . str_replace('#', '\\#', preg_quote($under)) . '(' . (strpos($under, ',') === false ? ',' : '') . '[^"]*)?"[^>]*>([^>]* &gt; )?([^>]*)</option>#', $simple_content_evaluated, $matches) != 0) {
                     if (strpos($under, ',') === false) {
                         $under = $under . $matches[1];
                     $nice_label = trim($matches[3]);
             $tree = do_template('FORM_SCREEN_INPUT_TREE_LIST', array('_GUID' => '25368e562be3b4b9c6163aa008b47c91', 'TABINDEX' => strval(get_form_field_tabindex()), 'NICE_LABEL' => is_null($nice_label) || $nice_label == '-1' ? '' : $nice_label, 'END_OF_FORM' => true, 'REQUIRED' => '', 'USE_SERVER_ID' => false, 'NAME' => 'search_under', 'DEFAULT' => $under, 'HOOK' => $ajax_hook, 'ROOT_ID' => '', 'OPTIONS' => serialize($ajax_options)));
         } else {
             $ajax = false;
             $tree = form_input_list_entry('!', false, do_lang_tempcode('NA_EM'));
             if (method_exists($object, 'get_tree')) {
                 $under = get_param('search_under', '!', true);
         $options = new ocp_tempcode();
         if (array_key_exists('special_on', $info)) {
             foreach ($info['special_on'] as $name => $display) {
                 $options->attach(do_template('SEARCH_FOR_SEARCH_DOMAIN_OPTION', array('_GUID' => 'c1853f42d0a110026453f8b94c9f623c', 'CHECKED' => is_null($content) || get_param_integer('option_' . $id . '_' . $name, 0) == 1, 'NAME' => 'option_' . $id . '_' . $name, 'DISPLAY' => $display)));
         if (array_key_exists('special_off', $info)) {
             foreach ($info['special_off'] as $name => $display) {
                 $options->attach(do_template('SEARCH_FOR_SEARCH_DOMAIN_OPTION', array('_GUID' => '2223ada7636c85e6879feb9a6f6885d2', 'CHECKED' => get_param_integer('option_' . $id . '_' . $name, 0) == 1, 'NAME' => 'option_' . $id . '_' . $name, 'DISPLAY' => $display)));
         if (method_exists($object, 'get_fields')) {
             $fields = $object->get_fields();
             foreach ($fields as $field) {
                 $options->attach(do_template('SEARCH_FOR_SEARCH_DOMAIN_OPTION' . $field['TYPE'], array('_GUID' => 'a223ada7636c85e6879feb9a6f6885d2', 'NAME' => 'option_' . $field['NAME'], 'DISPLAY' => $field['DISPLAY'], 'SPECIAL' => $field['SPECIAL'], 'CHECKED' => array_key_exists('checked', $field) ? $field['CHECKED'] : false)));
         $specialisation = do_template('SEARCH_ADVANCED', array('_GUID' => 'fad0c147b8291ba972f105c65715f1ac', 'AJAX' => $ajax, 'OPTIONS' => $options, 'TREE' => $tree, 'UNDERNEATH' => !is_null($under)));
     } else {
         $map = array('page' => '_SELF', 'type' => 'results');
         $under = get_param('search_under', '-1', true);
         if ($under != '-1') {
             $map['search_under'] = $under;
         $url = build_url($map, '_SELF', NULL, false, true);
         $search_domains = new ocp_tempcode();
         $_search_domains = array();
         $_hooks = find_all_hooks('modules', 'search');
         foreach (array_keys($_hooks) as $hook) {
             require_code('hooks/modules/search/' . filter_naughty_harsh($hook));
             $object = object_factory('Hook_search_' . filter_naughty_harsh($hook), true);
             if (is_null($object)) {
             $info = $object->info();
             if (is_null($info)) {
             $NON_CANONICAL_PARAMS[] = 'search_' . $hook;
             $is_default_or_advanced = $info['default'] && $id == '' || $hook == $id;
             $checked = get_param_integer('search_' . $hook, is_null($content) || get_param_integer('all_defaults', 0) == 1 ? $is_default_or_advanced ? 1 : 0 : 0) == 1;
             $options = array_key_exists('special_on', $info) || array_key_exists('special_off', $info) || array_key_exists('extra_sort_fields', $info) || method_exists($object, 'get_fields') || method_exists($object, 'get_tree') || method_exists($object, 'get_ajax_tree') ? build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'id' => $hook), '_SELF', NULL, false, true) : new ocp_tempcode();
             $_search_domains[] = array('_GUID' => '3d3099872184923aec0f49388f52c750', 'ADVANCED_ONLY' => array_key_exists('advanced_only', $info) && $info['advanced_only'], 'CHECKED' => $checked, 'OPTIONS' => $options, 'LANG' => $info['lang'], 'NAME' => $hook);
         global $M_SORT_KEY;
         $M_SORT_KEY = 'LANG';
         usort($_search_domains, 'multi_sort');
         foreach ($_search_domains as $sd) {
             $search_domains->attach(do_template('SEARCH_FOR_SEARCH_DOMAIN', $sd));
         $specialisation = do_template('SEARCH_DOMAINS', array('_GUID' => '1fd8718b540ec475988070ee7a444dc1', 'SEARCH_DOMAINS' => $search_domains));
     $author = get_param('author', '');
     $author_id = $author != '' ? $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_member_from_username($author) : NULL;
     $days = get_param_integer('days', 60);
     $sort = get_param('sort', 'relevance');
     $direction = get_param('direction', 'DESC');
     if (!in_array(strtoupper($direction), array('ASC', 'DESC'))) {
     $NON_CANONICAL_PARAMS[] = 'sort';
     $NON_CANONICAL_PARAMS[] = 'direction';
     $only_titles = get_param_integer('only_titles', 0) == 1;
     $search_under = get_param('search_under', '!', true);
     if ($search_under == '') {
         $search_under = '!';
     $boolean_operator = get_param('conjunctive_operator', 'OR');
     $NON_CANONICAL_PARAMS[] = 'search_under';
     $NON_CANONICAL_PARAMS[] = 'all_defaults';
     $NON_CANONICAL_PARAMS[] = 'days';
     $NON_CANONICAL_PARAMS[] = 'only_titles';
     $NON_CANONICAL_PARAMS[] = 'conjunctive_operator';
     $NON_CANONICAL_PARAMS[] = 'boolean_search';
     $NON_CANONICAL_PARAMS[] = 'only_search_meta';
     $NON_CANONICAL_PARAMS[] = 'content';
     $NON_CANONICAL_PARAMS[] = 'author';
     $test = db_has_full_text($GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->connection_read);
     $old_mysql = !$test;
     $can_order_by_rating = db_has_subqueries($GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->connection_read);
     // Perform search, if we did one
     $out = NULL;
     $results_browser = '';
     $num_results = 0;
     if (!is_null($content)) {
         list($out, $results_browser, $num_results) = $this->results($id, $author, $author_id, $days, $sort, $direction, $only_titles, $search_under);
         if (has_zone_access(get_member(), 'adminzone')) {
             $admin_search_url = build_url(array('page' => 'admin', 'type' => 'search', 'search_content' => $content), 'adminzone');
             attach_message(do_lang_tempcode('ALSO_ADMIN_ZONE_SEARCH', escape_html($admin_search_url->evaluate())), 'inform');
     return do_template('SEARCH_FORM_SCREEN', array('_GUID' => '8bb208185740183323a6fe6e89d55de5', 'SEARCH_TERM' => is_null($content) ? '' : $content, 'NUM_RESULTS' => integer_format($num_results), 'CAN_ORDER_BY_RATING' => $can_order_by_rating, 'EXTRA_SORT_FIELDS' => $extra_sort_fields, 'USER_LABEL' => $user_label, 'DAYS_LABEL' => $days_label, 'BOOLEAN_SEARCH' => $this->_is_boolean_search(), 'AND' => $boolean_operator == 'AND', 'ONLY_TITLES' => $only_titles, 'DAYS' => is_null($days) ? '' : strval($days), 'SORT' => $sort, 'DIRECTION' => $direction, 'CONTENT' => $content, 'RESULTS' => $out, 'RESULTS_BROWSER' => $results_browser, 'OLD_MYSQL' => $old_mysql, 'TITLE' => $title, 'AUTHOR' => $author, 'SPECIALISATION' => $specialisation, 'URL' => $url));
Beispiel #14
  * Choose an emoticon for a topic.
  * @param  ID_TEXT		The currently selected emoticon
  * @return tempcode		The emoticon input field
 function choose_topic_emoticon($selected_path = '')
     $tabindex = get_form_field_tabindex(NULL);
     $content = array();
     $extra = has_specific_permission(get_member(), 'use_special_emoticons') ? '' : ' AND e_is_special=0';
     $rows = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']->query('SELECT e_theme_img_code FROM ' . $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']->get_table_prefix() . 'f_emoticons WHERE e_use_topics=1' . $extra);
     $content[] = do_template('FORM_SCREEN_INPUT_RADIO_LIST_ENTRY_PICTURE_3_NA', array('_GUID' => 'd9f9399072af3f19f21695aef01168c7', 'CHECKED' => $selected_path == '', 'NAME' => 'emoticon'));
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $path = $row['e_theme_img_code'];
         $url = find_theme_image($path);
         $content[] = do_template('FORM_SCREEN_INPUT_RADIO_LIST_ENTRY_PICTURE_3', array('PRETTY' => '', 'CHECKED' => $path == $selected_path, 'NAME' => 'emoticon', 'CODE' => $path, 'URL' => $url));
     if (count($content) == 0) {
         return new ocp_tempcode();
     $_content = wrap_image_radio_list($content);
     $input = do_template('FORM_SCREEN_INPUT_RADIO_LIST', array('NAME' => 'emoticon', 'REQUIRED' => false, 'CODE' => $selected_path, 'TABINDEX' => strval($tabindex), 'CONTENT' => $_content));
     return _form_input('', do_lang_tempcode('TOPIC_EMOTICON'), '', $input, false);
Beispiel #15
  * The UI for managing temporary usergroup memberships.
  * @return tempcode		The UI
 function group_member_timeouts()
     $title = get_page_title('GROUP_MEMBER_TIMEOUTS');
     if (!cron_installed()) {
         attach_message(do_lang_tempcode('CRON_NEEDED_TO_WORK', escape_html(brand_base_url() . '/docs' . strval(ocp_version()) . '/pg/tut_configuration')), 'warn');
     $GLOBALS['HELPER_PANEL_PIC'] = 'pagepics/usergroups_temp';
     breadcrumb_set_parents(array(array('_SEARCH:admin_ocf_join:menu', do_lang_tempcode('MEMBERS'))));
     $start = get_param_integer('start', 0);
     $max = get_param_integer('max', 100);
     $max_rows = $GLOBALS[get_forum_type() == 'ocf' ? 'FORUM_DB' : 'SITE_DB']->query_value('f_group_member_timeouts', 'COUNT(*)');
     $fields_title = results_field_title(array(do_lang_tempcode('USERNAME'), do_lang_tempcode('_USERGROUP'), do_lang_tempcode('TIME')));
     $timeouts = $GLOBALS[get_forum_type() == 'ocf' ? 'FORUM_DB' : 'SITE_DB']->query_select('f_group_member_timeouts', array('member_id', 'group_id', 'timeout'), NULL, '', $max, $start);
     $usergroups = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_usergroup_list();
     $tfields = new ocp_tempcode();
     foreach ($timeouts as $timeout) {
         $tfields->attach(results_entry(array($GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_username($timeout['member_id']), isset($usergroups[$timeout['group_id']]) ? $usergroups[$timeout['group_id']] : do_lang('UNKNOWN'), display_time_period($timeout['timeout'] - time())), true));
     $results_table = results_table(do_lang('GROUP_MEMBER_TIMEOUTS'), $start, 'start', $max, 'max', $max_rows, $fields_title, $tfields);
     $fields = new ocp_tempcode();
     $fields->attach(form_input_username(do_lang_tempcode('USERNAME'), '', 'username', '', true));
     $_usergroups = new ocp_tempcode();
     foreach ($usergroups as $uid => $name) {
         if ($uid != db_get_first_id()) {
             $_usergroups->attach(form_input_list_entry($uid, false, $name));
     $fields->attach(form_input_list(do_lang_tempcode('_USERGROUP'), '', 'group_id', $_usergroups, NULL, false, true));
     $fields->attach(form_input_integer(do_lang_tempcode('_MINUTES'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_GROUPMT_MINUTES'), 'num_minutes', 60, true));
     $post_url = build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'type' => '_group_member_timeouts'), '_SELF');
     $submit_name = do_lang_tempcode('ADD');
     $form = do_template('FORM', array('TABINDEX' => strval(get_form_field_tabindex()), 'HIDDEN' => '', 'TEXT' => '', 'FIELDS' => $fields, 'URL' => $post_url, 'SUBMIT_NAME' => $submit_name));
     return do_template('RESULTS_TABLE_SCREEN', array('TITLE' => $title, 'RESULTS_TABLE' => $results_table, 'FORM' => $form));
Beispiel #16
 * Create a form field input matrix for permission setting.
 * @param  ID_TEXT		Permission ID (pagelink style) for the resource being set
 * @param  array			An inverted list showing what view permissions are set for what we're setting permissions for
 * @param  array			List of overridable privilege codes for what we're setting permissions for
 * @param  array			List of privilege settings relating to what we're setting permissions for, from the database
 * @param  array			Multi-dimensional array showing what the inherited defaults for this permission would be
 * @param  boolean		Whether to not include the stuff to make it fit alongside other form fields in a normal form table
 * @param  ?tempcode		Label for view permissions (NULL: default)
 * @return tempcode		The form field matrix
function get_permissions_matrix($server_id, $access, $overridables, $specific_permissions, $default_access, $no_outer = false, $pinterface_view = NULL)
    $admin_groups = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_super_admin_groups();
    $groups = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_usergroup_list(true, true);
    if (is_null($pinterface_view)) {
        $pinterface_view = do_lang_tempcode('PINTERFACE_VIEW');
    // Permission rows for matrix
    $permission_rows = new ocp_tempcode();
    $all_groups = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_usergroup_list(true);
    foreach (array_keys($access) as $id) {
        if (!array_key_exists($id, $groups) && array_key_exists($id, $all_groups)) {
            $groups[$id] = $all_groups[$id];
    foreach ($groups as $id => $group_name) {
        if (!in_array($id, $admin_groups)) {
            $perhaps = count($access) == 0 ? 1 : $access[$id];
            $view_access = $perhaps == 1;
            $tabindex = get_form_field_tabindex(NULL);
            $overrides = new ocp_tempcode();
            $all_global = true;
            foreach (array_keys($overridables) as $override) {
                if (isset($specific_permissions[$override][$id])) {
                    $all_global = false;
            foreach ($overridables as $override => $cat_support) {
                $lang_string = do_lang_tempcode('PT_' . $override);
                if (is_array($cat_support)) {
                    $lang_string = do_lang_tempcode($cat_support[1]);
                if (is_array($cat_support)) {
                    $cat_support = $cat_support[0];
                if ($cat_support == 0) {
                $overrides->attach(do_template('FORM_SCREEN_INPUT_PERMISSION_OVERRIDE', array('FORCE_PRESETS' => $no_outer, 'GROUP_NAME' => $group_name, 'VIEW_ACCESS' => $view_access, 'TABINDEX' => strval($tabindex), 'GROUP_ID' => strval($id), 'SP' => $override, 'ALL_GLOBAL' => $all_global, 'TITLE' => $lang_string, 'DEFAULT_ACCESS' => $default_access[$id][$override], 'CODE' => isset($specific_permissions[$override][$id]) ? $specific_permissions[$override][$id] : '-1')));
            $permission_rows->attach(do_template('FORM_SCREEN_INPUT_PERMISSION', array('_GUID' => 'e2c4459ae995d33376c07e498f1d973a', 'FORCE_PRESETS' => $no_outer, 'GROUP_NAME' => $group_name, 'OVERRIDES' => $overrides->evaluate(), 'ALL_GLOBAL' => $all_global, 'VIEW_ACCESS' => $view_access, 'TABINDEX' => strval($tabindex), 'GROUP_ID' => strval($id), 'PINTERFACE_VIEW' => $pinterface_view)));
        } else {
            $overridables_filtered = array();
            foreach ($overridables as $override => $cat_support) {
                if (is_array($cat_support)) {
                    $cat_support = $cat_support[0];
                if ($cat_support == 1) {
                    $overridables_filtered[$override] = 1;
            $permission_rows->attach(do_template('FORM_SCREEN_INPUT_PERMISSION_ADMIN', array('FORCE_PRESETS' => $no_outer, 'OVERRIDES' => $overridables_filtered, 'GROUP_NAME' => $group_name, 'GROUP_ID' => strval($id), 'PINTERFACE_VIEW' => $pinterface_view)));
    if (count($overridables) == 0 && !$no_outer) {
        return $permission_rows;
    // Find out colour for our vertical text image headings (CSS can't rotate text), using the CSS as a basis
    $tmp_file = @file_get_contents(get_custom_file_base() . '/themes/' . $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_theme() . '/templates_cached/' . user_lang() . '/global.css');
    $color = 'FF00FF';
    $matches = array();
    if ($tmp_file !== false) {
        if (preg_match('#\\nth.*\\sbackground-color:\\s*\\#([\\dA-Fa-f]*);.*\\}#sU', $tmp_file, $matches) != 0) {
            $color = $matches[1];
    // For heading up the table matrix
    $overrides_array = array();
    foreach ($overridables as $override => $cat_support) {
        $lang_string = do_lang_tempcode('PT_' . $override);
        if (is_array($cat_support)) {
            $lang_string = do_lang_tempcode($cat_support[1]);
        if (is_array($cat_support)) {
            $cat_support = $cat_support[0];
        if ($cat_support == 0) {
        $overrides_array[$override] = array('TITLE' => $lang_string);
    // Finish off the matrix and return
    $inner = do_template('FORM_SCREEN_INPUT_PERMISSION_MATRIX', array('_GUID' => '0f019c7e60366fa04058097ee6f3829a', 'SERVER_ID' => $server_id, 'COLOR' => $color, 'OVERRIDES' => $overrides_array, 'PERMISSION_ROWS' => $permission_rows));
    if ($no_outer) {
        return make_string_tempcode(static_evaluate_tempcode($inner));
    return make_string_tempcode(static_evaluate_tempcode(do_template('FORM_SCREEN_INPUT_PERMISSION_MATRIX_OUTER', array('_GUID' => '2a2f9f78f3639185300c92cab50767c5', 'INNER' => $inner))));
Beispiel #17
 * Get a captcha (aka security code) form field.
 * @return tempcode		The field
function form_input_captcha()
    $tabindex = get_form_field_tabindex(NULL);
    // Show template
    $input = do_template('FORM_SCREEN_INPUT_CAPTCHA', array('_GUID' => 'f7452af9b83db36685ae8a86f9762d30', 'TABINDEX' => strval($tabindex)));
    return _form_input('security_image', do_lang_tempcode('SECURITY_IMAGE'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_SECURITY_IMAGE'), $input, true, false);
Beispiel #18
  * The UI to send a newsletter.
  * @param  LONG_TEXT		Default newsletter to put in
  * @return tempcode		The UI
 function send_gui($_existing = '')
     // If this is a periodic newsletter, we make some changes to the regular
     // language strings.
     $periodic_action_raw = post_param('periodic_choice', '');
     $periodic_subject = '';
     $defaults = mixed();
     switch (preg_replace('#\\_\\d+$#', '', $periodic_action_raw)) {
         case 'remove_existing':
             // Remove whatever is already set. We don't need any changes for
             // this, but we do need a hidden form field.
             $periodic_action = 'remove';
         case 'replace_existing':
             // Make the current newsletter periodic. This requires language
             // fiddling.
             $periodic_action = 'replace';
             $periodic_subject = do_lang('PERIODIC_SUBJECT_HELP');
             $periodic_id = intval(preg_replace('#^[^\\d]+#', '', $periodic_action_raw));
             $_defaults = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('newsletter_periodic', array('*'), array('id' => $periodic_id), '', 1);
             if (!array_key_exists(0, $_defaults)) {
             $defaults = $_defaults[0];
         case 'make_periodic':
             // Make the current newsletter periodic. This requires language
             // fiddling.
             $periodic_action = 'make';
             $periodic_subject = do_lang('PERIODIC_SUBJECT_HELP');
         case 'no_change':
             // The default action is to leave the current settings as-is.
             $periodic_action = 'none';
     $title = get_page_title('NEWSLETTER_SEND');
     $lang = choose_language($title);
     if (is_object($lang)) {
         return $lang;
     $comcode_given = $_existing != '' && strpos($_existing, '<html') !== false;
     $_existing = post_param('message', $_existing);
     if ($_existing == '') {
         $from_news = get_param_integer('from_news', -1);
         if ($from_news != -1 && addon_installed('news')) {
             $rows = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('news', array('*'), array('id' => $from_news), 'ORDER BY id DESC', 1);
             if (!array_key_exists(0, $rows)) {
                 return warn_screen(get_page_title('NEWS'), do_lang_tempcode('MISSING_RESOURCE'));
             $myrow = $rows[0];
             $_existing = get_translated_text($myrow['news_article'], NULL, $lang);
             if ($_existing == '') {
                 $_existing = get_translated_text($myrow['news'], NULL, $lang);
         $existing = do_template('NEWSLETTER_DEFAULT', array('_GUID' => '53c02947915806e519fe14c318813f42', 'CONTENT' => $_existing, 'LANG' => $lang));
     } else {
         $default = do_template('NEWSLETTER_DEFAULT', array('_GUID' => '53c02947915806e519fe14c318813f44', 'CONTENT' => $_existing, 'LANG' => $lang));
         if (strpos($default->evaluate(), '<html') !== false) {
             if ($comcode_given) {
                 $default = do_template('NEWSLETTER_DEFAULT', array('_GUID' => '53c02947915806e519fe14c318813f46', 'CONTENT' => comcode_to_tempcode($_existing), 'LANG' => $lang));
             $existing = $default;
         } else {
             $existing = make_string_tempcode($_existing);
     $post_url = build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'type' => 'confirm', 'old_type' => get_param('type', '')), '_SELF');
     $submit_name = do_lang_tempcode('PREVIEW');
     $hidden = new ocp_tempcode();
     $hidden->attach(form_input_hidden('lang', $lang));
     // Build up form
     $fields = new ocp_tempcode();
     $default_subject = get_option('newsletter_title');
     if (!is_null($defaults)) {
         $default_subject = $defaults['np_subject'];
     if ($periodic_action != 'make' && $periodic_action != 'replace') {
         $default_subject .= ' - ' . get_timezoned_date(time(), false, false, false, true);
     $default_subject = post_param('subject', $default_subject);
     $fields->attach(form_input_line_comcode(do_lang_tempcode('SUBJECT'), do_lang_tempcode('NEWSLETTER_DESCRIPTION_TITLE', $periodic_subject), 'subject', $default_subject, true));
     $in_full = post_param_integer('in_full', 0);
     $chosen_categories = post_param('chosen_categories', '');
     if ($periodic_action == 'make' || $periodic_action == 'replace') {
         // We are making a periodic newsletter. This means we need to pass
         // through the chosen categories
         if (!is_null($defaults)) {
             $chosen_categories = $defaults['np_message'];
             $in_full = $defaults['np_in_full'];
             $fields->attach(form_input_tick(do_lang_tempcode('EMBED_FULL_ARTICLES'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_EMBED_FULL_ARTICLES'), 'in_full', $in_full == 1));
             $fields->attach(form_input_huge(do_lang_tempcode('NEWSLETTER_CONTENT'), do_lang('NEWSLETTER_CONTENT_SELECT'), 'chosen_categories', $chosen_categories, true));
         } else {
             $hidden->attach(form_input_hidden('chosen_categories', $chosen_categories));
             $hidden->attach(form_input_hidden('in_full', strval($in_full)));
         $hidden->attach(form_input_hidden('cutoff_day', post_param('cutoff_day')));
         $hidden->attach(form_input_hidden('cutoff_month', post_param('cutoff_month')));
         $hidden->attach(form_input_hidden('cutoff_year', post_param('cutoff_year')));
         $hidden->attach(form_input_hidden('cutoff_hour', post_param('cutoff_hour')));
         $hidden->attach(form_input_hidden('cutoff_minute', post_param('cutoff_minute')));
         $hidden->attach(form_input_hidden('message', $existing->evaluate()));
     } else {
         $hidden->attach(form_input_hidden('in_full', strval($in_full)));
         if (strpos($existing->evaluate(), '<html') === false) {
             $fields->attach(form_input_huge_comcode(do_lang_tempcode('MESSAGE'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_MESSAGE_NEWSLETTER'), 'message', $existing->evaluate(), true));
         } else {
             $fields->attach(form_input_huge(do_lang_tempcode('MESSAGE'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_MESSAGE_NEWSLETTER'), 'message', $existing->evaluate(), true));
     if (addon_installed('calendar') && $periodic_action == 'none' && cron_installed()) {
         $fields->attach(form_input_date__scheduler(do_lang_tempcode('DEFER_TIME'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_DEFER_TIME'), 'schedule', true, true, true));
     $from_email = post_param('from_email', get_option('staff_address'));
     if (!is_null($defaults)) {
         $from_email = post_param('from_email', $defaults['np_from_email']);
     $fields->attach(form_input_email(do_lang_tempcode('FROM_EMAIL'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_NEWSLETTER_FROM_EMAIL'), 'from_email', $from_email, true));
     $from_name = post_param('from_name', get_site_name());
     if (!is_null($defaults)) {
         $from_name = post_param('from_name', $defaults['np_from_name']);
     $fields->attach(form_input_line(do_lang_tempcode('FROM_NAME'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_NEWSLETTER_FROM_NAME'), 'from_name', $from_name, true));
     $_html_only = post_param_integer('html_only', NULL);
     if (is_null($_html_only)) {
         $html_only = strpos($existing->evaluate(), '<html') !== false;
         if (!is_null($defaults)) {
             $html_only = $defaults['np_html_only'];
     } else {
         $html_only = $_html_only == 1;
     if (get_value('force_html_only') === '1') {
         $hidden->attach(form_input_hidden('html_only', '1'));
     } else {
         $fields->attach(form_input_tick(do_lang_tempcode('HTML_ONLY'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_HTML_ONLY'), 'html_only', $html_only));
     $l = new ocp_tempcode();
     $priority = post_param_integer('priority', 3);
     if (!is_null($defaults)) {
         $priority = post_param_integer('priority', $defaults['np_priority']);
     for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) {
         $l->attach(form_input_list_entry(strval($i), $i == $priority, do_lang_tempcode('PRIORITY_' . strval($i))));
     $fields->attach(form_input_list(do_lang_tempcode('PRIORITY'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_NEWSLETTER_PRIORITY'), 'priority', $l));
     // Where to send to
     $fields->attach(do_template('FORM_SCREEN_FIELD_SPACER', array('TITLE' => do_lang_tempcode('CHOOSE_SEND_TO'))));
     $newsletters = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('newsletters', array('*'));
     foreach ($newsletters as $newsletter) {
         $level = post_param_integer(strval($newsletter['id']), post_param_integer('level', -1));
         $c4 = $this->count_level($newsletter['id'], 4, $lang);
         $c3 = $this->count_level($newsletter['id'], 3, $lang);
         $c2 = $this->count_level($newsletter['id'], 2, $lang);
         $c1 = $this->count_level($newsletter['id'], 1, $lang);
         if ($c1 != 0) {
             $newsletter_title = get_translated_text($newsletter['title']);
             $newsletter_description = get_translated_text($newsletter['description']);
             if ($c1 == $c2 && $c1 == $c3 && $c1 == $c4) {
                 $fields->attach(form_input_tick(do_lang_tempcode('NEWSLETTER_PREFIX', escape_html($newsletter_title)), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_NOSUBSCRIPTION_LEVEL', escape_html(integer_format($c4)), escape_html($newsletter_description)), strval($newsletter['id']), $level >= 1, NULL, '4'));
             } else {
                 $l = new ocp_tempcode();
                 $l->attach(form_input_list_entry('0', $level == 0, do_lang_tempcode('NNR', do_lang_tempcode('NEWSLETTER_0_ALT'), do_lang_tempcode('NUM_READERS', integer_format(0)))));
                 $l->attach(form_input_list_entry('1', $level == 1, do_lang_tempcode('NNR', do_lang_tempcode('NEWSLETTER_1'), do_lang_tempcode('NUM_READERS', integer_format($c1)))));
                 $l->attach(form_input_list_entry('2', $level == 2, do_lang_tempcode('NNR', do_lang_tempcode('NEWSLETTER_2'), do_lang_tempcode('NUM_READERS', integer_format($c2)))));
                 $l->attach(form_input_list_entry('3', $level == 3, do_lang_tempcode('NNR', do_lang_tempcode('NEWSLETTER_3'), do_lang_tempcode('NUM_READERS', integer_format($c3)))));
                 $l->attach(form_input_list_entry('4', $level == 4, do_lang_tempcode('NNR', do_lang_tempcode('NEWSLETTER_4'), do_lang_tempcode('NUM_READERS', integer_format($c4)))));
                 $fields->attach(form_input_list(do_lang_tempcode('SUBSCRIPTION_LEVEL_FOR', escape_html($newsletter_title)), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_SUBSCRIPTION_LEVEL', escape_html($newsletter_description)), strval($newsletter['id']), $l));
     if (get_forum_type() == 'ocf') {
         $c5 = $this->count_level(-1, 5, $lang);
         $fields->attach(form_input_tick(do_lang_tempcode('NEWSLETTER_OCF'), do_lang_tempcode('NUM_READERS', integer_format($c5)), '-1', false));
         $groups = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_usergroup_list();
         foreach ($groups as $group_id => $group) {
             if ($group_id != db_get_first_id()) {
                 $map = array();
                 $map['g' . strval($group_id)] = 1;
                 $_c = newsletter_who_send_to($map, $lang, 0, 0);
                 $c6 = $_c[6]['g' . strval($group_id)];
                 if ($c6 != 0) {
                     $fields->attach(form_input_tick(do_lang_tempcode('THIS_WITH', do_lang_tempcode('GROUP'), make_string_tempcode(escape_html($group))), do_lang_tempcode('NUM_READERS', integer_format($c6)), 'g' . strval($group_id), post_param_integer('g' . strval($group_id), 0) == 1));
     $fields->attach(form_input_upload(do_lang_tempcode('UPLOAD'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_UPLOAD_CSV'), 'file', false, NULL, NULL, true, 'csv,txt'));
     //if ($fields->is_empty()) inform_exit(do_lang_tempcode('NOBODY_TO_SEND_TO'));
     $template_choices = new ocp_tempcode();
     $dh = opendir(get_custom_file_base() . '/themes/default/templates_custom');
     while (($f = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
         if (preg_match('#^MAIL.*\\.tpl$#', $f) != 0) {
             $tpl = basename($f, '.tpl');
             $template_choices->attach(form_input_list_entry($tpl, post_param('template', 'MAIL') == $tpl, $tpl));
     if (!file_exists(get_custom_file_base() . '/themes/default/templates_custom/MAIL.tpl')) {
         $template_choices->attach(form_input_list_entry('MAIL', true, 'MAIL'));
     $fields->attach(form_input_list(do_lang_tempcode('NEWSLETTER_TEMPLATE'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_NEWSLETTER_TEMPLATE'), 'template', $template_choices, NULL, false, true));
     // If we're making a periodic newsletter then we need to know when it
     // should be sent
     if ($periodic_action == 'make' || $periodic_action == 'replace') {
         $hidden->attach(form_input_hidden('make_periodic', '1'));
         $hidden->attach(form_input_hidden('periodic_choice', post_param('periodic_choice')));
         $fields->attach(do_template('FORM_SCREEN_FIELD_SPACER', array('TITLE' => do_lang('PERIODIC_WHEN'), 'HELP' => do_lang('PERIODIC_WHEN_HELP'))));
         // The choices are given as radio buttons: weekly or bi-weekly or monthly?
         // In the labels for these radio buttons, we put a dropdown for day of
         // the week and day of the month.
         $frequency = post_param('periodic_when', 'weekly');
         if (!is_null($defaults)) {
             $frequency = post_param('periodic_when', $defaults['np_frequency']);
         $current_day_weekly = post_param_integer('periodic_weekly', 5);
         if (!is_null($defaults)) {
             $current_day_weekly = post_param_integer('periodic_weekly', $defaults['np_day']);
         $current_day_biweekly = post_param_integer('periodic_biweekly', 5);
         if (!is_null($defaults)) {
             $current_day_biweekly = post_param_integer('periodic_biweekly', $defaults['np_day']);
         $current_day_of_month = post_param_integer('periodic_monthly', 1);
         if (!is_null($defaults)) {
             $current_day_of_month = post_param_integer('periodic_monthly', $defaults['np_day']);
         $radios = new ocp_tempcode();
         $week_days_weekly = new ocp_tempcode();
         $week_days_biweekly = new ocp_tempcode();
         $week_days = array(1 => do_lang('MONDAY'), 2 => do_lang('TUESDAY'), 3 => do_lang('WEDNESDAY'), 4 => do_lang('THURSDAY'), 5 => do_lang('FRIDAY'), 6 => do_lang('SATURDAY'), 7 => do_lang('SUNDAY'));
         foreach ($week_days as $i => $this_day) {
             $week_days_weekly->attach(form_input_list_entry(strval($i), $i == $current_day_weekly, $this_day, false, false));
             $week_days_biweekly->attach(form_input_list_entry(strval($i), $i == $current_day_biweekly, $this_day, false, false));
         $weekly_desc = new ocp_tempcode();
         $weekly_desc->attach(do_template('FORM_SCREEN_INPUT_LIST', array('TABINDEX' => strval(get_form_field_tabindex(NULL)), 'REQUIRED' => '0', 'NAME' => 'periodic_weekday_weekly', 'CONTENT' => $week_days_weekly, 'INLINE_LIST' => '0')));
         $radios->attach(form_input_radio_entry('periodic_when', 'weekly', $frequency == 'weekly', $weekly_desc, NULL, ''));
         $weekly_desc = new ocp_tempcode();
         $weekly_desc->attach(do_template('FORM_SCREEN_INPUT_LIST', array('TABINDEX' => strval(get_form_field_tabindex(NULL)), 'REQUIRED' => '0', 'NAME' => 'periodic_weekday_biweekly', 'CONTENT' => $week_days_biweekly, 'INLINE_LIST' => '0')));
         $radios->attach(form_input_radio_entry('periodic_when', 'biweekly', $frequency == 'biweekly', $weekly_desc, NULL, ''));
         $month_days = new ocp_tempcode();
         foreach (range(1, 28) as $this_day) {
             $suffix = gmdate('S', gmmktime(0, 0, 0, 1, $this_day, 1990));
             $month_days->attach(form_input_list_entry(strval($this_day), $this_day == 1, strval($this_day) . $suffix, $current_day_of_month == $this_day));
         $monthly_desc = new ocp_tempcode();
         $monthly_desc->attach(do_template('FORM_SCREEN_INPUT_LIST', array('TABINDEX' => strval(get_form_field_tabindex(NULL)), 'REQUIRED' => '0', 'NAME' => 'periodic_monthly', 'CONTENT' => $month_days, 'INLINE_LIST' => '0')));
         $radios->attach(form_input_radio_entry('periodic_when', 'monthly', $frequency == 'monthly', $monthly_desc, NULL, ''));
         $fields->attach(form_input_radio(do_lang('PERIODIC_WHEN_CHOICE'), '', 'periodic_when', $radios, true));
         $radios = new ocp_tempcode();
         $radios->attach(form_input_radio_entry('periodic_for', 'all', false, do_lang_tempcode('CREATE_PERIODIC_FOR_ALL'), NULL, ''));
         $radios->attach(form_input_radio_entry('periodic_for', 'future', true, do_lang_tempcode('CREATE_PERIODIC_FOR_FUTURE'), NULL, ''));
         $fields->attach(form_input_radio(do_lang('CREATE_PERIODIC_FOR'), '', 'periodic_for', $radios, true));
     return do_template('FORM_SCREEN', array('_GUID' => '0b2a4825ec586d9ff557026d9a1e0cca', 'TITLE' => $title, 'TEXT' => $periodic_action == 'make' || $periodic_action == 'replace' ? do_lang_tempcode('PERIODIC_NO_EDIT') : do_lang_tempcode('NEWSLETTER_SEND_TEXT'), 'HIDDEN' => $hidden, 'FIELDS' => $fields->evaluate(), 'SUBMIT_NAME' => $submit_name, 'URL' => $post_url));
Beispiel #19
  * The UI to choose a filtered-word to edit, or to add a filtered-word.
  * @return tempcode		The UI
 function word_filter_interface()
     $title = get_page_title('MANAGE_WORDFILTER');
     $list = new ocp_tempcode();
     $words = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('wordfilter', array('*'), NULL, 'ORDER BY word');
     foreach ($words as $word) {
         $word_text = ($word['w_substr'] == 1 ? '*' : '') . $word['word'] . ($word['w_substr'] == 1 ? '*' : '');
         if ($word['w_replacement'] != '') {
             $word_text .= ' -> ' . $word['w_replacement'];
         $list->attach(form_input_list_entry($word['word'], false, $word_text));
     if (!$list->is_empty()) {
         $delete_url = build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'type' => 'remove'), '_SELF');
         $submit_name = do_lang_tempcode('DELETE_WORDFILTER');
         $fields = form_input_list(do_lang_tempcode('WORD'), '', 'word', $list);
         $tpl = do_template('FORM', array('TABINDEX' => strval(get_form_field_tabindex()), 'HIDDEN' => '', 'TEXT' => '', 'FIELDS' => $fields, 'URL' => $delete_url, 'SUBMIT_NAME' => $submit_name));
     } else {
         $tpl = new ocp_tempcode();
     // Do a form so people can add
     $post_url = build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'type' => 'add'), '_SELF');
     $submit_name = do_lang_tempcode('ADD_WORDFILTER');
     $fields = new ocp_tempcode();
     $fields->attach(form_input_line(do_lang_tempcode('WORD'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_WORD'), 'word_2', '', true));
     $fields->attach(form_input_line(do_lang_tempcode('REPLACEMENT'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_REPLACEMENT'), 'replacement', '', false));
     $fields->attach(form_input_tick(do_lang_tempcode('WORD_SUBSTR'), do_lang_tempcode('DESCRIPTION_WORD_SUBSTR'), 'substr', false));
     $add_form = do_template('FORM', array('_GUID' => '5b1d45b374e15392b9f5496de8db2e1c', 'TABINDEX' => strval(get_form_field_tabindex()), 'SECONDARY_FORM' => true, 'SKIP_REQUIRED' => true, 'HIDDEN' => '', 'TEXT' => '', 'FIELDS' => $fields, 'SUBMIT_NAME' => $submit_name, 'URL' => $post_url));
     return do_template('WORDFILTER_SCREEN', array('_GUID' => '4b355f5d2cecc0bc26e76a69716cc841', 'TITLE' => $title, 'TPL' => $tpl, 'ADD_FORM' => $add_form));