Beispiel #1
function getProducts()
    include "../classes/httpFile.php";
    include "../functions/crawler_functions.php";
    error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_WARNING);
    $http = new HttpConnection();
    $DOM = new DOMDocument();
    $url_array = split(PHP_EOL, file_get_contents('../file/cats_list.ccd'));
    while (count($url_array) > 0) {
        $url = array_shift($url_array);
        $http->get($url, true);
        get_dom($url, $DOM, $http);
        $finder = new DomXPath($DOM);
        $classname = "product-container";
        $product = $finder->query("//*[contains( normalize-space( @class ), ' {$classname} ' )\r\n\t\t  \t\t\tor substring( normalize-space( @class ), 1, string-length( '{$classname}' ) + 1 ) = '{$classname} '\r\n\t\t  \t\t\tor substring( normalize-space( @class ), string-length( @class ) - string-length( '{$classname}' ) ) = ' {$classname}'\r\n\t\t  \t\t\tor @class = '{$classname}']");
        foreach ($product as $p) {
            $enlaces = $p->getElementsByTagName('a');
            $enlace = $enlaces->item(0)->getAttribute('href');
            echo $enlace . '<br/>';
            file_put_contents("../file/url_list.ccd", $enlace . PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);
Beispiel #2
function getProducts()
    $base_url = '';
    include "../classes/httpFile.php";
    include "../functions/crawler_functions.php";
    $http = new HttpConnection();
    $DOM = new DOMDocument();
    $url_array = explode(PHP_EOL, file_get_contents('../file/cats_list.ccd'));
    while (count($url_array) > 0) {
        $url = array_shift($url_array);
        if ($url == null || $url == " ") {
            echo "ENtrando";
        //$url = '';
        get_dom($url, $DOM, $http);
        //$listado = $DOM->getElementById('listado_producto_referencia');
        $finder = new DomXPath($DOM);
        $listado = $finder->query("//*[contains(@id, 'listado_producto_referencia')]");
        foreach ($listado as $item) {
            $link = $item->getElementsByTagName('a');
            $enlace = $link->item(0)->getAttribute('href');
            if ($link != null) {
                file_put_contents("../file/url_list.ccd", $base_url . str_replace(" ", "%20", $enlace) . PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);
            echo $enlace . '<br />';
Beispiel #3
while (count($url_array) > 0) {
    $my_url = array_shift($url_array);
    get_dom($my_url, $DOM, $http);
    //obtenemos el precio
    $precio = $DOM->getElementById('our_price_display');
    //pequeño fix
    /*$my_url = try_fix_url($DOM);
    		if($my_url !=null)
    			$precio = $DOM->getElementById('our_price_display');*/
    if ($precio == null) {
        echo "producto fallido" . PHP_EOL;
        //ChromePhp::error("producto fallido");
        $precio = 0;
        $precio_s = 0;
    } else {
        $precio_s = $precio->nodeValue;
        $precio_s = preg_replace('/[^0-9,]/', '', $precio_s);
    //El lio para buscar las categorias
    $nodes = null;
    $finder = new DomXPath($DOM);
    //	$nodes = $finder->query("//*[contains(@class, '$classname')]");
    if ($nodes == null) {
Beispiel #4
 * 获得商品列表
 * @access  public
 * @params  integer $isdelete
 * @params  integer $real_goods
 * @params  integer $conditions
 * @return  array
function goods_list($is_delete, $real_goods = 1, $conditions = '')
    /* 过滤条件 */
    $param_str = '-' . $is_delete . '-' . $real_goods;
    $result = get_filter($param_str);
    if ($result === false) {
        $day = getdate();
        $today = local_mktime(23, 59, 59, $day['mon'], $day['mday'], $day['year']);
        $filter['cat_id'] = empty($_REQUEST['cat_id']) ? 0 : intval($_REQUEST['cat_id']);
        $filter['intro_type'] = empty($_REQUEST['intro_type']) ? '' : trim($_REQUEST['intro_type']);
        $filter['is_promote'] = empty($_REQUEST['is_promote']) ? 0 : intval($_REQUEST['is_promote']);
        $filter['stock_warning'] = empty($_REQUEST['stock_warning']) ? 0 : intval($_REQUEST['stock_warning']);
        $filter['brand_id'] = empty($_REQUEST['brand_id']) ? 0 : intval($_REQUEST['brand_id']);
        $filter['keyword'] = empty($_REQUEST['keyword']) ? '' : trim($_REQUEST['keyword']);
        $filter['suppliers_id'] = isset($_REQUEST['suppliers_id']) ? empty($_REQUEST['suppliers_id']) ? '' : trim($_REQUEST['suppliers_id']) : '';
        $filter['is_on_sale'] = isset($_REQUEST['is_on_sale']) ? empty($_REQUEST['is_on_sale']) && $_REQUEST['is_on_sale'] === 0 ? '' : trim($_REQUEST['is_on_sale']) : '';
        if (isset($_REQUEST['is_ajax']) && $_REQUEST['is_ajax'] == 1) {
            $filter['keyword'] = json_str_iconv($filter['keyword']);
        $filter['sort_by'] = empty($_REQUEST['sort_by']) ? 'goods_id' : trim($_REQUEST['sort_by']);
        $filter['sort_order'] = empty($_REQUEST['sort_order']) ? 'ASC' : trim($_REQUEST['sort_order']);
        $filter['extension_code'] = empty($_REQUEST['extension_code']) ? '' : trim($_REQUEST['extension_code']);
        $filter['collect_link'] = empty($_REQUEST['collect_link']) ? '' : trim($_REQUEST['collect_link']);
        $filter['favorite_num'] = empty($_REQUEST['favorite_num']) ? 0 : intval($_REQUEST['favorite_num']);
        $filter['review_num'] = empty($_REQUEST['review_num']) ? 0 : intval($_REQUEST['review_num']);
        $filter['start_time'] = empty($_REQUEST['start_time']) ? '' : (strpos($_REQUEST['start_time'], '-') > 0 ? local_strtotime($_REQUEST['start_time']) : $_REQUEST['start_time']);
        $filter['end_time'] = empty($_REQUEST['end_time']) ? '' : (strpos($_REQUEST['end_time'], '-') > 0 ? local_strtotime($_REQUEST['end_time']) : $_REQUEST['end_time']);
        $filter['is_show_card'] = isset($_REQUEST['is_show_card']) ? trim($_REQUEST['is_show_card']) : (isset($_COOKIE['ECS']['is_show_card']) ? $_COOKIE['ECS']['is_show_card'] : 0);
        $filter['is_show_keywords'] = isset($_REQUEST['is_show_keywords']) ? trim($_REQUEST['is_show_keywords']) : (isset($_COOKIE['ECS']['is_show_keywords']) ? $_COOKIE['ECS']['is_show_keywords'] : 0);
        $filter['is_show_brief'] = isset($_REQUEST['is_show_brief']) ? trim($_REQUEST['is_show_brief']) : (isset($_COOKIE['ECS']['is_show_brief']) ? $_COOKIE['ECS']['is_show_brief'] : 0);
        $filter['is_show_title_cn'] = isset($_REQUEST['is_show_title_cn']) ? trim($_REQUEST['is_show_title_cn']) : (isset($_COOKIE['ECS']['is_show_title_cn']) ? $_COOKIE['ECS']['is_show_title_cn'] : 0);
        setcookie('ECS[is_show_card]', $filter['is_show_card'], gmtime() + 86400 * 7);
        setcookie('ECS[is_show_keywords]', $filter['is_show_keywords'], gmtime() + 86400 * 7);
        setcookie('ECS[is_show_brief]', $filter['is_show_brief'], gmtime() + 86400 * 7);
        setcookie('ECS[is_show_title_cn]', $filter['is_show_title_cn'], gmtime() + 86400 * 7);
        $filter['is_delete'] = $is_delete;
        $filter['real_goods'] = $real_goods;
        $filter['supp'] = isset($_REQUEST['supp']) && !empty($_REQUEST['supp']) && intval($_REQUEST['supp']) > 0 ? intval($_REQUEST['supp']) : 0;
        $where = $filter['cat_id'] > 0 ? " AND " . get_children($filter['cat_id']) : '';
        /* 推荐类型 */
        switch ($filter['intro_type']) {
            case 'is_best':
                $where .= " AND is_best=1";
            case 'is_hot':
                $where .= ' AND is_hot=1';
            case 'is_new':
                $where .= ' AND is_new=1';
            case 'is_wish':
                $where .= ' AND is_wish=1';
            case 'not_is_wish':
                $where .= ' AND is_wish=0';
            case 'is_promote':
                $where .= " AND is_promote = 1 AND promote_price > 0 AND promote_start_date <= '{$today}' AND promote_end_date >= '{$today}'";
            case 'all_type':
                $where .= " AND (is_best=1 OR is_hot=1 OR is_new=1 OR (is_promote = 1 AND promote_price > 0 AND promote_start_date <= '" . $today . "' AND promote_end_date >= '" . $today . "'))";
        /* 库存警告 */
        if ($filter['stock_warning']) {
            $where .= ' AND goods_number <= warn_number ';
        /* 品牌 */
        if ($filter['brand_id']) {
            $where .= " AND brand_id='{$filter['brand_id']}'";
        if ($filter['favorite_num']) {
            $where .= " AND favorite_num>='{$filter['favorite_num']}'";
        if ($filter['review_num']) {
            $where .= " AND review_num>='{$filter['review_num']}'";
        if ($filter['start_time']) {
            $where .= " AND g.add_time >= '{$filter['start_time']}'";
        if ($filter['end_time']) {
            $where .= " AND g.add_time <= '{$filter['end_time']}'";
        /* 扩展 */
        if ($filter['extension_code']) {
            $where .= " AND extension_code='{$filter['extension_code']}'";
        /* 关键字 */
        if (!empty($filter['keyword'])) {
            $where .= " AND (goods_id = '" . mysql_like_quote($filter['keyword']) . "' OR goods_name LIKE '%" . mysql_like_quote($filter['keyword']) . "%' OR goods_name_zh LIKE '%" . mysql_like_quote($filter['keyword']) . "%')";
        if (!empty($filter['collect_link'])) {
            $where .= " AND collect_link LIKE '%" . mysql_like_quote($filter['collect_link']) . "%'";
        if ($real_goods > -1) {
            $where .= " AND is_real='{$real_goods}'";
        /* 上架 */
        if ($filter['is_on_sale'] !== '') {
            $where .= " AND (is_on_sale = '" . $filter['is_on_sale'] . "')";
        $where_supp = $filter['supp'] > 0 ? 'AND g.supplier_id > 0' : 'AND g.supplier_id = 0';
        /* 供货商 */
        if (intval($_REQUEST['supp']) > 0) {
            /* 代码修改_start  By */
            if (!empty($filter['suppliers_id'])) {
                //$where .= " AND (supplier_id = '" . $filter['suppliers_id'] . "')";
                $where_supp = " AND (g.supplier_id = '" . $filter['suppliers_id'] . "')";
            $filter['supplier_status'] = $_REQUEST['supplier_status'] != '' ? trim($_REQUEST['supplier_status']) : '';
            if (isset($filter['supplier_status']) && $filter['supplier_status'] != '') {
                //$where .= " AND (supplier_status = '" . $filter['supplier_status'] . "')";
                $where_supp .= " AND (supplier_status = '" . $filter['supplier_status'] . "')";
            /* 代码修改_end  By */
        $where .= $where_supp;
        $where .= $conditions;
        /* 记录总数 */
        $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods') . " AS g WHERE is_delete='{$is_delete}' {$where}";
        $filter['record_count'] = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne($sql);
        /* 分页大小 */
        $filter = page_and_size($filter);
        if (intval($_REQUEST['supp']) > 0) {
            $sql = "SELECT goods_id, goods_name, keywords, add_time, goods_thumb, product_url, goods_name_zh, goods_type, goods_sn, shop_price, is_on_sale, is_best, is_new, is_hot, sort_order, goods_number, integral, " . " (promote_price > 0 AND promote_start_date <= '{$today}' AND promote_end_date >= '{$today}') AS is_promote " . ", supplier_status, g.supplier_id,supplier_name,favorite_num,review_num,collect_link,goods_brief,is_wish " . " FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods') . " AS g " . " LEFT JOIN " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('supplier') . " AS s ON s.supplier_id = g.supplier_id " . " WHERE is_delete='{$is_delete}' {$where}" . " ORDER BY {$filter['sort_by']} {$filter['sort_order']} " . " LIMIT " . $filter['start'] . ",{$filter['page_size']}";
        } else {
            $sql = "SELECT goods_id, add_time, goods_name, keywords, goods_thumb, product_url, goods_name_zh, goods_type, goods_sn, shop_price, is_on_sale, is_best, is_new, is_hot, sort_order, goods_number, integral, " . " (promote_price > 0 AND promote_start_date <= '{$today}' AND promote_end_date >= '{$today}') AS is_promote " . ", supplier_status, supplier_id,favorite_num,review_num,collect_link,goods_brief,is_wish " . " FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods') . " AS g WHERE is_delete='{$is_delete}' {$where}" . " ORDER BY {$filter['sort_by']} {$filter['sort_order']} " . " LIMIT " . $filter['start'] . ",{$filter['page_size']}";
        $filter['keyword'] = stripslashes($filter['keyword']);
        set_filter($filter, $sql, $param_str);
    } else {
        $sql = $result['sql'];
        $filter = $result['filter'];
    $row = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql);
    foreach ($row as $key => $val) {
        $row[$key]['collect_link_formated'] = get_dom($val['collect_link']);
        $goods_url = array();
        $row[$key]['add_time'] = local_date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $val['add_time']);
        $all = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll("select * from " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods_url') . " as g where goods_id='" . $val['goods_id'] . "'");
        foreach ($all as $k => $v) {
            $goods_url[$v['url_id']]['product_url_formated'] = get_dom($v['product_url']);
            $goods_url[$v['url_id']]['product_url'] = $v['product_url'];
            $goods_url[$v['url_id']]['is_best'] = $v['is_best'];
            $goods_url[$v['url_id']]['url_id'] = $v['url_id'];
            $goods_url[$v['url_id']]['price'] = $v['price'];
            $goods_url[$v['url_id']]['goods_id'] = $v['goods_id'];
        $row[$key]['goods_url'] = $goods_url;
    return array('goods' => $row, 'filter' => $filter, 'page_count' => $filter['page_count'], 'record_count' => $filter['record_count']);
Beispiel #5
 $defs = json_decode($json);
 if (!is_object($defs)) {
     die("Error parsing JSON definitions:" . json_last_error());
 if (!$defs->enabled) {
 $next = array($defs->url);
 $visited = array();
 $items = array();
 $count = 0;
 do {
     $url = $next[0];
     $visited[$url] = 1;
     $dom = get_dom($url);
     $nodes = $dom->query($defs->root);
     debug(count($nodes) . ' nodes');
     foreach ($nodes as $node) {
         if ($result = parse_item($node, $defs, $fix)) {
             $items[] = $result;
     $next = array();
     if ($defs->next) {
         foreach ($dom->query($defs->next) as $node) {
             $next[] = base_url($node->getAttribute('href'));
 } while (!empty($next) && !isset($visited[$next[0]]) && ++$count != 5);
 // max 5 pages
Beispiel #6
} elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'edit_url') {
    $product_url = empty($_REQUEST['product_url']) ? 0 : trim($_REQUEST['product_url']);
    $price = empty($_REQUEST['price']) ? 0 : trim($_REQUEST['price']);
    $goods_id = empty($_REQUEST['goods_id']) ? 0 : intval($_REQUEST['goods_id']);
    $product_url = json_str_iconv($product_url);
    $exists = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll("select * from " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods_url') . " as g where goods_id='" . $goods_id . "' and product_url='{$product_url}'");
    if (empty($exists)) {
        $sql = 'insert INTO ' . $ecs->table('goods_url') . " (goods_id,product_url,price) values({$goods_id},'" . $product_url . "','" . $price . "')";
    } else {
        $sql = 'update ' . $ecs->table('goods_url') . " set product_url='" . $product_url . "',price='" . $price . "'  where goods_id='" . $goods_id . "'";
    if ($db->query($sql)) {
        $all = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll("select * from " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods_url') . " as g where goods_id='" . $goods_id . "'");
        foreach ($all as $k => $v) {
            $goods_url[$v['url_id']]['product_url_formated'] = get_dom($v['product_url']);
            $goods_url[$v['url_id']]['product_url'] = $v['product_url'];
            $goods_url[$v['url_id']]['is_best'] = $v['is_best'];
            $goods_url[$v['url_id']]['url_id'] = $v['url_id'];
            $goods_url[$v['url_id']]['price'] = $v['price'];
            $goods_url[$v['url_id']]['goods_id'] = $v['goods_id'];
        $smarty->assign('goods_url', $goods_url);
        $smarty->assign('goods_id', $goods_id);
        $str = $smarty->fetch('url_list.htm');
        $arr = array("goods_id" => $goods_id, "url_list" => $str);
        // 清除缓存
    } else {
Beispiel #7
function getProducts()
    include "../classes/httpFile.php";
    include "../functions/crawler_functions.php";
    error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_WARNING);
    $http = new HttpConnection();
    $contador = 0;
    $DOM = new DOMDocument();
    $url_array = explode(PHP_EOL, file_get_contents('../file/cats_list.ccd'));
    $contador = 0;
    while (count($url_array) > 0) {
        $url = array_shift($url_array);
        get_dom($url, $DOM, $http);
        $paginator = $DOM->getElementById('pagination_next_bottom');
        if ($paginator != null) {
            $link_paginator = $paginator->getElementsByTagName('a');
            $link_number = $link_paginator->item(0)->getAttribute('href');
            $pages = substr($link_number, -1) . '<br/>';
            for ($i = 2; $i <= $pages; $i++) {
                $http->get($url . '?p=' . $i, true);
                get_dom($url, $DOM, $http);
        } else {
function make_site_list()
    $first_url = "";
    $dom = get_dom($first_url);
    $parent = $dom->find("div.rulOp", 0)->parent();
    $div_a_list = $parent->find("div.searchResultBox div a");
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($div_a_list as $child1) {
        if (isset($child1->href)) {
            $hrefStr = str_replace("&amp;", "&", $child1->href);
            print "-------------({$i}) " . $child1->tag . ": " . $hrefStr . "\n";
            $pos = strpos($hrefStr, "aselect=");
            $substr = substr($hrefStr, $pos + 8);
            print "sub[" . $substr . "]\n";
    //  $rec = array(
    //    'word' => $word,
    //    'pronunciation' => $pron
    //  );
    //  return $rec;
Beispiel #9
function getProducts()
    include "../classes/httpFile.php";
    include "../functions/crawler_functions.php";
    error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_WARNING);
    $http = new HttpConnection();
    $contador = 0;
    $DOM = new DOMDocument();
    $url_array = explode(PHP_EOL, file_get_contents('../file/cats_list.ccd'));
    while (count($url_array) > 0 && $contador < 400) {
        $url = array_shift($url_array);
        if ($url == null || ($url = " ")) {
        get_dom($url, $DOM, $http);
        $paginator = $DOM->getElementById('pagination_next_bottom');
        if ($paginator != null) {
            $link_paginator = $paginator->previousSibling;
            while ($link_paginator->nodeType !== 1) {
                $link_paginator = $link_paginator->previousSibling;
            $link_last = $link_paginator->getElementsByTagName('a');
            $link_number = $link_last->item(0)->getAttribute('href');
            $pages = substr($link_number, -1) . '<br/>';
            for ($i = 2; $i <= $pages; $i++) {
                echo $i . '<br />';
                $http->get($url . '?id_category=58&n=9&p=' . $i, true);
                get_dom($url . '?id_category=58&n=9&p=' . $i, $DOM, $http);
                $contador = $contador + getProductsLinks($DOM);
        } else {
            $contador = $contador + getProductsLinks($DOM);
    if (count($url_array) > 0) {
        file_put_contents("../file/cats_list.ccd", "");
        while (count($url_array) > 0) {
            $my_url = array_shift($url_array);
            file_put_contents("../file/cats_list.ccd", $my_url . PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);
    echo "</br>Se han procesado: " . $contador . "  urls</br>";
    echo "Quedan " . count($url_array) . " por procesar<br />";
Beispiel #10
function get_info_attribution($id)
    // retourne le code html des informations de l'attribution
    $retour = "";
    $start = "<tr class='mh_tdtitre' align='center'><td class='mh_tdpage'>";
    $end = "</td></tr>";
    $dom = get_dom();
    $attribution = $dom->getElementsByTagName("attrib")->item($id);
    $retour .= $start . "<h3>" . utf8_decode(stripslashes($attribution->getAttribute("name"))) . " par " . utf8_decode(stripslashes($attribution->getAttribute("pseudo"))) . " le " . $attribution->getAttribute("date") . "</h3>" . $end;
    $retour .= $start . get_participants($attribution) . $end;
    $retour .= $start . "<h3>Résutalt du jet : " . $attribution->getAttribute("random") . "</h3>" . $end;
    $retour .= $start . "<h3>Vainqueur : " . utf8_decode(get_winner($attribution)) . "</h3>" . $end;
    return $retour;
Beispiel #11
//error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_WARNING);
include "../classes/httpFile.php";
include "../functions/crawler_functions.php";
$url = $_POST['url'];
$script = $_POST['script'];
echo $url . '   ' . $script;
$http = new HttpConnection();
/*$registration = array('email'=>'*****@*****.**','passwd'=>"Ayudasmayores",'back'=>"my-account","SubmitLogin"=>"");
$http->get($url, true);
echo "<p>registrandose en la aplicacion</p>";
$DOM = new DOMDocument();
get_dom($url, $DOM, $http);
$count_success = 0;
include "../mainscripts/cat/" . $script;
//echo "<br />";
//opcciones finales
echo "<p>Se han procesado {$count_success} urls correctamente</p>";
echo "<a href='getProducts.php?parser=" . $script . "' class='btn-type'>Obtener Productos</a>";
/*	$configuracion['variables']['ref_count'] = $reference_count;
	$achivo_contenido = ";<?php die(); ?>".PHP_EOL.put_ini_file(null,$configuracion);
	file_put_contents('crawler.conf.php', $achivo_contenido);

	echo "<p>Se han procesado $count_success urls correctamente</p>";
	echo "<p>".$count_failed." urls han fallado.</p>";
	echo "<a class='btn-type' href='./actualproccesview.php'>Ver Resultados</a>";