function get_node_data($params, $get_array = false) { $ret = array(); $click_level = $params['TREE']['depth']; $subcat_id = $params['NODES'][$click_level]['id']; $cat_id = $params['NODES'][$click_level - 1]['id']; $href = true; if (isset($params['TREE']['caller']) and $params['TREE']['caller'] == 'Documents') { $href = false; } $nodes = get_documents($cat_id, $subcat_id, $href); foreach ($nodes as $node) { $ret['nodes'][] = $node->get_definition(); } $json = new JSON(JSON_LOOSE_TYPE); $str = $json->encode($ret); return $str; }
echo get_company($_GET); } else { if (strpos($uri, '/company_reviews') !== false) { echo get_company_review($_GET); } else { if (strpos($uri, '/add_review_company') !== false) { echo add_company_review($_POST); } else { if (strpos($uri, '/get_account') !== false) { echo get_account($_GET); } else { if (strpos($uri, '/components') !== false) { echo get_components($_GET); } else { if (strpos($uri, '/documents') !== false) { echo get_documents($_GET); } else { if (strpos($uri, '/products') !== false) { echo get_products($_GET); } else { if (strpos($uri, '/add_to_project') !== false) { echo add_to_project($_POST); } else { if (strpos($uri, '/remove_from_project') !== false) { echo remove_from_project($_POST); } else { if (strpos($uri, '/uploadServiceImage') !== false) { echo upload_service_image($_POST, $_FILES); } else { if (strpos($uri, '/upload') !== false) { echo upload_document($_POST, $_FILES);
<title>admin</title> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"> </head> <body class='admin'> <div> <h1>add new sources</h1> <p>this will index all the document inside the source folder</p> <a href="get_sources.php"> <button> add now!</button></a> </div> <div> <?php $results = get_documents(); ?> <h1>remove results</h1> <p>check the document you wish to remove and press "remove this items"</p> <?php if ($results->num_rows > 0) { ?> <form action="" method="post"> <table cellspacing="10"> <thead> <tr> <th>book</th> <th>chapter name</th> <th>chapter number</th> <th>remove</th> </tr>
get_text_blocks('220x', true, true, '660x'); ?> <?php get_internal_links(); ?> <?php get_video('540', '304'); ?> <?php get_image_gallery(8, '140x140', true, true, '660x'); ?> <?php get_documents(); ?> </div> <div class="sidebar"> <?php get_contact(); ?> <?php get_sidebar(); ?> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <!-- /.content -->
/** * Tests that get_documents properly filters when asked */ function test_get_documents_filter() { $tdr = new WP_Test_Document_Revisions(); $tdr->test_add_document(); //add a doc $docID = $tdr->test_add_document(); //add another doc wp_publish_post($docID); //give postmeta to a doc update_post_meta($docID, 'test_meta_key', 'test_value'); wp_cache_flush(); $docs = get_documents(array('test_meta_key' => 'test_value')); $this->assertCount(1, $docs, 'get_documents filter count'); }
break; case $_L['BTN_delete']: break; case $_L['BTN_list']: break; case $_L['BTN_search']: //check if user is searching using name, payrollno, national id number or other fields // find($_POST["search"]); break; } } if (!$propertyno) { $propertyno = 1; } $items = array(); $noitems = get_documents($propertyno, $invoiceno, $receiptno, $voucherno); if (!$invoiceno && $_POST['invoiceno']) { $invoiceno = $_POST['invoiceno']; } if (!$receiptno && $_POST['receiptno']) { $receiptno = $_POST['receiptno']; } if (!$voucherno && $_POST['voucherno']) { $voucherno = $_POST['voucherno']; } ?> <!--<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">--> <!--<html xmlns="">--> <!--<head>--> <!--<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />--> <!--<link href="css/new.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">-->
echo '<a href="./admin_panel.php?action=exit">Выход</a></br>'; echo '<table> <tr> <th>Управление пользователями</th> <th>Управление документами</th> </tr> <tr> <td> '; $users = get_users(null); foreach ($users['ID'] as $i => $user) { echo $users['NAME'][$i] . ' ' . $users['SURNAME'][$i] . ' <a href="./admin_panel.php?delete_user='******'ID'][$i] . '"> (УДАЛИТЬ)</a></br>'; } echo '</td><td>'; $documents = get_documents(null); foreach ($documents['ID'] as $i => $document) { echo $documents['TITLE'][$i] . ' ' . $documents['CR'][$i] . ' <a href="./admin_panel.php?delete_document=' . $documents['ID'][$i] . '"> (УДАЛИТЬ)</a></br>'; } if (isset($_GET['delete_user'])) { delete_user($_GET['delete_user']); } if (isset($_GET['delete_document'])) { delete_document($_GET['delete_document']); header('Location: ./admin_panel.php'); } if (isset($_GET['action'])) { session_destroy(); header('Location: ./admin.php'); } }
/** * Get the next document number, 1 Voucher, 2 Invoice, 3 Receipt * @ingroup ADMIN_MANAGEMENT * @param $propertyno [in] property number * @param $doctype [in] 1 Voucher, 2 Invoice, 3 Receipt * @param $update [in] 1 update the document numbers. * * @return next document number */ function get_nextdocumentno($propertyno, $doctype, $update) { global $conn; if (!$conn) { $conn = connect_Hotel_db(HOST, USER, PASS, DB, PORT); } if (!$conn) { return 0; } if (!$propertyno) { $propertyno = 1; } get_documents($propertyno, $inv, $rcp, $vch); if ($doctype == 1) { $doc = $vch; $vch++; } if ($doctype == 2) { $doc = $inv; $inv++; } if ($doctype == 3) { $doc = $rcp; $rcp++; } if ($update) { modify_documents($propertyno, $inv, $rcp, $vch); } return $doc; }
<?php include 'functions.php'; session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION['ID'])) { header('Location: ./index.php'); } show('documents', null, null); $document_ids = get_documents($_SESSION['ID']); foreach ($document_ids['DOCUMENT_ID'] as $i => $document_id) { $document = get_document($document_ids['DOCUMENT_ID'][$i]); echo '<div class="basic-grey-r" ><a href="./document_editor.php?id=' . $document['ID'] . '">' . $document['TITLE'] . ' (создан ' . $document['CR'] . ')</a> <a href="./documents.php?delete=' . $document['ID'] . '"><i>удалить</i></a></div> </br>'; } echo '</td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>'; if (isset($_GET['delete'])) { delete_document($_GET['delete']); header('Location: ./documents.php'); }