function P_I_DB($typeid = 0, $tplid = 0, $inputname = '', $w = 0, $h = 0, $value = '', $type6 = 0) { global $db; $tpl = $db->fetch_one_array("SELECT * FROM " . DB_TABLEPRE . "project_from where typeid='" . $typeid . "' and tplid='" . $tplid . "' and inputname='" . $inputname . "' ORDER BY fromid Asc"); if ($tpl['inputtype'] == '0') { if ($tpl["inputtype1"] == '1') { echo get_project_input($tpl["inputname"], $w, $h, $tpl['inputvalue']); } elseif ($tpl["inputtype1"] == '2') { echo get_project_textarea($tpl["inputname"], $w, $h, $tpl['inputvalue']); } elseif ($tpl["inputtype1"] == '3') { echo get_project_radio($tpl["inputname"], $tpl["inputvaluenum"], $tpl['inputvalue']); } elseif ($tpl["inputtype1"] == '4') { echo get_project_checkbox($tpl["inputname"], $tpl["inputvaluenum"], $tpl['inputvalue']); } elseif ($tpl["inputtype1"] == '5') { echo get_project_select($tpl["inputname"], $tpl["inputvaluenum"], $tpl['inputvalue']); } } elseif ($tpl["inputtype"] == '1') { public_upload($tpl["inputname"], $w, $h); } elseif ($tpl["inputtype"] == '2') { public_upload($tpl["inputname"], $w, $h); } elseif ($tpl["inputtype"] == '3') { echo get_project_date($tpl["inputname"], $w, $h); } elseif ($tpl["inputtype"] == '4') { $_USER = new User(); get_depabox(1, $tpl["inputname"], get_depauseridname($_USER->id), "+选择部门", $w, $h); } elseif ($tpl["inputtype"] == '5') { get_pubuser(1, $tpl["inputname"], "", "+选择人员", $w, $h); } elseif ($tpl["inputtype"] == '6') { if ($type6 != 0) { echo '<textarea name="' . $tpl["inputname"] . '[]" style="width:' . $w . 'px;font-size:14px;" rows="' . $h . '">' . $value . '</textarea>'; } else { echo '<input type="text" name="' . $tpl["inputname"] . '[]" style="border:1px;line-height:' . $h . 'px;width:' . $w . 'px;height:' . $h . 'px;font-size:14px;" value="' . $value . '" />'; } } }
$title = '新建日志信息'; get_logadd($id, $content, $title, 11, $_USER->id); } show_msg('日志信息操作成功!', 'admin.php?ac=' . $ac . '&fileurl=' . $fileurl . ''); } else { $id = getGP('id', 'G', 'int'); if ($id != '') { $user = $db->fetch_one_array("SELECT * FROM " . DB_TABLEPRE . "blog WHERE id = '{$id}' "); get_key('date_blog_edit'); $date = $user['date']; $_title['name'] = '编辑'; } else { get_key('date_blog_Increase'); $date = get_date('Y-m-d', PHP_TIME); $user['type'] = '2'; $user['title'] = get_realname($_USER->id) . '[' . get_depauseridname($_USER->id) . ']' . ' ' . get_date('Y-m-d', PHP_TIME) . ' 工作日志'; $_title['name'] = '发布'; } include_once 'template/blogadd.php'; } } elseif ($do == 'views') { $id = getGP('id', 'G', 'int'); if ($_POST['view'] != '') { $bbsid = getGP('bbsid', 'P'); $title = check_str(getGP('title', 'P')); $author = getGP('author', 'P'); $content = getGP('content', 'P'); $type = getGP('type', 'P'); $enddate = get_date('Y-m-d H:i:s', PHP_TIME); $uid = $_USER->id; //主表信息