Beispiel #1
function get_count_filtered()
    // since we do not support search (filtering), this will be the same as the total # of records
    return get_count_total();
Beispiel #2

 * Server-side processing for Exercise #10
require "mysql.php";
// Process DataTables request
$start = isset($_REQUEST['start']) ? $_REQUEST['start'] : 0;
$length = isset($_REQUEST['length']) ? $_REQUEST['length'] : 10;
$order_column = isset($_REQUEST['order'][0]['column']) ? $_REQUEST['order'][0]['column'] : 0;
// column index to order by
$order_dir = isset($_REQUEST['order'][0]['dir']) ? $_REQUEST['order'][0]['dir'] : "asc";
// asc or desc
$columns = array("Code", "Name", "Continent", "Capital", "Population");
$order_by = $columns[$order_column];
// Prepare the requested data
$data = array('draw' => (int) $_REQUEST['draw'], 'recordsTotal' => get_count_total(), 'recordsFiltered' => get_count_filtered(), 'data' => get_data($start, $length, $order_by, $order_dir));
// Send back in JSON format
echo json_encode($data);