while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
                $assigns[$row['responder_id']] = $row['ticket_id'];
            $capt = "Units:";
            $dist_capt = " mi SLD";
            // 4/27/10
            $query = "SELECT *, `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}responder`.`id` AS `unit_id`,`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}responder`.`name` AS `unit_name`,\n\t\t\t\t(((acos(sin(({$latitude}*pi()/180)) * sin((`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}responder`.`lat`*pi()/180))+cos(({$latitude}*pi()/180)) * cos((`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}responder`.`lat`*pi()/180)) * cos((({$longitude} - `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}responder`.`lng`)*pi()/180))))*180/pi())*60*1.1515) AS `distance`\n\t\t\t\tFROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}responder` \n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}unit_types` `t` ON ( `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}responder`.`type` = t.id )\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY `distance` ASC, `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}responder`.`name` ASC";
            // 2/12/09
            $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
            $i = 0;
            while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
                $the_bg_color = $GLOBALS['UNIT_TYPES_BG'][$row['icon']];
                // 4/26/10,
                $the_text_color = $GLOBALS['UNIT_TYPES_TEXT'][$row['icon']];
                $distance = $row['distance'] > 5000.0 ? "?" : round($row['distance'], 1);
                $cd_str = get_cd_str($row, $_POST['frm_ticket_id']);
                $em_addr = is_email($row['contact_via']) ? $row['contact_via'] . "," : "";
                //  4/28/11
                print "<TR CLASS='{$evenodd[($i + 1) % 2]}' VALIGN='baseline'>\n\t\t<TD ALIGN='right' CLASS='td_label'>{$capt} </TD>";
                print "<TD ALIGN='left'><INPUT TYPE = 'checkbox' NAME = '_resp{$row['unit_name']}' VALUE= '{$row['unit_id']}' onClick = 'this.form.frm_unit_id_str.value += \"{$row['unit_id']}\"+ \",\"; this.form.frm_contact_str.value += \"{$em_addr}\"' {$cd_str} />";
                print "<SPAN STYLE='background-color:{$the_bg_color};  opacity: .7; color:{$the_text_color};'>{$row['handle']}</SPAN></TD>";
                //				print "<SPAN STYLE='background-color:{$the_bg_color};  opacity: .7; color:{$the_text_color};'>{$row['unit_name']}</SPAN></TD>";
                print "<TD ALIGN='left'>{$distance} {$dist_capt}</TD>";
                print "<TD ALIGN='left'>" . get_status_sel($row['unit_id'], $row['un_status_id'], "u") . "</TD>";
                print "</TR>\n";
                $capt = "";
                $dist_capt = "";
function do_list($unit_id = "", $capabilities = "", $searchtype)
    // 12/18/10
    global $unav_id_str, $row_ticket, $dispatches_disp, $dispatches_act, $from_top, $eol, $sidebar_width, $sortby_distance;
    $conversion = get_dist_factor();
    // KM vs mi - 11/23/10
    switch ($row_ticket['severity']) {
        //color tickets by severity
            $severityclass = 'severity_medium';
        case $GLOBALS['SEVERITY_HIGH']:
            $severityclass = 'severity_high';
            $severityclass = 'severity_normal';
            dump(basename(__FILE__) . "/" . __LINE__);
    $query = "SELECT *,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(problemstart) AS problemstart,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(problemend) AS problemend,\n\t\t\tUNIX_TIMESTAMP(booked_date) AS booked_date,\n\t\t\tUNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) AS date,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.`updated`) AS updated,\n\t\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.`description` AS `tick_descr` \n\t\t\tFROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`  \n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}in_types` `ty` ON (`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.`in_types_id` = `ty`.`id`)\t\t\n\t\t\tWHERE `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.`id`=" . get_ticket_id() . " LIMIT 1";
    // 7/24/09 10/16/08 Incident location 09/25/09 Pre Booking
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    $row_ticket = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_array($result));
    $facility = $row_ticket['facility'];
    $rec_fac = $row_ticket['rec_facility'];
    if ($row_ticket['lat'] == 0.999999 && $row_ticket['lng'] == 0.999999) {
        // check for tickets created in no-maps mode 8/4/10
        $lat = get_variable('def_lat');
        $lng = get_variable('def_lng');
    } else {
        $lat = $row_ticket['lat'];
        $lng = $row_ticket['lng'];
    // end check for tickets created in no-maps mode
    //	print "var thelat = " . $lat . ";\nvar thelng = " . $lng . ";\n";		// set js-accessible location data
    if ($rec_fac > 0) {
        $query_rfc = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities` WHERE `id`= {$rec_fac} ";
        // 7/24/09 10/16/08 Incident location 10/06/09 Multi point routing
        $result_rfc = mysql_query($query_rfc) or do_error($query_rfc, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
        $row_rec_fac = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_array($result_rfc));
        $rf_lat = $row_rec_fac['lat'];
        $rf_lng = $row_rec_fac['lng'];
        $rf_name = $row_rec_fac['name'];
        //		print "var thereclat = " . $rf_lat . ";\nvar thereclng = " . $rf_lng . ";\n";		// set js-accessible location data for receiving facility
    } else {
        //		print "var thereclat;\nvar thereclng;\n";		// set js-accessible location data for receiving facility
		var color=0;
		var last_from;
		var last_to;
		var rec_fac;
		var current_id;			// 10/25/08
		var output_direcs = "";	//10/6/09
		var have_direcs = 0;	//10/6/09
		var tick_name = "<?php 
    print $row_ticket['scope'];
";	// 3/15/11
		if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
			var colors = new Array ('odd', 'even');
			var Direcs = null;			// global
			var Now;
			var mystart;
			var myend;
		    function setDirections(fromAddress, toAddress, recfacAddress, locale, unit_id) {	//10/6/09

				if (document.routes_Form.frm_allow_dirs.value==='false') {return false;}		// 11/21/09
				$("mail_button").style.display = "none";			//10/6/09
				$("loading").style.display = "inline-block";		// 10/28/09
				$("directions_ok_no").style.display = "none";
				$("loading_2").style.display = "inline-block";
			    last_from = fromAddress;
			    last_to = toAddress;
				rec_fac = recfacAddress;
				f_unit = unit_id;	//10/6/09
				G_START_ICON.image = "./our_icons/sm_white.png";
				G_START_ICON.iconSize = new GSize(12,20); 
				G_END_ICON.image = "./our_icons/sm_white.png";
				G_END_ICON.iconSize = new GSize(12,20);         	
				Now = new Date();      				// Grab the current date.
				mystart = Now.getTime(); 		// Initialize variable Start
				if (rec_fac != "") {	//10/6/09
				    	var Direcs = gdir.load("from: " + fromAddress + " to: " + toAddress + " to: " + recfacAddress, { "locale": locale, preserveViewport : true  });
				    	var Direcs = gdir.load("from: " + fromAddress + " to: " + toAddress, { "locale": locale, preserveViewport : true  });

					GEvent.addListener(Direcs, "addoverlay", GEvent.callback(Direcs, cb2())); 		// 11/21/09
			    	}		// end function set Directions()
			function cb2() {                               // callback function 10/6/09
				var output_direcs = "";
				for ( var i = 0; i < gdir.getNumRoutes(); i++) {        // Traverse all routes - not really needed here, but ...
					var groute = gdir.getRoute(i);
					var distanceTravelled = 0;             // if you want to start summing these
					for ( var j = 0; j < groute.getNumSteps(); j++) {                // Traverse the steps this route
						var gstep = groute.getStep(j);
						var directions_text =  gstep.getDescriptionHtml();
						var directions_dist = gstep.getDistance().html;
						output_direcs = output_direcs + directions_text + " " + directions_dist + ". " + "\n";
				output_direcs = output_direcs.replace("<div class=\"google_note\">", "\n -");	//10/6/09
				output_direcs = output_direcs.replace("Destination", "\n***Destination");	//10/6/09
				output_direcs = output_direcs.replace("&nbsp:", " ");	//10/6/09
				document.email_form.frm_direcs.value = output_direcs;	//10/6/09
				document.email_form.frm_u_id.value = f_unit;	//10/6/09
				document.email_form.frm_scope.value = tick_name;	//10/29/09

				have_direcs = 1;	//10/6/09
				$("mail_button").style.display = "inline-block";	//10/6/09
				$("loading").style.display = "none";		// 10/28/09	
				$("loading_2").style.display = "none";
				$("directions_ok_no").style.display = "inline-block";			
				}                // end function cb2()
			function mail_direcs(f) {	//10/6/09
				f.target = 'Mail Form'
				newwindow_mail=window.open('',f.target,'titlebar, location=0, resizable=1, scrollbars, height=360,width=600,status=0,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=0, left=100,top=300,screenX=100,screenY=300');
				if (isNull(newwindow_mail)) {
					alert ("Email edit operation requires popups to be enabled -- please adjust your browser options.");
				return false;
			function do_sidebar(sidebar, color, id, unit_id) {						// No map
				var letter = ""+ id;										// start with 1 - 1/5/09 - 1/29/09
				marker = null;
				gmarkers[id] = null;										// marker to array for side bar click function
				side_bar_html += "<TR ID = '_tr" + id  + "' CLASS='" + colors[(id+1)%2] +"' VALIGN='bottom' onClick = myclick(" + id + "," + unit_id +");><TD>";
				side_bar_html += "<IMG BORDER=0 SRC='rtarrow.gif' ID = \"R" + id + "\"  STYLE = 'visibility:hidden;' /></TD>";
				var letter = ""+ id;										// start with 1 - 1/5/09 - 1/29/09
	//			var the_class = (direcs[id])?  "emph" : "td_label";
				var the_class = (lats[id])?  "emph" : "td_label";
				side_bar_html += "<TD CLASS='" + the_class + "' ALIGN='right'>" + letter + " "+ sidebar +"</TD></TR>\n";
				return null;
				}				// end function create Marker()
			function createMarker(point,sidebar,tabs, color, id, unit_id) {		// Creates marker and sets up click event infowindow
				do_sidebar(sidebar, color, id, unit_id)
				var icon = new GIcon(listIcon);
				var uid = unit_id;
				var letter = ""+ id;
											// start with 1 - 1/5/09 - 1/29/09
				var icon_url = "./our_icons/gen_icon.php?blank=" + escape(icons[color]) + "&text=" + letter;				// 1/5/09
				icon.image = icon_url;		// ./our_icons/gen_icon.php?blank=4&text=zz"
				var marker = new GMarker(point, icon);
				marker.id = color;				// for hide/unhide - unused
				GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() {		// here for both side bar and icon click
					which = id;
					var dMapDiv = document.getElementById("detailmap");
					var detailmap = new GMap2(dMapDiv);
					detailmap.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());
					detailmap.setCenter(point, 17);  					// larger # = closer
				gmarkers[id] = marker;							// marker to array for side bar click function
				infoTabs[id] = tabs;							// tabs to array
				bounds.extend(point);							// extend the bounding box		
				return marker;
				}				// end function create Marker()
			function createdummyMarker(point,sidebar,tabs, color, id, unit_id) {		// Creates marker and sets up click event infowindow
				do_sidebar(sidebar, color, id, unit_id)
				var icon = new GIcon(listIcon);
				var uid = unit_id;
				var letter = ""+ id;
											// start with 1 - 1/5/09 - 1/29/09
				var icon_url = "./our_icons/question1.png";				// 1/5/09
				icon.image = icon_url;
				var marker = new GMarker(point, icon);
				marker.id = color;				// for hide/unhide - unused
				GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() {		// here for both side bar and icon click
					which = id;
					var dMapDiv = document.getElementById("detailmap");
					var detailmap = new GMap2(dMapDiv);
					detailmap.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());
					detailmap.setCenter(point, 17);  					// larger # = closer
				gmarkers[id] = marker;							// marker to array for side bar click function
				infoTabs[id] = tabs;							// tabs to array
				bounds.extend(point);							// extend the bounding box		
				return marker;
				}				// end function create Marker()				
			function myclick(id, unit_id) {								// responds to side bar click
				var norecfac = "";
				if (document.getElementById(current_id)) {
					document.getElementById(current_id).style.visibility = "hidden";			// hide last check if defined
				current_id= "R"+id;
				document.getElementById(current_id).style.visibility = "visible";			// show newest
				if (lats[id]) {																// position data?
					$('mail_dir_but').style.visibility = "visible";			// 11/12/09	
    if ($lat == 0.999999 && $lng == 0.999999) {
        // test of tickets entered in no-maps mode 8/4/10
						var thelat = <?php 
        print get_variable('def_lat');
; var thelng = <?php 
        print get_variable('def_lng');
;		// coords of click point
    } else {
						var thelat = <?php 
        print $lat;
; var thelng = <?php 
        print $lng;
;		// coords of click point
    // end of test of tickets entered in no-maps mode 8/4/10
    if ($row_ticket['rec_facility'] > 0) {
						var thereclat = <?php 
        print $rf_lat;
; var thereclng = <?php 
        print $rf_lng;
;									//adds in receiving facility
						if (direcs[id]) {
							setDirections(lats[id] + " " + lngs[id], thelat + " " + thelng, thereclat + " " + thereclng, "en_US", unit_id);	// get directions
    } else {
						if (direcs[id]) {
							setDirections(lats[id] + " " + lngs[id], thelat + " " + thelng, norecfac, "en_US", unit_id);					// get directions
				else {
					$('directions').innerHTML = "";							// no position data, no directions
					$('mail_dir_but').style.visibility = "hidden";			// 11/12/09	 -	
				$("directions").innerHTML= "";								// prior directions no longer apply - 11/21/09
				if (gdir) {	gdir.clear();}

				}					// end function my click(id)
			var the_grid;
			var grid = false;
			function doGrid() {
				if (grid) {
				else {
					the_grid = new LatLonGraticule();
				grid = !grid;
				}			// end function doGrid
		    var trafficInfo = new GTrafficOverlay();
		    var toggleState = true;
			function doTraffic() {				// 10/16/08
				if (toggleState) {
				else {
		        toggleState = !toggleState;			// swap
			    }				// end function doTraffic()
			var starting = false;
			function sv_win(theLat, theLng) {				// 8/17/09
				if(starting) {return;}						// dbl-click proof
				starting = true;					
	//			alert(622);
				var url = "street_view.php?thelat=" + theLat + "&thelng=" + theLng;
				newwindow_sl=window.open(url, "sta_log",  "titlebar=no, location=0, resizable=1, scrollbars, height=450,width=640,status=0,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=0, left=100,top=300,screenX=100,screenY=300");
				if (!(newwindow_sl)) {
					alert ("Street view operation requires popups to be enabled. Please adjust your browser options - or else turn off the Call Board option.");
				starting = false;
				}		// end function sv win()
			function handleErrors(){		//G_GEO_UNKNOWN_DIRECTIONS 	
				if (gdir.getStatus().code == G_GEO_UNKNOWN_DIRECTIONS ) {
					alert("501: directions unavailable\n\nClick map point for directions.");
				else if (gdir.getStatus().code == G_GEO_UNKNOWN_ADDRESS)
					alert("440: No corresponding geographic location could be found for one of the specified addresses. This may be due to the fact that the address is relatively new, or it may be incorrect.\nError code: " + gdir.getStatus().code);
				else if (gdir.getStatus().code == G_GEO_SERVER_ERROR)
					alert("442: A map request could not be processed, reason unknown.\n Error code: " + gdir.getStatus().code);
				else if (gdir.getStatus().code == G_GEO_MISSING_QUERY)
					alert("444: Technical error.\n Error code: " + gdir.getStatus().code);
				else if (gdir.getStatus().code == G_GEO_BAD_KEY)
					alert("448: The given key is either invalid or does not match the domain for which it was given. \n Error code: " + gdir.getStatus().code);
				else if (gdir.getStatus().code == G_GEO_BAD_REQUEST)
					alert("450: A directions request could not be successfully parsed.\n Error code: " + gdir.getStatus().code);
				else alert("451: An unknown error occurred.");
				}		// end function handleErrors()
			function onGDirectionsLoad(){ 
	//			var temp = gdir.getSummaryHtml();
				}		// function onGDirectionsLoad()
			function guest () {
				alert ("Demonstration only.  Guests may not commit dispatch!");
			function validate(){		// frm_id_str
				for (var i =1;i<unit_sets.length;i++) {				// 3/30
					if (unit_sets[i]) {
						document.routes_Form.frm_id_str.value += unit_ids[i] + "|";
				if (msgstr.length==0) {
					var more = (nr_units>1)? "s": ""
					alert ("Please select unit" + more + ", or cancel");
					return false;
				else {
					var quick = <?php 
    print intval(get_variable("quick") == 1) ? "true;\n" : "false;\n";
					if ((quick) || (confirm ("Please confirm unit dispatch\n\n" + msgstr))) {		// 11/23/09
						document.routes_Form.frm_id_str.value = document.routes_Form.frm_id_str.value.substring(0, document.routes_Form.frm_id_str.value.length - 1);	// drop trailing separator
						document.routes_Form.frm_name_str.value = msgstr;	// for re-use
	//					document.getElementById("outer").style.display = "none";		4/26/10
						document.getElementById("bottom").style.display = "block";					
					else {
						return false;
				}		// end function validate()
			function exists(myarray,myid) {
				var str_key = " " + myid;		// force associative
				return ((typeof myarray[str_key])!="undefined");		// exists if not undefined
				}		// end function exists()
			var icons=[];						// note globals
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}unit_types` ORDER BY `id`";
    // types in use
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    $icons = $GLOBALS['icons'];
    while ($row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) {
        // map type to blank icon id
        $blank = $icons[$row['icon']];
        print "\ticons[" . $row['id'] . "] = " . $row['icon'] . ";\n";
			var map;
			var center;
			var zoom;
		    var gdir;				// directions
		    var geocoder = null;
		    var addressMarker;
			$("mail_button").style.display = "none";		// 10/28/09
			$("loading").style.display = "none";		// 10/28/09		
			var side_bar_html = "<TABLE border=0 CLASS='sidebar' ID='tbl_responders' STYLE = 'WIDTH: <?php 
    print $sidebar_width;
			var gmarkers = [];
			var infoTabs = [];
			var lats = [];
			var lngs = [];
			var unit_names = [];		// names 
			var unit_sets = [];			// settings
			var unit_ids = [];			// id's
			var unit_assigns =  [];		// unit id's assigned this incident
			var direcs =  [];			// if true, do directions - 7/13/09
			var which;			// marker last selected
			var i = 0;			// sidebar/icon index
			map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map_canvas"));		// create the map
			map.setCenter(new GLatLng(<?php 
    echo get_variable('def_lat');
, <?php 
    echo get_variable('def_lng');
), <?php 
    echo get_variable('def_zoom');
//			map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());						// 9/23/08
			map.setUIToDefault();										// 8/13/10
			map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());
			var bounds = new GLatLngBounds();						// create empty bounding box			
			do_landb();				// 8/1/11 - show scribbles				
    if (intval(get_variable('terrain')) == 1) {
			gdir = new GDirections(map, document.getElementById("directions"));
			GEvent.addListener(gdir, "load", onGDirectionsLoad);
			try {GEvent.addListener(gdir, "error", handleErrors);}
			catch (e) {}
			var listIcon = new GIcon();
			listIcon.image = "./markers/yellow.png";	// yellow.png - 16 X 28
			listIcon.shadow = "./markers/sm_shadow.png";
			listIcon.iconSize = new GSize(20, 34);
			listIcon.shadowSize = new GSize(37, 34);
			listIcon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(8, 28);
			listIcon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(9, 2);
			listIcon.infoShadowAnchor = new GPoint(18, 25);
			var newIcon = new GIcon();
			newIcon.image = "./markers/white.png";	// yellow.png - 20 X 34
			newIcon.shadow = "./markers/shadow.png";
			newIcon.iconSize = new GSize(20, 34);
			newIcon.shadowSize = new GSize(37, 34);
			newIcon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(8, 28);
			newIcon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(9, 2);
			newIcon.infoShadowAnchor = new GPoint(18, 25);
																		// set Incident position
			var point = new GLatLng(<?php 
    print $lat;
, <?php 
    print $lng;
);	// 675
			bounds.extend(point);										// Incident into BB
			GEvent.addListener(map, "infowindowclose", function() {		// re-center after  move/zoom

				setDirections(last_from, last_to, "en_US") ;

			var accept_click = false;					// 10/15/08
			GEvent.addListener(map, "click", function(marker, point) {		// point.lat()
				var the_start = point.lat().toString() + "," + point.lng().toString();
				var the_end = thelat.toString() + "," + thelng.toString();	
				setDirections(the_start, the_end, "en_US");
				});				// end GEvent.addListener()
			var nr_units = 	0;
			var email= false;
    function get_cd_str($in_row)
        // unit row in,
        global $unit_id;
        //																			// first, already on this run?
        $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns` WHERE  `ticket_id` = " . get_ticket_id() . "\n\t\t\t\t\t AND (`responder_id`={$in_row['unit_id']}) \n\t\t\t\t\t AND ((`clear` IS NULL) OR (DATE_FORMAT(`clear`,'%y') = '00')) LIMIT 1;";
        // 6/25/10
        $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
        if (mysql_affected_rows() == 1) {
            return " CHECKED DISABLED ";
        if ($unit_id != "" && (mysql_affected_rows() != 1 || mysql_affected_rows() == 1 && intval($in_row['multi']) == 1)) {
            print "checked";
            return " CHECKED ";
        // 12/18/10 - Checkbox checked here individual unit seleted.
        if (intval($in_row['dispatch']) == 2) {
            return " DISABLED ";
        // 2nd, disallowed  - 5/30/10
        if (intval($in_row['multi']) == 1) {
            return "";
        // 3rd, allowed
        $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns` \n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `responder_id`={$in_row['unit_id']} \n\t\t\t\t\tAND ((`clear` IS NULL) OR (DATE_FORMAT(`clear`,'%y') = '00'))\n\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1;";
        // 6/25/10
        $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
        if (mysql_affected_rows() == 1) {
            return " DISABLED ";
        } else {
            return "";
    // function get cd_str($in_row)
    $eols = array("\r\n", "\n", "\r");
    // all flavors of eol
    // build js array of responders to this ticket - possibly none
    $query = "SELECT `ticket_id`, `responder_id` \n\t\t\t\tFROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns` WHERE `ticket_id` = " . get_ticket_id();
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    while ($assigns_row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_array($result))) {
        print "\t\tunit_assigns[' '+ " . $assigns_row['responder_id'] . "]= true;\n";
        // note string forced
    print "\n";
    // ===================================================================================
    $query = "SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(problemstart) AS problemstart, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(problemend) AS problemend \n\t\t\t\tFROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket` \n\t\t\t\tWHERE `id`= " . get_ticket_id() . " LIMIT 1;";
    // 4/5/10
    $result_pos = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    if (mysql_affected_rows() == 1) {
        $row_position = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_array($result_pos));
        $latitude = $row_position['lat'];
        $longitude = $row_position['lng'];
        $problemstart = $row_position['problemstart'];
        $problemend = $row_position['problemend'];
    } else {
        //			dump ($query);
    $where = empty($unit_id) ? "" : " AND `r`.`id` = {$unit_id} ";
    // revised 5/23/08 per AD7PE
    //			$where2 = (empty($capabilities))? "" : " AND (";	// 12/18/10
    if (!empty($unit_id)) {
        $where2 = "";
    } else {
        $where2 = empty($capabilities) ? "" : " AND (";
        // 12/18/10
        $searchitems = empty($capabilities) ? "" : explode(" ", $capabilities);
        if ($searchitems) {
            for ($j = 0; $j < count($searchitems); $j++) {
                if ($j + 1 != count($searchitems)) {
                    $where2 .= "`r`.`capab` LIKE '%{$searchitems[$j]}%' {$searchtype}";
                } else {
                    $where2 .= "`r`.`capab` LIKE '%{$searchitems[$j]}%')";
    switch (intval(trim(get_variable('locale')))) {
        // nm conversion, 3/15/11
        case 0:
            $nm_to_what = 1.1515;
            // mi
            $capt = "mi";
        case 1:
            $nm_to_what = 1.1515 * 1.609344;
            // UK - km
            $capt = "km";
        case 2:
            $nm_to_what = 1.1515 * 1.609344;
            // ROW - km
            $capt = "km";
            $nm_to_what = 1.1515 * 1.609344;
            // ERROR?
            $capt = "km";
    $have_position = !($latitude == 0.999999 && $longitude == 0.999999);
    $by_distance = $sortby_distance && $have_position ? "`distance` ASC, " : "";
    // 6/19/10 - user-set variable, 2/5/11 calls assigned added as order element
    // 5/30/10, 11/24/10
    // ============================= Regions Stuff
    // Allows Tickets to be dispatched to any responders in the same region as the current user.
    // $query = "SELECT * FROM `$GLOBALS[mysql_prefix]allocates` WHERE `type`= 4 AND `resource_id` = '$_SESSION[user_id]' ORDER BY `id` ASC;";	// 4/18/11
    // $result = mysql_query($query);	// 5/4/11
    // $al_groups = array();
    // $al_names = "";
    // while ($row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) 	{	// 5/4/11
    // $al_groups[] = $row['group'];
    // $query2 = "SELECT * FROM `$GLOBALS[mysql_prefix]region` WHERE `id`= '$row[group]';";	// 5/4/11
    // $result2 = mysql_query($query2);	// 5/4/11
    // while ($row2 = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result2))) 	{	// 5/4/11
    // $al_names .= $row2['group_name'] . ", ";
    // }
    // }
    // if(isset($_SESSION['viewed_groups'])) {
    // $al_groups= explode(",",$_SESSION['viewed_groups']);
    // }
    // if(!isset($_SESSION['viewed_groups'])) {	//	5/4/11
    // $x=0;
    // $where3 = "AND (";
    // foreach($al_groups as $grp) {
    // $where4 = (count($al_groups) > ($x+1)) ? " OR " : ")";
    // $where3 .= "`a`.`group` = '{$grp}'";
    // $where3 .= $where4;
    // $x++;
    // }
    // } else {
    // $x=0;
    // $where3 = "AND (";
    // foreach($al_groups as $grp) {
    // $where4 = (count($al_groups) > ($x+1)) ? " OR " : ")";
    // $where3 .= "`a`.`group` = '{$grp}'";
    // $where3 .= $where4;
    // $x++;
    // }
    // }
    // $where3 .= " AND `a`.`type` = 2";
    // Replacement code - only allows Tickets to be dispatched to responders in the same region
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates` WHERE `type`= 1 AND `resource_id` = " . get_ticket_id() . " ORDER BY `id` ASC;";
    // 4/18/11
    $result = mysql_query($query);
    // 5/4/11
    $al_groups = array();
    $al_names = "";
    while ($row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) {
        // 5/4/11
        $al_groups[] = $row['group'];
        $query2 = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}region` WHERE `id`= '{$row['group']}';";
        // 5/4/11
        $result2 = mysql_query($query2);
        // 5/4/11
        while ($row2 = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result2))) {
            // 5/4/11
            $al_names .= $row2['group_name'] . ", ";
    $x = 0;
    $where3 = "AND (";
    foreach ($al_groups as $grp) {
        $where4 = count($al_groups) > $x + 1 ? " OR " : ")";
        $where3 .= "`a`.`group` = '{$grp}'";
        $where3 .= $where4;
    $where3 .= " AND `a`.`type` = 2";
    // ================================ end of regions stuff
    $query = "(SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`updated`) AS `updated`, `r`.`name` AS `unit_name`, `t`.`name` AS `type_name`, `r`.`type` AS `type`,\n\t\t\t\t`r`.`id` AS `unit_id`, `r`.`capab` AS `capab`,\n\t\t\t\t`s`.`status_val` AS `unitstatus`, `contact_via`, \n\t\t\t\t(((acos(sin(({$latitude}*pi()/180)) * sin((`r`.`lat`*pi()/180))+cos(({$latitude}*pi()/180)) * cos((`r`.`lat`*pi()/180)) * cos((({$longitude} - `r`.`lng`)*pi()/180))))*180/pi())*60*{$nm_to_what}) AS `distance`,\n\t\t\t\t(SELECT  COUNT(*) as numfound FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns` \n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns`.`responder_id` = `r`.`id`  \n\t\t\t\t\tAND `clear` IS NULL OR DATE_FORMAT(`clear`,'%y') = '00' )\n\t\t\t\t\tAS `calls_assigned`\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tFROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}responder` `r`\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}un_status` `s` ON (`r`.`un_status_id` = `s`.`id`)\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}unit_types` `t` ON (`r`.`type` = `t`.`id`)\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates` `a` ON (`r`.`id` = `a`.`resource_id`)\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t WHERE  `dispatch` = 0 {$where} {$where2} {$where3} GROUP BY unit_id )\n\t\t\tUNION DISTINCT\n\t\t\t\t(SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`updated`) AS `updated`, `r`.`name` AS `unit_name`, `t`.`name` AS `type_name`, `r`.`type` AS `type`,\n\t\t\t\t`r`.`id` AS `unit_id`, `r`.`capab` AS `capab`,\n\t\t\t\t`s`.`status_val` AS `unitstatus`, `contact_via`, \n\t\t\t\t9999 AS `distance`,\n\t\t\t\t(SELECT  COUNT(*) as numfound FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns` \n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns`.`responder_id` = `r`.`id`  \n\t\t\t\t\tAND `clear` IS NULL OR DATE_FORMAT(`clear`,'%y') = '00' ) \n\t\t\t\t\tAS `calls_assigned`\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tFROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}responder` `r`\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}un_status` `s` ON (`r`.`un_status_id` = `s`.`id`)\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}unit_types` `t` ON (`r`.`type` = `t`.`id`)\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates` `a` ON (`r`.`id` = `a`.`resource_id`)\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t WHERE  `dispatch` > 0 {$where} {$where2} {$where3} GROUP BY unit_id )\n\t\t\t ORDER BY `dispatch` ASC, `calls_assigned` ASC, {$by_distance} `handle` ASC, `unit_name` ASC, `unit_id` ASC \t\t ";
    //	5/4/11
    //	 		dump($query);
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    if (mysql_affected_rows() > 0) {
        $end_date = intval($problemend) > 1 ? $problemend : time() - get_variable('delta_mins') * 60;
        $elapsed = my_date_diff($problemstart, $end_date);
        // 5/13/10
        //	==========================================================================================
        $search_arg = array_key_exists('capabilities', $_GET) ? "<TR class='even' STYLE = 'white-space:nowrap;'><TD COLSPAN='99' ALIGN='center'>Unit capabilities match: '" . $_GET['capabilities'] . "'</TD></TR>" : "";
			side_bar_html += "<TR class='even'>	<TD CLASS='<?php 
        print $severityclass;
' COLSPAN=99 ALIGN='center'><B>Routes to Incident: <I><?php 
        print shorten($row_ticket['scope'], 20) . "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(" . $elapsed;
			side_bar_html += "<?php 
        print $search_arg;
			side_bar_html += "<TR class='odd'>	<TD COLSPAN=99 ALIGN='center'>Click line, icon or map for route</TD></TR>\n";
			side_bar_html += "<TR class='even' STYLE = 'white-space:nowrap;'><TD COLSPAN=3></TD><TD ALIGN='left'>Unit</TD><TD ALIGN='right'>SLD&nbsp;(<?php 
        print $capt;
)</TD><TD ALIGN='center'>Call</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>Status</TD><TD>M</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>As of</TD></TR>\n";
        // major while ... for RESPONDER data starts here
        $i = $k = 1;
        // sidebar/icon index
        while ($unit_row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) {
            // 7/13/09
            $has_coords = my_is_float($unit_row['lat']) && my_is_float($unit_row['lng']);
            // 2/25/09, 7/7/09
            $has_rem_source = intval($unit_row['aprs']) == 1 || intval($unit_row['instam']) == 1 || intval($unit_row['locatea']) == 1 || intval($unit_row['gtrack']) == 1 || intval($unit_row['glat']) == 1;
            // 11/15/09
            if (is_email($unit_row['contact_via'])) {
                print "\t\t\t email= true;\n";
					var i = <?php 
            print $i;
;						// top of loop
					unit_names[i] = "<?php 
            print addslashes($unit_row['unit_name']);
";	// unit name 8/25/08, 4/27/09
					unit_preselected = "<?php 
            print $unit_id;
					if (unit_preselected != "") {
						unit_sets[i] = true;								// pre-set checkbox settings
						show_butts(to_visible);		//	sets dispatch button visible if there is a pre-selected unit - for dispatch from unit functionality.	5/4/11
						} else {
						unit_sets[i] = false;
					unit_ids[i] = <?php 
            print $unit_row['unit_id'];
	 				direcs[i] = <?php 
            print intval($unit_row['direcs']) == 1 ? "true" : "false";
;			// do directions - 7/13/09
            if ($has_coords) {
                $tab_1 = "<TABLE CLASS='infowin' width='" . $_SESSION['scr_width'] / 4 . "px'>";
                $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN='center'>" . shorten($unit_row['unit_name'], 48) . "</TD></TR>";
                $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>Description:</TD><TD>" . shorten(str_replace($eols, " ", $unit_row['description']), 32) . "</TD></TR>";
                $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>Status:</TD><TD>" . $unit_row['unitstatus'] . " </TD></TR>";
                $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>Contact:</TD><TD>" . $unit_row['contact_name'] . " Via: " . $unit_row['contact_via'] . "</TD></TR>";
                $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>As of:</TD><TD>" . format_date($unit_row['updated']) . "</TD></TR>";
                $tab_1 .= "</TABLE>";
					new_element = document.createElement("input");								// please don't ask!
					new_element.setAttribute("type", 	"checkbox");
					new_element.setAttribute("name", 	"unit_<?php 
            print $unit_row['unit_id'];
					new_element.setAttribute("id", 		"element_id");
					new_element.setAttribute("style", 	"visibility:hidden");
					var multi = <?php 
            print intval($unit_row['multi']) == 1 ? "true;\n" : "false;\n";
	// 5/22/09
            $dispatched_to = array_key_exists($unit_row['unit_id'], $dispatches_disp) ? $dispatches_disp[$unit_row['unit_id']] : "";
            if ($has_coords) {
                if ($unit_row['lat'] == 0.999999 && $unit_row['lng'] == 0.999999) {
                    // check units created in no-maps mode 8/4/10
						lats[i] = <?php 
                    print get_variable('def_lat');
; 		// 774-1 now compute distance - in km
						lngs[i] = <?php 
                    print get_variable('def_lng');
                } else {
						lats[i] = <?php 
                    print $unit_row['lat'];
; 		// 774-2 now compute distance - in km
						lngs[i] = <?php 
                    print $unit_row['lng'];
                // end check units created in no-maps mode 8/4/10
                if ($row_ticket['lat'] == 0.999999 && $row_ticket['lng'] == 0.999999) {
                    // check tickets created in no-maps mode 8/4/10
                    $ticket_lat = get_variable('def_lat');
                    $ticket_lng = get_variable('def_lng');
                } else {
                    $ticket_lat = $row_ticket['lat'];
                    $ticket_lng = $row_ticket['lng'];
            if ($has_coords && $has_rem_source && !empty($unit_row['callsign'])) {
                // 11/15/09
                $thespeed = "";
                $query = "SELECT *,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(packet_date) AS packet_date, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(updated) AS updated FROM {$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}tracks\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `source`= '{$unit_row['callsign']}' ORDER BY `packet_date` DESC LIMIT 1";
                $result_tr = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
                if (mysql_affected_rows() > 0) {
                    // got a track?
                    $track_row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_array($result_tr));
                    // most recent track report
                    $tab_2 = "<TABLE CLASS='infowin' width='" . $_SESSION['scr_width'] / 4 . "px'>";
                    $tab_2 .= "<TR><TH CLASS='even' COLSPAN=2>" . $track_row['source'] . "</TH></TR>";
                    $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>Course: </TD><TD>" . $track_row['course'] . ", Speed:  " . $track_row['speed'] . ", Alt: " . $track_row['altitude'] . "</TD></TR>";
                    $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>Closest city: </TD><TD>" . $track_row['closest_city'] . "</TD></TR>";
                    $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>Status: </TD><TD>" . $track_row['status'] . "</TD></TR>";
                    $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>As of: </TD><TD>" . format_date($track_row['packet_date']) . "</TD></TR>";
                    $tab_2 .= "</TABLE>";
							var myinfoTabs = [
								new GInfoWindowTab("<?php 
                    print nl2brr(shorten($unit_row['unit_name'], 8));
", "<?php 
                    print $tab_1;
								new GInfoWindowTab("<?php 
                    print $track_row['source'];
", "<?php 
                    print $tab_2;
								new GInfoWindowTab("Zoom", "<DIV ID='detailmap' CLASS='detailmap'></DIV>")
                    $thespeed = $track_row['speed'] == 0 ? "<FONT COLOR='red'><B>&bull;</B></FONT>" : "<FONT COLOR='green'><B>&bull;</B></FONT>";
                    if ($track_row['speed'] >= 50) {
                        $thespeed = "<FONT COLOR='WHITE'><B>&bull;</B></FONT>";
							var point = new GLatLng(<?php 
                    print $track_row['latitude'];
, <?php 
                    print $track_row['longitude'];
);	// 783 - mobile position
							bounds.extend(point);															// point into BB

                } else {
                    // no track data
                    // not a clickable unit for dispatch
							var myinfoTabs = [
								new GInfoWindowTab("<?php 
                    print nl2brr(shorten($unit_row['unit_name'], 12));
", "<?php 
                    print $tab_1;
								new GInfoWindowTab("Zoom", "<DIV ID='detailmap' CLASS='detailmap'></DIV>")
                // end  no track data
                // 8/7/09
            } else {
                // no rem_source
                if ($has_coords) {
                    //  2/25/09
							var myinfoTabs = [
								new GInfoWindowTab("<?php 
                    print nl2brr(shorten($unit_row['unit_name'], 12));
", "<?php 
                    print $tab_1;
								new GInfoWindowTab("Zoom", "<DIV ID='detailmap' CLASS='detailmap'></DIV>")
                    if ($unit_row['lat'] == 0.999999 && $unit_row['lng'] == 0.999999) {
                        // check units created in no-maps mode 8/4/10
									lats[i] = <?php 
                        print get_variable('def_lat');
; 		// 819-1 now compute distance - in km
									lngs[i] = <?php 
                        print get_variable('def_lng');
                    } else {
									lats[i] = <?php 
                        print $unit_row['lat'];
; 		// 819-2 now compute distance - in km
									lngs[i] = <?php 
                        print $unit_row['lng'];
                    // end check units created in no-maps mode 8/4/10
                    if ($row_ticket['lat'] == 0.999999 && $row_ticket['lng'] == 0.999999) {
                        // check tickets created in no-maps mode 8/4/10
                        $ticket_lat = get_variable('def_lat');
                        $ticket_lng = get_variable('def_lng');
                    } else {
                        $ticket_lat = $row_ticket['lat'];
                        $ticket_lng = $row_ticket['lng'];
                // end if ($has_coords)
                $thespeed = "";
            // END IF/ELSE (rem_source)
            $the_disp_str = "";
            if ($unit_row['dispatch'] == 2) {
                print "\tsidebar_line = '<TD ALIGN=center><INPUT TYPE=checkbox disabled STYLE = \"visibility: hidden;\"></TD>'";
            } else {
                switch ($unit_row['calls_assigned']) {
                    // 8/29/10
                    case 0:
                    case 1:
                        $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns` \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE (`responder_id` = {$unit_row['unit_id']}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND `clear` IS NULL OR DATE_FORMAT(`clear`,'%y') = '00' ) \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlimit 1";
                        $result_as = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
                        $row_as = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result_as));
                        $the_disp_str = "<SPAN CLASS='disp_stat'>&nbsp;" . get_disp_status($row_as) . "&nbsp;</SPAN>&nbsp;";
                        // display count
                        $the_disp_str = "<SPAN CLASS='disp_stat'>&nbsp;{$unit_row['calls_assigned']}&nbsp;</SPAN>&nbsp;";
                // end switch ()
					sidebar_line = "<TD ALIGN='center'><INPUT TYPE='checkbox' <?php 
                print get_cd_str($unit_row);
 NAME = 'unit_" + <?php 
                print $unit_row['unit_id'];
 + "' onClick='show_butts(to_visible); unit_sets[<?php 
                print $i;
]=this.checked;' /></TD>";
					sidebar_line += "<TD TITLE = \"<?php 
            print addslashes($unit_row['unit_name']);
            $the_bg_color = $GLOBALS['UNIT_TYPES_BG'][$unit_row['icon']];
            // 2/1/10
            $the_text_color = $GLOBALS['UNIT_TYPES_TEXT'][$unit_row['icon']];
            $strike = $unit_row['dispatch'] == 0 ? "" : "color:red;text-decoration:line-through;";
            $the_style = "<SPAN STYLE='{$strike}background-color:{$the_bg_color};  opacity: .7; color:{$the_text_color};'>";
            $str_dist = $have_position ? number_format(round($unit_row['distance'], 1), 1) : "";
            // 3/5/11
            //					dump(__LINE__);
					sidebar_line += "<NOBR><?php 
            print $the_style . shorten($unit_row['unit_name'], 20);
					sidebar_line += "<TD ALIGN='right'><?php 
            print $str_dist;
</TD>"; // 8/25/08, 4/27/09

					sidebar_line += "<?php 
            print get_assigned_td($unit_row['unit_id']);
";		// 3/15/11
            $the_style = "<SPAN STYLE='{$strike}background-color:{$unit_row['bg_color']}; color:{$unit_row['text_color']};'>";
					sidebar_line += "<TD TITLE = \"<?php 
            print $unit_row['unitstatus'];
\" CLASS='td_data'><?php 
            print $the_style . shorten($unit_row['unitstatus'], 12);
					sidebar_line += "<TD CLASS='td_data'><?php 
            print $thespeed;
					sidebar_line += "<TD CLASS='td_data'><?php 
            print substr(format_sb_date($unit_row['updated']), 4);
            if ($has_coords) {
                //  2/25/09
                if ($unit_row['lat'] == 0.999999 && $unit_row['lng'] == 0.999999) {
                    // check for facilities entered in no maps mode 8/4/10
							var point = new GLatLng(<?php 
                    print get_variable('def_lat');
, <?php 
                    print get_variable('def_lng');
);	//  840 for each responder 832
							var unit_id = <?php 
                    print $unit_row['unit_id'];
							bounds.extend(point);																// point into BB
							var marker = createdummyMarker(point, sidebar_line, myinfoTabs,<?php 
                    print $unit_row['type'];
, i, unit_id);	// (point,sidebar,tabs, color, id)
							if (!(isNull(marker))) {
                } else {
							var point = new GLatLng(<?php 
                    print $unit_row['lat'];
, <?php 
                    print $unit_row['lng'];
);	//  840 for each responder 832
							var unit_id = <?php 
                    print $unit_row['unit_id'];
							bounds.extend(point);																// point into BB
							var marker = createMarker(point, sidebar_line, myinfoTabs,<?php 
                    print $unit_row['type'];
, i, unit_id);	// (point,sidebar,tabs, color, id)
							if (!(isNull(marker))) {
                // end check for facilities entered in no maps mode 8/4/10
            } else {
                print "\n\t\t\t\tdo_sidebar(sidebar_line, color, i);\n";
            // end if/else ($has_coords)
        // end major while ($unit_row = ...)  for each responder
        print "\t\t var start = 1;\n";
        // already sorted - 3/24/10
    } else {
        print "\t\t var start = 0;\n";
        // already sorted - 3/24/10
    //					responders complete
    if ($row_ticket['lat'] == 0.999999 && $row_ticket['lng'] == 0.999999) {
        // check for facilities entered in no maps mode 8/4/10
				var point = new GLatLng(<?php 
        print get_variable('def_lat');
, <?php 
        print get_variable('def_lng');
);	// incident
				var baseIcon = new GIcon();
				var inc_icon = new GIcon(baseIcon, "./our_icons/question1.png", null);		// 10/26/08
				var thisMarker = new GMarker(point);
    } else {
				var point = new GLatLng(<?php 
        echo $row_ticket['lat'];
, <?php 
        echo $row_ticket['lng'];
);	// incident
				var baseIcon = new GIcon();
				var inc_icon = new GIcon(baseIcon, "./markers/sm_black.png", null);		// 10/26/08
				var thisMarker = new GMarker(point);

			if (nr_units==0) {
				side_bar_html +="<TR CLASS='odd'><TD ALIGN='center' COLSPAN=99><BR /><BR /><H3>No Units!</H3></TD></TR>";	
				map.setCenter(new GLatLng(<?php 
    echo $row_ticket['lat'];
, <?php 
    echo $row_ticket['lng'];
), <?php 
    echo get_variable('def_zoom');
			else {
				center = bounds.getCenter();
				zoom = map.getBoundsZoomLevel(bounds);		// -1 for further out	
//				var radii = new Array (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,   6,   7,  8,  9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17) ;
				var radii = new Array (100, 100, 100, 100, 50, 50, 50, 50, 40, 20, 10, 5, 5, 5,  5,  5,  5,  5) ;	// miles
				var the_rad = radii[zoom];
    print $row_position['lat'];
,  <?php 
    print $row_position['lng'];
, the_rad, "#000080", 1, 0.75, "#0000FF", .05);				
				side_bar_html+= "<TR CLASS='" + colors[i%2] +"'><TD COLSPAN=99>&nbsp;</TD></TR>\n";
				side_bar_html+= "<TR CLASS='" + colors[(i+1)%2] +"'><TD COLSPAN=99 ALIGN='center'><B>M</B>obility:&nbsp;&nbsp; stopped: <FONT COLOR='red'><B>&bull;</B></FONT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;moving: <FONT COLOR='green'><B>&bull;</B></FONT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;fast: <FONT COLOR='white'><B>&bull;</B></FONT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;silent: <FONT COLOR='black'><B>&bull;</B></FONT></TD></TR>\n";
				side_bar_html+= "<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>\n";
			side_bar_html +="</TABLE>\n";
			document.getElementById("side_bar").innerHTML = side_bar_html;	// put the assembled side_bar_html contents into the side bar div
			var thelat = <?php 
    print $lat;
; var thelng = <?php 
    print $lng;
			var norecfac = "";	//10/6/09
			if (start>0) {
				var current_id= "R"+start;			//
				document.getElementById(current_id).style.visibility = "visible";		// show link check image at the selected sidebar el ement
				$("mail_button").style.display = "none";	//10/6/09
				if (lats[start]) {
    if ($rec_fac > 0) {
						var thereclat = <?php 
        print $rf_lat;
; var thereclng = <?php 
        print $rf_lng;
;	//adds in receiving facility
						if (direcs[start]) {
							setDirections(lats[start] + " " + lngs[start], thelat + " " + thelng, thereclat + " " + thereclng, "en_US", unit_id);	// get directions	10/6/09
    } else {
						if (direcs[start]) {
							setDirections(lats[start] + " " + lngs[start], thelat + " " + thelng, norecfac, "en_US", unit_id);	// get directions	10/6/09
    // end if/else ($rec_fac > 0)
					}		// end if (lats[start]) 
				}		// end if (start>0)
    // ======================================

				location.href = "#top";				// 11/12/09	
			}		// end if (GBrowserIsCompatible())
		else {
			alert("Sorry,  browser compatibility problem. Contact your tech support group.");
function do_list($unit_id = "", $capabilities = "", $searchtype)
    global $row_ticket, $dispatches_disp, $dispatches_act, $from_top, $from_left, $eol, $sidebar_width;
    switch ($row_ticket['severity']) {
        //color tickets by severity
            $severityclass = 'severity_medium';
        case $GLOBALS['SEVERITY_HIGH']:
            $severityclass = 'severity_high';
            $severityclass = '';
    $query = "SELECT *,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(problemstart) AS problemstart,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(problemend) AS problemend,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(booked_date) AS booked_date,\n\t\tUNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) AS date,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.`updated`) AS updated, `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.`description` AS `tick_descr` FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`  \n\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}in_types` `ty` ON (`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.`in_types_id` = `ty`.`id`)\t\t\n\t\tWHERE `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.`id`= " . quote_smart($_GET['ticket_id']) . " LIMIT 1";
    // 7/24/09 10/16/08 Incident location 09/25/09 Pre Booking
    //	print __LINE__;
    //	dump($query);
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    $row_ticket = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_array($result));
    $facility = $row_ticket['facility'];
    $rec_fac = $row_ticket['rec_facility'];
    $lat = $row_ticket['lat'];
    $lng = $row_ticket['lng'];
    $problemstart = $row_ticket['problemstart'];
    $problemend = $row_ticket['problemend'];
    //	dump(mysql_format_date($row_ticket['problemstart']));
    //	print "var thelat = " . $lat . ";\nvar thelng = " . $lng . ";\n";		// set js-accessible location data
    if ($rec_fac > 0) {
        $query_rfc = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities` WHERE `id`= {$rec_fac} ";
        // 7/24/09 10/16/08 Incident location 10/06/09 Multi point routing
        $result_rfc = mysql_query($query_rfc) or do_error($query_rfc, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
        $row_rec_fac = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_array($result_rfc));
        $rf_lat = $row_rec_fac['lat'];
        $rf_lng = $row_rec_fac['lng'];
        $rf_name = $row_rec_fac['name'];
        //		print "var thereclat = " . $rf_lat . ";\nvar thereclng = " . $rf_lng . ";\n";		// set js-accessible location data for receiving facility
    } else {
        //		print "var thereclat;\nvar thereclng;\n";		// set js-accessible location data for receiving facility
	var color=0;
	var last_from;
	var last_to;
	var rec_fac;
	var current_id;			// 10/25/08
	var output_direcs = "";	//10/6/09
	var have_direcs = 0;	//10/6/09
	var tick_name = '<?php 
    print $row_ticket['scope'];
';	//10/29/09

		var colors = new Array ('odd', 'even');
		var Direcs = null;			// global
		var Now;
		var mystart;
		var myend;

		function do_sidebar(sidebar, color, id, unit_id) {						// No map
			var letter = ""+ id;										// start with 1 - 1/5/09 - 1/29/09
			marker = null;
			gmarkers[id] = null;										// marker to array for side bar click function
			side_bar_html += "<TR ID = '_tr" + id  + "' CLASS='" + colors[(id)%2] +"' VALIGN='bottom' onClick = myclick(" + id + "," + unit_id +");><TD>";

			side_bar_html += "<IMG BORDER=0 SRC='rtarrow.gif' ID = \"R" + id + "\"  STYLE = 'visibility:hidden;'></TD>";
			var letter = ""+ id;										// start with 1 - 1/5/09 - 1/29/09

//			var the_class = (direcs[id])?  "emph" : "td_label";
			var the_class = (lats[id])?  "emph" : "td_label";
			side_bar_html += "<TD CLASS='" + the_class + "'>" + letter + " "+ sidebar +"</TD></TR>\n";
			return null;
			}				// end function create Marker()

		function myclick(id, unit_id) {								// responds to side bar click
//			alert (821);
			var norecfac = "";
			if (document.getElementById(current_id)) {
				document.getElementById(current_id).style.visibility = "hidden";			// hide last check if defined
			current_id= "R"+id;
			document.getElementById(current_id).style.visibility = "visible";			// show newest

			}					// end function my click(id)

		function handleErrors(){		//G_GEO_UNKNOWN_DIRECTIONS 
			if (gdir.getStatus().code == G_GEO_UNKNOWN_DIRECTIONS ) {
				alert("501: directions unavailable\n\nClick map point for directions.");
			else if (gdir.getStatus().code == G_GEO_UNKNOWN_ADDRESS)
				alert("440: No corresponding geographic location could be found for one of the specified addresses. This may be due to the fact that the address is relatively new, or it may be incorrect.\nError code: " + gdir.getStatus().code);
			else if (gdir.getStatus().code == G_GEO_SERVER_ERROR)
				alert("442: A map request could not be processed, reason unknown.\n Error code: " + gdir.getStatus().code);
			else if (gdir.getStatus().code == G_GEO_MISSING_QUERY)
				alert("444: Technical error.\n Error code: " + gdir.getStatus().code);
			else if (gdir.getStatus().code == G_GEO_BAD_KEY)
				alert("448: The given key is either invalid or does not match the domain for which it was given. \n Error code: " + gdir.getStatus().code);
			else if (gdir.getStatus().code == G_GEO_BAD_REQUEST)
				alert("450: A directions request could not be successfully parsed.\n Error code: " + gdir.getStatus().code);
			else alert("451: An unknown error occurred.");
			}		// end function handleErrors()

		function onGDirectionsLoad(){ 
//			var temp = gdir.getSummaryHtml();
			}		// function onGDirectionsLoad()

		function guest () {
			alert ("Demonstration only.  Guests may not commit dispatch!");
		function validate(){		// frm_id_str
			for (var i =1;i<unit_sets.length;i++) {				// 3/30
				if (unit_sets[i]) {
					document.routes_Form.frm_id_str.value += unit_ids[i] + "|";
			if (msgstr.length==0) {
				var more = (nr_units>1)? "s": ""
				alert ("Please select unit" + more + ", or cancel");
				return false;
			else {
				var quick = <?php 
    print intval(get_variable("quick") == 1) ? "true;\n" : "false;\n";
//				if (confirm ("Please confirm Unit dispatch as follows\n\n" + msgstr)) {
				if ((quick) || (confirm ("Please confirm unit dispatch\n\n" + msgstr))) {		// 11/23/09

					document.routes_Form.frm_id_str.value = document.routes_Form.frm_id_str.value.substring(0, document.routes_Form.frm_id_str.value.length - 1);	// drop trailing separator
					document.routes_Form.frm_name_str.value = msgstr;	// for re-use
					document.getElementById("outer").style.display = "none";
					document.getElementById("bottom").style.display = "block";					
				else {
					return false;

			}		// end function validate()
		function exists(myarray,myid) {
			var str_key = " " + myid;		// force associative
			return ((typeof myarray[str_key])!="undefined");		// exists if not undefined
			}		// end function exists()
		var icons=[];						// note globals
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}unit_types` ORDER BY `id`";
    // types in use
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    $icons = $GLOBALS['icons'];
    while ($row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) {
        // map type to blank icon id
        $blank = $icons[$row['icon']];
        print "\ticons[" . $row['id'] . "] = " . $row['icon'] . ";\n";
		var side_bar_html = "<TABLE border=0 CLASS='sidebar' ID='tbl_responders' STYLE = 'WIDTH: <?php 
    print $sidebar_width;

		var gmarkers = [];
		var lats = [];
		var lngs = [];
		var distances = [];
		var unit_names = [];		// names 
		var unit_sets = [];			// settings
		var unit_ids = [];			// id's
		var unit_assigns =  [];		// unit id's assigned this incident
		var direcs =  [];			// if true, do directions - 7/13/09

		var which;			// marker last selected
		var i = 0;			// sidebar/icon index
		var nr_units = 	0;
		var email= false;
    function get_cd_str($in_row)
        // unit row in,
        global $unit_id;
        // 11/18/10
        //																			// first, already on this run?
        $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns` WHERE  `ticket_id` = " . quote_smart($_GET['ticket_id']) . "\n\t\t\t\t\t AND (`responder_id`={$in_row['unit_id']}) \n\t\t\t\t\t AND ((`clear` IS NULL) OR (DATE_FORMAT(`clear`,'%y') = '00')) LIMIT 1;";
        // 6/25/10
        $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
        if (mysql_affected_rows() == 1) {
            return " CHECKED DISABLED ";
        if ($unit_id != "" && (mysql_affected_rows() != 1 || mysql_affected_rows() == 1 && intval($in_row['multi']) == 1)) {
            print "checked";
            return " CHECKED ";
        // 12/18/10 - Checkbox checked here individual unit seleted.
        if (intval($in_row['dispatch']) == 2) {
            return " DISABLED ";
        // 2nd, disallowed  - 5/30/10
        if (intval($in_row['multi']) == 1) {
            return "";
        // 3rd, allowed
        // 3rd, on another run?
        $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns` \n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `responder_id`={$in_row['unit_id']} \n\t\t\t\t\tAND ((`clear` IS NULL) OR (DATE_FORMAT(`clear`,'%y') = '00'))\n\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1;";
        // 6/25/10
        $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
        if (mysql_affected_rows() == 1) {
            return " DISABLED ";
        } else {
            return "";
    // function get cd_str($in_row)
    $eols = array("\r\n", "\n", "\r");
    // all flavors of eol
    // build js array of responders to this ticket - possibly none
    $query = "SELECT `ticket_id`, `responder_id` FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns` WHERE `ticket_id` = " . quote_smart($_GET['ticket_id']);
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    while ($assigns_row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_array($result))) {
        print "\t\tunit_assigns[' '+ " . $assigns_row['responder_id'] . "]= true;\n";
        // note string forced
    print "\n";
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket` WHERE `id`=" . quote_smart($_GET['ticket_id']) . " LIMIT 1;";
    // 4/5/10
    $result_pos = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    if (mysql_affected_rows() == 1) {
        $row_position = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_array($result_pos));
        $latitude = $row_position['lat'];
        $longitude = $row_position['lng'];
    } else {
        //			dump ($query);
    $where = empty($unit_id) ? "" : " AND `r`.`id` = {$unit_id} ";
    // revised 5/23/08 per AD7PE
    if (empty($unit_id)) {
        // 11/18/10
        $where2 = empty($capabilities) ? "" : " AND (";
        // 11/18/10
        $searchitems = empty($capabilities) ? "" : explode(" ", $capabilities);
        if ($searchitems) {
            for ($j = 0; $j < count($searchitems); $j++) {
                if ($j + 1 != count($searchitems)) {
                    $where2 .= "`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}responder`.`capab` LIKE '%{$searchitems[$j]}%' {$searchtype} ";
                } else {
                    $where2 .= "`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}responder`.`capab` LIKE '%{$searchitems[$j]}%')";
    } else {
        $where2 = "";
    // ============================= Regions Stuff
    // Allows Tickets to be dispatched to any responders in the same region as the current user.
    // $query = "SELECT * FROM `$GLOBALS[mysql_prefix]allocates` WHERE `type`= 4 AND `resource_id` = '$_SESSION[user_id]' ORDER BY `id` ASC;";	// 4/18/11
    // $result = mysql_query($query);	// 5/4/11
    // $al_groups = array();
    // $al_names = "";
    // while ($row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) 	{	// 5/4/11
    // $al_groups[] = $row['group'];
    // $query2 = "SELECT * FROM `$GLOBALS[mysql_prefix]region` WHERE `id`= '$row[group]';";	// 5/4/11
    // $result2 = mysql_query($query2);	// 5/4/11
    // while ($row2 = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result2))) 	{	// 5/4/11
    // $al_names .= $row2['group_name'] . ", ";
    // }
    // }
    // if(isset($_SESSION['viewed_groups'])) {
    // $al_groups= explode(",",$_SESSION['viewed_groups']);
    // }
    // if(!isset($_SESSION['viewed_groups'])) {	//	5/4/11
    // $x=0;
    // $where3 = "AND (";
    // foreach($al_groups as $grp) {
    // $where4 = (count($al_groups) > ($x+1)) ? " OR " : ")";
    // $where3 .= "`a`.`group` = '{$grp}'";
    // $where3 .= $where4;
    // $x++;
    // }
    // } else {
    // $x=0;
    // $where3 = "AND (";
    // foreach($al_groups as $grp) {
    // $where4 = (count($al_groups) > ($x+1)) ? " OR " : ")";
    // $where3 .= "`a`.`group` = '{$grp}'";
    // $where3 .= $where4;
    // $x++;
    // }
    // }
    // $where3 .= " AND `a`.`type` = 2";
    // Replacement code - only allows Tickets to be dispatched to responders in the same region
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates` WHERE `type`= 1 AND `resource_id` = " . quote_smart($_GET['ticket_id']) . " ORDER BY `id` ASC;";
    // 4/18/11
    $result = mysql_query($query);
    // 5/4/11
    $al_groups = array();
    $al_names = "";
    while ($row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) {
        // 5/4/11
        $al_groups[] = $row['group'];
        $query2 = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}region` WHERE `id`= '{$row['group']}';";
        // 5/4/11
        $result2 = mysql_query($query2);
        // 5/4/11
        while ($row2 = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result2))) {
            // 5/4/11
            $al_names .= $row2['group_name'] . ", ";
    $x = 0;
    $where3 = "WHERE (";
    foreach ($al_groups as $grp) {
        $where4 = count($al_groups) > $x + 1 ? " OR " : ")";
        $where3 .= "`a`.`group` = '{$grp}'";
        $where3 .= $where4;
    $where3 .= " AND (`a`.`type` = 2)";
    // ================================ end of regions stuff
    // 4/5/10
    $query = "SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`updated`) AS `updated`,\n\t\t\t`r`.`id` AS `unit_id`, \n\t\t\t`s`.`status_val` AS `unitstatus`, `contact_via`, \n\t\t\t(POW(ABS({$latitude} - `r`.`lat`), 2.0) +  POW(ABS({$longitude} - `r`.`lng`), 2.0)) AS `distance`\t\t\t\n\t\t\tFROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}responder` `r`\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}un_status` `s` ON (`r`.`un_status_id` = `s`.`id`)\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates` `a` ON (`r`.`id` = `a`.`resource_id`)\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t{$where3} {$where} {$where2} GROUP BY unit_id\n\t\t\tORDER BY `distance` ASC, `handle` ASC, `name` ASC, `unit_id` ASC";
    // 12/09/09
    //		print $query;
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    if (mysql_affected_rows() > 0) {
        $end_date = intval($problemend) > 1 ? $problemend : time() - get_variable('delta_mins') * 60;
        //			dump(mysql_format_date($problemstart));
        //			dump(mysql_format_date($end_date));
        $elapsed = my_date_diff($problemstart, $end_date);
        // 5/13/10
		side_bar_html += "<TR class='even'>	<TD CLASS='<?php 
        print $severityclass;
' COLSPAN=99 ALIGN='center'><B>To Incident: <I><?php 
        print shorten($row_ticket['scope'], 20) . "</I>&nbsp;&nbsp;(" . $elapsed;
		side_bar_html += "<TR class='odd' STYLE = 'white-space:nowrap;'><TD COLSPAN=3></TD><TD ALIGN='center'>Unit</TD><TD ALIGN='center'>Call</TD><TD ALIGN='center'>Status</TD><TD ALIGN='center'>As of</TD></TR>\n";

        // major while ... for RESPONDER data starts here
        $i = $k = 1;
        // sidebar/icon index
        while ($unit_row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) {
            // 7/13/09
            $has_coords = my_is_float($unit_row['lat']) && my_is_float($unit_row['lng']);
            // 2/25/09, 7/7/09
            $has_rem_source = intval($unit_row['aprs']) == 1 || intval($unit_row['instam']) == 1 || intval($unit_row['locatea']) == 1 || intval($unit_row['gtrack']) == 1 || intval($unit_row['glat']) == 1;
            // 11/15/09
            if (is_email($unit_row['contact_via'])) {
                print "\t\temail= true\n";

				var i = <?php 
            print $i;
;						// top of loop
				unit_names[i] = "<?php 
            print addslashes($unit_row['name']);
";	// unit name 8/25/08, 4/27/09
				unit_sets[i] = false;								// pre-set checkbox settings				
				unit_preselected = "<?php 
            print $unit_id;
				if (unit_preselected != "") {
					unit_sets[i] = true;								// pre-set checkbox settings	
					} else {
					unit_sets[i] = false;

				unit_ids[i] = <?php 
            print $unit_row['unit_id'];
				new_element = document.createElement("input");								// please don't ask!
				new_element.setAttribute("type", 	"checkbox");
				new_element.setAttribute("name", 	"unit_<?php 
            print $unit_row['unit_id'];
				new_element.setAttribute("id", 		"element_id");
				new_element.setAttribute("style", 	"visibility:hidden");
				var dist_mi = "na";
				var multi = <?php 
            print intval($unit_row['multi']) == 1 ? "true;\n" : "false;\n";
	// 5/22/09
            $dispatched_to = array_key_exists($unit_row['unit_id'], $dispatches_disp) ? $dispatches_disp[$unit_row['unit_id']] : "";
				sidebar_line = "<TD ALIGN='center'><INPUT TYPE='checkbox' <?php 
            print get_cd_str($unit_row);
 NAME = 'unit_" + <?php 
            print $unit_row['unit_id'];
 + "' onClick='unit_sets[<?php 
            print $i;

				sidebar_line += "<TD TITLE = \"<?php 
            print addslashes($unit_row['name']);
				sidebar_line += "<NOBR><?php 
            print shorten($unit_row['name'], 20);
				sidebar_line += "<TD><NOBR><?php 
            print shorten(addslashes($dispatched_to), 20);
				sidebar_line += "<TD TITLE = \"<?php 
            print $unit_row['unitstatus'];
\" CLASS='td_data'><?php 
            print shorten($unit_row['unitstatus'], 12);
				sidebar_line += "<TD CLASS='td_data'><?php 
            print substr(format_sb_date($unit_row['updated']), 4);
            print "\n\t\t\t\tdo_sidebar(sidebar_line, color, i);\n";
        // end major while ($unit_row = ...)  for each responder
        print "\t\t var start = 1;\n";
        // already sorted - 3/24/10
    } else {
        print "\t\t var start = 0;\n";
        // already sorted - 3/24/10
    //					responders complete

		if (nr_units==0) {
			side_bar_html +="<TR CLASS='odd'><TD ALIGN='center' COLSPAN=99><BR /><BR /><H3>No Units!</H3></TD></TR>";	
		else {
			side_bar_html+= "<TR CLASS='" + colors[i%2] +"'><TD COLSPAN=99>&nbsp;</TD></TR>\n";
			side_bar_html+= "<TR CLASS='" + colors[(i+1)%2] +"'><TD COLSPAN=99 ALIGN='center'><B>M</B>obility:&nbsp;&nbsp; stopped: <FONT COLOR='red'><B>&bull;</B></FONT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;moving: <FONT COLOR='green'><B>&bull;</B></FONT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;fast: <FONT COLOR='white'><B>&bull;</B></FONT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;silent: <FONT COLOR='black'><B>&bull;</B></FONT></TD></TR>\n";
			side_bar_html+= "<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>\n";
		side_bar_html +="</TABLE>\n";
		document.getElementById("side_bar").innerHTML = side_bar_html;	// put the assembled side_bar_html contents into the side bar div

		if (start>0) {

			var current_id= "R"+start;			//
			document.getElementById(current_id).style.visibility = "visible";		// show link check image at the selected sidebar el ement
				location.href = "#top";				// 11/12/09