if ($this_meld != '') {
						$lab_subject[$chem_event_id] = $chem_event;
			 * if we have candidate events
			 * iterate the candidate array, find the baseline date and flag
			if (count($lab_subject) > 0) {
				 * fetch the baseline date and set baseline / flag pair
				$baseline_date = '';
				$baseline_flag = '';
				$this_data = get_baseline_date($lab_subject, 'chem_im', $rfstdtc);
				 * if the nearest date is prior or equal to rfstdtc, it's a baseline date
				if ($this_data['chem_im_lbdtc'] != '' && $this_data['chem_im_lbdtc'] <= $rfstdtc) {
					$baseline_date = $this_data['chem_im_lbdtc'];
					$baseline_flag = 'Y';
					 * Baseline date belongs in Baseline event
					update_field_compare($subject_id, $project_id, $initial_event, $baseline_date, $event['meld_im_supplb_lbdtbl'], "meld_im_supplb_lbdtbl", $debug);
				foreach ($fields AS $field) {
					foreach ($subject AS $lab_event_id => $lab_event) {
						if ($lab_event[$fields['lborres']] != '' || $lab_event[$fields['hcvdtct']] != '' || $lab_event[$fields['im_lborres']] != '' || $lab_event[$fields['im_hcvdtct']] != '') {
							$lab_subject[$lab_event_id][$field] = $lab_event[$field];
				 * if we have candidate events
				if (count($lab_subject) > 0) {
					 * fetch the baseline date and set baseline / flag pair
					$this_data = get_baseline_date($lab_subject, $form_prefix, $rfstdtc);
					d($form_prefix, $lab_prefix, $this_data);
					 * if the nearest date is prior or equal to rfstdtc, it's a baseline date
					$baseline_date = '';
					$this_baseline_flag = '';
					if ($this_data[$form_prefix . '_lbdtc'] != '' && $this_data[$form_prefix . '_lbdtc'] <= $rfstdtc) {
						$baseline_date = $this_data[$form_prefix . '_lbdtc'];
						$this_baseline_flag = 'Y';
					} else {
						 * Now reset all other flags that have changed
						foreach ($data[$subject_id] AS $flag_event_id => $flag_event) {
 * @param $prefix string
 * @param $lab_fields array 'Must include _supplb_lbdtbl, _lbblfl, _lborres or _lbstresn without prefix'
 * @param $date_field array 'Date field for this form / fields'
 * @param $debug
function derive_baseline_from_fields($prefix, $lab_fields, $date_field, $debug)
	$project = new Project();
	$initial_event = $project->firstEventId;
	$lab_fields = array_merge($date_field, $lab_fields);
	if ($debug) {
	 * find baselines for each lab test
	$data = REDCap::getData('array', '', $lab_fields);
	foreach ($data AS $subjid => $subject) {
		$lab_subject = array();
		if ($debug) {
			show_var($subjid, 'FIELD SUBJID', 'blue');
		 * get refstdtc for this subject
		$tx_start_fields = array("dm_rfstdtc");
		$tx_start_data = REDCap::getData('array', $subjid, $tx_start_fields);
		$rfstdtc = $tx_start_data[$subjid][$initial_event]['dm_rfstdtc'];
		if ($debug) {
			show_var($subject, 'BEFORE', 'red');
		 * if treatment has started
		if (isset($rfstdtc) || $rfstdtc != '') {
			 * iterate the lab events for this prefix
			foreach ($subject AS $lab_event_id => $lab_event) {
				 * if we have a value for the orres, then add to candidate events array
				if ($lab_event[$prefix . "_lborres"] != '') {
					$lab_subject[$lab_event_id] = $subject[$lab_event_id];
			if ($debug) {
				show_var($lab_subject, "AFTER {$prefix}", 'green');
			 * if we have candidate events
			if (count($lab_subject) > 0) {
				 * fetch the baseline date and set baseline / flag pair
				$baseline_date = '';
				$this_data = get_baseline_date($lab_subject, $fragment, $rfstdtc);
				 * if the nearest date is prior or equal to rfstdtc, it's a baseline date
				if ($debug) {
					show_var($lab_subject, 'FIELD SUBJECT DATA', 'blue');
					show_var($this_data, 'FIELD BASELINE DATA', 'red');
					show_var($rfstdtc, 'TX start', 'red');
				if ($this_data[$fragment . '_lbdtc'] != '' && $this_data[$fragment . '_lbdtc'] <= $rfstdtc) {
					$baseline_date = $this_data[$fragment . '_lbdtc'];
					 * Baseline date belongs in Baseline event
					update_field_compare($subjid, $project_id, $initial_event, $baseline_date, get_single_field($subjid, $project_id, $initial_event, $prefix . "_supplb_lbdtbl", null), $prefix . "_supplb_lbdtbl", $debug);
					if ($debug) {
						show_var($baseline_date, 'FIELD BASELINE DATE', 'red');
					 * Now reset all other flags that have changed
					$flag_reset_data = REDCap::getData('array', $subjid, $prefix . "_lbblfl");
					$this_baseline_flag = get_single_field($subjid, $project_id, $this_data['event_id'], $prefix . "_lbblfl", null);
					foreach ($flag_reset_data AS $reset) {
						if ($debug) {
							show_var($reset, 'FIELD RESET FLAGS', 'red');
						foreach ($reset AS $reset_event_id => $reset_event) {
							foreach ($reset_event as $reset_field => $reset_val) {
								if ($reset_event_id != $this_data['event_id']) {
									update_field_compare($subjid, $project_id, $reset_event_id, '', $reset_val, $prefix . "_lbblfl", $debug);
					 * Baseline flag belongs in the event where the date occurs
					if ($baseline_date != '') {
						update_field_compare($subjid, $project_id, $this_data['event_id'], 'Y', $this_baseline_flag, $prefix . "_lbblfl", $debug);