Beispiel #1
function do_register1()
    global $db, $globals;
    if ($_POST["acceptlegal"] !== 'accept') {
        register_error(_("no has aceptado las condiciones de uso"));
    if (!check_user_fields()) {
    echo '<br style="clear:both" />';
    echo '<form action="' . get_auth_link() . 'register.php" method="post" id="thisform">' . "\n";
    echo '<fieldset><legend><span class="sign">' . _('validación') . '</span></legend>' . "\n";
    echo '<input type="submit" name="submit" class="button" value="' . _('continuar') . '" />';
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="process" value="2" />';
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="email" value="' . clean_input_string($_POST["email"]) . '" />';
    // extra sanity, in fact not needed
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="username" value="' . clean_input_string($_POST["username"]) . '" />';
    // extra sanity, in fact not needed
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="password" value="' . clean_input_string($_POST["password"]) . '" />';
    // extra sanity, in fact not needed
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="password2" value="' . clean_input_string($_POST["password2"]) . '" />';
    // extra sanity, in fact not needed
    echo '</fieldset></form>' . "\n";
Beispiel #2
function do_login()
    global $current_user, $globals;
    $form_ip_check = check_form_auth_ip();
    $previous_login_failed = log_get_date('login_failed', $globals['form_user_ip_int'], 0, 300);
    echo '<form action="' . get_auth_link() . 'login.php" id="xxxthisform" method="post">' . "\n";
    if ($_POST["processlogin"] == 1) {
        // Check the IP, otherwise redirect
        if (!$form_ip_check) {
            header("Location: http://" . get_server_name() . $globals['base_url'] . "login.php");
        $username = clean_input_string(trim($_POST['username']));
        $password = trim($_POST['password']);
        if ($_POST['persistent']) {
            $persistent = 3600000;
            // 1000 hours
        } else {
            $persistent = 0;
        // Check form
        if (($previous_login_failed > 2 || $globals['captcha_first_login'] == true && !UserAuth::user_cookie_data()) && !ts_is_human()) {
            log_insert('login_failed', $globals['form_user_ip_int'], 0);
            recover_error(_('el código de seguridad no es correcto'));
        } elseif ($current_user->Authenticate($username, md5($password), $persistent) == false) {
            log_insert('login_failed', $globals['form_user_ip_int'], 0);
            recover_error(_('usuario o email inexistente, sin validar, o clave incorrecta'));
        } else {
            if (!empty($_REQUEST['return'])) {
                header('Location: ' . $_REQUEST['return']);
            } else {
                header('Location: ./');
    echo '<p><label for="name">' . _('usuario o email') . ':</label><br />' . "\n";
    echo '<input type="text" name="username" size="25" tabindex="1" id="name" value="' . htmlentities($username) . '" /></p>' . "\n";
    echo '<p><label for="password">' . _('clave') . ':</label><br />' . "\n";
    echo '<input type="password" name="password" id="password" size="25" tabindex="2"/></p>' . "\n";
    echo '<p><label for="remember">' . _('recuérdame') . ': </label><input type="checkbox" name="persistent" id="remember" tabindex="3"/></p>' . "\n";
    // Print captcha
    if ($previous_login_failed > 2 || $globals['captcha_first_login'] == true && !UserAuth::user_cookie_data()) {
    echo '<p><input type="submit" value="login" tabindex="4" />' . "\n";
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="processlogin" value="1"/></p>' . "\n";
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="return" value="' . htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['return']) . '"/>' . "\n";
    echo '</form>' . "\n";
    echo '<div><strong><a href="login.php?op=recover">' . _('¿has olvidado la contraseña?') . '</a></strong></div>' . "\n";
    echo '<div style="margin-top: 30px">';
    echo '</div>' . "\n";
Beispiel #3
function show_profile()
    global $user, $user_levels, $globals, $site_key, $current_user;
    echo '<div>';
    echo '<form  enctype="multipart/form-data" action="' . get_auth_link() . 'profile.php" method="post" id="thisform" AUTOCOMPLETE="off">';
    echo '<fieldset><legend>';
    echo '<span class="sign">' . _('opciones de usuario') . " <a href='" . get_user_uri($user->username) . "'>{$user->username}</a>: {$user->level}</span></legend>";
    echo '<img class="thumbnail" src="' . $globals['base_url'] . 'backend/get_avatar.php?id=' . $user->id . '&amp;size=80&amp;t=' . time() . '" width="80" height="80" alt="' . $user->username . '" />';
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="process" value="1" />';
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="user_id" value="' . $user->id . '" />';
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="form_hash" value="' . md5($site_key . $user->id . mnminclude) . '" />';
    echo '<p><label>' . _('usuario') . ':</label><br/>';
    echo '<input type="text" autocomplete="off" name="username" id="username" value="' . $user->username . '"/>';
    echo '</p>';
    echo '<p><label>' . _('nombre real') . ':</label><br/>';
    echo '<input type="text" autocomplete="off" name="names" id="names" value="' . $user->names . '"/>';
    echo '</p>';
    echo '<p><label>' . _('correo electrónico') . ':</label><br/>';
    echo '<input type="text" autocomplete="off" name="email" id="email" value="' . $user->email . '"/>';
    echo '</p>';
    echo '<p><label>' . _('página web') . ':</label><br/>';
    echo '<input type="text" autocomplete="off" name="url" id="url" value="' . $user->url . '" />';
    echo '</p>';
    if (is_avatars_enabled()) {
        echo '<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="300000" />';
        echo '<p><label>' . _('avatar') . ':</label><br/>';
        echo '<input type="file" autocomplete="off" name="image" />';
        echo '</p>';
    echo '<p><label for="password">' . _("nueva clave") . ':</label><br />' . "\n";
    echo '<input type="password" autocomplete="off" id="password" name="password" size="25" onkeyup="return securePasswordCheck(this.form.password);"/></p>' . "\n";
    echo '<p><label for="verify">' . _("repite la clave") . ': </label><br />' . "\n";
    echo '<input type="password" autocomplete="off" id="verify" name="password2" size="25" onkeyup="checkEqualFields(this.form.password2, this.form.password)"/></p>' . "\n";
    echo '<p><input type="submit" name="save_profile" value="' . _('actualizar') . '"/></p>';
    echo '</fieldset>';
    echo "</form></div>\n";
Beispiel #4
	static function print_form($link, $rows=12) {
		global $current_user, $globals;

		if (!$link->votes > 0) return;
    if ($link->association && !in_array($current_user->user_id, $globals['association_users'])) {
      // so a xente da asociacion pode comentar aqui
			echo '<div class="commentform warn">'."\n";
			echo _('Tes que ser da asociación para poder comentar nesta noticia')."\n";
			echo '</div>'."\n";
    } elseif($link->date < $globals['now']-$globals['time_enabled_comments'] || $link->comments >= $globals['max_comments']) {
			// Comments already closed
			echo '<div class="commentform warn">'."\n";
			echo _('comentarios cerrados')."\n";
			echo '</div>'."\n";
		} elseif ($current_user->authenticated 
					&& (($current_user->user_karma > $globals['min_karma_for_comments'] 
							&& $current_user->user_date < $globals['now'] - $globals['min_time_for_comments']) 
						|| $current_user->user_id == $link->author)) {
			// User can comment
			echo '<div class="commentform">'."\n";
			echo '<form action="" method="post">'."\n";
			echo '<fieldset>'."\n";
			echo '<legend>'._('envía un comentario'). ' <em style="font-size:80%">'._('porque alguien en Internet está equivocado').'</em></legend>'."\n";
			echo '<label for="comment">'. _('texto del comentario / no se admiten etiquetas HTML').'<br /><span class="note">'._('comentarios xenófobos, racistas o difamatorios causarán la anulación de la cuenta').'</span></label>'."\n";
			echo '<div><textarea name="comment_content" id="comment" cols="75" rows="'.$rows.'"></textarea></div>'."\n";
			echo '<input class="button" type="submit" name="submit" value="'._('enviar el comentario').'" />'."\n";
			// Allow gods to put "admin" comments which does not allow votes
			if ($current_user->user_level == 'god') {
				echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<label><strong>'._('admin').' </strong><input name="type" type="checkbox" value="admin"/></label>'."\n";
			echo '<input type="hidden" name="process" value="newcomment" />'."\n";
			echo '<input type="hidden" name="randkey" value="'.rand(1000000,100000000).'" />'."\n";
			echo '<input type="hidden" name="link_id" value="'.$link->id.'" />'."\n";
			echo '<input type="hidden" name="user_id" value="'.$current_user->user_id.'" />'."\n";
			echo '<input type="hidden" name="parent_id" value="0" />'."\n"; // for comment replies
			echo '</fieldset>'."\n";
			echo '</form>'."\n";
			echo "</div>\n";
      echo '<div style="visibility:hidden;text-align:center;" id="comentarNoticia" ><a href="#" >'._("Comentar Noticia").'</a></div>'."\n";
		} else {
			// Not enough karma or anonymous user
			if($tab_option == 1) do_comment_pages($link->comments, $current_page);
			if ($current_user->authenticated) {
				if ($current_user->user_date >= $globals['now'] - $globals['min_time_for_comments']) {
					$remaining = txt_time_diff($globals['now'], $current_user->user_date+$globals['min_time_for_comments']);
					$msg = _('debes esperar') . " $remaining " . _('para escribir el primer comentario');
				if ($current_user->user_karma <= $globals['min_karma_for_comments']) {
					$msg = _('no tienes el mínimo karma requerido')." (" . $globals['min_karma_for_comments'] . ") ". _('para comentar'). ": ".$current_user->user_karma;
				echo '<div class="commentform warn">'."\n";
				echo $msg . "\n";
				echo '</div>'."\n";
			} elseif (!$globals['bot']){
				echo '<div class="commentform warn">'."\n";
				echo '<a href="'.get_auth_link().'login.php?return='.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'">'._('Autentifícate si deseas escribir').'</a> '._('comentarios').'. '._('O crea tu cuenta'). ' <a href="'.$globals['base_url'].'register.php">aquí.</a>'."\n";
				echo '</div>'."\n";

				echo '<div style="margin-top: 20px" align="center">';
				echo '</div>'."\n";
Beispiel #5
if (isset($_POST['process'])) {
    $messages = save_profile();
} else {
    //$globals['secure_page'] = False;
    // This allows to send the user back to the original cross domain authentication and ssl_server
    //setcookie('return_site', get_server_name(), 0, $globals['base_url'], UserAuth::domain());
    $messages = array();
do_header(_('edición del perfil del usuario') . ': ' . $user->username, 'profile', User::get_menu_items('profile', $login));
//echo $save_messages; // We do it later because teh profile could change header's info
$form = new stdClass();
$form->hash = md5($site_key . $user->id . $current_user->user_id);
$form->admin_mode = $admin_mode;
$form->auth_link = get_auth_link();
$form->user_levels = $user_levels;
$form->avatars_enabled = is_avatars_enabled();
$form->bio_max = $bio_max;
$form->bio_left = $form->bio_max - mb_strlen(html_entity_decode($user->bio, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), 'UTF-8');
Haanga::Load('profile.html', compact('user', 'form', 'messages'));
function save_profile()
    global $db, $user, $current_user, $globals, $admin_mode, $site_key, $bio_max;
    $errors = 0;
    // benjami: control added (2005-12-22)
    $new_pass = false;
    $messages = array();
    $form_hash = md5($site_key . $user->id . $current_user->user_id);
    if (isset($_POST['disabledme']) && intval($_POST['disable']) == 1 && $_POST['form_hash'] == $form_hash && $_POST['user_id'] == $current_user->user_id) {
Beispiel #6
function show_profile() {
	global $user, $admin_mode, $user_levels, $globals, $site_key, $current_user, $db;

	echo '<div class="genericform" style="margin: 0 50px">';
	echo '<form  enctype="multipart/form-data" action="'.get_auth_link().'profile.php" method="post" id="thisform" AUTOCOMPLETE="off">';
	echo '<fieldset><legend>';
	echo '<span class="sign">'._('opciones de usuario') . " <a href='".get_user_uri($user->username)."'>$user->username</a>: $user->level</span></legend>";

	echo '<img class="thumbnail" src="'.get_avatar_url($user->id, $user->avatar, 80).'" width="80" height="80" alt="'.$user->username.'" />';
	echo '<input type="hidden" name="process" value="1" />';
	echo '<input type="hidden" name="user_id" value="'.$user->id.'" />';
	echo '<input type="hidden" name="form_hash" value="'. md5($site_key.$user->id.mnminclude) .'" />';
	if ($admin_mode)
		echo '<input type="hidden" name="login" value="'.$user->username.'" />';

	echo '<p><label>'._('usuario').':</label><br/>';
	echo '<input type="text" autocomplete="off" name="username" id="username" value="'.$user->username.'" onkeyup="enablebutton(this.form.checkbutton1, null, this)" />';
	echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;<span id="checkit"><input type="button" class="button" id="checkbutton1" disabled="disabled" value="'._('verificar').'" onclick="checkfield(\'username\', this.form, this.form.username)"/></span>';
	echo '&nbsp;<span id="usernamecheckitvalue"></span>' . "\n";
	echo '</p>';

	echo '<p><label>'._('nombre real').':</label><br/>';
	echo '<input type="text" autocomplete="off" name="names" id="names" value="'.$user->names.'" />';
	echo '</p>';

	echo '<p><label>'._('correo electrónico').':</label><br/>';
	echo '<input type="text" autocomplete="off" name="email" id="email" value="'.$user->email.'" onkeyup="enablebutton(this.form.checkbutton2, null, this)"/>';
	echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="button" class="button" id="checkbutton2" disabled="disabled" value="'._('verificar').'" onclick="checkfield(\'email\', this.form,"/>';
	echo '&nbsp;<span id="emailcheckitvalue"></span>';
	echo '</p>';

    echo '<p style="padding-bottom:10px;"><label>'._('norma ortográfica').':</label><br/>';
    echo '<select name="standard" >';
    foreach ($globals['standards'] as &$val) {
        $selected = "";
        if ($user->standard == $val['id']) $selected = 'selected="selected"';
        echo '<option value="'.$val['id'].'" '.$selected.' >&nbsp;'.$val['name'].'&nbsp;</option>'; 
    echo '</select><br/>';
	echo '</p>';

	echo '<p><label>'._('página web').':</label><br/>';
	echo '<input type="text" autocomplete="off" name="url" id="url" value="'.$user->url.'" />';
	echo '</p>';

	echo '<p><label>'._('mensajero instantáneo público, invisible para los demás').':</label><br/>';
	echo '<span class="note">' . _('necesario si te conectarás vía Jabber/Google Talk') . '</span><br/>';
	echo '<input type="text" autocomplete="off" name="public_info" id="public_info" value="'.$user->public_info.'" />';
	echo '</p>';

	if ($user->id  == $current_user->user_id) {
		echo '<p><label>'._('teléfono móvil').':</label><br/>';
		echo '<span class="note">' . _('sólo necesario si enviarás notas al nótame vía SMS') . '</span><br/>';
		echo '<span class="note">' . _('pon el número completo, con código de país: +34123456789') . '</span><br/>';
		echo '<input type="text" autocomplete="off" name="phone" id="phone" value="'.$user->phone.'" />';
		echo '</p>';

	if ($globals['external_user_ads']) {
		echo '<p><label for="adcode">'._('codigo AdSense').':</label><br/>';
		echo '<span class="note">' . _('tu código de usuario de AdSense, del tipo pub-123456789') . '</span><br/>';
		echo '<input type="text" autocomplete="off" name="adcode" id="adcode" maxlength="20" value="'.$user->adcode.'" /><br />';
		echo '<span class="note">' . _('canal AdSense (opcional), del tipo 1234567890') . '</span><br/>';
		echo '<input type="text" autocomplete="off" name="adchannel" id="adchannel" maxlength="12" value="'.$user->adchannel.'" />';
		echo '</p>';

	if (is_avatars_enabled()) {
		echo '<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="400000" />';
		echo '<p><label>'._('avatar').':</label><br/>';
		echo '<span class="note">' . _('imagen cuadrada de no más de 400 KB, sin transparencias') . '</span><br/>';
		echo '<input type="file" class="button" autocomplete="off" name="image" />';
		if ($user->avatar > 0) {
			echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'._('Eliminar avatar').': <input type="checkbox" name="avatar_delete" value="1"/>';
		echo '</p>';

	echo '<fieldset><legend>'._('opciones de visualización') . '</legend>';
	echo '<p><label>'._('mostrar todos los comentarios').':&nbsp;';
	print_checkbox('comment_pref', $user->comment_pref & 1);
	echo '</label></p>';

	echo '</fieldset>';

	echo '<p>'._('introduce la nueva clave para cambiarla -no se cambiará si la dejas en blanco-:').'</p>';

	echo '<p><label for="password">' . _("clave") . ':</label><br />' . "\n";
	echo '<input type="password" autocomplete="off" id="password" name="password" size="25" onkeyup="return securePasswordCheck(this.form.password);"/></p>' . "\n";

	echo '<p><label for="verify">' . _("repite la clave") . ': </label><br />' . "\n";
	echo '<input type="password" autocomplete="off" id="verify" name="password2" size="25" onkeyup="checkEqualFields(this.form.password2, this.form.password)"/></p>' . "\n";

	if ($admin_mode) {
		echo '<p><label for="verify">' . _("estado") . ': </label><br />' . "\n";
		echo '<select name="user_level">';
		foreach ($user_levels as $level) {
			echo '<option value="'.$level.'"';
			if ($user->level == $level) echo ' selected="selected"';
			echo '>'.$level.'</option>';
		echo '</select>';

		echo '<p><label for="karma">'._('karma').':</label><br/>';
		echo '<input type="text" autocomplete="off" name="karma" id="karma" value="'.$user->karma.'" />';
		echo '</p>';

	echo '<p><input type="submit" name="save_profile" value="'._('actualizar').'" class="button" /></p>';
	echo '</fieldset>';

	// Disable the account
	if ($user->id  == $current_user->user_id) {
		echo '<br/><fieldset><legend>'._('deshabilitar cuenta') . '</legend>';
		echo '<p>'._('¡atención! la cuenta será deshabilitada.').'</p>';
		echo '<p class="note">'._('se eliminarán automáticamente los datos personales.').'<br/>';
		echo _('las notas serán eliminadas, los envíos y comentarios NO se borrarán.').'</p>';
		echo '<p><label>'._('sí, quiero deshabilitarla').': <input  name="disable" type="checkbox" value="1"/>';
		echo '</label></p>';
		echo '<p><input type="submit" name="disabledme" value="'._('deshabilitar cuenta').'" class="button" /></p>';
		echo '</fieldset>';

	echo "</form></div>\n";
Beispiel #7
function do_login()
    global $current_user, $globals;
    $form_ip_check = check_form_auth_ip();
    $previous_login_failed = Log::get_date('login_failed', $globals['form_user_ip_int'], 0, 300);
    // Show menéame intro only if first try and the there were not previous logins
    if (!$globals['mobile'] && $previous_login_failed < 3 && empty($_POST["processlogin"]) && empty($_COOKIE['u'])) {
        echo '<div class="faq wideonly" style="float:right; width:55%; margin-top: 10px;">' . "\n";
        // Only prints if the user was redirected from submit.php
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['return']) && preg_match('/submit\\.php/', $_REQUEST['return'])) {
            echo '<p style="border:1px solid #FF9400; font-size:1.3em; background:#FEFBEA; font-weight:bold; padding:0.5em 1em;">Para enviar una historia debes ser un usuario registrado</p>' . "\n";
        echo '<h3>' . _('¿Qué es menéame?') . '</h3>' . "\n";
        echo '<p>' . _('Es un sitio que te permite enviar una historia que será revisada por todos y será promovida, o no, a la página principal. Cuando un usuario envía una historia ésta queda en la <a href="shakeit.php">cola de pendientes</a> hasta que reúne los votos suficientes para ser promovida a la página principal') . '.</p>' . "\n";
        echo '<h3>' . _('¿Todavía no eres usuario de menéame?') . '</h3>' . "\n";
        echo '<p>' . _('Como usuario registrado podrás, entre otras cosas') . ':</p>' . "\n";
        echo '<ul style="margin-left: 1.5em">' . "\n";
        echo '<li>' . "\n";
        echo '<strong>' . _('Enviar historias') . '</strong><br />' . "\n";
        echo '<p>' . _('Una vez registrado puedes enviar las historias que consideres interesantes para la comunidad. Si tienes algún tipo de duda sobre que tipo de historias puedes enviar revisa nuestras <a href="faq-es.php">preguntas frecuentes sobre menéame</a>') . '.</p>' . "\n";
        echo '</li>' . "\n";
        echo '<li>' . "\n";
        echo '<strong>' . _('Escribir comentarios') . '</strong><br />' . "\n";
        echo '<p>' . _('Puedes escribir tu opinión sobre las historias enviadas a menéame mediante comentarios de texto. También puedes votar positivamente aquellos comentarios ingeniosos, divertidos o interesantes y negativamente aquellos que consideres inoportunos') . '.</p>' . "\n";
        echo '</li>' . "\n";
        echo '<li>' . "\n";
        echo '<strong>' . _('Perfil de usuario') . '</strong><br />' . "\n";
        echo '<p>' . _('Toda tu información como usuario está disponible desde la página de tu perfil. También puedes subir una imagen que representará a tu usuario en menéame. Incluso es posible compartir los ingresos publicitarios de Menéame, solo tienes que introducir el código de tu cuenta Google Adsense desde tu perfil') . '.</p>' . "\n";
        echo '</li>' . "\n";
        echo '<li>' . "\n";
        echo '<strong>' . _('Chatear en tiempo real desde la fisgona') . '</strong><br />' . "\n";
        echo '<p>' . _('Gracias a la <a href="sneak.php">fisgona</a> puedes ver en tiempo real toda la actividad de menéame. Además como usuario registrado podrás chatear con mucha más gente de la comunidad menéame') . '</p>' . "\n";
        echo '</li>' . "\n";
        echo '</ul>' . "\n";
        echo '<h3><a href="register.php" style="color:#FF6400; text-decoration:underline; display:block; width:8em; text-align:center; margin:0 auto; padding:0.5em 1em; border:3px double #FFE2C5; background:#FFF3E8;">Regístrate ahora</a></h3>' . "\n";
        echo '</div>' . "\n";
        echo '<div class="genericform" style="float:left; width:40%; margin: 0">' . "\n";
    } else {
        echo '<div class="genericform" style="float:auto;">' . "\n";
    echo '<form action="' . get_auth_link() . 'login.php" id="thisform" method="post">' . "\n";
    if ($_POST["processlogin"] == 1) {
        // Check the IP, otherwise redirect
        if (!$form_ip_check) {
            header('HTTP/1.1 303 Load');
            header("Location: http://" . $_COOKIE['return_site'] . $globals['base_url'] . "login.php");
        $username = clean_input_string(trim($_POST['username']));
        $password = trim($_POST['password']);
        // Check form
        if (($previous_login_failed > 2 || $globals['captcha_first_login'] == true && !UserAuth::user_cookie_data()) && !ts_is_human()) {
            Log::insert('login_failed', $globals['form_user_ip_int'], 0);
            recover_error(_('el código de seguridad no es correcto') . " ({$previous_login_failed})");
        } elseif (strlen($password) > 0 && $current_user->Authenticate($username, $password, $_POST['persistent']) == false) {
            Log::insert('login_failed', $globals['form_user_ip_int'], 0);
            recover_error(_('usuario o email inexistente, sin validar, o clave incorrecta') . " ({$previous_login_failed})");
        } else {
            // If the user is authenticating from a mobile device, keep her in the standard version
            if ($globals['mobile']) {
                setcookie('nomobile', '1', 0, $globals['base_url'], UserAuth::domain());
            header('HTTP/1.1 303 Load');
            if (!empty($_REQUEST['return'])) {
                header('Location: http://' . $_COOKIE['return_site'] . $_REQUEST['return']);
            } else {
                header('Location: http://' . $_COOKIE['return_site'] . $globals['base_url']);
    echo '<fieldset>' . "\n";
    echo '<legend><span class="sign">' . _('usuario y contraseña') . '</span></legend>' . "\n";
    echo '<p><label for="name">' . _('usuario o email') . ':</label><br />' . "\n";
    echo '<input type="text" name="username" size="25" tabindex="1" id="name" value="' . htmlentities($username) . '" /></p>' . "\n";
    echo '<p><label for="password">' . _('clave') . ':</label><br />' . "\n";
    echo '<input type="password" name="password" id="password" size="25" tabindex="2"/></p>' . "\n";
    echo '<p><label for="remember">' . _('recuérdame') . ': </label><input type="checkbox" name="persistent" id="remember" tabindex="3"/></p>' . "\n";
    // Print captcha
    if ($previous_login_failed > 2 || $globals['captcha_first_login'] == true && !UserAuth::user_cookie_data()) {
    echo '<p><input type="submit" value="login" class="button" tabindex="4" /></p>' . "\n";
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="processlogin" value="1"/>' . "\n";
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="return" value="' . htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['return']) . '"/>' . "\n";
    echo '</fieldset>' . "\n";
    echo '</form>' . "\n";
    echo '<div class="recoverpass" style="text-align:center"><h4><a href="login.php?op=recover">' . _('¿has olvidado la contraseña?') . '</a></h4></div>' . "\n";
    echo '</div>' . "\n";
    echo '<br/>&nbsp;';
Beispiel #8
 static function print_form($link, $rows = 5)
     global $current_user, $globals;
     if (!$link->votes > 0) {
     $comment = new Comment();
     // Foo comment
     $comment->randkey = rand(1000000, 100000000);
     if ($link->date < $globals['now'] - $globals['time_enabled_comments'] || $link->comments >= $globals['max_comments']) {
         // Comments already closed
         echo '<div class="commentform warn">' . "\n";
         echo _('comentarios cerrados') . "\n";
         echo '</div>' . "\n";
     } elseif ($current_user->authenticated && ($current_user->user_karma > $globals['min_karma_for_comments'] && $current_user->user_date < $globals['now'] - $globals['min_time_for_comments'] || $current_user->user_id == $link->author)) {
         // User can comment
         echo '<div class="commentform">' . "\n";
         echo '<form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" class="comment">';
         echo '<input type="hidden" name="process" value="newcomment" />';
         echo '<input type="hidden" name="randkey" value="' . $comment->randkey . '" />';
         echo '<fieldset>' . "\n";
         echo '<legend>' . _('envía un comentario') . '</legend>';
         $vars = compact('link', 'comment');
         Haanga::Load('comment_edit.html', $vars);
         echo '<div class="note" style="margin-top:10px">' . _('comentarios xenófobos, racistas o difamatorios causarán la anulación de la cuenta') . '</div>';
         echo '</fieldset>' . "\n";
         echo '</form>' . "\n";
         echo "</div>\n";
     } else {
         // Not enough karma or anonymous user
         if ($tab_option == 1) {
             do_comment_pages($link->comments, $current_page);
         if ($current_user->authenticated) {
             if ($current_user->user_date >= $globals['now'] - $globals['min_time_for_comments']) {
                 $remaining = txt_time_diff($globals['now'], $current_user->user_date + $globals['min_time_for_comments']);
                 $msg = _('debes esperar') . " {$remaining} " . _('para escribir el primer comentario');
             if ($current_user->user_karma <= $globals['min_karma_for_comments']) {
                 $msg = _('no tienes el mínimo karma requerido') . " (" . $globals['min_karma_for_comments'] . ") " . _('para comentar') . ": " . $current_user->user_karma;
             echo '<div class="commentform warn">' . "\n";
             echo $msg . "\n";
             echo '</div>' . "\n";
         } elseif (!$globals['bot']) {
             echo '<div class="commentform warn">' . "\n";
             echo '<a href="' . get_auth_link() . 'login.php?return=' . urlencode($globals['uri']) . '">' . _('Autentifícate si deseas escribir') . '</a> ' . _('comentarios') . '. ' . _('O crea tu cuenta') . ' <a href="' . $globals['base_url'] . 'register.php">aquí.</a>' . "\n";
             echo '</div>' . "\n";
Beispiel #9
function do_register1() {
	global $db, $globals;

	if($_POST["acceptlegal"] !== 'accept' ) {
		register_error(_("no has aceptado las condiciones de uso"));

	if (!check_user_fields()) return;
	echo '<br style="clear:both" />';

	// f**k spammers
	$re_test = Array();
	preg_match("/.*(|(fr)|(|(ru)|(ua)|(|(.tk)|(hotmail.*)$/i", clean_input_string($_POST["email"]), $re_test);

	if($re_test || !empty($_POST['email2'])) {
		register_error(_("Dominio nom permitido. Ponte em contato com nos em"));

	echo '<form action="'.get_auth_link().'register.php" method="post" id="thisform">' . "\n";
	echo '<fieldset><legend><span class="sign">'._('validación').'</span></legend>'."\n";
	echo '<input type="submit" name="submit" class="button" value="'._('continuar').'" />';
	echo '<input type="hidden" name="process" value="2" />';
	echo '<input type="hidden" name="email" value="'.clean_input_string($_POST["email"]).'" />'; // extra sanity, in fact not needed
	echo '<input type="hidden" name="username" value="'.clean_input_string($_POST["username"]).'" />'; // extra sanity, in fact not needed
	echo '<input type="hidden" name="password" value="'.clean_input_string($_POST["password"]).'" />'; // extra sanity, in fact not needed
	echo '<input type="hidden" name="password2" value="'.clean_input_string($_POST["password2"]).'" />'; // extra sanity, in fact not needed
	echo '<input type="hidden" name="standard" value="'.clean_input_string($_POST["standard"]).'" />'; // extra sanity, in fact not needed
	echo '</fieldset></form>'."\n";
Beispiel #10
 static function print_form($link, $rows = 5)
     global $current_user, $globals;
     if (!$link->votes > 0) {
     if ($link->date < $globals['now'] - $globals['time_enabled_comments'] || $link->comments >= $globals['max_comments']) {
         // Comments already closed
         echo '<div class="commentform warn">' . "\n";
         echo _('comentarios cerrados') . "\n";
         echo '</div>' . "\n";
     } elseif ($current_user->authenticated && ($current_user->user_karma > $globals['min_karma_for_comments'] && $current_user->user_date < $globals['now'] - $globals['min_time_for_comments'] || $current_user->user_id == $link->author)) {
         // User can comment
         echo '<div class="commentform">' . "\n";
         echo '<form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" class="comment">' . "\n";
         echo '<input type="hidden" name="process" value="newcomment" />' . "\n";
         echo '<input type="hidden" name="randkey" value="' . rand(1000000, 100000000) . '" />' . "\n";
         echo '<fieldset>' . "\n";
         echo '<legend>' . _('envía un comentario') . '</legend>' . "\n";
         echo '<label for="comment">' . _('texto del comentario') . '<br /><span class="note">' . _('comentarios xenófobos, racistas o difamatorios causarán la anulación de la cuenta') . '</span></label>' . "\n";
         echo '<div><textarea name="comment_content" class="droparea" id="comment" rows="' . $rows . '"></textarea></div>' . "\n";
         echo '<input class="button" type="submit" name="submit" value="' . _('enviar el comentario') . '" />' . "\n";
         // Allow gods to put "admin" comments which does not allow votes
         if ($current_user->user_level == 'god') {
             echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<label><strong>' . _('admin') . ' </strong><input name="type" type="checkbox" value="admin"/></label>' . "\n";
         $comment = new Comment();
         // Foo comment
         $vars = compact('link', 'comment');
         Haanga::Load('comment_edit.html', $vars);
         echo '</fieldset>' . "\n";
         echo '</form>' . "\n";
         echo "</div>\n";
     } else {
         // Not enough karma or anonymous user
         if ($tab_option == 1) {
             do_comment_pages($link->comments, $current_page);
         if ($current_user->authenticated) {
             if ($current_user->user_date >= $globals['now'] - $globals['min_time_for_comments']) {
                 $remaining = txt_time_diff($globals['now'], $current_user->user_date + $globals['min_time_for_comments']);
                 $msg = _('debes esperar') . " {$remaining} " . _('para escribir el primer comentario');
             if ($current_user->user_karma <= $globals['min_karma_for_comments']) {
                 $msg = _('no tienes el mínimo karma requerido') . " (" . $globals['min_karma_for_comments'] . ") " . _('para comentar') . ": " . $current_user->user_karma;
             echo '<div class="commentform warn">' . "\n";
             echo $msg . "\n";
             echo '</div>' . "\n";
         } elseif (!$globals['bot']) {
             echo '<div class="commentform warn">' . "\n";
             echo '<a href="' . get_auth_link() . 'login.php?return=' . urlencode($globals['uri']) . '">' . _('Autentifícate si deseas escribir') . '</a> ' . _('comentarios') . '. ' . _('O crea tu cuenta') . ' <a href="' . $globals['base_url'] . 'register.php">aquí.</a>' . "\n";
             echo '</div>' . "\n";
Beispiel #11
function do_register1()
    global $db, $globals;
    if ($_POST["acceptlegal"] !== 'accept') {
        register_error(_("no has aceptado las condiciones de uso"));
    if (!check_user_fields()) {
    echo '<br style="clear:both" />';
    echo '<form action="' . get_auth_link() . 'register" method="post" id="thisform">' . "\n";
    echo '<fieldset><legend><span class="sign">' . _('validación') . '</span></legend>' . "\n";
    echo '<input type="submit" name="submit" class="button" value="' . _('continuar') . '" />';
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="process" value="2" />';
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="email" value="' . clean_input_string($_POST["email"]) . '" />';
    // extra sanity, in fact not needed
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="username" value="' . clean_input_string($_POST["username"]) . '" />';
    // extra sanity, in fact not needed
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="password" value="' . clean_input_string($_POST["password"]) . '" />';
    // extra sanity, in fact not needed
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="password2" value="' . clean_input_string($_POST["password2"]) . '" />';
    // extra sanity, in fact not needed
    echo '</fieldset></form>';
    // Add extra check: base_key is added on submit
    echo '<script type="text/javascript">addPostCode(function () { $("#thisform").submit(function () { $(this).append($("<input>", { type: "hidden", name: "base_key", value: base_key})); return true; });})</script>';