Beispiel #1
function blox_parse_audio_hook($atts, $content = null)
    extract(shortcode_atts(array('title' => '', 'color' => '#3a87ad', 'animation' => '', 'extra_class' => '', 'visibility' => ''), $atts));
    $title = $title != '' ? '<h3 class="element-title">' . $title . '</h3>' : '';
    $visibility = str_replace(',', ' ', $visibility);
    $extra_class = $extra_class . ' ' . $visibility;
    if (validateURL($content)) {
        return get_audio_player(array('url' => $content, 'title' => $title, 'color' => $color, 'extra_class' => $extra_class));
    } else {
        return "<div class='blox-element audio audio_embed {$extra_class}'>" . $title . $content . "</div>";
    return '';
Beispiel #2
function create_lilypond($params)
    $res = '';
    // sending query
    $query = sprintf('SELECT id,uuid,title,subtitle,composer,poet,style,piece,copyright,pages,idyoutube,epdfs FROM TbMsLilypond order by title asc');
    $result = my_mysql_query($query);
    $res .= multi_accordion_start();
    while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
        $id = $row['id'];
        $s_uuid = $row['uuid'];
        $s_title = val_or_na($row['title']);
        $s_subtitle = val_or_na($row['subtitle']);
        $s_composer = val_or_na($row['composer']);
        $s_poet = val_or_na($row['poet']);
        $s_style = val_or_na($row['style']);
        $s_piece = val_or_na($row['piece']);
        $s_copyright = val_or_na($row['copyright']);
        $s_pages = val_or_na($row['pages']);
        $s_epdfs = val_or_na($row['epdfs']);
        $link_ly = link_to_direct('GetRsBlob.php?slug=' . $s_uuid . '-ly');
        $link_pdf = link_to_direct('GetRsBlob.php?slug=' . $s_uuid . '-pdf');
        $link_ps = link_to_direct('GetRsBlob.php?slug=' . $s_uuid . '-ps');
        $link_midi = link_to_direct('GetRsBlob.php?slug=' . $s_uuid . '-midi');
        $link_wav = link_to_direct('GetRsBlob.php?slug=' . $s_uuid . '-wav');
        $link_mp3 = link_to_direct('GetRsBlob.php?slug=' . $s_uuid . '-mp3');
        $link_ogg = link_to_direct('GetRsBlob.php?slug=' . $s_uuid . '-ogg');
        $s_a_ly = '<a href=' . $link_ly . '>ly</a>';
        $s_a_pdf = '<a href=' . $link_pdf . '>pdf</a>';
        $s_a_ps = '<a href=' . $link_ps . '>ps</a>';
        $s_a_midi = '<a href=' . $link_midi . '>midi</a>';
        $s_a_wav = '<a href=' . $link_wav . '>wav</a>';
        $s_a_mp3 = '<a href=' . $link_mp3 . '>mp3</a>';
        $s_a_ogg = '<a href=' . $link_ogg . '>ogg</a>';
        $s_idyoutube = $row['idyoutube'];
        $header = $s_title;
        if ($row['composer'] != NULL) {
            $header .= ' / ' . $s_composer;
        if ($row['poet'] != NULL && $s_poet != $s_composer) {
            $header .= ', ' . $s_poet;
        $body = '';
        $body .= '<ul>';
        if ($row['id'] != NULL) {
            $body .= '<li>id: ' . $id . '</li>';
        if ($row['title'] != NULL) {
            $body .= '<li>title: ' . $s_title . '</li>';
        if ($row['subtitle'] != NULL) {
            $body .= '<li>subtitle: ' . $s_subtitle . '</li>';
        if ($row['composer'] != NULL) {
            $body .= '<li>composer: ' . $s_composer . '</li>';
        if ($row['poet'] != NULL) {
            $body .= '<li>poet: ' . $s_poet . '</li>';
        if ($row['style'] != NULL) {
            $body .= '<li>style: ' . $s_style . '</li>';
        if ($row['piece'] != NULL) {
            $body .= '<li>piece: ' . $s_piece . '</li>';
        if ($row['copyright'] != NULL) {
            $body .= '<li>copyright: ' . $s_copyright . '</li>';
        if ($row['pages'] != NULL) {
            $body .= '<li>pages: ' . $s_pages . '</li>';
        if ($row['epdfs'] != NULL) {
            $body .= '<li>epdfs: ' . $s_epdfs . '</li>';
        $links = array();
        # TODO: only add the links if I have the blobs...
        array_push($links, $s_a_ly);
        array_push($links, $s_a_pdf);
        array_push($links, $s_a_ps);
        array_push($links, $s_a_midi);
        array_push($links, $s_a_wav);
        array_push($links, $s_a_mp3);
        array_push($links, $s_a_ogg);
        # lets look and add links to the pngs...
        for ($i = 0; $i < $s_pages; $i++) {
            $j = $i + 1;
            $link = link_to_direct('GetRsBlob.php?slug=' . $s_uuid . '-png' . $j);
            $link = '<a href=\'' . $link . '\'>png' . $j . '</a>';
            array_push($links, $link);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $s_epdfs; $i++) {
            $link = link_to_direct('GetRsBlob.php?slug=' . $s_uuid . '-epdf' . $i);
            $link = '<a href=\'' . $link . '\'>epdf' . $i . '</a>';
            array_push($links, $link);
        $body .= '<li>links: ' . join(', ', $links) . '</li>';
        $body .= '<li>uuid: ' . $s_uuid . '</li>';
        $body .= '</ul>';
        # lets put a link to play the audio, currently it looks like the
        # audio plugin can only play mp3 so that's the only link that we
        # put...
        $body .= 'You can play the automatically generated mp3 file here...<br/>';
        $body .= get_audio_player($link_mp3, $row['title'], $row['composer'], $row['poet']);
        if ($row['idyoutube'] != NULL) {
            $body .= 'Here is a youtube performance of this song that I like...<br/>';
            $body .= embed_youtube($s_idyoutube, 0.5);
        $res .= multi_accordion_entry($header, $body);
    $res .= multi_accordion_end();
    return $res;
Beispiel #3
function print_audio_player($fileURL, $dl = true)
    echo get_audio_player($fileURL, $dl = true);
Beispiel #4
function blox_format_audio()
    global $post;
    $audio_content = tt_getmeta('format_audio_embed');
    if ($audio_content == '') {
        return '';
    $html = '';
    $html .= '<div class="entry-media">';
    $embedCheck = array("<embed", "<video", "<ifram", "<objec");
    // only checking against the first 6
    $firstSix = substr($audio_content, 0, 6);
    // get the first 6 char
    if (validateURL($audio_content)) {
        $html .= get_audio_player(array('url' => $audio_content));
    } else {
        if (in_array($firstSix, $embedCheck)) {
            $html .= $audio_content;
    $html .= '</div><!-- .entry-media -->';
    return $html;