Beispiel #1
function gnarty_menu_page_cb()
    global $wpdb;
    if (isset($_POST['ok'])) {
        if ($_POST['webgrab'] == 'phimletvn') {
            $info_url_html = xem_web($_POST['urlgrab']);
            $url_play = explode('<a rel="nofollow" href="/xem-', $info_url_html);
            $total_play = count($url_play);
            $total_plays = $total_play - 1;
            $info_name = explode('<h1 class="title">', $info_url_html);
            $info_name = explode('</h1>', $info_name[1]);
            $info_name_en = explode('<h2 class="title gray maggin_bottom_10">', $info_url_html);
            $info_name_en = explode('</h2>', $info_name_en[1]);
            $info_dienvien = explode('<div class="grid_2 omega label">Diễn viên:</div><div class="grid_7 alpha">', $info_url_html);
            $info_dienvien = explode('</div>', $info_dienvien[1]);
            $info_nam = explode('Phát hành: <strong>', $info_url_html);
            $info_nam = explode('</strong></li>', $info_nam[1]);
            $info_sx = explode('Sản xuất: <strong>', $info_url_html);
            $info_sx = explode('</strong></li>', $info_sx[1]);
            $info_time = explode('<div class="row bg_2 clearfix"><div class="grid_2 omega label">Tập:</div><div class="grid_7 alpha">', $info_url_html);
            $info_time = explode('</div>', $info_time[1]);
            $info_tt = explode('<div class="grid_2 omega label">Giới thiệu:</div>', $info_url_html);
            $info_tt = explode('</div>', $info_tt[1]);
            $info_tag = get_ascii($info_name[0] . ", " . $info_name_en[0]);
        } else {
            if ($_POST['webgrab'] == 'tvphimhd') {
                $info_url_html = $html = xem_web($_POST['urlgrab']);
                $vantoan = explode('[id]', $info_url_html);
                $vantoan = explode('|[/id]', $vantoan[1]);
                $vantoan = $vantoan[0];
                $s = explode('|', $vantoan);
                $total_plays = count($s);
                $info_name[0] = explode_by("<title>Xem phim ", "-", $html, true);
                $info_name_en = explode('<div class="mota-right"><h2>', $info_url_html);
                $info_name_en = explode('</h2>', $info_name_en[1]);
                $info_img = explode('<img class="poster" src="', $info_url_html);
                $info_img = explode('"', $info_img[1]);
                $info_daodien[0] = explode_by("Thời lượng:", "Diễn viên:", $html, true);
                $info_dienvien[0] = explode_by("Diễn viên:", "Thời lượng:", $html, true);
                $info_time[0] = explode_by("Thời lượng:", "Từ khóa:", $html, true);
                $info_nam[0] = explode_by("Năm phát hành:", "Đạo diễn:", $html, true);
                $info_tt[0] = explode_by('<div class="description">', "</div>", $html, true);
            } else {
                if ($_POST['webgrab'] == 'phim3s') {
                    $info_url_html = $html = file_get_contents($_POST['urlgrab']);
                    $link_watch = explode_by('</div></div><a href="', '" class="btn-watch"', $info_url_html);
                    $link_watch = '' . $link_watch;
                    $link_watch = file_get_contents($link_watch);
                    $ep_list = explode_by('<div class="serverlist">', '</ul></div></div>', $link_watch);
                    $url_play = explode('<a', $ep_list);
                    $total_play = count($url_play);
                    $total_plays = $total_play - 1;
                    $info_name[0] = explode_by("<title>Xem phim", " | ", $html);
                    $info_name_en[0] = explode_by(" | ", "full HD</title>", $html);
                    $info_img[0] = explode_by('<img class="photo" src="', '" alt', $html);
                    $info_daodien[0] = explode_by("<dt>Đạo diễn:</dt>", "<dt>Diễn viên:</dt>", $html, true);
                    $info_dienvien[0] = explode_by("<dt>Diễn viên:</dt>", "<dt>Thể loại:</dt>", $html, true);
                    $info_time[0] = explode_by("<dt>Thời lượng:</dt>", "<dt>Lượt xem:</dt>", $html, true);
                    $info_nam[0] = explode_by("<p>Năm phát hành: ", "</p", $html, true);
                    $info_tt[0] = explode_by('<div class="tabs-content" id="info-film">', '<div class="tags">', $html, true);
                    $info_tag = get_ascii($info_name[0] . ", " . $info_name_en[0]);
                } else {
                    if ($_POST['webgrab'] == 'xemphimfullhd') {
                        $info_url_html = $html = xem_web($_POST['urlgrab']);
                        $link_watch = explode_by('<a class="xem w-bt" href="', '"', $html, false);
                        $link_watch = xem_web($link_watch);
                        $ep_list = explode_by('<div class="list_episodes content">', '<br class="clr"/>', $link_watch, false);
                        $url_play = explode('<a ', $ep_list);
                        $total_play = count($url_play);
                        $total_plays = $total_play - 1;
                        $info_name[0] = explode_by("<title>Phim ", " | ", $html, false);
                        $info_name_en[0] = explode_by(" | ", " | ", $html, false);
                        $info_img[0] = explode_by('<link href="', '"', $html, false);
                        $info_daodien[0] = explode_by("<p>Đạo diễn:", "</p", $html, true);
                        $info_dienvien[0] = explode_by("<p>Diễn viên:", "</p", $html, true);
                        $info_time[0] = explode_by("<p>Thời lượng:", "</p", $html, true);
                        $info_nam[0] = explode_by("<p>Năm phát hành: ", "</p", $html, true);
                        $info_tt[0] = explode_by('<div id="movie_description" class="tab_click entry">', "</div>", $html, true);
                    } else {
                        if ($_POST['webgrab'] == 'phim1k') {
                            $info_url_html = $html = curl_by($_POST['urlgrab']);
                            //$link_watch = ''.explode_by('href="','"',$html);
                            $link_watch = explode_by('href="', '"', $html);
                            if (substr($link_watch, 0, 7) != 'http://') {
                                $link_watch = '' . $link_watch;
                            $link_watch = curl_by($link_watch);
                            $ep_list = explode_by('<div class="server_content">', '<div class="f_i_desc">', $link_watch, false);
                            $url_play = explode('<a ', $ep_list);
                            $total_play = count($url_play);
                            $total_plays = $total_play - 1;
                            $info_name[0] = explode_by("<h1>", "</h1>", $html, true);
                            $info_name_en[0] = explode_by("<span class=\"f_i_title_en\">", "</span>", $html, false);
                            $info_img[0] = explode_by('<meta property="og:image" content="', '" />', $html, false);
                            $info_daodien[0] = explode_by("<strong>Đạo diễn:</strong>", "</span", $html, true);
                            $info_dienvien[0] = explode_by("<strong>Diễn viên:</strong>", "</span", $html, true);
                            //$info_time[0] = explode_by("<p>Thời lượng:","</p",$html,true);
                            $info_nam[0] = explode_by("<strong>Năm phát hành:</strong>", "</span", $html, true);
                            $info_tt[0] = explode_by('<div class="content" style="line-height: 20px;">', "</div>", $html, true);
                        } else {
                            if ($_POST['webgrab'] == 'phim14') {
                                $info_url_html = $html = curl_by($_POST['urlgrab']);
                                $link_watch = explode_by('<a class="watch_button now" href="', '"', $html, false);
                                $link_watch = curl_by($link_watch);
                                $ep_list = explode_by('<ul id="server_list">', '<div class="blockrow blockinfo">', $link_watch, false);
                                $url_play = explode('<a ', $ep_list);
                                $total_play = count($url_play);
                                $total_plays = $total_play - 1;
                                $info_name[0] = explode_by("<title>Phim ", "(", $html, false);
                                $info_name_en[0] = explode_by("(", ")", $html, false);
                                $info_img[0] = explode_by('<div class="thumbnail"><img src="', '"', $html, false);
                                $info_daodien[0] = explode_by('div class="alt1">Đạo diễn:', "Diễn viên:", $html, true);
                                $info_dienvien[0] = explode_by('Diễn viên:', "Thể loại:", $html, true);
                                $info_time[0] = explode_by('<div class="alt1">Thời lượng:', "</div", $html, true);
                                $info_nam[0] = explode_by('<div class="alt2">Năm phát hành:', "</div", $html, true);
                                $info_tt[0] = explode_by('</a></span></div>', '<div class="title hr"><span>', $html, true);
                            } elseif ($_POST['webgrab'] == 'animefc') {
                                $info_url_html = xem_web($_POST['urlgrab']);
                                $url_play_phim = explode('<a href="', $info_url_html);
                                $url_play_phim = explode('"', $url_play_phim[1]);
                                $url_play_phim = '' . $url_play_phim[0];
                                $url_play_phim_html = xem_web($url_play_phim);
                                $url_play_phim_html = explode_by('<div id="servers" class="serverlist">', '<!-- / server -->', $url_play_phim_html, false);
                                $url_play = explode('data-type="watch" class="" href="', $url_play_phim_html);
                                $total_play = count($url_play);
                                $total_plays = $total_play - 1;
                                $info_img[0] = explode_by('<meta property="og:image" content="', '"', $info_url_html, false);
                                $info_name = explode('title="Phim ', $info_url_html);
                                $info_name = explode('"', $info_name[1]);
                                $info_name_en = explode('<h3>', $info_url_html);
                                $info_name_en = explode('</h3>', $info_name_en[1]);
                                $info_nam = explode('<p>Năm Sản Xuất: <strong>', $info_url_html);
                                $info_nam = explode('</strong></p>', $info_nam[1]);
                                $info_time = explode('<p>Thời lượng: <strong>', $info_url_html);
                                $info_time = explode('</strong></p>', $info_time[1]);
                                $info_tt = explode('<div id="noidung" class="tabs_content">', $info_url_html);
                                $info_tt = explode('<div class="f_d_tag">', $info_tt[1]);
                                $info_tag = explode('<div class="f_d_tag">', $info_url_html);
                                $info_tag = explode('</div>', $info_tag[1]);
                                $info_tag = str_replace('Tags:', '', $info_tag);
                                $info_tag = multi_between('rel="tag">', '</a>', $info_tag);
                                $info_tag = implode(', ', $info_tag);
                            } else {
                                if ($_POST['webgrab'] == 'phimbb') {
                                    $info_url_html = $html = curl_by($_POST['urlgrab']);
                                    $link_watch = '' . explode_by('<a href="xem-phim/', '"', $html, true);
                                    $link_watch = curl_by($link_watch);
                                    $ep_list = explode_by('<div id="servers">', '</div>', $link_watch, false);
                                    $url_play = explode('<a ', $ep_list);
                                    $total_play = count($url_play);
                                    $total_plays = $total_play - 1;
                                    $info_name[0] = explode_by("<h1>»", "</h1>", $html, false);
                                    $info_name_en[0] = explode_by("<p class=\"tt-en\">»", "</p>", $html, false);
                                    $info_img = explode('<div class="cover">', $html);
                                    $info_img = explode('"></a>', $info_img[1]);
                                    $info_img = explode('<img src="', $info_img[0]);
                                    $info_img = explode('"', $info_img[1]);
                                    $info_img[0] = $info_img[0];
                                    $info_daodien[0] = explode_by('<p class="half">» Đạo diễn:', '</p>', $html, true);
                                    $info_dienvien[0] = explode_by('<p>» Diễn viên: ', '</p>', $html, true);
                                    //$info_time[0] = explode_by('<div class="alt1">Thời lượng:',"</div",$html,true);
                                    //$info_nam[0] = explode_by('<div class="alt2">Năm phát hành:',"</div",$html,true);
                                    $info_tt[0] = explode_by('id="movie_description">', '</div>', $html, false);
                                    $info_tt[0] = str_replace('PhimBB.Net', '', $info_tt[0]);
                                } else {
                                    if ($_POST['webgrab'] == 'phimkk') {
                                        $info_url_html = $html = curl_by($_POST['urlgrab']);
                                        $link_watch = '' . explode_by('<a href="xem-phim/', '"', $html, true);
                                        $link_watch = curl_by($link_watch);
                                        $ep_list = explode_by('<div id="servers">', '</div>', $link_watch, false);
                                        $url_play = explode('<a ', $ep_list);
                                        $total_play = count($url_play);
                                        $total_plays = $total_play - 1;
                                        $info_name[0] = explode_by("<h1>»", "</h1>", $html, false);
                                        $info_name_en[0] = explode_by("<p class=\"tt-en\">»", "</p>", $html, false);
                                        $info_img = explode('<div class="cover">', $html);
                                        $info_img = explode('"></a>', $info_img[1]);
                                        $info_img = explode('<img src="', $info_img[0]);
                                        $info_img = explode('"', $info_img[1]);
                                        $info_img[0] = $info_img[0];
                                        $info_daodien[0] = explode_by('<p class="half">» Đạo diễn:', '</p>', $html, true);
                                        $info_dienvien[0] = explode_by('<p>» Diễn viên: ', '</p>', $html, true);
                                        //$info_time[0] = explode_by('<div class="alt1">Thời lượng:',"</div",$html,true);
                                        //$info_nam[0] = explode_by('<div class="alt2">Năm phát hành:',"</div",$html,true);
                                        $info_tt[0] = explode_by('id="movie_description">', '</div>', $html, false);
                                        $info_tt[0] = str_replace('', '', $info_tt[0]);
                                    } elseif ($_POST['webgrab'] == 'phim85') {
                                        $info_url_html = xem_web($_POST['urlgrab']);
                                        $url_play_phim = explode('<a href="', $info_url_html);
                                        $url_play_phim = explode('" alt="', $url_play_phim[1]);
                                        $url_play_html_phim = '' . $url_play_phim[0];
                                        $url_play_phim = xem_web($url_play_html_phim);
                                        $url_play = explode('<li class=""><a href="xem-', $url_play_phim);
                                        $total_play = count($url_play);
                                        $total_plays = $total_play - 1;
                                        $info_name = explode('<h1>PHIM', $info_url_html);
                                        $info_name = explode(' - ', $info_name[1]);
                                        $info_name_en = explode('<a href="year/', $info_name[1]);
                                        $info_daodien = explode('<dt>Đạo diễn - Director:</dt>', $info_url_html);
                                        $info_daodien = explode('</dd>', $info_daodien[1]);
                                        $info_dienvien = explode('<dt>Diễn viên - Stars:</dt>', $info_url_html);
                                        $info_dienvien = explode('</dd>', $info_dienvien[1]);
                                        $info_nam = explode('<dt>Năm phát hành - Year:</dt>', $info_url_html);
                                        $info_nam = explode('</dd>', $info_nam[1]);
                                        $info_sx = explode('<p class="m-l">Nhà sản xuất: ', $info_url_html);
                                        $info_sx = explode('</p>', $info_sx[1]);
                                        $info_time = explode('<dt>Thời lượng - Runtime:</dt>', $info_url_html);
                                        $info_time = explode('</dd>', $info_time[1]);
                                        $info_tt = explode('<div style="margin-top:5px;" class="title hr"><span>Nội dung phim:</span></div>', $info_url_html);
                                        $info_tt = explode('<div class="blocktitle">Phim cùng thể loại</div>', $info_tt[1]);
                                        $info_tag = get_ascii($info_name[0] . ", " . $info_name_en[0]);
                                    } elseif ($_POST['webgrab'] == 'congdongvip') {
                                        $info_url_html = xem_web($_POST['urlgrab']);
                                        $url_play_phim = explode('<p class="play"><a href="', $info_url_html);
                                        $url_play_phim = explode('" title="', $url_play_phim[1]);
                                        $url_play_html_phim = '' . $url_play_phim[0];
                                        $url_play_phim = xem_web($url_play_html_phim);
                                        $url_play = explode('" onclick="setupplayer', $url_play_phim);
                                        $total_play = count($url_play);
                                        $total_plays = $total_play - 1;
                                        $info_name = explode('<h1><a property="v:title" rel="v:url" title="Phim ', $info_url_html);
                                        $info_name = explode('" href="/phim/', $info_name[1]);
                                        $info_name_en = explode('" href="/phim/', $info_name[0]);
                                        $info_daodien = explode('<p>Đạo diễn: ', $info_url_html);
                                        $info_daodien = explode('</a></p>', $info_daodien[1]);
                                        $info_dienvien = explode('<p>Diễn viên:', $info_url_html);
                                        $info_dienvien = explode('</a></p>', $info_dienvien[1]);
                                        $info_nam = explode('<p class="m-l">Năm phát hành: ', $info_url_html);
                                        $info_nam = explode('</p>', $info_nam[1]);
                                        $info_sx = explode('<p class="m-l">Nhà sản xuất: ', $info_url_html);
                                        $info_sx = explode('</p>', $info_sx[1]);
                                        $info_time = explode('<p class="m-l">Thời lượng: ', $info_url_html);
                                        $info_time = explode('</span></p>', $info_time[1]);
                                        $info_tt = explode('<div class="icontents row-content">', $info_url_html);
                                        $info_tt = explode('<div class="xt"><a href="#" id="show-movie-info">', $info_tt[1]);
                                        $info_tag = get_ascii($info_name[0] . ", " . $info_name_en[0]);
                                    } elseif ($_POST['webgrab'] == 'phim8') {
                                        $info_url_html = xem_web($_POST['urlgrab']);
                                        $url_play_phim = explode('<a href="', $info_url_html);
                                        $url_play_phim = explode('" alt="Xem phim trực tuyến"', $url_play_phim[1]);
                                        $url_play_html_phim = '' . $url_play_phim[0];
                                        $url_play_phim = xem_web($url_play_html_phim);
                                        $url_play = explode('<a href="xem-', $url_play_phim);
                                        $total_play = count($url_play);
                                        $total_plays = $total_play - 1;
                                        $info_name = explode('<dt>Tên Phim:</dt>', $info_url_html);
                                        $info_name = explode(' - ', $info_name[1]);
                                        $info_name_en = explode(' 2', $info_name[1]);
                                        $info_daodien = explode('<dt>Đạo diễn:</dt>', $info_url_html);
                                        $info_daodien = explode('</a></dd>', $info_daodien[1]);
                                        $info_dienvien = explode('<dt>Diễn viên:</dt>', $info_url_html);
                                        $info_dienvien = explode('</a></dd>', $info_dienvien[1]);
                                        $info_nam = explode('<dt>Năm phát hành:</dt>', $info_url_html);
                                        $info_nam = explode('</a></dd>', $info_nam[1]);
                                        $info_sx = explode('<dt>Sản xuất:</dt>', $info_url_html);
                                        $info_sx = explode('</dd>', $info_sx[1]);
                                        $info_time = explode('<dt>Thời lượng:</dt>', $info_url_html);
                                        $info_time = explode('</dd>', $info_time[1]);
                                        $info_tt = explode('NỘI DUNG PHIM</span></div>', $info_url_html);
                                        $info_tt = explode('<span>Tags:</span>', $info_tt[1]);
                                        $info_tag = get_ascii($info_name[0] . ", " . $info_name_en[0]);
        $info_tag = get_ascii($info_name[0] . ", " . $info_name_en[0]) . ", Phim " . $info_name[0] . ", Phim " . $info_name_en[0] . ", " . $info_name[0] . " vietsub" . ", " . $info_name_en[0] . " vietsub";
        $phimid = $_GET['phimid'];
        if (!$phimid) {
            $phimid = 0;
        } else {
		    <script type="text/javascript">$(document).ready(function () {$('#addfilm_new').hide();});</script>
        $begin = $_POST['episode_begin'];
        $end = $_POST['episode_end'];
        if (!is_numeric($begin) && !is_numeric($end)) {
            $episode_begin = 1;
            $episode_end = $total_plays;
        } elseif (!is_numeric($begin) && !is_numeric($end)) {
            $episode_begin = 1;
            $episode_end = 10;
        } elseif (!is_numeric($begin)) {
            $episode_begin = $episode_end = $end;
        } else {
            $episode_begin = $begin;
            $episode_end = $end;
        if (!$_POST['last-submit']) {
				<form name="themeform" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post"  class="gnarty-grab">
			                    <!-- thong tin bo phim -->
			                    <h1 style="padding: 16px 0px 16px 0px;">Thêm tập phim vào phim có sắn</h1>
			                    <div class="form_item">
										<label>Chọn phim:</label>
            echo gnarty_acp_film($phimid);
			                    <div id="addfilm_new">
			                        <h1 style="padding: 16px 0px 16px 0px;">Thêm phim mới</h1>
			                    <div class="form_item">
			                                <label>Tên bộ phim:</label>
			                                <input type="text" class="flat" size="30" name="tenphim" value="<?php 
            echo htmltxt($info_name[0]);
"  maxlength="250">
			                        <div class="form_item">
                                <label>Tên tiếng anh:</label>
                                <input class="flat" size="30" name="tentienganh" value="<?php 
            echo htmltxt($info_name_en[0]);
"  maxlength="250">
			                        <div class="form_item">
			                                <label>Đạo diễn:</label>
			                                <input type="text" class="flat" size="30" name="daodien" value="<?php 
            echo htmltxt($info_daodien[0]);
" maxlength="250">
			                        <div class="form_item">
			                                <label>Diễn viên:</label>
			                                <input type="text" class="flat" size="30" name="dienvien" value="<?php 
            echo htmltxt($info_dienvien[0]);
" maxlength="250">
			                        <div class="form_item">
			                                <label>Thời lượng:</label>
			                                <input class="flat" size="30" name="thoiluong" value="<?php 
            echo htmltxt($info_time[0]);
" maxlength="250">
			                        <div class="form_item">
			                                <label>Năm sản xuất:</label>
			                                <input class="flat" size="30" name="namsanxuat" value="<?php 
            echo htmltxt($info_nam[0]);
" maxlength="250">
			                        <div class="form_item">
			                                <label>Chất lượng:</label>
			                                <input class="flat" size="30" name="chatluong" value="HD" maxlength="250">
			                       <div class="form_item">
										<label>Ảnh </label>
		                                <input value="<?php 
            echo $info_img[0];
" id="phimimg_name" name="phimimg_name" type="text" />
		                                <img width="120" height="180" src="<?php 
            echo $info_img[0];
" alt="" />

			                        <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
			                            <td class="form_item" width="180">Thể loại:</td>
			                            <td class="form_item"><?php 
            //echo ipos_category($theloai);
			                        <div class="form_item">
			                                <label>Giới thiệu phim:</label>
			                                <textarea name="phimtxt" style="width:630px; height: 130px;"><?php 
            echo htmltxt($info_tt[0]);
			                        <div class="form_item">
			                                <label>Từ khóa tìm kiếm:</label>
			                                <textarea name="phimtag" style="width:630px; height: 70px;"><?php 
            echo htmltxt($info_tag);
            if (isset($url_play)) {
			                    	<div class="form_item">
			                        	<strong>Link debug (cho dễ xem số tập)</strong>
			                   <div class="form_item">
			                                <label>Server chưa phim:</label>
            // echo ipos_set_type();
			                    <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
			                    <tr><td colspan="3"><h1 style="padding: 16px 0px 16px 0px;">Danh sách tập phim</h1></td></tr>
            if (isset($_POST['webgrab'])) {
                $from = (int) $_POST['from'];
                $to = (int) $_POST['to'];
                if (!($from == -1 && $to == -1)) {
                    $episode_begin = $from;
                    $episode_end = $to;
            for ($i = $episode_begin; $i <= $episode_end; $i++) {
                if ($_POST['webgrab'] == 'phimletvn') {
                    $play_url = explode('phim-', $url_play[$i]);
                    $play_url = explode('.let" class="button">', $play_url[1]);
                    $play_url = '' . $play_url[0] . '.let';
                    $html_link_play = xem_web($play_url);
                    $link_phim = explode('<div class="maggin_top_5"><a href="', $html_link_play);
                    $link_phim = explode('"', $link_phim[1]);
                    $link_phim = $link_phim[0];
                    $play_embed[$i] = $link_phim;
                    $name = explode('class="button"><span>', $url_play[$i]);
                    $name = explode('</span></a>', $name[1]);
                } else {
                    if ($_POST['webgrab'] == 'tvphimhd') {
                        $num = $i - 1;
                        $play_url = explode(';', $s[$num]);
                        $play_embed[$i] = trim($play_url[1]);
                        $name[0] = trim($play_url[0]);
                    } else {
                        if ($_POST['webgrab'] == 'xemphimfullhd') {
                            $name[0] = explode_by('">', '</a>', $url_play[$i], true);
                            $link_m = explode_by('href="', '"', $url_play[$i], true);
                            $link_m = str_replace("", "", $link_m);
                            $html_link = curl_by($link_m);
                            $link_m = explode_by('', "'", $html_link, false);
                            if (!$link_m) {
                                $link_m = explode_by('?file=', "'", $html_link);
                            $play_embed[$i] = $link_m;
                        } else {
                            if ($_POST['webgrab'] == 'phim1k') {
                                $name[0] = explode_by('class="">', '</a>', $url_play[$i], true);
                                $link_m = "" . explode_by('href="', '"', $url_play[$i], false);
                                $html_link = curl_by($link_m);
                                $link_m = explode_by('', "&", $html_link, false);
                                if (!$link_m) {
                                    $idytb = explode_by('allowfullscreen="" src="', '&', $html_link, false);
                                    $idytb = explode_by('embed/', '?s', $idytb, false);
                                    if ($idytb) {
                                        $link_m = "{$idytb}";
                                    } else {
                                        $link_m = explode_by('<embed src="', '"', $html_link);
                                $play_embed[$i] = $link_m;
                            } elseif ($_POST['webgrab'] == 'phim14') {
                                $name[0] = explode_by('">', '</a>', $url_play[$i], true);
                                $link_m = explode_by('href="', '"', $url_play[$i], false);
                                $html_link = curl_by(str_replace("", "", $link_m));
                                $link_m = explode_by('vantoan|||', ".mp4", $html_link, false);
                                $link_m = base64_decode($link_m);
                                $play_embed[$i] = $link_m;
                            } elseif ($_POST['webgrab'] == 'phim85') {
                                $play_url = explode('phim', $url_play[$i]);
                                $play_url = explode('">', $play_url[1]);
                                $play_url = '' . $play_url[0];
                                $html_link_play = xem_web($play_url);
                                $link_phim = explode('', $html_link_play);
                                $link_phim = explode('&', $link_phim[1]);
                                $link_phim = $link_phim[0];
                                $html_link_play_2 = xem_web($url_play_html_phim);
                                $link_phim_2 = explode('', $html_link_play_2);
                                $link_phim_2 = explode('&', $link_phim_2[1]);
                                $link_phim_2 = $link_phim_2[0];
                                if ($i == 1) {
                                    $play_embed[$i] = $link_phim_2;
                                    $name = explode('"><font color="#00FF00">[', $url_play[$i]);
                                    $name = explode(']</font>', $name[1]);
                                } else {
                                    $play_embed[$i] = $link_phim;
                                    $name = explode('.html"><b>', $url_play[$i]);
                                    $name = explode('</b></a>', $name[1]);
                            } elseif ($_POST['webgrab'] == 'phim8') {
                                $play_url = explode('phim/', $url_play[$i]);
                                $play_url = explode('">', $play_url[1]);
                                $play_url = '' . $play_url[0];
                                $html_link_play = xem_web($play_url);
                                $link_phim = explode('', $html_link_play);
                                $link_phim = explode('&', $link_phim[1]);
                                $link_phim = $link_phim[0];
                                $html_link_play_2 = xem_web($url_play_html_phim);
                                $link_phim_2 = explode('', $html_link_play_2);
                                $link_phim_2 = explode('&', $link_phim_2[1]);
                                $link_phim_2 = $link_phim_2[0];
                                if ($i == 1) {
                                    $play_embed[$i] = $link_phim_2;
                                    $name = explode('<font color="#00FF00">[', $url_play[$i]);
                                    $name = explode(']</font>', $name[1]);
                                } else {
                                    $play_embed[$i] = $link_phim;
                                    $name = explode('.html"><b>', $url_play[$i]);
                                    $name = explode('</b></a>', $name[1]);
                            } else {
                                if ($_POST['webgrab'] == 'animefc') {
                                    $name[0] = explode_by('">', '</a>', $url_play[$i], true);
                                    $link = explode('"', $url_play[$i]);
                                    $html_link = xem_web($link[0]);
                                    $linkphim = explode('"":"', $html_link);
                                    $linkphim = explode('"', $linkphim[1]);
                                    $play_embed[$i] = $linkphim[0];
                                } elseif ($_POST['webgrab'] == 'congdongvip') {
                                    $play_url = explode('(', $url_play[$i]);
                                    $play_url = explode(',', $play_url[1]);
                                    $play_url = '' . $play_url[0] . '.xml';
                                    $html_link_play = xem_web($play_url);
                                    $link_phim = explode('<location>', $html_link_play);
                                    $link_phim = explode('</location>', $link_phim[1]);
                                    $link_phim = $link_phim[0];
                                    $play_embed[$i] = $link_phim;
                                    $name_play = explode('<title>', $html_link_play);
                                    $name = explode('</title>', $name_play[1]);
                                } elseif ($_POST['webgrab'] == 'phimkk') {
                                    $name[0] = explode_by('html">', '</a>', $url_play[$i], false);
                                    //exit('aaaaa' . $url_play[$i]);exit();
                                    $name[0] = strip_tags($name[0]);
                                    $name[0] = str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $name[0]);
                                    $link_m = '' . str_replace(' ', '%20', explode_by('href="', '"', $url_play[$i], false));
                                    $html_link = curl_by($link_m);
                                    $play_embed[$i] = explode_by('&file=', "&amp;", $html_link, false);
                                    if (empty($play_embed[$i])) {
                                        $url = explode_by('<div id="mediaplayer"', '</div>', $html_link, false);
                                        $play_embed[$i] = explode_by('src=\'', '\'', $url, false);
                                } elseif ($_POST['webgrab'] == 'phimbb') {
                                    $name[0] = explode_by('html">', '</a>', $url_play[$i], false);
                                    //exit('aaaaa' . $url_play[$i]);exit();
                                    $name[0] = strip_tags($name[0]);
                                    $name[0] = str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $name[0]);
                                    $link_m = '' . str_replace(' ', '%20', explode_by('href="', '"', $url_play[$i], false));
                                    $html_link = curl_by($link_m);
                                    $play_embed[$i] = explode_by('&file=', "&amp;", $html_link, false);
                                    if (empty($play_embed[$i])) {
                                        $url = explode_by('<div id="mediaplayer"', '</div>', $html_link, false);
                                        $play_embed[$i] = explode_by('src=\'', '\'', $url, false);
                $sub = htmlchars(stripslashes(trim(urldecode($sub))));
                $is_sub = preg_match("#no_sub([^/]+)#", $sub);
                if ($is_sub) {
                    $linksub = '';
                } else {
                    $linksub = $sub;
                $play_embed[$i] = htmlchars(stripslashes(trim(urldecode($play_embed[$i]))));
			                    <td class="form_item" width="12%">
			                    TẬP <input onclick="" type="text" name="name[<?php 
                echo $i;
]" value="<?php 
                echo $name[0];
" size="2" style="text-align:center; width: 40px;">
			                    <td class="form_item"  width="50%">
			                    <p class="url"><span>FULL</span><input type="text" name="url[<?php 
                echo $i;
]" size="50" value="<?php 
                echo $play_embed[$i];
			                    <td class="form_item"  width="32%">SUB <input type="text" name="sub[<?php 
                echo $i;
]" style="width:210px;" value="<?php 
                echo $linksub;
								<div class="form_item">
										 <input type="hidden" name="episode_begin" value="<?php 
            echo $episode_begin;
			                                <input type="hidden" name="episode_end" value="<?php 
            echo $episode_end;
			                                <input type="hidden" name="from" value="<?php 
            echo $from;
                                			<input type="hidden" name="to" value="<?php 
            echo $to;
			                                <input type="hidden" name="ok" value="SUBMIT">
											<button class="button button-primary" value="Submit" name="last-submit" type="submit">Gửi đi</button>
        $currentUser = wp_get_current_user();
        //Thêm phim mới
        if ($_POST['film'] == 'dont_edit') {
            $arr = array('post_title' => $_POST['tenphim'], 'post_content' => $_POST['phimtxt'], 'post_status' => 'draft', 'post_author' => $currentUser->ID);
            $newPostID = wp_insert_post($arr);
            $linkphim = array();
            $stt = 0;
            foreach ($_POST['name'] as $k => $val) {
                if (isset($_POST['url'][$k]) && !empty($_POST['url'][$k])) {
                    $linkphim[$stt] = $val . '#' . $_POST['url'][$k] . '#' . $stt;
            update_post_meta($newPostID, 'phim_en', $_POST['tentienganh']);
            update_post_meta($newPostID, 'phim_tl', $_POST['thoiluong']);
            update_post_meta($newPostID, 'phim_nsx', $_POST['namsanxuat']);
            update_post_meta($newPostID, 'phim_hd', $_POST['chatluong']);
            update_post_meta($newPostID, 'Image', $_POST['phimimg_name']);
            //update tags, dien vien
            wp_set_object_terms($newPostID, explode(',', $_POST['phimtag']), 'post_tag', true);
            wp_set_object_terms($newPostID, explode(',', $_POST['dienvien']), 'dien-vien', true);
            //end update tags, dien vien
            if (check_fiml_meta($newPostID) == false) {
            $meta_value = implode("\n", $linkphim);
            $data = explode('|', $meta_value);
            if ($meta_value != "") {
                $episode_post = implode("\n", $linkphim);
                $episode_film = $newPostID;
                $list_episode = explode("\n", $episode_post);
                $count_ep = count($list_episode);
                for ($i = 0; $i < $count_ep; $i++) {
                    $tap[$i] = explode('#', trim($list_episode[$i]));
                    $ten_tap[$i] = trim($tap[$i][0]);
                    $link_tap[$i] = trim($tap[$i][1]);
                    $thu_tu[$i] = trim($tap[$i][2]);
                    if (FilmEpisodeNewEpisode($ten_tap[$i], $newPostID, 0, $link_tap[$i], $thu_tu[$i], time())) {
                        //$tb .= $ten_tap [$i] . ' - ';
                    } else {
                        echo '<div id="message" class="error fade" style="background-color: rgb(218, 79, 33);"><br/><b>L?i ! t?p ' . $ten_tap[$i] . ' server ' . $_POST['episode_server'] . ' d� t?n t?i</b><br/><br/></div>';
            wp_safe_redirect(admin_url('post.php?post=' . $newPostID . '&action=edit', 'Đã thêm xong'));
        } else {
            $postID = $_POST['film'];
            $linkphim = array();
            $stt = 0;
            foreach ($_POST['name'] as $k => $val) {
                if (isset($_POST['url'][$k]) && !empty($_POST['url'][$k])) {
                    $linkphim[$stt] = $val . '#' . $_POST['url'][$k] . '#' . $stt;
            $from = $_POST['from'];
            $to = $_POST['to'];
            //xóa tập phim cũ
            if ($from == -1 && $to == -1) {
                $wpdb->delete($wpdb->prefix . 'film_episode', array('episode_film' => $postID));
            if (check_fiml_meta($postID) == false) {
            $meta_value = implode("\n", $linkphim);
            $data = explode('|', $meta_value);
            if ($meta_value != "") {
                $episode_post = implode("\n", $linkphim);
                $episode_film = $postID;
                $list_episode = explode("\n", $episode_post);
                $count_ep = count($list_episode);
                for ($i = 0; $i < $count_ep; $i++) {
                    $tap[$i] = explode('#', trim($list_episode[$i]));
                    $ten_tap[$i] = trim($tap[$i][0]);
                    $link_tap[$i] = trim($tap[$i][1]);
                    $thu_tu[$i] = trim($tap[$i][2]);
                    if (FilmEpisodeNewEpisode($ten_tap[$i], $postID, 0, $link_tap[$i], $thu_tu[$i], time())) {
                        //$tb .= $ten_tap [$i] . ' - ';
                    } else {
                        echo '<div id="message" class="error fade" style="background-color: rgb(218, 79, 33);"><br/><b>L?i ! t?p ' . $ten_tap[$i] . ' server ' . $_POST['episode_server'] . ' d� t?n t?i</b><br/><br/></div>';
            wp_update_post(array('ID' => $postID));
            wp_safe_redirect(admin_url('post.php?post=' . $postID . '&action=edit', 'Đã thêm xong'));
        //end update link phim
    } else {
	<form action="" method="post" class="gnarty-grab">
					<h1 style="padding: 16px 0px 16px 0px;">Grab link</h1>
					<div class="form_item">
							<select name="webgrab">
									<option value="phim3s"></option>
									<option value="phimletvn">Phim.Let.Vn</option>
									<option value="tvphimhd">tvphimhd.Com</option>
									<option value="xemphimfullhd"></option>
									<option value="phim1k"></option>
									<option value="phim14"></option>	
									<option value="phimbb"></option>	
									<option value="phimkk"></option>
									<option value="phim85"></option>	
									<option value="phim8"></option>
									<option value="congdongvip"></option>
									<option value="animefc"></option>
						<div class="form_item">
							<input maxlength="250" onclick="" value="Điền link vào đây" name="urlgrab" size="30" class="flat" type="text" />
						<div class="form_item">
							<label>Get từ tập : </label>
							<input type="text" name="from" value="-1" size="5" style="width:50px;" />
						<div class="form_item">
							<label>Đến tập : </label>
							<input type="text" name="to" value="-1" size="5" style="width:50px;" /><br />
							<i>Nếu để cả 2 ô là <strong>-1</strong> thì sẽ lấy tất cả tập phim,sau đó xóa hết các tập phim cũ và thêm mới.</i>
 						<div class="form_item">
							<input class="button button-primary button-large" type="submit" name="ok" value="Submit" />
Beispiel #2
} else {
    echo "updating";
<dt>Thể loại:</dt>
echo trim($output, $seperator);
<dt>Quốc gia:</dt><dd>
<a href="<?php 
echo strtolower(str_replace(" ", "-", get_ascii(get_post_meta($post->ID, "phim_qg", true))));
" title="Phim <?php 
echo get_post_meta($post->ID, "phim_qg", true);
echo get_post_meta($post->ID, "phim_qg", true);
<dt>Thời lượng:</dt>
echo get_post_meta($post->ID, "phim_tl", true);
<dt>Năm phát hành:</dt>
Beispiel #3
} else {
    $d = array();
if ($country != '') {
    $c = array('tax_query' => array(array('taxonomy' => 'quoc-gia', 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => $country)));
} else {
    $c = array();
<div class="container " id="fnBody">
                <div class="content" id="fnBodyContent">
global $wpdb, $post;
$key = stripslashes(get_ascii(get_search_query()));
if ($check = $wpdb->get_results("select * from wp_posts where post_title_tv like '%{$key}%' and post_type='post' and post_status='publish' limit 30")) {
    if (count($check) > 0) {
        foreach ($check as $post) {
            get_template_part('loop', get_post_format());
} elseif ($check = $wpdb->get_results("select * from wp_postmeta where meta_key='phim_en' and meta_value like '%{$key}%' limit 30")) {
    foreach ($check as $post) {
                                                <!-- Lay phim -->												
<a href="<?php 
function add_film_meta($film_id)
    global $wpdb;
    $st = stripslashes(get_ascii(get_the_title($film_id)));
    $q = "INSERT INTO " . DATA_FILM_META . " (\r\n\t\t\t\t\tfilm_id\r\n\t\t\t\t\t) \r\n\t\t\t\tVALUES (\r\n\t\t\t\t\t'" . $film_id . "'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t)";
    $r = $wpdb->query($q);
    $wpdb->query("UPDATE wp_posts \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSET  \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tpost_title_tv = '{$st}' \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE ID = {$film_id}");
    if ($r) {
        return "Thêm film meta thành công";
    } else {
        return "Éo thêm dc film meta";