/** * build_settings_formtype * * * */ function build_settings_formtype($setting_data) { // options for themes dropdown if ($setting_data['property_name'] == 'theme') { $theme_dir = WW_ROOT . "/ww_view/themes/"; $themes = get_folders($theme_dir); $setting_data['options'] = '/' . implode(',/', $themes); } switch ($setting_data['formtype']) { // text case 'text': case 'custom': $default = !empty($setting_data['default_value']) ? $setting_data['default_value'] : '[no default]'; $default = $setting_data['formtype'] == 'custom' ? '[custom field]' : $default; $form_field = ' <p> <label for="' . $setting_data['property_name'] . '"> ' . str_replace('_', ' ', $setting_data['property_name']) . ' </label> <input type="text" name="' . $setting_data['property_name'] . '" id="' . $setting_data['property_name'] . '" value="' . $setting_data['property_value'] . '"/> <span class="default">' . $default . '</span> <span class="note">' . $setting_data['summary'] . '</span> </p>'; break; // textarea // textarea case 'textarea': $default = !empty($setting_data['default_value']) ? $setting_data['default_value'] : '[no default]'; $form_field = ' <p> <label for="' . $setting_data['property_name'] . '"> ' . str_replace('_', ' ', $setting_data['property_name']) . ' </label> <textarea name="' . $setting_data['property_name'] . '" id="' . $setting_data['property_name'] . '" cols="50" rows="3">' . $setting_data['property_value'] . '</textarea> <span class="default">' . $default . '</span> <span class="note">' . $setting_data['summary'] . '</span> </p>'; break; // select // select case 'select': $default = !empty($setting_data['default_value']) ? $setting_data['default_value'] : '[no default]'; $form_field = ' <p> <label for="' . $setting_data['property_name'] . '"> ' . str_replace('_', ' ', $setting_data['property_name']) . ' </label> <select name="' . $setting_data['property_name'] . '" id="' . $setting_data['property_name'] . '" > <option value="">select...</option>'; //options for front article dropdown if ($setting_data['property_name'] == 'article_id') { $articles = get_articles_basic('', '', 'date_uploaded DESC', 25); foreach ($articles as $article) { $selected = $article['id'] == $setting_data['property_value'] ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; $form_field .= ' <option value="' . $article['id'] . '"' . $selected . '>' . $article['title'] . '</option>'; } } else { // generic options $options = explode(",", $setting_data['options']); foreach ($options as $option) { $option = trim($option); $selected = $option == $setting_data['property_value'] ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; $form_field .= ' <option value="' . $option . '"' . $selected . '>' . $option . '</option>'; } } $form_field .= ' </select> <span class="default">' . $default . '</span> <span class="note">' . $setting_data['summary'] . '</span> </p>'; break; // checkbox /* case 'checkbox': $checked = (!empty($setting_data['property_value'])) ? ' checked="checked"' : '' ; $default = (!empty($setting_data['default_value'])) ? 'yes' : 'no' ; $form_field = ' <p> <label for="'.$setting_data['property_name'].'"> '.str_replace('_',' ',$setting_data['property_name']).' </label> <span class="checkbox"> <input type="'.$setting_data['formtype'].'" name="'.$setting_data['property_name'].'" id="'.$setting_data['property_name'].'" value="1"'.$checked.'/> </span> <span class="default">'.$default.'</span> <span class="note">'.$setting_data['summary'].'</span> </p>'; break; */ // checkbox /* case 'checkbox': $checked = (!empty($setting_data['property_value'])) ? ' checked="checked"' : '' ; $default = (!empty($setting_data['default_value'])) ? 'yes' : 'no' ; $form_field = ' <p> <label for="'.$setting_data['property_name'].'"> '.str_replace('_',' ',$setting_data['property_name']).' </label> <span class="checkbox"> <input type="'.$setting_data['formtype'].'" name="'.$setting_data['property_name'].'" id="'.$setting_data['property_name'].'" value="1"'.$checked.'/> </span> <span class="default">'.$default.'</span> <span class="note">'.$setting_data['summary'].'</span> </p>'; break; */ case 'checkbox': $yes_selected = !empty($setting_data['property_value']) ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; $no_selected = empty($setting_data['property_value']) ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; $default = !empty($setting_data['default_value']) ? 'yes' : 'no'; $opt_class = !empty($setting_data['property_value']) ? ' opt_yes' : ''; $form_field = ' <p> <label for="' . $setting_data['property_name'] . '"> ' . str_replace('_', ' ', $setting_data['property_name']) . ' </label> <select name="' . $setting_data['property_name'] . '" id="' . $setting_data['property_name'] . '" class="select_checkbox' . $opt_class . '"> <option value="0"' . $no_selected . '>No</option> <option value="1"' . $yes_selected . '>Yes</option> </select> <span class="default">' . $default . '</span> <span class="note">' . $setting_data['summary'] . '</span> </p>'; break; default: $form_field = ''; } // end switch return $form_field; }
<?php header('Content-type: text/xml'); echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<urlset xmlns=\"http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9\" \nxmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" \nxsi:schemaLocation=\"http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9/sitemap.xsd\">\n"; // get site data and connections include_once '../ww_config/model_functions.php'; include_once '../ww_config/controller_functions.php'; include_once '../ww_config/combined_functions.php'; $layout = get_settings('layout'); $url_style = $layout['layout']['url_style']; // get all articles $articles_xml_list = get_articles_basic($url_style, '', 'date_uploaded DESC'); if (empty($articles_xml_list)) { echo "</urlset>"; exit; } // set sitemap header $site_link = constant('WW_WEB_ROOT'); $most_recent_ts = strtotime($articles_xml_list[0]['date_uploaded']); $most_recent = date('Y-m-d', $most_recent_ts); echo "\n <url>\n <loc>" . WW_WEB_ROOT . "</loc>\n <lastmod>" . $most_recent . "</lastmod>\n <changefreq>weekly</changefreq>\n <priority>0.8</priority>\n </url>"; foreach ($articles_xml_list as $article) { echo "\n\t<url>\n\t\t<loc>" . $article['link'] . "</loc>\n\t\t<lastmod>" . date('Y-m-d', strtotime($article['date_uploaded'])) . "</lastmod>\n\t\t<priority>0.8</priority>\n\t\t<changefreq>weekly</changefreq>\n\t</url>"; } // add category index $cats_xml_list = get_categories_basic(); foreach ($cats_xml_list as $cat_xml) { echo "\n\t\t<url>\n\t\t\t<loc>" . $cat_xml['link'] . "</loc>\n\t\t\t<priority>0.3</priority>\n\t\t\t<changefreq>monthly</changefreq>\n\t\t</url>"; } // add tag index $tags_xml_list = get_tags();
/** * build_write_form * * * * * * */ function show_comment_form_admin($article_id = 0, $reply_id = 0) { // validate params $article_id = isset($article_id) ? (int) $article_id : 0; $reply_id = isset($reply_id) ? (int) $reply_id : 0; $comment_body = isset($_POST['body']) ? $_POST['body'] : ''; // work out how to display article_id elements on the form if (!empty($reply_id) && !empty($article_id)) { // hard code the parameters into the form $article_chunk = ' <input name="article_id" id="article_id" value="' . $article_id . '" type="hidden"> '; } else { $articles = $articles = get_articles_basic('', '', 'date_uploaded DESC', 0); $article_chunk = ' <label for="article_id">Article</label> <select name="article_id"> <option value="0">select article...</option>'; foreach ($articles as $article) { $selected = $article['id'] == $article_id ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; $article_chunk .= ' <option value="' . $article['id'] . '"' . $selected . '>' . $article['title'] . '</option> '; } $article_chunk .= ' </select></p> <p>'; } // start building main form $html = ' <form action="' . current_url() . '" method="post" id="comment_form"> <p><label for="body">Comment</label> <textarea name="body" title="your comment" id="body" cols="32" rows="8">' . $comment_body . '</textarea></p> <p> ' . $article_chunk . ' <input name="reply_id" id="reply_id" value="' . $reply_id . '" type="hidden"> <input name="title" id="title" value="" type="hidden"> <input name="submit_comment" id="submit_comment" value="Submit" type="submit"> </p> </form> '; return $html; }
$months_list = get_months(); $search_form = show_search_form(); $aside_snippet['twitter_feed'] = ''; if (!empty($config['connections']['twitter_username'])) { $twitter_username = $config['connections']['twitter_username']; $twitter_feed = get_twitter_feed($twitter_username); $aside_snippet['twitter_feed'] = build_snippet('Recent twitterings...', $twitter_feed); } // now use a ready made function to put the above data arrays into some drop down lists $months_select_form = build_select_form('months_select_form', $months_list); $categories_select_form = build_select_form('categories_select_form', $categories_list); $authors_select_form = build_select_form('authors_select_form', $authors_list); $tags_select_form = build_select_form('tags_select_form', $tags_list); // get two lists of articles - the latest and the most popule $latest_articles = get_articles_basic($config['layout']['url_style']); $popular_articles = get_articles_basic($config['layout']['url_style'], '', 'view_count DESC', '5'); // feeds - this is slightly different - we'll write out the html and put it in a variable $feeds_img = file_exists(WW_ROOT . '/ww_view/_img/feed-icon16x16.png') ? '<img src="' . WW_WEB_ROOT . '/ww_view/_img/feed-icon16x16.png" alt="RSS logo" width="16" height="16"/>' : ''; $feeds_list = ' <ul> <li> <a href="' . WW_WEB_ROOT . '/rss/" rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml">' . $feeds_img . 'Main feed</a> </li> <li> <a title="RSS feeds for ' . $config['site']['title'] . '" href="' . WW_WEB_ROOT . '/feeds/">Click here to view all available feeds</a> </li> </ul>'; // get content for menu aside $aside_snippet['main_menu'] = ''; if ($config['layout']['main_menu'] == 'aside') { $menu_links = get_links('site_menu');