Beispiel #1
$robots_follow = NULL;
$content_type_header = NULL;
 * Default 200 = success
$http_response_code = 200;
 * @global array IDs of featured posts that are being displayed -- needed so we can filter it out of normal post flow
$featured_displayed_item_IDs = array();
// Initialize some variables for template functions
$required_js = array();
$required_css = array();
$headlines = array();
// ############ Get ReqPath & ReqURI ##############
list($ReqPath, $ReqURI) = get_ReqURI();
 * Full requested Host (including protocol).
 * {@internal Note: on IIS you can receive 'off' in the HTTPS field!! :[ }}
 * @global string
$ReqHost = '';
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
    $ReqHost = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'off' ? 'https://' : 'http://') . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
$ReqURL = $ReqHost . $ReqURI;
$Debuglog->add('vars: $ReqHost: ' . $ReqHost, 'request');
$Debuglog->add('vars: $ReqURI: ' . $ReqURI, 'request');
$Debuglog->add('vars: $ReqPath: ' . $ReqPath, 'request');
 * Check request for quick installation
 * Update basic config file from url params
 * @return boolean|string TRUE on success, OR error messages
function check_quick_install_request()
    global $config_is_done, $db_config, $install_login, $install_password, $Messages;
    $admin_login = param('admin_login', 'string', '');
    $admin_password = param('admin_password', 'string', '');
    if (!empty($admin_login)) {
        // Try to use an admin login from request:
        if (param_check_valid_login('admin_login')) {
            // We can use this login name
            $install_login = $admin_login;
        } else {
            // Display an error message for impossible login name:
            $Messages->add(sprintf('ERROR: Impossible to use "%s" for the admin account. Using "admin" instead.', $admin_login));
    if (!empty($admin_password) && param_check_passwords('admin_password', 'admin_password', false, 5)) {
        // Set admin password from request:
        $install_password = $admin_password;
    if ($config_is_done) {
        // Config is already done, Don't use url params to update basic config file
        return true;
    // DB Access:
    $db_user = param('db_user', 'string', '');
    $db_password = param('db_password', 'raw', '');
    $db_name = param('db_name', 'string', '');
    $db_host = param('db_host', 'string', '');
    $db_tableprefix = param('db_tableprefix', 'string', '');
    // Admin e-mail:
    global $admin_email;
    $default_admin_email = $admin_email;
    $conf_admin_email = param('admin_email', 'string', '', false, true);
    if (!empty($conf_admin_email) || !empty($db_user) || !empty($db_password) || !empty($db_name) || !empty($db_host) || !empty($db_tableprefix)) {
        // Try to update basic config file ONLY when at least one of these params are defined
        if (empty($conf_admin_email) || !param_check_email('admin_email')) {
            // Use default admin email if it is empty from request
            $conf_admin_email = $default_admin_email;
        // Base URL:
        global $baseurl, $admin_url, $dispatcher, $tableprefix;
        $baseurl = param('baseurl', 'string', '', false, true);
        if (empty($baseurl) || !preg_match('~https?://~', $baseurl)) {
            // Try to autogenerate base url if it is empty or wrong from request:
            $baseurl = 'http://' . (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] : '');
            if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != '80') {
                $baseurl .= ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'];
            list($ReqPath, $ReqURI) = get_ReqURI();
            $baseurl .= preg_replace('#/install(/(index.php)?)?$#', '', $ReqPath) . '/';
        // Add a slash at the end if it is missed:
        $baseurl = trim($baseurl, '/') . '/';
        // Update $admin_url to new value because it depends on $baseurl:
        $admin_url = $baseurl . $dispatcher;
        // Update $tableprefix to new from request:
        $tableprefix = $db_tableprefix;
        // Try to create basic config file:
        $basic_config_params = array('db_user' => $db_user, 'db_password' => $db_password, 'db_name' => $db_name, 'db_host' => $db_host, 'db_tableprefix' => $db_tableprefix, 'baseurl' => $baseurl, 'admin_email' => $conf_admin_email, 'print_messages' => false, 'quick_install' => true);
        if (update_basic_config_file($basic_config_params)) {
            // Basic config file has been created successfully
            // Update DB config to connect to DB correctly
            $db_config['user'] = $db_user;
            $db_config['password'] = $db_password;
            $db_config['name'] = $db_name;
            $db_config['host'] = $db_host;
        } else {
            // Failed on createing of basic config file
            return false;
    // Revert config admin email to original value:
    $admin_email = $default_admin_email;
    return true;