Beispiel #1
 if (isset($_SESSION['filter']['ipasn'])) {
     if (isset($_SESSION['filter']['Not_ipasn']) and $_SESSION['filter']['Not_ipasn']) {
         $showFilter .= "| Client IP Autonomous System Number: <span class=\"Negate\">" . $_SESSION['filter']['ipasn'] . "</span>";
         $showFilter .= "<span class=\"filter_control\" > (<a href=\"{$thisPage}?ipasn=" . $_SESSION['filter']['ipasn'] . "&Not_ipasn=0\" title=\"Exclude the Client IP Autonomous System Number from Filter\" class=\"filter_control\">Not</a>)";
     } else {
         $showFilter .= "| Client IP Autonomous System Number: " . $_SESSION['filter']['ipasn'];
         $showFilter .= "<span class=\"filter_control\" > (<a href=\"{$thisPage}?ipasn=" . $_SESSION['filter']['ipasn'] . "&Not_ipasn=1\" title=\"Exclude the Client IP Autonomous System Number from Filter\" class=\"filter_control\">Not</a>)";
     $showFilter .= " (<a href=\"{$thisPage}?ipasn=x\" title=\"Clear Client IP Country Code Filter\" class=\"filter_control\">Del</a>)</span> ";
 if (isset($_SESSION['filter']['web_Hostname'])) {
     if (isset($_SESSION['filter']['Not_web_Hostname']) and $_SESSION['filter']['Not_web_Hostname']) {
         $showFilter .= "| Web Hostname: <span class=\"Negate\">" . headerprintnobr(getWebHostName($_SESSION['filter']['web_Hostname'])) . "</span>";
         $showFilter .= "<span class=\"filter_control\" > (<a href=\"{$thisPage}?web_Hostname=" . $_SESSION['filter']['web_Hostname'] . "&Not_web_Hostname=0\" title=\"Exclude the Web Hostname from Search\" class=\"filter_control\">Not</a>)";
     } else {
         $showFilter .= "| Web Hostname: " . headerprintnobr(getWebHostName($_SESSION['filter']['web_Hostname']));
         $showFilter .= "<span class=\"filter_control\" > (<a href=\"{$thisPage}?web_Hostname=" . $_SESSION['filter']['web_Hostname'] . "&Not_web_Hostname=1\" title=\"Exclude the Web Hostname from Search\" class=\"filter_control\">Not</a>)";
     $showFilter .= " (<a href=\"{$thisPage}?web_Hostname=x\" title=\"Clear Web Hostname Filter\" class=\"filter_control\">Del</a>)</span> ";
 if (isset($_SESSION['filter']['src_sensor'])) {
     $sensor = getsensorname($_SESSION['filter']['src_sensor']);
     if (isset($_SESSION['filter']['Not_src_sensor']) and $_SESSION['filter']['Not_src_sensor']) {
         $showFilter .= "| Sensor: <span class=\"Negate\">" . $sensor['name'] . "</span>";
         $showFilter .= "<span class=\"filter_control\" > (<a href=\"{$thisPage}?src_sensor=" . $_SESSION['filter']['src_sensor'] . "&Not_src_sensor=0\" title=\"Exclude the Sensor from Filter\" class=\"filter_control\">Not</a>)";
     } else {
         $showFilter .= "| Sensor: " . $sensor['name'];
         $showFilter .= "<span class=\"filter_control\" > (<a href=\"{$thisPage}?src_sensor=" . $_SESSION['filter']['src_sensor'] . "&Not_src_sensor=1\" title=\"Exclude the Sensor from Filter\" class=\"filter_control\">Not</a>)";
     $showFilter .= " (<a href=\"{$thisPage}?src_sensor=x\" title=\"Clear Sensor Filter\" class=\"filter_control\">Del</a>)</span> ";
Beispiel #2
 } elseif ($event['h_action_status'] < 20) {
     $h_action_text = "Allowed";
     print "<td>\n                      <a href=\"events.php?actionstatus=" . headerprintnobr($event['h_action_status']) . "\" title=\"Filter by action: {$h_action_text}\">\n                      <img src=\"images/allow.png\" alt=\"{$h_action_text} (" . headerprintnobr($event['h_action_status']) . ")\" style=\"border-style: none\" />\n                      </a>\n                      </td>";
 } elseif ($event['h_action_status'] >= 20) {
     $h_action_text = "Passed/Detection Only";
     print "<td>\n                      <a href=\"events.php?actionstatus=" . $event['h_action_status'] . "\" title=\"Filter by action: {$h_action_text}\">\n                      <img src=\"images/warning.png\" alt=\"{$h_action_text} (" . headerprintnobr($event['h_action_status']) . ")\" style=\"border-style: none\" />\n                      </a>\n                      </td>";
 print "<td>";
 $sensor = getSensorName($event['sensor_id']);
 print "<div title=\"Click to filter by sensor " . headerprintnobr($sensor['name']) . ": " . headerprintnobr($sensor['description']) . "\"><a href=\"events.php?src_sensor=" . headerprintnobr($event['sensor_id']) . "\" > " . headerprintnobr($sensor['name']) . " </a>  <br> </div>";
 print "</td>";
 print "<td><a href=\"events.php?severity=" . headerprintnobr($event['h_severity']) . "\">\n                   <img src=\"images/" . headerprintnobr($event['h_severity']) . ".png\" style=\"border-style: none\" title=\"Click to filter by severity: " . headerprintnobr($severitytext) . "\" alt=\"Click to filter by severity: " . headerprintnobr($severitytext) . "\" /></a></td>";
 print "<td>" . headerprintnobr($event['a_timestamp']) . "</td>";
 print "<td>\n                   <a href=\"events.php?esrc=" . headerprintnobr($event['a_client_ip']) . "\" title=\"Click to filter by this IP\">\n                   " . $event['a_client_ip'] . " </a>\n                   " . $event['a_client_port'] . "\n                   </td>";
 if ($event['b_host'] != '') {
     print "<td><div class=\"wordwrap\">Hostname: <a href=\"events.php?web_Hostname=" . headerprintnobr($event['b_host']) . "\" title=\"Click to filter by this Web Hostname\">" . headerprintnobr(getWebHostName($event['b_host'])) . "</a>, ";
 } else {
     print "<td>Hostname: N/A, ";
 print "Port: " . headerprintnobr($event['a_server_port']) . ", <br />\n                      Method: <a href=\"events.php?method=" . headerprintnobr($event['b_method']) . "\" title=\"Click to filter by this method\">" . $event['b_method'] . "</a>,\n                      Path: <a href=\"events.php?path=" . headerprintnobr($event['b_path']) . "\" title=\"Click to filter by this Path\">" . headerprintnobr($event['b_path']) . "</a>";
 if ($event['b_path_parameter'] != "") {
     print "?" . headerprintnobr($event['b_path_parameter']);
 print "<br />Status Code: <a href=\"events.php?http_Status=" . headerprintnobr($event['f_status']) . "\" title=\"Click to filter by this HTTP Status\">" . headerprintnobr($event['f_status']) . "</a> ";
 if ($event['f_msg'] != '') {
     print "(<i>" . headerprintnobr($event['f_msg']) . "</i>)</div></td>";
 print "<td>";
 print "<div class=\"wordwrap\">";
 if (is_array($event['h_message_ruleId'])) {
     foreach ($event['h_message_ruleId'] as $key => $value) {
Beispiel #3
if ($event_detail['a_client_ip_asn'] != '0') {
    print "<a href=\"events.php?ipasn=" . headerprintnobr($event_detail['a_client_ip_asn']) . "\" title=\"Filter by this Client IP Autonomous System Number " . headerprintnobr($event_detail['a_client_ip_asn']) . "\">AS" . $event_detail['a_client_ip_asn'] . "</a>";
} else {
    print "NA";

	<td valign="top">Destination</td>
print "<a \n      \n      href=\"events.php?web_Hostname=" . headerprintnobr($event_detail['b_host']) . "\" title=\"Filter by this Web Hostname\">" . headerprintnobr(getWebHostName($event_detail['b_host'])) . "</a> / " . headerprintnobr($event_detail['a_server_port']);

	<td valign="top">Web App Info</td>
if ($event_detail['h_wa_info_app_id'] == "") {
    print "-";
} else {
    print "<a href=\"events.php?webApp=" . headerprintnobr($event_detail['h_wa_info_app_id']) . "\" title=\"Filter by this Web App Info\">" . headerprintnobr($event_detail['h_wa_info_app_id']) . "</a> ";
Beispiel #4
         <br />

         <div class="dashchart">
            <div class="ChartTitle">Top Targets</div>
            <div class="ChartBody" id="chartTopTargets"></div>
            <div class="ChartBottom"></div>

$topTargets = statsTopTargets();
if (is_array($topTargets)) {
    $topTargetData = null;
    $topTargetName = null;
    foreach ($topTargets as $target) {
        $topTargetData = $topTargetData . "['" . getWebHostName($target['b_host']) . "',{$target['host_count']},'{$target['b_host']}'],";
        if ($maxTargetCount < $target['host_count']) {
            $maxTargetCount = $target['host_count'];
    print "targetBar1 = [{$topTargetData}];\n";
} else {
    print "targetBar1 = [[null,null,null]];\n";

            $.jqplot('chartTopTargets', [targetBar1], {
               seriesColors: [ "#D43400","#006400", "#FFDA2B","#185DBC","#73CC00","#881141","#8AC3F4","#05493C"],
               axesDefaults: {
                  labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer,