Beispiel #1
 * Enter description here...
 * @param unknown_type $ret
 * @return
function generateDomainObjects($ret){
		$tableName = $ret[$i][0];
		$clazzName = getClazzName($tableName);
			$clazzName = substr($clazzName, 0, strlen($clazzName)-1);
		$template = new Template('templates/Domain.tpl');
		$template->set('domain_class_name', $clazzName);
		$template->set('table_name', $tableName);
		$tab = getFields($tableName);
		$fields = "";
		$initFields = "";
		$getsetMethods = "\n";
		$toStrFields = "return ''";
		for($j=0;$j<count($tab);$j++) {
			$fieldName = getVarNameWithS($tab[$j][0]);
			$fields .= "\tprivate $".$fieldName.";\n";
			$initFields .= "\t\tif (isset(\$fields['".$fieldName."'])) \$this->".$fieldName." = \$fields['".$fieldName."'];\n";
			$camelFieldName = $fieldName;
			$camelFieldName[0] = strtoupper($fieldName[0]);
			$getsetMethods .= "\tpublic function get$camelFieldName() {\n\t\treturn \$this->$fieldName;\n\t}\n";
			$getsetMethods .= "\tpublic function set$camelFieldName($".$fieldName.") {\n\t\t\$this->fields['$fieldName'] = $".$fieldName.";\n\t\t\$this->$fieldName = $".$fieldName.";\n\t}\n\n";
			$toStrFields .= ".':'.\$this->".$fieldName;
		$toStrFields .= ";";
		$template->set('variables', $fields);
		$template->set('init_variables', $initFields);
		$template->set('getset_methods', $getsetMethods);
		$template->set('tostr_variables', $toStrFields);
		$template->set('date', date("Y-m-d H:i"));
Beispiel #2
function getnerateIDAOObjects($ret)
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($ret); $i++) {
        if (!doesTableContainPK($ret[$i])) {
        $tableName = $ret[$i][0];
        $clazzName = getClazzName($tableName);
        $tab = getFields($tableName);
        $parameterSetter = "\n";
        $insertFields = "";
        $updateFields = "";
        $questionMarks = "";
        $readRow = "\n";
        $pk = '';
        $pks = array();
        $queryByField = '';
        $deleteByField = '';
        for ($j = 0; $j < count($tab); $j++) {
            if ($tab[$j][3] == 'PRI') {
                $pk = $tab[$j][0];
                $c = count($pks);
                $pks[$c] = $tab[$j][0];
            } else {
                $insertFields .= $tab[$j][0] . ", ";
                $updateFields .= $tab[$j][0] . " = ?, ";
                $questionMarks .= "?, ";
                if (isColumnTypeNumber($tab[$j][1])) {
                    $parameterSetter .= "\t\t\$sqlQuery->setNumber(\$" . getVarName($tableName) . "->get" . camelize(getVarNameWithS($tab[$j][0])) . "());\n";
                } else {
                    $parameterSetter .= "\t\t" . '$sqlQuery->set($' . getVarName($tab[$j][0]) . ');' . "\n";
                $queryByField .= "\tpublic function queryBy" . getClazzName($tab[$j][0]) . "(\$value);\n\n";
                $deleteByField .= "\tpublic function deleteBy" . getClazzName($tab[$j][0]) . "(\$value);\n\n";
            $readRow .= "\t\t\$" . getVarName($tableName) . "->" . getVarNameWithS($tab[$j][0]) . " = \$row['" . $tab[$j][0] . "'];\n";
        if ($pk == '') {
        if (count($pks) == 1) {
            $template = new Template('templates/IDAO.tpl');
        } else {
            $template = new Template('templates/IDAO_with_complex_pk.tpl');
        $template->set('dao_clazz_name', $clazzName);
        $template->set('domain_clazz_name', getDTOName($tableName));
        $template->set('dao_clazz_name_singular', plural2singular($clazzName));
        $template->set('table_name', $tableName);
        $template->set('var_name', getVarName($tableName));
        $s = '';
        $s2 = '';
        $s3 = '';
        $s4 = '';
        $insertFields2 = $insertFields;
        $questionMarks2 = $questionMarks;
        for ($z = 0; $z < count($pks); $z++) {
            $questionMarks2 .= ', ?';
            if ($z > 0) {
                $s .= ', ';
                $s2 .= ' AND ';
                $s3 .= "\t\t";
            $insertFields2 .= ', ' . getVarNameWithS($pks[$z]);
            $s .= '$' . getVarNameWithS($pks[$z]);
            $s2 .= getVarNameWithS($pks[$z]) . ' = ? ';
            $s3 .= '$sqlQuery->setNumber(' . getVarName($pks[$z]) . ');';
            $s3 .= "\n";
            $s4 .= "\n\t\t";
            $s4 .= '$sqlQuery->setNumber($' . getVarName($tableName) . '->' . getVarNameWithS($pks[$z]) . ');';
            $s4 .= "\n";
        $template->set('question_marks2', $questionMarks2);
        $template->set('insert_fields2', $insertFields2);
        $template->set('pk_set_update', $s4);
        $template->set('pk_set', $s3);
        $template->set('pk_where', $s2);
        $template->set('pks', $s);
        $insertFields = substr($insertFields, 0, strlen($insertFields) - 2);
        $updateFields = substr($updateFields, 0, strlen($updateFields) - 2);
        $questionMarks = substr($questionMarks, 0, strlen($questionMarks) - 2);
        $template->set('pk', $pk);
        $template->set('insert_fields', $insertFields);
        $template->set('read_row', $readRow);
        $template->set('update_fields', $updateFields);
        $template->set('question_marks', $questionMarks);
        $template->set('parameter_setter', $parameterSetter);
        $template->set('read_row', $readRow);
        $template->set('date', date("Y-m-d H:i"));
        $template->set('queryByFieldFunctions', $queryByField);
        $template->set('deleteByFieldFunctions', $deleteByField);
        $template->write('generated/class/dao/' . $clazzName . 'DAO.class.php');
Beispiel #3
function generateIDAOObjects($ret)
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($ret); $i++) {
        if (!doesTableContainPK($ret[$i])) {
        $tableName = $ret[$i][0];
        $clazzName = getClazzName($tableName);
        $tab = getFields($tableName);
        $nullReplacer = "\n";
        $parameterSetter = "\n";
        $insertFields = "";
        $updateFields = "";
        $questionMarks = "";
        $readRow = "\n";
        $pk = '';
        $pks = array();
        $queryByField = '';
        $deleteByField = '';
        //RJG - Default for no primary key the first column - so that views and tables without a primary key appear
        //Assume the first field is the primary key
        $primary_found = false;
        for ($j = 0; $j < count($tab); $j++) {
            if ($tab[$j][3] == 'PRI') {
                $primary_found = true;
        if (!$primary_found) {
            $tab[0][3] = 'PRI';
        //RJG End
        for ($j = 0; $j < count($tab); $j++) {
            if ($tab[$j][3] == 'PRI') {
                $pk = $tab[$j][0];
                $c = count($pks);
                $pks[$c] = $tab[$j][0];
            } else {
                $insertFields .= $tab[$j][0] . ", ";
                $updateFields .= $tab[$j][0] . " = ?, ";
                $questionMarks .= "?, ";
                //RJG - to handle insert and update with nulls
                $nullReplacer .= "\t\t\$qpos = strpos(\$sql, '?', \$qpos + 1);\n\t\tif ((!isset(\$" . getVarName($tableName) . "->" . getVarNameWithS($tab[$j][0]) . ")) || is_null(\$" . getVarName($tableName) . "->" . getVarNameWithS($tab[$j][0]) . "))\n\t\t\t\$sql = substr_replace(\$sql, 'NULL', \$qpos, 1);\n";
                if (isColumnTypeNumber($tab[$j][1])) {
                    $parameterSetter .= "\t\tif ((isset(\$" . getVarName($tableName) . "->" . getVarNameWithS($tab[$j][0]) . ")) && (!is_null(\$" . getVarName($tableName) . "->" . getVarNameWithS($tab[$j][0]) . ")))\n\t\t\t\$sqlQuery->setNumber(\$" . getVarName($tableName) . "->" . getVarNameWithS($tab[$j][0]) . ");\n";
                } else {
                    $parameterSetter .= "\t\tif ((isset(\$" . getVarName($tableName) . "->" . getVarNameWithS($tab[$j][0]) . ")) && (!is_null(\$" . getVarName($tableName) . "->" . getVarNameWithS($tab[$j][0]) . ")))\n\t\t\t\$sqlQuery->set(\$" . getVarName($tableName) . "->" . getVarNameWithS($tab[$j][0]) . ");\n";
                //RJG End
                $queryByField .= "\tpublic function queryBy" . getClazzName($tab[$j][0]) . "(\$value);\n\n";
                $deleteByField .= "\tpublic function deleteBy" . getClazzName($tab[$j][0]) . "(\$value);\n\n";
            $readRow .= "\t\t\$" . getVarName($tableName) . "->" . getVarNameWithS($tab[$j][0]) . " = \$row['" . $tab[$j][0] . "'];\n";
        if ($pk == '') {
        if (count($pks) == 1) {
            $template = new Template('templates/IDAO.tpl');
        } else {
            $template = new Template('templates/IDAO_with_complex_pk.tpl');
        $template->set('dao_clazz_name', $clazzName);
        $template->set('table_name', $tableName);
        $template->set('var_name', getVarName($tableName));
        $s = '';
        $s2 = '';
        $s3 = '';
        $s4 = '';
        $insertFields2 = $insertFields;
        $questionMarks2 = $questionMarks;
        for ($z = 0; $z < count($pks); $z++) {
            $questionMarks2 .= ', ?';
            if ($z > 0) {
                $s .= ', ';
                $s2 .= ' AND ';
                $s3 .= "\t\t";
            $insertFields2 .= ', ' . getVarNameWithS($pks[$z]);
            $s .= '$' . getVarNameWithS($pks[$z]);
            $s2 .= getVarNameWithS($pks[$z]) . ' = ? ';
            $s3 .= '$sqlQuery->setNumber(' . getVarName($pks[$z]) . ');';
            $s3 .= "\n";
            $s4 .= "\n\t\t";
            $s4 .= '$sqlQuery->setNumber($' . getVarName($tableName) . '->' . getVarNameWithS($pks[$z]) . ');';
            $s4 .= "\n";
        $template->set('question_marks2', $questionMarks2);
        $template->set('insert_fields2', $insertFields2);
        $template->set('pk_set_update', $s4);
        $template->set('pk_set', $s3);
        $template->set('pk_where', $s2);
        $template->set('pks', $s);
        $insertFields = substr($insertFields, 0, strlen($insertFields) - 2);
        $updateFields = substr($updateFields, 0, strlen($updateFields) - 2);
        $questionMarks = substr($questionMarks, 0, strlen($questionMarks) - 2);
        $template->set('pk', $pk);
        $template->set('insert_fields', $insertFields);
        $template->set('read_row', $readRow);
        $template->set('update_fields', $updateFields);
        $template->set('question_marks', $questionMarks);
        $template->set('null_replacer', $nullReplacer);
        $template->set('parameter_setter', $parameterSetter);
        $template->set('read_row', $readRow);
        $template->set('date', date("Y-m-d H:i"));
        $template->set('queryByFieldFunctions', $queryByField);
        $template->set('deleteByFieldFunctions', $deleteByField);
        $template->write('modelo/class/dao/' . $clazzName . 'DAO.class.php');