/** * api新增操作 */ public function doAdd() { $api = D('Api')->create(); if (!$api) { $this->ajaxReturn(null, D('Api')->getError(), 'success:false'); } //判断传入参数是否符合格式 $api = D('Api')->parseRequestHeader($api); if (empty($api)) { $this->ajaxReturn(0, "请求头信息输入不正确,请检查格式!", "success:false"); } $api['userId'] = getUserId(); //判断传入参数是否重复 $condition['host'] = $api['host']; $condition['method'] = $api['method']; $condition['path'] = $api['path']; $condition = $this->merge($condition); $temp = D('Api')->checkDuplicate($condition); if (!empty($temp)) { $this->ajaxReturn(0, "已经有相同的api存在,不允许重复录入", "success:false"); } $ret = D('Api')->add($api); if ($ret) { $this->ajaxReturn($ret, "成功新增Api数据!", "success:true"); } else { $this->ajaxReturn(0, "新增Api数据失败!", "success:false"); } }
/** * 执行新增操作 */ public function doAdd() { $plan = D("Plan"); $data = M("Plan")->create(); if (!empty($data['data'])) { $result = $plan->parseParam($data['data']); if (!$result) { $this->ajaxReturn(null, '您定义了私有参数,但是定义的格式有误!', 'success:false'); } $ret = $plan->checkParam($result); if ($ret['status'] === false) { $this->ajaxReturn(null, "有部分参数定义无效[" . $ret['data'] . "]", 'success:false'); } } if (empty($data['caseIds'])) { $this->ajaxReturn(null, "请添加测试用例", "success:false"); } $data['caseIds'] = implode(',', $data['caseIds']); $data['appId'] = getAppId(); $data['userId'] = getUserId(); $data['updateTime'] = getCurrentTime(); $ret = $plan->add($data); if (empty($ret)) { $this->ajaxReturn(null, '新增测试计划失败', 'success:false'); } $this->ajaxReturn($ret, '成功', 'success:true'); }
function CT_Start_Default($target) { requireModel("blog.attachment"); requireComponent("Eolin.PHP.Core"); requireComponent("Textcube.Function.misc"); global $blogid, $blogURL, $database, $service; $target .= '<ul>'; $target .= '<li><a href="' . $blogURL . '/owner/entry/post">' . _t('새 글을 씁니다') . '</a></li>' . CRLF; $latestEntryId = Setting::getBlogSettingGlobal('LatestEditedEntry_user' . getUserId(), 0); if ($latestEntryId !== 0) { $latestEntry = CT_Start_Default_getEntry($blogid, $latestEntryId); if ($latestEntry != false) { $target .= '<li><a href="' . $blogURL . '/owner/entry/edit/' . $latestEntry['id'] . '">' . _f('최근글(%1) 수정', htmlspecialchars(Utils_Unicode::lessenAsEm($latestEntry['title'], 10))) . '</a></li>'; } } if (Acl::check('group.administrators')) { $target .= '<li><a href="' . $blogURL . '/owner/skin">' . _t('스킨을 변경합니다') . '</a></li>' . CRLF; $target .= '<li><a href="' . $blogURL . '/owner/skin/sidebar">' . _t('사이드바 구성을 변경합니다') . '</a></li>' . CRLF; $target .= '<li><a href="' . $blogURL . '/owner/skin/setting">' . _t('블로그에 표시되는 값들을 변경합니다') . '</a></li>' . CRLF; $target .= '<li><a href="' . $blogURL . '/owner/entry/category">' . _t('카테고리를 변경합니다') . '</a></li>' . CRLF; $target .= '<li><a href="' . $blogURL . '/owner/plugin">' . _t('플러그인을 켜거나 끕니다') . '</a></li>' . CRLF; } if ($service['reader'] != false) { $target .= '<li><a href="' . $blogURL . '/owner/network/reader">' . _t('RSS 리더를 봅니다') . '</a></li>' . CRLF; } $target .= '</ul>'; return $target; }
function authenticate(\Slim\Route $route) { // Getting request headers $headers = apache_request_headers(); $response = array(); $app = \Slim\Slim::getInstance(); // Verifying Authorization Header if (isset($headers['Authorization'])) { // get the api key $api_key = $headers['Authorization']; // validating api key if (!ValidateAPIKey($api_key)) { // api key is not present in users table $response["error"] = true; $response["message"] = "Access Denied. Invalid API key"; echoRespnse(401, $response); $app->stop(); } else { global $user_id; // get user primary key id $user_id = getUserId($api_key); } } else { // api key is missing in header $response["error"] = true; $response["message"] = "API key is missing."; echoRespnse(400, $response); $app->stop(); } }
function getQueryList($sEmployeeId = '', $sDept = '', $sStat = '', $rType = '') { $sCondition = ''; $sDeptCondition = ''; $sStatCondition = ''; $sRtype = ''; if (!empty($sEmployeeId)) { $sCondition = "and e.id = {$sEmployeeId}"; } if (!empty($sStat) && strpos($sStat, "All") === false) { $sStatCondition = "and g.status = '{$sStat}'"; } if (!empty($sDept) && $sDept != -1) { $sDeptCondition = "and e.department_id = {$sDept}"; } if (!empty($rType)) { $sRtype = ''; } $iProfileId = getUserId($this); if (getRole($this) == 2) { $sdep = $this->mod->getDeptOfEmployee($iProfileId); $sDeptCondition = "and (e.department_id = {$sdep[0]->department_id})"; } else { if (getRole($this) == 3) { $sDeptCondition = "and (e.id = {$iProfileId})"; } } $query = $this->db->query("\r\n select \r\n g.*,\r\n concat(e.fname,' ',e.lname) as employee,\r\n datediff(g.end_date, g.start_date) as leaves \r\n from \r\n leave_transactions g, \r\n employees e,\r\n employment em \r\n where (g.employment_id = em.id and em.employee_id = e.id) \r\n {$sCondition} \r\n {$sStatCondition} \r\n {$sDeptCondition}\r\n order by g.filing_date desc"); $aResult = $query->result(); return $query->result(); }
public function getOSData() { $cols = array('meta1', 'clicks', 'click_throughs', 'click_through_rates', 'leads', 'conv', 'payout', 'epc', 'income'); $sql = 'select adv.platform_id, '; $sql .= getReportGeneralSelects() . 'from '; $sql .= getReportFilters('platforms/os', 'left join bt_s_clicks_advanced as adv on (click.click_id=adv.click_id)'); $sql .= ' and adv.platform_id > 0 group by adv.platform_id '; $result = DB::getRows($sql); $cnt = count($result); DB::query("delete from bt_c_statcache where user_id='" . DB::quote(getUserId()) . "' and type='platos'"); $bulk = new DB_Bulk_Insert('bt_c_statcache', array('user_id', 'type', 'clicks', 'click_throughs', 'click_through_rates', 'leads', 'conv', 'payout', 'epc', 'income', 'meta1')); foreach ($result as $row) { $row['platform_name'] = Browser::getPlatformName($row['platform_id']); if (!$row['platform_name']) { $row['platform_name'] = '[unknown os]'; } $bulk->insert(array(DB::quote(getUserId()), "'platos'", $row['clicks'], $row['click_throughs'], $row['click_through_rates'], $row['leads'], $row['conv'], $row['payout'], $row['epc'], $row['income'], "'" . DB::quote($row['platform_name']) . "'")); } $bulk->execute(); $sql = "select * from bt_c_statcache where user_id='" . DB::quote(getUserId()) . "' and type='platos' "; $sql .= getReportOrder($cols); $sql .= getReportLimits(); $result = DB::getRows($sql); return array('data' => $result, 'cnt' => $cnt, 'cols' => $cols); }
function getlist_json_employee($employee, $bool) { $list = $this->base_model->getLeaveCreditsByEmployee($employee, $bool); $date = $this->mod->getHireDateByEmployee(getUserId($this)); $arrayList = objectToArray($list); $newArray = array(); foreach ($arrayList as $key => $value) { $dayval = $value['days']; $usercount = 0; if ($value['date'] != '0000-00-00' && $value['date'] != '') { $hired = strtotime($date); $setdate = strtotime($value['date']); if ($hired > $setdate) { $dayval = $value['days_after']; } else { if ($hired < $setdate) { $dayval = $value['days_before']; } } } if ($value['schoolyear'] === getSchoolYear($this)) { $usercount = $value['usecount']; } array_push($newArray, array('id' => $value['id'], 'ltid' => $value['ltid'], 'title' => $value['title'], 'days' => $dayval, 'date' => $value['date'], 'days_before' => $value['days_before'], 'days_after' => $value['days_after'], 'usecount' => $usercount)); } echo json_encode($newArray); }
function CT_Start_Default($target) { importlib("model.blog.attachment"); $context = Model_Context::getInstance(); $blogURL = $context->getProperty('uri.blog'); $blogid = $context->getProperty('blog.id'); $target .= '<ul>'; $target .= '<li><a href="' . $blogURL . '/owner/entry/post">' . _t('새 글을 씁니다') . '</a></li>' . CRLF; $latestEntryId = Setting::getBlogSettingGlobal('LatestEditedEntry_user' . getUserId(), 0); if ($latestEntryId !== 0) { $latestEntry = CT_Start_Default_getEntry($blogid, $latestEntryId); if ($latestEntry != false) { $target .= '<li><a href="' . $blogURL . '/owner/entry/edit/' . $latestEntry['id'] . '">' . _f('최근글(%1) 수정', htmlspecialchars(Utils_Unicode::lessenAsEm($latestEntry['title'], 10))) . '</a></li>'; } } if (Acl::check('group.administrators')) { $target .= '<li><a href="' . $blogURL . '/owner/skin">' . _t('스킨을 변경합니다') . '</a></li>' . CRLF; $target .= '<li><a href="' . $blogURL . '/owner/skin/sidebar">' . _t('사이드바 구성을 변경합니다') . '</a></li>' . CRLF; $target .= '<li><a href="' . $blogURL . '/owner/skin/setting">' . _t('블로그에 표시되는 값들을 변경합니다') . '</a></li>' . CRLF; $target .= '<li><a href="' . $blogURL . '/owner/entry/category">' . _t('카테고리를 변경합니다') . '</a></li>' . CRLF; $target .= '<li><a href="' . $blogURL . '/owner/plugin">' . _t('플러그인을 켜거나 끕니다') . '</a></li>' . CRLF; } if ($context->getProperty('service.reader', false) != false) { $target .= '<li><a href="' . $blogURL . '/owner/network/reader">' . _t('RSS 리더를 봅니다') . '</a></li>' . CRLF; } $target .= '</ul>'; return $target; }
function getListByQuery($query, $department, $rtype = '') { $sDeptCondition = ''; $sCondition = ''; $sYear = getSchoolYear($this); if (getRole($this) == 2) { $sDept = $this->mod->getDeptOfEmployee(getUserId($this)); $sDept = $sDept[0]->department_id; $sDeptCondition = "employees.department_id = {$sDept} and"; } $sDeptCondition = ''; $rCondition = ''; if (getRole($this) != 2 && ($department != -1 && !empty($department))) { $sDeptCondition = "(employees.department_id = {$department}) and"; } if (!empty($query)) { $sCondition = "(employees.empno like '%{$query}%' or employees.fname like '%{$query}%' or employees.lname like '%{$query}%') and"; } $iProfileId = getUserId($this); if (getRole($this) == 2) { $sdep = $this->mod->getDeptOfEmployee($iProfileId); $sDeptCondition = "(employees.department_id = {$sdep[0]->department_id}) and "; } if (!empty($rtype)) { if (strpos($rtype, 'nal') !== false) { $rCondition = "and if(emp_types.time_unit = 'd', \r\n\r\n (select (sum(abs(datediff(g.end_date, g.start_date)) - abs(g.end_date_hw + g.start_date_hw)) +1)\r\n from \r\n leave_transactions g, leave_credits \r\n where \r\n\r\n employment_id = employment.id and \r\n leave_credits.id = leave_credits_id and \r\n leave_credits.is_base = 1 and g.schoolyear = '{$sYear}'),\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n round(( select (sum(timediff(g.end_time,g.start_time)))/10000 from \r\n leave_transactions g \r\n where \r\n\r\n g.employment_id = employment.id and g.schoolyear = '{$sYear}'\r\n\r\n ),2)) is null"; } } $query = $this->db->query("\r\n select \r\n employees.id as myid, \r\n employment.*, \r\n employees.*,\r\n ranks.*,\r\n roles.*,\r\n departments.*,\r\n emp_types.*,\r\n status.*,\r\n emp_types.time_unit as timeunit\r\n from \r\n employment, \r\n emp_types, \r\n status, \r\n employees, \r\n emp_types_stat,\r\n ranks,\r\n departments,\r\n roles\r\n where \r\n ({$sCondition} {$sDeptCondition} \r\n employment.emp_types_stat_id = emp_types_stat.id and\r\n \r\n emp_types.id = emp_types_stat.emp_types_id and \r\n \r\n status.id = emp_types_stat.status_id and \r\n \r\n employment.employee_id = employees.id and\r\n \r\n employees.rank_id = ranks.id and\r\n \r\n employees.department_id = departments.id and\r\n \r\n employees.role_id = roles.id) {$rCondition} \r\n\r\n group by employees.department_id, lname, fname\r\n "); if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { return $query->result(); } else { return ""; } }
public function edit() { $this->checkAuth(); if ($_POST) { $map['user_id'] = array('eq', getUserId()); $user = M('auth_user'); $user->startTrans(); $user->username = $_POST['username']; $user->where('id = ' . getUserId())->save(); $profile = M('profile'); $profile->pic = $_POST['pic']; $profile->location = $_POST['location']; $profile->realname = $_POST['realname']; $profile->aboutme = $_POST['aboutme']; if ($_POST['birthday']) { $profile->birthday = $_POST['birthday']; } else { $profile->birthday = null; } $profile->where($map)->save(); $user->commit(); } $map['u.id'] = array('eq', getUserId()); $profile = M('auth_user u')->join('left join profile p on p.user_id = u.id ')->where($map)->field('u.id,u.username,u.date_joined,u.email,p.pic,p.reputation,p.location,p.realname,p.aboutme,p.birthday')->select(); $this->assign('profile', $profile[0]); $this->display(); }
public function verifyPurchase($userId, $itemId, $transactions) { $transactionId = null; $transactions = json_decode(stripslashes($transactions)); for ($i = 0; $i < count($transactions); $i++) { if ($transactions[$i]->itemId == $itemId) { $transactionId = $transactions[$i]->transactionId; } } if ($transactionId) { $postDetails = array(USER => UID, PWD => PASSWORD, SIGNATURE => SIG, METHOD => "GetTransactionDetails", VERSION => VER, TRANSACTIONID => $transactionId); $arrPostVals = array_map(create_function('$key, $value', 'return $key."=".$value."&";'), array_keys($postDetails), array_values($postDetails)); $postVals = rtrim(implode($arrPostVals), "&"); $response = parseString(runCurl(URLBASE, $postVals)); $custom = explode("%2c", $response["CUSTOM"]); if (getUserId() == $custom[0] && $itemId == $custom[1]) { // ADDED LINE TO GET KS SESSION $ks = getSession($itemId, $userId); // ADD KS to ARRAY $returnObj = array(success => true, error => "", transactionId => $response["TRANSACTIONID"], orderTime => $response["ORDERTIME"], paymentStatus => $response["PAYMENTSTATUS"], itemId => $itemId, userId => $userId, ks => $ks); } } else { $returnObj = array(success => false, error => "Item not found in transaction history"); } echo json_encode($returnObj); }
function changePassword($aDetails) { $password = md5($aDetails['password']); $id = getUserId($this); $comp = $this->db->query("UPDATE `employees` SET `password` = '{$password}' WHERE id = {$id}"); return true; }
public function addAction() { $task = new Todo(); $task->title = $this->request->getPost('title'); $task->description = $this->request->getPost('description'); $task->user_id = getUserId(); $task->save(); $this->dispatcher->forward(['action' => 'index']); }
/** * 新增测试报告 * @param 测试用例id $caseId * @return 新增数据的id */ public function addReport($objId, $type, $prid = -1) { $data['objId'] = $objId; $data['userId'] = getUserId(); $data['status'] = ReportModel::RUNNING; $data['type'] = $type; $data['prid'] = $prid; return $this->add($data); }
public function indexAction() { $this->loadModel("ClickModel"); $model = new ClickModel(); $top_stats = $model->dashboardTopStats(getUserId()); $this->setVar("title", "Dashboard"); $this->setVar("top_stats", $top_stats); $this->render("dashboard/dashboard"); }
function showInformesDirectores() { $params = array(":idusuario" => getUserId()); $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM web.wpe_permisosintranet WHERE pe_idusuario = :idusuario AND pe_idpagina = 78"; return existeSql($sql, $params); }
protected function idisplay($title) { needLogin(); $model = D('User'); $uid = getUserId(); $data = $model->find($uid); $this->assign("user", $data); $this->assign("tpname", 'inc:uc_order_' . ACTION_NAME); $this->display('User:user', $title); }
function conciergeStatus() { $status = clearUser(); if ($status === "user cleared.") { $userId = getUserId($_POST["user"]); parseInputs($userId); } else { echo $status; } }
function isUserLoggedIn() { $userId = getUserId(); if ($userId != -1) { $account = DB::queryFirstRow("SELECT Id, Status FROM CWM_User WHERE Id=%?", $userId); $uidHashFromServer = sha1($account['Id']); $uidHash = getUserIdHash(); return isset($uidHash) && $uidHashFromServer == $uidHash && !is_null($account) && $account['Status'] == 1; } return false; }
function _buildQuery() { $query = DBModel::getInstance(); $query->reset('UserSettings'); $query->setQualifier('userid', 'equals', getUserId()); $query->setQualifier('name', 'equals', $this->name, false); if (isset($this->value)) { $query->setAttribute('value', $this->value, true); } return $query; }
function matchTrip($tripId) { if (!isLoggedIn()) { $response = array("status" => 1, "error" => "Invalid session"); echo json_encode($response); return; } include "config.php"; $myTripQuery = "SELECT * FROM " . $db_mysql_table_name . " WHERE id='" . $tripId . "'"; $tripQuerySuccess = mysqli_query($link, $myTripQuery); if ($tripQuerySuccess) { if (mysqli_num_rows($tripQuerySuccess) == 1) { $matchTrip = mysqli_fetch_assoc($tripQuerySuccess); } else { $response = array("status" => 1, "error" => "Duplicate id in DB "); echo json_encode($response); } } else { $response = array("status" => 1, "error" => "Unable to run query in DB"); echo json_encode($response); } $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $db_mysql_table_name . " WHERE state=0" . " AND id!='" . $tripId . "'" . " AND date='" . getTripDate($matchTrip) . "'"; // Ensures rides are on the same day. $success = mysqli_query($link, $query); $rows = array(); if ($success) { while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($success)) { if (timeCoincides($row, $matchTrip)) { // Ensures that they start at around the same time. if (getDistance(getDestAddr($row), getDestAddr($matchTrip)) <= 3000) { if (getDistance(getSourceAddr($row), getSourceAddr($matchTrip)) <= 3000) { $rows[] = $row; } } } } $response = array("status" => 0, "data" => $rows); $response = json_encode($response); foreach ($rows as $match) { send_email(getUserId($match), $response); } if (!empty($playerlist)) { // Do not send email if no match found send_email(getMailId(), $response); } else { // Send email of no match if needed. } echo json_encode($response); } else { $response = array("status" => 1, "error" => "Unable to run query in DB"); echo json_encode($response); } }
function getpage($p) { $data = initializeData($this, "Leave Transactions"); $data['page_url'] = main_url() . 'leave_transactions'; if ($p == 'form') { $this->load->model('leave_credits_model'); $list2 = $this->leave_credits_model->getLeaveCreditsByEmployee(getUserId($this), 1); $sJs = 'class="form-control form-text"'; $data['leave_list'] = generateSelectUI($this, $list2, 'leave_credits_id', 'id', 'title', '', $sJs); } $data['eid'] = $this->mod->getEmploymentId(getUserId($this)); renderPage($this, $this->table . '/' . $p, $data); }
function createAccount($connect, $name = "", $email) { if (getUserId($connect, $email) > 0) { return 3; } else { $query = "INSERT INTO `users` (`id`, `name`, `password`, `email`,`is_google`,`last_login`) VALUES (NULL,'{$name}',NULL,'{$email}',1,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)"; $query_run = mysqli_query($connect, $query); if ($query_run) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } }
function logQueueEnter($deviceID, $name, $ip, $raceID, $randomRaceString, $apiKey) { require 'config.php'; $con = mysqli_connect($config_var['mySQLHost'], $config_var['mySQLLogUsername'], $config_var['mySQLLogPassword'], $config_var['mySQLLogDatabase']); if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo "Failed to connect to log MySQL."; return; } $user_id = getUserId($con, $deviceID); $now = time(); $name_id = getStringId($con, $name); $ip_id = getStringId($con, $ip); $raceID = (int) $raceID; $randomRaceString_id = getStringId($con, $randomRaceString); $apiKey_id = getStringId($con, $apiKey); mysqli_query($con, "INSERT INTO `entered_queue` (`user`, `datetime`, `name`, `ip`, `race`, `random_race_string`, `api_key`)\r\n\t\t\tVALUES ({$user_id}, {$now}, {$name_id}, {$ip_id}, {$raceID}, {$randomRaceString_id}, {$apiKey_id})"); }
function base() { //$this->load->model('leave_transactions_model','mods'); //$result = $this->mods->getTransactionSummary(getUserId($this)); //var_dump($result); //exit; $data = initializeData($this, "Profile"); $data['data'] = getUserData($this); $data['title_here'] = $data['data'][0]->lname . ', ' . $data['data'][0]->fname . ' ' . $data['data'][0]->mname . ' (' . $data['data'][0]->empno . ')'; //error_reporting(E_ALL); $sDept = $this->mod->getDeptOfEmployee(getUserId($this)); $aDept = $this->mod->getObjectById('departments', 'id', $sDept[0]->department_id); $sStat = $this->mod->getStatOfEmployee(getUserId($this)); $aStat = $this->mod->getObjectById('status', 'id', $sStat[0]->id); $sEmp = $this->mod->getEmpTypeOfEmployee(getUserId($this)); $aEmp = $this->mod->getObjectById('emp_types', 'id', $sEmp[0]->id); //var_dump($aDept); //var_dump($aStat); //var_dump($aEmp); $data['leave_balance'] = $this->mod->getLeaveBalanceOfEmployee(getUserId($this)); $data['own_department'] = $aDept[0]->department_name; $data['own_employment'] = $aEmp[0]->emp_description . ' (' . $aStat[0]->status_name . ')'; /*function getEmpTypeOfEmployee($employee_id){ $query = $this->db->query("SELECT de.id FROM emp_types de,employment e,emp_types_stat d WHERE e.employee_id = {$employee_id} AND e.emp_types_stat_id = d.id AND d.emp_types_id = de.id"); return $query->result(); } function getStatOfEmployee($employee_id){ $query = $this->db->query("SELECT s.id FROM status s,employment e,emp_types_stat d WHERE e.employee_id = {$employee_id} AND e.emp_types_stat_id = d.id AND d.status_id = s.id"); return $query->result(); } function getDeptOfEmployee($employee_id){ $query = $this->db->query("SELECT department_id FROM employees WHERE id = {$employee_id}"); return $query->result(); } function getRankOfEmployee($employee_id){ $query = $this->db->query("SELECT ranks_id FROM employees WHERE id = {$employee_id}"); return $query->result(); } function getRoleOfEmployee($employee_id){ $query = $this->db->query("SELECT roles_id FROM employees WHERE id = {$employee_id}"); return $query->result(); } */ renderPage($this, $this->table . '/base', $data); }
function form() { $data = initializeData($this, "Employee Form"); $gen = ''; $bt = ''; $dept = ''; $stat = ''; $rank = ''; $role = ''; $deps = ''; if (isset($_GET['id'])) { if (!empty($_GET['id'])) { //var_dump($this->mod->getObjectById($this->table, 'id', $_GET['id'])); //exit; $data['data'] = $this->mod->getObjectById($this->table, 'id', $_GET['id']); $gen = $data['data'][0]->gender; $bt = $data['data'][0]->blood_type; $dept = $this->mod->getEmpTypeOfEmployee($data['data'][0]->id); $stat = $this->mod->getStatOfEmployee($data['data'][0]->id); $dept = $dept[0]->id; $stat = $stat[0]->id; $rank = $data['data'][0]->rank_id; $role = $data['data'][0]->role_id; $deps = $data['data'][0]->department_id; $data['datehired'] = $this->mod->getHireDateByEmployee(getUserId($this)); $data['employment'] = $this->mod->getEmployment($data['data'][0]->id); } } $sJs = 'class="form-control form-text"'; $rolelist = $this->roles_model->getObjectList(''); $rankslist = $this->ranks_model->getObjectList(''); $departmentslist = $this->departments_model->getObjectList(''); $data['role_list'] = generateSelectUI($this, $rolelist, 'role_id', 'id', 'role_name', $role, $sJs); $data['rank_list'] = generateSelectUI($this, $rankslist, 'rank_id', 'id', 'rank_name', $rank, $sJs); $data['department_list'] = generateSelectUI($this, $departmentslist, 'department_id', 'id', 'department_name', $deps, $sJs); $list1 = $this->emp_types_model->getObjectList(''); $list2 = $this->status_model->getObjectList(''); $data['emptypes_list'] = genEmpTypesListUI($this, $list1, $dept); $data['status_list'] = genStatusListUI($this, $list2, $stat); $genderlist = $this->mod->getEnumValues('employees', 'employees', 'gender'); $bloodtypelist = $this->mod->getEnumValues('employees', 'employees', 'blood_type'); $data['gender_list'] = form_dropdown('gender', $genderlist, $gen, $sJs); $data['bloodtype_list'] = form_dropdown('blood_type', $bloodtypelist, $bt, $sJs); renderPage($this, $this->table . '/form', $data); }
public function index() { islogin(); $this->assign('searchurl', U('Search/index')); $model = new \Home\Model\MovieModel(); $account = M('account'); $user_id = getUserId(); //var_dump($user_id); $join = ['left join schedule on schedule.schedule_id=account.schedule_id', 'left join movie on movie.movie_id=schedule.movie_id']; $userinfo = $model->select('user', 'user_id=' . $user_id); $where = 'account.user_id=' . $user_id; $filed = 'account_id,user_id,buy_time,schedule.schedule_id,name,schedule.movie_id,date,price'; $records = $account->join($join)->where($where)->field($filed)->select(); //var_dump($userinfo); $this->assign('records', $records); $this->assign('userinfo', $userinfo[0]); $this->display(); }
function addUser($username, $password) { // insert into users $query = "insert into `users` (`name`) values (\"{$username}\") "; if (preparedStatement($query)) { // get new user id $userId = getUserId($username); // hash password // insert into pass $query = "insert into `pass` (`user`, `word`) "; $query .= "values (" . $userId . ",\"" . $password . "\")"; // return true or false return booleanReturn($query); } else { // something went wrong // delete user name from db? return false; } }
function vote($vote_type, $add = false) { $this->checkAuth(); $answer = M('answer'); $answer->startTrans(); $uid = getUserId(); $id = $_POST['id']; $map['user_id'] = array('eq', $uid); $map['answer_id'] = array('eq', $id); //删除相关记录 M('avote')->where($map)->delete(); //添加相关记录 $r1 = true; if ($add) { $av = M('avote'); $av->user_id = $uid; $av->answer_id = $id; $av->ct = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $av->vote_type = $vote_type; $r1 = $av->add(); } //统计 $mapav['answer_id'] = array('eq', $id); $mapav['vote_type'] = array('eq', VOTEUP); $vote_up_count = M('avote')->where($mapav)->count(); $mapav['vote_type'] = array('eq', VOTEDOWN); $vote_down_count = M('avote')->where($mapav)->count(); $count = $vote_up_count - $vote_down_count; $answer->where(' id = ' . $id)->setField('votes', $count); if ($r1) { $answer->commit(); $result['id'] = $id; $result['result'] = true; $result['votes'] = $count; } else { $answer->rollback(); $result['result'] = false; } echo json_encode($result); }
public function buy() { // var_dump($_POST); // $lockModel = new \Think\Model(); // 实例化一个model对象 没有对应任何数据表 $model = new \Home\Model\MovieModel(); $schedule_id = I('post.schedule_id'); $tickets = I('post.seats'); $user_id = getUserId(); // $account = M('account'); //$lockModel = M(); M()->startTrans(); //$lockModel->lockTable('account',1); $seats = $model->select('account', '', '', '', true); $tflag = true; foreach ($tickets as $ticket) { $flag = true; foreach ($seats as $seat) { if ($seat['col'] == $ticket['col'] && $seat['row'] == $ticket['row']) { $flag = false; break; } } if ($flag) { $data = ['buy_time' => date('Y-m-d h-i-s'), 'col' => $ticket['col'], 'row' => $ticket['row'], 'user_id' => $user_id, 'schedule_id' => $schedule_id]; //var_dump($data); $model->addData('account', $data); } else { M()->rollback(); echo '{"success":0}'; $tflag = false; break; } } if ($tflag) { M()->commit(); echo '{"success":1}'; // echo '{"success":1}'; } }