Beispiel #1
function getRssTagValue($str, $tag)
    $str_exp = explode('<' . $tag . '>', $str);
    $str_exp = explode('</' . $tag . '>', $str_exp[1]);
    $result = getUTFtoUTF($str_exp[0]) == $str_exp[0] ? $str_exp[0] : getKRtoUTF($str_exp[0]);
    return trim($result);
Beispiel #2
function getKeyword($url)
    $urlexp = explode('?', urldecode($url));
    if (!trim($urlexp[1])) {
        return '';
    $queexp = explode('&', $urlexp[1]);
    $quenum = count($queexp);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $quenum; $i++) {
        $valexp = explode('=', trim($queexp[$i]));
        if (strstr(',query,q,p,', ',' . $valexp[0] . ',') && !is_numeric($valexp[1])) {
            return $valexp[1] == getUTFtoUTF($valexp[1]) ? $valexp[1] : getKRtoUTF($valexp[1]);
    return '';
if (!$_path[1] || !$_path[2] || !$_path[3]) {
    getLink($_gurl, '', '', '');
$R = getUidData($table[$_path[2] . 'data'], $_path[3]);
if (!$R['uid']) {
    $message = 'No Article';
if (!($_POST['title'] && $_POST['excerpt'] && $_POST['url'] && $_POST['blog_name'])) {
    getLink($_gurl . '?r=' . $_path[1] . '&m=' . $_path[2] . '&bid=' . $R['bbsid'] . '&uid=' . $R['uid'], '', '', '');
if (!$message) {
    $cync = '[' . $_path[2] . '][' . $R['uid'] . '][m:' . $_path[2] . ',bid:' . $R['bbsid'] . ',uid:' . $R['uid'] . ']';
    $url = $_POST['url'];
    $blog_name = getUTFtoUTF($_POST['blog_name']) == $_POST['blog_name'] ? $_POST['blog_name'] : getKRtoUTF($_POST['blog_name']);
    $title = getUTFtoUTF($_POST['title']) == $_POST['title'] ? $_POST['title'] : getKRtoUTF($_POST['title']);
    $excerpt = getUTFtoUTF($_POST['excerpt']) == $_POST['excerpt'] ? $_POST['excerpt'] : getKRtoUTF($_POST['excerpt']);
    $T = getDbData($table['s_trackback'], 'site=' . $R['site'] . " and parent='" . $_path[2] . $R['uid'] . "' and url='" . $url . "'", '*');
    if ($T['uid']) {
        getDbUpdate($table['s_trackback'], "name='{$blog_name}',subject='{$title}',content='{$excerpt}',d_modify='" . $date['totime'] . "'", 'uid=' . $T['uid']);
        getDbUpdate($table[$_path[2] . 'data'], "d_trackback='" . $date['totime'] . "'", 'uid=' . $R['uid']);
    } else {
        $minuid = getDbCnt($table['s_trackback'], 'min(uid)', '');
        $uid = $minuid ? $minuid - 1 : 100000000;
        $QKEY = "uid,site,type,parent,parentmbr,url,name,subject,content,d_regis,d_modify,cync";
        $QVAL = "'{$uid}','{$s}','1','" . $_path[2] . $R['uid'] . "','" . $R['mbruid'] . "','{$url}','{$blog_name}','{$title}','{$excerpt}','" . $date['totime'] . "','','{$cync}'";
        getDbInsert($table['s_trackback'], $QKEY, $QVAL);
        getDbUpdate($table['s_numinfo'], 'rcvtrack=rcvtrack+1', "date='" . $date['today'] . "' and site=" . $s);
        getDbUpdate($table[$_path[2] . 'data'], "trackback=trackback+1,d_trackback='" . $date['totime'] . "'", 'uid=' . $R['uid']);
        if ($uid == 100000000) {
            db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE " . $table['s_trackback'], $DB_CONNECT);