public static function filters($row, $inIds, $params) { global $modx; $pr = $modx->db->config['table_prefix']; $inparent = !empty($params['parent']) ? ' AND cont.parent IN(' . $params['parent'] . ')' : ''; $intemplate = !empty($params['template']) ? ' AND cont.template=' . $params['template'] : ''; $checkboxTpl = isset($params['checkboxTpl']) ? getTpl($params['checkboxTpl']) : self::$templates['checkboxTpl']; $checkboxOuterTpl = isset($params['checkboxOuterTpl']) ? getTpl($params['checkboxOuterTpl']) : self::$templates['checkboxOuterTpl']; $result = $modx->db->query('SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt,value,tmplvarid FROM ' . $pr . 'site_tmplvar_contentvalues as c LEFT join ' . $pr . 'site_content as cont ON ( WHERE tmplvarid="' . $row['id'] . '" ' . $inparent . ' ' . $intemplate . ' ' . $inIds . ' GROUP BY value ORDER BY value ASC'); while ($inrow = $modx->db->getRow($result)) { if (!empty($inrow['value'])) { $checked = ''; if (isset($_GET[$inrow['name']])) { foreach ($_GET[$inrow['name']] as $names) { if ($inrow['value'] == $names) { $checked = 'checked="checked"'; } } } $items .= $modx->parseText($checkboxTpl, array('name' => $row['name'], 'value' => $inrow['value'], 'active' => $checked, 'count' => $inrow['cnt'])); } } return $modx->parseText($checkboxOuterTpl, array('title' => $row['title'], 'wrapper' => $items)); }
function vhost($data) { $data = unserialize($data); if (!is_object($data) || !$data->name) { return false; } $dir = $data->root; if ($dir && !is_dir($dir)) { mkdir($dir, 0750, true); // Block other's access to here chgrp($dir, 'www'); file_put_contents($dir . '/index.php', getTpl('userdefault', $data)); } $cmd = "chown -R {$data->owner} {$dir}"; return shell_exec($cmd); }
public function webAdd() { $this->checkTrain(); layout(false); $Ssid = D('ssid'); $gw_id = I('get.gw_id', ''); $ssid = $Ssid->getSsidByRid($gw_id); if (empty($ssid)) { $url = U('Ssid/ssidAdd', array('gw_id' => $gw_id)); $this->error('请先添加热点', $url); } $tpl = getTpl(); $this->assign('ssid', $ssid); $this->assign('tpl', $tpl); $this->display(); }
public static function filters($row, $inIds, $params) { global $modx; $pr = $modx->db->config['table_prefix']; $inparent = !empty($params['parent']) ? ' AND cont.parent IN(' . $params['parent'] . ')' : ''; $intemplate = !empty($params['template']) ? ' AND cont.template=' . $params['template'] : ''; $priceTpl = isset($params['priceTpl']) ? getTpl($params['priceTpl']) : self::$templates['priceTpl']; $priceOuterTpl = isset($params['priceOuterTpl']) ? getTpl($params['priceOuterTpl']) : self::$templates['priceOuterTpl']; $resm = $modx->db->query('SELECT min( cast(value as decimal) ) as value FROM ' . $pr . 'site_tmplvar_contentvalues as c LEFT join ' . $pr . 'site_content as cont ON ( WHERE tmplvarid="' . $row['id'] . '" ' . $inparent . ' ' . $intemplate . ' order by value ASC'); $rowm = $modx->db->getRow($resm); $row['min'] = $rowm['value']; $resm = $modx->db->query('SELECT max( cast(value as decimal) ) as value FROM ' . $pr . 'site_tmplvar_contentvalues as c LEFT join ' . $pr . 'site_content as cont ON ( WHERE tmplvarid="' . $row['id'] . '" ' . $inparent . ' ' . $intemplate . ' order by value ASC'); $rowm = $modx->db->getRow($resm); $row['max'] = $rowm['value']; $items .= $modx->parseText($priceTpl, array('name' => $row['name'], 'min' => $row['min'], 'max' => $row['max'])); return $modx->parseText($priceOuterTpl, array('title' => $row['title'], 'wrapper' => $items)); }
//不属于任何专题 require ROOT_PATH . "inc/label_module.php"; $showpage = getpage("", "", "bencandy.php?fid={$fid}&id={$id}", 1, $rsdb[pages]); if ($rsdb[iframeurl]) { $head_tpl = $foot_tpl = "template/default/none.htm"; $main_tpl = "template/default/bencandy_iframe.htm"; } /** *上一篇与下一篇,比较影响速度 **/ $nextdb = $db->get_one("SELECT title,id,fid FROM {$_pre}content WHERE id<'{$id}' AND fid='{$fid}' AND yz=1 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1"); $nextdb[subject] = get_word($nextdb[title], 60); $backdb = $db->get_one("SELECT title,id,fid FROM {$_pre}content WHERE id>'{$id}' AND fid='{$fid}' AND yz=1 ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1"); $backdb[subject] = get_word($backdb[title], 60); require ROOT_PATH . "inc/head.php"; require getTpl("bencandy", $main_tpl); require ROOT_PATH . "inc/foot.php"; /** *文章检查 **/ function check_article($rsdb) { global $fidDB, $web_admin, $groupdb, $timestamp, $lfjid, $lfjuid, $fid, $id, $buy, $lfjdb, $webdb, $pre, $_pre, $db; if ($lfjid && ($web_admin || $lfjid == $rsdb[uid] || in_array($lfjid, explode(",", $fidDB[admin])))) { $power = 1; } if (!$rsdb) { showerr("内容不存在"); } if ($fidDB[allowviewcontent] && !$power && !in_array($groupdb[gid], explode(",", $fidDB[allowviewcontent]))) { showerr("本栏目设置,你所在用户组不允许浏览内容");
$typedb[$type] = " checked "; } else { $typedb[title] = " checked "; } $mid = intval($mid); $module_select = "<select name='mid' onChange=\"window.location.href='?mid='+this.options[this.selectedIndex].value\"><option value='0' style='color:#aaa;'>所有模型</option>"; foreach ($module_db as $key => $value) { $ckk = $mid == $key ? ' selected ' : ' '; $module_select .= "<option value='{$key}' {$ckk}>{$value}</option>"; } $module_select .= "</select>"; if ($mid) { $SQL = " AND mid='{$mid}' "; } else { $SQL = ""; } $fid_select = "<select name='fid' onChange=\"if(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value=='-1'){alert('你不能选择大分类');}\"><option value='0' style='color:#aaa;'>所有栏目</option>"; foreach ($Fid_db[0] as $key => $value) { $fid_select .= "<option value='-1' style='color:red;'>{$value}</option>"; foreach ($Fid_db[$key] as $key2 => $value2) { $ckk = $fid == $key2 ? ' selected ' : ' '; $fid_select .= "<option value='{$key2}' {$ckk}> |--{$value2}</option>"; } } $fid_select .= "</select>"; if (!$mid) { showerr('MID不存在'); } require ROOT_PATH . "inc/head.php"; require getTpl("search_" . intval($mid)); require ROOT_PATH . "inc/foot.php";
<?php require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/global.php"; @(include dirname(__FILE__) . "/data/guide_fid.php"); $forum_ups = "<A HREF='{$Murl}/'>Ê×Ò³</A>" . $GuideFid[$fid]; require_once getTpl("foot_nav");
} if ($rs[icon]) { $rs[icon] = tempdir($rs[icon]); } $rs[posttime] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $rs[posttime]); $rs[full_content] = $rs[content]; $rs[content] = kill_badword($rs[content]); $rs[username] = kill_badword($rs[username]); $rs[title] = preg_replace("/\\[quote\\](.*)\\[\\/quote\\]/", "", $rs[content]); $rs[title] = get_word($rs[title], 50); $rs[content] = get_word($rs[content], $leng); $rs[content] = preg_replace("/\\[quote\\](.*)\\[\\/quote\\]/", "<div class='quotecomment_div'>\\1</div>", $rs[content]); $rs[content] = str_replace("\n", "<br>", $rs[content]); if ($lfjuid) { if ($lfjuid === $rs[cuid] || $web_admin || $lfjuid === $rs[uid] || in_array($lfjid, explode(",", $rsdb[admin]))) { $rs[ifadmin] = 1; } else { $rs[ifadmin] = 0; } } else { $rs[ifadmin] = 0; } $listdb[] = $rs; } /** *评论分页功能 **/ $showpage = getpage("`{$_pre}comments` A", " WHERE'{$id}' {$SQL}", "?fid={$fid}&id={$id}", $rows); $showpage = preg_replace("/\\?fid=([\\d]+)&id=([\\d]+)&page=([\\d]+)/is", "javascript:getcomment('comment_ajax.php?fid=\\1&id=\\2&page=\\3')", $showpage); require_once getTpl('comment_ajax');
$ch_pagetype = 3; //2,为list页,3,为bencandy页 $ch_module = $webdb[module_id] ? $webdb[module_id] : 99; //系统特定ID参数,每个系统不能雷同 $ch = 0; //不属于任何专题 require ROOT_PATH . "inc/label_module.php"; if ($rsdb[uid]) { $userdb = $db->get_one("SELECT * FROM {$pre}memberdata WHERE uid='{$rsdb['uid']}'"); $userdb[username] = $rsdb[username]; $userdb[regdate] = date("y-m-d H:i", $userdb[regdate]); $userdb[lastvist] = date("y-m-d H:i", $userdb[lastvist]); $userdb[icon] = tempdir($userdb[icon]); include_once ROOT_PATH . "data/level.php"; $userdb[level] = $ltitle[$userdb[groupid]]; } else { $userdb[username] = preg_replace("/([\\d]+)\\.([\\d]+)\\.([\\d]+)\\.([\\d]+)/is", "\\1.\\2.*.*", $rsdb[ip]); $userdb[level] = "游客"; } unset($picdb); if ($rsdb[picnum] > 1) { $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$_pre}pic WHERE id='{$id}'"); while ($rs = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $rs[imgurl] = tempdir($imgurl = $rs[imgurl]); $rs[picurl] = eregi("^http:", $imgurl) ? $rs[imgurl] : "{$rs['imgurl']}.gif"; $picdb[] = $rs; } } require ROOT_PATH . "inc/head.php"; require getTpl("bencandy_{$fidDB['mid']}", $main_tpl); require ROOT_PATH . "inc/foot.php";
if ($_SESSION['table'] == 'book') { newBook(); } if ($_SESSION['table'] == 'category') { newCategory(); } header("Location: http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "/"); exit; } } if (!$_SESSION['user_id']) { $error['{ERROR}'] = isset($_SESSION['error_login']) ? "<font color='#a52a2a'>" . $_SESSION['error_login'] . "</font>" : ""; $params['{LOGIN}'] = getTpl("login", $error); login(); } else { $userName = getUserName(); $params['{LOGIN}'] = "<p id=\"logout\">You enter as: " . $userName . "<br><a href=\"?logout\"> logout</a></p>"; } if (isset($_GET['category'])) { $_SESSION['table'] = 'category'; } if (isset($_GET['book'])) { $_SESSION['table'] = 'book'; } if (isset($_SESSION['table'])) { $params['{CONTENT}'] = $_SESSION['table'] == 'category' ? getCategory() : getBooks(); } else { $params['{CONTENT}'] = getBooks(); } echo getTpl("main", $params);
$_erp = $Fid_db[tableid][$fid]; $rsdb = $db->get_one("SELECT A.* FROM `{$_pre}content{$_erp}` A WHERE'{$id}'"); if (!$rsdb) { showerr("×ÊÁϲ»´æÔÚ"); } $fid = $rsdb[fid]; $mid = $rsdb[mid]; unset($urldb, $titledb); $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$_pre}pic WHERE id='{$id}'"); while ($rs = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $urldb[] = "'" . tempdir($rs[imgurl]) . "'"; $titledb[] = "'" . addslashes($rs[name]) . "'"; } if (!$urldb) { if ($rsdb[picurl]) { header("location:" . tempdir($rsdb[picurl])); exit; } echo '<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- alert("NO IMG"); self.close(); //--> </SCRIPT>'; exit; } $urldb = implode(",", $urldb); $titledb = implode(",", $titledb); require ROOT_PATH . "inc/head.php"; require getTpl("show_img"); require ROOT_PATH . "inc/foot.php";
<?php require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . "global.php"; $rsdb = $db->get_one("SELECT A.*,S.* FROM {$_pre}content A LEFT JOIN {$_pre}sort S ON A.fid=S.fid WHERE'{$id}'"); if (!$rsdb) { die("µØÖ·ÓÐÎó,Çë¼ì²éÖ®"); } @(include dirname(__FILE__) . "/data/guide_fid.php"); require ROOT_PATH . "inc/head.php"; require getTpl("comment"); require ROOT_PATH . "inc/foot.php";
foreach ($postdb as $key => $value) { if ($value && table_field("{$_pre}content_{$mid}", $key)) { $_sql .= " AND B.`{$key}`='{$value}' "; $rsdb[$key][$value] = " selected "; } } //分页功能 //$showpage=getpage("{$_pre}content A LEFT JOIN {$_pre}content_$mid B ON","WHERE A.mid='$mid' AND $field LIKE '%$keyword%' $_sql","?mid=$mid&keyword=$keyword&action=search&type=$type",$rows); $SQL = "SELECT A.*,B.* FROM {$_pre}content A LEFT JOIN {$_pre}content_{$mid} B ON WHERE A.mid='{$mid}' AND {$field} LIKE '%{$keyword}%' {$_sql} LIMIT {$min},{$rows} "; } $query = $db->query("{$SQL}"); while ($rs = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $rs[posttime] = date("Y-m-d", $rs[posttime]); $listdb[] = $rs; } if (!$listdb) { showerr("很抱歉,没有找到你要查询的内容"); } $typedb[$type] = " checked "; } else { $typedb[title] = " checked "; } $mid = intval($mid); $colordb[$mid] = "red;"; require ROOT_PATH . "inc/head.php"; if ($mid) { require getTpl("search_{$mid}"); } else { require getTpl("search"); } require ROOT_PATH . "inc/foot.php";
<?php require dirname(__FILE__) . "/global.php"; /** *为获取标签参数 **/ $chdb[main_tpl] = getTpl("city"); /** *标签 **/ $ch_fid = 0; //是否定义了栏目专用标签 $ch_pagetype = 4; //2,为list页,3,为bencandy页 $ch_module = $webdb[module_id] ? $webdb[module_id] : 99; //系统特定ID参数,每个系统不能雷同 $ch = 0; //不属于任何专题 require ROOT_PATH . "inc/label_module.php"; require ROOT_PATH . "inc/head.php"; require getTpl("city"); require ROOT_PATH . "inc/foot.php";
<?php require dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . "global.php"; if (!$web_admin) { showerr('你无权操作'); } if ($step) { $array[content] = $content; //$array[content]=filtrate($content); $array[uid] = $lfjuid; $array[username] = $lfjid; $array[posttime] = $timestamp; $str = addslashes(serialize($array)); $db->query("UPDATE {$_pre}content SET reply='{$str}' WHERE id='{$id}'"); refreshto("./?fid={$fid}", "回复成功", 1); } else { $rsdb = $db->get_one("SELECT * FROM {$_pre}content WHERE id='{$id}'"); extract(unserialize($rsdb[reply])); } require ROOT_PATH . "inc/head.php"; require getTpl("replyguestbook"); require ROOT_PATH . "inc/foot.php";
<?php require "global.php"; die; $chdb[main_tpl] = getTpl("index"); $ch_fid = $ch_pagetype = 0; $ch_module = $webdb[module_id] ? $webdb[module_id] : 7; @(include ROOT_PATH . "inc/label_module.php"); require ROOT_PATH . "inc/head.php"; require getTpl("index"); require ROOT_PATH . "inc/foot.php";
} $query = $db->query("SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS A.*,B.*,C.title AS companyname FROM {$_pre}content A LEFT JOIN {$_pre}content_1 B ON LEFT JOIN {$pre}hy_company C ON A.uid=C.uid {$SQL} ORDER BY A.{$ordertype} DESC LIMIT {$min},{$rows}"); $RS = $db->get_one("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()"); $totalNum = $RS['FOUND_ROWS()']; while ($rs = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $rs[picurl] = tempdir($rs[picurl]); $rs[url] = get_info_url($rs[id], $rs[fid], $rs[city_id]); $rs[posttime] = date("Y-m-d H:i", $rs[posttime]); $Module_db->showfield($field_db, $rs, 'list'); $listdb[] = $rs; } $showpage = getpage("", "", "?ordertype={$ordertype}", $rows, $totalNum); /** *为获取标签参数 **/ $chdb[main_tpl] = getTpl("alljob"); /** *标签 **/ $ch_fid = 0; //是否定义了栏目专用标签 $ch_pagetype = 4; //2,为list页,3,为bencandy页 $ch_module = $webdb[module_id] ? $webdb[module_id] : 99; //系统特定ID参数,每个系统不能雷同 $ch = 0; //不属于任何专题 require ROOT_PATH . "inc/label_module.php"; require ROOT_PATH . "inc/head.php"; require getTpl("alljob"); require ROOT_PATH . "inc/foot.php";
showerr("你无权修改"); } //自定义字段的合法检查与数据处理 $Module_db->checkpost($field_db, $postdb, $rsdb); /*更新主信息表内容*/ //$db->query("UPDATE `{$_pre}join` SET title='$postdb[title]' WHERE id='$id'"); /*检查判断辅信息表要插入哪些字段的内容*/ unset($sqldb); foreach ($field_db as $key => $value) { $sqldb[] = "`{$key}`='{$postdb[$key]}'"; } $sql = implode(",", $sqldb); /*更新辅信息表*/ $db->query("UPDATE `{$_pre}content_{$mid}` SET {$sql} WHERE id='{$id}'"); refreshto("bencandy.php?fid={$fid}&id={$cid}", "修改成功"); } else { /*模块设置时,有些字段有默认值*/ foreach ($field_db as $key => $rs) { if ($rs[form_value]) { $rsdb[$key] = $rs[form_value]; } } /*表单默认变量作处理*/ $Module_db->formGetVale($field_db, $rsdb); $atc = "postnew"; $rsdb[ask_title] = "我对您发布的“{$infodb[title]}”很感兴趣"; $rsdb[hope_price] = $infodb[price]; require ROOT_PATH . "inc/head.php"; require getTpl("post_{$mid}"); require ROOT_PATH . "inc/foot.php"; }
{ global $modx; if (strpos($tpl, '@CODE:') !== false) { $tpl = str_replace('@CODE:', '', $tpl); } else { $tpl = $modx->getChunk($tpl); } return $tpl; } } } //параметры по умолчанию $filters = isset($filters) ? $filters : 'evoFilter'; $params['parent'] = isset($parent) ? $parent : $modx->documentIdentifier; $type = isset($type) ? $type : 'filters'; $outerTpl = isset($outerTpl) ? getTpl($outerTpl) : '<form id="filter" class="pure-form velo-form filter-form" action="[~[*id*]~]"> [+wrapper+] </form>'; if (isset($select)) { $select = ''; } else { $select = array(); } //получаем значение ТВ-параметра с настройками фильтра и формируем масив для проверки get параметров $filters = $modx->getTemplateVar($filters); $filters = $filters['value']; $filtersArr = json_decode($filters, true); if (!$filtersArr['fieldValue']) { return; } $filters = array(); $filtersType = array(); foreach ($filtersArr['fieldValue'] as $value) {
function tsv_display_success($cache) { global $modx, $session, $tsvshop, $shop_lang, $tables; //$session = session($cache); $output = getTpl($tsvshop['tplsuccess']); if ($tsvshop['debug']) { $output .= print_r($_SESSION['tsvshopfin']); } // тут ставим функцию оплаты if ($_SESSION['tsvshopfin']['result']['paytype'] == "none" || empty($_SESSION['tsvshopfin']['result']['paytype']) || empty($_SESSION['tsvshopfin']['result']['topay'])) { $output = str_replace("[+shop.paylink+]", "", $output); } else { if (!empty($tables['payments'])) { $res = $modx->db->query("SELECT * FROM " . $tables['payments'] . " WHERE `active` = 1"); while ($payment = $modx->db->getRow($res)) { if ($_SESSION['tsvshopfin']['result']['paytype'] == $payment['code']) { include TSVSHOP_PATH . "addons/payments/payments/" . $payment['code'] . "/"; $output = str_replace("[+shop.paylink+]", paylink($_SESSION['tsvshopfin']['result'], $tsvshop), $output); } } } else { $output = str_replace("[+shop.paylink+]", "", $output); } } if (is_array($_SESSION['tsvshopfin']['result'])) { foreach ($_SESSION['tsvshopfin']['result'] as $key => $val) { $output = str_replace("[+shop." . $key . "+]", $val, $output); } } return $output; }
<?php require "global.php"; $mid = 2; $field_db = $module_DB[$mid]['field']; $Lrows = 10; $showpage = getpage("{$_pre}join A", "WHERE A.cid={$cid}", "?cid={$cid}", $Lrows); unset($listdb); if ($page < 1) { $page = 1; } $min = ($page - 1) * $Lrows; $query = $db->query("SELECT A.*,B.*,C.* FROM {$_pre}join A LEFT JOIN {$_pre}content_{$mid} C ON LEFT JOIN {$pre}memberdata B ON A.uid=B.uid WHERE A.cid='{$cid}' ORDER BY A.posttime DESC LIMIT {$min},{$Lrows}"); while ($rs = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $Module_db->showfield($field_db, $rs, 'list'); $rs[username] || ($rs[username] = $rs[ip]); $rs[picurl] = tempdir($rs[icon]); $rs[posttime] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $rs[posttime]); $listdb[] = $rs; } $rs = $db->get_one("SELECT * FROM `{$_pre}content` WHERE id='{$cid}'"); if (!$lfjuid || $rs[uid] != $lfjuid) { showerr("ÄãÎÞȨ²é¿´"); } require ROOT_PATH . "inc/head.php"; require getTpl("list_{$mid}"); require ROOT_PATH . "inc/foot.php";
function display($templates = '', $path = '') { if ($this->tVar) { extract($this->tVar, EXTR_OVERWRITE); } if (!$this->isSetDefine) { define('TPL_PATH', APP_PATH . 'tpl/' . C('System', 'skin') . '/'); define('PUBLIC_PATH', (G('main_path') ? SITE_PATH : WEB_PATH) . 'statics/' . C('System', 'skin') . '/'); define('IMG_PATH', PUBLIC_PATH . 'images/'); define('JS_PATH', PUBLIC_PATH . 'js/'); define('CSS_PATH', PUBLIC_PATH . 'css/'); define('LOCAL_PUBLIC_PATH', WEB_PATH . 'statics/' . C('System', 'skin') . '/'); load(''); $this->isSetDefine = true; } if (!$templates) { $templates = C('System', 'm'); } if (!$path) { $path = C('System', 'c'); } return include getTpl($templates, $path); }
} } $listdb = ''; $query = $db->query("SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS B.*,A.posttime FROM {$_pre}person A LEFT JOIN {$_pre}content_{$fidDB[mid]} B ON {$SQL} ORDER BY DESC LIMIT {$min},{$rows}"); $RS = $db->get_one("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()"); $totalNum = $RS['FOUND_ROWS()']; $showpage = getpage("", "", "listperson.php?cityid={$cityid}", $rows, $totalNum); while ($rs = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $rs[posttime] = date("Y-m-d", $rs[full_time] = $rs[posttime]); $Module_db->showfield($field_db, $rs, 'list'); $listdb[] = $rs; } /** *为获取标签参数 **/ $chdb[main_tpl] = getTpl("list_{$fidDB['mid']}"); /** *标签 **/ $ch_fid = intval($fidDB[config][label_list]); //是否定义了栏目专用标签 $ch_pagetype = 4; //2,为list页,3,为bencandy页 $ch_module = $webdb[module_id] ? $webdb[module_id] : 99; //系统特定ID参数,每个系统不能雷同 $ch = 0; //不属于任何专题 require ROOT_PATH . "inc/label_module.php"; require ROOT_PATH . "inc/head.php"; require getTpl("list_{$fidDB['mid']}", $FidTpl['list']); require ROOT_PATH . "inc/foot.php";
} $query = $db->query("SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS A.*,B.* FROM {$_pre}person A LEFT JOIN {$_pre}content_2 B ON {$SQL} ORDER BY A.{$ordertype} DESC LIMIT {$min},{$rows}"); $RS = $db->get_one("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()"); $totalNum = $RS['FOUND_ROWS()']; while ($rs = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $rs[picurl] = tempdir($rs[picurl]); $rs[url] = get_info_url($rs[id], $rs[fid], $rs[city_id]); $rs[posttime] = date("Y-m-d H:i", $rs[posttime]); $Module_db->showfield($field_db, $rs, 'list'); $listdb[] = $rs; } $showpage = getpage("", "", "?ordertype={$ordertype}", $rows, $totalNum); /** *为获取标签参数 **/ $chdb[main_tpl] = getTpl("allperson"); /** *标签 **/ $ch_fid = 0; //是否定义了栏目专用标签 $ch_pagetype = 4; //2,为list页,3,为bencandy页 $ch_module = $webdb[module_id] ? $webdb[module_id] : 99; //系统特定ID参数,每个系统不能雷同 $ch = 0; //不属于任何专题 require ROOT_PATH . "inc/label_module.php"; require ROOT_PATH . "inc/head.php"; require getTpl("allperson"); require ROOT_PATH . "inc/foot.php";
function updateMail($newstatus, $idorder) { global $modx, $tsvshop, $shop_lang; $body = getTpl($tsvshop['tplmailupdateorder']); $row = getOrderInfo($idorder); $i = 0; $body = str_replace("[+shop.order.status+]", $newstatus, $body); if (!empty($row)) { foreach ($row as $key => $val) { if (in_array($key, explode(",", $tsvshop['SecFields']))) { $val = DeCryptMessage($val, $tsvshop['SecPassword']); } if ($key == "dateorder") { $body = str_replace("[+shop.order." . $key . "+]", date("d.m.Y H:i:s", $val), $body); } else { $body = str_replace("[+shop.order." . $key . "+]", $val, $body); } $body = str_replace("[+shop.order.num+]", $i, $body); $i++; } } $body = str_replace("[+shop.order.sitename+]", $modx->config['site_name'], $body); if ($row['status'] != $newstatus) { if (sendMailUpdate(DeCryptMessage($row['email'], $tsvshop['SecPassword']), $tsvshop['SubjectUpdateStatus'], $body, 'true')) { return true; } else { return false; } } }
if ($rsdb['list'] > $timestamp) { $SQL = ",list='{$rsdb['posttime']}'"; } } /*更新主信息表内容*/ $db->query("UPDATE `{$_pre}content{$_erp}` SET title='{$postdb['title']}',keywords='{$postdb['keywords']}',picurl='{$postdb['picurl']}',ispic='{$postdb['ispic']}',picnum='{$num}',price='{$postdb['price']}' WHERE id='{$id}'"); /*检查判断辅信息表要插入哪些字段的内容*/ unset($sqldb); foreach ($field_db as $key => $value) { $sqldb[] = "`{$key}`='{$postdb[$key]}'"; } $sql = implode(",", $sqldb); /*更新辅信息表*/ $db->query("UPDATE `{$_pre}content_{$fidDB['mid']}` SET {$sql} WHERE id='{$id}'"); refreshto($FROMURL, "<a href='{$FROMURL}'>继续修改</a> <a href='../bencandy.php?fid={$fid}&id={$id}' target='_blank'>查看效果</a>", 600); } else { /*模块设置时,有些字段有默认值*/ foreach ($field_db as $key => $rs) { if ($rs[form_value]) { $rsdb[$key] = $rs[form_value]; } } /*表单默认变量作处理*/ $Module_db->formGetVale($field_db, $rsdb); $atc = "postnew"; $ifTop[0] = ' checked '; $listdb = array(''); require ROOT_PATH . "member/head.php"; require getTpl("post_{$fidDB['mid']}", $FidTpl['post']); require ROOT_PATH . "member/foot.php"; }
$modx->setPlaceholder('manager_folder', MGR_DIR); $yesChunk = !empty($yesChunk) ? $yesChunk : '@FILE:assets/snippets/tsvoffice/tpl/tsvoffice.tpl'; $noChunk = !empty($noChunk) ? $noChunk : '@FILE:assets/snippets/tsvoffice/tpl/login.tpl'; tsv_logout($logouthomeid); if ($uid) { $act = 'listorders'; $modx->setPlaceholder('listorders', $modx->runSnippet('TSVoffice', array('act' => 'listorders', 'orderpage' => $orderpage))); $modx->setPlaceholder('logoutlink', $modx->documentIdentifier . '?isLogOut=1'); echo getTpl($yesChunk); } else { // если неавторизован $logintpl = !empty($logintpl) ? $logintpl : 'weblogin'; $signuptpl = !empty($signuptpl) ? $signuptpl : 'formsignup'; $modx->setPlaceholder('weblogin', $modx->runSnippet('WebLogin', array('loginhomeid' => $loginhomeid, 'logouthomeid' => $logouthomeid, 'pwdreqid' => $pwdreqid, 'pwdactid' => $pwdactid, 'logintext' => $logintext, 'logouttext' => $logouttext, 'tpl' => $logintpl))); $modx->setPlaceholder('websignup', $modx->runSnippet('WebSignup', array('groups' => $groups, 'useCaptchad' => $useCaptcha, 'tpl' => $signuptpl))); echo getTpl($noChunk); } } if ($act == 'listorders') { $modx->setPlaceholder('manager_folder', MGR_DIR); $uid = $modx->getLoginUserID(); if ($uid) { $orderpage = !empty($orderpage) ? $orderpage : $modx->documentIdentifier; echo tsv_listorders($orderpage); } else { $act = 'office'; } } // показ формы авторизации if ($act == 'weblogin') { $modx->setPlaceholder('manager_folder', MGR_DIR);
// webeditprofile.php - to accompany weblogin and websignup // provides a form for webusers to edit their profile // sottwell sept. 2006 // version 1.2 - bug fixes, improved password changing handler // version 1.3 - oct. 2006 - added redirect if user is not logged in $uid = $_SESSION['webInternalKey']; $username = $_SESSION['webShortname']; $result = $modx->db->select("*", $modx->getFullTableName('web_user_attributes'), "internalKey = " . $uid); $userdata = $modx->db->getRow($result); // load tpl if (is_numeric($tpl)) { $tpl = ($doc = $modx->getDocuments($tpl)) ? $doc['content'] : "Document '{$tpl}' not found."; } else { if ($tpl) { $tpl = ($chunk = getTpl($tpl)) ? $chunk : "Chunk '{$tpl}' not found."; } } //if(!$tpl) { $tpl = getWebProfiletpl(); } // extract declarations $declare = webLoginExtractDeclarations($tpl); $tpls = explode(isset($declare["separator"]) ? $declare["separator"] : "<!--tpl_separator-->", $tpl); $tpl = $tpls[0]; $tpl = str_replace("[+action+]", $modx->makeURL($modx->documentIdentifier), $tpl); $tpl = str_replace("[+username+]", $_SESSION['webShortname'], $tpl); $tpl = str_replace("[+fullname+]", $userdata['fullname'], $tpl); $tpl = str_replace("[+email+]", $userdata['email'], $tpl); $tpl = str_replace("[+country+]", $userdata['country'], $tpl); $tpl = str_replace("[+state+]", $userdata['state'], $tpl); $tpl = str_replace("[+phone+]", $userdata['phone'], $tpl); $tpl = str_replace("[+zip+]", $userdata['zip'], $tpl);
Msg.loading(); $.post('<?php echo U('servicelog/delete'); ?> ',{"id":id},function(result){ Msg.hide(); if (result.status==1){ $("#list_detail_"+id).fadeOut(); }else{ Msg.error(; } },'json'); }, cancel: function() { return false; } }); $("body").click();//取消弹出层对对话框的遮蔽 return false; }) $('.btn-group').each(function(){ var active = $(this).find('.dropdown-menu > .active'); if(active.length > 0){ $(this).find('.dropdown-label').children('span').text(active.find('a:first').text()); } }); }); </script> <?php include getTpl('footer', 'public');
<?php require "global.php"; //导航条 @(include Mpath . "data/guide_fid.php"); $mid = 2; /** *获取信息正文的内容 **/ $rsdb = $db->get_one("SELECT A.*,B.*,M.icon FROM `{$_pre}person` A LEFT JOIN `{$_pre}content_{$mid}` B ON LEFT JOIN {$pre}memberdata M ON A.uid=M.uid WHERE'{$id}'"); if (!$rsdb) { showerr("内容不存在"); } elseif (!$web_admin && $rsdb[uid] != $lfjuid && $rsdb[cuid] != $lfjuid) { showerr("你无权查看"); } $rsdb[picurl] = tempdir($rsdb[icon]); $rsdb[C] = $db->get_one("SELECT * FROM {$_pre}content WHERE id='{$rsdb['cid']}'"); $field_db = $module_DB[$mid]['field']; /** *对信息内容字段的处理 **/ $Module_db->hidefield = true; $Module_db->classidShowAll = true; $Module_db->showfield($field_db, $rsdb, 'show'); $rsdb[posttime] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $rsdb[posttime]); require getTpl("print_member");