function modifyConditionData($modify_class)
    $update_class = $_GET['update_class'];
    $update_value = $_GET['value'];
    $condition = $_GET['condition'];
    // cid or name | season or year
    $table_name = getTableName($modify_class);
    // 判斷 condition1 的種類
    switch ($modify_class) {
        case SECTOR_GROUP_INFO:
            $condition1_col_name = 'name';
        case TOP100_DATA:
            // top100用 year 找出對應當年份的季別
            $condition1_col_name = 'company_id';
            $condition[1] = $GLOBALS['dbc_object']->getTop100Season($condition[1]);
            $table_name = isTop100Info($update_class);
            // 確認要修改的項目是財務指標還是前百大資料
            $condition1_col_name = 'company_id';
    // company_id = "1234" AND season = "2013Q2"
    // name = "1234" AND season = "2013Q2"
    // condition_str : 組成欲修改資料的條件
    $condition_str = '`' . $condition1_col_name . '` = "' . $condition[0] . '"';
    if (count($condition) > 1) {
        $condition_str .= ' AND `season`= "' . $condition[1] . '"';
    // 修改資料
    if ($table_name) {
        $GLOBALS['dbc_object']->updateData($table_name, $update_class, $update_value, $condition_str);
Beispiel #2
function _post_save_vote(&$data, &$msg)
    $msg->voteHash = md5(strtolower(substr($data['text'], 1)));
    // but if this person already voted, we need to unregister these previous votes
    DB_Update('UPDATE ' . getTableName('messages') . ' SET m_votehash = "", m_deleted = "Y" WHERE m_parent = ? AND m_author = ?', array($msg->parentKey, $msg->authorEntity->key()));
    DB_Update('DELETE FROM ' . getTableName('votes') . ' WHERE v_msg = ?', array($msg->parentKey));
    // update the vote summary
    foreach (DB_GetList('SELECT COUNT(*) as votecount,m_data,m_id,m_votehash as count FROM ' . getTableName('messages') . '
    WHERE m_parent = ? AND m_deleted = "N" AND m_type="post" AND m_votehash != ""
    GROUP BY m_votehash') as $vds) {
        $msgData = HubbubMessage::unpackData($vds);
        // get the some exemplary votes for this
        $voterList = array();
        foreach (DB_GetList('SELECT m_author FROM ' . getTableName('messages') . ' WHERE m_parent = ? AND m_votehash = ? ORDER BY m_created DESC LIMIT 3', array($msg->parentKey, $vds['m_votehash'])) as $vex) {
            $voterList[] = $vex;
        // if this is also what this message votes for, add it to the list
        if ($this->{$msg}->voteHash == $vds['m_votehash']) {
            $voterList[] = getDefault($msg->authorKey, $msg->ownerKey);
        // make the vote summary dataset
        $voteDS = array('v_msg' => $msg->parentKey, 'v_choice' => $vds['m_votehash'], 'v_text' => $msgData['text'], 'v_voters' => implode(',', $voterList), 'v_count' => $vds['votecount']);
        DB_UpdateDataset('votes', $voteDS);
Beispiel #3
function InstallSampleData($mysqli)
    $galleryTableName = getTableName("example_gallery");
    $create = "CREATE TABLE `{$galleryTableName}` (\n  `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n  `active` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL,\n  `wysiwyg` text,\n  `checkbox` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL,\n  `color` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,\n  `date` date DEFAULT NULL,\n  `datetime` datetime DEFAULT NULL,\n  `enum` enum('ENTRY 1','ENTRY 2','ENTRY 3') DEFAULT NULL,\n  `multiselect` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,\n  `numeric` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,\n  `password` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,\n  `salt` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,\n  `radiobuttons` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,\n  `select` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,\n  `slider` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,\n  `slug` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,\n  `system` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL,\n  `tags` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,\n  `textarea` text,\n  `textinput` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,\n  `time` time DEFAULT NULL,\n  `single_file` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,\n  `user` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,\n  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)\n) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;";
    $uiUsersTableName = getTableName("example_users");
    $create = "CREATE TABLE `{$uiUsersTableName}` (\n  `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n  `ui_id` int(4) DEFAULT NULL,\n  `user_id` int(4) DEFAULT NULL,\n  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)\n  ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;";
    $uiFilesTableName = getTableName("example_files");
    $create = "CREATE TABLE `{$uiFilesTableName}` (\n  `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n  `file_id` int(4) DEFAULT NULL,\n  `ui_id` int(4) DEFAULT NULL,\n  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)\n) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;";
    $insert = "INSERT INTO `{$uiUsersTableName}` (`ui_id`, `user_id`)\nVALUES\n  (1, 1);";
    $insert = "INSERT INTO `{$galleryTableName}` (`id`, `active`, `wysiwyg`, `checkbox`, `color`, `date`, `datetime`, `enum`, `multiselect`, `numeric`, `password`, `salt`, `radiobuttons`, `select`, `slider`, `slug`, `system`, `tags`, `textarea`, `textinput`, `time`, `single_file`, `user`)\nVALUES\n  (1, 1, '<u>Test</u>', 1, '#27cd2b', '2014-07-10', '2014-07-10 11:53:00', 'ENTRY 2', 'Option 1,Option 2', 634, '74d26f2ab730ac48ee8a9c8f494508a542a6273e', '537d2d1852208', 'Option 2', 'Select 2', 46, 'test-field', 2, 'tag1,tag 2,tag 3', 'Test Text Area', 'test field', '11:58:00', NULL, 1);";
    $columnsTableName = getTableName("directus_columns");
    $insert = "INSERT INTO `{$columnsTableName}` ( `table_name`, `column_name`, `data_type`, `ui`, `system`, `master`, `hidden_input`, `hidden_list`, `required`, `relationship_type`, `table_related`, `junction_table`, `junction_key_left`, `junction_key_right`, `sort`, `comment`)\nVALUES\n  ('example_gallery', 'id', NULL, 'numeric', 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, ''),\n  ('example_gallery', 'active', NULL, 'checkbox', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, ''),\n  ('example_gallery', 'wysiwyg', NULL, 'wysiwyg', 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3, ''),\n  ('example_gallery', 'checkbox', NULL, 'checkbox', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 4, ''),\n  ('example_gallery', 'color', NULL, 'color', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 5, ''),\n  ('example_gallery', 'date', NULL, 'date', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 6, ''),\n  ('example_gallery', 'datetime', NULL, 'datetime', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 7, ''),\n  ('example_gallery', 'enum', NULL, 'enum', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 8, ''),\n  ('example_gallery', 'many_to_one', NULL, 'many_to_one', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 9, ''),\n  ('example_gallery', 'multiselect', NULL, 'multi_select', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 10, ''),\n  ('example_gallery', 'numeric', NULL, 'numeric', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 11, ''),\n  ('example_gallery', 'password', NULL, 'password', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 12, ''),\n  ('example_gallery', 'salt', NULL, 'salt', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 13, ''),\n  ('example_gallery', 'radiobuttons', NULL, 'radiobuttons', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 14, ''),\n  ('example_gallery', 'select', NULL, 'select', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 15, ''),\n  ('example_gallery', 'slider', NULL, 'slider', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 16, ''),\n  ('example_gallery', 'slug', NULL, 'slug', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 17, ''),\n  ('example_gallery', 'system', NULL, 'system', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 18, ''),\n  ('example_gallery', 'tags', NULL, 'tags', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 19, ''),\n  ('example_gallery', 'textarea', NULL, 'textarea', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 20, ''),\n  ('example_gallery', 'textinput', NULL, 'textinput', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 21, ''),\n  ('example_gallery', 'time', NULL, 'time', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 22, ''),\n  ('example_gallery', 'single_file', 'INT', 'single_file', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'MANYTOONE', 'directus_files', NULL, NULL, 'single_file', 9999, ''),\n  ('example_gallery', 'user', 'INT', 'many_to_one', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'MANYTOONE', 'directus_users', NULL, NULL, 'user', 9999, ''),\n  ('example_gallery', 'users', 'MANYTOMANY', 'many_to_many', 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 'MANYTOMANY', 'directus_users', 'example_users', 'ui_id', 'user_id', 9999, ''),\n  ('example_gallery', 'files', 'MANYTOMANY', 'multiple_files', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'MANYTOMANY', 'directus_files', 'example_files', 'ui_id', 'file_id', 9999, '');";
    $columnsTableName = getTableName("directus_tables");
    $insert = "INSERT INTO `{$columnsTableName}` (`table_name`, `hidden`, `single`, `is_junction_table`, `footer`, `list_view`, `column_groupings`, `primary_column`, `user_create_column`, `user_update_column`, `date_create_column`, `date_update_column`, `filter_column_blacklist`)\nVALUES\n  ('example_gallery',0,0,0,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),\n  ('example_users',1,0,1,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),\n  ('example_files',1,0,1,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);";
    $directusPrivilegesTableName = getTableName("directus_privileges");
    $insert = "INSERT INTO `{$directusPrivilegesTableName}` (`id`, `table_name`, `group_id`, `read_field_blacklist`, `write_field_blacklist`, `nav_listed`, `allow_view`, `allow_add`, `allow_edit`, `allow_delete`, `allow_alter`, `status_id`)\nVALUES\n  (DEFAULT, 'example_gallery',1,NULL,NULL,1,2,1,2,2,1,NULL),\n  (DEFAULT, 'example_users',1,NULL,NULL,1,2,1,2,2,1,NULL),\n  (DEFAULT, 'example_files',1,NULL,NULL,1,2,1,2,2,1,NULL);";
    $directusUITableName = getTableName("directus_ui");
    $insert = "INSERT INTO `{$directusUITableName}` (`table_name`, `column_name`, `ui_name`, `name`, `value`)\nVALUES\n  ('example_gallery', 'radiobuttons', 'radiobuttons', 'options', 'Option 1,Option 2,Option 3'),\n  ('example_gallery', 'multiselect', 'multi_select', 'type', 'select_list'),\n  ('example_gallery', 'multiselect', 'multi_select', 'delimiter', ','),\n  ('example_gallery', 'multiselect', 'multi_select', 'options', '{\r\n\"Option 1\":\"option_1\",\r\n\"Option 2\":\"option_2\",\r\n\"Option 3\":\"option_3\"\r\n}'),\n  ('example_gallery', 'password', 'password', 'require_confirmation', '1'),\n  ('example_gallery', 'password', 'password', 'salt_field', 'salt'),\n  ('example_gallery', 'select', 'select', 'options', '{\r\n\"Select 1\":\"select_1\",\r\n\"Select 2\":\"select_2\",\r\n\"Select 3\":\"select_3\"\r\n}'),\n  ('example_gallery', 'select', 'select', 'allow_null', '0'),\n  ('example_gallery', 'select', 'select', 'placeholder_text', ''),\n  ('example_gallery', 'slider', 'slider', 'minimum', '0'),\n  ('example_gallery', 'slider', 'slider', 'maximum', '100'),\n  ('example_gallery', 'slider', 'slider', 'step', '2'),\n  ('example_gallery', 'slug', 'slug', 'readonly', '1'),\n  ('example_gallery', 'slug', 'slug', 'size', 'large'),\n  ('example_gallery', 'slug', 'slug', 'mirrored_field', 'textinput'),\n  ('example_gallery', 'user', 'many_to_one', 'readonly', '0'),\n  ('example_gallery', 'user', 'many_to_one', 'visible_status_ids', '1'),\n  ('example_gallery', 'user', 'many_to_one', 'visible_column', 'email'),\n  ('example_gallery', 'user', 'many_to_one', 'visible_column_template', '{{email}}'),\n  ('example_gallery', 'user', 'many_to_one', 'placeholder_text', ''),\n  ('example_gallery', 'user', 'many_to_one', 'filter_type', 'dropdown'),\n  ('example_gallery', 'user', 'many_to_one', 'filter_column', 'email'),\n  ('example_gallery', 'users', 'many_to_many', 'visible_columns', 'email'),\n  ('example_gallery', 'users', 'many_to_many', 'add_button', '0'),\n  ('example_gallery', 'users', 'many_to_many', 'choose_button', '1'),\n  ('example_gallery', 'users', 'many_to_many', 'remove_button', '1'),\n  ('example_gallery', 'users', 'many_to_many', 'filter_type', 'dropdown'),\n  ('example_gallery', 'users', 'many_to_many', 'filter_column', 'email'),\n  ('example_gallery', 'users', 'many_to_many', 'visible_column_template', '{{email}}'),\n  ('example_gallery', 'files', 'multiple_files', 'add_button', '0'),\n  ('example_gallery', 'files', 'multiple_files', 'choose_button', '1'),\n  ('example_gallery', 'files', 'multiple_files', 'remove_button', '1');";
Beispiel #4
 function getFriends($eid)
   $result = array();
   foreach(DB_GetList('SELECT * FROM '.getTableName('connections').' WHERE c_from = ?', array($eid)) as $cds)
     $result[] = $cds['c_to'];
Beispiel #5
function getScoreList($level)
    $tableName = getTableName($level);
    $sql = "SELECT name, score FROM {$tableName} order by score desc limit 15";
    $res = mysql_query($sql);
    $temp = array();
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
        array_push($temp, $row);
    return json_encode($temp);
Beispiel #6
	function __init()
		foreach(DB_GetList('SELECT c_status,COUNT(*) as count FROM '.getTableName('connections').'
		  WHERE c_from = ?
			GROUP BY c_status', array($this->user->entity)) as $item)
			$menuCount[$item['c_status']] = $item['count'];
		$countArray = array();
    if($menuCount['friend'] > 0) $countArray[] = ' ('.$menuCount['friend'].')'; else $countArray[] = '';
		$countArray[] = '';
    if($menuCount['req.rcv'] > 0) $countArray[] = ' ('.$menuCount['req.rcv'].')'; else $countArray[] = '';
    if($menuCount['req.sent'] > 0) $countArray[] = ' ('.$menuCount['req.sent'].')'; else $countArray[] = '';
    $this->menu = $this->makeMenu('index,add,ab,rcv', $countArray);
    $this->myEntity = $this->user->selfEntity();
Beispiel #7
	function getComments($forPostKey, $getLimit = 3)
		$countDS = DB_GetDatasetWQuery('SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM '.getTableName('messages').'
        WHERE m_parent = ? AND m_deleted = "N" AND m_type="post" AND m_votehash = ""
        ', array($forPostKey));
		  'count' => $countDS['count'],
			'votes' => DB_GetList('SELECT COUNT(*) as votecount,m_data,m_id as count FROM '.getTableName('messages').'
        WHERE m_parent = ? AND m_deleted = "N" AND m_type="post" AND m_votehash != ""
        GROUP BY m_votehash
				ORDER BY votecount DESC, m_created ASC
				LIMIT 10
        ', array($forPostKey)),
		  'list' => array_reverse(DB_GetList('SELECT * FROM '.getTableName('messages').'
	      WHERE m_parent = ? AND m_deleted = "N" AND m_type="post" AND m_votehash = ""
	      ORDER BY m_created DESC
				LIMIT '.$getLimit, array($forPostKey))),
Beispiel #8
function feed_poll_receive(&$data, &$msg)
    if (!$msg->validateSignature()) {
        return true;
    $forServer = new HubbubServer($msg->authorEntity->ds['server']);
    $msg->response['listing_time'] = time();
    $msg->response['_listing_from_date'] = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $msg->data['last']);
    $msg->response['_listing_to_date'] = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s');
    $msg->response['_for_server'] = $msg->authorEntity->ds['server'] . ':' . $forServer->ds['s_key'];
    $serverKey = $forServer->ds['s_key'];
    // let's get a list of items
    $msg->response['feed'] = array();
    foreach (DB_GetList('SELECT * FROM ' . getTableName('messages') . ' LEFT JOIN ' . getTableName('connections') . ' ON (c_toserverkey = ' . $serverKey . ' AND (c_from = m_owner OR c_from = m_author)) ' . ' WHERE c_toserverkey > 0 AND m_publish="Y" AND m_changed >= "' . ($msg->data['last'] + 0) . '" ' . ' GROUP BY m_key ' . ' LIMIT ' . cfg('service/maxfeedsize', 200)) as $msgDS) {
        $msg->response['feed'][] = json_decode(gzinflate($msgDS['m_data']), true);
    $msg->response['_count'] = $resultCount;
Beispiel #9
	function friend_ignore($entityKey)
	  DB_Update('DELETE FROM '.getTableName('connections').' WHERE
	    c_from = ? AND c_to = ?', array(object('user')->ds['u_entity'], $entityKey));
Beispiel #10
function addClassScore($uid, $semester)
    $sum = 0;
    $sql = "SELECT id,ratio FROM class_type";
    $res = mysql_query($sql);
    while ($arr = @mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
        $table = getTableName($semester, $arr["id"]);
        $sql2 = "SELECT average FROM {$table} WHERE uid = {$uid}";
        $res2 = mysql_query($sql2);
        $arr2 = @mysql_fetch_assoc($res2);
        if ($arr2["average"]) {
            $sum += $arr2["average"] * $arr["ratio"];
        } else {
            $sum = 0;
    $sql3 = "UPDATE score SET class_score = {$sum} WHERE uid = {$uid} AND semester = {$semester}";
  * 获取审批吧主列表
  * @access private
  * @param string $fid 贴吧id
  * @param string $is_pass 是否通过
  * @return array
 private function getManagerPendList($fid, $is_pass)
     $u = getTableName('users');
     $fma = getTableName('forum_manager_apply');
     if ($is_pass == 0) {
         $condition["{$fma}.is_pass"] = 0;
     } elseif ($is_pass == 1) {
         $condition["{$fma}.is_pass"] = array('neq', 0);
     $condition["{$fma}.forum_id"] = $fid;
     $count = M('forum_manager_apply')->where($condition)->count();
     $Pager = new \Tieba\Library\Pager($count, 20, 'active', true);
     $show = $Pager->show();
     $info = M('forum_manager_apply')->field("{$u}.user_name,{$fma}.data_id,{$fma}.user_id,{$fma}.apply_date,{$fma}.apply_type,{$fma}.apply_content")->join("{$u} ON {$fma}.user_id = {$u}.user_id")->where($condition)->limit($Pager->firstRow . ',' . $Pager->listRows)->select();
     foreach ($info as $key => $value) {
         $info[$key]['user_age'] = A('Home')->getAge($info[$key]['user_id']);
         $info[$key]['post_count'] = A('Home')->getPostCount($info[$key]['user_id']);
         $info[$key]['apply_type_cn'] = $info[$key]['apply_type'] == 0 ? '吧主' : '小吧主';
         $info[$key]['user_level'] = A('Home')->getLevel($info[$key]['user_id'], $fid);
     $array[0] = $info;
     $array[1] = $show;
     $array[2] = $count;
     $array[3] = $Pager->totalPages;
     return $array;
Beispiel #12
    function GetClosestServers($entityId)
        return DB_GetList('SELECT *,SUM(c_count_sent) as sent_count FROM ' . getTableName('connections') . ' 
	     LEFT JOIN ' . getTableName('servers') . ' ON (c_toserverkey = s_key)
	     WHERE c_from = "' . ($entityId + 0) . '" and c_status="friend" 
	     GROUP BY c_toserverkey
	     ORDER BY sent_count DESC
	     LIMIT ' . getDefault($GLOBALS['config']['service']['dmn_maxsize'], 10));
  * 获取帖子的楼层引用(回复)
  * @access private
  * @param string $rid 回复的帖子id
  * @return string
 private function getReply($rid)
     $u = getTableName('users');
     $p = getTableName('post');
     if ($rid != '0') {
         $info = M('post')->field("{$p}.user_id,{$u}.user_name,{$p}.post_content,{$p}.floor_id")->join("{$u} ON {$p}.user_id = {$u}.user_id")->where(array("{$p}.post_id" => $rid))->find();
         $html = '<blockquote class="d_quote"><fieldset><legend> 回复 <a class="at j_user_card" data-uid="' . $info['user_id'] . '" target="_blank" href="' . U('Home/main', array('id' => $info['user_id'])) . '">@' . $info['user_name'] . '</a> (' . $info['floor_id'] . '楼) </legend>
            <p class="quote_content">' . $info['post_content'] . '</p></fieldset></blockquote>';
         return $html;
     } else {
Beispiel #14
 function __construct()
     $this->reflection = new ReflectionObject($this);
     $this->table_name = getTableName();
  * 获取精品列表
  * @access private
  * @param string $uid 用户id
  * @return array
 private function getGoodList($uid)
     $tt = getTableName('thread_type');
     $t = getTableName('thread');
     $l = getTableName('log');
     $u = getTableName('users');
     $f = getTableName('forum');
     $condition["{$t}.user_id"] = $uid;
     $condition["{$tt}.thread_type"] = array('in', array('good', 'good,top'));
     $condition["{$l}.log_type"] = 'set-good';
     $join1 = "{$tt} ON {$t}.thread_id = {$tt}.thread_id";
     $join2 = "{$l} ON {$t}.thread_id = {$l}.object_id";
     $count = M('thread')->join($join1)->join($join2)->where($condition)->count();
     $Pager = new \Tieba\Library\Pager($count, 20, 'cur', false);
     $show = $Pager->show();
     $info = M('thread')->field("{$t}.thread_id,{$t}.thread_title,{$t}.forum_id,{$f}.forum_name,{$l}.log_date,{$l}.user_id,{$u}.user_name")->join($join1)->join($join2)->join("{$f} ON {$t}.forum_id = {$f}.forum_id")->join("{$u} ON {$l}.user_id = {$u}.user_id")->where($condition)->group("{$l}.object_id")->order("{$l}.log_date desc")->limit($Pager->firstRow . ',' . $Pager->listRows)->select();
     $array[0] = $info;
     $array[1] = $show;
     return $array;
  * 获取搜索结果列表
  * @access private
  * @param string $fid 贴吧id
  * @param string $word 关键字
  * @param string $order 排序方式
  * @return array
 private function getSearchResultList($fid, $word, $order)
     $f = getTableName('forum');
     $p = getTableName('post');
     $t = getTableName('thread');
     $u = getTableName('users');
     if ($fid != '') {
         $condition_is_forum = "AND {$t}.forum_id='{$fid}'";
     } else {
         $condition_is_forum = '';
     switch ($order) {
         case '':
             $order = "post_date desc";
         case 'date':
             $order = "post_date asc";
         case 'thread':
             $condition_is_thread = "AND {$p}.floor_id=1";
             $order = "post_date desc";
     $sql = "(SELECT tb_post.thread_id,tb_thread.thread_title,tb_post.post_content,tb_post.post_id,tb_post.post_date,tb_post.user_id,tb_forum.forum_name,tb_thread.forum_id,tb_users.user_name,tb_post.floor_id FROM `tb_post` INNER JOIN tb_thread ON tb_post.thread_id = tb_thread.thread_id INNER JOIN tb_forum ON tb_thread.forum_id = tb_forum.forum_id INNER JOIN tb_users ON tb_post.user_id = tb_users.user_id WHERE tb_post.post_content LIKE '%{$word}%' AND tb_post.is_exist = 1  {$condition_is_forum} {$condition_is_thread}) UNION (SELECT tb_post.thread_id,tb_thread.thread_title,tb_post.post_content,tb_post.post_id,tb_post.post_date,tb_post.user_id,tb_forum.forum_name,tb_thread.forum_id,tb_users.user_name,tb_post.floor_id FROM `tb_thread` INNER JOIN tb_post ON tb_post.thread_id = tb_thread.thread_id INNER JOIN tb_forum ON tb_thread.forum_id = tb_forum.forum_id INNER JOIN tb_users ON tb_post.user_id = tb_users.user_id WHERE tb_thread.thread_title LIKE '%{$word}%' AND tb_thread.is_exist = 1 AND tb_post.floor_id=1 {$condition_is_forum}) ";
     $count_array = M()->query($sql);
     $count = count($count_array);
     $Pager = new \Tieba\Library\Pager($count, 20, 'cur', false);
     $sql_end = "ORDER BY {$order}  LIMIT {$Pager->firstRow},{$Pager->listRows}";
     $show = $Pager->show();
     $s_time = microtime(true);
     // $info = M('post')->field("{$p}.thread_id,{$t}.thread_title,{$p}.post_content,{$p}.post_id,{$p}.post_date,{$p}.user_id,{$f}.forum_name,{$t}.forum_id,{$u}.user_name,{$p}.floor_id")->join($join)->join("{$f} ON {$t}.forum_id = {$f}.forum_id")->join("{$u} ON {$p}.user_id = {$u}.user_id")
     // ->where($condition)->group("{$p}.post_id")->order($order)->limit($Pager->firstRow . ',' . $Pager->listRows)->select();
     $info = M()->query($sql . $sql_end);
     foreach ($info as $key => $value) {
         $info[$key]['post_content_convert'] = $this->getThreadText($info[$key]['post_content'], 'post');
         $info[$key]['post_content_convert'] = str_replace($word, '<em>' . $word . '</em>', $info[$key]['post_content_convert']);
         $info[$key]['thread_title_convert'] = str_replace($word, '<em>' . $word . '</em>', $info[$key]['thread_title']);
     $e_time = microtime(true);
     $total_time = number_format($e_time - $s_time, 3);
     $array[0] = $info;
     $array[1] = $show;
     $array[2] = $count;
     $array[3] = $total_time;
     return $array;
  * 获取有图的帖子
  * @access public
  * @return string
 public function getThreadHasImgList()
     $t = getTableName('thread');
     $p = getTableName('post');
     $info = M('thread')->field("{$t}.thread_id,{$t}.thread_title,{$p}.post_content")->join("{$p} ON {$t}.thread_id = {$p}.thread_id")->where(array("{$p}.floor_id" => 1, "{$t}.is_exist" => 1, "{$p}.post_content" => array('like', '%[img]%[/img]%')))->order("{$p}.post_date desc")->limit(6)->select();
     foreach ($info as $key => $value) {
         $info[$key]['thread_image'] = $this->getThreadImg($info[$key]['post_content']);
     return $info;
Beispiel #18

    $myOldUsername = $this->user->getUsername();
    $ctr = 1;
	  // let's get the attributes exported to us from other services
	  $infoDS = DB_Getdataset('idaccounts', $this->user->key(), 'ia_user');
    $twitterInfo = json_decode($infoDS['ia_properties'], true);
  	$fbInfo = $twitterInfo;
  	$openInfo = $twitterInfo;
		// let's try to determine sensible user data from the login services
		$idAccountWithEmail = DB_GetDatasetWQuery('SELECT * FROM '.getTableName('idaccounts').'
		  WHERE ia_user=? AND ia_type = "email"', array($this->user->key()));
		$defaultEmail = getDefault($openInfo['contact/email'], $fbInfo['email'], $idAccountWithEmail['ia_url']);
		// determining a default username idea
		$emlName = trim(substr($defaultEmail, 0, strpos($defaultEmail, '@')));
    $defaultUsername = safename(getDefault($twitterInfo['screen_name'], $fbInfo['first_name'], $emlName, $openInfo['namePerson/friendly']));   
    if($defaultUsername != '' && !HubbubEntity::isNameAvailable($defaultUsername)) 
      do {
        $defaultUsername2 = $defaultUsername.$ctr++;
      } while (!HubbubEntity::isNameAvailable($defaultUsername2));
			$defaultUsername = $defaultUsername2;
		// making a reasonable default name of of the email address
		$nameParts = array();
		foreach(explode('.', $defaultUsername) as $namePart)
		  $nameParts[] = strtoupper(substr($namePart, 0, 1)).strtolower(substr($namePart, 1));
		$emailNameReconstruction = implode(' ', $nameParts);
function PageCompListMembers($list, $table, $sqlWho, $sqlWhom, $sqlSelectAdd = '', $sqlWhereAdd = '', $sqlOrderAdd = '')
    global $memberID;
    global $site;
    global $dir;
    global $tmpl;
    $form = "{$table}_{$list}";
    if ($list == '') {
        $query = "\n\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\tIF( `{$table}`.`{$sqlWho}` = {$memberID}, `{$table}`.`{$sqlWhom}`, `{$table}`.`{$sqlWho}` ) AS `{$sqlWhom}`,\n\t\t\t\t`Profiles`.`NickName`\n\t\t\t\t{$sqlSelectAdd}\n\t\t\tFROM `{$table}`\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `Profiles`\n\t\t\t\tON `Profiles`.`ID` = IF( `{$table}`.`{$sqlWho}` = {$memberID}, `{$table}`.`{$sqlWhom}`, `{$table}`.`{$sqlWho}` )\n\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t( `{$table}`.`{$sqlWho}` = {$memberID} OR `{$table}`.`{$sqlWhom}` = {$memberID} )\n\t\t\t\t{$sqlWhereAdd}\n\t\t\tORDER BY {$sqlOrderAdd} `Profiles`.`NickName` ASC\n\t\t";
    } else {
        $query = "\n\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t`{$table}`.`{$sqlWho}`,\n\t\t\t\t`{$table}`.`{$sqlWhom}`,\n\t\t\t\t`Profiles`.`NickName`\n\t\t\t\t{$sqlSelectAdd}\n\t\t\tFROM `{$table}`\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `Profiles`\n\t\t\t\tON `Profiles`.`ID` = `{$table}`.`{$sqlWhom}`\n\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t`{$table}`.`{$sqlWho}` = {$memberID}\n\t\t\t\t{$sqlWhereAdd}\n\t\t\tORDER BY {$sqlOrderAdd} `Profiles`.`NickName` ASC\n\t\t";
    $rMembers = db_res($query);
    if ($num_res = mysql_num_rows($rMembers)) {
        $sWhole = file_get_contents("{$dir['root']}templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/contacts_tmpl.html");
        $aMyTmpl = preg_split("/\\{\\/?InsertRows\\}/", $sWhole);
        $tmplRow = $aMyTmpl[1];
        $sWhole = "{$aMyTmpl[0]}{InsertRows /}{$aMyTmpl[2]}";
        $InsertRows = '';
        $tr_class = 'odd';
        while ($aMember = mysql_fetch_assoc($rMembers)) {
            $aReplace = array();
            $aReplace['ID'] = $aMember[$sqlWhom];
            $aReplace['CheckBoxName'] = "mem[{$aMember[$sqlWhom]}]";
            if ($aMember[$sqlWhom] > 0) {
                $aReplace['Thumbnail'] = get_member_icon($aMember[$sqlWhom], 'left');
                $aReplace['NickName'] = "<a href=\"" . getProfileLink($aMember[$sqlWhom]) . "\">{$aMember['NickName']}</a>";
                $aReplace['SendGreet'] = sendKissPopUp($aMember[$sqlWhom]);
                $aReplace['SendMsg'] = "\n\t\t\t\t  <a href=\"{$site['url']}compose.php?ID={$aMember[$sqlWhom]}\" title=\"" . _t('_Send Message') . "\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<img src=\"" . getTemplateIcon('compose.png') . "\" alt=\"" . _t('_Send Message') . "\" />\n\t\t\t\t  </a>";
            } else {
                $aReplace['Thumbnail'] = '';
                $aReplace['NickName'] = _t('_Visitor');
                $aReplace['SendGreet'] = '';
                $aReplace['SendMsg'] = '';
            $aReplace['Times'] = $aMember['Number'] ? _t("_N times", $aMember['Number']) : '&nbsp;';
            $aReplace['PicNew'] = $aMember['New'] ? '<img src="' . getTemplateIcon('new.gif') . '" class="pic_new" />' : '';
            $aReplace['Date'] = $aMember['Arrived'] ? $aMember['Arrived'] : '&nbsp;';
            $aReplace['tr_class'] = $tr_class;
            $sInsertRow = $tmplRow;
            foreach ($aReplace as $key => $val) {
                $sInsertRow = str_replace("{{$key}}", $val, $sInsertRow);
            $sInsertRows .= $sInsertRow;
            $tr_class = $tr_class == 'odd' ? 'even' : 'odd';
        $aReplace = array();
        $aReplace['InsertRows /'] = $sInsertRows;
        $aReplace['Self'] = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?show=' . $_GET['show'] . '&amp;list=' . $_GET['list'];
        $aReplace['FormName'] = "{$form}_form";
        $aReplace['CheckAll'] = _t('_Check all');
        $aReplace['UncheckAll'] = _t('_Uncheck all');
        $aReplace['Actions'] = getButtons($form);
        foreach ($aReplace as $key => $val) {
            $sWhole = str_replace("{{$key}}", $val, $sWhole);
        // unset "new" flag for kisses
        if ($table == 'VKisses' and $list == 'me') {
            db_res("UPDATE `VKisses` SET `New`='0' WHERE `Member`={$memberID} AND `New`='1'");
    } else {
        $sWhole = file_get_contents("{$dir['root']}templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/contacts_tmpl_nores.html");
        $aReplace = array();
        $aReplace['NoResults'] = _t('_No members found here');
        foreach ($aReplace as $key => $val) {
            $sWhole = str_replace("{{$key}}", $val, $sWhole);
    $sWhole = str_replace('{TableCaption}', getTableName($form, $num_res), $sWhole);
    return $sWhole;
Beispiel #20
	function clearAllTables()
		$this->skipView = true;
		foreach(explode(',', 'auditlog,connections,entities,idaccounts,localgroups,messages,nvstore,servers,usagestats,users,votes') as $table)
		  DB_Update('TRUNCATE '.getTableName($table));
Beispiel #21
function DB_GetDatasetMatch($table, $matchOptions, $fillIfEmpty = true, $noMatchOptions = array())
    $where = array('1');
    if (!is_array($matchOptions)) {
        $matchOptions = stringParamsToArray($matchOptions);
    foreach ($matchOptions as $k => $v) {
        $where[] = '(' . $k . '="' . DB_Safe($v) . '")';
    foreach ($noMatchOptions as $k => $v) {
        $where[] = '(' . $k . '!="' . DB_Safe($v) . '")';
    $iwhere = implode(' AND ', $where);
    $query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . getTableName($table) . ' WHERE ' . $iwhere;
    $resultDS = DB_GetDatasetWQuery($query);
    if ($fillIfEmpty && sizeof($resultDS) == 0) {
        foreach ($matchOptions as $k => $v) {
            $resultDS[$k] = $v;
    profile_point('DB_GetDatasetMatch(' . $table . ', ' . $iwhere . ')');
    return $resultDS;