Beispiel #1
 public function main($username = "", $song_title = "")
     $song = $this->cache->model('Song_model', 'get_song_where', array(array('username' => $username, 'song_url' => $song_title)), 300);
     if (!$song) {
         $checkSong = $this->Song_model->getUpdatedUrl(array('old_url' => $song_title, 'users.username' => $username));
         if ($checkSong) {
             redirect('song/' . $username . '/' . $checkSong->current_url, '301');
         } else {
             redirect('songs/error', 'refresh');
     $this->data['song_status'] = status_message('song', $song->status);
     $this->data['song'] = $song;
     $this->data['username'] = $username;
     $song_artist_full = $song->song_artist;
     if (!empty($song->featuring)) {
         $song_artist_full .= ' Feat. ' . $song->featuring;
     $meta_download = $song->can_download === 'yes' || !empty($song->buy_link) ? 'Stream & Download ' : 'Listen to ';
     $meta_description = empty($song->song_description) ? $meta_download . htmlspecialchars($song->song_title, ENT_QUOTES) . ' by ' . $song_artist_full : htmlspecialchars($song->song_description, ENT_QUOTES);
     if ($song->external_source == 'soundcloud') {
         $this->data['mp3Source'] = '' . $song->external_file . '/stream?consumer_key=' . $this->config->item('soundcloud_client_id');
     } else {
         $this->data['mp3Source'] = getSignedURL($this->config->item('cloudfront_music') . '/tracks/' . $username . '/' . $song->file_name, '1800');
     $this->data['twitter_via'] = !empty($song->twitter_handle) ? 'data-via="' . $song->twitter_handle . '"' : NULL;
     $this->data['meta_name'] = array('description' => htmlspecialchars($meta_description, ENT_QUOTES), 'twitter:card' => 'player', 'twitter:site' => '@hiphopvip1', 'twitter:title' => htmlspecialchars($song->song_artist, ENT_QUOTES) . ' - ' . htmlspecialchars($song->song_title, ENT_QUOTES), 'twitter:description' => htmlspecialchars($song->song_description, ENT_QUOTES), 'twitter:image' => song_img($song->username, $song->song_url, $song->song_image), 'twitter:player' => $this->config->item('secure_base_url') . '/embed/song/' . $username . '/' . $song->song_url, 'twitter:player:width' => '480', 'twitter:player:height' => '100', 'twitter:player:stream' => $this->data['mp3Source'], 'twitter:player:stream:content_type' => 'audio/mp3');
     $this->data['meta_prop'] = array('og:title' => $meta_download . htmlspecialchars($song_artist_full . ' - ' . $song->song_title, ENT_QUOTES), 'og:url' => base_url('song/' . $username . '/' . $song->song_url), 'og:image' => song_img($song->username, $song->song_url, $song->song_image), 'og:site_name' => 'hiphopVIP', 'og:description' => htmlspecialchars($meta_description, ENT_QUOTES));
     /* - display latest tracks if we cannot find songs by artist - */
     $recentLimit = 10;
     $userRecentWhere = array('status' => 'published', 'song_url !=' => $song->song_url);
     $userRecentTracks = $this->cache->model('Song_model', 'search', array($userRecentWhere, $song->song_artist, $recentLimit, 0, 'song_id DESC'), 1800);
     $userRecentCount = count($userRecentTracks);
     $this->data['recent_count'] = $userRecentCount;
     if ($userRecentCount < 5) {
         $latestWhere = array('status' => 'published', 'song_url !=' => $song->song_url);
         $latestTracks = $this->cache->model('Song_model', 'get_songs_where', array($latestWhere, $recentLimit, 'song_id DESC'), 1800);
         $this->data['more_tracks'] = $latestTracks;
         $this->data['more_tracks_title'] = 'Other Songs You Might Like';
         $this->data['start_a_playlist'] = FALSE;
     } else {
         $this->data['start_a_playlist'] = TRUE;
         $this->data['more_tracks'] = $userRecentTracks;
         $this->data['more_tracks_title'] = 'More Songs From ' . $song->song_artist;
     if ($this->ion_auth->logged_in()) {
         $voteIds = array();
         foreach ($this->data['more_tracks'] as $key => $s) {
             $voteIds[] = $s->song_id;
         $votes = $this->Vote_model->get_where_in('vote_song_id,vote_rating', $voteIds, $this->ion_auth->user()->row()->id);
         $this->data['userVotes'] = json_encode($votes);
     } else {
         $this->data['userVotes'] = "";
     /* - END display latest tracks - */
     $nextSongSQL = array('song_id >' => $song->song_id, 'status' => 'published');
     $nextSong = $this->cache->model('Song_model', 'get_songs_where', array($nextSongSQL, "1", "song_id ASC"), 1800);
     $prevSongSQL = array('song_id <' => $song->song_id, 'status' => 'published');
     $prevSong = $this->cache->model('Song_model', 'get_songs_where', array($prevSongSQL, "1", "song_id DESC"), 1800);
     //get next and previous songs
     if ($nextSong) {
         foreach ($nextSong as $ns) {
             $this->data['nextSong'] = $ns;
     } else {
         $this->data['nextSong'] = null;
     if ($prevSong) {
         foreach ($prevSong as $ps) {
             $this->data['prevSong'] = $ps;
     } else {
         $this->data['prevSong'] = NULL;
     if ($this->ion_auth->logged_in()) {
         $this->data['favorite'] = $this->Social_model->get_favorite(array('song_id' => $song->song_id, 'user_id' => $this->ion_auth->user()->row()->id)) ? TRUE : FALSE;
         $this->data['user_playlists'] = $this->Playlist_model->get(array('playlists.user_id' => $this->ion_auth->user()->row()->id), 'id DESC');
     $this->data['promoted'] = $this->cache->library('sorting', 'get_list', array('songs', 'promoted', 5));
     $this->data['featuring'] = !empty($song->featuring) ? '<span style="display:block"><span style="font-weight:bold">Featuring: </span> ' . htmlspecialchars($song->featuring, ENT_QUOTES) . '</span>' : NULL;
     $this->data['producer'] = !empty($song->song_producer) ? '<span style="display:block"><span style="font-weight:bold">Producer: </span> ' . htmlspecialchars($song->song_producer, ENT_QUOTES) . '</span>' : NULL;
     $this->data['album'] = !empty($song->album) ? '<span style="display:block"><span style="font-weight:bold">Album: </span> ' . htmlspecialchars($song->album, ENT_QUOTES) . '</span>' : NULL;
     $this->data['releaseDate'] = date('m/d/Y', $song->published_date);
     $this->data['description'] = !empty($song->song_description) ? htmlspecialchars($song->song_description, ENT_QUOTES) : NULL;
     $this->data['visibility'] = $this->ion_auth->logged_in() && $this->ion_auth->user()->row()->username == $this->uri->segment(2) || $this->ion_auth->is_admin() ? '<span style="display:block"><span style="font-weight:bold">Visibility: </span>' . ucfirst($song->visibility) . '</span>' : NULL;
     $this->data['songArtist'] = htmlspecialchars($song->song_artist, ENT_QUOTES);
     $this->data['songTitle'] = htmlspecialchars($song->song_title, ENT_QUOTES);
     $this->data['featured_nav'] = $song->featured === 'yes' ? TRUE : FALSE;
     $this->data['promoted_nav'] = $song->promoted === 'yes' ? TRUE : FALSE;
     $this->data['copyright_status'] = $song->status === 'copyright' ? TRUE : FALSE;
     $this->data['coreJS'] = array('lists.js');
     $this->data['vendorCSS'] = array('apm/skin/hhvip.css', 'apm/skin/jquery-ui-slider.custom.css', 'social-likes/social-likes_classic.css');
     $this->data['vendorJS'] = array('apm/lib/jquery-ui-slider-1.10.4.custom.min.js', 'apm/lib/modernizr-2.5.3-custom.min.js', 'apm/lib/soundmanager2-jsmin.js', 'apm/apmplayer.js', 'apm/apmplayer_ui.jquery.js', 'social-likes/social-likes.min.js');
     $this->data['title'] = $meta_download . $song->song_artist . ' - ' . $song->song_title . ' on ' . SITE_TITLE;
     $this->data['title'] = htmlspecialchars($this->data['title'], ENT_QUOTES);
     $this->_render('player/main', $this->data);
Beispiel #2
  * retrieves data from the Playlist model for a playlist and sets up the data array to be used with APM media player
  * @param  integer $id - playlist Track ID
  * @return json encoded playlist array that should be used with APM Player
 public function buildTrackData($id)
     $playlist = $this->cache->model('Playlist_model', 'get', array(array('' => $id)), 300);
     $tracks = $this->cache->model('Playlist_model', 'get_tracks', array(array('playlist_id' => $id), 'position ASC'), 300);
     $playlist = $playlist[0];
     if (!$tracks) {
         return "''";
     } else {
         foreach ($tracks as $t) {
             if ($t->external_source == 'soundcloud') {
                 $http_file_path = '' . $t->external_file . '/stream?consumer_key=' . $this->config->item('soundcloud_client_id');
             } else {
                 $http_file_path = getSignedURL($this->config->item('cloudfront_music') . '/tracks/' . $t->username . '/' . $t->file_name, '86400');
             $producer = !empty($t->song_producer) ? ' (Prod. ' . htmlspecialchars($t->song_producer, ENT_QUOTES) . ')' : NULL;
             $featuring = !empty($t->featuring) ? ' (Feat. ' . htmlspecialchars($t->featuring, ENT_QUOTES) . ') ' : NULL;
             $data[] = array('identifier' => $t->id, 'list_id' => $id, 'type' => 'audio', 'host' => $t->id, 'title' => htmlspecialchars($t->song_title, ENT_QUOTES), 'artist' => htmlspecialchars($t->song_artist, ENT_QUOTES), 'program' => $featuring . $producer, 'image_lg' => song_img($t->username, $t->song_url, $t->song_image, 300), 'image_sm' => $t->file_name, 'url' => base_url('song/' . $t->username . '/' . $t->song_url), 'external_url' => $t->external_url, 'http_file_path' => $http_file_path);
         return json_encode($data, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
Beispiel #3
            echo $this->config->item('soundcloud_client_id');
" class="btn btn-warning download-song-btn" target="blank" title="Download <?php 
            echo $songArtist . ' - ' . $songTitle;
 mp3" id="dlbtn"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-save"></span> Download</a>

        if (empty($song->external_source)) {
                <a href="<?php 
            echo getSignedURL($this->config->item('cloudfront_music') . '/tracks/' . $song->username . '/' . $song->file_name, '600');
" class="btn btn-danger download-song-btn" target="blank" title="Download <?php 
            echo $songArtist . ' - ' . $songTitle;
 mp3" id="dlbtn"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-save"></span> Download</a>    

Beispiel #4
 public function get_playlist_songs($user_id)
     $where = array('user_id' => $user_id, 'status' => 'published');
     $playlist = $this->cache->model('Song_model', 'get_songs_where', array($where, 10, 'song_id DESC'), 120);
     // keep for 2 minutes
     if (!$playlist) {
         return "''";
     } else {
         foreach ($playlist as $i) {
             if (!empty($i->featuring)) {
                 $featuring = ' (Feat. ' . $i->featuring . ')';
             } else {
                 $featuring = NULL;
             $song_id = $i->song_id;
             $song_title = $i->song_title;
             $song_artist = $i->song_artist . $featuring;
             $user_id = $i->user_id;
             $username = $i->username;
             $file_uid = $i->file_uid;
             $url = $i->song_url;
             $file_name = $i->file_name;
             $upload_date = $i->upload_date;
             $image_sm = song_img($username, $url, $i->song_image, 64);
             $data[] = array('identifier' => $song_title, 'type' => 'audio', 'description' => $i->song_description, 'date' => $i->published_date, 'image_sm' => $image_sm, 'title' => $song_title, 'program' => $song_artist, 'http_file_path' => getSignedURL($this->config->item('cloudfront_music') . '/tracks/' . $username . '/' . $file_name, '6000'), 'detail' => $url);
         return json_encode($data);