 * Get Nonce
 * @since 2.03
 * @author tankmiche
 * @uses $USR
 * @uses $SALT
 * @param string $action Id of current page
 * @param string $file Optional, default is empty string
 * @param bool $last 
 * @return string
function get_nonce($action, $file = "", $last = false)
    global $USR;
    global $SALT;
    // set nonce_timeout default and clamps
    include_once GSADMININCPATH . 'configuration.php';
    clamp($nonce_timeout, 60, 86400, 3600);
    // min, max, default in seconds
    // $nonce_timeout = 10;
    if ($file == "") {
        $file = getScriptFile();
    // using user agent since ip can change on proxys
    $uid = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
    // set nonce time domain to $nonce_timeout or $nonce_timeout x 2 when last is $true
    $time = $last ? time() - $nonce_timeout : time();
    $time = floor($time / $nonce_timeout);
    // Mix with a little salt
    $hash = sha1($action . $file . $uid . $USR . $SALT . $time);
    return $hash;
Beispiel #2
 * Myself 
 * Returns the page itself 
 * @since 2.04
 * @author ccagle8
 * @param bool $echo
 * @return string
function myself($echo = true)
    if ($echo) {
        echo htmlentities(basename(getScriptFile()), ENT_QUOTES);
    } else {
        return htmlentities(basename(getScriptFile()), ENT_QUOTES);
 * Create Navigation Tab
 * This adds a top level tab to the control panel
 * @since 2.0
 * @uses $plugins
 * @param string $id Id of current page
 * @param string $txt Text to add to tabbed link
 * @param string $klass class to add to a element
function createNavTab($tabname, $id, $txt, $action = null)
    global $plugin_info;
    $current = false;
    if (basename(getScriptFile()) == 'load.php') {
        $plugin_id = @$_GET['id'];
        if ($plugin_info[$plugin_id]['page_type'] == $tabname) {
            $current = true;
    echo '<li id="nav_' . $id . '" class="plugin_tab"><a href="load.php?id=' . $id . ($action ? '&amp;' . $action : '') . '" ' . ($current ? 'class="current"' : '') . ' >' . $txt . '</a></li>';