/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | PHP version 4/5                                                      |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | This source file is a part of iScripts Multicart                     |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Authors: Programmer<*****@*****.**>        		              |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Copyrights Armia Systems, Inc and iScripts.com © 2005                |
// | All rights reserved                                                  |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | This script may not be distributed, sold, given away for free to     |
// | third party, or used as a part of any internet services such as      |
// | webdesign etc.                                                       |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
include "includes/functions.php";
$imgname = $_GET['imagename'];
$from = $_GET['from'];
if ($from == "products/") {
    getResizedImage("products/" . $imgname, 100);
if ($from == "products/bulk_images/") {
    getResizedImage("products/bulk_images/" . $imgname, 100);
if (empty($from)) {
    getResizedImage("products/" . $imgname, 100);


/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | PHP version 4/5                                                      |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | This source file is a part of iScripts Multicart                     |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Authors: Programmer<*****@*****.**>        		              |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Copyrights Armia Systems, Inc and iScripts.com © 2005                |
// | All rights reserved                                                  |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | This script may not be distributed, sold, given away for free to     |
// | third party, or used as a part of any internet services such as      |
// | webdesign etc.                                                       |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
include "includes/functions.php";
$imgname = $_GET['imagename'];
getResizedImage("portfolios/" . $imgname, 50);