 * @author Malacma <*****@*****.**>
 * @data 11/03/2014
 * http://nosnaldeia.com.br/babel_json_services/?login=super@gmail.com&passwd=123456&proficiency=FR
 * */
include_once 'db_vars.config.php';
//Recupera parametros
$email = $_GET['login'];
$passwd = $_GET['passwd'];
$proficiency = $_GET['proficiency'];
$mensagem = "Login";
//Atualiza o perfil para o status online e disponivel quando loga no sistema atualiza a lingua nativa tb
$ip = getRemoteIp();
$query = " SELECT `fn_login`('{$ip}', '{$email}','{$proficiency}') AS `fn_login`";
//echo $query;
$result = mysqli_query($con, $query);
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($result);
$nature = $row['fn_login'];
//Cria a session do ususario
if ($result) {
    $_SESSION["BABELON"] = true;
    $_SESSION["NATURE"] = $nature;
    $_SESSION["EMAIL"] = $email;
    $_SESSION["PASSWD"] = md5($passwd);
//Atualiza conta sip
 function perform()
     // Get the resources we need to do this update
     $db = $_REQUEST['db'];
     $userFinder = new UserFinder($db);
     $user = $userFinder->findById($_SESSION['userId']);
     $questionFinder = new QuestionFinder($db);
     // Grok all the relevant data from the form
     $qHash = array();
     $qHash['library_id'] = $user['library_id'];
     $qHash['location_id'] = gpwd('location', null);
     $qHash['question_type_id'] = gpwd('questionType', null);
     $qHash['question_type_other'] = gpwd('questionTypeOther');
     $qHash['time_spent_id'] = gpwd('timeSpent', null);
     $qHash['patron_type_id'] = gpwd('patronType', null);
     $qHash['question_format_id'] = gpwd('questionFormat', null);
     $qHash['initials'] = gpwd('initials');
     $qHash['client_ip'] = getRemoteIp();
     $qHash['user_id'] = $_SESSION['userId'];
     $qHash['question'] = gpwd('question');
     $qHash['answer'] = gpwd('answer');
     $qHash['question'] = trim($qHash['question']);
     $qHash['answer'] = trim($qHash['answer']);
     $qHash['hide'] = 0;
     if ($qHash['question'] == '' && $qHash['answer'] == '') {
         $qHash['hide'] = 1;
     // Do the date
     $qHash['question_date'] = trim(gpwd('mydate', 'now'));
     if ($qHash['question_date'] == '') {
         $qHash['question_date'] = 'now';
     $stamp = strtotime($qHash['question_date']);
     if ($stamp != -1) {
         $qHash['question_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $stamp);
     } else {
         $qHash['question_date'] = null;
     $qHash['date_added'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     // Clean up qHash; make numbers really numeric. The dirty little
     // trick: add 0 to non-null values names .*_id
     foreach ($qHash as $key => $val) {
         if (strpos($key, '_id')) {
             if ($val != null) {
                 $qHash[$key] = $val + 0;
     $target = "questionAddForm.do";
     $res = $questionFinder->addQuestion($qHash);
     if (!DB::isError($res)) {
         // Use a Location: header to fly back; we don't want to
         // be able to double-enter by mistake.... I think.
         $url = "http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}";
         $url = substr($url, 0, -strrchr($url, '/')) . $target;
         header("Location: {$url}");
     } else {
         // A page error occurred!
         $_REQUEST['dbResult'] = $res;
         $act = new PageErrorAction();
         return $act->perform();
Beispiel #3
<h2>Тестовая оплата Яндекс.Касса</h2>
    Оплата услуг аккаунт <strong>#<?php 
echo intval($paypost['customerNumber']);
</strong><br />
    Cумма оплаты <strong><?php 
echo to_money($paypost['Sum'], 2);
 рублей</strong><br />
    Cпособ оплаты <strong><?php 
echo $payway[$paypost['paymentType']];
</strong><br />
    IP cервера Яндекса <strong><?php 
echo getRemoteIp();
</strong><br />
    ShopID <strong><?php 
echo $paypost['ShopID'];
</strong><br />
    Bill reserve ID: <strong><?php 
echo @$paypost['orderId'];

<form method="GET" action="ykassa.php" >
    <input type="submit" name="success" value="Успешно оплатить" />
    <input type="submit" name="cancel" value="Вернуться в магазин" />
Beispiel #4
 private function isErrorIP()
     $ip = getRemoteIp();
     $allowedIPs = $this->is_test ? $this->ip_test : $this->ip_real;
     return !in_array($ip, $allowedIPs);
Beispiel #5
  * Проверка и подтверждение платежа, внесение депозита
  * @global DB $DB
  * @param type $request     Массив с данными запроса (можно весь $_POST)
  * @return type             Строка, если ошибка, иначе NULL
 function process_payment($request)
     global $DB;
     $action = $request['action'];
     $ip = getRemoteIp();
     if (!in_array($ip, $this->_allowed_ips)) {
         return "Неразрешенный IP: {$ip}";
     if (!in_array($action, array('Check', 'PaymentSuccess'))) {
         return 'Некорректный запрос';
     $shopid = $request['shopId'];
     $ammount = $request['orderSumAmount'];
     $orderIsPaid = $request['orderIsPaid'];
     $orderNumber = $request['invoiceId'];
     $billing_no = $request['customerNumber'];
     $hash = $request['md5'];
     $fromcode = $request['paymentPayerCode'];
     $paymentDateTime = $request['paymentDateTime'];
     $orderCreatedDatetime = $request['orderCreatedDatetime'];
     $operation_type = $request['OPERATION_TYPE'];
     $operation_id = $request['OPERATION_ID'];
     if (floatval($ammount) <= 0) {
         return 'Неверная сумма!';
     $hash_str = $orderIsPaid . ';' . $ammount . ';' . $this->curid . ';' . $this->bank . ';' . $shopid . ';' . $orderNumber . ';' . $billing_no . ';' . $this->key;
     if (strtoupper(md5($hash_str)) != $hash) {
         return 'Неверный хэш!';
     $op_id = 0;
     require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/classes/sbr.php";
     if ($operation_type == sbr::OP_RESERVE) {
         // убрать проверку после тестирования.
         $shopid = ydpay::SHOP_SBR_RESERVE;
     $op_descr = '';
     switch ($shopid) {
         case ydpay::SHOP_SBR_RESERVE:
             // Резерв денег по СбР (новая)
             $op_code = sbr::OP_RESERVE;
             $amm = 0;
             $op_descr = " СбР #" . $operation_id;
         case ydpay::SHOP_DEPOSIT:
             // Перевод денег на личный счет
             $op_code = 12;
             $amm = $ammount;
             return 'Неверный магазин!';
     if ($action == 'Check') {
         $descr = "ЯД с кошелька {$fromcode} сумма - {$ammount}, номер покупки - {$orderNumber}";
         $descr .= $op_descr;
         $dups = $DB->val('SELECT id FROM account_operations_yd WHERE descr = ?', $descr);
         if (!$dups) {
             $op_id = $DB->insert('account_operations_yd', array('billing_id' => $billing_no, 'op_date' => $orderCreatedDatetime, 'op_code' => $op_code, 'ammount' => $amm, 'trs_sum' => $ammount, 'descr' => $descr, 'invoice_id' => $orderNumber), 'id');
             $error = $DB->error;
     } elseif ($action == 'PaymentSuccess') {
         $descr = "ЯД с кошелька {$fromcode} сумма - {$ammount}, обработан {$paymentDateTime}, номер покупки - {$orderNumber}";
         $descr .= $op_descr;
         $tmp_payment = $DB->row('SELECT * FROM account_operations_yd WHERE invoice_id = ?', $orderNumber);
         if (!$tmp_payment) {
             return 'Платеж не найден';
         $dups = $this->checkDups($descr);
         if ($dups) {
         $error = $this->deposit($op_id, $billing_no, $amm, $descr, 3, $ammount, $op_code, $operation_id);
         if (!$error) {
             $DB->query('DELETE FROM account_operations_yd WHERE invoice_id = ?', $orderNumber);
     } else {
         $error = 'Некорректный запрос';
     return $error;
 function perform()
     $times = array();
     $start = 0;
     $end = 0;
     $result = array('renderer' => 'template_renderer.inc', 'pageTitle' => SITE_NAME . ' : Add Question', 'content' => 'content/questionAddForm.php');
     // The number of questions and page offset we want
     $count = grwd('count', 50);
     $page = grwd('page', 1);
     $result['count'] = $count;
     $result['page'] = $page;
     // Learn what kind of menus we need
     $layout = grwd('layout', 'menus');
     $optionFunction = array('pulldown' => 'getSelectPulldown', 'radio' => 'getRadioList', 'menus' => 'getSelectBox');
     $result['optionFunction'] = $optionFunction[$layout];
     $db = $_REQUEST['db'];
     $tsf = new TimeSpentFinder($db);
     $ptf = new PatronTypeFinder($db);
     $qff = new QuestionFormatFinder($db);
     $qtf = new QuestionTypeFinder($db);
     $if = new InitialsFinder($db);
     $lf = new LocationFinder($db);
     $userFinder = new UserFinder($db);
     $start = mTimeFloat();
     $user = $userFinder->findById($_SESSION['userId']);
     $end = mTimeFloat();
     $times['userfind'] = $end - $start;
     $clientIp = getRemoteIp();
     $libId = $user['library_id'];
     $start = mTimeFloat();
     $result['timeSpentOpts'] = $tsf->findByLibrary($libId);
     $result['patronTypeOpts'] = $ptf->findByLibrary($libId);
     $result['questionTypeOpts'] = $qtf->findByLibrary($libId);
     $result['questionFormatOpts'] = $qff->findByLibrary($libId);
     $result['locationOpts'] = $lf->findByLibrary($libId);
     $times['menus'] = mTimeFloat() - $start;
     $start = mTimeFloat();
     // Load the default (last used) values for this client
     $result['locationId'] = $lf->getLastLocationId($clientIp, $libId);
     if ($result['locationId'] == null) {
         $result['locationId'] = $result['locationOpts'][0]['location_id'];
     $start = mTimeFloat();
     $result['lastInitials'] = $if->getLastInitials($clientIp);
     $times['lastInitials'] = mTimeFloat() - $start;
     $start = mTimeFloat();
     $result['lastTimeSpent'] = $tsf->getLast($clientIp);
     $times['lastTimeSpent'] = mTimeFloat() - $start;
     $start = mTimeFloat();
     $result['lastPatronType'] = $ptf->getLast($clientIp);
     $times['lastPatronType'] = mTimeFloat() - $start;
     $start = mTimeFloat();
     $result['lastQuestionType'] = $qtf->getLast($clientIp);
     $times['lastQuestionType'] = mTimeFloat() - $start;
     $start = mTimeFloat();
     $result['lastQuestionFormat'] = $qff->getLast($clientIp);
     $times['lastQuestionFormat'] = mTimeFloat() - $start;
     $result['user'] = $user;
     $questionFinder = new QuestionFinder($db);
     $start = mTimeFloat();
     $result['lastAdded'] = $questionFinder->getLastQuestionTime($clientIp, $libId);
     if ($result['lastAdded'] != null) {
         $result['lastAdded'] = date('n/d g:i A', strtotime($result['lastAdded']));
     $times['lastAdded'] = mTimeFloat() - $start;
     $start = mTimeFloat();
     $qResult = $questionFinder->getPagedList($count, $page, 'questions.library_id = ?', array((int) $libId));
     $result['questionList'] =& $qResult['list'];
     $result['list_meta'] = $qResult['meta'];
     $result['questionCount'] = $qResult['meta']['totalQuestions'];
     $result['nonemptyQuestionCount'] = $qResult['meta']['nonemptyQuestions'];
     $times['getQuestions'] = mTimeFloat() - $start;
     $origin = "questionAddForm.do?page=" . $result['page'] . "&amp;count=" . $result['count'];
     $result['origin'] = $origin;
     $result['target'] = 'questionAddForm.do';
     // Disabled debugging output
     // echo "<!-- ";
     // var_dump($times);
     // echo " -->";
     return $result;
Beispiel #7
  * Method getRemoteIP
  * @access public
  * @return mixed
  * @since 1.0.89
 public function getRemoteIP()
     return getRemoteIp();
Beispiel #8

file_put_contents('./log/api2.log', "api2.php start:" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "\r\n", FILE_APPEND);
define('ROOT_DIR', realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/');
define('LOG_DIR', ROOT_DIR . 'log/');
function getRemoteIp()
    $user_IP = $user_IP ? $user_IP : $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
    return $user_IP;
$info['ip'] = getRemoteIp();
$info['m'] = isset($_GET['m']) ? $_GET['m'] : "0";
//参数 h (hips 检测):
switch ($_GET['h']) {
    case 'n':
        $info['hips'] = '正常';
    case 'v':
        $info['hips'] = 'VKD-WINDBG';
    case 'o':
        $info['hips'] = 'OD 插件';
    case 'm':
        $info['hips'] = 'Malware Defender';
Beispiel #9
require_once "ControllerFunctions.php";
// We do includes based on rInfo; ensure that the only way to set it
// is internally.
$rInfo['renderer'] = '';
$rInfo['content'] = '';
// This will be used to find out our intended action
$opMap = buildOpMap();
$operation = getOperation($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
// Get the Action for this operation, or a PageNotFoundAction if there's
// no match.
$action = new PageErrorAction();
if (isset($opMap[$operation])) {
    $action = $opMap[$operation];
// Defined in Init.php
if (SITE_MAINTANENCE && getRemoteIp() != DEBUG_IP) {
    $action = new SiteMaintanenceAction();
// There's one special case to worry about: the action requires
// authentication, and we're not logged in. Handle that and perform the
// Action.
if ($action->isAuthenticationRequired() && !isLoggedIn()) {
    $action = new LoginFormAction();
if ($action->isAdminRequired() && !isAdmin()) {
    $action = new PageErrorAction();
$rInfo = $action->perform();
$rInfo = fixRenderDefaults($rInfo);
// And dispatch the request to the view...
include $rInfo['renderer'];
Beispiel #10
function isLocalDebug()
    return getRemoteIp() == "" || DEBUG ? true : false;
function visitor_country()
    $ip = getRemoteIp();
    $ws = new WebService();
    return $ws->geGeoLocationInfoJSON($ip);
Beispiel #12
         $returnFlag = InsertWapDeviceInfo($getData, $config['redis']['host'], $config['redis']['wapappdb']);
         if ($returnFlag != 0) {
             $ptype = 2;
     $fields = array($getData['idfa'], $getData['bid'], $getData['ver'], $deviceType, $time, $ptype, $getData['broken'], $getData['qd'], $ip);
 case 'ad':
     if (empty($getData['idfa']) || empty($getData['bid'])) {
         $message = array('status' => 1, 'message' => 'idfa or bid empty');
     $ip = ip2long(getRemoteIp());
     $deviceType = isset($getData['deviceType']) ? strtolower($getData['deviceType']) : 'ipad';
     $ptype = intval($getData['ptype']);
     if ($ptype == 1) {
         $returnFlag = InsertWapDeviceInfo($getData, $config['redis']['host'], $config['redis']['wapappdb']);
         if ($returnFlag != 0) {
             $ptype = 2;
     $fields = array($getData['idfa'], $getData['bid'], $getData['ver'], $deviceType, $time, $ptype, $getData['broken'], $getData['qd'], $ip);
 case 'test':